

一. 基本车辆术语

1. Types of Motor Vehicle

Types of Passenger Car 轿车[乘用车]类型passenger car 轿车

minicar 微型轿车subcompact car 普通级轿车

compact car 中级轿车

intermediate car 中高级轿车

limousine car 高级轿车

race car, sport car 赛车

saloon, 2-door sedan 双门轿车

sedan 四门轿车

coupe 单排座轿车

coupe two seater 双排座轿车

PU pickup car, 客货两用车,皮卡

RV=recreational vehicle 休闲车

SUV=sport utility vehicle 多用途车

MPV=multipurpose passenger vehicle

APV=all purpose vehicle


Types of Commercial Vehicle 商用车类型

CV Commercial Vehicle

bus 客车

mini bus 微型客车

light bus 轻型客车

medium bus 中型客车

large bus 大型客车

extra bus 特大型客车articulated bus 铰接客车

double-deck bus 双层客车

truck 货车

mini-truck 微型货车

light truck 轻型货车- LT

medium truck 中型货车

heavy duty truck 重型货车

off-road vehicle 越野汽车 - ORV

hummer 高机动性多用途车

special purpose vehicle 专用车

van 厢式汽车

tanker 罐式汽车

dump truck 自卸汽车

semi-trailer tractor (towing) vehicle 半挂牵引汽车full-trailer tractor (towing) vehicle 全挂牵引汽车trailer 挂车

2. Vehicle Dimensions

A overall length, total length总长

vehicle length 车长

B overall width 总宽

vehicle width 车宽

C unladen height 空载高度

vehicle height 车高

D front overhang 前悬

E WB=wheelbase,wheel space 轴距

F rear overhang 后悬

G ground clearance 最小离地间隙

H,I tread, track width, tread width wheel tread 轮距

H front track 前轮距

I rear track 后轮距

J approach angle, angle of incidence 接近角

K departure angle, angle of departure 离去角

L loading height 装载高度

M chassis frame length 底盘车架长度

N cargo body height 货箱高度

O interior cargo body height 货箱内高度

P cargo body width 货箱宽度

R interior cargo body width货箱内宽度

1 engine发动机

2 front axle前桥

3 wheel车轮

4 clutch 离合器

5 transmission

gearbox 变速器

6 propeller shaft 传动轴

7 universal Joint万向节

8 final drive and differential


9 rear axle 后桥

10 body 车身

maximum speed of the automobile 汽车最高车速

time of acceleration of the automobile 汽车加速时间

maximum gradeability of the automobile 汽车最大爬坡度

constant-speed fuel economy of the automobile 汽车等速油耗economical speed of the automobile 汽车经济车速

vehicle tractive performance 汽车动力性

criteria for the evaluation of vehicle tractive performance 汽车动力性指标fuel economy 汽车燃油经济性

braking performance of automobile 汽车制动性

braking force 制动力

braking deceleration 制动减速度

stopping distance 制动距离

controllability and stability of the automobile 汽车操纵稳定性 ride comfort of the automobile 汽车行驶平顺性

mobility over unprepared terrain 汽车通过性

automobile trafficability 汽车通过性

automobile test 汽车试验

maximum speed 最高车速试验

acceleration test 加速试验

gradability test 爬被试验

coasting test 滑行试验

fuel economy test 燃油经济性试验

braking force test 制动力试验

stopping distance test 制动距离试验

brake effectiveness test 制动效能试验

braking in a turn test 转弯制动试验

steering efforts test 转向轻便性试验

vehicle noise test 汽车噪声试验

loading fatigue test 加载疲劳试验

simulative fatigue test 模拟疲劳试验

intensive test 强化试验

reliability test 可靠性试验

road test 道路试验

emission regulations 排放法规

emission control 排放控制

body durability test 车身疲劳试验

body sealing test 车身密封试验

body vibration test 车身振动试验

body surface pressure distribution test 车身表面压力分布试验wind tunnel test 风洞试验

air conditioning test 空调试验

CG=center of gravity 重心

X longitudinal axis 纵轴, x轴

Y lateral axis 横轴, y轴

Z vertical axis 竖轴, z轴

steering angle 转向角

2 wheel slip angle 车轮侧偏角

roll axis 侧倾轴

4 roll 侧倾

steering wheel方向盘

steering wheel angle 方向盘转角

steering wheel force 方向盘力

8 yaw 横摆

yaw velocity 横摆速度

9 pitch 俯仰(纵倾)

pitch angle 俯仰角

dive 点头,俯冲

squat 下坐(车身后部下沉)

二. General Terminology of Electricity and Electronics 电气和电子设备基本术语

nominal voltage,basic system voltage 标称电压rated voltage 额定电压

earth, ground 搭铁

negative earth 负极搭铁

正极板 positive plate

负极板 negative plate

隔板 separator

壳体 housing

加液盖 vent cover

连接条 cell connector

电解液 electrolyte

蒸馏水 distil water

maintenance-free battery 免维护蓄电地

转子总成 rotor assembly

定子铁芯 stator core

爪极claw pole

滑环, 集电环slip ring



电刷架 brush holder

电刷弹簧 brush spring

皮带轮 belt pulley

整流器 rectifier


前端盖 drive end bearing bracket

后端盖 slip ring end bearing bracket

“B”接线柱 battery terminal

“F”接线柱 field terminal

“E”接线柱 earth terminal

“N”接线柱 neutral terminal

无刷交流发电机 brushless alternator

整体式交流发电机 intergrate alternator

辅出特性曲线 output characteristic curve

空载转速 cut-in speed

额定转速 rated speed

额定电流 rated current

最大电流 maximum current

磁场电流 field current

内搭铁 internal earth

外搭铁 external earth

电压调节器voltage regulator

磁场维电器field relay

充电指示继电器charge indicator relay

单级电磁振动式调节器single stage voltage regulator 双级电磁振动式调节器double stage voltage regulator 并联线圈 shunt winding

串联线圈 series winding

加速线圈 accelerating winding

补偿线圈 compensating winding

调节电阻 regulating resistor

加速电阻 accelerating resistor



磁分路片 magnetic by-pass plate

晶体管调节器 transistor regulator

集成电路调节器IC regulator

内置式调节器 built-in voltage regulator

调节电压 regulating voltage

起动机 starter, starting motor

单向离合器 over-running clutch

滚柱式单向离合器roller-type over-running clutch

摩擦片式单向离合器 multi-disc clutch

惯性式离合器inertia clutch

棘轮式单向离合器 ratcher type clutch

电磁开关 solenoid switch

吸拉线圈 pull-in winding

保持线圈 holding winding

啮合弹簧 meshing spring

复位弹簧 return spring

起动继电器 starter relay

机械啮合式起动机mechanically engaged drive starter 惯性式起动机inertia drive starter

减速起动机 reduction drive starter

进气预热器 intake air heater

电热塞glow plug

预热指示器heater indicator

制动力矩lock torque

转矩 running torque

制动电压 lock voltage

空载转速 no-load speed

标称功率 nominal power

额定功率 rated power

输出功率 power output

传统点火系统 classic ignition system

点火线圈 ignition coil

高压插座high tension terminal

初级绕组 primary winding

次级绕组 secondary winding

低压接线柱low tension terminal

干式点火线圈dry ignition coil

分电器 ignition distributor

断电器 contact breaker

断电管 contact breaker arm

触点间隙 point gap

触点区 contact point

电容器 condenser

分电器盖 distributor cap


semi-conductor ignition system, electronic ignition system 电感点火系统 inductive ignition system

