

专题06 任务型阅读




As the proverb says, “Your tongue has the power of life and death.” This means that your words have power to finally cause things to happen, even life or death.

We may all experience the power of words in our life, even when we were very young. A child is blamed ( 责备 ) by teachers or parents, and after that, he might probably think of himself as a bad child. Most kids have that experience. They say it is important to praise children four times for each negative ( 负面的 ) word. Blaming will make things worse, while positive words are helpful especially when being in trouble or in need. When we fail the exam, encouraging words from our teachers or parents make us work harder at our lessons. Encouraging words can go quite a long way. They lift people up. For example, encouraging words to someone who is sad can help them make it through the day. Words can have a powerful effect on your brain. And it will in turn ( 相应地 ) have a great influence on your action.

Everything you do depends on what you choose to do. It’s not your parents, your past relationships or your job, but you and only you that are responsible for every goal you set. If you have dreams in life, write them down and speak them out. Your words are likely to bring you out something amazing.


____43____you make.



【解析】由原文中第二段第二句 A child is blamed(责备) by teachers or parents, and after that he might probably think of himself as a bad child.可知,这里应用after,意为“在…之后”,注意首字母大写,故填After。40.


【解析】由原文第二段中When we fail the exam, encouraging words from our teachers or parents make us work harder at our lessons.可知,不能通过考试的孩子,应鼓励他们,使他们更加努力地学习。fail the exam=can’t pass the exam ,是同义转换。故这里填pass,意为“通过”。



【解析】由原文第二段For example, encouraging words to someone who is sad can help them make it through the day. 可知,鼓励的话语可以让难过的人撑过艰难的日子。因此这里应填sad,“伤心的”。



【解析】由原文第二段Words can have a powerful effect on your brain. And it will in turn(相应地) have a great influence on your action. 可知,言语可以对人的行为有很大影响。原文使用了great 形容词,题目中修饰动词influences,故转换为副词,填greatly。



【解析】由原文第三段 Everything you do depends on what you choose to do. 可知,这里应表示“你的选择”,原文是choose 动词,这里应转换为名词,故填choice/choices。



In a school, you may hear a student saying in Chinese,“我对汉语很感兴趣。“___44___but you're not in China. You're in a foreign country. Like the student, many foreigners are learning Chinese. But it's not easy. The Chinese use a different character( 汉字 ) for each word. People have to memorize about

However, Chinese is more popular around the world today. The long history and colorful culture of China attract many foreigners to learn Chinese. With the rapid development, China is staying ahead in many fields and is playing its role in the world. Chinese is becoming a global (全球的) language and

its popularity has risen around the world. Many countries set up Chinese courses in their schools.

For example, in the UK, students used to choose between Spanish, Latin, French and other foreign languages. But now schools encourage their students to study Chinese. The increase in popularity of Chinese has been surprising. 1031 people took Chinese language exams in 2001, and the number was 2062 last year, while 2561 people chose Spanish. It's predicted that studying Chinese in the UK could overtake (超过) Spanish in less than five years.

Just like the foreigners do, we also learn foreign languages. Different languages carry different cultures. So exchanges are necessary. By learning a foreign language, we not only have a useful tool

of communicating, but experience a new culture, what's more important, learning a foreign language well

will help us tell our own stories to the world.

44. Please translate the underlined sentence into English.

45. According to the passage, why is it difficult for foreigners to learn Chinese?

46. Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

47. How does the UN celebrates Chinese Language Day?

48. Compared with 2001, how many more people took Chinese language exams in the UK last year? What does the result tell us?

49. What can you do by learning a foreign language?


【答案】I’m very/ really/ quite interested in Chinese./ I take / show a great interest in Chinese/... 【解析】根据句意可知,这句话中可以使用短语be interested in…意为“对…感兴趣”;或者动词短语take/show interest in….。这句话表示客观事实,应用一般现在时,故应该是:I’m very/ really/ quite interested in

【答案】Because they have to memorize a large number of characters./ Because Chinese characters are not easy to write./ Because the same word has different meaningin different sentences./ Because they have difficulties in reading poems.(答出其中一条即可)。

【解析】根据短文第一段中The Chinese use a different character( 汉字 ) for each word. People have to memorize about 600 characters before they can do even basic reading and writing. For foreigners, it's hard to memorize them.可知,外国人觉得汉语难学,其中一个原因是他们要记住大量的汉字。短文中的表格中也列出了一些其他的困难,如写汉字、不同句子中汉字的意思不同以及读汉语诗歌的困难等等。故答案为Because they have to memorize a large number of characters./ Because Chinese characters are not easy to write./ Because the same word has different meaningin different sentences./ Because they have difficulties in reading poems.



【解析】The long history悠久的历史;colorful culture灿烂的文化,这两个并列的名词短语是该句的主语;attract 吸引,是谓语动词;many foreigners 许多外国人;to learn Chinese学习汉语。故该句意为:中国悠久的历史和灿烂的文化吸引了许外国人学习中文。


【答案】It holds colorful activities./ By holding colorful activities.

【解析】根据短文中As one of the six official working languages of the United Nations, Chinese Language Day has been celebrated since 2011. The UN holds colorful activities on this day可知,在汉语日这一天,联合国举行丰富多彩的活动来庆祝。故答案为It holds colorful activities./ By holding colorful activities.


【答案】1031. (It tells us) the increase in popularity of Chinese is surprising in the UK./ Chinese is becoming more and more popular in the UK.

【解析】根据短文中1031 people took Chinese language exams in 2001, and the number was 2062 last year, while 2561 people chose Spanish. It's predicted that studying Chinese in the UK could overtake (超过) Spanish in less than five years.可知,2001年参加汉语考试的有1031人,去年参加的有2012人,多了1031人。这说明越来越多的英国人学习汉语,汉语在英国变得越来越受欢迎。故回答1031. (It tells us) the increase in popularity of Chinese is surprising in the UK./ Chinese is becoming more and more popular in the UK.


【答案】We / I can tell our own stories to the world./ We/ I can spread colorful Chinese culture to the world. / We/ I can teach foreign people Chinese./ We/ I can have more chances to find a good job.

【解析】短文的最后By learning a foreign language, we not only have a useful tool of communicating, but experience a new culture, what's more important, learning a foreign language well will help us tell our own stories to the world.这几句话讲述了学习外语的作用,学生们也可以根据实际情况回答,符合情理即可。如We / I can tell our own stories to the world./ We/ I can spread colorful Chinese culture to the world. /


请阅读下面短文,在下面的横线上填入与文章意思最相符的内容,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。6.1.-6.4 小题每空填一词,6.5.小题所填不超过5个汉字。

According to the traditional Chinese custom, 2018 is just the year of Dog. Ranking as the eleventh animal in the

Chinese zodiac -- the Shengxiao, Dog is a symbol of loyalty (忠诚) and honesty.

