


Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the “Roof of the World”. It is impressive because of its scenery and lush vegetation. 本文来源:考试大网

Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its modern maritime glacier, the only one of its kind in the southern end of the Northern Hemisphere; Tiger Leaping Gorge; the world - famous grand canyon; Lugu Lake, the cultural cradle of the “Matriarchy” of the Yongning Mosuo people in Ninglang. Lijiang Town is officially called “Dayan Town”——“Dayan” literally means a “great inkstab”, a graphic description of the town’s location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains. There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China.

The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the “Dong Ba Culture” seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique.

All these natural sceneries and these cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in



1. Lijiang 丽江

2. Roof of the World 世界屋脊

3. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 玉龙雪山

4. Tiger-leaping Gorge 虎跳峡

5. Lugu Lake 泸沽湖

6. Dayan Town 大研镇


丽江古城导游词200字5篇 丽江古城位于云南省丽江市古城区,又名大研镇,坐落在丽江坝中部,始建于宋末元初(公元13世纪后期),地处云贵高原。以下是整理的丽江古城导游词200字5篇,欢迎阅读参考! 丽江古城导游词200字(1) 亲爱的游客朋友们大家好,很高兴与大家相聚在美丽的丽江古城。我代表我们“神游”旅行社诚挚地欢迎你们家到来。我是今天的导游员,我的名字非常好记,徐悲鸿的“徐”,大家叫我小徐就行了。在今天的行程中如果有什么需要帮忙的尽管对小徐讲,小徐时刻待命为大家服务。 大家是不是第一次到丽江来啊?(是!)好,我们现在就去揭开丽江神秘的面纱。 丽江古城又名大研镇,与历史文化名城的四川阆中、山西平遥、安徽歙县并称为“保存最为完好的四大古城”。它位于丽江坝中部,北依象山、金虹山、西枕狮子山,东南面临数十里的良田阔野。历史悠久,风光秀美,自然环境雄伟,是古代羌人的后裔、纳西族的故乡。

丽江古城导游词200字(2) 大家好,我是大家的导游,就叫我李导游吧!我来给大家介绍一下丽江古城。 游客们,丽江古城还有一个名字——大研镇。丽江古城位于丽江坝中部。丽江古城经济和战略重地与崎岖的地势巧妙的融合在一起,完美的保存和再现了古朴的风貌。 我们现在来到了丽江古城的大石桥,大石桥为古桥众桥之首,它是由明代的木氏土司所建,因此,从桥下中河水可看到玉龙雪山的倒影,大家可以去看看。 现在,在我们眼前的是白沙民居建筑群。民居铺面沿街设立,一股清泉由北面引入广场,然后融入民居群落,极具特色。 我们的丽江古城一日游就要结束了,剩下的时间里,大家可以去丽江古城的另外一些景点看一看。希望大家能玩的开心。 丽江古城导游词200字(3) 各位旅客朋友大家早上好,盼望许久,终于和大家见面了,很开心。我是你们这一旅程的小伙伴,导游xxx,大家可以叫我小x。看得出来,因长时间的车程,你们已有些许疲劳,但是一路有小黄,再苦也不难。


关于丽江古城英文导游词5篇 导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。以下是小编整理的关于丽江古城英文导游词5篇,欢迎阅读参考! Dear friends: passenger I am your tour guide. My name is green YanQian, you can call me xiaoqing. Today we are going to go to lijiang. Lijiang ancient city is located in the lijiang naxi autonomous county in southwest China's yunnan province, founded in the late 13th century. The ancient city of more than 2400 meters above sea level, since ancient times is known fairs and towns. The ancient city of existing more than 25000 inhabitants. Among them, the naxi nationality for the vast majority of the population, 30% of the residents are still engaged in mainly copper, silver, fur, leather making, brewing traditional handicraft industry and commercial activities. Built on the YuHe water system in the ancient city of lijiang, there are 354 Bridges, the density of the average per 93 square kilometers. Bridge is a famous cui bridge, a lock in, myriad bridge, south gate bridge, saddle, the garden.empress bridge bridge, built in the 14 ~ 19 century. The ancient town of five phoenix tower was built in the Ming dynasty in 1601 AD, 20 meters high. Because of its architectural form like five flying colourful feng, therefore "the five-phoenix towers", in the building also painted on the ceiling of a variety of exquisite patterns. Lijiang has a long history, natural style. Lijiang residence is harmony the han, bai, yi, Tibetan ethnic essence, and has a unique style of the naxi nationality, is the study of Chinese architectural history, culture history, rare heavy heritage. Lijiang is containing the rich traditional culture, is an important historical research of human cultural development. Today's trip to this end, bye bye. Everybody is good! Welcome to the famous old town of lijiang world culture heritage. I am Chen Yihan, you can call me xiao Chen, today by me to accompany you come to lijiang. Lijiang also known as dayan town, it is located in the middle of lijiang dam, xiangshan, Jin Hongshan, west to the north pillow of sierra leone, the fertile land in the southeast face dozens of example. Lijiang is the second batch of approved one of the famous historical and