电容放电点火系统 capacitor discharge ignition system 无触点点火系统 breaker-less ignition system

定时转子 timer rotor

磁脉冲信号发生器 magnetic pulse generator

传感线圈 pick-up coil

光电信号发生器 photoelectric signal generator

霍尔信号发生器 Hall signal generator

火花塞 spark plug

中心电极 central electrode

绝缘体 insulator

点火电压储备 ignition voltage reserve

次级输出电压 secondary output voltage

火花电压 spark voltage

火花电流 spark current

火花持续时间 spark duration

平均输入电流 average current input

峰值线圈电流 peak coil current

断电电流 interruption current

触点断电电流 contact breaker current

初级供电电压 primary supply voltage

初级线圈感应电压primary induced voltage

点火提前角 spark advance angle

刮水电动机 wiper motor

吸风电动机 heater motor

冷风电动机 cooling an motor

燃油泵电动机 fuel pump motor

座位移动电动机 seat adjustment motor

洗涤电动机 washer motor

洗涤泵 washer pump

散热器电动机 radiator motor

天线电动机 antenna motor

门窗电动机window lift motor

前照灯head lamp

封闭式前照灯 sealed beam headlamp

半封闭式前照灯semi-sealed beam headlamp 外装式前照灯 external mounted headlamp 内装式前照灯flush mounted headlamp

灯壳 lamp housing

遮光罩 light shield

反射镜 reflector

辅助前照灯 auxiliary headlamp

组合前灯 combination headlamp

灯泡 bulb

雾灯 fog 1amp

牌照灯 license plate lamp

壁灯 bracket lamp

顶灯 ceiling lamp

阅读灯 reading lamp

踏步灯step lamp

仪表灯instrument panel lamp

工作灯 portable lamp

防空灯 black-out lamp

远光 high beam

近光lower beam

对称光 symmetrical beam

非对称光 asymmetrical beam

眩光 dazzle, glare

前小灯 side light

尾灯 tail lamp

倒车灯 back-up lamp

制动灯stop lamp

转向信号灯 turn signal lamp

组合后灯combination tail lamp

停车灯parking lamp

示廓灯 marker lamp

示宽灯 width lamp

示高灯 height lamp

危险报警闪光灯hazard warning lamp

转向指示灯turn light indicator

电容式闪光器.capacitor type flasher

热丝式闪光器 hot wire type flasher

晶体管闪光器 transistor flasher

危险报警闪光器 hazard warning flasher

闪光额率 flash rate

起动时间 starting time

电控气喇叭electronically controlled air horn

晶体管电喇叭、电子电喇叭 transistor horn

扬声筒 horn projector


共鸣板 resonant disc

喇叭继电器 born relay

倒车报警器 back-up buzzer

蜂鸣器 buzzer

仪表板总成 instrument panel assembly

车速里程表 speedometer

磁感应式车速里程表 magnetic inductive speedometer

电子车速里程表 electronic speedometer

转速表 tachometer

油压表 oil pressure gauge

电磁式油压表指示器electromagnetic oil pressure indicator 电流表 ammeter

电压表 voltmeter

软轴 flexible shaft

组合仪表 combination instrument

气压表air pressure gauge

可变电阻式油压表传感器variable resistance oil pressure sensor 机油油量报警传感器oil level warning sensor

压力报警传感器pressure warning sensor

空气滤清器堵塞报警传感器air-filter clog warning sensor

温度表 temperature gauge

双金属式温度表指示器bimetallic temperature indicator

电磁式温度表指示器 electromagnetic temperature indicator 热敏电阻式温度表传感器thermistor temperature sensor

温度报警传感器燃油表temperature warning sensor gauge

行驶记录表 tachograph

点火开关ignition switch

车灯开关 lighting switch

制动灯开关stop lamp switch

手制动灯开关 hand brake indicator switch

变光开关 dimmer switch

转向灯开关turn signal switch

倒车灯开关back-up lamp switch

停车灯开关 parking 1amp switch

仪表灯开关instrument lamp switch

门灯开关door lamp switch

阅读灯开关reading 1amp switch

刮水器开关 wiper switch

暖风开关heater switch

雾灯开关 fog lamp switch

插座 socket

拖车插座trailer cable socket

柱式插座pine socket

插接器 connector

电线束 wiring harness

电路断电器 circuit breaker


EV= electric vehicle 电动车

B hybrid drive 混合动力装置

G generator 发电机

1 motor 电动机

2 inverter 变换器

3 battery subsystem 蓄电池子系统

battery pack 蓄电池组(包, 堆)

4 vehicle subsystem 车辆子系统

5 system controller 系统控制器

6 electric power steering 电动助力转向

8 internal-combustion engine 内燃机

9 electric drive 电力驱动装置

10power shift transmission 动力换档变速器integrated AC motor and automatic transaxle


THS Toyota Hybrid System 丰田混合动力系统operating condition 工作情况

1 gasoline engine 汽油发动机

2 clutch 离合器

3 generator 发电机

4 drive sprocket 主动链轮

B1 series arrangement 串联布置

B2, B3 parallel arrangement 并联布置

5 power split device 动力分解(离)装置

planetary gears 行星齿轮机构

6 ring gear 齿圈

8 sun gear 大阳轮(发电机)

10 chain 链条

11 driven sprocket 从动链轮

12 final drive 主减速器

13 differential 差速器

14 reduction gear 减速齿轮

15 inverter 反电压逆变器

16 battery 蓄电池

17 reduction gears 减速机构

18 transmission 变速器

board information terminal 仪表板信息终端[中心]

1 operator 操作盘

2 central display 中央显示器

3 to the drive train 至驱动系统

4 CAN bus=controller area network bus


11 OBD on-board diagnostic 车载诊断装置

14 RDS-TMC 无线电交通信息频道

RDS=radio data system 无线电数据系统

TMC=traffic message channel 交通信息频道

INFO=information 信息

FM= frequency modulation 调频

CD=compact disk 光盘

AM=amplitude modulation 调幅

TP=teleprinter 电传打字机

SCP=standard corporate protocol 标准共用协议(美国 SAE J1850) modules on the SCP MCN 标准共用协议多路通信网络中的模块

