重庆英语中考2010-2019年真题短文填空汇编 (PDF,含答案及部分解析)


初中英语填空题专练 1 Yesterday morning, Li Hua got up early and____1____breakfast he went to school._____2_____his way to school he saw some____3____ coming from the ____4___ of a house. “There must be something on ____5_____,”he thought. Then he ___6____ as fast as he could to get some water, after a short time, he carried a bucket of ___7____. Quickly he poured the water into the fire. The smoke was put___8_____. To his surprise, he saw an old ____9____out of the window, with a smoke in his hand. He shouted at Li Hua___10______,“See what you are doing! You bad boy!” 1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________ 6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________ 2 More and more people are___1_____the life with computers. Using computers you can send E-mail ____2___ and easily. You are able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone___3____in the world without putting a stamp. E-mail can send its message to the other side of the world____4_____seconds.E-mail is easy to use and it_____5___time and money. It serves(服务)for twenty-four hours. So it doesn’t matter if your friends are in bed when you send E-mail to them, or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send E-mail____6____.Can you imagine(想象) the future without teachers____7_____computures? Students will teach themselves in the schools of the future. Computers help students develop their own ways of____8___. Students will follow the learning programmes by looking at on line libraries and _____9____lessons by world-class teachers. If they don’t understand something, they will ask other students online or E-mail their teachers. Computers are becoming more and more_____10_____indeed. 1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________ 6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________ 3 It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill, so it is easier to _____1____ into bad habits(习惯)than into good ones. Bad habits don’t come ___2_____. They come little by little(逐渐的)____3___people do not notice(注意)their danger(危险). Schoolboys first pick up little____4_____habit in school and on the streets. When they can’t finish their lessons, they copy(抄袭) from their ___5______. If they see bigger boys____6___, they also want to learn to smoke. When they get bigger, the habits become so ___7_____that they can no longer get ride of___8___. From copying, they fall behind, then they learn to steal, and smoking is bad for their _______9___. At last, they become worse and worse. How necessary (必要) it is that we get rid of the bad habits in the ___10_____. 1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________ 6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________ 4 Here’s a part of an e-mail _____1______from Joe, giving some ___2______to his son in college.”when I was young, I often met ___3____”about what to do and what not to do. My grandmother told me not to ____4____about those things because I only did them once a year or once a lifetime. ____5_______, I should try to do well those things which I do every day. For example, I need to eat every day, so I should learn how to ____6____. I need to talk____7_____ ,


2019中考英语完形填空选练(1) 所有练习题,字体大小统一为五号,行距统一,排版非常工整。 *Passage 1 (2019选练)通读短文,掌握大意,从所给的选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents. They say that their parents don't understand them. They often think their parents are too strict 1 them. Parents often find 2 difficult to win their children's trust and they seem to 3 how they themselves felt when they were young. For example, young people like to do things without much 4 . It's one of their ways to show that they grow up and they can 5 any difficult problems. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead and don't like their plans to be changed. So when you want your parents to let you do 6 , you will have better success if you ask before you really start doing it. Young people often make their parents angry by clothes they wear, the music they enjoy and something 7 . But they don't mean to cause any trouble. They just feel that 8 this way they can be cut off from the old people's world and they want to make a new culture of their own. And if their parents don't like their music or clothes or their way of speech, the young people feel very sad. Sometimes instead of going out with their parents, they just want to stay at home 9 and do what they like. If you plan to do something, you'd better win your parents over and get them to understand you. 10 , your parents will certainly let you do what you want to do. 1. A. on B. with C. in 2. A. it B. this C. that B. C. forget 3. A. forgets remember 4. A. B. speaking C. reading thinking 5. A. know B. find C. solve 6. A. B. nothing C. something anything 7. A. else B. more C. old


