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Identify needs 确认需求Design the programme 设计课程

Set objectives 设立目标Select methods of measurement 选定评估方法Measure the change in performance 评估行为 /表现上的改变

Run the programme 执行课程The Training Cycle


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Ineffective Training Practices:Before

没有效果的训练: 训练前

?Training forced on people (they need to want



?Training disconnected from strategic thinking and

job reality


?One size fits all. Lack of tailoring to needs


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Ineffective Training Practices: During

没有效果的训练: 训练中

?We ’re only got them for a short while so let ’s give them

everything we know


?School teaching models (not adult learning models)

像学校式的教学 (不是成人式的教学方式)

?Making people feel good (rather than adding value)

只让人感觉很舒服 (而不是增加他们的知识)

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Ineffective Training Practices:After

没有效果的训练: 训练後

?Participants are brought into a classroom, get excited,

then return to an environment that doesn ’t always match what they have been taught


?Lack of senior management support


?No appreciation for critical mass (too few to affect


不被大多数的人接受 (太少人不能产生影响)

?Intermittent and one-shot training


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Questions We Are Trying To Answer


1.Has the programme satisfied its stated objectives to a

major extent?


2.Has the programme satisfied the personal objectives of

the participants to a major extent?


3.Is the programme cost & time effective to O&M?


4.Have participants put the learning into effective action

on return to work?


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Happy Sheets - The Traditional Approach

快乐表 - 传统的方式

At the end of the programme essentially asks

participants to rate the session on a five point scale and

leave sheet behind on leaving session



Will tell you if participants are unhappy

(e.g. the tone is wrong).

Almost everything else will be clouded

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End Of Course Feedback

(Moving Beyond Happy-Sheets) 课程结束的回应 (除了快乐表以外)

1.Open questionnaire


2.Open-question questionnaire


3.Scoring questionnaires


a) Likert scale (喜好度量表)

b) Semantic differential (语意差异表)

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End Of Course Feedback

(Moving Beyond Happy-Sheets) 课程结束的回应 (除了快桨表以外)

4.Validation questionnaires


5.Action planning


6.Pre-Post questionnaires


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Open Questionnaire

Please make any comments which you feel are

important or significant on any aspects of this

programme . You may wish to add your name

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The Open - Question Questionnaire


Which parts did you find most useful?2.

Which parts did you find least useful?3.

What are your directions for improvement?4.

Which aspects are you most likely to implement?5.Any other comments?

Please add your name if you wish to do so

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Scoring Questionnaire Semantic Differential

Please rate each factor on the scale by marking a cross in the appropriate box


54321Learned a lot

Learned a little Enjoyed the session

Didn ’t enjoy the session Theoretical

Practical Understood everything

Understood nothing Helpful Unhelpful

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Scoring Questionnaire Likert Scale

Please register views on the following statements by ringing the appropriate box

SA =strongly agree D =disagree

A =agree SD =strongly disagree

U =uncertain

At least half the money we spend on training and

SA A U D SD development is wasted because learning is not taken


Too much of our training is BRIAN.

SA A U D SD Senior management don ’t give enough support to T&D.

SA A U D SD We need to put more emphasis on day to day

SA A U D SD coaching on the job.

Sending people overseas for training is an inefficient


use of limited resources

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Validation Questionnaire

1.Did you obtain what you hoped for from this programme ?

Please ring the relevant answer

Yes More than expected Less than expected No

2.How useful did you find the following?

Please ring the relevant score (1 = low to 5 = high)

a.Trainer Types If you gave a rating 1, 2 or 3 please state why you have given this rating.

If you have given a rating or 4 or 5 please state how you intend to use this



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Validation Questionnaire

b.Kolb learning cycle If you gave a rating 1, 2 or 3 please state why you have given this rating.

If you have given a rating or 4 or 5 please state how you intend to use this


c. Process techniques (Buzz groups etc..)If you gave a rating 1, 2 or 3 please state why you have given this rating.

