


1..观点类(适用于My View on college students' using cell phones : Nowadays more and more

college students are using cell phones. What do you think of that?)


① Different people have different views on ____. Some people think that _____, while others

argue that ____.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the _____ opinion. For one thing, I firmly believed ____.

For another,_____. Just think of ____, who ____.

Taking all these factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that____. Only if ____ can we _____, just as the saying goes, ____.

② People's opinions are always different once they talk about ____. Those who ____ maintain

that ____. They also firmly believed that_____.

Many people think otherwise. On the one hand,____. On the other hand,____.

My own opinion is that____, in this fast-developing in information era, has become more than common and acceptable. If we want to ____, we have to ____. So why not ___?





Is Failure a Bad Thing?

Failure is a common thing in our daily life. For example, sometimes we fail to pass the examinations. On other occasions, we are defeated in sport games. And there are times when we fail to do more satisfactory work. So it is safe to say that every one of us must have encountered failure of one kind or another.

However, different people have different attitudes towards failure. Some people lose heart when they come across failures. They seem to think that it is the end of the world. Others, on the contrary, don’t take failure seriously. They seem to think that failure is first step to success.

In my opinion, what really counts is not failure itself, but our attitude towards it. If we are afraid of failure and yield to it easily, we are bound to have one failure after another. But as long as we have confidence in ourselves and learn something from failure, we’ll certainly go from victory to victory. So I’m never afraid of failure, or I firmly believe that “failure is the mother of success.”


Nowadays, _____ is playing a more and more important role in people's daily life. However, people's opinions are still divided on this point.

Those who are in favor of _____ claim that it has a lot f advantages. Firstly,

_____. Secondly,____. Last but not least, _____.

Those who are opposed to _____ hold that disadvantages are many. In the first place,_____. In the second place, _____.Finally,____.

All in all, we can safely come to the conclusion that the pros and outweigh the cons. The past twenty years witnessed the fast development of _____ along with ____. A brighter future is awaiting us if we make good use of ____.





The Effects of Advertisement

As one of the products of modern society, advertisement has filled almost every corner of the world. We are exposed to them anywhere and anytime. When we listen to the radio or watch TV, the programs are broken up by advertisements that flash on every five or ten minutes. Walking in the street, we find we confronted with endless ad bulletins. Every evening, especially weekend evenings, we find out mailbox full of ad leaflets. With their tremendous power and attractive, advertisements have become a part of our life.

Every coin has two sides, so does advertisement. Advertisement exerts both positive and negative effects upon our life. In order to promote trade, business people engage in making their products known to the public in the most attractive ways so that potential customers find it easier to choose what they are to purchase when faced with shelves of goods in the supermarkets. However, advertisements are not always reliable, as some dishonest businessmen exaggerate the functions and qualities of their products. Customers may be misled and deceived. Such is often the case, and it does harm the interests of the customers.

Thus, when confronted with an advertisement, we have to be very cautious so as not to be taken in by appealing words and pictures in it. We should remember that advertisements are good at playing with words. What customers should do is to ask about the product and try it, if possible, before purchasing it.


Most people have realized that ____ has long been a serious problem, but they are divided on whether it can ever be _____ .

The reasons why such phenomena arises are three-fold. First, ____. second, _____. Third,______.

Consequently it is important that we take three measures to solve this problem. First of all,_____. In the second place, _____. Last but no means least,_____.

It is beyond doubt that ______ it is a serious problem to any nation at any time. Nevertheless, in such a nation as we have, I firmly believe if all of us shoulder the responsibility, we can deal with this problem successfully.





Keep Our City Clean

A city, whether small or big, should be kept clean. A clean environment will do us much good. Without the clean environment, we can hardly keep fit, work efficiently or live a comfortable life, which will greatly hold back the development of the city. So it’s of great importance to keep our city clean.

Moreover, keeping the city clean is not an easy job. We can clean up the city and keep it clean temporarily, but can we keep it clean for good? This arduous work is in close relation to the economy of the city, the government policy and citizens’ qualities. It demands permanent efforts and scientific measures and right attitudes.

