

简爱独立人格发展的分析Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Independent Character



Abstract (1)

Key words (1)

ⅠIntroduction (2)

Ⅱ Charlotte Bronte with Her Works (2)

ⅢVictorian Period Ideal of Woman (3)

ⅣAn alysis of Jane Eyre’s Independent Character Development.... .. (4)

4.1 At Gateshead, Jane Eyre Began to Realize the Importance of

Self-reliance (4)

4.2 At Lowood Institution, Jane Eyre Began to Form Her Independent

Character (6)

4.3 At Thornfield, Jane Eyre Gained Her Independence and Showed It

Fully (7)

4.4 At Moor House, Jane Eyre Enjoyed the Pleasure of Self-sufficiency (10)

ⅤConclusion (11)

References (13)









Abstract: In the history of English literature in the 19th century, C harlotte Bronte’s novel Jane Eyre was called a successfull work. In that period, many women

were not satisfied with their social status and began to fight for their right of

independence, equality and freedom. In this novel, Charlotte Bronte creates a

heroine who defies the conventions of both fiction and society. The main line

of the story follows Jane’s quest for her real identity and liberty in five stages,

which correspond respectively to five houses: Gateshead, Lowood, Thornfield,

Moor House, and Ferndean. Each stage is supervised by “a dominant male

figure and each home is experienced as an enclosed world from which Jane

must break out as the promise of protection gives way to the desire for growth

and liberty”.Jane Eyre struggled to acquire her self-respect, independence,

dignity and self-sufficiency at every stage of her life, both in struggling with

social pressure, maltreatment, discrimination and in resisting the temptation of

passion. This paper analyzes the different stages of Jane Eyre’s independent

character development.

Key Words: Jane Eyre; independent character; self-sufficiency; justice; feminism

I. Introduction

Many people must be well known with Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre has made a strong impression on most of the readers. Jane Eyre is not only Charlotte Bronte’s best l iterary work but also one of the best created characters in all literature of world. If we only think Jane Eyre is a love story, I think that is not correct. The author was a woman, and she lived in Victorian period of the 19th century. At that time, ideal woman had a new start—independent consciousness of woman. Just let us make an assumption, if the independence of Jane Eyre was early killed in her childhood; without her independence, she would marry with Mr. Rochester even though he had a wife; If she became mistress of Mr.Rochesrer, she would possess treasure and social status; without her pureness, we would not be affected by this story, and Jane Eyre could not became classical too. Therefore, we should think over why Jane Eyre made us so much affected, because of her independent character. The development of Jane Eyre’s character has been the major key to the novel. Through the analysis of the novel, we can see the miserable predicament of English women at that time and their strong desire of seeking for equal social position as men.

At the same time, Charlotte Bronte also criticized the hypocrisy of England charities. Just as Charlotte Bronte said, “Conventionality is not morality. Self-righteousness is not religion. To attack the first is not to assail the last. To pluck the mask from the face of the Pharisee is not to lift an impious hand to the Crown of thorns” (Charlotte Bronte, 2003: P2). In the 19th century, many women were not satisfied with their social status and began to fight for their right of independence, equality and freedom. Charlotte Bronte attacked the Victorian conventions and morals in this novel. The Independent Character of Jane Eyre became the famous woman’s role in society. This paper analyzes that Jane Eyre’s independent character development stages.

Ⅱ. Charlotte Bronte with Her Works

Charlotte Bronte was not pretty. She was plain and little, but her name was put in the first page of the history of English literature in the 19th century because of the success of Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte was born in Thornton, Yorkshire in 1816. She was Celtic blood. When she was young, she was sent to a school for clergymen’s daughters. Her sisters died there due to the poor and unhealthy conditions. This experience inspired the later portrayal of Lowood School in Jane Eyre. As she grew up, she worked either as a

teacher or a governess in some private families. “Charlotte Bronte’s book, the professor, based on her Brussels experiences, was refused by a publisher and was not published until after her death. Undiscouraged, she set to work on a new novel, Jane Eyre, which was published in August, 1847. This poetic, imaginative story of the love of a young governess for her married employer. It was an immediate success with both readers and most of the critics. For some years Charlotte Bronte has written her works, Shirler, (1849), Villette, (1853), but Jane Eyre was the most successful and popular one” (吴伟仁, 2004: P233 ). All Charlotte’s novels were successful, and she occasionally broke her Yorkshire seclusion for a visit to London, where she was something of a celebrity, once her real identity was known. Among the friendships she formed there was one with Thackeray, to whom she had abdicated Jane Eyre. She had several proposals of marrying her father’s curate, the Rev.Arthur Bell Niahols. Her health was already poor, and after a few months of marriage a cold which she caught during pregnancy brought about her death on March 31, 1855, at thirty-nine, the last of the Bronte children.

In fact, Charlotte Bronte made herself as a prototype in Jane Eyre. It was created successfully a new woman in 19th century. In this novel, Charlotte Bronte used the first person to describe the heroine’s inner feeling. Jane Eyre voice d the author’s radical opinions on religion, social class, and gender. Jane Eyre, who was plain but continually strives to become stronger, and has courage to fight continuously for freedom and equality in the male society. Their experiences are very similar. In this novel, Charlotte Bronte said: “I will show you a heroine as plain and as small as myself.” She modeled Lowood, and two of her sisters died of tuberculosis there, so does Helen Burns at Lowood. John Reed’s descent into gambling and alcoholism parallels the behavior of Jane Eyre’s beloved brother, Branwell, whose early promise had degenerated into drunkenness and sloth, died.

Ⅲ. Victorian Period Ideal of Woman

In the Victorian socia l and cultural context, woman was defined as ‘pure, dependent and the other.’In Martha Vicinus’s introduction to an anthology of essays on the Victorian woman, she points out that the Victorian “perfect lady” should conform to the following ideal model of femininity: Before marriage, a young girl was brought up to be perfectly innocent and sexually ignorant. Once married, the perfect lady did not work. Her social and intellectual growth was confined to the family and close friends. Her status was totally dependent upon the economic position of her father and then her husband. Throughout the Victorian period the ‘perfect lady’ as an ideal of femininity was tenacious and

all-pervasive. The married women, as Vicinus mentions, within the Victorian culture were confined to the domestic sphere. As to the duties of women, that woman had to sacrifice herself to serve her husband and children and to some extent she must be “enduringly, incorruptibly good, instinctively, infallibly wise—wise not for self-development, but for self-renunciation, wise not with the narrowness of insolent and loveless pride, but with the passionate gentleness of an infinitely variable… modesty of service”. She should be restricted to the domesticity to offer the modest service for her husband, and set up a good model to guide her children. Furthermore, she should be educated, but the purpose of it is to make her capable of appreciating the conversation of her husband, rather than share her own feelings with him.

A woman, in any rank of life, ought to know whatever her husband is likely to know, but to know it in a different way. To sum up, the Victorian women were submissive wives for their husbands and good mothers for their children. Jane Eyre, as a new image of woman, struggled to acquire her self-respect, independence, dignity and self-sufficiency at every stage of her life, both in struggling with social pressure, maltreatment, discrimination and in resisting the temptation of passion. This novel was whoop of Charlotte Bronte to the Victorian conventions and morals.