If you have given a rating or 4 or 5 please state how you intend to use this




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Validation Questionnaire

d.End of course feedback

If you gave a rating 1, 2 or 3 please state why you have given this rating.

If you have given a rating or 4 or 5 please state how you intend to use this

learning.3.What specific directions for improvement would you suggest to enhance the

effectiveness of the programme ?


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Validation Questionnaire

4.What was/were the most significant event(s ) for you on the programme . And why?

5.What have you learned from the programme which you intend to put into practise

on your return to work?

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Action Planning

What I intend to do to implement the learning from

this programme How I intend to

do it

With what resources/help By when

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奥美游戏规则 欢迎加入—— 本文是奥美创始人大卫●奥格威对全世界奥美公司新进人员之欢迎致辞,充分传送本公司精髓,若干部分本公司已逐渐形成。反之,亦有部分尚待补强,欢迎大家静思共勉! 希望将来你们在此都很快乐! 理想 —重视品牌之客户所倚重的伙伴 —我们所付出的每一努力,不失为了自己,不失为了公司,甚至不失为了客户,我们的努力权势为了品牌 —我们鼓励个人风格、企业家精神及敢言态度。因为,这些素质是品牌队伍成功的关键 —我们对傲慢嚣张及玩弄政治之徒嗤之以鼻 —我们不但坦诚直率、求真求新、不屈不挠及精明敏锐,更注重人情味。在我们眼中,执著专业原则与注重人情味并行不悖 —我们相信,有时的纪律比无知的放任优胜 —我们对分析及创意同样奖赏有嘉。因为没有分析,我们将不知何去何从;没有创意,我们将无法达到目的、脱颖而出 —自信与自大是一线之差,我们律己以严,务求做到自信而不自大 —我们尊重传销对象的智慧,我们相信“消费者决不是傻子” —我们期望成为客户品牌的管家,对其成功负起责任。因为,对我们来说,惟有建立品牌并使之茁壮成长;惟有让品牌在客户及消费者中更具价 值,才称得上功德圆满 推崇的特质 —努力工作( Work Hard )_ 这点毫无他法可以取代,我们无法容忍懒惰。华铁卢之役的胜利者威尔 顿公爵,除非他处理完所有工作,否则不会家 —主动(Initiative) 常常你会发现,那些在事业上遥遥领先的人,做人毋需别人告诉他才去 做,他们是自我启动者 —有头脑( Brains ) 广告决非笨人的行业——各层面都不适合;但光是有头脑是不够的,您 还必须具备诚实的条件

—善意( Goodwill ) 本公司决定排除任何“勾心斗角、争权夺利”的现象,主张大家都要互相容忍、和善亲切、礼貌和公正坦诚 —高效率(Efficiency) 包括保持办公室的整洁、守时,以及准时完成任务 价值观 —一个工作愉快的地方 你已加入世界上最伟大的代理商之一,奥美不断的成功来自没一成员与我们共甘苦的结果;我们要把这个地方变成一个愉快的工作环境。生命太短暂了,而我们又要花太多的时间在工作上,除了环境外,责无旁贷 —彬彬有礼 身为代理商及每一个体,我们经常因为行为而被评估,彬彬有礼将产生极大差异,您可在下列规则之外,再增加一些: ●尽可能亲自回覆电话,打电话给别人时,永远比对方在花筒这一边 ●在公司进门处欢迎访客,当他们离开时,必须送他们到电梯口 ●无论是客户会议或内部会议,必须严格守时 —我们的客户 获得新客户是令人振奋的,但手上的一只鸟比手上的两只有价值;在奥美,较大荣誉都归属与那些对既有客户提出杰出服务的员工;你应该永远使用客户的产品,我们将因拥有这些正在支持我们的客户而受益 —优秀的员工 因为你不凡的能力,所以我们要求你加入,现在你们也应该分担吸引其他人才进入奥美的责任;试着去雇佣有能力和有欲念取代他们直属主观的人,即使那个主观就是你,你也毫不犹豫 —好公民 我们希望你会将你努力工作、彬彬有礼、卓越能力等特质发挥到公司以外的地方; 一些生活上的基本道德规范、餐桌礼仪应落实在你生活上的每一节; 我们重视和赞许在社区里的好人,他们热心与社区里的公共事物 —卓越 奥美并非最大的广告公司,但却是最好的广告公司之一,当你来此工作,你必须开阔你的视野我们的目的是——追求卓越