大理导游词英文版范本 大理导游词英文版范本1: Dali is located in the west of yunnan province, Dali bai autonomous prefecture of state government headquarters. Erhai lake in Dali is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau plain, zhon mountain foothill, shore of erhai lake, the ancient capital city of nanzhao and Dali kingdom, as the ancient yunnan region s political, economic and cultural center, for more than five hundred years. In 1982, Dali by the Chinese government as one of the first batch of 24 national historical and cultural city. The Dali as China s first top ten charm city, is the bai nationality as the main body of ethnic minority areas, covers an area of 1468 square kilometers, the population of the city of 610000 people, including bai accounted for 65%. Governs 10 towns and 1 township, a total of 20 neighborhood committees and 109 administrative villages. The municipal people s government in shimonoseki town. Dali always is permeated with light of languid is lazy. Foreigner that many books in the streets, bars, small gallery,


昆明大理丽江导游词文档6篇Lijiang tour guide in Dali, Kunming 编订:JinTai College

昆明大理丽江导游词文档6篇 前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。本文档根据导游词内容要求和针对旅游地点是云南的特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:昆明大理丽江导游词范文 2、篇章2:昆明大理丽江导游词范文 3、篇章3:昆明大理丽江导游词范文 4、篇章4:丽江的英语导游词范文 5、篇章5:丽江的英语导游词范文 6、篇章6:丽江的英语导游词范文 丽江距昆明527公里,冠誉为风景如画之地,这里屹立着犹如蛟龙凌空的玉龙雪山;躺着当今世界上最窄,最长和落差最深的虎跳峡。下面是为大家带来的昆明大理丽江导游词,希望可以帮助大家。

篇章1:昆明大理丽江导游词范文 丽江古城是个别俱一格的小城。 走进去能感受到不同的风景。在那里可以尽情的享受异 国风光,在那里可以尽情的品尝来自全国各地的风味小吃,在那里还可以坐在小溪边的石阶上,静静地倾听小溪的脚步声。在小溪的流水声中,还可以看到点着蜡烛的小船向你迎面飘来,好像在向你表达爱的祝福。在那里还可以尽情的游览每一条街,当你穿过每一条小巷时,都能感受到不同的文化气息和来自全国各地的民族工艺品、现代艺术品、抽象艺术品伴随着你,让你的眼睛应接不暇。夜晚,每间小屋里都闪烁着五彩斑斓的灯光。在酒吧和茶楼,游客们可以尽情地享乐。真的无法形容游客们的心情。 走进丽江古城就好像进入了人间不一样的一个境地,会 让你留连忘返,尽情购物、尽情品味一切生活。 当我和妈妈要离开她时,真是恋恋不舍,一步三回头。 妈妈还说:“等我以后老了,我一定要重新回来,我要创作一些画,我还要写一些诗来赞美她。” 长大以后,如果我成为一位诗人,我要用最美的诗句来 赞美她。如果我是一个画家,我要用我的画笔描绘出一幅幅五