MCN=multiplex communication module 多路通信网络

1 next generation speed control module 下一阶段车速控制模块

2 PCM=power train control module 动力控制模块

3 ABS/TCS module 防抱死制动系统/牵引力控制模块

4 IC module=instrument cluster module 组会仪表模块

5 MC module= message center module 信息中心模块

6 DLC data link connector 数据传输线插接器

7 FEM =front electronics module 前电子模块

8 RKE module=remote keyless entry module 遥控门锁模块

DDM = driver door module 驾驶员门锁模块

9 REM =rear electronics module 后电子模块

AB air bag安全气囊

ABS anti-lock brake system 防抱死制动系统

AC alternating current 交流电

air conditioner 空调器

automobile club汽车俱乐部

ADL automatic door lock 自动门锁

AEC automobile emission control 汽车排放控制

AIAE American institute of automobile engineers美国汽车工程师协会

A/M automatic/manual自动/手动

AMT automatic mechanical transmission机械式自动变速器

APC automatic performance control爆震自动控制系统

ASC anti-slip control驱动防滑控制系统

AT automatic transmission 自动变速器

ATA anti-thief alarm防盗报警

ATC automatic temperature control自动温度控制

ATS anti-thief system防盗系统

AWD all-wheel drive 全轮驱动

AWS all-wheel steering 全轮转向

BWI body in white 白车身

CAD computer-aided design计算机辅助设计

CAM computer-aided management计算机辅助设计

CAE computer-aided engineering 计算机辅助工程

CAN controller area network 控制器区域网络

CCS cruise control system 巡航控制系统

CNG compressed natural gas压缩天然气

CIMS computer-integrated manufacturing system计算机集成制造系统CVT continuously variable transmission 无级变速器

CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle (本田)舒适休闲车

DC drag coefficient 风阻系数

digital control 数字控制

direct current 直流电

DCI direct cylinder injection 直接喷入汽缸

DCS deceleration control system 减速控制系统

DEFI digital electronic fuel injection 数字式电子控制燃油喷射

DFI digital fuel injection 数字式燃油喷射

Direct fuel injection 直接燃油喷射

DCM diagnostic control mode诊断控制模块

DI direct injection 直接喷射

DI diesel engine 直喷式柴油发动机

DI gasoline engine 直喷式汽油发动机

DOHC double overhead camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴

DPB dual power brake 双回路助力制动

DTC diagnostic trouble code 诊断故障码

EAT electronic automatic transmission 电控自动变速器

EAS electronic (control) air suspension电子控制空气悬架

EBS electronic brake system 电子制动系

EBTC electronic brake and traction control 制动和牵引力电子控制

ECD electronic control diesel 电子控制柴油机

ECI electronic control injection电子控制喷射

ECI-turbo electronic control injection turbo电子控制燃油喷射涡轮增压发动机ECS Engine Control System 发动机控制系统

Electronic control suspension电子控制悬架

Electronic Control System 电子控制系统

ECU electronic control unit 电子控制模块

EFI electronic fuel injection 电子控制燃油喷射

EGR exhaust-gas recirculation 废气再循环

EHPS electronic hydrostatic power steering 电子液压蛀力转向

EHV electric and hybrid vehicle 电动和混合动力汽车

ECVT eletro-continuously variable (belt) transmission


EGI electronic gasoline injection 电子汽油喷射

EPI electronic petrol injection 电子汽油喷射

ESC electronic spark control 电子点火控制

electric suspension control system电子控制悬架电子控制悬架

ESP electronic stability program电子稳定程序

ESCS electronic suspension control system 电子悬架控制系统

ETC electronic traction control 电子牵引力控制装置

ETS exhaust-gas-turbo-supercharger 废气涡轮增压器

Euro 2 欧洲第二阶段排放限制标准

EEC European economic community 欧共体

ETCC European touring car championship 欧洲房(旅游、高性能)车锦标赛

F1 Formula 1 一级方程式(汽车赛)

FES Federal emission standard (美)联邦排放标准

FF front front(发动机)前置前驱动

FMS flexible manufacturing system 柔性制造系统

FR front rear(发动机)前置后驱动

FWD four wheel drive 四轮驱动

Front wheel drive前轮驱动

FWS four-wheel steering 四轮转向

GT grand touring(轿车分类)高性能类,房车类,旅游类

GTCC German touring car championship 德国房车冠军赛

GPS global positioning system 全球卫星定位系统

HTV hybrid test vehicle 混合动力试验车

HUD head up display 抬头显示,前窗玻璃映像显示

HV hybrid vehicle 混合动力车

HC hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物

ICE internal combustion engine 内燃机

ICS intercooler system中冷系统

IDI indirect fuel injection 间接燃油喷射

IEEE institute of electrical and electronics engineers(美)电气与电子工程师学会IFS independent front suspension 前轮独立悬架


ISO international standard organization 国际标准化组织

LAN local area network 局域网

LCD liquid crystal display 液晶显示

LNG liquefied natural gas 液化天然气

LPG liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气

LMG liquefied mathane gas液化甲烷气

MAN manual 手动的

MT manual transmission手动变速器

MIL malfunction indicator lamp 故障指示灯

MPFI multi port fuel injection 多点燃油喷射

MPI multi point injection 多点喷射

MPV multipurpose vehicle多用途车

NCAP new car assessment program 新型汽车鉴定程序

NG netural gas 天然气

NOX nitrogen oxide 氮氧化和物

OBD system on-board diagnostic system 车载诊断装置

PCV positive crankcase ventilation 曲轴箱强制通风

PS power steering 动力转向

PUC pickup car 客货两用小汽车,皮卡

PU foam polyurethane foam 聚氨酯泡沫塑料

PVC polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯

RC engine rotary combustion engine 转子发动机

RR rear rear(发动机)后置后驱动

RV recreational vehicle 休闲车

RWD rear-wheel drive 后轮驱动

SAE society of automotive engineers,Inc. (美)汽车工程师学会SAMT semi-automatic transmission 半自动机械式变速器

SFI sequential fuel injection顺序式燃油喷射

SEPFI sequential electronic port fuel injection顺序电子燃油喷射SLV sport luxury vehicle 运动型豪华多用途车

SLS sport luxury sedan 运动型豪华轿车

ST sport touring car 运动型旅行车

SUV sport utility vehicle 运动型多用途车

SRD spin resistant differential 防滑差速器

SRS supplemental restraint system 辅助约束装置(又称安全气囊)SRT street racing technology 公路赛车技术

TBI throttle body fuel injection 节气门体燃油喷射

TC technical center 技术中心

Traffic control交通控制

Turbo charger涡轮增压器

Turbocharged coupe涡轮增压双门跑车

TCC transaxle converter clutch 变矩器离合器,变速驱动桥

TCCS Toyota computer controlled system 丰田计算机控制系统TCS traction control system 牵引力控制系统

TD turbo diesel 涡轮增压柴油机

TDI turbo-DI涡轮增压柴油机

TFT thin film transistor 薄膜液晶管

TUV Toyota universal vehicle 丰田多用途车

T-VIS Toyota variable induction system丰田可变进气系统

TWC three-way catalyst三元催化转换器

TWD two-wheel drive两轮驱动

UTCS urban traffic control system 城市公交管理系统

VSC vehicle speed control 车辆速度控制

vehicle stability control 车辆稳定控制装置VTSS vehicle theft security system 车辆防盗安全系统VIVT variable inlet-valve timing 可变进气门正时