● Self-mocker (自嘲)

Words and phrases including dogs (Gou in Chinese) are commonly used by young people when telling jokes about themselves. For example, you can say “Valentine’s Day has nothing to do with me since I am a single dog.” It is believed that dog-related words and phrases usually have good humour.

● Close relationship

Among s ome young people, adding “dog” to a friend’s name has the meaning of a close relationship. One of the most famous examples in China is that the actor Lin Gengxin is called Lin Gou by his close friends and beloved fans.

● Easy to raise

Kids with pleasant names are easy to bring up, according to an ancient Chinese saying. Parents in the countryside prefer to give nicknames including Gou Sheng and Gou Dan to their kids in the hope that they are as easy to be raised as dogs.

● M etaphor (隐喻)

Since dogs are considered to have many good qualities ( 品质), the word is included in more than 10 Chinese metaphors. For example, “serve like a dog or a horse,” is used to describe someone who is ready to work hard for the people

who have powers.



Adding “do g”to a person’s name 63 that you have a closer


Please translate “Serve like a dog or a horse.”into Chinese.

65 (不超过5 个汉字)



【解析】honest 从空后 animal 可知,此处缺形容词,且该词与空前 loyal(忠诚的)并列。回文定位,第一段最后一句Dog is a symbol of loyalty and honesty 可知,该空填 honest.




根据句意分析出此处缺动词 tell 的宾语。根据小标题以及内容可定位在第二段第一句,故该空填原词




【解析】根据句意分析出此处缺动词,由题干“you have a closer relationship with him or her than others.”可知,与原文第三段第一句中“has the meaning of a close relationship”对应,且题干是由动词 ing 形式做主语,谓语动词应该用单三形式,故该空填 means.



【解析】由 as...as 可知,该空考虑填形容词或副词的原形,又因为该空修饰 grow up,因此,考虑填副词。由原文第四段最后“they are as easy to be raised as dogs”可知,该空填 easily.


【答案】“犬马之劳(力)/ 效(尽)犬马之劳(力)”。

【解析】该题考查翻译句意,在最后一段中有对此句的解释“…is used to describe someone who is ready to work hard for the people who have powers.”意为“为有权势的人努力干活”,结合字数要求可知该句应译为“犬马之劳(力)/ 效(尽)犬马之劳(力)”。



Learning to communicate well is a skill you will use all your life. You need this skill in your personal life to express your feelings to friends and family members. You need to be able to communicate well in school, too. Your future job success may also depend on your ability to communicate.

Kinds of Communication

There are two main kinds of communication. The first kind is

communication( 语 言 交 流 ). It includes the use of words to information. Speaking and writing are both forms of communication.

Nonverbal communication( 非语言交流) includes any means sending a message that does not use language and the way you react are all forms of nonverbal communication.

交 invention.

ey e”. But Latin American cultures avoid eye contact to show respect.

self-introduction first. Make him or her feel welcome. Help someone who needs a hand. Hold the door open for the person behind you.

Being an Active Listener

Communication is a two-way process. Sometimes you are the sender and sometimes you are the receiver. To receive the messages clearly, it helps

to be an active listener. Active listening is a communication skill in which the listener shows a clear understanding of what a person is saying. You can do this in several ways.

Repeat what you think the speaker is saying.

Let the speaker know you are

listening by nodding or shaking

your head.

If the message you receive is not clear, ask questions.

Listen before answering.

Do not interrupt(打断). Allow the

speaker to finish what he or she has

to say.

66. Please translate the underlined(划线的) sentence into Chinese.(不超过25 个汉字)


67. Why are computers mentioned when talking about verbal communication?


68. Which good nonverbal communication behaviors are given in the passage? (One or two examples are OK)


69. In the passage, the underlined word “this” refers to(指) .

70. After reading the passage, what do you think of your communication skills? Why do you think so?




【解析】future 未来的,depend on 取决于。


【答案】Because computers are green technology of verbal communication.

【解析】从右框 Have you ever considered computers to be green technology? Why提问,可得答案。


【答案】Hold the door open for the person behind you.

【解析】根据左边上框可得,Look people in the eye while communicating in western culture.或根据左边下框可得答案。


【答案】active listening

【解析】根据文章Active listening is a ... what a person is saying.You can do this is… 得this 指 active listening.


【答案】I think my communication skills are good. Because I can express myself well and at the

same time I’m an active listener./I think my communication skills are poor. Because I’m too nervous to express myself in front of the public./...



八、阅读理解(二)(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)


Do you ever feel like you are just rushing from one subject to another?When things happen so fast,maybe you can't understand clearly what you are doing or learning,so it is important to stop yourself to think about what you have been doing or learning.Self﹣reflection(反省) means slowing down and calming(使平静) yourself,including calming your mind.By calming down and going slowly,you give your brain a chance to think about what it has already received.Some people prefer to do self﹣reflection only in their mind.Others keep a diary.What's more,taking notes is also OK.Each method works,depending on your own personal learning.You can follow the steps to do so self﹣reflection.

First,choose the proper time to do it.School textbooks are divided into units of study.This makes it easier to begin self﹣reflection.Look for time when you complete a unit of study.Sometimes you know the unit is over because there is some kind of test.Use these natural breaks to stop and do self﹣reflection.

Then,find a quiet place and take out your reflection diary.Write down some notes on the new things that you learned in the unit.Let your mind think about the notes you have written and make some connections.

Finally,think about things that you are not sure of.Maybe you learned a new way to work out a math problem,but you're not sure when to use it.Writing down your questions will help you remember to look for answers the next time you are working with the same topic.

Successful students always know self﹣reflection is important.If you have never taken the time to do self﹣reflection,try it now.



【解析】细节理解题.根据第二段"By calming down and going slowly,you give your brain a chance to think about what it has already received."可知,通过冷静下来缓慢进行,给你的大脑一个思考它已经接收到的东西的机会.故填slowly.



【解析】细节理解题.根据第二段"Some people prefer to do self﹣reflection only in their mind.Others keep a diary.What's more,taking notes is also OK."可知,一些人更喜欢仅仅在他们的大脑中进行自我反省.其他人写日记.更多的,做笔记也是可以的.原文中

taking notes 是动名词短语作主语,在本空是与keep a diary 并列跟在can之后的,要填写原型,故填take.