丽江古城导游词500字大全 进了丽江古城,就看到四方街。四方街如蛛网似的交错,东南西北各有通往它的一条路。下面是丽江古城导游词500字,希望可以帮到大家。 篇一:丽江古城导游词500字 大家好! 欢迎各位来到号称"世界遗产"的丽江古城。 游客们,现在我们来到丽江古城。也许游客们会问我,城门在什么地方。其实,丽江古城是没有城门的,这是因为纳西族的头领(在丽江古城里面住着的人大部分都是纳西族的,所以头领的本人也是纳西族的。)姓"木",如果加上城门和城墙的意思就是"困"字了,所以就是因为这个原因才没有建筑城门和城墙。 游客们,我们现在来到了丽江古城中最有名的街道:四方街。这条四方街如蛛网般交错的,东南西北各有一条出路,这样说明这条四方街很繁华。地面是由五彩石铺成的,所以非常坚固,如果你用脚踏上去,就会发出非常清脆的声音。四方街上的客栈(酒店)都是没有相同的,如果你在客栈(酒店)上转几圈,你绝对会知道这些客栈的不同之处。 游客们,丽江古城还有一个特别习俗,那就是放河灯。放河灯是一种古老的习俗,据说每天晚上黑龙潭的龙王会顺着河水巡游古城,放一盏河灯不仅能保护古城的平安,更能使自己和家人得到龙王的保护,而在今后日子里吉祥如意、心想事成。听了这一个传说赶快放一盏河灯许一个心愿吧。 游客们,丽江古城到处有美丽的景色,说也说不尽,希望你们会喜欢这些景色。欢迎下次再来。

篇二:丽江古城导游词500字 大家好! 欢迎各位来到号称"世界遗产"的丽江古城。 游客们,现在我们来到丽江古城。也许游客们会问我,城门在什么地方。其实,丽江古城是没有城门的,这是因为纳西族的头领(在丽江古城里面住着的人大部分都是纳西族的,所以头领的本人也是纳西族的。)姓"木",如果加上城门和城墙的意思就是"困"字了,所以就是因为这个原因才没有建筑城门和城墙。 游客们,我们现在来到了丽江古城中最有名的街道:四方街。这条四方街如蛛网般交错的,东南西北各有一条出路,这样说明这条四方街很繁华。地面是由五彩石铺成的,所以非常坚固,如果你用脚踏上去,就会发出非常清脆的声音。四方街上的客栈(酒店)都是没有相同的,如果你在客栈(酒店)上转几圈,你绝对会知道这些客栈的不同之处。 游客们,丽江古城还有一个特别习俗,那就是放河灯。放河灯是一种古老的习俗,据说每天晚上黑龙潭的龙王会顺着河水巡游古城,放一盏河灯不仅能保护古城的平安,更能使自己和家人得到龙王的保护,而在今后日子里吉祥如意、心想事成。听了这一个传说赶快放一盏河灯许一个心愿吧。 游客们,丽江古城到处有美丽的景色,说也说不尽,希望你们会喜欢这些景色。欢迎下次再来。 篇三:丽江古城导游词500字


云南大理苍山洱海英文导游词 关键词:英语学习-云南大理苍山洱海英文导游词 Fellow friends: Hello! Toured the Dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; Now we watch the CangshanErhai, understands the Dali"s America of scenery. First, we ride the yacht to go to the Erhai park. The Erhai park othername group mountain park, is l ocated the Hsiakuan city northeast 2kilometers place groups mountains. North it near ocean waves Wan QingErhai, west and Cangshan SouthEnd setting sun peak relative. WhenNanzhao country, here is king"s deer park. In 1976 here newly wardedoff for the park, Occupiesdi 1,600 Chinese acres. On the mountain has thezoo and the plant nursery flower-bed, broadly plants the Dali areaeach kind of precious flower different plant, is very good rests placeof the tour. Now the pleasure boat to the Erhai park near the sea causeway, we cameashore to the ship, this is under the group foot of a hill Binhai tourarea along 270 multistage stone steps AscendsLevel on, we arrive the summit.Everybody looked that, this Curls upwardsAngle upturned eave pavilion is looks thesea building, the eave hangs from above the plaque, submits a writtenstatement: Jade Er silver dark green ", the black bottom goldcharacter, vigorous is classically elegant, it is the Chinese inadmiration of somebody"s fame painter Wu Zuoren"s writing skill. Looksthe sea building is understands "the jade Er silver dark green"happiest extent, leans against a railing looks out into the distance:East side Erhai vast, boundless, west Cangshan is continuous,luxuriant is gray. Fellow friends, let us go on board once more, roams through to Erhaiin. But I first must to everybody introduction be actually amCangshan. Formerly, we in the Dali city, under on the dark green footof a hill road, have not been able to look at carefully the Cangshangrand appearance well. Just like the ancient said "does not know thetruth about the matter, only reason body in this mountain"; Looks thesea building in the Erhai park, the angle of view Inclines, also onlycan see the Cangshan terminal. Now, unceasingly leads the way alongwith the pleasure boat, in our eye Cangshan is not clearer? Somepeople said that, a Hengduan pulse condition great arm, the Tibetplateau extended west Yunnan from "the roof of the world" to thesouth, Cangshan was in this world famous sierra a cloud range branch.


