
A young officer was at a railway station. On his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his train, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone

to help him.

At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, "Have you got change for ten pence?"

"Wait a moment, " the old soldier answered, beginning to put his hand in his pocket, "I'll see whether I can help you. "

"Don't you know how to speak to an officer?" the young man said angrily. "Now

let's start again. Have you got change for ten pence?"

"No, sir, " the old soldier answered quickly.

60. The young officer wanted to telephone his mother to tell her _________. ( )

A. that he was going to visit her

B. when his train would leave

C. when his train would arrive

D. that he was now at the railway station

61. He looked around for help because he _________. ( )

A. didn't have coins for the phone call

B. had no money to make the phone call

C. didn't have the local money

D. wanted to change money

62. The old soldier _________. ( )

A. was glad to help him

B. didn't know if he had coins

C. didn't want to help him

D. was angry

63. The young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier _________. ( )

A. didn't know how to speak to him

B. didn't want to help him

C. didn't answer him correctly

D. was not friendly to him

64. The old soldier in the story was_________. ( )

A. clever

B. stupid

C. polite

D. friendly

December 25 is Christmas Day(圣诞节). Christmas is an important holiday in many countries. On Christmas Day, most families get together for a big dinner. They give presents to each other and visit friends. The Christmas tree is an important part of the Christmas holiday. Most families buy trees. The families decorate(装饰) the tree together. Parents usually tell their children that Father Christmas comes during the night and brings presents to good children. Of course, Father Christmas isn’t real. The parents of the children are really “Father

Christmas”. They put the presents under the tree or into their children’s stocking(长统袜) after the children go to sleep.

41. When is Christmas Day? __________.

A. November 25

B. December 25

C. December 24

D. December 26

42. What do most families in America do on Christmas Day? __________.

A. They only have a big dinner together

B. They have a big dinner, exchange (交换) presents and visit friends

C. They just visit friends and exchange presents

D.They exchange presents only

43. Who is really ―Father Christmas‖? ___________.

A. Their parents

B. Their father

C. Their mother

D. Father Christmas

44. When Christmas Day is coming, the parents __________.

A. usually tell their children that Father Christmas isn’t real

B. tell their children that Father Christmas comes during the night and brings presents to good children

C.sometimes tell their children that Father Christmas comes during the day

D.often tell their children that Father Christmas gives presents to poor children

45. When did parents put the presents into their children’s stocking? __________.

A. Before the children go to sleep

B. After the children go to sleep

C. December 26

D. At midnight of December 25

No one knows how man learned to make words. Perhaps he began by making sounds like those made by animals. Perhaps he grunted(发出呼噜声)like a pig when he lifted something heavy. Perhaps he made sounds like those he heard all round him----water splashing(飞溅), bees humming(嗡嗡作响声), a stone falling to the ground. Somehow he learned to make words. As the centuries went by, he made more and more new words. This is what we mean by language.

People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world. Each contains four or five hundred thousand words. But we do not need all these. Only a few thousand words are used in everyday life.

The words you know are called your vocabulary. Y ou should try to make your vocabulary bigger. Read as many books as you can. There are plenty of books written in easy language. Your dictionary is your most useful book.

1.What do we mean by language?

A.Sounds made by man.

B.All the words made by man.

C.Different kinds of sound.

D.The way man learns.

2.From the passage we know that long long ago ______. [ ] A.no one learned how to make sounds or words

B.animals taught to learn the language

C.Man learned the language by lifting heavy things, falling to the ground, and so on

D.Man followed a lot of things in nature to make sounds and words 3.What is the number of language spoken in the world today? [ ] A.500

B.5, 000

C.1, 500

D.15, 000

4.In which sentence can the word “contain (s)”be put so that it is a right one? [ ]

A.I ______several dictionary

B.Sea water______ salt.

C.A dog ______four legs

D.Mr Smith ______glasses on his nose

5.Which of the following is the best if we want to make our vocabulary larger? [ ]

A.To use the words in every day life

B.To read more books

C.To read easy books

D.To look up new words in the dictionary


A Trip to the Forest

One day Bob took two of his friends in-to the mountains. They put up their tents (帐篷) and then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing.

In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometres from their camp(营地), it start-ed to snow. More and more snow fell. Soon Bob could hardly see his hands before his face. He could not find the road. Bob knew there were two roads. One road went to the camp, and the other went to his house. But all was white snow. Everything was the same. How could he take his friends back to the camp?

Bob had an idea. The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would

hap-pen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty-five kilometres in such cold weather!

It was getting late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped. Where were they? None of them could tell. John looked around. What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!

1. John and his two friends went to the forest to ____.

A. build their camp

B. find their way home

C. enjoy the mountains in the snow

D. watch the trees in the forest

2. They could not find their way back be-cause ____.

A. there was only one road to their camp

B. they couldn't decide which of the two roads led to their tents

C. there were no roads in the mountains at all

D. everything was covered by the white snow

3. It is clear that they wanted the horses to take them to ____.

A. John's house

B. the camp

C. the forest

D. the mountains

4. The horses stopped because____.

A. it was getting late

B. they were tired after running for a long way

C. they knew that they had got to the camp

D. they had seen John's house

5. The story happened ____.

A. on a cold winter day

B. on a dark snowy evening

C. in a cold camp far from villages

D. at night when nothing could be seen

Two farmers were on their way home one evening after a hard day's work. Both were tired. They happened to look up at the sky and saw a black cloud overhead. "Ah!" said one farmer, "tomorrow we shall have rain and the rice will grow well." The second answered, "Nonsense (胡说), the rain will only kill the crops (庄稼)." So they began to quarrel (争吵). Just then a third farmer came along and asked them why they were quarreling. Both farmers explained about the black cloud. "What cloud?" asked the third farmer. They all looked at the sky. The cloud was no longer there.