Ⅳ. Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Independent Character Development

4.1 At Gateshead, Jane Eyre Began to Realize the Importance of Self-reliance

Jane Eyre was an orphan. Both her father and mother had died when Jane was a baby, and the little girl passed into the care of Mrs. Reed of Gateshead Hall. Mrs. Reed was her aunt. At Gateshead Hall Jane knew ten years of neglect and abuse. They looked down upon her. Because she was not pretty, she could never evoke the sympathy from others. Just because of these, she began to realize that she would to be independent, which was very important to her. So at first, she could not keep in silence when she was maltreated. She hit back. When John Reed scorned and beat her unreasonably, she did not retreat but strike him. This was her first rebellion. When the servant blamed Jane Eyre did not strike John Reed, because he was her young master. Jane Eyre retorted: “Master! How is he my master? Am I a servant?”(Charlotte Bronte, 2003: P9). Mrs. Reed p unished her and Jane Eyre was closed in red-room where her uncle died. In red-room, she considered “All John Reed’s violent tyrannies, all his sisters’ proud indifference, and his entire mother’s aversion, all the servants’ partiality, turned up in my dist urbed mind like a dark deposit in

a turbid well. Why was I always suffering, always browbeaten, always accused, for ever condemned? Why could I never please? Why was it useless to try to win any one’s favour? Eliza, who was headstrong and selfish, was respected. Georgiana, who had a spoiled temper, a very acrid spite, a captious and insolent carriage, was universally indulged. Her beauty, her pink cheeks and golden curls, seemed to give delight to all who, looked at her, and to purchase indemnity for every fault. John no one thwarted, much less punished; though he twisted the necks of the pigeons, killed the little pea-chicks, set the dogs at the sheep, stripped the hothouse vines of their fruit, and broke the buds off the choicest plants in the conservatory: he called his mother’ old girl,’ too; sometimes reviled her for her dark skin, similar to his own; bluntly disregarded her wishes; not infrequently tore and spoiled her silk attire; and he was still ‘her own darling. ’I dared commit no fault: I strove to fulfill every duty; and I was termed naughty and tiresome, sullen and sneaking, from morning to noon, and from noon to night. My head still ached and bled with the blow and fall I had received: no one had reproved John for wantonly striking me; and because I had turned against him to avert farther irrational violence, I was loaded with general opprobrium. ‘Unjust!—unjust!’ said my reason, forced by the agonizing stimulus into precocious though transitory power: and resolve, equally wrought up, instigated some strange expedient to achieve escape from insupportable oppression—as running away, or, if that could not be effected, never eating or drinking more, and letting myself die” (Charlotte Bronte, 2003: P13-14). When she suffered from the humiliation of being criticized by everyone. She dared to protect herself. She did not submit. Her behavior did commend to girl of ten year old. Because of this devastation, Jane Eyre rose in revolt. In Mrs. Reed’s eye, Jane is an uncongenial alien who permanently intruded on her own family group. For the Reeds, Jane is an unwelcome intruder. Therefore, Mrs. Reed told her children not to go near Jane Eyre, but Jane Eyre cried out and without at all deliberating on her words: “They are not fit to associate with me”! When Aunt Reed told Mr. Brocklehurst that Jane Eyre was a liar. Jane had a face to face conflict with her aunt. She told straight to her aunt’s face, “I am not deceitful: if I were , I should say I love you; but I declare I do not love you : I dislike you the worst of anybody in the world except John Reed”;“I am glad you are no relation of mine: I will never call you aunt again so long as I live, I will never come to see you when I am grown up; and if any one asks me how I liked you, and how you treated me, I will say the very thought of you makes me sick, and that you treated me with miserable cruelty”. “You think I have no feelings and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness; but I cannot live so: and you have no pity. I shall remember how you thrust me back---into the red-room, and locked me up there, to my

dying day; though I was in agony; though I cried out, while suffocating with distress, ‘Have mercy! Have mercy, Aunt Reed! And that punishment you made me suffer because your wicked boy struck me----knocked me down for nothing. I will tell anybody who asks me questions, this exact tale. People think you a good woman, but you are bad, hard-hearted. You are deceitful” (Charlotte Bronte, 2003: P45- 46).This was the first time Jane uses self--narration to resist being misrepresented, and the first time Jane enjoyed the sense of freedom and triumph by exercising power over authority. Gateshead was a shelter for Jane Eyre, which taught her a lot of things. She hated Gateshead, hated everyone there. When she decided to be independent,self-reliance was in her mind. So she would like to be sent to a low budget orphan school called Lowood Institution by Aunt Reed.

Jane’s imprisonment in the red room is a punishment for her display of anger and passion. Therefore, the red room here symbolizes a jail used to imprison the rebellious girl, to separate her from the outer world, and to calm her down: When imprisoned in the red room, Jane is badly scared by the supposed ghost of her uncle and strongly desires that Mrs. Reed could release her. But Mrs. Reed doesn’t do it. It means that Mrs. Reed plays the role of the representative of the Victorian patriarchy to supervise Jane into the ideal girlhood— passive, innocent and silenced. The author not only scolded the interpersonal relationship and coldness of the England bourgeoisie upper class, but also reveals the pretence of the inflexible men. They appeared as the benefactor in their family, and they always think highly of themselves, looking down upon the women. They are always adding their will and behavior to female, never to consider the women's own thoughts and their views.

4.2 At Lowood Institution, Jane Eyre Began to Form Her Independent Character

Jane Eyre was a kind girl. She pursued justice. In Lowood, Mr. Brockehurst, the superintendent of the institute was such a rude and mean person and he had tried to wipe off the girls’ nature of loving beauty and almost ha d got rid of all the girls’ right. The poor girls were not allowed to get much food, and they were basically hungry. Jane didn’t submit to it. She gained her strength from her teacher and her fellow students to achieve her independence. When Mr. Brockehurst declared Jane Eyre was a liar to the students. She suffered the humiliation in spirit. She was very sad, but she did not give up her pursuit. Finally, she gained trust from Miss Temple and other people to achieve her independence. The poor environment had taught Jane Eyre that independence was a very important thing for her. And she also had learned that she could struggle for the independence by rebelling the prejudice, unjustness and maltreatment. This was a distinguished difference between