云南丽江古城导游词3篇 丽江古城又名大研镇,又"东方威尼斯"之称,它位于丽江坝中部,北依象山、金红山,西枕狮子山,东南面临数十米的良田阔野。下面是带来的云南丽江古城导游词,希望可以帮到大家。 篇一:云南丽江古城导游词 尊敬的各位游客你们好!今天我们要游览丽江古城,希望你们能在丽江古城留下美好的回忆! 各位游客我们正漫步丽江古城,大家看,我们周围是鳞次栉比的纳西风格的民居,清清的溪流国巷,一座座小桥如彩虹横跨小溪,一排排垂柳在清风中摇曳,还有更好的呢!大家跟我往前走,看着两旁古城中,店铺林立各式商品应有尽有,尤其是那各式的光亮铜器,一直都是广大游客为之称道的。好了下面请大家慢慢欣赏吧,可千万别掉队呀! 游客们,你们知道不知道丽江自古就是重要的政治经济中心,四方街丽江木府是丽江历史的见证。说道木府,传说中丽江世袭土司为木姓,木字若加上框即成困,木府便因忌讳而不设墙。中国明代旅行家徐霞客曾在丽江游记中写道"宫室丽,拟于王者""民房群落,瓦屋栉比"是对当年丽江故都之繁荣景观的写照。 各位游客朋友,今天丽江古都一日游马上就要结束了,大家玩的开心吗?还要注意环保,不要乱丢垃圾。希望下次还能为大家做导游!

篇二:云南丽江古城导游词 大家好,我是你们的导游,我姓彭,大家可以可以叫我小彭。今天,我要带大家去丽江古城游览。 走进古城一看,你们就会大吃一惊,因为这著名的古城竟然没有城墙和城门!原来,纳西族首领姓木,他觉得城门和城墙立起来的话,就变成了一个"困"字,认为很不吉利,便没有让城门与城墙耸立起来。 沿着小路走,就会渐渐进入丽江古城。只见路旁的建筑物泛着古老又陈旧的气息,每一片瓦都充满了以前的气味。脚下,逐渐变成了晶莹剔透的五彩砖。那五彩砖光彩夺目,使人联想到那位补天女神。几百年以来,人行马踏,雨水一冲,这里便充满灵气,有了诗意。大家可以认真地想一想,说不定一会儿就成诗人了呢! 穿过小巷,就来到了热闹非凡的大街。在鳞次栉比的茶坊酒楼里与充满纳西族风味的小吃店门口,有慕名而来的各地游客;在纪念品店门前,人们冥思苦想;在服装店门前,人们有的忍痛割爱,有的如愿以偿。真是应有尽有! 丽江古城真是一个美丽而热闹的地方啊!希望您能把这次旅行作为永恒记忆,同时也希望您能把丽江古城的美丽带给您的家人。 篇三:云南丽江古城导游词 各位游客,大家好,我是你们的导游陈晓虞,今天,将由


丽江的英文导游词介绍 Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the "Roof of the World". It is impressive because of its scenery and lush vegetation. Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its modern maritime glac ier, the only one of its kind in the southern end of the Northern Hemisphere; Tiger Leaping Gorge; the world - famous grand canyon; Lugu Lake, the cultural cradle of the "Matriarchy" of the Yongning Mosuo people in Ninglang. Lijiang Town is officially called "Dayan Town"——"Dayan" literally means a "great inkstab", a graphic description of the town’s location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains. There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China. The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the "Dong Ba Culture" seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique. All these natural sceneries and these cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in China. Notes: 1. Lijiang 丽江 2. Roof of the World 世界屋脊 3. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 玉龙雪山 4. Tiger-leaping Gorge 虎跳峡 5. Lugu Lake 泸沽湖 6. Dayan Town 大研镇