V-TCS viscous traction control system 粘性牵引力控制系统

1 shielded(screened) conductor 屏蔽导线

2 switch position 开关位置

3 manual actuation 人工动作

4 actuation by follower 随动装置作动

5 thermal actuation 热传动

6 general actuation 一般作动

mechanical actuation 机械作动

pneumatic actuation 气压作动

hydraulic actuation 液压传动

7 piston actuation 活塞作动

8 actuation by rotation speed n 转速n作动

9 actuation by pressure p 压力p作动

10 actuation by quantity Q 流量Q作动

11 actuation by time t 时间t作动

12 actuation by temperature t°温度t作动

13 not intrinsic variability and adjustability


14 momentary switch 瞬时开关

14a break contact 断点开关

14b make contact 闭合触点

15 detent switch 棘爪开关

not automatic return 非自动返回

16 change over switch 转接(换向)开关

17 two-way switch 双向(位)开关

18 switch with ganged make and break contacts


double-make contact switch 双节点开关

19 multiple-position switch 多位开关

20 cam-operated switch 凸轮驱动开关

NC contact=normally closed contact 常闭触点 contact-breaker points 接触断路器触点

21 thermostatic switch, thermo-switch


22 actuation with one winding 单绕组作动

23 actuation with two winding


24 electrothermal actuator of thermal relay


25 electromagnetic actuator 电磁作动器

26 potentiometer 电位计

27 heating resistor 热电阻器

glow plug 电热塞

flame plug 火焰塞

heated window 电热窗

28 permanent magnet 永磁铁

29a general indicating instrument 普通指示仪表 29b voltmeter 电压表

29c clock 时钟

30a rotation-speed indicator 转速表

30b temperature indicator 温度表

30c linear-speed indication 线速度指示器

31 shielded device有屏蔽装置

32a ECU=electronic control unit 电子控制模块 32b electronic control regulator 电子调节器

33socket 插座

female contact 孔接触

34 light 灯光

headlamp 前照灯

35 horn 喇叭

fanfare horn 高音喇叭

36 heated rear window defroster


37 general switch 普通开关

38 general switch with indicator lamp


39 pressure switch 压力开关

40 general relay 普通继电器

41 solenoid valve 电磁阀

42 thermotime switch 热敏定时开关

43 rotary actuator 旋转执行器

44 pressure control valve 压力控制阀

45 temperature switch 温度开关

temperature sensor 温度传感器

46 idle actuator 怠速执行器

47 spark plug 火花塞

48 ignition coil 点火线圈

49 single-spark ignition coil 单火花点火线圈

50 general ignition distribution


51 voltage regulator 电压调节器

52 alternator with regulation


53 starter with solenoid


54 electric fuel pump 电动燃油泵

55 wiper motor 刮水器电动机

56 car radio 汽车无线电

57 car antenna 汽车天线

58 speaker扬声器

59 voltage stabilizer 稳压器

60 inductive sensor 电感传感器

61 turn–signal sensor转向信号闪光器

62 plezoelectric sensor 压电传感器

63 lumbda oxygen sensor 氧传感器,λ传感器

64 air flow sensor 空气流量计

65 air-mass meter 空气质星流星计

66 flow-quantity sensor 流量传感器

67 rotational-speed sensor 转速传感器

68 needle-movement sensor 针阀运动传感器

EBD(Electric Brake force Distribution)-电子制动力分配

ESP (Electronic Stability Program)--电子稳定程序

Telligent Lane Assist (车道辅助系统)

Telligent Proximity Control (动态速度控制系统)

Telligent Stability Control (稳定控制系统)

cab 商用汽车驾驶室

cabin 驾驶室

deflector 导流罩

cab deflector shield 驾驶室导流板

cab fairing 驾驶室整流罩

cab floor 驾驶室地板

cab mounting 驾驶室悬置

cab air suspension 商用汽车驾驶室空气悬挂

cab alongside engine ( CAE )侧置驾驶室

cab behind engine 长头驾驶室(CBE)

cab heater 驾驶室加热器

cab over engine 平头驾驶室(COE)


Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers.

畅销全球selling well all over the world

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顾客第一 Customers first

深受顾客欢迎We have won praise from customers; to win warm praise from customers.

深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉to win a high admiration and is widely trusted at home and abroad.

深受消费者的欢迎和好评to be highly praised and appreciated by the consuming public

质量第一,用户至上quality first, consumers first

采用先进技术和工艺to adopt advanced technology

采用最新设备和工艺with the most up-to-date equipment and techniques

操作简便easy and simple to handle

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性能可靠 reliable performance

最新工艺 latest technology


It is evident that a well lubricated bearing turns more easily than a dry one.


It seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting.


It has been proved that induced voltage causes a current to flow in opposition to the force producing it.


It was not until the 19th century that heat was considered as a form of energy.


Computers may be classified as analog and digital.


This steel alloy is believed to be the best available here .


Electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed as light.


Microcomputers are very small in size, as is shown in Fig.5.


In water sound travels nearly five times as fast as in air.


Compared with hydrogen, oxygen is nearly 16 times as heavy.


The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit was low.


Ice keeps the same temperature while melting.


An object, once in motion, will keep on moving because of its inertia.


All substances, whether gaseous, liquid or solid, are made of atoms .




4.5 表达论文内容的常用句型

A 第三人称主动态

①This paper(article,report)describes…本文叙述…

②This paper (article)reports…本文报告…

③This report(paper,article)presents…本文介绍…

④This paper(article,report)discusses…本文讨论…


B 第一人称主动态

⑤We report(on)…我们报告…

⑥We describe a case of…我们描述1例…

⑦In this paper,we present…本文介绍…

⑧In this paper,we report…本文报告…

主语除we之外,还可用the authors(作者)等。

C 一般现在时被动语态

⑨A case is reported in which…本文报告1例…

⑩A study of…is reported本文报告…的研究


⑥In this paper.…is(are)presented.本文介绍…


A 一般过去时、被动语态

①The purpose (aim,objective) of this study was to…


②The goal(aim)of this investigation was to…本研究旨在…

③This study was designed to…本研究旨在…

④This study was undertaken to…本研究旨在…

⑤This prospective study was performed to…本前瞻性研究的目的是…

⑥A study to…was carried out(during) (在…期间)所作研究的目的是…

⑦An attempt has been made to…为了…而作试验

B 动词不定式短语

To evaluate,report,investigate,study,analyze…

C 一般过去时、主动语态

⑧We (the authors) conducted a study to…为了…我们进行了研究

⑨To determine…,we studied…为了确定…,我们研究了…

⑩In an attempt to…,in an effort to…或in order to…,we carried out a pilot study…为了…,我们进行了…的初步研究