In order to keep the city clean, our government has taken a great many steps, which includes proper investment, making plans and regulations, the disposal of rubbish, the forestation, and the layout of gardens and flower beds and lawns. We can expect a clean and beautiful city as long s all of us do what we should under the leadership of the government.


For a number of years, there has been a steady rise in the number of ___. Three reasons, in my mind, can account for this social phenomenon. First and foremost, ___. In the second place, ___. Last but by no means the least,___.

I firmly believe that if we try our best to ___.





Internet and our life

We are now living in an internet society. It seems that we are overwhelmed in the internet life. Newspapers are talking that the internet age has come.

Everything in our daily life can have relationship with internet: in the morning, we may turn on the computer to check whether we have E-mails from friends of abroad; then we can read some latest news from any websites in the world. To the internet users, there is no borders between nations. People can contact their friends wherever they are, as long as they are connected to the internet. After a day’s work, you may connect to the internet and do some shopping.

Internet makes our lives easy and convenient. So why don’t we turn on the computer and send a birthday card to our father?

The importance of Confidence

It is importanat for us to have confidence no matter who we are and what we do. Without confidence, we are unlikely to accomplish anything, especially when confronting setbacks or hardships. On the other hand, if we are confident, there’ll be every likelihood to achieve success.

But why do some people lack confidence even though they are capable of doing something?

For one thing, they underestimate their own abilities, and therefore they fear to meet any challenge. For anyother, they overestimate the difficulties, and thus feel helpless in the face of them.

When we know the reason for losing confidence, we can easily regain it. We must build up faith in ourselves by developing a right attitude towards ourselves. In fact, it is not fearful that there are difficulties but it is fearful that we have no confidence.

My View on the Importance of Self-confidence

Self-confidence means the firm belief that you can do things well. If you want to succeed in doing anything, you must have every confidence in your abilities. Otherwise, you may hardly achieve anything. Some people always complain about how difficult their tasks would be. They often refuse to have a try, and therefore have no opportunity to overcome dificulties in order to get themselfves improved. Apparently, this shows their lack of self-confidence.

There are several reasons why people feel frustrated or discouraged in face of difficulties. First, they underestimate themselves. Second, they tend to overestimate the difficulties. Third, they are afraid of making mistakes or getting failures.

It is important for young people to build up self-confidence. As a proverb goes, “confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.”We should make sufficient preparations and encourage ourselves before setting about doing anything. We don’t have to be afraid of mistakes or failures, for we can learn from mistakes and “failure is the mother of success.”


2013年中考语文万能作文模板 一、记叙文模板 模板一记人模式 【一般模板】 一、开头:①感情化语言概括叙述我和该人的关系,重点介绍该人,如肖像描写。②两者关系及该人精神特质的议论即主题。如”他是一个勤奋的好同学”。一般写熟人:老师或者同学、亲友。 二、中间: 写一件事:从开头、发展到结尾,细致叙述和描写,在发展的高潮部分最好点出主题。 写几件事:每件事即每层次前,可以用对该人精神特质的一个因素领起。以对该人的感情体验及整体议论来贯穿几件事。 三、结尾:①重申特质,照应开头。②深化感情关系,发出感慨。 【范文】 忘不了她 生活中有许多事情像浮萍一样随波逝去,也有的像根一样牢牢地扎在人们的心里。是的,每当我看到一片绿叶,就更加深深地怀念起我的启蒙老师——王老师,我永远忘不了的人。 童年时期,是在一个小山村里度过的。王老师是我童年时最好的引路人。王老师最爱绿叶,在她的书里常常可以看到用绿叶作的书签。一次我和她在野外散步,她给我讲了一个她自己经历的故事。 那时,王老师刚刚参加工作,一次去冒雨去家访一个重病的学生。这个学生觉得自己马上就要死去了,望着窗外的常青藤说:“青藤上最后一片叶子落下时,我就离开人间了”王老师立即回去,含着眼泪画了一片碧绿晶莹的叶子,在一个风雨交加的夜晚,把它牢牢扎在小学生家中的青藤上。那位同学坚强地活了下来。听了王老师的叙述后,我才悟出了她喜欢绿叶的真正原因。后来,我进入了中学,和王老师分手时她送我一束花。我却说:“您还是送我一片叶吧。”王老师会心地笑了。她笑得那么甜。 去年教师节的时候,我特意去看望王老师。王老师一家四口人挤在这一间小屋里,两个上小学的孩子正在床上写作业。床分上下层两层。即使这样,屋里还支不开一张桌子。看着这一切,想起老师在课堂上给我们讲课的情景,我的眼睛湿润了。 马上要初中毕业了。三年的初中生活是多么令人难忘啊!究竟老师和同学们给了我多少爱,这是无法计算的。然而给我印象最深的,令我永远忘不了的是王老师和她的事业——尽管花的事业是珍贵的,是甜美的,但我爱叶的事业,因为叶的事业是谦逊的。 花蕾待放倍思园丁苦,万紫千红更爱育花人,愿所有的人和我一样,永远记住她吧——一个从事叶的事业的人。 模板二叙事模式