Choose the right answer

1. The two farmers were _____.

A. going home

B. going to the field

C. going to work

D. going to see their friend

2. The two farmers _____ on that day.

A. had a holiday

B. didn't work

C. worked hard

D. wanted to quarrel with each other

3. When there are black block clouds in the sky, _____.

A. it will rain soon

B. it will be fine

C. it will get hot

D. the sun is shining brightly

4. The two farmers fought in words because _____.

A. they were hungry

B. it rained

C. one said the rain would do good to the crops and the other didn't think so

D. they both hoped for rain

5. The third farmer came with and said to the other two. He _____.

A. wanted to make friends with them

B. joined them in the quarrel

C. wanted to know why they were quarreling

D. had nothings to do

6. How many farmers said that the rain would be helpful? _____.

A. None

B. One


D. Three

December 25 is Christmas Day(圣诞节). Christmas is an important holiday in many countries. On Christmas Day, most families get together for a big dinner. They give presents to each other and visit friends. The Christmas tree is an important part of the Christmas holiday. Most families buy trees. The families decorate(装饰) the tree together. Parents usually tell their children that Father Christmas comes during the night and brings presents to good children. Of course, Father Christmas isn’t real. The parents of the children are really ―Father

Christmas‖. They put the presents under the tree or into their children’s stocking(长统袜) after the children go to sleep.

( )41. When is Christmas Day? __________.

A. November 25

B. December 25

C. December 24

D. December 26 ( )42. What do most families in America do on Christmas Day? __________.

A. They only have a big dinner together

B. They have a big dinner, exchange (交换) presents and visit friends

C. They just visit friends and exchange presents

D. They exchange presents only

( )43. Who is really ―Father Christmas‖? ___________.

A. Their parents

B. Their father

C. Their mother

D. Father Christmas

( )44. When Christmas Day is coming, the parents __________.

A. usually tell their children that Father Christmas isn’t real

B. tell their children that Father Christmas comes during the night and brings presents to good children

C. sometimes tell their children that Father Christmas comes during the day

D. often tell their children that Father Christmas gives presents to poor children

( )45. When did parents put the presents into their children’s stocking?


A. Before the children go to sleep

B. After the children go to sleep

C. December 26

D. At midnight of December 25

One morning, George leaves his house with six donkeys(驴) to the market. After a while, he gets tired and so he gets onto one of the donkeys. He counts the donkeys and there are only five, so he gets off and goes to look for the sixth. He looks for it everywhere but does not find it, so he goes back to the donkeys and counts them again. This time there are six, so he gets onto one of them again and they all start.

After a few minutes he counts the donkeys again, and again there are only five

. When he is counting again, a friend of his passes(经过), and George says to him ―I leave my house with six donkeys, then I have five, then I have six again, and now I have only five! Look! One, two, three, four, five.‖

―But, George,‖ says his friend, ―You are sitting on a donkey fool. That is the sixth. And you are the seventh!‖

( )46. Where is the sixth donkey? __________.

A. It is lost(弄丢) on the way to the market

B. It makes hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)with its master(主人)

C. It goes back home

D. George is sitting on it, but he forgets it

( )47. George gets onto one of the donkeys, because __________.

A. it is a long way to go to the market from his home

B. he is tired

C. he has to find the lost one quickly by riding a donkey

D. he likes riding a donkey

( )48. In the sentence ―He counts the donkeys‖, ―count‖ means __________.

A. to look after

B. to say the names of the donkeys

C. to look for

D. to say the number of the donkeys ( )49. How does George find his sixth donkey at last? __________.

A. He finds it by counting them again and again

B. He finds it at home

C. He finds that his friend is riding on it

D. His friend helps him to count

( )50. In England or America, people often call ________ as a silly(愚蠢的) donkey.

A. a young gentleman

B. a hard-working man

C. a clever boy

D. a fool

Leon’s show

June 18

Hong Kong pop star Leon Lai will give a personal performance(个人演唱会)at 7:30p.m.from tomorrow to June 21 at Shanghai Gymnasium(体育馆).The show is held for celebrating the opening of the 2004 Huang pu Tourist Festival .


¥60, ¥90, ¥120, ¥180

Available(可得到)at 66 Jiang ning Road.

Address: Shang hai Gymnasium ,111 Caoxi Road

Telephone:29189188,29171145 ,29384952, 29197113

( )51 Leon is __________.

A a singer of pop music.

B the head of the Shang hai Gymnasium.

C a ticket seller

D both B and C

( )52 Which is right time to enjoy Leon’s show?

A 6:00p.m June 19

B 7:30p.m June 22

C 8:00a.m June 20

D 7:30p,m June 21

( )53 Leon will give ______performances this time at Shanghai Gymnasium altogether.

A eighteen

B twenty-one

C four

D three

( )54 The cheapest ticket for the show costs ______.

A 60yuan

B 90yuan

C 120yuan

D no money

( )55 If you want to get tickets, you can_____.

A go to No.1111Caoxi Road

B go to No.66 Jiang ning Road

C telephone to 29189100

D telephone to 29171154




1) leave的用法


When did you leave Shanghai?


2.―leave for+地点‖表示―动身去某地‖。例如:

Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London.



Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing?


2) 情态动词should―应该‖学会使用


How should I know? 我怎么知道?

Why should you be so late today? 你今天为什么来得这么晚?


We should help each other.我们应当互相帮助。




You should be here with clean hands. 你应该把手洗干净了再来。

2. 用于提出意见劝导别人。例如:

You should go to the doctor if you feel ill.