unit1 body 车身chassis 底盘enclosure外壳、套hood车棚、车顶sway 摇摆frame车架steering转向、操作brake 制动weld焊接rivet铆钉bolt螺钉washer垫圈vibration 振动stabilizer稳定器ride乘坐舒适性handling操作稳定性linkages转向传动机构plier钳子distributor分电器alternator交流发电机regulator调节器carburetor化油器radiator散热器、水箱defroster除冰装置sludge金属碎屑transmission变速器differential 差速器power train 传动系unitized body 承载式车身suspension system 悬架系统steering system 转向系braking system 制动系shock absorbers减震器control arms控制臂steering wheel 转向盘steering column转向管柱steering gears 转向器tie rod 横拉杆idler arm随动臂brake shoe制动蹄disc brake 盘式制动器drum brakes 鼓式制动器ignition system 点火系统exhaust system 排气系统lubrication system 润滑系oil filters 机油滤清器drive(or propeller)shaft传动轴universal joints 万向节dynamo发电机horn喇叭swived 旋转steering box转向器timing gear 正时齿轮bevel gear 锥齿轮mesh with与啮合leaf spring 钢板弹簧stub axle 转向节 unit2 longitudinal纵向的transverse横向的reciprocate往复spin旋转piston活塞ignite点火rub摩擦quart夸脱reservoir油箱mechanical机械的enclosed被附上的gallon加仑stroke冲程camshaft凸轮轴combustion燃烧disengaged脱离啮合的flywheel飞轮internal-combustion engine内燃机diesel-fuel柴油LPG=Liquefied Petroleum Gas液化石油气体CNG=Compressed natural gas压缩天然气spark ignition火花点火compression ignition压缩点火spark plug火花塞gas-turbine engine蒸汽机Stirling engine斯特灵发动机lubricating system润滑系统oil pan油底壳oil pump机油泵exhaust system排气系统emission-control system排放控制系统energy conversion能量转换air/fuel ratio空燃比connecting rod连杆TDC=Top Dead Center上止点BDC=Bottom Dead Center 下止点intake stroke进气冲程compression stroke压缩冲程power stroke作功冲程exhaust stroke排气冲程compression ratio压缩比lifter挺柱rocker摇臂retainer弹簧座seal密封件tappet 推杆lobe凸起gasket垫圈valve train配气机构cam follower气门挺柱rocker arm摇臂combustion chamber燃烧室intake valve进气阀exhaust valve排气阀valve stem气门杆valve cover气门室盖valve port阀口valve guide气门导管 unit3

新 全 汽车专业英语期末试卷

汽车专业英语期末试卷 (100分) 一选择题(10分) 1 It does not only have economic effects but also provide C job opportunities A numerous B difficult to count C countless D a lot of 2 the electrical system contains battery light generator, engine ignition .lighting circuit, and various B that control their use A the socket B switches C the charger D battery 3 suspension is the term given to the system of springs . Shock absorbers and B that connects a vehicle to its wheels . A contact B linkages C meet D thing of 4 A solid axle designs utilize springs to soften their inherent harsh ride characteristics , they still bump along like a brick out house. A even though B even if C although D since

5 the frame A two straight pressed steel members, five cross members , the front axle , the rear axle and four wheels A consists of B be made up of C include D reason 二把下面的表达式转化为中文或英文(20分) 1 邮车 mail van 6 sedan 轿车 2 赛车 racing car 7 bumper 保险杠 3 救护车 ambulance 8 lamp 灯 4 越野车 off -road vehicles 9 tire 轮胎 5 洒水车 sprinkler 10 hood 发动机罩 三把下面的简写正确搭配(10分) FWD electrical suspension control system TD Four -wheel drive AT anti -lock brake system ABS turbo diesel ESCS automatic transmission 四写出下面单词的全称及意思 (10分) 1 SUV 运动型多功能用车 sports utility vehicle


UNIT 1 AUTOMOTIVE BASICS Body:车身chassis:底盘 stream-lined:流线 wind resistance:风阻Frame:车架the power train:传动系统 the drive train:驱动系 a unitized body:承载式车身 unibody:整体式汽车车身 suspension system:悬架系统 steering system:转向系统 braking system(制动系统)suspension system:悬架系统 shock absorber:减振器 control arm:控制臂、导向机构 steering gears:转向器 steering wheel:转向盘 idler arm:随动臂 tie rods:横拉杆 power steering:动力转向 Power booster:助力器 master cylinder:制动主缸 Disc brake:盘式制动 drum brake:鼓式制动 Brake pedal:制动踏板 brake system:制动系统 stopping power:制动力 Hydraulic brakes:液压制动 brake pedal:制动踏板 brake fluid:制动液 brake lines:制动管路 cylinders:轮缸 brake shoes:制动蹄 drum:制动鼓 disc brake:盘式制动器 pliers:老虎钳 squeeze:挤进,握紧;夹紧 rotating disc:旋转制动盘 Drum brake:鼓式制动器 gasoline-burning piston engine:活塞式汽油发动机 Diesel-fuel burning engines:柴油发动机Fuel system:供给系统 exhaust system:排气系统 Cooling system:冷却系统 lubrication system:润滑系统 ignition system:点火系统 electric spark:电火花 air-fuel mixture:可燃混合气 cylinder:汽缸 ignition switch:点火开关 current:电流 storage battery:蓄电池 ignition coil:点火线圈 Distributor:分电器 spark plug:火花塞 compression ignition engines:压燃式发动机 charging circuit:充电电路 regulator:电压调节器 alternator (or generator):发电机mechanical energy:机械能 electrical energy:电能 maximum voltage:最大电压 fuel system:燃料供给系统 fuel pump:燃油泵 Filter:滤清器 carburetor:化油器 fuel injection system:燃油喷射系统combustible mixture:可燃混合气manifold:进气管 exhaust system:排气系统 carbon monoxide:一氧化碳hydrocarbons(碳氢化合物) oxides of nitrogen:氮氧化合物emission control system:排放控制系统cooling system:冷却系统 combustion chamber:燃烧室coolant:冷却液 Radiator:散热器 water pump:水泵 hollow:空的、空洞的 block:汽缸体 head:汽缸盖 Defroster:(除冰(或霜)装置)Lubrication system润滑系统lubricant:润滑剂 piston rings:活塞环 cylinder walls:汽缸壁



《汽车专业英语》课程标准 学时/学分: 32/2 课程类型:理论课程(A类) 适用专业:汽车电子技术专业 课程所属系部:汽车工程系 批准日期:2014年5月 一、制定依据与课程定位 (一)制定依据 本课程标准是依据汽车检测与维修技术、汽车制造与装配技术、需要制定。 (二)课程定位 《汽车专业英语》这门课程是汽车专业的一门专业选修课程,旨在使学生掌握汽车专业常用的英语词汇。 通过本课程的学习,培养学生在汽车专业领域具有的一定的英语阅读能力和翻译能力,以便学生更好的直接从外文资料中获取新的知识和信息。 二、课程教学目标 《汽车专业英语》是三年制高职汽车检测与维修技术、汽车制造与装配技术、的专业选修课程。其任务是使学生一方面可以巩固已掌握的词汇和语法知识,另一方面扩大专业词汇量,提高学生对汽车专业英文文献的阅读能力。通过教学应使学生获得初步具备专业英语翻译能力和初步具备能够直接从外文资料中获取信息的能力。 (一)知识目标 1、掌握专业英语中的基本词汇和专有名词; 2、掌握专业英语中常用的语法和句型结构; 3、可以阅读有一定词汇量的专业英语文献。 (二)能力目标 通过对《汽车专业英语》的教学,力求向学生提供未来工作岗位所需要专业英语知识,培养学生在实际工作岗位上运用汽车专业英语的能力。