奥美内部培训手册,教你轻松写出4A级文案当人拿上笔,思路泉涌,很容易 一鼓作气写出精彩绝伦的艺术品 但这往往脱离了实际,华而不实! 文案的目的是为了转化 文案人员不能创造事实,而是要发现事实 用户只愿意接受自己认知的事,对新事物是排斥的 产品是香薰机,有助于睡眠 自嗨文案:你与优质睡眠,只差一个香薰机 这是事实嘛?一个香薰机就能解决老大难的失眠问题?乍一看很有煽动性,但脱离事实,最后的实际转化率不高 文案不是自嗨,要让用户认同,产生共鸣,通过你的文案,发掘出他本来所忽略,想表达的 4A级顶尖文案怎么写? 顶尖文案都是围绕用户痛点来制作 如何从零开始戳用户痛点? 3个层面10个模型了解下 3个层面 战略:哪里有需求,哪里就有机会,你的产品能满足解决什么需求? 营销:与用户建立联系,把自己当用户,用户在选择你这款产品有什么心理障碍?

文案:激发并唤起痛点 接下来全篇内容,二娃将针对这3个层面进行详细讲解! 战略方面 10大需求模型 低价、便捷性、新颖 可达性、定制化过程、体验 性能、高端、降低风险、理想自我 理想自我:建议消费者做他想做,但没做高大上的事情(如逃离北上广,世界那么大我想去看看) 根据10种模型,匹配自己的产品,获得灵感,每个模型对应自己产品写文案,最后通过需求自检清单看看哪个合适! 比如你的产品是香薰机,那对应低价,文案该怎么写?对应体验,文案该怎么写?既要对应便捷性又要对应性能,文案又该怎么写? 需求自检清单 根据上面的需求模型对应写完后,我们现在有了一大堆文案,接下来就是检查这些文案有没有自嗨,是不是匹配消费者 1.我在帮顾客做他本身想做的事情吗? 2.顾客对现状满意吗? 3.顾客愿意对不满做出改变吗?


“Building A Brand From Scratch 从无到有创建品牌

A Brand Is …品牌是... n A unique combination of three attributes 三种属性的独特组合

A Brand Is …品牌是... l product benefit 产品的好处 –what makes the consumer like the product 什么令消费者喜欢该产品 l brand personality/image 品牌个性/形象 –what makes the consumer trust the product 什么令消费者信任该产品 l consumer needs/beliefs 消费者需求/信念 –what makes the consumer value the product 什么令消费者高度评价该产品

n If we can understand the “connection” between these three attributes, then we can turn a product into a brand 如果我们了解这三种属性之间的“联系”,就能将一个产品转为一个品牌。

This gives us a “framework” for understanding what our brand is, or could be 这给我们提供了一个“架构”去了解我们的品牌是什么、或者会是什么

An Example : Nike 例子:耐克 n Launched in 1974 1974年投放市场 n Sports shoe specialist with worldwide sales of US$877m by 1986 成为运动鞋专家,1986年全球销售收入为八亿七千七百万美元


你不可不知道的13个行销入门概念The 13 Basic Marketing Concepts that you should know Prepared by: Jean Lin Prepared Date: March 2003

行销的定义 Definition of Marketing ?教科书上的定义: “行销是一种兼具社会性和管理性的过程 :在其中,个和团体藉由创造和交换产品 / 劳务,而获得需要及欲望的满足” Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want, through creating and exchanging product and values with others. ~ Philips Kotler ~