Jane Eyre and her fellow Helen Burns. Helen Burns was Jane Eyre’s good friend. Because of Brocklehurst used religion to gain power and to control others’ ideal and action. Helen Burns did not dare to fight. When Helen was be flogged and punished in the middle of a room in front of people. Jane thought that Helen Burns should turn against others when she was bullied; she said, “And if I were in your place I should dislike her; I should resist her. If she struck me with that rod, I should get it from her hand; I should break it under her nose”(Charlotte Bronte, 2003: P73). “A great deal: you are good to those who are good to you. It is all ever desire to be. If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust, the wicked people would have it all their own way: they would never feel afraid, and so they would never alter, but would grow worse and worse, when we are struck at without a reason, we should strike against very hard; I am sure we should—so hard as to teach the person who struck us never to do it again”(Charlotte Bronte, 2003: P76). We can believe that if she was right and reasonable, she would do it without any hesitation. On the other hand, Jane learned self-control from Helen Burns. It was not violence that best overcomes hatred, nor vengeance that most certainly heals injury. Helen Burns told Jane Eyre, “Yet it would be your duty to be ar it, if you could not avoid it; it is weak and silly to say you cannot bear what it is your fate to be required to bear”(Charlotte Bronte,2003: P73). Jane gained the friendship with Miss Temple. From Maria Temple, Jane learned that independence was a very important thing for everyone. Miss Temple was supported as the ideal teacher by Jane Eyre. Both Jane Eyre and Helen Burns idolize her. She becomes Jane Eyre’s mentor when she became a teacher. The dull school life didn’t stop her pursuing progress, indep endence and freedom. She became stronger than before in her heart. Lowood was the most important place that offers Jane the way to become a self-controlled and good woman. In the institution the rebellious Jane Eyre learned from Miss Temple and Helen Burns and became a good woman.

People who can resist of outside pressure may be able to not win herself. Who can resist of herself and outdo herself that is true winner. Jane Eyre not only dares to resist unequal from society of nobility in the capitalist class, and resist unreasonable hierarchical social structure, but also dares to outdo herself. This is a decided difference between her and others, and is valuable of spirit too.

4.3 At Thornfield, Jane Eyre Gained Her Independence and Showed It Fully

At Thornfield, Jane Eyre developed her independence totally. She completely earned money by her own hand. She worked as a governess at Thornfield. When Mr. Rochester, the master of Thornfield came back, Jane Eyre’s life was changed into a new situation.

Facing Mr. Rochester’s stern, mood and rude attitude, she did not show any humbleness and Cowardice. As we all know, during the Victorian governesses, who tutored children in etiquette as well as academics, were expected to possess the “culture” of the aristocracy. Yet, as paid employees, they were more or less treated as servants. Jane Eyre was not pretty, but she had a thinking brain. In her opinion, everyone was equal whoever man or woman in the world. When Jane Eyre found that she fall in love with her master, she declared that she was equal to Rochester. When she heard that Rochester would be engaged with Ingram, she was desperate and felt that she had something to say. She dared to express her own emotion, and she said:“Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am automation? —A machine without feelings? And can bear to have my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! –I have as mush soul as you, --and full as much heart! And if god had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.

I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh; --it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal, --as we are!” (Charlotte Bronte, 2003: P373). This is Jane’s real declaration of human right. As to charact er and speaking, she is not inferior to her master. She dares to resist her master severely to defend her own rights.

Jane Eyre always keeped her clear brain and purpose, and control herself. After Mr. Rochester expressed his feeling to Jane Eyre. One day he proceeded to accompany himself an enthusiasm love-song to Jane Eyre. When he finished the song, he rose and came towards her, his face all kindled, and his full falcon-eye flashing, and tenderness and passion in every lineament. He reached Jane Eyre, and he was exciting, “any other woman would have been melted to marrow at hearing such stanzas crooned in her praise”(Charlotte Bronte, 2003: P404). But Jane Eyre kept her head, although she deeply loves him. So Mr. Rochester said Jane Eyre was “hard little thing”. However, Mr. Rochester had high esteem to Jane Eyre.

When Mr. Rochester did act the character of a gipsy to tell them their fortunes, young ladies were listened with dismay from the gipsy what he said. When the gipsy asked her, “Why don’t you tremble?” “I am not cold.”“Why don’t you turn pale?”“I am not sick.”“Why don’t you consult my art?”“I am not silly.” Jane Eyre’s specifically character was expressed clearly in three directs and calmest answers. She was wise, calm, confirm and brave. The reason why Mr. Rochester was absolute trusts her at Thornfield.

Miss Ingram was a very beautiful lady; she was majestic, accomplished and sprightly,

《简.爱》中简.爱的人物形象分析 摘要:19世纪英国批判现实主义文学作家夏洛蒂勃朗特在《简.爱》中塑造的女主人公简.爱,是一个出身贫苦的孤儿,经过孤儿院的冷酷生活而成为家庭女教师。但她心地纯正,感情深挚,善于思考,个性倔强。敢于反抗压迫、屈辱和任何卑鄙的行为,敢于表达自己强烈的爱憎,敢于捍卫自己独立的人格和尊严。这个女性形象的塑造在英国文学史上是一个壮举,她迎合了时代的召唤,用惊人的语言,骇俗的行动证明了女人的尊严。简.爱反抗不公平的命运、保持独立自我、不甘心忍受社会的压迫,是当时妇女解放斗争的艺术楷模。本文将女主人公的形象做进一步的探讨。 关键词:简.爱,人物形象,分析,性格特征 引言 夏洛蒂·勃朗特1816年生于英国北部的一个牧师家庭。她的一生仅写了四部小说(即:《教师》、《简·爱》、《谢利》和《维莱特》,其中《教师》在她去世后才出版),但她在文学史上却有着相当重要的地位。在她的小说中,最突出的主题就是女性要求独立自主的强烈愿望。这一主题可以说在她所有的小说中都顽强地表现出来,而将女性的呼声作为小说主题,这在她之前的英国文学史上是不曾有过的——她是表现这一主题的第一人。《简·爱》是她的处女作,也是代表作,至今仍受到广大读者的欢迎。这是一部以爱情为主题的小说。小说讲述的是襁褓中父母双亡的女主人公简.爱被舅舅收养,舅舅死后,舅母一家人百般虐待她,最后将她送入慈善学校,在那里备受凌辱摧残。成年后,她被聘往桑费尔德庄园当家庭教师,与主人真诚相爱;及行婚礼,发生不测,主人被证明早已结婚,其妻因疯病被私关密室。简.爱不愿作人情妇,只身远离,流浪途中昏倒在风雨之夜,被一青年牧师圣约翰救回家,在其两个妹妹的照顾下恢复健康。牧师准备去印度传教,他认为简.爱坚强而耐苦,可以作个好帮手,就向其求婚,但遭拒绝,因为简.爱情有所钟。爱情又使她返回桑费尔德庄。这时女人已将庄园烧毁,自己也被烧死,主人抢救她时还弄成了残废,两人终于幸福地结合。此外,简.爱意外地得浪迹海外的叔父一笔遗产,同时被证明她圣约翰原是姑表兄妹。 一、简.爱的性格特点及其表现