【解析】细节理解题.根据第三段"Sometimes you know the unit is over because there is some kind of test.Use these natural breaks to stop and do self﹣reflection.

"可知,有时你知道这个单元结束了是因为有一些测试,利用这些自然的中断停下来做自我反省.也就是说,当一个单元结束的时候是一个合适的时间开始自我反省.抓住关键词"a proper time 一个合适的时间",故填when.



【解析】细节理解题.根据倒数第二段"Writing down your questions will help you remember to look for answers the next time you are working with the same topic."可知,写下你的问题会帮助你记得在下次解决同样的话题时去寻找答案.也就是说,写下你不确定的问题,对下次解决相同话题是有帮助的.help动词,帮助;helpful形容词,有帮助的,系动词is 后跟形容词.故填helpful.



【解析】细节理解题.根据最后一段"Successful students always know self﹣reflection is important."可知,成功的学生总是知道自我反省是重要的.也就是说,成功的学生知道自我反省的重要性.the importance of…的重要性,应用名词.故填importance.


Living in the age of"Internet",more and more electronic products and Apps have changed people's lifestyles in many ways,such as reading habits and sports events.Electronic Reading

Instead of reading paper books,more people like to use electronic devices (设备)to read in China now.The reading time spent on them is getting longer.ChartⅠshows different reading time from a survey.However,even though people spend much time on

e﹣books,the traditional paper books are still popular among readers.Research has shown that readers remember more information from paper books than e﹣books.To our great joy,the number of books that each person read in

2016 in China reached 7.86,which increased a lot more than before.

Electronic Sports

Just like soccer,basketball and baseball,e﹣sports has become very popular around the world.E﹣sports is short for electronic sports.It is more than just children playing games in their bedrooms.In e﹣sports,teams of gamers play electronic games in front of many people and compete.And they need to put in a lot of hard work and training.ChartⅡshows the top three most followed e﹣sports among Chinese college students from a survey last year.

Actually,e﹣products play an important role in our daily life.They have not only changed our life but also made the world colorful.One coin has its two sides.As teenagers,if we put the e﹣products into good use,they can add more fun to our life and become good helpers to our study.

66.According to the passage,why are the paper books still popular among readers?

67.ChartⅠshows the reading time on WeChat is more than that on newspapers.How much more time?

68.Do you like reading paper books or electronic books?Why?

69.We can draw a conclusion that many young people want to be a hero in their mind from ChartⅡ.How can you know it?

70.In the age of"Internet",what influence do you think the e﹣products have on us?


【答案】Because readers remember more information from paper books than e﹣books.【解析】细节理解题.根据Research has shown that readers remember more information from paper books than e﹣books.可知读者需要从纸质书本上记住的信息要多于电子书籍.故答案为Because readers remember more information from paper books than e﹣books.67.

【答案】(It's) 12.85 minutes.

【解析】细节理解题,从表 1 可看出,故答案为.(It's) 12.85 minutes..


【答案】Paper books.Because they are better for my eyes than e﹣books./E﹣books.Because they are convenient.



【答案】The chart shows the top three e﹣sports among college students are all about heroes./Because 58.9% of college students play the League of Legends.



【答案】They have not only changed our life but also made the world colorful./They have provided more ways to get information.




According to new research,recently, some terrible events that teachers were abused(辱骂) on some websites by students happened in the UK. It had a bad influence on schools and the society. The British Teaching Union did a survey of 7,500 teachers. We can get some information from the following data(数据) and know how the teachers who were abused dealt with the problem.

You know teachers are often destroyed by the terrible abuse. Some have lost their confidence to teach and have left school. The survey showed many of the bad comments related to teachers’ looks, abilities and behaviors. We’ve got another data from it. It SHOWS the bad comments were made by not only students but their parents. Please look at the following chart.

It is clear that we should take some methods to protect teachers from the abuse. We think that the way to solve the problem is the better understanding among teachers, students and parents. Besides good communication, respecting(尊敬) each other is very important. If so, they can get on well with each other.

66. What result did these terrible events lead to according to the passage?

67. From Chart One, how did 50% of the teachers deal with the abuse?

68. What percent of the bad comments were made by parents in total?

69. What is the way to solve the abuse problem according to the passage?

70. After reading the passage, what do you think of this kind of social phenomenon(现象)?


【答案】It had a bad influence on schools and the society. / Teachers were often destroyed by the terrible abuse. / Some teachers have lost their confidence to teach and have left school. 【解析】由第一段第二句话可以得出这些“terrible events”的结果。由第二段第二句话“Some have lost their confidence to teach and have left school.”也可以得出答案。


【答案】They reported(the) abuse to the school, the police or the website. / They reported it to the school/ the police/ the website.



【答案】36%. / Thirty-six percent.

【解析】根据饼状图可知,家长涉及的bad comments有两部分。27%和9%。所以家长参与的bad comments 占比一共是36%。


【答案】The better understanding among teachers, students and parents. / Good communication. / Respecting each other. / Good communication and respecting each other.



【答案】It is important for students to respect teachers because it shows the development of the society. / I think we should try to avoid it. It can hurt both teachers and students. /…



Ⅶ. 阅读理解(二)(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)


Shopping online is popular now. Recently, Sanoma Media did a survey on buying electronic products online. 3673

people from six European countries took part in the survey. The result shows it is interesting that most of the people are

men, and 95 percent(百分之……) of t he people often buy the electronic products online. You can draw a conclusion (结论)

that most of men like buying electronic products. The following are all these people’s background details.

71. Among the 3673 people, why do you think most of them are men?


72. In total, what percent of the people are married?


73. As for work situation, what do 7% and 9% refer to (指)?


74. According to the charts, what conclusion about the relationship between education and income can you probably draw?


75. Who likes shopping online around you? What does he or she think of it?



【答案】Because most of men like buying electronic products (online)./ Because they are (more) interested in (buying) electronic products.



【答案】73%. / 73% of the people are married./ Seventy-three percent.

【解析】根据图表 Household situation 可以得知答案


【答案】Studying and government./ 7% refers to studying and 9% refers to government.

【解析】由图表 Work situation 可以得出答案。


【答案】The higher education (people get), the higher income(they get)./ Many of the people who got a

university education have the income above average./ I can draw a conclusion that the higher education the people get, the higher income they get.