中考英语短文填空题汇编一 中考英语短文填空题汇编一 【2019中考上海】 C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填写一词,首字母已给出) (14分) A school newspaper The Teens asked over one thousand teenagers how they spent their spare of the survey. It?s not at all surprising to learn that most teens said they wanted more free time. Most have less than an hour a day for after-school activities. activity was popular among both girls and boys, averaging between three to six hours a week. Favorite sports among girls were tennis, basketball and swimming. Boys said they liked football, basketball and skating. Speaking of entertainment, music and TV were popular. About half of those surveyed said both listening to and playing music. TV was also very popular. Three quarters said they preferred watching TV to reading a book or magazine. Unexpectedly, as many as three out of ten teenagers mentioned that collecting things was collections from cartoon books and baseball cards to stickers, toys and coins. friends was also popular. Eight out of ten teenagers said they met friends popular way of contacting friends was the telephone. Everyone we surveyed said they spoke to went dancing, especially girls. Only one out of ten said they went to the dance regularly. 参考答案 81. result(s) 82. Physical 83. included 84. various 85. Visiting 86. Another 87. seldom 【2019中考重庆】


2020年中考英语短文填空 Passage 1 (为什么蝙蝠是这么多病毒的源头) Bats tend to live in dark and wet places. There are all 1.____ of viruses. Bats always live in gr oups 2 .____ the viruses can have larger “playgrounds” to evolve (进化) and become more pow erful variants (变体). Bats are mammals (哺乳动物), just like humans. Our similar genes (基因) make it easier for 3.____ to become infected with the same viruses. When bats fly, their body temperature can reach as 4.____ as 40 C. This high temp erature can kill weak viruses, but 5.____ ones will survive (存活) and continue to evolv e. Bats have special immune (免疫的) systems 6.____ allow them to live with viruses without getting sick. Since they can fly, bats can spread viruses farther and more easily than other animals. Although wild animals carry many diseases, it doesn’t mean that we should view th em7.____ evil. Each species has a role in the ecosystem (生态系统) and all of them are important for keeping a good ecological balance. The 8.____ we should learn from viru s outbreaks is to respect and 9.____ animals and to live in harmony with them, instead 10.____ hunting, killing, or eating them. 答案 1. kinds 2. so 3. us 4 high 5.stronger 6. that/which 7. as 8. lesson 9. protect 10.of


2019中考英语完形填空基础练(3)及答案 【能力选练】 A The Readers is a popular TV show. It invites different people to read aloud on the stage. The __1__ also tells the moving stories behind those people. They can read everything __2__ poems, books, and letters. By reading aloud, the words on paper come to __3__. Many people are fans of the show. They begin to __4__ reading aloud at home. Now, the show gives people a __5__ place to read across China. It is a reading pavilion(朗读亭). They are in many cities, including Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xi'an. The pavilion is very __6__. Only one person can come into it each time. There is a microphone in it and it __7__ people's voices. Everyone can read for three minutes in the pavilion. They can read __8__ they like. The show will pick some of the readers and invite them to read on TV. People of all __9__ read in the pavilion. “Reading should be just like singing and talking. ” said Dong Qing, the producer of the show. “We can express our true __10__ by reading aloud. ” 1. A. show B. lesson C. research D. play 2. A. in B. such as C. with D. at 3. A. light B. reason C. life D. purpose 4. A. mind B. keep C. finish D. enjoy 5. A. special B. strange C. beautiful D. wonderful 6. A. wide B. small C. tall D. big 7. A. makes B. uses C. records D. improves 8. A. nothing B. everything C. someone D. everyone 9. A. comers B. others C. ages D. passers-by 10. A. feelings B. points C. spirits D. aims 1—10、ABCDA BCBCA 【能力选练】 B