《简爱》中的主人公简是一个自尊自爱的女性,她虽然卑微平凡,但她身上却拥有一副全新的女性形象,简身上的独立自尊完全超过了那些的其她女性,从众多女性之中脱颖而出。 Heroine Jane in Jane eyre is a self-respect woman, though she is humble ordinary, but she has a new image of women, Jane's independent self-esteem totally more than those of its her women, stand out from among many women. 简爱从小就受尽了里德舅妈和她的子女的虐待,但她却有着极强的自尊心,她憎爱分明,在她因冒犯了约翰而被关进红房子之后说出了对舅妈的极度不满,后来被送进学校学习后,她的倔强使她绝不在校长面前低头,最后无奈被剪去了一头秀丽的长发,充分展现了简爱的性格。 Jane eyre had suffered abuse aunt reed and her children, but she has a strong self-esteem, she love and hate in she was offended and John was put in the red house after spoke to my aunt's extreme discontent, but was sent to school, after learning her stubborn made her not bow in front of the headmaster, but were finally went to a beautiful head of hair cut, fully show the character of Jane eyre. 在这座古板的学校里,简爱受尽了肉体上和精神上的摧残,但她依然坚强地活着,她重视和海伦之间的深厚友情,直到海伦因病去世而痛心不已,从这件事中足以见得简爱重情重义。 In the square of the school, Jane suffered physical and mental abuse, but she still strong alive, her attention between Helen and the deep friendship, until Helen died because of illness painful, enough to see Jane eyre from this episode heavy feeling heavy righteousness. 长大后,简爱在桑菲尔德庄园找到了一份家庭教师的工作,庄园的主人罗切斯特是一个脾气古怪的人,在外人看来冷漠无情,但是实际上却并非人们眼中认为的那样,当他在与简爱在一次次的交谈中,两人竟然相互之间产生了感情。 Grew up, Jane eyre at thornfield manor to find a job as a tutor, the owner of the farm is an eccentric person, rochester to outsiders indifference, but in fact is not people think, while he was in conversation with Jane after, two people in love with each other. 在罗切斯特的一次次对她的情感试探中,简爱的倔强,强烈的自尊与另行的话语令他欣赏,因此向简爱求婚。 In rochester again and again to her emotional temptation, Jane eyre's stubborn, strong self-esteem and further words to his appreciation, therefore asked Jane to marry him. 就在两人举行结婚仪式时,有人告发了罗切斯特竟然还有一位疯了的妻子,在一次次心理的斗争中,简爱最终选择了离开,她的自尊与独立不允许她这么做。 Just two people held a wedding ceremony, someone reported Mr Rochester had a mad wife, in time and psychological struggle, Jane eyre finally chose to leave, her self-esteem and independence does not allow her to do so.

简爱人物形象分析 《简爱》是英国十九世纪著名的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作,是一部带有自转色彩的长篇小说,它阐释了这样一个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱。《简爱》是我最喜爱的外国名著之一。 大凡喜爱外国文学作品的女性,都喜欢读夏洛蒂的《简爱》。如果我们认为夏洛蒂仅仅只为写这段缠绵的爱情而写《简爱》。我想,那就错了!作者也是一位女性,生活在波动变化着的英国19世纪中叶,那时思想有着一个崭新的开始,而在《简爱》里渗透最多的也就是这种思想——女性的独立意识。让我们试想一下,如果简爱的独立,早已被扼杀在寄人篱下的童年生活里;如果她没有那份独立,她早已和有妻女的罗切斯特生活在一起,开始有金钱,有地位的新生活;如果她没有那份纯洁,我们现在手中的《简爱》也不再是令人感动的流泪的经典。所以,我开始去想,为什么《简爱》让我们感动?让我们爱不释手?那就是她独立的性格,令人心动的人格魅力。 然而,我们不禁要问,仅这一步就能独立吗?我认为,不会的。毕竟女性的独立是一个长期的过程,不是一蹴而就的。它需要一种彻底的勇气,就像简爱当年毅然离开罗切斯特一样,需要“风潇潇兮易水寒,壮土一去兮不复返”的豪迈和胆量。我想,这应该才是最关键的一步,也应该是走向独立的决定性的一步。而夏洛蒂笔下的简爱却把她倔强的性格,独立的个性留给我们一个感动,所以她是成功的、幸福的女性。

从这本书中,可以看出它塑造了一个体现新兴阶级的某些要求的 女性形象,刻画了工业革命时期的时代精神。 对简爱,我有的是欣赏和赞美。她追求独立的人格,追求男女之间精神的平等。虽经历不幸却热爱生活,并把爱带给每个需要她的人。为了自己的爱的信念,平等的真实纯粹的爱,甚至毅然放弃渴望以久的唾手可得的爱情,并最终也自己的爱人实现了精神上的平等,简爱的一生,虽谈不上轰轰烈烈,但却是平凡而不平庸。在我心中,简爱就像一个充满智慧、充满爱心并努力使 自己生命得到最大张扬的精灵。她的生命,有如彗星的闪亮和美丽。 然而,最打动我心的却是海伦彭斯,一个同样充满智慧和爱心的小姑娘。 海伦——我心目中超凡美丽的天使。她超凡,是因为她完全放弃现世,达到了浩淼高远的精神境界,有着难以比拟的忍耐精神。她美丽,毋庸置疑,有哪个人心目中的天使不美丽呢? 海伦的超凡是常人无法企及的,也是常人无法理解的。包括简爱。 简爱说过这样的一段话:“如果大家老是对残酷,不公道的人百依百顺,那么那些坏家伙就更要任性胡来了,他们会什么也不惧怕,这样也就永远也不会改好,反而越来越坏,当我们无缘无故挨了打,我们一定要狠狠地回击。”我很赞成简的这种说法,因为自尊、自重是做人的最起码的要求。

An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Personality in Jane Eyre 对《简·爱》中人物简爱性格的分析

摘要 《简爱》是英国著名的作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特根据她的自身经历写的一部小说,也是她的成名作。它在英国文学史上占有重要地位。小说所写的是一位坚强独立的女性,她追求真爱,平等,是女性的楷模。作者在其作品中成功的塑造了英国文学史中第一个对爱情,生活,社会以及宗教采取了独立自主积极进取态度和敢于斗争,敢于争取自由平等的女性形象—简·爱。简·爱鲜明的性格特征给广大读者留下了深刻的印象。 这篇论文主要结合简·爱的生活经历,分析她正面和负面的双重性格特征,使人们更深地了解《简爱》及其现实意义。旨在给生活在现代女性提出建议,即使现在女性地位有所改善,但由于保守的习俗根深蒂固,女性应该更勇敢,更锲而不舍的反抗那些不合理习俗。 关键词:夏洛蒂·勃朗特;简·爱;双重性格

安阳师范学院人文管理学院本科毕业论文 Abstract Jane Eyre was written in 1846 by the famous British writer Charlotte Bronte, which was based on her own experiences. It is also her masterpiece. The novel enjoys a high appraisal in English literature. The novel depicts an independent and tough woman who pursues equality and true love. The author successfully portrayed a great female image—Jane Eyre. The bright characters of the heroine give readers a deep impression. This paper gives an analytical study of dual characters of Jane Eyre, so as to help people understand Jane Eyre deeper and comprehend its realistic significance more. The author of this thesis aims to gives advice to modern women, although women’s status is improved now, the conservative conventions is deep and ingrained root. Women should have the courage to fight against the conservative conventions. Key Words: Charlotte Bronte; Jane Eyre; dual Characters

盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时宜自勉,岁月不待人。 简析《简·爱》中的疯女人形象 互助县职业技术学校刘梅 1847年,天才女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的名作《简·爱》问世,被人们广为称颂。《简·爱》问世将近一个半世纪以来,世界各国到底有多少痴心的女读者在这个相貌平平、过早饱尝人间辛酸、但终末失去与生活搏斗勇气的简·爱身上找寻自己的影子,寄予同情。虽然她历经挫折坎坷,却有一个幸福如意的归宿,同自己所爱的罗切斯特结了婚,并且还继承了一小笔遗产。人格上独立的简·爱有了经济上的自立,又嫁了如意夫君。《简·爱》让我们记住了女主人公独立、自强、自尊、理智、自觉地挑战传统,追求幸福的成长故事。然而,小说中那个简·爱追求幸福的苦难历程上的障碍——幽禁在顶楼上的疯女人伯莎,那个和简·爱的幸福美满形成鲜明对比,因为发疯而被囚禁,最终投身于自己亲手点燃的火海中毁灭的疯女人,又有几人会为她感到一丝一毫同情,甚或对她产生一点儿好感的?我们在关注女主人公简·爱的成长历程时,也许对那个阁楼上的疯女人毫不注意,甚至可能会为其死去而让简爱名正言顺的嫁给罗切斯特而欣慰。疯女人伯莎让我们憎恶,厌弃,恐惧,让我们对其不屑一顾。但细读《简·爱》,深究伯莎由发疯而被幽禁,最终投身火海死亡的人生历程,我们不难发现,伯莎其实是男权社会的牺牲品。是作者精心塑造的一个被压抑,被迫害,被抛弃,被扼杀的不幸的女性形象。 一、伯莎是名利交易婚姻的牺牲品 伯莎的不幸,首先表现在她同罗切斯特一样,同是多年前的那桩不幸婚姻的受害者。罗切斯特的父亲是个“一钱如命”的贪财之人,为了金钱的缘故, 与富有的种植园主兼商人的梅森先生即伯莎的父亲谈定了儿女的婚事。罗父看中梅森给女儿的三万英磅的陪嫁, 而梅森则看中了罗切斯特的家世。在双方家长的撮和之下, 这对年轻人在西班牙得以相见, 很快成婚。在这桩婚姻里 ,伯莎同罗切斯特一样, 都是无辜受害者, 同样地听命于攀名附利的家长的安排。在当时, 即19世纪初的英国现实社会中,伯莎与罗切斯特这样的婚姻不仅存在着,而且时有发生。这一点在另一个英国女作家简·奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》中得到了非常生动、深刻的表现,那位滑稽人物贝内特太太“平生的大事,是把女儿们嫁出去”。由于嫁女心切,每遇到“有钱的单身汉”,便将其视为自己某个女儿的“合法财产”,女儿们象是像商品一样待价而沽,等待发落和挑选。等待她们的却往往是不幸。男子们将她们娶到家里,他们的目的愿望一一实现了后 ,就将她们抛开,

简爱主要人物特点 简爱的性格特点及其具体表现 1.自尊自主、叛逆反抗 简爱,在寄居的舅妈家里,和骄横残暴的表哥约翰发生冲突,瘦小的她敢于和表哥扭打,并怒斥他:"你这男孩真是又恶毒又残酷,你像个杀人犯---- 你像个虐待奴隶的人,----你像罗马皇帝。" 她还敢于指责冷酷护短的舅妈:"你以为你是好人,可是你坏,你狠心。"简爱的童年的生活让读者初步了解她的反抗性格和捍卫独立人格的精神起点。 2、自爱自重 简爱非常重视自我,她说,“我是自己的主人。”当结婚的计划被现实粉碎时,她拒绝了罗切斯特带她去法国的建议,她说“我关心我自己,越孤独,越没有朋友,越没有人帮助,我越要自重。” 3、追求精神上的自由、平等 当简爱发觉她深深地爱上了主人后,在地位如此悬殊的情况下,她却敢于去爱,因为她坚信人在精神上都是平等的。当罗切斯特为了试探她而假意要娶某贵族小姐时,她愤怒地说:"你以为,因为我穷,低贱,不美,矮小,我就没有灵魂没有心吗?你想错了!-----我的灵魂跟你一样,我的心也跟你的完全一样!......。就如我们站在上帝跟前是平等的----因为我们是平等的!" 这是简爱发内心的为精神平等观念的辩护。 4、勇于追求纯洁的爱情 简爱对罗彻斯特情感非常的真诚和专一,这主要表现在对她对罗彻斯特执着而强烈的爱情上。当简爱离开了罗彻斯特后,并没有在感情上抛弃他;相反,她的爱情像殉道一般,专一到打算为其作永远的牺牲,贫困时是这样,富有后仍是这样,更不会因为罗彻斯特身体上的残缺而弃之不顾。 5、意志坚强,智慧过人 在盖茨海德府,简爱的心没有被丑恶的现实所摧毁,她的精神和意志却因粗砺的生活而锤炼的顽强、坚决。在劳渥学校的挨饿受冻,挨打罚站的悲惨生活,更体现了简爱的坚强和惊人的意志力。 在下面主人咄咄逼人的问话中,简爱无所畏惧自卑,更表现她智慧的一面。 罗彻斯特:"你很沉着。像你这样身份低微的孤儿,哪来的这种沉着?" 简:"它来自我的头脑,先生。" 罗彻斯特:"是我看到的,你肩膀上的那个?" 简:"是的,先生。" 罗彻斯特:"你头脑中还有没有其他类似的东西?" 简:"我想它样样具备,先生。" 她所受过的教育和经历使她拥有一个富有智慧、善良敏感、坚强独立的高贵灵魂,在这一点上,她与主人相比毫不逊色,甚至使其有时感到惭愧。 从上文的分析可见,简爱是一个贫苦低微、其貌不扬、性格倔强、感情丰富、独立自尊、勇敢执着、聪慧过人的女孩,她对自己的命运、价值、地位的思考和努力把握,对自己的思想和人格有着理性的认识,对自己的幸福和情感有着坚定的追求。