大理苍山洱海英文导游词 大理白族自治州地处云南省中部偏西,海拔2090米,地处低纬高原,四季温差不大,干湿季分明,以低纬高原季风气候为主,境内以苍山、洱海、大理古城、崇圣寺、蝴蝶泉、三塔等景点最有代表性。 大理苍山洱海英文导游词 fellow friends: hello! toured the dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; now we watch the cangshanerhai, understands the dali's america of scenery. first, we ride the yacht to go to the erhai park. the erhai park othername group mountain park, is l ocated the hsiakuan city northeast 2kilometers place groups mountains. north it near ocean waves wan qingerhai, west and cangshan southend setting sun peak relative. whennanzhao country, here is king's deer park. in 1976 here newly wardedoff for the park, occupiesdi 1,600 chinese acres. on the mountain has thezoo and the plant nursery flower-bed, broadly plants the dali areaeach kind of precious flower different plant, is very good rests placeof the tour. now the pleasure boat to the erhai park near the sea causeway, we cameashore to the ship, this is under the group


丽江英文导游词 【篇一:介绍丽江英语版】 the most beautiful in lijiang have you ever seen a tv play called mufu fengyun? do you know where did these actors act? yes,it is lijiang , a beautiful shining jewel on the northwest yunnan plateau, [pl??to] embraces a history spanning more than 1,300 years and features [fi:t??z] ,and some of the most beautiful, lush [l??] scenery [?sin?ri] with pleasant weather all year round. lijiang is located [l???ke?t?d] in jinsha river upstream, has a long history, beautiful scenery, magnificent natural environment, is of the seed of the qiang, ancient naxi hometown. the old town of lijiang elevation 2400 meters, lijiang naxi nationality autonomous county is the center of the city, is one of chinas historical and cultural city, is the national key scenic. lijiang is a beautiful city, autumn is the most beautiful season in lijiang, the fall, the sky, the colorful trees and flowers, set off over the jade dragonsnow mountain relaxed and happy. water bridge the somebody else, flowing streams from the snow-capped mountains of snow melt and come, so clear, cool and refreshing. and lijiang also has many tourist attractions, including the jade dragon snow mountain, lugu lake and tiger leaping gorge. the jade dragon snow mountain is the southern most glacier rising 5,600 meters above the plains. about one fourth of all plant species in china can be found here. and the mountain offers a number of fantastic natural spots which are outstandingly beautiful tiger leaping gorge is one the narrowest gorges in the world. it is only about 30 meters across in the narrowest place. there is legend that a tiger can leap across the river with a single jump. lugu lake is one of the deepest fresh water lakes in china. lugu lake is 2690 meters above the sea level, making it the highest lake in yunnan province. being fascinating with its natural beauty, it is also outstanding for mosuo culture. lijiang is the gateway to many tourist attractions, including ja well-preserved ancient buildings. the aged wooden buildings decked with hanging red lanterns, and local musicians playing


丽江导游词范文3篇 丽江市位于云南省西北部云贵高原与青藏高原的连接部位。导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 丽江导游词范文1:丽江是中国有名的旅游圣地,当地的少数民族是全国最多的,所以名胜古迹/民族风俗极其丰富,而且电视/电影等采景拍片丽江经常可以看见,出去游玩要的就是这种感觉。来丽江古城我有两个建议,一个就是不要跟团,一个就是不要住酒店,因为你是来旅游而不是休养,你是来体验纳西特色,而非上海某个高级酒店。 丽江周边主要的景区有被喻为冰川公园的玉龙雪山,无拘无束美丽原始的泸沽湖,湿地候鸟群聚的拉市海,穿越原始森林的茶马古道,空旷草原的香格里拉,未被征服的神山梅里雪山,丹霞地貌的千龟山,丰富植被生态的老君山,徒步圣地的虎跳峡,祖祖辈辈生活在一块巨石的石头村等等。 丽江的文艺演出主要有鲁班鲁饶、丽水金沙、纳西古乐、印象丽江;纳西歌曲主要有打跳歌,东巴吉日经,纳西酒歌等等。 建议来丽江不要参加什么丽江X日游,那样会跟赶鸭子似的,一点都没有游玩的乐趣了,即使你第一次来丽江玩,只要找到信任得过的客栈老板提供游玩建议也足够了,既省钱又好玩。客栈可组织四日路线左右的拼团名额。 建议不要骑马上雪山,建议即使要去三千米以上的高海拔景点,