行销发生的过程 How Marketing emerges 行销发生的过程: 需要 和欲望Need & Want 市场的 形成 Market 产品 Product 使用 价值感, 满足 Usage value, satisfaction 交换, 交易, 关系 Exchange, transaction relationship 行销活动 和行销者的产生 Marketing & Marketeer

行销的管理 Critical Element in Marketing Management ?在行销发生的过程中,下列元素必须被管理: 需要 和欲望Need & Want 市场的 形成 Market 产品 Product 使用 价值感, 满足 Usage value, satisfaction 交换, 交易, 关系 Exchange, transaction relationship 行销活动 和行销者 的产生 Marketing & Marketeer 目标市场Target Market 产品功能/ 品质 Function & Quality of Product 价格 Pricing 通路 Channel & Place 促销 Promotion 竞争者 Competitors


Ogilvy & Ogilvy & Mather Mather 1 Identify needs 确认需求Design the programme 设计课程 Set objectives 设立目标Select methods of measurement 选定评估方法Measure the change in performance 评估行为 /表现上的改变 Run the programme 执行课程The Training Cycle 训练循环图

Ogilvy & Ogilvy & Mather Mather 2 Train The Trainer Ian Strachan Version 2.1 12/95

Ogilvy & Ogilvy & Mather Mather 3 Six Questions 六个问题 1. How many of you have urgent jobs to do at your desks? 多少人此刻在书桌上有急件待处理? 2. Who was told? however nicely, that attendance at this programme was compulsory? 是否有人告诉你, 这个课程是"强迫性的"? 3. How few of you have a clear idea of the objectives of what is to come? 多少人觉得对下面课程目标有清楚的概念?

Ogilvy & Ogilvy & Mather Mather 4 4. Who amongst you feel that you are pretty good at training already? (Though you are prepared to come along to pass on your experience to those less fortunate)?多少人认为自己对训练人材己经相当有经验了? (你来这里是打算把自己的珍贵经验传 承给别人) 5. Is anyone feeling apprehensive? A bit uncertain? 开始有恐惧和不确定的感觉吗? 6. Is my asking you all these questions making you feel worse? 我问你这些问题让你感觉更糟吗? Six Questions (Cont ’d) 六个问题 (续)


广告行业术语以及4a公司大全 md〈managing director〉--广告公司内的最高统帅,中文惯例译为总经理。 cd〈creative director〉--创作总监。cd的前身,不是撰稿人便是美术设计,因为积累了丰富的经验,并有优异的创作成绩而成为督导。acd〈associated creative director〉--副创作总监。 account director--客户服务总监〈客户部经理〉。 media director--媒介总监〈媒介部经理〉。 ad〈art director〉--美术指导〈在创作部可以独挡一面执行美术指导工作的美术监督〉。 copywriter--撰稿人。 ae〈account executive〉--客户服务人员。 visualizer--插图家〈插画师〉。 studio manager--画房经理。 finish artist--画师。 ae〈account executive〉--预算执行者,负责广告代理商和广告主之

间的一切有关业务,观念,预算,广告表现之联系。 os〈omt sound〉--广告影片中的旁白。 pop〈point of perchase advertising〉--购买时点的广告,大部分消费者买东西时在商店因此也称店头广告。 sp〈sales promotion〉--促销活动。 cis〈corporated identity system〉--企业识别系统。 ci〈corporated identity〉--企业识别。 ci 与cis之区分,在美国原来只购ci,日本加上"s"也就是把ci加以组织化,包括ei,vi,bi,si,成为系统。 ei〈environment identity〉--环境识别。 cs〈customer satisfaction〉--顾客满意度。 si〈store identity〉--商店识别。 usp〈unique saling point〉--独特性的销售主张。 dm〈direct mail〉--广告函件,直接信函,广告主将印刷品以邮寄方式直接寄给特定对象 dm〈direct marketing〉--直接行销,直接与消费者接触的行销方式,如广告信函,人员直接销售