例如:We should arrive by supper time. 我们在晚饭前就能到了。

She should be here any moment. 她随时都可能来。

3) What...? 与 Which...?

1. what 与which 都是疑问代词,都可以指人或事物,但是what仅用来询问


What is your father? 你父亲是干什么的?


What does your father do?

What is your father's job?

Which 指代的是特定范围内的某一个人。如:

---Which is Peter? 哪个是皮特?

---The boy behind Mary. 玛丽背后的那个男孩。



What color do you like best?(所有颜色)你最喜爱什么颜色?

Which color do you like best, blue, green or yellow?


3. what 与which 后都可以接单、复数名词和不可数名词。如:

Which pictures are from China?哪些图片来自中国?

4) 频度副词的位置







David is often arrives late for school.大卫上学经常迟到。


We usually go to school at 7:10 every day.



Sometimes I walk home, sometime I ridea bike.



Never have I been there.我从没到过那儿。

5) every day 与 everyday

1. every day作状语,译为―每一天‖。如:

We go to school at 7:10 every day.


I decide to read English every day.


2. everyday 作定语,译为―日常的‖。

She watches everyday English on TV after dinner.


What's your everyday activity?你的日常活动是什么?

6) 什么是助动词

1.协助主要动词构成谓语动词词组的词叫助动词(Auxiliary Verb)。被协助的动词称作主要动词(Main Verb)。助动词自身没有词义,不可单独使用,例如:He doesn't like English.他不喜欢英语。



a. 表示时态,例如:

He is singing.他在唱歌。

He has got married.他已结婚。

b. 表示语态,例如:

He was sent to England.他被派往英国。

c. 构成疑问句,例如:

Do you like college life?你喜欢大学生活吗?

Did you study English before you came here?


d. 与否定副词not合用,构成否定句,例如:

I don't like him.我不喜欢他。

e. 加强语气,例如:

Do come to the party tomorrow evening.


He did know that.他的确知道那件事。

3.最常用的助动词有:be, have, do, shall, will, should, would

7) forget doing/to do与remember doing/to do

1.forget to do忘记要去做某事(未做);forget doing忘记做过某事(已做) The light in the office is still on. He forgot to turn it off.


He forgot turning the light off.

他忘记他已经关了灯了。( 已做过关灯的动作)

Don't forget to come tomorrow.

别忘了明天来。(to come动作未做)


---- The light in the office is still on.

---- Oh,I forgot___.

A. turning it off

B. turn it off

C. to turn it off

D. having turned it off


由the light is still on 可知灯亮着,即关灯的动作没有发生,因此用forget to do sth.而forget doing sth表示灯已经关上了,而


2.remember to do记得去做某事(未做);

remember doing记得做过某事(已做)

Remember to go to the post office after school.


Don't you remember seeing the man before?


8) It's for sb.和 It's of sb.

1.for sb. 常用于表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式的形容词,如:

easy, hard,difficult,interesting,impossible等:

It's very hard for him to study two languages.


2.of sb的句型一般用表示人物的性格,品德,表示主观感情或态度的形

容词,如:good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right。

It's very nice of you to help me. 你来帮助我,你真是太好了。

3.for 与of 的辨别方法:



You are nice.(通顺,所以应用of)。

He is hard.(人是困难的,不通,因此应用for。)

9) 对两个句子的提问


句子:The boy in blue has three pens.

提问:1.Who has three pens?

2.Which boy has three pens?

3.What does the boy in blue have?

4.How many pens does the boy in blue have?

很显然,学生多了更多的回答角度,也体现了考试的灵活性。再如:句子:He usually goes to the park with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday.


1.Who usually goes to the park with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday?

2.Where does he usually go with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday?

3.What does he usually do with his friends at 8:00 on Sunday?

4.With whom does he usually go to the park at 8:00 on Sunday?

5.What time does he usually go to the park with his friends on Sunday?

6.When does he usually go to the park with his friends?

10) so、such与不定冠词的使用


He is so funny a boy.

Jim has so big a house.


It is such a nice day.

That was such an interesting story.

11) 使用-ing分词的几种情况


He is watching TV in the room.

They were dancing at nine o'clock last night.

2.在there be结构中。如:

There is a boy swimming in the river.

3.在have fun/problems结构中。如:

We have fun learning English this term.

They had problems getting to the top of the mountain.


Thanks for helping me.

Are you good at playing basketball?


enjoy doing sth乐于做某事

finish doing sth完成做某事

feel like doing sth 想要做某事

stop doing sth 停止做某事

forget doing sth 忘记做过某事

go on doing sth 继续做某事

remember doing sth 记得做过某事

like doing sth 喜欢做某事

keep sb doing sth 使某人一直做某事

find sb doing sth 发现某人做某事

see/hear/watch sb doing sth看到/听到/观看某人做某事

try doing sth 试图做某事

need doing sth 需要做某事

prefer doing sth 宁愿做某事

mind doing sth 介意做某事

miss doing sth 错过做某事

practice doing sth 练习做某

be busy doing sth 忙于做某事

can't help doing sth禁不住做某事

12) 英语中的“单数”


he,she, it,my friend, his teacher, our classroom, Mary's uncle








The boy wants to be a sales assistant.

Our English teacher is from the US.

Their daughter makes her breakfast all by herself.