【解析】由图表中 education 和 Annual household income 可以得出答案


【答案】My mother/ My father/… likes shopping online. / My mother/ My father/… (does). She/ He

thinks it’s very convenient. /…



(2020最新模拟江苏省宿迁市 A) 根据句意及所给中文提 示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词。每小题1分) 46. My neighbours are very ▲ (友好的) to us. 47. Do you ▲ (同意) with what I say? 48. We had a very cold ▲ (冬季) last year. 49. Are you ▲ (有空的) this evening? 50. I can’t ▲ (买得起) to go to the 2020最新 模拟 World Cup. 51. The tourists had no c ▲ but to wait for the next bus. 52. Tom is a ▲ (a good sense of humour) boy, so everyone likes him. 【答案】46.friendly 47.agree 48.winter 49.free 50.afford 51.choice 52.humo(u)rous (2020最新模拟.江苏省无锡市.B根据句意和汉语注释,在 答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式,每小题1 分) 6.Sometimes ______________(深厚的) feelings are hard to put into words. 7.Mr Wang was busy,but he_____________ (坚持) on seeing me off at the airport. 8.Will you join us in the _____________(讨论)about the teenage problems.



一.选择题(共10小题) 1.(2018?天津)中国选手张湘祥在奥运会上获得男子举重62kg级冠军,挺举成绩是176kg,图为他比赛时的照片。他在挺举过程中对杠铃做的功最接近() A.600J B.1200J C.1800J D.3400J 【分析】根据G=mg求出杠铃的重力,估测出举高的高度,根据W=Gh求出对杠铃做的功。 【解答】解:杠铃的重力: G=mg=176kg×10N/kg=1760N, 张湘祥的身高约为1.60m; 在挺举过程中把杠铃举高的高度为张湘祥的身高加上0.4m,即: h=1.60m+0.4=2.0m, 在挺举过程中对杠铃做的功: W=Gh=1760N×2.0m=3520J。 故选:D。 2.(2018?长沙)下列关于功的说法正确的是() A.小明用力推发生故障的汽车而未推动时,推力对汽车做了功 B.吊车吊着重物沿水平方向匀速运动一段距离时,吊车的拉力对重物做了功 C.足球在水平地面上滚动一段距离时,重力对足球做了功 D.举重运动员从地面将杠铃举起的过程中,举重运动员对杠铃做了功 【分析】做功的两个必要因素:作用在物体上的力;物体在力的方向上通过的距离(即力和距离的方向要一致);二者缺一不可。 【解答】解:A、用力推发生故障的汽车而未推动时,只有力没有距离;故推力对汽车没有做功;故A 错误; B、吊车吊着重物沿水平方向匀速运动一段距离时,拉力方向竖直向上,移动距离的方向水平向前;两个方向相互垂直,故吊车的拉力对重物没有做功;故B错误;

C、足球在水平地面上滚动一段距离时,移动距离的方向水平向前,重力的方向竖直向下;两个方向相互垂直,故重力对足球没有做功;故C错误; D、运动员从地面将杠铃举起的过程中,力的方向竖直向上,移动距离的方向也竖直向上,两个方向一致;故举重运动员对杠铃做功;故D正确; 故选:D。 3.(2018?盐城)小明将掉在地面上的物理书捡起来放在课桌上,他对课本所做功最接近于()A.0.02J B.0.2J C.2J D.20J 【分析】首先估测物理课本的质量,然后计算它的重力,然后再估测课桌的高度,最后根据功的公式计算即可。 【解答】解:一本物理课本的质量m=200g=0.2kg, G=mg=0.2kg×10N/kg=2N, 课桌高度约为1m, 人对课本做的功:W=Gh=2N×1m=2J。 故选:C。 4.(2018?广州)如图所示,OQ是水平地面,物体在水平拉力作用下从O匀速直线运动到Q,OP段拉力F1为300N,F1做的功为W1,功率为P1;PQ段拉力F2为200N,F2做的功为W2,功率为P2.则() A.W1>W2 B.W1<W2 C.P1>P2 D.P1<P2 【分析】(1)根据W=Fs分别计算F1和F2所做的功,然后比较即可; (2)根据P= = =Fv分析比较F1和F2所做的功的功率的大小。 【解答】解: (1)由图知,OP段的路程s1=4m,PQ段的路程s2=6m, OP段拉力F1做的功为:W1=F1s1=300N×4m=1200J,


第一篇基础知识梳理 第一章数与式 §1.1实数 A组2015年全国中考题组 一、选择题 1.(2015·浙江湖州,1,3分)-5的绝对值是() A.-5 B.5 C.-1 5 D. 1 5 解析∵|-5|=5,∴-5的绝对值是5,故选B. 答案 B 2.(2015·浙江嘉兴,1,4分)计算2-3的结果为() A.-1 B.-2 C.1 D.2 解析2-3=-1,故选A. 答案 A 3.(2015·浙江绍兴,1,4分)计算(-1)×3的结果是() A.-3 B.-2 C.2 D.3 解析(-1)×3=-3,故选A. 答案 A 4.(2015·浙江湖州,3,3分)4的算术平方根是() A.±2 B.2 C.-2 D. 2 解析∵4的算术平方根是2,故选B. 答案 B 5.(2015·浙江宁波,3,4分)2015年中国高端装备制造业收入将超过6万亿元,其中6万亿元用科学记数法可表示为()

A.0.6×1013元B.60×1011元 C.6×1012元D.6×1013元 解析6万亿=60 000×100 000 000=6×104×108=6×1012,故选C.答案 C 6.(2015·江苏南京,5,2分)估计5-1 2介于() A.0.4与0.5之间B.0.5与0.6之间C.0.6与0.7之间D.0.7与0.8之间解析∵5≈2.236,∴5-1≈1.236, ∴5-1 2≈0.618,∴ 5-1 2介于0.6与0.7之间. 答案 C 7.(2015·浙江杭州,2,3分)下列计算正确的是() A.23+26=29B.23-26=2-3 C.26×23=29D.26÷23=22 解析只有“同底数的幂相乘,底数不变,指数相加”,“同底数幂相除,底数不变,指数相减”,故选C. 答案 C 8.★(2015·浙江杭州,6,3分)若k<90<k+1(k是整数),则k=() A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9 解析∵81<90<100,∴9<90<100.∴k=9. 答案 D 9.(2015·浙江金华,6,3分)如图,数轴上的A,B,C,D四点中,与表示数-3的点最接近的是 () A.点A B.点B C.点C D.点D