★1.辞职信 *模板一 Dear_________, I am writing to inform you about my decision of resignation. I have enjoyed working with you and the staff in our company in the past few years. However, I find it is inappropriate for me to take the position as ____________(接职务,如an editor)for the following reasons. First and foremost, _____________________. (第一个原因) Besides, _____________________.(第二个原因) Most importantly, _____________________.(第三个原因) Thank you for your caring in these several years’ working. I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience my leaving may cause. Yours sincerely, Li Ming *模板二 Dear_________, This is to inform you that I intend to resign from my current position. I feel reluctant to give up my present job, but I find it is inappropriate for me to take the position as _______________(接职务,如an editor)for the following reasons.


高考作文万能句型 第一部分:英汉常用句式 开头 1. 信件开头常用语 1. I am writing to you to ... 2. I read an advertisement in today ’s China Daily and I apply for the job... 3. Thank you for your letter of May 5. 4. How happy I am to receive your letter of January 9. 5. How nice to hear from you again. 6. Your letter came to me this morning. 7. I have received your letter of July the 20th. 8. I ’m writing to you about the lecture to be given next Monday. 9. I ’m writing to ask if you can come next week. 10. How time flies! It ’s three months since I saw you last. 11. In reply to your letter about (the exhibition this year) ?; 12. Let me tell you that ? 2. 口头通知或介绍情况:

2. Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please. I have an announcement to make. 3. Attention, please. I have something important to tell you. 4. Mr. Green, Welcome to our school. To begin with, let me introduce Mr. Wang to you. 13. 演讲稿: 3. Ladies and gentlemen, I feel very much honored to have a chance here to make a speech on the subject -- A Balance Diet and Health. 4. Goodmorning everyone! Allow me, first of all, on behalf of all present here, to extend our warmwelcome and cordial greeting to our distinguished guest. 4. 表格信息 1. Let take a closer look at the pictures. The one on the left shows 。。。 2. As described/portrayed/illustrated/shown in the picture,+ 从句 3. As we can see from the chart (表格), + 从句 4. The purpose of the pictures is to warn us that + 从句 5. The pictures clearly show + 从句 6. 从画中可以看到As/It can be clearly seen from the picture, + 从句 7. 正如上面所示As is shown above, + 从句。一个描述了A,另一个暗示了 B One depicts (v. 描述)A, while the other implies (暗示)B 8. 这是一幅多么生动形象的画啊!它告诉我们 What a vivid picture it is! It tells us that + 从句 9. 根据图表/ 表格中的百分比/ 数字/ 统计数字,很显然??,但是为什么呢 According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages given in the table, it can be seen that ??. Obviously ,??,but why?