13) 名词的复数构成的几种形式


I 名词复数的规则变化


pear---pears hamburger---hamburgers

desk---desks tree---trees

2.以字母-s, -sh, -ch, -x结尾的名词,词尾加-es。如:

class---classes dish---dishes

watch---watches box---boxes


potato---potatoes tomato---tomatoes

Negro---Negroes hero---heroes


family---families dictionary---dictionaries

city---cities country---countries


half---halves leaf---leaves

thief---thieves knife---knives

self---selves wife---wives

life---lives wolf---wolves

shelf---shelves loaf---loaves


scarf---scarves(fes) roof---roofs

serf---serfs gulf---gulfs

chief---chiefs proof---proofs


II 名词复数的不规则变化


foot---feet tooth---teeth


man---men woman---women

policeman---policemen postman---postmen




sheep---sheep deer---deer

fish---fish people---people



Chinese---Chinese Japanese---Japanese Swiss---Swiss Englishman---Englishmen Frenchman---Frenchmen

American---Americans Australian---Australians

Canadian---Canadians Korean---Koreans

Russian---Russians Indian---Indians


apple tree---apple treesman teacher---men teachers 14) 双写最后一个字母的-ing分词






babysit→babysitting 临时受雇照顾婴儿






plan→planning 计划

15) 肯定句变否定句及疑问句要变化的一些词


There are some birds in the tree.→There aren't any birds in the tree.


Would you like some orange juice?

与此相关的一些不定代词如something, somebody等也要进行相应变化。


I have a knife and a ruler.→I don't have a knife or a ruler.

3.a lot of (=lots of)变为many或much。如:

They have a lot of friends.(可数名词)→They don't have many friends.

There is lots of orange in the bottle.(不可数名词)

→There isn't much orange in the bottle.


I have been there already.→I haven't been there yet.

16) in与after

in 与after 都可以表示时间,但二者有所区别。

1.in 经常用于将来时的句子中,以现在为起点,表示将来一段时间。如:

He will leave for Beijing in a week.一周后他会动身去北京。

2.after 经常用于过去时的句子中,以过去为起点,表示过去一段时间。如:

He left for Beijing after a week.一周后他动身去了北京。

不过,如果after后跟的是具体的时刻,它也可用于将来时。如:We will finish the work after ten o'clock.十点后我们会完成工作的。


I'll visit him in a week.一周后我会去拜访他。

I'll visit him twice in a week.一周内我会去拜访他两次。

17) 不定冠词a与an的使用

1.a 用在以辅音音素开头的单词前。如:

There is a "b" in the word "book".单词book中有个字母b。

类似的字母还有:c, d, g, j, k, p, q, t, u, v, w, y, z。

She has a small knife.她有一把小刀。

2.an 用于以元音音素开头的单词前。如:

There is an "i" in the word "onion".单词onion中有个字母i。

类似的字母还有:a, e, f, h, l, m, n, o, r, s, x。

Do you have an umbrella?你有一把雨伞吗?



a useful book a universe

a one-letter word an hour

an uncle an umbrella

an honest person

18) 如何表达英语中的“穿、戴”?


1、put on 主要表达―穿‖的动作。如:

He put on his coat.他穿上了他的外套。

You'd better put on your shoes.你最好穿上你的鞋子。

2、wear 主要表示―穿、戴‖的状态。如:

The old man wears a pair of glasses.老人戴着一副眼镜。

The girl is wearing a red skirt.那女孩穿着一条红色的短裙。

3、dress 可作及物动词,有“给......穿衣‖的意思,后接―人‖,而不是―衣服‖。如:

Please dress the children right now.请立即给孩子们穿上衣服。

dress 也可作不及物动词,表示衣着的习惯。如:

The woman always dresses in green.那位妇女总是穿绿色的衣服。

4、be in 表示穿着的状态。如:

John is in white today.约翰今天穿白色的衣服。

The man in black is a football coach.

19) a little, a few 与 a bit (of)

a little, a few 与 a bit (of) 都有“一些、少量”的意义。他们的区别:

1. a little意为―一些、少量‖,后接不可数名词。如:

There is a little water in the bottle. 瓶子里有一点水。


He is a little shy. 他有些害羞。

2. a few 意为―一些、少数‖,后接复数的可数名词。如:

There are a few people in the room. 房间里有一些人。

3. a bit 意为―一点儿‖,后接形容词。如:

It's a bit cold. 有点冷。

a bit of 后接不可数名词。如:

He has a bit of money. 他有一点儿钱。

4. a little和a few表肯定意义,little和few表否定意义;如:

There is a little soda in the glass. 杯子里有一点儿汽水。

There is little soda in the glass. 杯子里几乎没有汽水了。

I have a few Chinese friends. 我有一些中国朋友。

Few people like him. 几乎没有人喜欢他。

5. a little = a bit of, 后接不可数名词;

a little = a bit = a little bit = kind of, 后接形容词,意为“有


20) 关于like的用法

like 可以作动词,也可以作介词。

1、like 作动词,表示一般性的―爱好、喜欢‖,有泛指的含义。如:

Do you like the color?你喜爱这种颜色吗?

like 后可接不定式(like to do sth),也可接动词的-ing分词(like doing sth),有时意思不尽相同。如:

She likes eating apples.她喜爱吃苹果。(习惯)

She likes to eat an apple.她喜爱吃一粒苹果。(平常不喜欢吃)

like 与would 连用,后接不定式,表示愿望或客气的请求。如:

Would you like a cup of tea?您愿意喝杯茶吗?

―喜欢某人做某事‖可以用结构―like sb to do sth/doing sth‖。如:They all like me to sing/singing English songs.


2、like 作介词,可译成―像......‖。如:

She is friendly to us like a mother.她对我们友好,就像母亲一样。

It looks like an orange.它看起来像个桔子。


A. What does he look like? 他长相如何?(指一个人的外貌特征)

B. What is he like? 他人怎么样?(指人的性格特点)

C. The boy like Peter is over there. (句指外貌相似)

D. A boy like Peter can't do it. (指性格相似)

21) stop to do sth 与 stop doing sth

1. stop to do sth 意为“停下来去做某事”。如:

The students stop to listen to their teacher.