1. (重庆A卷)I had egg and some milk for breakfast this morning. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. (重庆B卷)I believe that apple a day keeps the doctor away. A. a B. an C. the D. / 3. (四川成都)—Who is boy playing soccer over there? —He is my classmate, Li Ping. A. a B. 不填 C. the 4. (天津)There is old piano in corner of the living room. A. an; the B. an; 不填 C. a; the D. a; a 5. (上海)Hurry up! The concert will begin in minute. A. a B. an C. the D. / 6. (山东临沂)The bed piano allows a music lover to play piano while he is lying in bed. A. a B. an C. / D. the 7. (山东青岛)We should have breakfast every day to keep healthy. A. a B. an C. / D. the 8. (江苏连云港)Zanco, American tech company, made tiniest phone in the world —the Tiny 11. A. the; a B. an; / C. /; a D. an; the 9. (宜宾)Every morning he spends hour doing exercise, then he goes to work. A. an; / B. a; a C. a; / 10. (随州)May is fifth month of the year. It’s very pleasant month. A. the; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; / 11.(浙江温州)—Will you go to school-leavers’ party tomorrow? —Certainly. I’m going with my parents. A. a B. an C. the D. / 12. (甘肃白银)The man is driving at 40 kilometers hour. A. a B. an C. the D. / 13. (湖南郴州)—My daughter seldom has breakfast. —It’s unhealthy habit. Breakfast is very important to health. A. a B. an C. the 14. (山东东营)According to rule made in 2017, some kinds of dogs mustn’t be kept since May 1st, 2018 in Dongying. A. a B. an C. the D. / 15. (江苏宿迁)There will be talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon. A. the B. an C. a D. / 16. (四川内江)—What time is it now, Mike? —It’s quarter past five. Let’s go to play basketball. A. 不填;不填 B. a; a C. the; a D. a; 不填 17. (哈尔滨)—What are you going to do next month? —I am going to travel to Germany, which is European country. A. a B. an C. the 18. (黑龙江绥化)I spend hour playing drums every day. A. a; the B. an; / C. an; the 19. (海南)Ann is my best friend. She can play piano very well.


名词 ( C )1. (2017江西) —Do you have any for tonight yet? —Not yet. What about having a picnic on the beach? A. problems B. news C. plans D. rules ( A )2. (2017福建) —Nowadays more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera. —That’s true. It’s an important part of Chinese . A. culture B. invention C. custom D. tradition ( A )3. (2017海南) It is very hot in Hainan this summer. On June 3rd, the in Lingao reached 41.9℃. A. temperature B. information C. development D. progress ( C )4. (2017上海) Did the policeman give much on how to protect personal information? A. note B. tip C. advice D. book ( C )5. (2017天津) Don’t stand too close to North Americans. You’d better give them more personal . A. time B. system c. space D. pity ( C )6. (2017重庆) —Judy, I will have a meeting in Canada next week. —Well, you’d better take a with you, or you may easily get lost. A. photo B. stamp C. map D. postcard ( A )7. (2017安徽) The New Silk Road will offer a good for more nations to communicate. A. chance B. habit C. question D. price ( B )8. (2017山西) You should look into his eyes when you talk to somebody. It shows your . A. shyness B. politeness C. quietness D. rudeness ( C )9. (2017南京) —I go swimming every day. —Wow! That’s a good . It keeps you healthy. A. match B. task C. habit D. dream ( C )10. (2017武汉) —I wonder if you’ve made a decision on the project, Eric. —Not yet. I can’t make it until I have first-hand on prices. A. news B. knowledge C. information D. education ( B )11. (2017哈尔滨) During the Spring Festival, people in Northern China usually eat as a traditional Chinese food. A. pizza B. dumplings C. hamburgers D. bread ( C )12. (2017苏州)—Shall we go on Friday or Saturday? —Either day is OK. It makes no to me. A. choice B. change C. difference D. decision ( B )(2017孝感)13. Computers are very useful. They can help us get much on the Internet. A. games B. information C. courage D. messages ( C )(2017青岛) 14. Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one .


力 (09广州).原子的中心是原子核,周围有电子绕核运动,图1是四种原子的结构示意图。由图中信息可知 A.质子、电子所带的电荷不等 B.所有原子的中子数都与质子数相等 C.中性原子的电子数与质子数相等 D.所有原子都由电子、质子、中子组成 答案:C (09成都).关于微观粒子,下列说法正确的是 A.原子结构与西瓜很相似,西瓜籽就如同分布在原子中的电子 B.原子结构与太阳系很相似,质子、中子和电子就象行星绕太阳运动一样在绕核运动 C.原子核由质子和中子组成,质子和中子则由更小的粒子组成 D.只要视力足够好,人们凭肉眼就能看到电子 答案:C (09南昌).如图1所示,其中与其它三个力所产生的作用效果不同的是 A.运动员对弓弦的拉力B.汽车对地面的压力C.斧头对木柴的力D.下落小球受到的重力

答案:D (09嘉兴)8.你在使用钢笔答题时,笔中墨水的哪个量是保持不变的 A.密度 B.质量 C.重力 D.体积 答案:A (09丽水).下列事例中,属于运用了重力方向的是 答案:A (09湖南娄底).踢毽子是人们喜爱的一项体育活动。用脚将毽子踢起后,空中飞舞的毽子最终要落向地面,这是由于受作用的缘故. 答案:重力 (09义乌)21、某同学幸运地亲身体验了一次极限运动,当他乘坐专业人员驾驶的汽车在环形跑道上高速行驶时,感觉“天旋地转”,好像地面上的人和建筑物都在旋转。这时他选取的参照物是;当他乘坐的汽车位于如图所示位 B.用力拉弹簧 A.检查相框是否挂正C.往墙上敲钉子D.往前推桌子

置时,他自身受到的重力方向是 。 答案:汽车(或自己、驾驶员等) 竖直向下 (09重庆) 11.一个美丽的氢气球吊着重物在空中缓缓上升,如图7所示。 (1)在上升过程中,若以气球为参照物,重物是 的(选填“静止”或“运动”); (2)请你在图7中作出被提升的重物所受重力的示意图。 答案:静止 重力的示意图略 (09重庆)19.2020年4月29日,创下多项世界第一的重庆朝天门长江大桥正式通行(如图15)。大桥主桥长932m ,全桥永久用钢达到国内创纪录的4.6×107kg (1)大桥永久用钢受重力多大?(取g=l0N /kg) (2)如果从桥上人行通道过桥的路人步行速度约为1.2 m /s ,他通过主桥所用时间为多少? (结果保留整数) 答案:解:(1)大桥永久性用钢所受的重力 G=mg=4.6×107kg ×10N/kg=4.6N (3分) (2)行人通过主桥所用的时间;t=)773(777/2.1932s s s m m v s 或== (3)分, (09福州市).下列实例中,为了增大摩擦的是 A .拉杆旅行箱底部装有轮子 B .鞋底刻有凹凸不平的花纹 C .向自行车的转轴处加润滑油 D .在气垫船底和水之间形成一层空气垫 答案:B