也必须在丽江游玩修整几天以便适应高原反应的过渡期。不同季节适合玩不同的景点,我们客栈会给你一些游玩建议的,丽江的自然风景很多,适合多次游玩,建议不要一次就想玩遍所有著名景点,一方面时间精力有限,另一方面如果遇到某个景点季节不对的时候去游玩它,反而会失去真正体验经典的乐趣,比如十月份的玉龙雪山经常被雾挡住,这时候你走马观花地玩一遍也照样没意思,那个季节需要天气大晴雪山才能玩得好。还不如先玩季节适合的景点,不适合的景点下次再来游玩。 需要提醒的一点是,请抱以宽容的心态理解当地相对简陋的生活设施,尊重少数民族的民俗习惯。丽江周边虽然自然风光比较迷人,但是出行游玩仍然受天气变化以及个人喜好等因素影响,请适度做好一些心理准备为妙。 去景区游玩,最好是找信任得过的客栈老板代为联系包车等事宜,因为客栈是靠回头客和口碑来持续经营,所以会为客人负责到底,我们客栈强烈不建议在下雨期间出去玩,也不建议出来玩象赶鸭子似的把时间安排得太紧,比如这段时间雪山经常有雾挡着但却适合骑马,那就先去拉市海或香格里拉之类,下次再去看雪山呗,花四五百块钱看到一团雾岂不是照样没意思。丽江其实自然风景很多,选择季节适合的景点游玩才会开心,没必要太过于强求。 丽江导游词范文2:说到丽江古城,我至今都记忆犹新。古色古香的小城,热情淳朴的丽江人,让我难以忘怀……今天我要带大家来到这里,和我一起领略丽江古城那独一无二的风采!


丽江的英语导游词文档6篇Lijiang's English guide words 编订:JinTai College

丽江的英语导游词文档6篇 前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。本文档根据导游词内容要求和针对旅游地点是云南的特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:丽江的英语导游词范文 2、篇章2:丽江的英语导游词范文 3、篇章3:丽江的英语导游词范文 4、篇章4:丽江的导游词范文 5、篇章5:丽江的导游词范文 6、篇章6:丽江的导游词范文 丽江古城拥有种类繁多的非物质文化遗产资源,独具特色,悠久古老。下面是为大家带来的丽江的英语导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 篇章1:丽江的英语导游词范文

Lijiang ancient city is located in lijiang city in southwest China's yunnan province, lijiang also known as dayan town, is located in the middle of lijiang dam, with the same as the second batch of national historical and cultural city of sichuan LangZhong rapidly, pingyao in shanxi, anhui and referred to as "the four ancient city of the most preserved" dayan ancient city is a city without walls, smooth and clean green flag road, completely hand- built civil housing structure, ubiquitous Bridges. Dayan ancient city is a strong cultural atmosphere of the town, under the bright sunshine, there will always be walking slowly in the elderly leisurely paced naxi old man, dressed in Tibetan history full of indigo blue clothes, wearing the red army period of octagonal cap, blind eyes, to see behind the eyes. Lijiang ancient and the street of the city of mountain was built, mostly covered with red breccia, not muddy rainy season and dry season also won't fly ash, natural elegant stone decorative pattern design,


丽江导游词范文600 丽江导游词范文1 大家好!欢迎各位来到号称“世界遗产”的丽江古城游玩。 我们随着悠悠的玉泉水,就来到了被称为“高原姑苏”和“东方威尼斯”的丽江古城。丽江古城又叫大研镇,它是保存最好的四大古城之一,也是其中唯一没有城墙的古城。为什么呢?据说是丽江最早的统治者姓“木”,如“木”加框,就变成“困”,因此就没给古城建造城墙。 古城形成于南宋后期,已经有八百多年的悠久文化历史了,面积3.8平方公里,常住人口约三万人。1986年成为国家级历史文化名城,1997年又被列入世界文化遗产。丽江古城除了同苏州古城一样具有“小桥、流水、人家”的特色外,还在古城选址、街道和房屋布局、纳西民居等方面别具一格。 瞧!这是一对水车,有人叫它“子母水车”,还有人叫它“情人水车”。 看!那位纳西族老人,他穿着传统的蓝色民族服装,头戴红军帽,在悠闲的散步,呀!还向我们招手呢。