2. stop doing sth 意为―停止做某事‖。如:

The students stopped talking. 学生们停止了谈话。

与它们相反的句式是:go on to do sth ―继续做某事(与刚才一事不同)‖和go on doing sth ―继续做某事(与刚才同一件事)‖。如:

He finishes his homework and goes on to study English.


They went on playing games. 他们继续玩游戏。

22) tell, speak, say 与 talk

1. tell 意为“告诉、讲述”,指某人把某一件事、一条信息传送给别人或讲


He tells me that he wants to be a teacher.


Father always tells interesting stories to us.


tell sb sth 意为―告知某人某事‖。如:

He told me something about his past. 他告诉我一些他的往事。

tell sb to do sth 意为―告诉某人去做某事‖。如:

David told his son to do the homework. 大卫要他的儿子去做作业。2. speak 意为―说话、讲话‖,后面主要接语言。如:

He can speak English and a little Chinese.


speak to 意为―和.....讲话、谈话‖。如:

Can I speak to Mr Zhang? 我能和张先生讲话吗?

speak of 意为―提到、说起‖。如:

The book speaks of my hometown. 那本书提到我的家乡。

3. talk 意为―谈话、讲话‖,如果只有一方对另一方说话时,一般用talk to;


Please talk to him right now. 请立即同他谈话。

He is talking with his friend. 他在和朋友交谈。

talk about 意为―谈论......‖。如:

They are talking about the movie. 他们在谈论那部电影。

have a talk with 意为―与......交谈‖。如:

Can I have a talk with you? 我可以和你交谈吗?

4. say 意为―说‖。如:

Can you say it in English once more? 你能用英语再说一遍吗?

say to 意为―对......说‖。如:

He said to his students that they would have a test.


It is said that... 意为―据说‖。如:

It is said that he could stay under the water for a long time.


23) Excuse me! 与 I'm sorry!

1. Excuse me! 意为“打搅了!对不起!”,一般是为了与陌生人搭话,或者


Excuse me, is there a hotel in the neighborhood?


Excuse me, could I say something? 打搅一下,我能说一些吗?

2. I'm sorry! 意为―对不起!‖,表示道歉。如:

I'm sorry, Mr Zhang. I won't do it again.


24) 表示时间的 in、on 与 at

in, on 与at 都可以和表示时间的词(组)连用。

1. in 表示时间的一段或较长的时间。如:

in the morning 在上午in May, 2004 在2004年五月

in a week 在一周之内(后)

It's Sunday, I can finish it in two days.


Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是在一天内建起来的。

2. on 主要指在具体的一天。如:

on Sunday 在星期天on May Day 在―五一‖节

on a hot afternoon 在一个炎热的下午

He arrived in Beijing on April 26,2004.


3. at 表示时间的一点或比较短的时间。如:

at 8:00 在八点at noon 在中午

I always get up at 6:00 every morning. 我总是每天早晨六点起床。

It's always warm at this time of year. 每年的这个时候总是暖和的。25) Other及其用法

Other 及其相近的词(组),如others, the other, the others, another,

any other 等,一直是中学生朋友们比较困扰的问题,平常的考试、作业中经常出错。下面是它们的一些用法:

1、other 指其余的人或物,所有格是other's,复数形式是others;the other

指―两个人或物中的另一个‖,其复数形式是the others;others相当于―other + 名词”,所以不能充当定语,修饰名词。others指整体中去掉一部分后剩余的部分,但不是全部的,即some...others (一些...其余的人...);the others 强调整体中除去一部分后剩余的全部,即some...the others.

2、another泛指三个以上的不定数目中的―另外一个‖。由an 和other 合

并构成,所以不能和冠词连用。another 修饰单数名词,比如:another pencil.

3、any other 指除去本身以外的“任何其他的人或物”,后面要用名词的单


26) look 短语


1.look at 朝......看(look at=have a look at)

Please look at the map of China.请看中国地图。

2.look for 寻找

The old man is looking for his dog.老人在寻找他的狗。

3.look like 看起来像

Nancy looks like her mother.南希看起来像她母亲。

4.look the same 看上去一样

Li Ping and Li Jing look the same.李萍和李晶看上去一样。

5.look up 查找

Please look up the word in the dictionary.请在词典中查找这个单词。

6.look over 仔细检查

The doctor looked over Mary carefully.医生仔细检查了玛丽。

7.look after 照顾,照看

You must look after your old father.你必须照顾你的老父亲。

8.look around 到处寻找、查看

We looked around, but we found nothing strange.


27) too,also与either


We are in the same school, too.我们也在相同的学校。

Do you play soccer every day, too?你也每天踢足球吗?


Sandra is also a Korean student.Sandra 也是一个韩国学生。


They don't know the answer, either.她们也不知道答案。

4.as well as也有―也‖的意思。如:

We have great mushroom pizza as well as soda.

He is a happy boy as well.

28) hard与hardly


It's a hard(adj.) question. (=difficult)这是一个难的问题。

The boy studies very hard(adv.).那男孩学习非常努力。

句子结构:It's hard for sb to do sth 做某事对某人来说是难的。如:It's hard for him to finish the work. 完成那项工作对他来说很难。

注意区分:hard work 困难的工作

work hard 努力工作

3.hardly是频度副词,表示否定的意思。(=almost not)通常用在形容词、


I can hardly see it.我几乎看不到它。

29) sometime,sometimes,some time与some times

记忆:sometimes(有时)some times(好几次)sometime(某一次)some time(一段) 口诀:分开是一段,相连为某时。分开s是倍次,相连s为有时


We'll go to Beijingsometime next month.