23、锐角三角函数 要点一:锐角三角函数的基本概念 一、选择题 1.(2009·漳州中考)三角形在方格纸中的位置如图所示,则tan α的值是( ) A . 3 5 B . 43 C .34 D .4 5 【解析】选C. tan α4 3 == 角的邻边角的对边αα. 2.(2008·威海中考)在△ABC 中,∠C =90°,tan A = 1 3 ,则sin B =( ) A . 10 B . 23 C . 3 4 D . 10 【解析】选D. 3 1 tan == AB BC A ,设BC=k,则AC=3k,由勾股定理得 ,10)3(2222k k k BC AC AB =+=+= sin AC B AB = = 3.(2009·齐齐哈尔中考)如图,O ⊙是ABC △的外接圆,AD 是O ⊙的直径,若O ⊙的半径为 3 2 ,2AC =,则sin B 的值是( ) A . 23 B .32 C .34 D .43 【解析】选A.连接CD,由O ⊙的半径为 32.得AD=3. sin B =.3 2 sin ==AD AC D

4.(2009·湖州中考)如图,在Rt ABC △中,ACB ∠=Rt ∠,1BC =,2AB =,则下列结论正确的是( ) A .sin 2A = B .1tan 2A = C .cos 2 B = D .tan B = 【解析】选D 在直角三角形ABC 中,1BC =,2AB =,所以AC 所以1 sin 2 A = , cos A ,tan A = ;sin B 1cos 2B = ,tan B = 5.(2008·温州中考)如图,在Rt ABC △中,CD 是斜边AB 上的中线,已知2CD =, 3AC =,则sin B 的值是( ) A . 2 3 B . 32 C . 34 D . 43 【解析】选C.由CD 是Rt ABC △斜边AB 上的中线,得AB=2CD=4.∴sin B 4 3 == AB AC 6.(2007·泰安中考)如图,在ABC △中,90ACB ∠= ,CD AB ⊥于D ,若AC = AB =tan BCD ∠的值为( ) (A (B )2 (C )3 (D ) 3 答案:B A C B D

中考英语真题分类汇编 翻译句子

【中考湖南邵阳】B)翻译阅读短文,将文中划线部分翻译成汉语。(共5小题,每小题2分) Rising in the east of the world has been the greatest China dream of Chinese people since modern times. 71 . The Chinese people support the China dream from their hearts. “72. Everybody has his own dream.”Chairman Xi's words have brought “China Dream”into the life of every Chinese. However, 73. there is still a long way to go before the dream comes true. All people in China share the common future which needs long-term efforts. 74. If everyone is hard-working in his life, the China Dream will be realized and 75. our own dreams will come true. Only when the whole nation achieves development, can its people develop themselves in a correct way with freedom and equal chance of success. 【主旨大意】习主席多次提到“中国梦”,并谈到“人生出彩”,谁的人生? 显然,不是少数人的人生,也不是多数人的人生,而是生活在中华人民共和国疆域内每一个国民、每一个个人的人生。本文就是从这个角度阐述如何实现“中国梦”。【答案】71. 中国人民由衷地支持这个中国梦。 72. 每个人都有自己的梦想。 73.还有很长的路要走。 74.如果每个人在生活中努力工作 75.我们个人的梦想将会实现。 【中考四川内江】II.汉译英。将下列汉语翻译成英语(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)。 91. Smith医生叫John戒酒。 92. 我们城市有越来越多的游客。 93. 他告诉我说他见过李华很多次了。 94. 科学家发现在太空旅游是有可能的。 95. 当我小的时候,我父母经常带我去我家附近的公园。 【答案】 91. Dr. Smith told/asked John to give up/stop drinking wine. 92. There are more and more visitors in our city/cities. 93. He told me that he had seen/met Li Hua many times. 94. Scientists (have found) find out that travel in space is possible/it's possible to travel in space. 95. When I was young, my parents often took me to the park near my house. 【中考福建福州】I. 将下列句子译成英语。必须用上所给的提示词。(每小题2分,共8分) 111.你的电脑出了什么问题?(matter)

最新-2018中考英语真题分类汇编 精品

2018中考英语真题分类汇编:单选非谓语动词 (2018山东省潍坊市19. 1)At least 300 million people are using QQ________by Ma Huateng to chat on line. A.create B.creates C.creating D.created 【答案】D (2018四川省成都市42. 1)-Where's your brother now,Bob? --I saw him _______in the street a moment ago and I told him_________. A.playing;don't do so B.playing;not to so C.play;to do so 【答案】B (2018·吉林省通化市,46,1)The woman made his son_____finally after she told him some jokes. https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd354548.html,ughed B.to laugh https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd354548.html,ugh https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd354548.html,ughing 【答案】C (2018·河南省,24,1)( ) Father often tells me--too much time on computer games. A don't spend B not spend C not to spend D not spending 【答案】C (2018·湖北省黄冈市,43,1)-How would your family like to travel? --It's a problem in my family.Mother prefers to take a bus to travel,while father always sticks ______to travel. A.to drive B.to driving C.driving D.drive 【答案】B (2018·山东省聊城市,34,1)The teachers often tell their pubils ________aeross the road when the traffic light is red. A.not go B.not to go C.don't go D.didn't go 【答案】B (2018·陕西省,25,1)Don't forget _________an umbrella _______you.It's going to rain.


