

2020 年12 月12 日托福口语答案解析Task1

Whose lecture would you like to attend ? Scientist 's , businessman's or government official 's?

Sample response :

For me, I would like to attend the lecture by a successful businessman. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, I really admire those businessmen who are courageous enough to set up their own business. And I also dream of becoming a capable merchant if possible one day. Obviously, it will be beneficial to me by learning directly from some experienced businessmen. Besides, the lecture made by successful businessman such as Ma Yun, Li Jiacheng etc. is usually full of encouraging stories and wonderful cases which I have strong interest in.


If there is misunderstanding between you and your friend, do you prefer to solve the problem in public places or private places like home?

Sample response :

In my opinion , I prefer to remove the misunderstanding with my friend in a public place such as a quiet coffee bar or a nice restaurant. Because firstly, it will show my sincerity by inviting my friend to a formal place to resolve the problem. We will communicate with each other and even make an apology to eac h other sincerely. What 's more, public places usually provide us with a better sense of fairness while dealing with the disagreement than a private place like one's home. Also, the nicer environment in a public place can help us relax and get rid of the

misunderstanding and even prejudice between us.

Task 3

阅读:学校安排周六授课的programs 原因1) :学生有能够选择的时间表;原因2) :课程有折扣。

听力:女生同意该建议,因为1) :很多人是一边工作一边上课,平时没有时间,只能晚上上课,现在多了选择;2) 现在学费很贵,有了折扣肯定能吸引充足的学生。

Task 4

阅读:loss aversion 损失规避心理听力:教授举自己的例子,他用credit card 买水果应该花20 美元,结果被刷了30 美元。他非要把那10 美元要回来,但那个地方很远,后来有个朋友告诉他有个咖啡馆试喝咖啡给10 美元,他去试喝了。


问题:女生要组织camp trip ,但是气象预报说天要下雨。方案1:改时间,但是他们已经改过一次时间了,期末忙再改就没人去了。方案2:带防雨设备坚持去露营。


热带雨林之所以能够support 多样物种生存的两个characteristics 。

一是热带雨林环境温暖潮湿,很多植物不能在干冷的地方生村。举例某种植物遇到冷天就会死,但在亚马逊的热带雨林就能够活。二是茂密的树叶会遮住阳光,形成canopy, 所以地面环境和高处环境大不相同,举例一种植物能够在高处生存,但落到地上就会死。