1、阐述“专业阅读”,内容力求反应汽车专业方面的最新知识,文章能展示 当今汽车专业方面的最新技术,同时书中附带一些真实的现场照片。 2、阐述“专业术语”,帮助学生了解汽车各零部件的功能及应用,是学生进 入企业后应用较多的内容。 3、阐述“试试您的动手能力”,以汽车故障诊断为主,列举大量贴近企业工 作实际的实例。 4、阐述“交际会话”,选用贴近实际,贴近企业,贴近岗位的常用专业英语 会话。 (三)素质目标 通过教学应使学生认识《汽车专业英语》学习的基本方法, 1、具备通过查阅资料等方法,通过自学获取知识和新技术的能力; 2、通过不同形式的探究活动、自主学习,体验科技发现和创造的历程,发展 抽象思维和辨证逻辑思维。 3、养成严谨求实的科学态度以及质疑和独立思考的学习习惯。 4、使学生具备正确的价值观与评定事物的能力,具备一定的英文语言表达能 力以及与人交往沟通的能力。 5、培养学生爱岗敬业、团结协作、吃苦耐劳的职业精神与创新设计的意识。? 三、课程内容设计 (一)学时分配


汽车专业英语 主编:李崑 课后专业词汇汇总(带音标) 汇总:徐艳民 1 automobile ['?:t?m?ubi:l, ,?:t?m?'bi:l]汽车(美) assembly line [?'sembli]装配线 petroleum refining [pi'tr?uli?m, p?-]石油提炼 body and frame车身与车架 engine ['end?in] 发动机、引擎 drive line 传动系统 running gear 控制装置 suspension[s?'spen??n]悬架系统 unitized body ['ju:nitaizd]整体式车身 gasoline engine ['ɡ?s?li:n]汽油机 diesel engine ['di:z?l]柴油机 gas turbine['t?:bain, -bin]燃气轮机 battery ['b?t?ri]电池、电池组 fuel cell燃料电池 hybrid power ['haibrid][pau?]混合动力系统 piston ['pist?n]活塞 rotary engine ['r?ut?ri]转子发动机 vehicle ['vi:ikl, 有时发'vi:hi-]交通工具、车辆 transmission [tr?nz'mi??n, tr?ns-, trɑ:n-]变速器 drive shaft传动轴 differential [,dif?'ren??l]差速器 rear axle ['?ks?l]后轴、后桥 rear-wheel drive后轮驱动 front-wheel drive 前轮驱动 braking system 制动系统 wheel车轮 tire 轮胎 steering system 转向系统 spring [sp ri?]弹簧 shock absorber [??k] [?b's?:b?]减震器 Macpherson strut [m?k'f?:sn] [str?t]麦弗逊式悬架 torsion bar ['t?:??n]扭力杆 strut rod 支撑杆 stabilizer bar ['steibilaiz?]横向稳定杆 2 internal combustion engine [in't?:n?l] [k?m'b?st??n] ['end?in]内燃机 fuel 燃料 external combustion engine [ik'st?:n?l]外燃机 steam engine 蒸汽机 intermittent combustion engine[,int?'mit?nt]间隔燃烧式发动机 continuous combustion engine [k?n'tinju?s]连续燃烧式发动机 turbine engine ['t?:bain, -bin]涡轮发动机 rocket engine ['r?kit]火箭发动机 jet (or reaction) engine喷气式发动机 Wankel engine汪克尔发动机、转子发动机 stroke [str?uk]冲程、行程 cooling system冷却系统 fuel system燃料系统 ignition system [iɡ'ni??n]点火系统 spark-ignition engine 火花点燃式发动机 compression-ignition engine 压燃式发动机 liquid-cooled 用液体冷却的、水冷的 air-cooled 用空气冷却的、风冷的 3 cylinder block 气缸体 cylinder ['silind?]气缸 connecting rod 连杆 crankshaft['kr??k,?ɑ:ft]曲轴 cylinder head气缸盖 combustion chamber[k?m'b?st??n] ['t?eimb?]燃烧室 valve气门、阀 camshaft['k?m?ɑ:ft]凸轮轴 flywheel ['flaiwi:l]飞轮 intake manifold 进气歧管 exhaust manifold ['m?nif?uld]排气歧管 carburetor [,kɑ:bju'ret?, 'kɑ:-]化油器 fuel injector 燃料喷射器 cast iron ['ai?n]铸铁 aluminum [?'lju:min?m]铝 cooling fluid 冷却液 spark plug [pl?ɡ]火花塞 intake valve进气门 exhaust valve[iɡ'z?:st]排气门 cam凸轮 gear齿轮 belt皮带 chain链条 overhead camshaft (OHC) 凸轮轴上置式 rpm=revolutions per minute[,rev?'lju:??n]转速、转数/分钟 horsepower ['h?:s,pau?]马力、功率 intake system 进气系统 sensor ['sens?, -s?:]传感器 oxygen sensor ['?ksid??n]氧传感器 fuel induction system[in'd?k??n]燃料吸入系统 4 fuel tank 燃料箱、油箱 fuel line燃料管路 fuel pump 燃料泵、燃油泵 fuel filter [filt?]燃料滤清器 PCM (power train control module) 动力系统控制模块(计算机)


汽车专业英语大纲 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

《汽车专业英语》课程标准 学时/学分: 32/2 课程类型:理论课程(A类) 适用专业:汽车电子技术专业 课程所属系部:汽车工程系 批准日期:2014年5月 一、制定依据与课程定位 (一)制定依据 本课程标准是依据汽车检测与维修技术、汽车制造与装配技术、需要制定。 (二)课程定位 《汽车专业英语》这门课程是汽车专业的一门专业选修课程,旨在使学生掌握汽车专业常用的英语词汇。 通过本课程的学习,培养学生在汽车专业领域具有的一定的英语阅读能力和翻译能力,以便学生更好的直接从外文资料中获取新的知识和信息。 二、课程教学目标 《汽车专业英语》是三年制高职汽车检测与维修技术、汽车制造与装配技术、的专业选修课程。其任务是使学生一方面可以巩固已掌握的词汇和语法知识,另一方面扩大专业词汇量,提高学生对汽车专业英文文献的阅读能力。通过教学应使学生获得初步具备专业英语翻译能力和初步具备能够直接从外文资料中获取信息的能力。 (一)知识目标 1、掌握专业英语中的基本词汇和专有名词; 2、掌握专业英语中常用的语法和句型结构; 3、可以阅读有一定词汇量的专业英语文献。 (二)能力目标 通过对《汽车专业英语》的教学,力求向学生提供未来工作岗位所需要专业英语知识,培养学生在实际工作岗位上运用汽车专业英语的能力。