中考英语短文填空训练题库 1 1 When you go to a c 1 or a high school sporting event, you can see cheerleaders. Cheerleaders dress in the colours of their team. They jump and dance in front of the crowd and s 2 the name of their team. Their job is to excite the crowd. Everybody makes a lot of n 3 . They want their team to win the game. The f 4 cheerleader was a man. In 1898, Johnny Campbell jumped in front of the crowd at the University of Minnesota and shouted for his team. He shouted, “HoorayMinnesota! ”This was the first organized shout, or “yell ”Fo.r the n 5 thirty-two years cheerleaders were men only. Women were not cheerleaders u 6 1930. Today cheerleaders work in t 7 . They practise special shouts, dances, and athletic shows. Often the women work separately from the men, but cheerleaders are the most e 8 when men and women work together. The men throw the women high in the air and then catch them. The team members climb on each other ’s shoulders to make a human pyramid. They yell and dance, too. Cheerleadersnow have their o 9 contests. Every year there are local, state, and national contests for cheerleaders.The teams make newer, faster, and more exciting shows to be the best, and the crowd shouts. They want their cheerleaders to w 10 . 1.____________ 2.____________ 3._____________ 4.___________ 5. __________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8._____________ 9.___________10. __________ 1. college 2.shout 3.noise 4.first 5.next 6. until 7.team 8.excited 9.own 10.win 2 Do you want to improve the way you study? Do you feel nervous before a test? For many students, their biggest 1 is that they can not concentrate on their study or tests. It seriously affects (影响) both their study and the results of the test.


One “I don’t want to get up early,” the Junior 1 middle school student in Shanghai said, “I want more(1)_____ ” But,like it or not,Luo has breakfast at 6:15 am, (2)_____ home at 6:30 am and, after a 30-minute bus ride, he (3)_____at school at 7 am. Like most of his 40 classmates, Luo arrives at school a full hour before lessons starts(4)_____8:00 am. A study of 2,500 schoolchildren in six cities, showed that about 66% of primary school students and 77% of middle school students were (5)_____of sleep. Some parents also say, In China, young mothers and fathers have little time to play with their children.Parents are(6)_____ with their work and kids are busy with their study. That is not(7)_____ for kids is growth. Kids need more time to have (8)_____ with their parents, not just to study. To solve this problem, some cities cut their school hours to give childen more time to play. Some middle school students now go to school 30 minutes(9)_____ than they did before. “The best way for childen to learn is to play. When pupils get more playtime, the y can be relaxed and learn (10)_____to get along with other people,” said a school head. Two My favorite festival is Spring Festival. It is celebrated(1)_____ the first day of the first lunar month. Before it comes, people(2)_____ the house and make the house beautiful. It means to wash (3)_____ the bad things. On the first two days of Spring Festival, people(4)_____ their friends and relatives and send wishes to each other. (5)_____ this festival, people also gather together to have big meals. It’s my favorite festival (6)_____ I can wear new clothes and(7)_____ the gift money. What’s more, I can see the dragon dance. It makes me(8)_____ happy and excited. The true(9)_____ of the Spring Festival is the reunion of the family and the wish of a better(10)_____ in the coming year. Three October 5th, 2015 was a big day for Chinese. Tu Youyou won the 2015 Noble Prize in physiology or medicine. She was the(1)_____ Chinese scientist who won this prize. Chinese people are (2)_____ of her. She was born(3)_____ December 30th, 1930. She became(4)_____ in medicine when she was still a little girl. So she studied medicine when she was in university. She started her lifelong career after she(5)_____ her study in the university. (6)_____ her working conditions were very simple, and she got sick, she didn’t give(7)_____ her study. She tried to connect Chinese medicine(8)_____ Western medicine to make a new medicine. She believed that failure is the road to success. She failed quite a lot of times, but she (9)_____ at last. She is more than 80 years old now, but she still goes on working on her study. (10)_____ a great scientist she is! I hope more and more Chinese scientists will win Noble Prize.