浅析简·爱的性格特点 第一次看《简·爱》,是那种插图版,即使那么的浅显明了,却因为自己的理解能力有限,没有真正地看懂;第二次看是书虫系列的,中英双语,产生了很大的共鸣;第三次看了英文版的电影,大概四个小时左右,虽然男女主角都不能让我引起兴趣,但确确实实给了我强烈的震撼。 整部作品的基调大部分都以灰暗为主,尤其在欣赏电影的时候,觉得自己时时笼罩在一种阴森恐怖的氛围中,特别是在桑菲尔德庄园的房子里面,这种感觉更为强烈,几乎让人窒息,同时毛骨悚然。然而,这并不是害怕,只是感觉到压抑,自然景物和真情挚爱都有一种压抑的美感。 《简·爱》这部小说以爱情为主题,也有主人公的励志,有对于人生理想的追求和对美好生活的向往,还有对于人生真善美的思考,有对于当时上层社会的虚伪、贪婪、拜金主义的抨击。 小说的主人公简·爱是一个心地纯真、善于思考的女性,她几乎是生活在社会的底层,受尽各种各样的磨难。她悲惨的生活遭遇令人同情,但她那倔强、坚韧的性格和勇于追求平等、幸福的精神更应该为我们所赞赏。 简·爱,她面对舅妈的残忍冷漠,面对表姐的鄙视孤立,面对表弟的肆意虐待,她一直是忍耐,忍耐,再忍耐。而当她仅有的、宝贵的自尊受到无法接受的凌辱时,她选择了勇敢的抗衡,也正是因为这样,她最终赢得罗切斯特一家上上下下的尊敬。 简·爱,在阴冷的寄宿制学校,面对那冷漠的校长和老师,她敢于对好朋友海伦说:“假如他用那条鞭子打我,我要从他手里把它夺过来,并且当面折断它。”这充分展露了她不甘屈辱和不向命运妥协的倔强性格。 简·爱,就像书名一样的爱情。简在追求自己的个人幸福时,表现出异乎寻常的真挚、朴实的思想感情和一往无前的勇气。她并没有因为自己的仆人地位而放弃对幸福的追求,她的爱情是纯洁高尚的,她对罗切斯特的财富不屑一顾,她之所以会钟情于他,就是因为他能平等待人,把她当作朋友,与她坦诚相见。就像简·爱自己说的那样:“我爱桑菲尔德,我爱它因

The Analysis of Jane Eyre's Characters Acknowledgements I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the people who supported me during the process of writing this thesis in the last few months. First of all, I am greatly indebted to my teacher Wang Kai, for his patience and helpful advice that come all along during the period of time of writing the thesis. He has helped me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his help, I could not complete this thesis in the present form. Secondly, Hearty thanks should also be given to all my teachers and professors in Nanjing Normal University. During the four years, they have instructed and helped me a lot in acquiring knowledge. I could not know how to search for relevant materials and organize them without their patient guidance. Thirdly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my friends and family for their spiritual supports. My friends are sincerely thanked, who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complain. My family members who support me all the time and made me believe that I can accomplish the tough task should also be given the appreciation. Finally, I hope that my thesis will be of value to those who continue to do researches in the novel Jane Eyre, which will be a great honor for me and a reward for all that have helped me during the thesis writing process.

四川教育学院 本科学生毕业论文 Title: An Analysis of the Concept of Jane Eyre’s Love 题目:简?爱的爱情 系(院):英语系 专业名称:英语教育 年级:09 级 2 班 学生姓名闫春萍 学号:__________________ 指导老师:王枫林职称:教授 2010年月

Table of contents 1.Introduction (3) 2.Jane Eyre’s Personality (5) 2.1 Jane Eyre’s Adamancy (5) 2.1.1. Jane Eyre’s Life at Her Aunt’s Home (5) 2.1.2. Jane Eyre’s SchoolLife (5) 2. 1. 3 Jane Eyre Looking for a Job in the Town (6) 3. Jane Eyre’s Self-respect (6) 3.1.Jane Eyre Meeting with Mr. Rochester (6) 3.2. Jane Eyre Falling in Love with Mr. Rochester (8) 3. 3. Jane Eyre Deviating from Mr. Rochester (9) 3.4. Jane Eyre Refusing Mr. St. John River’s Courting (10) 4.Con clusion (11) 5.bibli ography (12)

An Analysis of the Concept of Jane Eyre’s Love Grade:09 Class:2 Yan chunping Instructor:Wang Fengling Abstract:Jane Eyre is a piece of autobiographical fiction. It is Charlotte. Bronte?s first novel published in 1849. The novel creates a female image who is against social pressure with rebellion and independence. It is filled with love, passion and reason, and maintains its unique artistic charm. This thesis analyzes some major characters in the novel a nd takes a lot of examples to show the author?s meaning and reflect the theme. This kind of description makes the figure a real person with blood and flesh. It also reflects the author?s resistant spirit. The Heroine of Jane Eyre, a plain and little girl, lives under traditional pressure to pursue for independence and love loyalty. This thesis analyzes her personality. Under her adamancy and self-respect, she literally has got a fiery heart for her love. Furthermore, the thesis tells us the Heroine?s love standpoint that the love should rely on the independent economy and should be equal in their spirit for both the lovers. Key Words:Love; self-respect; rebellion; women consciousness 摘要:《简.爱》是一部自传体小说,它是夏洛蒂.勃朗特的第一部长篇小说。作者以第一人称的自叙手法,为我们描述了一个反抗社会压力,充满反叛和独立精神的女性形象。小说以其独特的艺术魅力,展示其充满爱、激情与理性的深刻内涵。本文分析了文本的主要艺术形象,通过一系列例证揭示了作者的意图和文本反映的主题。这种描述使文本人物形象丰满,有血有肉,同时揭示了作者隐含在文本中的反叛思想。朴实的女主人公简.爱,在传统的社会压力下,追求着自己的独立和忠实的爱情。本文透过女主人公坚强自尊的性格特点,探秘在其内心深处的炽热爱情,揭示女主人公追求经济的独立,精神上男女平等的爱情观。 关键词:爱情;自尊;反叛;女性意识

对简·爱性格特点的认识 《简·爱》是19世纪英国批判现实主义文学作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作。这部小说以爱情为主题,通过对女主人公简爱的刻画,生动表达了对人生理想的追求和对美好生活的向往,对人生真善美的思考,对于当时上层社会的虚伪、贪婪、拜金主义的抨击。 简·爱是一个生活在社会底层的女性,受尽各种各样的磨难。她悲惨的生活遭遇令人同情,但她那倔强、坚韧的性格和勇于追求平等、幸福的精神更应该为我们所赞赏。 面对舅妈的残忍冷漠,面对表姐的鄙视孤立,面对表弟的肆意虐待,她一直是忍耐,忍耐,再忍耐。而当她仅有的、宝贵的自尊受到无法接受的凌辱时,她选择了勇敢的抗衡,也正是因为这样,她最终赢得罗切斯特一家上上下下的尊敬。 在阴冷的寄宿制学校,面对那冷漠的校长和老师,她敢于对好朋友海伦说:“假如他用那条鞭子打我,我要从他手里把它夺过来,并且当面折断它。”这充分展露了她不甘屈辱和不向命运妥协的倔强性格。 在追求自己的个人幸福时,简·爱表现出了异乎寻常的真挚、朴实的思想感情和一往无前的勇气。她并没有因为自己的仆人地位而放弃对幸福的追求,她的爱情是纯洁高尚的。就像简·爱自己说的那样:“我爱桑菲尔德,我爱它因为我在这里过得很充实,我没有遭到践踏,我被公平地对待,你也公平地对待我……”他们的爱情建立在平等的基础之上,没有歧视,没有阶级之分,最终还能自得其乐。 面对所有事情,尽管内心波涛汹涌,简却依旧安宁与沉静,冷静沉着到取消婚礼现场,最后坚定地选择离开。然而得知心爱之人正饱受苦难,坚定地回到其身边并陪伴一生。她奉献了自己伟大的爱。 简·爱,一个让人真心钦佩的人,因为她清楚地知道自已需要什么,知道自己何时需要离开,何时需要放弃,何时需要争取,何时需要追求。我欣赏简·爱的独立,喜欢她的坚强,同时也佩服她的品德。我想,真正征服严肃而冷漠的罗切斯特先生的,应该是简·爱那顽强独立的思想,从而罗切斯特并未选择美丽、高贵但内心虚伪的富家小姐。伟大的女性都能有坚韧、历练的决心,甚至有些强势,但她们依旧不失温柔。也许正是那颗坚强的心让她们自主了自己的生活。