2.sometimes是频度副词,指―有时‖、―不时‖的意思(=at times)。如:Sometimes

I get up very late on Sunday morning.


3.some time是名词词组,指一段时间(一些时间或若干时间)。如:

It took him some time to finish the book.她花了一些时间去完成作业。

4.some times指―几次‖。如:

He met the woman some times last month.上个月他见过那妇女几次。30) exercise的一些用法


David exercises every morning.大卫每天早晨进行锻炼。


Swimming exercises the whole body.游泳能使身体得到全面的锻炼。


八年级英语阅读理解专项练习 A One day a rich man and a businessman met in a restaurant. For their lunch they both ordered soup. When it was brought, the rich man tasted it, but the soup was so hot that he burned his mouth and tears came into his eyes. The businessman asked him why he was crying. The rich man didn’t want to tell the truth and he told a lie,“Sir, I had a brother who was killed last year. I was thinking of his death, and that made me cry.”The businessman believed his story and began to eat his soup. He also burned his mouth so much that he had tears in his eyes. The rich man noticed it and asked the businessman,“Sir, why do you cry?”The businessman, who now saw that the rich man had cheated him, answered,“Oh, I’m crying because you were not killed together with your brother. I) 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)(5分) ( )76.The rich man didn’t tell the truth. ( )77.Though the rich man burned the mouth, he shouldn’t have told the lie. ( )78.The rich man had a brother who was burned. ( )79.The businessman believed the rich man’s story at first. ( )80.The businessman’s answer showed that he was very happy. II) 根据短文内容将下列句子排序.(5分) 81.They ordered the soup and the soup was so hot that the rich man


初二英语阅读理解精选题(一) My class will put on a short play in English at the end of the year. Yesterday our English teacher gave us copies of the play. “Choose a character in the play whom you’d like to be, ”she told us. “This afternoon learn a few lines of this part for homework. Then tomorrow you can say those lines in front of the class. I’ll decide who play each part.” I wanted to have one of the bigger parts in the play, so I choose the part of the king. He has a lot of lines to say. I learned them by heart. This morning in our English lesson we had to say our lines. I acted the part of the king. When I said my lines, I put a lot of expression into my acting. I thought I acted really well. Everyone in the class read a part and then the teacher who would play each part. Many of the students in my class couldn’t act at all. They couldn’t even read without making lots of mistakes. I was sure that I would get a big part in the play. However, the teacher gave me the part of a soldier. He has only one line. It is, “Yes, sir!” I was very disappointed. At the end of the lesson I went up to her and asked her why I had such a small part. “You put too much expression in your acting,” she said. “Good acting is not big acting. It is acting the audience can believe in.” I think I know what she means. 48. What did the boy want to do in the play? A. To get an important part B. To organize the play C. To get a large acting part. D. To work the lights. 49. How did the boy feel when the teacher told the class they would put on a play? A. Bored. B. Sad. C. Excited. D. Unhappy.


初二英语阅读理解题库 及答案 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

初二英语阅读理解试题 2 来源:作者:qqw 发布时间:2007-10-30 A A man has a cat. He likes her very much. At mealtime the cat sits at the table with him. The man eats with a knife and a fork, but the cat eats from her plate. Sometimes, when she finishes her dish, her master will give her a bit of his food. He shares his meal with her. One day the cat is not at the table at mealtime. “Ah! Where is my cat” asks the man..His wife says, “Can’t you eat without her” So the meal begins without the cat. Before lunch is over, the cat rushes into the room and jumps into the chair quickly. She has two mice in her mouth, and before anyone can stop her, she drops(扔下) one into her own plate, and the other into her master’s plate. “Dear me!” cries the woman, “A mouse is in your plate!” “Hush(安静)!” says her husband. “This shows that she is a nice cat. She knows what friendship(友谊) is. She wishes me to share her dinner as I often share mine with her. 根据短文内容,判断正误,正确(T),错误(F)。 ( )1. The master loves his cat very much. ( )2. The cat always shares her food with her master. ( )3. One day the cat is not at the table at mealtime. ( )4. The cat hurries(匆忙) home with two mice in her mouth when the master and his wife are having lunch. ( )5. The story tells us the cat also loves her master. B My name is Max. I am twelve years old. I have many friends. Most of them are as old as I. Some are older. Some are younger. My best friend is Bill. He lives near me. We go to the same school and we are in the same class. Bill helps me with my maths homework. I help him with his English homework..Bill is taller than me. He is quite fat. He doesn’t like sports, so he doesn’t get m uch exercise. We both have black eyes, but Bill’s hair is longer. I like sports and I play football or go swimming every day. Every Sunday morning Bill and I play computer games. Sometimes I win. Sometimes he wins. ( )6. The main idea(主题) of the text is ________ . A. Max has many friends B. Max and Bill go to the same school C. Max and Bill are best friends D. Max and Bill like the same things


八年级英语阅读理解试题及答案讲解01 A meteorite (陨石) almost hit an 80-year-old man named Arthur Pettifer in Britain when he was working in his garden. The meteorite was the biggest in the past 26 ye ars in Britain. The meteorite weighed (重量) one kilo, and might be over four thousand million (百万) years old. “I hear the big noise in the air. I looked up and saw the tops of the trees coming and going,” he said. “I didn't know what it was.” Meteorites are small things from the small planets in space. About 3,500 meteorite s may fall on earth every year, but only very few are found. Mr. Pettifer's meteorite is the fifth to fall in Britain since the Second World War. Mr. Pettifer is glad. “When you think about it coming from so far away, it really is something strange.” 1. The meteorite was Mr Pettifer when it fell down. A. close to B. far from C. hitting D. coming to 2. The meteorite was already years old. A. 40,000,000,000 B. 40,000,000 C. 400,000,000 D. 4,000,000,000 3. Mr. Pettifer found the tops of the trees coming and going because . A. the trees were afraid B. the fast falling meteorite kept the tree tops moving C. it was going to rain D. the moving was made by wind 4. people see a meteorite fall although they visit the earth often each year. A. Quite a few B. some C. Few D. Many