1、阐述“专业阅读”,内容力求反应汽车专业方面的最新知识,文章能展示当今汽车专业方面的最新技术,同时书中附带一些真实的现场照片。 2、阐述“专业术语”,帮助学生了解汽车各零部件的功能及应用,是学生进入企业后应用较多的内容。 3、阐述“试试您的动手能力”,以汽车故障诊断为主,列举大量贴近企业工作实际的实例。 4、阐述“交际会话”,选用贴近实际,贴近企业,贴近岗位的常用专业英语会话。 (三)素质目标 通过教学应使学生认识《汽车专业英语》学习的基本方法, 1、具备通过查阅资料等方法,通过自学获取知识和新技术的能力; 2、通过不同形式的探究活动、自主学习,体验科技发现和创造的历程,发展抽象思维和辨证逻辑思维。 3、养成严谨求实的科学态度以及质疑和独立思考的学习习惯。 4、使学生具备正确的价值观与评定事物的能力,具备一定的英文语言表达能力以及与人交往沟通的能力。 5、培养学生爱岗敬业、团结协作、吃苦耐劳的职业精神与创新设计的意识。 三、课程内容设计 (一)学时分配


常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇 常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇;PassengerVehicle乘用车;常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇;1PP-FirstPhaseofProducti;3CCustomer(顾客导向)、Competi;4S Sale,Sparepart零配件,Serv;5S整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养;8D-8Discipline;ABSAnti-lockBrakingSyste; 常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇 Passenger Vehicle 乘用车 常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇 1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产 3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Competence(专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈 5S 整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养 8D- 8 Discipline ABS Anti-lock Braking System AIAG 美国汽车联合会 ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality Procedure Apportionment 分配 APQP Advanced Product Quality Plan Backlite Windshield 后窗玻璃

Benchmark Data 样件资料 bloodshot adj.充血的, 有血丝的 BMW Bavarian Motor Works C.P.M Certified Purchasing manger 认证采购经理人制度 CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造 CC- Change CutOff 设计变更冻结 CC\SC- critical/significant characteristic CCR Concern & Countermeasure Request CCT Cross Company Team Characteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图 COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance) CP1- Confirmation Prototype 1st 第一次确认样车 CP2- Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车 Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3 CPO Complementary Parts Order Craftsmanship 精致工艺 Cross-functional teams 跨功能小组 CUV Car-Based Ultility Vehicle D1:信息收集;8D D2:建立8D小组;


Terminal Reviews to English for the Automotive Profession I. Answer the following questions.(20%) Choose 5 of 6, 4 points for each, total in 20 points. 1. What does the drive train consist of? The drive train consists of clutch, transmission, driveshafts, differentials, and the final drive (drive wheels, continuous track like with tanks or Caterpillar tractors, propeller, etc.). In a wider sense, the drive train includes all of its components used to transform stored (chemical, solar, nuclear, kinetic, potential, etc) energy into kinetic energy for propulsion purposes. 2. How to install the drive gear? First, clean the drive gear attaching bolts. Second, remove the adhesive adhered to the threaded holes of the drive gear by turning the special tool, and then clean the treaded holes by applying compressed air. Third, apply the specified adhesive to the threaded holes of the drive gear. Forth, install the drive gear onto the differential case with the mating marks properly aligned. Tighten the bolts to the specified torque in a diagonal sequence. 3. What is the process of the ABS working? The Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) uses a sensor that know when one wheel (or a pair of wheels) is skidding. The sensor sends a signal to a computer, which signals a modulator valve. The modulator connects into the hydraulic system and can momentarily release the brake pressure and prevent the wheels from locking. (The pressure release is so fast that a driver is seldom aware of it.) Pressure is then reapplied until the sensor again sensor that the wheel is about to lock up. Thus, this system keeps the wheels as colse to lock up as possible, without actually allowing the wheels to lock up and skid. This is called incipient lock up. Maximum braking occurs at that point. 4. What is the purpose of gear reduction from steering gear? The gear reduction is known as steering gear ratio. This is needed to reduce the amount of effort required to turn the steering wheel, particularly when parking. During straight-ahead driving, this also reduces the possiblility of oversteering. The ratios vary considerably, depending largely on vehicle size and weight. Larger, heavier vehicles require a graeter reduction in manual steering gears. 5. How does the starter clutch work? The purpose of the starter clutch is to engage and disengage the pinion gear from the flywheel. When the starer is cranking, the pinion gear slides on the armature shaft and engages the flywheel. 6. How to check DTC in the normal mode? First, turn ignition switch off. Second, connect terminals TE1 and E1 of data link connector 1 or 2. Third, Turn ignition switch on. Forth, read the diagnostic trouble code on malfuntion indicator lamp on the combination meter. Fifth, afer completing the check, turn ignition switch off and disconnect terminals TE1 and E1. II. Translate the following into Chinese. (20%) Choose 20 of 30, 1 points for each, total in 20 points. 1. drive train 动力传动系 2. suspension system and axle 悬挂系统和驱动桥 3. brake system 制动系统 4. steering system 转向系统


氧化脱碳oxidation and decarbonization 过热与过燃烧overheat and overcrook 渗碳carburizing 真空渗碳vacuum carburizing 渗氮(氮化)nitriding 碳氮共渗(氰化)carbonitriding (cyaniding) 软氮化tufftride 离子氮化ion-nitriding 氰化cyaniding 激光热处理lasering heat treatmetn 氧化处理oxidation treatment 发蓝处理blueing 磷化处理phosphating 蒸气处理steam treatment 渗铝aluminizing 渗硼boronizing 硫化sulphurizing 表面抛光surface polishing 镀覆热处理plating and heat treatment 喷涂spraying 离子束注入ion injection 化学气相沉积法chemical vaporous depositon 物理气相沉积法physical vaporous deosition 喷镀sputter 电镀electroplate 调质hardening and high temperature tempering 韧度toughness 红硬性red hardness 脆性brittleness 冷脆性cold brittleness 淬硬性(淬透性)hardenability 金相学metallography 宏观组织macro-structure 显微组织micro-structure 低倍照相macrography 金相图phase diagram 奥氏体austenite 马氏体martensite 珠光体pealite 贝氏体bainite 铁素体ferrite 索氏体sorbite 屈氏体troostite 渗碳体cementite

汽车 专业《 汽车专业英语 》课程(期末考试)试卷

硅湖职业技术学院考试试卷 汽车 专业《 汽车专业英语 》课程(期末、考试)试卷 一、名词翻译(英译汉) (每小题 1分,共20 分) 1. buzzer 2.cigarette lighter 3.shock absorber 4.blower 5.instrument panel 6.exhaust pipe 7.resistor 8. drive shaft 9.connector 10. safety belt 11. capacitor 12.transistor 13.piston pin 14.pinion carrier 15.steering booster 16.hydraulic control unit 17.air suspension 18. ingnition coil https://www.360docs.net/doc/df6315547.html,pressor motor 20.cylinder identification sensor 二、名词翻译(汉译英)(每小题1分,共15分) 1.蓄电池 2.继电器 3.弹簧 4.喷油器 5.二极管 6.喇叭 7.曲轴 8.刮水器 9.燃油泵 10.调节器 11.启动机 12.分电器 13.电磁阀 14发电机 15.安全气囊 三、短文翻译(每小题15分,共30分) 1.Principal Components : Engine The engine acts as the power unit. The internal combustion engine is most common: this obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of engine :gasoline(also called a spark-ignition engine) and diesel(also called a compression-ignition engine).Both engines are called heat engines; the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the transmission.