《简爱》人物形象分析 鹿邑县第一职业技术高中:段慧敏 辅导教师:刘慧玲 摘要:《简爱》是19世纪英国批判现实主义文学作家夏洛蒂勃朗特的代表作。它成功地塑造了新型的小资产阶级女性简爱的生动形象,集中描写她为谋求妇女经济独立和爱情平等权利而进行的斗争。本文主要从心理、语言、思想、行为等方面分析简爱的性格特点。 关键词:人格、意志、精神、虐待、摧残、反抗、自由、平等《简爱》是一部带有作者自传性的作品,采用第一人称的自叙写法,让女主人公倾诉自己的喜怒哀乐和人生理想,爱情友谊,具有娓娓动听,亲切感人的艺术魅力。下面从四个方面简要分析简爱的性格特点及其具体表现: 1、自尊自主、叛逆反抗。 简爱在寄居的舅妈家里,和骄横残暴的表哥约翰发生冲突,瘦小的她敢于和表哥扭打,并怒斥他:"你这男孩真是又恶毒又残酷,你像个杀人犯----你像个虐待奴隶的人,----你像罗马皇帝。" 他还敢于指责冷酷护短的舅妈:"你以为你是好人,可是你坏,你狠心。"简爱的童年的生活让读者初步了解她的反抗性格和捍卫独立人格的精神起点。简爱非常的重视自我,她说:"我是自己的主人",当一对恋人的结婚计划被粉碎时,罗彻斯特提议到法国去过同居生活,尽管这个方案对于热恋中的人来说具有无可争辩的诱惑力,但是她拒绝了----"我关心我自己。越孤独,越没有朋友,越没有人帮助,我越要自

重。"因此她逃离了。 2、追求精神上的自由、平等。 当简爱发觉她深深地爱上了主人后,在地位如此悬殊的情况下,她却敢于去爱,因为她坚信人在精神上都是平等的。一个穷教师斗胆爱上一个上流人物,在等级深严的社会观念看来,无异于乞丐万奢望国王,所以这本身就是向社会及偏见的大胆挑战。惟其如此,它也就意味着遭受嘲笑或侮辱,只有像简爱这样并不把权贵放在心上的人才能去坦坦荡荡地爱。当罗切斯特为了试探她而假意要娶某贵族小姐时,她愤怒地说:"你以为,因为我穷,低贱,不美,矮小,我就没有灵魂没有心吗?你想错了!-----我的灵魂跟你一样,我的心也跟你的完全一样!......。就如我们站在上帝跟前是平等的----因为我们是平等的!" 3、感情炽烈,敢于追求真正意义上、完整的爱情。 简爱对罗彻斯特情感非常的追求非常的真诚和专一,这主要表现在对她对罗彻斯特执着而强烈的爱情上。当圣约翰向她提出求婚,要她作为他的助手一起去印度传教时,简爱虽然认为"他是个好人",但还是拒绝了他的求婚。因为在简爱看来,他爱的并不是自己,他更爱的是上帝。更重要的是,无论他对她如何,她心里爱的仍是罗彻斯特。因为牧师对他的爱是不完整的。可是在得知罗彻斯特还有疯了的合法妻子,她还是拒绝了他的爱,她不愿作人情妇,她要的还是一份真正意义的完整爱情。然而,当简爱离开了罗彻斯特后,并没有在感情上抛弃他;相反,她的爱情像殉道一般,专一到打算为其作永远的

《简爱》内容提要与人物性格、写作特点、填 空、简答、阅读题 篇一:《简爱》内容提要与人物性格、写作特点、填空、简答、阅读题 八年级下名著《简·爱》复习题 《简·爱》作者:夏洛蒂·勃朗特(英国) 自学指导: 1、一句话书评:人生追求的二重奏 2、推荐语:什么样的女性才是最美的?简爱以她的人生经历和内心世界给我们做出了最好的回答,那就是具有自尊,自爱,自重品德的女性。读这部作品,你会对人生有新的感悟。 3、作者及国别:夏洛蒂·勃朗特;英国 4、体裁:小说人称:第一人称地点:桑菲尔德贵族庄园 5、主题、主要内容:人的价值=尊严+爱。通过简爱一生不屈不挠的奋斗,反映了当时社会妇女的悲惨处境,赞美了自强不息,敢于反抗,敢于争取自由和平等的精神。 6、主人公:女:简爱性格特点:自尊,自爱,自重;敢于反抗,敢于追求自由和平等;富于激情,善于思考,具有强烈的女性意识。男:罗切斯特

7、请写出该名著的写作特点、感受:景物描写赏心悦目,情感表达真挚细腻,心理刻画鲜明生动,悬念巧妙,气氛渲染突出。 一、内容精要: 简·爱是个孤女,出生于一个穷牧师家庭。父母由于染上伤寒,在一个月之中相继去世。幼小的简寄养在舅父母家里。舅父里德先生去世后,简过了10年受尽歧视和虐待的生活。一次,由于反抗表哥的殴打,简被关进了红房子。肉体上的痛苦和心灵上的屈辱和恐惧,使她大病了一场。 舅母把她视作眼中钉,并把她和自己的孩子隔离开来,从此,她与舅母的对抗更加公开和坚决了。以后,简被送进了罗沃德孤儿院。 孤儿院教规严厉,生活艰苦,院长是个冷酷的伪君子。简在孤儿院继续受到精神和肉体上的摧残。由于恶劣的生活条件,孤儿院经常有孩子病死。简毕业后留校任教两年,这时,她的好友海伦患肺病去世。简厌倦了孤儿院里的生活,登广告谋求家庭教师的职业。桑恩费尔德庄园的女管家聘用了她。庄园的男主人罗契斯特经常在外旅行,偌大的宅第只有一个不到10岁的女孩阿戴列·瓦朗,罗契斯特是她的保护人,她就是简的学生。一天黄昏,简外出散步,邂逅刚从国外归来的主人,这是他们第一次见面。以后她发现她的主人是个性格忧郁、喜怒无常的人,对她的