阅读理解练习 1 Our classroom faces our school garden. After class we like to look out of the windows to enjoy the lovely view. Our school garden is the most beautiful place in the school. There is a small pool in the middle. Some goldfish are swimming in it. Around the pool there are all kinds of flowers. We can always see flowers, even in winter. Between the school building and the flower-beds there is a lovely lawn. Boys and girls like to take a walk in the garden after school. But some years ago, there was nothing here but broken bricks, and wild weeds. We, teachers and students, built the garden with our hands. Since then we have planted trees and flowers every year. Everyone of us wants to do his best to make our school more and more beautiful. 阅读上面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案 1. Where is the school garden? A. It faces the pool. B. It faces the writer's classroom. C. It is beside the pool. D. It is beside the writer's classroom. 2. Which of the following is NOT right? A. There are all kinds of flowers around the pool. B. There are goldfish in the pool. C. There is a small pool in the middle of the garden. D. The students can't see flowers in winter. 3. Between the school building and the flower-beds there is . A. a garden B. an office building C. a lawn D. nothing 4. Who built the school garden? A. Students B. Teachers C.Teachers and students D.Workers 5. Which of the following is NOT right? A. Everyone likes the school very much. B. Every student wants to make the school more and more beautiful. C. The school garden was built fifty years ago. D. The students plant trees in the school every year. 2 Mother's Day is a holiday for mothers. And on this day, mothers don't work. It is on the second Sunday in May. It is celebrated in the United States, England Sweden. India, Mexico and some other countries. Little by little, it becomes widely celebrated. On that day, many people send presents of love to their mothers. Those whose mothers are still living often wear a pink or red rose or carnation while those whose mothers are dead wear a white one. The idea of a day for mothers was first given by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia. The celebration of the first American Mother's Day was held in Philadelphia on May 10, 1908. Soon the holiday became popular around the country and the world 阅读上面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 1. Mother's Day is on . A. the second Saturday in May B. the second Sunday in May


八年级英语阅读理解专练(一) A On Fridays I come home from work at about 2:00 in the afternoon and I just have a rest. On Friday evenings I don’t go out, but sometimes a friend of 1 comes 2 dinner. He or she 3 the wine and I cook the meal. I love cooking! We listen to music or we just 4 . On Saturday mornings I get up at 9:00 and I go to the 5 . Then 6 the evenings I sometimes go to see a film. I love films! Then I eat in my 7 Chinese restaurant. On Sunday ﹍Oh, On Sunday mornings I stay in the bed 8 , I don’t get up until 11:00! Sometimes in the afternoon I visit my sister. She lives in the village 9 has two children. I like playing with them, 10 I leave early because I go to bed at 8:00 on Sunday evenings. ( ) 1. A. me B. I C. my D. mine ( ) 2. A. have B. for C. has D. with ( ) 3. A. brings B. takes C. gives D. puts ( ) 4. A. tell B. day C. talk D. speak ( ) 5. A. shop B. shopping C. buy something D. buyer ( ) 6. A. on B. in C. at D. for ( ) 7. A. a B. the C. hungry D. favourite ( ) 8. A. late B. early C. down D. for ( ) 9. A. to B. and C. with D. for ( ) 10. A. or B. then C. but D. and B What do the people usually do on weekends? Some people like to 1 at home, but others like to go out for a walk or play football. Mr Smith 2 hard in a factory during (在期间) the 3 . On the weekends, he usually 4 the same thing. On Saturday he washes his car and on 5 he goes with his family to a village(村庄) by car. His uncle and aunt 6 a farm there. It isn't a big one, but there is always 7 to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them some 8 . Mr and Mrs Smith help in the field. At the end of the day, they are all 9 and Mr Smith's aunt 10 them a big meal. ( )l. A. play B. stay C. be D. so ( )2. A. works B. does C. makes D. studies ( )3. A. day B. year C. week D. month


八年级英语阅读理解专项练习题 a one day a rich man and a businessman met in a restaurant. for their lunch they both ordered soup. when it was brought, the rich man tasted it, but the soup was so hot that he burned his mouth and tears came into his eyes. the businessman asked him why he was crying. the rich man didn't want to tell the truth and he told a lie,“sir, i had a brother who was killed last year. i was thinking of his death, and that made me cry.” the businessman believed his story and began to eat his soup. he also burned his mouth so much that he had tears in his eyes. the rich man noticed it and asked the businessman,“sir, why do you cry?”the businessman, who now saw that the rich man had cheated him, answered,“oh, i'm crying because you were not killed together with your brother. i) 根据短文内容判断正(t)误(f)(5分) ( )76.the rich man didn't tell the truth. ( )77.though the rich man burned the mouth, he shouldn't have told the lie. ( )78.the rich man had a brother who was burned. ( )79.the businessman believed the rich man's story at first. ( )80.the businessman's answer showed that he was very happy. ii) 根据短文内容将下列句子排序.(5分) 81.they ordered the soup and the soup was so hot that the rich man burned his mouth first. 82.the businessman also burned his mouth and he was not happy. 83.a rich man and a businessman had lunch in the same restaurant. 84.the rich man told a lie about his brother's death. 85.the businessman realized(意识到) that the rich man cheated him at last. ______ _______ _____ _______ _______ b school kids say goodbye to their flying friends jin jun and his classmates at shanghai nanyang middle school are not very happy to be back from holiday. not because they hate studying, but because some of their best friends on campus(校园) are gone: pigeons. more than 100 pigeons used to(过去常常) fly around campus every day, making students smile during break time. but now, the birds are gone. where? now they're all locked up in a bird cage. bird flu(流感) has landed in shanghai, and expert are afraid the pigeons might spread(传播)the disease if they keep flying around. for safety, the school also asks students to stay away from the cage. “i feel sad for those birds. they're my best friends,” said jin, a 'cani but them, feed to corn bring would i term last “student. 3 junior