2019年中考物理试题分类汇编——科普阅读题专题 1.(2019北京,33)请阅读《郭守敬望远镜》并回答问题 郭守敬望远镜 “星汉灿烂,若出其里”。漫天星光绝大多数都来自宇宙中的恒星。怎样知道这些遥远且炽热的恒星的成分呢?用光谱!我们知道,阳光通过三棱镜后会发生色散,形成一条按照一定顺序排列的彩色光带,我们称之为光谱。太阳是恒星,因此太阳的光谱是一种恒星光谱。恒星光谱包含了恒星的很多“户口”信息,比如化学成分、密度、气压、温度、恒星年龄等。恒星光谱除了包含恒星自身的信息之外,还能告诉我们恒星以及它所在的星系是在远离,还是在靠近我们,甚至还能告诉我们远离或靠近的速度有多大。观测表明,恒星或星系远离我们的速度与它跟我们之间的距离成正比,根据恒星或星系远离我们的速度可以知道这个恒星或星系距离我们有多远。 光谱望远镜是获取恒星光谱的有力工具。目前世界上最好的光谱望远镜是由中国天文学家自主研制的,以元代著名天文学家、数学家、水利工程专家郭守敬名字命名的“郭守敬望远镜”,如图所示,它可以将接收到的恒星的光会聚后通过色散系统形成恒星光谱,进而获取恒星的信息。它能够同时观测4000个天体,是当今世界上光谱获取效率最高的望远镜。在刚刚过去的七年巡天观测中(所谓“巡天观测”,就好比是“给天上的星星做‘人口’普查”),郭守敬望远镜共获取1125万条光谱,成为世界上第一个获取恒星光谱数突破千万量级的天文望远镜。我国科学家通过对这些恒星光谱的分析,绘制成了一个包含636万组恒星光谱参数的星表,重新确立了银河系晕(音yún)的内扁外圆的结构,并取得了其他一些令世界瞩目的重大发现,这在某种程度上增强了人类寻找另一个“地球”和地外生命的信心! 日前,郭守敬望远镜已开启新一轮的“霸气”巡天观测征程。使用郭守敬望远镜可以“普查”银河系更多的恒星,以它的观测能力,北半球天空仍然有约一亿颗星可观测,可以让“普查”


数学中考试题分类汇 编

2008年数学中考试题分类汇编一次函数 一、选择题: 1. (2008年郴州市)如果点M在直线1 =-上,则M点的 y x 坐标可以是() A.(-1,0) B.(0,1) C.(1,0) D.(1,-1) 2.(2008年郴州市)一次函数1 y x =--不经过的象限是() A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限D.第四象限 3、一次函数1 =--不经过的象限是() y x A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限D.第四象限 4、如果点M在直线1 =-上,则M点的坐标可以是 y x () A.(-1,0) B.(0,1) C.(1,0) D.(1,-1) __________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ 5.(茂名)已知反比例函数y =x a (a ≠0)的图象,在每一象 限内,y 的值随x 值的增大而减少,则一次函数y =-a x +a 的图象不经过... ( ) A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限 6. (2008年安徽省)函数k y x =的图象经过点(1,-2), 则k 的值为( ) A . 12 B .12 - C .2 D .-2 7.(2008苏州)函数1 2 y x =+中,自变量x 的取值范围是( ) A .0x ≠ B .1x ≠ C .2x ≠- D .1x ≠- 8.(2008年广东湛江市)函数1 2 y x =-的自变量x 的取值范围是( ) A . 2x = B . 2x ≠ C . 2x ≠- D . 2x > 9.(2008年上海市)在平面直角坐标系中,直线1y x =+经过( )


1000道中考英语试题分类汇编 (单项选择) 考点一、名词 (江苏省宿迁市)Sandy didn’t tell her parents that she was going home because she wanted to give them a _______. A. gift B. call C. surprise D. note (湖南省娄底市)—It’s said that you have moved into a new house. —Yeah,and we need to buy some in the mall nearby. A. food B.furniture C. hamburger 【答案】B (四川省内江市)—Well,you look so happy --Because I got a good ________. A.work B.news C.job 【答案】C 【答案】C (2018年上海市33. 1)You can get much_____about the World Expo on the Internet. A.map B.picture C.ticket https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd354548.html,rmation 【答案】D (2018年上海市51. 1)The customers are pleased with

the________of the restaurant. A.balance B.experience C.surface D.service 【答案】D (2018·福建省晋江市,32,1)–Lily has a silk __________.Listen,she is singing in the next room! -- How nice!. A. look B. noise C. voice 【答案】C (2018·江苏省扬州市,12,1)—Wow,so many beautiful cars!I don’t know which one to buy. --Anyway ,you have to make a________. A.conclusion B.connection C.decision D.presentation 【答案】C (2018·吉林省通化市,38,1)We need to come up with a/an________and make a decision at once. https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd354548.html,rmation B.advice C.idea D.news 【答案】C (2018·浙江省湖州市,17,1)—Would you like some _______? --No,thank you.I’m not hungry at all. A.water B.books C.clothes D.bread 【答案】D (2018·山西省,17,1)I Iike______ a Iot, and my mother


(英语)中考英语试题真题分类汇编介词及解析 一、初中英语介词 1.I've ordered some flowers for grandma and they will arrive _____ two hours. A. in B. after C. over D. for 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:我已经给奶奶订了一些花儿,它们两个小时后就会到达。in+时间段,表示将来,意思是“……以后”;after+时间段,表示过去;over+时间段,表示“经过……时间”,通常用现在完成时;for+时间段,表示动作或状态的延续。根据句中的will arrive 可知此处表示一般将来时,故答案为A。 【点评】考查介词辨析。注意in、after和for后跟时间段时各自的常用时态。 2.I'll be at home __________ Sunday morning. You can phone me then. A. on B. in C. at D. to 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:在周日早上我将在家,那时你可以给我打电话。on+具体时间;in+the+morning/afternoon/evening,在早上/下午/晚上;at+时间点。Sunday morning指的是周日早上,指的是具体日期,所以用on,故选A。 【点评】考查介词辨析,注意平时识记on、in、at的区别。 3.I will go around the city of Dalian by light-rail vehicle(轻轨) subway because I haven't taken it before. A. instead of B. in the face of C. along with D. across from 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我打算不坐地铁,坐轻轨车参观大连,因为我以前从没有坐过。 A.而不是; B.面对; C.和……一起; D.在……对面。因为原来没有坐过轻轨,所以这里是坐轻轨而不是坐地铁,故答案是A。 【点评】考查短语辨析,注意识记短语instead of的意思。 4.My mother often says, "Stand tall like the sunflower and be proud who you are." A. of B. with C. at D. in 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我妈妈经常说,像向日葵一样挺起胸膛,为自己感到骄傲。be proud of,固定搭配,为……骄傲,故选A。 【点评】考查固定搭配,注意be proud of的用法。 5.The high-speed train Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours. A. from B. among C. in D. between 【答案】 D


最新中考物理试题真题分类汇编力学 一、力学 1.如图所示的事例中,能说明力可以改变物体运动状态的是 A.运动员拉弓,弓发生形变 B.运动员罚点球,球由静止变为运动 C.小明压弯跳板 D.熊猫拉弯竹子 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 力的作用效果有两个:一是可改变物体的运动状态,二是可改变物体的形状。 【详解】 A、运动员拉弓,拉力改变了弓的形状,弓运动状态不变,故A不符合题意; B、运动员罚点球,球由静止变为运动,球的运动状态发生了改变,故B符合题意; C、小明压弯跳板,小明对跳板的压力,改变了跳板的形状,故C不符合题意; D、熊猫拉弯竹子,力使得竹子的形状发生了变化,故D不符合题意。 故选:B。 2.杂技演员站在楼梯上处于静止状态,人没与墙面接触,只受到重力和支持力的作用,如图。则人所受重力和支持力的示意图正确的是() A. B. C. D.