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《简爱》女性独立形象形成过程分析 摘要:《简·爱》是一部英国文学史上的经典之作。它的伟大在于成功地塑造了一位坚持维护独立人格,最求个性自由,主张人生平等,不向命运屈服的坚强女性形象。 本文以女主人公简·爱为分析对象,分别从盖茨海德、洛伍德、桑菲尔德、乡村小学及重回桑菲尔德五个阶段论述了人物性格形成的过程。从盖茨海德的最初反抗、到洛伍德的继续成长、再到桑菲尔德遇到罗切斯特先生,然后又从这里逃走,在乡村小学经受新的考验,最后终于又一次选择了自己想要的生活直到最终获得幸福。一个性格倔强的普通女孩由于不满于不公正的现实而终于萌发了追求全新的、平等生活的梦想。并在生活的磨练中,一点点的成长,变得成熟,最后终于实现了自己的梦想。 关键词:简爱女性尊严自由 1847年, 一部因为成功地塑造了一个敢于反抗、敢于争取自由和平等地位的妇女形象的小说占据了英国文学史上的显着地位, 成为世界闻名的优秀作品, 她就是勃朗特·夏洛蒂的代表作——《简·爱》。 《简·爱》的成功奥妙在于简爱鲜明的人物性格的典型塑造。在当时, 英国经历了三次高潮的宪章运动, 吸引了成百万的工人和劳动群众参加争取自身权利的斗争, 但是妇女在社会上的地位并没有改善, 没有获得自由的权利, 也没有提出男女平等的问题, 至于她们的情感世界更是被人戕害的领域。简爱这一人物的塑造反映了妇女摆脱压迫和歧视, 要求平等和自由的强烈愿望和追求, 在英国文学史上是首创, 有其深远的历史意义, 对于后人又有超时空的现实意义, 是新时代女性推崇的偶像。 简爱有着强烈愿望,即:要求平等,扞卫自己的独立人格尊严。她从一个不谙世事的小姑娘成长为具有独立人格的成熟女性,经历了一个漫长而痛苦的过程,主要包括五个阶段:在盖茨海德府、在洛伍德学校、在桑菲尔德庄园、在圣约翰家及重回桑菲尔德。 1、在盖茨海德府 小说在开篇,就为我们展现了主人公童年生活的场景,也是全书故事的出发地点———盖茨海德府。盖茨海德是简爱的舅母家,她迫于丈夫临死前的嘱托而收养了简,可是她并不喜欢这个小女孩,把她视作肉中刺眼中钉,处处刁难、打击、侮辱。简在这里所遭受的歧视在她幼小的心灵里留下了深刻的阴影,而在这里所进行的反抗也同时坚定了她的信心。在经历了无数次被欺侮之后,她终于以她自己的方式进行了反抗,而且一点也没有退缩,并取得了胜利。 男孩里德经常轻蔑地对简爱说:“妈妈说的,你靠别人养活你,你没有钱,

简爱的人物性格分析 内容摘要:简爱是夏洛蒂勃朗特笔下的女主人公。作者成功地塑造了一个敢于反抗,要求经济独立,追求平等爱情的新女性形象。但是,在她身上也存在着一些不足之处,笃信上帝和囿于家庭在她身上都有一定程度的体现。 关键词:简爱; 新女性形象; 性格

The Analysis of Jane Eyre”s Character Abstract: Jane Eyre is the heroine of Charlotte Bronte.The author successfully describes a new woman image who dares to fighit against authority,ask for economic independence,pursue equality in love.however,Jane Eyre has her own weekness.She is a devout believer in religion and she can not shake off the yoke of the ethical code at that time. Keywords: Jane Eyre;new woman image;character

夏洛蒂勃朗特是十九世纪英国女作家,《简爱》是她的代表作。作品讲述了一个精神和道德美感吸引读者的“灰姑娘’的故事。主人公简相貌平平,很小的时候便父母双亡,她生活在舅妈的歧视中,而对生活的困境,她始终抱以坚强的心态。后来与罗切斯特相爱,历经曲折,终于赢得了幸福的生活。《简爱》以其经久不衰的艺术魅力享誉文坛。其中,简爱的新女性光华形象更是被人们铭记,她独具魅力的性格是特殊时代的特殊产物。本文将从以下五个方面来谈一谈她的性格。 一.敢于反抗 简爱的主要性格特点即是独立自强。她敢于反抗逆境,不能忍受压迫,屈辱和一切卑鄙,不正义的行为。她的一生始终是自强不息的,她的这种叛逆性格首先表现在对环境的抗争上。她在洛伍德学校时曾说过:“当我们无缘无故挨打的时候,我们应该狠狠的回击.....教训教训那些打我们的人,叫他们永远不敢再这样打人。”狠很地回击!这便是简爱的反抗精神。 成年以后,又发展成为一种神圣强烈的“自我”意识,倔强,顽强的叛逆精神表现地更加突出了简爱是如此地重视自我,她说:“我是自己的主人。”在她身上,始终显示出一种昂扬向上的生命力。她虽然一生经历坎坎坷坷,沐浴风风雨雨,但勤奋好学,她学法语,学钢琴,酷爱画画。正因为她的执着追求和聪明能干,才在洛伍德的八年中,“最后升到了第一班第一名的位置,接着,被授予教师的职位。”因而当后来贝茜再见到她时,才会大加赞赏:“你是够文雅的女孩一变为文雅脱俗的平凡女性,使她给人一种永久常新的魅力。” 二.要求经济独立 女性的独立首先在于经济的独立。在简爱生活的年代,结婚是女子的唯一出路。但在简爱的心目中,经济的独立是她人格独立的支柱,只有在经济独立的基础上,她才觉得自己是个实实在在的人。简爱经历了痛苦,贫穷的童年,但她发奋努力,终于以超群的才华当上了老师,经济上得以自食其力。她对经济上独立自主的要求是强烈的也是贯穿始终的。罗切斯特给她买昂贵的衣服首饰,都被她一一推掉。她向罗切斯特表示:“不要任何财物,只要一颗没有被大量的恩惠压倒的心。”她永远也受不了“让罗切斯特先生每天把我打扮得像一个玩偶,每天让金雨淋在我周围。”她执着不放弃家庭教师的工作,而要继续作阿黛尔的家庭教师。用这个挣得她的膳宿费和外加的一年三十英磅。在离开桑菲尔德和她所深爱的男人后,简爱用自己的双手和辛勤的汗水换来了一份新的生活。她承担了圣约翰为她介绍的艰苦工作。为穷人服务。做一名乡村教师。同时,这份工作也给了她很大的精神安慰:她可以自己养活自己,不需要依附任何人。简爱在经济上独立的要求,并没有使她把金钱作为唯一的目标。简爱在金钱面前,在叔叔的遗产一夜之间由赤贫变为富有的时候,她立即就把遗产的大部分转赠给她贫穷的表哥表姐。很明显,作者努力让她的女主人公在经济上独立的用心良苦。我认为,遗产的安排并非像许多评论者所说的是:“画蛇添足”。而是恰恰反映了作者已经敏锐地看到,女性的独立首先在于经济的独立。她清楚地懂得:如果妇女在经济上不能独立,那么在政治上,婚姻上就没有真正的独立,平等而言。这个认识无疑是接近真理的。正如恩格斯所指出的:“只要妇女仍然排除于社会的生产劳动之外而只是从事家庭的私人劳动,那么妇女的解放,妇女同男子的平等,现在和将来都是不可能的。 三.追求平等的爱情