八年级上册英语阅读理解题及答案 (一)Mr.Brown got up late this morning. He was going to be late for work. Lt was raining hard and the streets were wet. He drove so fast that he didin't see the red lights. He couldn't stop his car and hit a car. An old man got out of the car and called out angrily, "What are you doing? How can you drive so fast?" "l'm sorry,sir," said Mr.brown, "l didn't see the lights turn red." Then he brought out a bottle of wine and gave it to the old man. "It's cold today, sir," said Mr.Brown. "Please drink a little, and then you'll get warm." The old man drank some wine and became happy. He asked, "l'm felling much better now. Why don't you drink any?" "l can't drink anything now,sir, "answered Mr.Brown "l'm waiting for the policeman.Only drunkards cause accidents,you kown!" 习题:()1.When did the story happen? A.In the morning B.In the afternoon C.In the evening D.At night ()2.Why did Mr.Brown drive so fast? A.He was happy that day B.He was good at driving C.There were few cars in the street D.He was afraid to be late ()3. Mr.Brown hit the car because of the following EXCEPT that ____. A.he didn't see the red lights B.he drove fast C.he couldn't drive at all D.it was raining hard ()4.Why did Mr.Brown give a bottle of wine to the old man? A.To make him happy B.To make him drunk C.To make him warm D.To make friends with him ()5.We can know that _____ at last. A.Mr.Brown was not late for work B.the old man Mr.Brown became good friends C.Mr.Brown drank some wine D.Mr.Brown fooled the old man


初二英语英语阅读理解 题 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

初二英语英语阅读理解题 1 An owl is a bird with very large eyes. Those eyes make the owl look clever. The owl can not move its eyes freely as we can. It can only look straight ahead. If it wants to look at both sides, it must turn its neck. Owls make a strange noise because the owls sleep most of the day. They usually give their cries at night. The cry sounds like “Whoo! Whoo”. This strange sound sometimes frightens people at night. ( ) 1. An owl looks clever because 。 A. it has a beautiful body B. it has big eyes C. it can look straight ahead D. it can turn its neck ( )2. An owl looks for food at night because 。 A. it has large eyes B. it can’t move its eyes freely as we can C. it sees better at night than during the day D. it can’t see anything at all during the day ( )3. An owl eats 。 A. small birds B. all kinds of birds C. all kinds of other animals D. none of the above ( )4. The cry of an owl is 。 A. frightening B. good to listen to C. like a song D. like the sound of a cow


初中英语阅读理解练习题 A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail. Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse, that is why I was surprised. It struck me that it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly(肚子)or the foot of the horse, if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really know their business do not follow other people’s rule.They make their own rules. Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar(奇特的) to himself; and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way. Now the very same thing is true to literature(文学). And the question, "How shall I begin?" only means that you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail or somewhere else. That is, you are not yet experienced(有经验的) enough to trust to your own powers. When you become more experienced you will never ask the question, and I think that you will often begin at the tail --that is to say, you will write the end of the story before you have even thought of the beginning. 1. A friend of the writer’s drew the horses ____. A. very well B. in the way of western rule C. in the way of his own rule D. all of the above 2. The writer was surprised because ____. A. the artist began to draw at the head of the horse B. the artist began to draw at the tail of the horse C. the artist made his own rule D. the artist did not follow other people’s rule 3. You are not yet experienced because ____. A. you don’t know where to begin B. you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail


八年级阅读理解题 【模拟试题】(答题时间:120 分钟) 阅读理解练习: Hi, Louis! I ' m writing to tell you something about the customs and festivals. Everyone loves holidays since one doesn 'nteed to go to school or work. Although all holidays mean no school and work, but not all of them are the same. On some of them you go out with friends; on others you stay home to eat, talk, and have fun with your family. For example in the U.S., everyone thinks New Year New Year are both for partying with friends. Christmas is the time to stay home and exchange gifts with family members. The opposite is true in Japan though. For example, in Japan, New Year is for spending time with the family to eat, talk, have fun, and go to the temples. But Christmas is for boy and girl friends to go out and exchange gifts. Originally Christmas should be to celebrate the birth of Christ. I have been interested in foreign customs since I was little. If you learn these different holiday customs, you will learn about different histories and cultures. This is much more interesting than learning them at the library from morning to evening. Love, Sue 根据短文内容,判断正误。正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“ F”表示。 1. Usually, nobody goes to school or works during holidays. 2. Christmas is the time to stay home to eat, talk and have fun with the family. 3. All the countries have the same way to celebrate the holidays. 4. Being interested in foreign customs means being interested in different histories and cultures. 5. This passage is about the customs and holidays in Japan. Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can ' t talk with words, but they talk with sounds. They show their feelings with sounds. Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a “ school ” . They don ' t study, but they travel together. Dolph ins talk to the other dolph ins in the school. They give in formati on. They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid. They say “ welcome ” when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk whe n they play. s Eve a