汽车专业英语常见词汇 A accelerator加速者,加速器accelerometer加速计 air filter空气滤清器air flow meter 空气流量计air flow sensor空气流量传感器alternator 交流发电机 ammeter电流表antifreeze 防冻剂antiknock 抗爆剂 antilock 防抱死 armature电枢assemble 装配axle 轮轴,车轴 B backbone 支柱;骨干baffle 挡板;隔板baffle plate 缓冲板,折流板 ball joint球形接头band 传送带,传动Basic advance angle 基础点火提前角 beam 梁,横梁earing journal 支承轴颈boil 沸点,沸腾bolt螺钉 booster 助力器,加力器;附加装置 ,辅助装置bore 孔,口径;钻孔,凿孔 bottom dead center下止点brake band 制动带brake booster 制动助力器 brake caliper 制动卡钳brake fluid 制动液buffer 缓冲器 bypass valve 旁通阀 bumper 汽车保险杠;防撞器,缓冲器 C caliper 卡钳cam lobe 凸轮的凸角Cam Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器 camshaft 凸轮轴端隙carburetor 化油器center electrode中央电极 centrifugal fan离心式鼓风机,离心式风扇chamfer 锥角;切角面;圆角 charging system 充电系统chassis 底盘circuit 电路 clamp 夹子;夹紧clog 阻塞clutch 离合器clutch fork离合器分离叉clutch housing 离合器壳clutch linkage 离合器操纵杠杆机构 clutch pack 离合器压盘 clutch pedal 离合器踏板 coil spring螺旋弹簧,圈弹簧combustion chamber 燃烧室 component元件 ,组 compression ratio 压缩比 compression ring 压缩环,气环compressor 压缩机 condenser冷凝器;电容器contact point 触点 contra-rotating gears反转齿轮 cooling jacket 冷却水套 cork 软木塞,软木制品counter-balanced weight 配重 countershaft中间轴 crank arm曲柄臂crankcase 曲柄箱,曲轴箱 crankshaft 曲轴 crash sensor 碰撞传感器cushion 垫子,软垫,衬垫 cylinder block 汽缸体cylinder head 气缸盖 D dashboard 仪表盘destruction损坏detonation 爆震,爆燃 diaphragm 膜片;膜片泵;隔板;遮光板;薄膜diesel 柴油机,内燃机 differential差速器diode 二极管dipstick 油尺,水 [油 ] 位指示器 disc brake 盘式制动器distortion变形,扭曲;扭转 distributor cap分电器盖diverter valve 分流阀 dog clutch 牙嵌 [爪式 ]离合器double helical 人字齿轮drag link 转向直拉杆



2、Automotive electrical systems are one of the important components of a car. Its performance directly affects the car's power, economy, reliability, safety, comfort and emissions. 3、传送到车轮推进车辆运动的能量,至少来自两种不同的能量转换装置。 4、A double overhead cam engine has two cams per head. So in-line engines have two cams, and V-type engines have four. 5、所以冷却系统的另一个重要作用是让发动机尽快的升温,并保持在稳定的温度范围内。 . 三、Answer the following questions in English. (5×5’)

1、How to define a hybrid car? 2、What is the function of the braking system? 3、What’s the displacement of an engine? 4、What are the components of electrical equipment elements? 5、Please write down the definiti on and the compositions of an “engine”. 四、Choose the right answer. (5×2’) 1. What do almost all cars use to convert gasoline into motion? A. one-stroke combustion cycle B. two-stroke combustion cycle C. three-stroke combustion cycle D. four-stroke combustion cycle 2. A car engine’s job is to . A. convert fuel into heart B. convert fuel into motion C. convert fuel into exhaust 3. A car uses a four-stroke engine. The four strokes are . A. intake, compression, ignition and exhaust B. injection, rotation, ignition and exhaust C. injection, carburetion, rotation and exhaust 4. With the at the bottom of the cylinder, the exhaust valve opens to allow the burned exhaust gas to be expelled to the exhaust system. A. piston B. valve C. camshaft D.crankshaft


A abrupt突然的 ABS (Antilock Braking System)防抱死制动系统accumulator蓄电池acoustic听觉的 active suspension system主动悬架系统 adapter plate安装板additive添加剂 adhesion粘着 age老化 agitation激动 Air bag安全气囊 air conditioning condenser空调冷凝器 alignment调正 amplitude振幅 aneroid空盒气压表antiscuff防磨损 as aresult结果asymmetrical不均匀的 at idle空转 axle shaft半轴 B backpressure背压 baffled阻挡的 baffle隔板 ball bearing球轴承 ball joint球形接头 battery pack蓄电池组 be attached to固定在... beef up加强 bell housing离合器壳bleeder screw放气螺钉bleed放油 bolt head螺栓头 bone结合 booster调压器 bracket托架 brake booster制动助力器brake hose制动软管 Brake Pads制动块 brake pedal制动踏板 brake shoe制动蹄 braze焊接 breaker point type ignition sy stem触点型点火系统 build up积累 buildup组合 bulky大的 bump碰撞 bypass valve旁通阀 bypass迂回 byproduct副产品 C cam disk平面凸轮 camber外倾角 cancel out取消 carbon monoxide一氧化碳 carburetor bowl化油器浮子 室 cast iron铸铁 caster主销外倾 catalytic converter催化式排 气净化器 catalytic converter催化转换 器 centrifugal force离心力 charcoal canister碳罐 check valve止回阀 clamp管夹 clamp夹子 cleanser清洁剂 clog填塞 clutch disc离合器从动盘 clutch pedal离合器踏板 clutch离合器 coil spring螺旋弹簧 coil线圈 collide with与...相撞 combination valve组合阀 combustion chamber燃烧室 compactness紧密 compensate抵消 comply with 照做 compromise妥协 condenser电容器 conflicting相矛盾的 congested拥挤的 contaminate污染 control sleeve控制套筒 convoluted盘旋的 corkscrew开塞钻 cork软木塞 cornering force回转力 corrosion inhibitor阻蚀剂 cotter pi开口销 counter消除 couple with与...连接 coupling device接合装置 crankcase曲轴箱 crankshaft曲轴 cross-section横截面 cruise control system巡航控 制系统 D dashboard汽车等的仪表板 deflect变形 deflect使什么偏斜 delivery valve出油阀 deposits沉积物 detergent-dispersant清洁分 散剂 deterioration变质 deterioration损坏 diaphragm spring膜片弹簧 differential差速器 disastrous灾难性的 discrete独立的 disguise伪装 dissipate消耗 distributor rotor分火头 distributorless ignition syste m无分电器点火系统 distributor分电器 diverter valve换向阀