【答案】 B 【解析】【解答】杂技演员站在楼梯上处于静止状态,受到平衡力的作用,所受重力和支持力是一对平衡力,大小相等、方向相反、作用在同一直线上,重力的方向竖直向下,所以支持力的方向竖直向上,B符合题意,ACD不符合题意。 故答案为:B。 【分析】画力的示意图的一般步骤为:一画简图二定点,三画线,四画尖,五把力的符号标尖边. 3.下列说法错误的是() A. 足球被踢出后仍继续向前运动,是因为它运动时产生惯性 B. 汽车在转弯时减速是为了防止惯性带来的危害 C. 闻到花香说明分子在不停地做无规则运动 D. 游泳时向后划水,人向前运动,是因为物体间力的作用是相互的 【答案】A 【解析】【解答】A、足球被踢出后仍继续向前运动,是因为它具有惯性,不能说“产生惯性”,A符合题意; B、惯性是物体保持原来的运动状态不变的性质,汽车在转弯时减速是为了防止惯性带来的危害,即防止车辆侧翻或侧滑,B不符合题意; C、闻到花香是扩散现象,是由分子在不停地做无规则运动而形成的,C不符合题意; D、游泳时向后划水,人向前运动,是因为物体间力的作用是相互的,即水会给人向前的力,使人前进,D不符合题意 . 故答案为:A . 【分析】A、惯性是物体的一种性质,物体无论运动还是静止都具有惯性,不是由于物体运动才产生的; B、汽车在转弯时减速是为了防止由于惯性车辆侧翻或侧滑; C、由分子在不停地做无规则运动,人们才能闻到花香; D、由于物体间力的作用是相互的,游泳时向后划水时,水给人一个向前的力,人向前运动 . 4.如图所示,放在水平桌面上的物块用细线通过定滑轮与沙桶相连,当沙桶与沙的总质量为m时,物块恰好做匀速直线运动(忽略细线与滑轮之间的摩擦)。以下说法正确的是()


28、数据的收集、整理与描述 要点一:数据的收集方式 一、选择题 1(2010·重庆中考)下列调查中,适宜采用全面调查(普查)方式的是()A.对全国中学生心理健康现状的调查; B.对冷饮市场上冰淇淋质量情况的调查 C.对我市市民实施低碳生活情况的调查; D.以我国首架大型民用直升机各零部件的检查 2.(2009·杭州中考)要了解全校学生的课外作业负担情况,你认为以下抽样方法中比较合理的 是() A.调查全体女生 B.调查全体男生 C.调查九年级全体学生 D.调查七、八、九年级各100名学生 3.(2009·重庆中考)下列调查中,适宜采用全面调查(普查)方式的是() A.调查一批新型节能灯泡的使用寿命 B.调查长江流域的水污染情况 C.调查重庆市初中学生的视力情况 D为保证“神舟7号”的成功发射,对其零部件进行检查 4. (2009·河南中考)下列调查适合普查的是() (A)调查2009年6月份市场上某品牌饮料的质量 (B)了解中央电视台直播北京奥运会开幕式的全国收视率情况 (C)环保部门调查5月份黄河某段水域的水质量情况 (D)了解全班同学本周末参加社区活动的时间 5.(2009·宁波中考)下列调查适合作普查的是() A.了解在校大学生的主要娱乐方式. B.了解宁波市居民对废电池的处理情况. C.日光灯管厂要检测一批灯管的使用寿命. D.对甲型H1N1流感患者的同一车厢乘客进行医学检查 6.(2009·义乌中考)下列调查适合作抽样调查的是() A.了解义乌电视台“同年哥讲新闻”栏目的收视率

B.了解某甲型H1N1确诊病人同机乘客的健康状况 C.了解某班每个学生家庭电脑的数量 D.“神七”载人飞船发射前对重要零部件的检查 7.(2008·维吾尔中考)下列调查方式中,合适的是() A.要了解约90万顶救灾帐蓬的质量,采用普查的方式 B.要了解外地游客对旅游景点“新疆民街”的满意程度,采用抽样调查的方式 C.要保证“神舟七号”飞船成功发射,对主要零部件的检查采用抽样调查的方式 D.要了解全新疆初中学生的业余爱好,采用普查的方式 【解析】选B 8.(2008·福州中考)下列调查中,适合用全面调查方式的是() A.了解某班学生“50米跑”的成绩B.了解一批灯泡的使用寿命 C.了解一批炮弹的杀伤半径D.了解一批袋装食品是否含有防腐剂 【解析】选A. 了解一批灯泡的使用寿命、一批炮弹的杀伤半径、一批袋装食品是否含有防腐剂应采用抽样调查. 9.(2008·黄冈中考)要了解一批电视机的使用寿命,从中任意抽取30台电视机进行试验, 在这个问题中,30是() A.个体B.总体C.样本容量D.总体的一个样本 【解析】选C. 10.(2008·宜昌中考)在2008年的世界无烟日(5月31日),小华学习小组为了解本地区大 约有多少成年人吸烟,随机调查了100个成年人,结果其中有15个成年人吸烟。对于这个关于数据收集与处理的问题,下列说法正确的是() A.调查的方式是全面调查 B.本地区只有85个成年人不吸烟 C.样本是15个吸烟的成年人 D.本地区约有15﹪的成年人吸烟 【解析】选D.关于数据收集与处理时,由于了解本地区大约有多少成年人吸烟,范围广、人员多,所以采用抽样调查的方式,用样本来估计总体。故选D 11.(2008·内江中考)下列调查方式中适合的是() A.要了解一批节能灯的使用寿命,采用普查方式 B.调查你所在班级同学的身高,采用抽样调查方式 C.环保部门调查沱江某段水域的水质情况,采用抽样调查方式 D.调查全市中学生每天的就寝时间,采用普查方式