广东省短文填空真题汇总(2010-2020) 2020 年广东省初中毕业生学业考试英语试题 借助上下文补充所缺信息。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 An old man was fishing on the bank of a river. A child came to 46 him fishing. The old man was really 47 at fishing and it didn’t take long for him to catch a full basket of fish. The old man saw that the child was very cute, and he wanted to give 48 a whole basket of fish. But the child shook her head. The old man was 49 and asked, “Why don’t you want the fish?” The child 50 , “I want the fishing rod(竿) i n your hands.” The old man asked, “Why do you want the rod?” “It doesn’t take long to eat all the fish in a basket. But 51 I have the fishing rod, I can go fishing by myself and I won’t be afraid of not having any more fish to eat.” I think you will certainly say that the child is very smart. Wrong! If she doesn’t know 52 to fish, she cannot have fish to eat, even though she gets the fishing rod. It’s useless to only have a fishing rod. Fishing skills are the 53 important, not the fishing rod. Too many people think that if they have a “fishing rod” in their life, they will 54 longer be afraid of the wind and rain. They are just 55 the child. She thought that if she had a fishing rod, she would have fish to eat. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 2019 年广东省初中毕业生学业考试英语试题 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。 Last winter holiday,I visited a village with only 11 houses. __71__ the village was very small, I spent a whole day in it. The village became popular because __72__ Grandpa Huang's hard work. He bought a house there over 30 years __73__, but in 2010 the village was to be pulled down. In order to save the old village, Grandpa Huang painted on the walls of __74__ own house and other houses. He painted things that he liked. In the village, there were many paintings of __75 __, such as cats and birds. The most popular paintings for visitors were of famous people. One of them was a picture of Andy. He and my __76__ singer. I liked him so much that I asked a visitor to __77__ a photo of that painting and me. On the ground of the village, Grandpa Huang has painted __78__ lot of well-known Chinese sayings. From them, Grandpa Huang learned to live a long and happy __79__. I really had a good time in the village __80__ wished to visit it again. 2018 年广东省初中毕业生学业考试英语试题 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 Will Johnson has worked his way up the list of most popular stars in his country. In fact, it is not surprising that Will is so successful if we know about his early life. Some valuable lessons he learnt as a child have strongly influenced him 71 his later life. One of them was from his father 72 was strict with him and his brother. Once, Will and his b rother Harry 73given a job to rebuild a broken brick(砖) wall in the yard. The wall was fifty feet 74and around sixteen feet high. The boys had to mix concrete(水泥) and place only one brick at a time. They didn't know why their father gave them 75 a huge job.76 ,with the attitude(态度) of "one brick more", both Will and Harry rebuilt the wall in 77 period of six months. Each time they were about to give up, their father 78 them up patiently. Both brothers were so sad about the job at 79 , but after completing the task, they felt a sense of pride, and so did their father. Even today when Will thinks that he won't be able to do something, he will look back to this experience and keep telling 80 ,"one brick at a time".


2019年中考英语完形填空真题训练(绝对精品文档,附参考答案,价值很高) 一、记叙文 一、(2018·真题) He was pleased to learn that Chibi knew all the places where the wild grapes and wild potatoes grew. He was amazed to __1__ how much Chibi knew about all the flowers in our class garden. He liked Chibi's black and white drawings and put them up on the wall to be __2__. He liked Chibi's own handwriting,which no one but Chibi could read,and he put that up on the wall. But,when Chibi appeared on the stage at the talent show of that year,no one could __3__ his eyes. “Who is that?”“What can that stupid do up there?” Until Mr. Isobe announced that Chibi was going to imitate (模仿) the voices of crows. “Voices?”“Voices of crows?” __4__ he imitated the voices of newly hatched crows. And he made the mother crow's voice. Then he imitated the father crow's voice. He showed how crows cry early in the morning. He showed how crows cry when the village people have some unhappy accident. He showed how crows __5__ when they are happy and cheerful. Everybody's mind was taken to the __6__ mountainside from which Chibi probably came to school. Chibi made very special __7__ deep down in his throat(喉咙) to imitate a crow in an old tree in the end. Now everybody could imagine __8__ the far and lonely place where Chibi lived with his family. Then Mr. Isobe explained __9__ Chibi had learned those calls—leaving his home for school at sunrise,and arriving home at sunset,every day for six long years. Every one of us cried,thinking how much we had been __10__ to Chibi all those long years. He was a boy beyond our usual imagination! 1. A. complain B. count C. find D. refuse 2. A. admired B. printed C. punished D. avoided 3. A. check B. hurt C. open D. believe 4. A. Later B. Next C. Last D. First 5. A. jump B. call C. fly D. dance 6. A. far B. crowded C. near D. modern 7. A. scripts B. reports C. speeches D. sounds 8. A. hardly B. happily C. exactly D. peacefully 9. A. what B. how C. whether D. who 10. A. wrong B. kind C. honest D. generous