好凉快呀!原来是身后的水龙柱喷出来的泉水,龙是管水的,而古城里木建筑最怕火,但水能克火,这水龙柱预示着不让古城着火的意思。千百年来,这里的人们守护着这座美丽的古城。也请各位游客爱护古城,不要乱扔垃圾,保护环境。 丽江古城还有一个特别的习俗,那就是放河灯。放河灯是一种古老的习俗,据说每天晚上,黑龙潭的龙王会顺着河水巡游古城,放一盏河灯,不仅能保护古城的平安,更能使自己和家人得到龙王的保护,并在今后日子里吉祥如意、心想事成。听了这一个传说,大家赶快放一盏河灯,许一个心愿吧! 现在,我们来到了丽江古城最有名的街道――四方街。这条四方街如蛛网般交错,东南西北各有一个出口。街道的地面是由五彩石铺成的,非常坚固,你用脚踏上去,就会发出非常清脆的声音。四方街非常繁华,街上的客栈没有相同的`,如果你在客栈上转几圈,你绝对会知道这些客栈的不同之处。 游客们,丽江古城到处都有美丽的景色,说也说不尽,希望你们会喜欢这些景色。欢迎大家下次再来!再见! 丽江导游词范文2 大家好,欢迎来到丽江,我是你们的导游黄思祺,今天我们将要游览的是丽江古城,大家跟我一起出发吧!


云南丽江古城的导游词范文(精选4篇)云南丽江古城的导游词范文(精选4篇) 作为一名具备丰富知识的导游,有必要进行细致的导游词准备工作,导游词的主要特点是口语化,此外还具有知识性、文学性、礼节性等特点。那么你有了解过导游词吗?以下是为大家收集的云南丽江古城的导游词范文(精选5篇),仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 今天我们来到风景秀丽的云南丽江古城。丽江古城位于玉龙雪山脚下,丽江古城的一大特点是没有城墙。请问各位游客,您见过那座古城没有城墙呢?恐怕没有吧。这就是丽江古城的最大特点。原来,因为丽江古城的首领姓木,他想,木围上就围墙不就是困了。他觉得这个字不吉利。就不要围墙了。可能有的人要问了,如果没有围墙,可能就会受到异族的侵略了。到那时没有防范措施怎么办?这个不用担心,丽江古城是四面环山,山又很高。可以将山当作最大的围墙。所以不用担心异族的攻击。 现在,我们看到丽江古城的两座大风车,他们叫母子轮。大的是妈妈,小的是儿子,怎么样,形象吧?我们在向前走,这个广场就是四方街了。四方街是一条历史悠久的街道。它可是茶马古道的必经之路。在这我们顺便讲讲茶马古道的故事。茶马古道是一条运盐巴,茶叶的道路,它从香格里拉一直到西藏。因为路上很危险,运输的队

伍又经常遇险或被异族的人抢了货物杀害。所以,至今还有很多人记得他们。 再往前走,这座八角宝塔型的建筑就是丽江古城的木府。它是丽江首领居住的地方,所以人们现在一直还保留着。丽江古城的景点很多,一定要细细游览。 各位朋友,欢迎来到中国的威尼斯丽江古城。 丽江古城坐落在玉龙雪山下丽江坝子的中部,全城面积达3.8平方公里,常住人口约3万人,其中纳西族超过16900人。因为周围青山环绕,城中碧水滢滢,宛如一方碧玉大砚而取名为大研镇。它是中国历史文化名城中唯一没有城墙的古城,以四周个的高山为天然屏障。据说这是因为丽江世袭 ___姓木,筑城墙势必如木字加框,而成困字,木氏土司因忌讳而不设城墙。古城是一座风景秀丽、历史悠久和文化灿烂的名城,也是中国罕见的保存最为完整、最具纳西族风格的古代城镇。丽江古城的纳西名称叫依西芝,意思为金沙江江湾中的集镇,又叫巩本芝,意思为仓库集镇,由此可以知道它是以从事经济贸易发展起来的。导游带团软件 古城始建于南宋后期,距今约有800年的历史了。历代均为滇西北的政治、军事重镇和纳西、汉、藏等各民族经济文化交往的枢纽。