考研日语万能作文模板第1类(共两类) 段落 内容 模板句 开首段 扣题展开 第1句(2模板句) 描绘产生问题的背景 第2句(2模板句) 说明在该背景下问题如何产生 第二段 论述方法一 (角度A ) 第1句(2模板句) 一句话提出方法 第2句(2模板句) 进一步阐明方法 第3句(2模板句) 论述必要性(为什么) 第4句(2模板句) 总结说明该方法 第三段 论述方法二 (角度B ) 第1句(2模板句) 一句话提出方法 第2句(2模板句) 进一步阐明方法 第3句(2模板句) 论述必要性(为什么) 第4句(2模板句) 总结说明该方法 总结段 扣题总结 第1句(2模板句) 再一次强调问题的迫切性 第2句(2模板句) 从正面或反面说明如果采取以上措施,则问题可以得到解决 第一段: 第1句: 模板句1 今日きょうの世界せかいにおいては、平和へいわと発展はってんが主おもな 潮流ちょうりゅうである。にもかかわらず、たまに突発的災害とっぱつてきさいがいや事件じけんが起おこる可能性かのうせい もある。 翻译:在当今世界上,和平和发展是主要的潮流。但是,有时候会偶尔发生突发性的灾难、事件。 模板句2 今いま では、自然環境しぜんかんきょうがこれ以上悪いじょうわるくなると、 地球ちきゅうが大変たいへんな ことになるということが広ひろく知しられるようになった。オゾン層そうの

破壊はかい、地球ちきゅうの温暖化おんだんか、酸性雨さんせいう、水質汚染すいしつおせん、ごみ問題もんだいなど、身近みぢかな自然破壊しぜんはかいの例れいは枚挙まいきょ にいとまがない。 翻译:众所周知的是,如今,自然环境如果再持续恶化,地球将难以承受。臭氧层破坏、温室效应、酸雨、水污染、垃圾问题等等,这些发生在我们身边的自然破坏的例子,不胜枚举。 第2句: 模板句1 突発的災難とっぱつてきさいなんや事件じけんは事前じぜんに予測よそくできない上うえに、大おおきな被害ひがいを及およぼす場合ばあいも多おおいため、防災意識ぼうさいいしきや対応策たいおうさくを備そなえている必要ひつようがある。 翻译:突发性灾难、事件不能事先预测,而且,由于很多情况下带来很大的破坏,因此有必要进行防灾意识、防灾对策的准备。 模板句2しかし、「今いま、地球ちきゅうは深刻しんこくな危機ききにおちいっている」とい ったらおおげさだと思おもう人ひとがまだ大勢たいせいいるが、地球ちきゅうの危機ききは紛まぎれ もない事実じじつ なのだ。 翻译:然而,即便是说“如今地球正陷入严重的危机”,很多人以为这言过其实,但是,地球的危机确实是不争的事实。 第二段: 第1句: 模板句1:個人こじんとして、万一まんいちの災難さいなんや事件じけんに対たいして、我々われわれは心構え をしていなければならない。 翻译:作为个人,为应对万一出现的灾难、事件,我们必须要做好心理准备。 模板句2:一ひとつは、自分じぶんにとって「無駄むだな時間じかんを減へらす」ことだ。 翻译:一个是,对于自己而言,减少浪费的时间。 第2句: 模板句1:前まえもって災難さいなん があったらどのようにすればいいのか、どうすれば落おち着つけるかという知識ちしきを勉強べんきょうせざるをえない。 翻译:我们必须要事前学习这一类知识:一旦发生了灾难该如何应对、如何才能够冷静下来。


公文格式(函、请示、报告、通知、规定的公文格式)之一 函的写作格式 函适用于不相隶属机关之间相互商洽工作、询问和答复问题,向有关主管部门请求批准等。公函包括标题、主送机关、正文、发文机关、日期、函告的事项、结语等。 ①标题 一般由发文机关、事由、文种或者事由、文种组成。一般发函为《关于**(事由)的函》;复函为《关于**(答复事项)的复函》。 ②正文 一般包括三层:简要介绍背景情况;商洽、询问、答复的事项和问题;希望和要求,如:"务希研究承复",敬请大力支持为盼"等。 函的写作范例 公文格式(函、请示、报告、通知、规定的公文格式)之二 通知格式1:(指示性通知) 北京积水潭医院关于××××××的通知 各科室: ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 北京积水潭医院二○○五年三月十日 例文(指示性通知) 国务院关于调整证券交易印花税中央与地方分享比例的通知 国发(1996)×号 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构: 改革开放以来,我国证券交易市场有了很大发展,证券交易规模不断扩大,证券交易印花税也有了较大幅度的增长。为进一步规范证券交易市场,妥善处理中央与地方的合配比例,增强中央宏观调控能力,国务院决定,自1997年1日1日起,将证券交易印花税分享比例由现行的中央与地方各50%,调整为中央80%、地方20%。有关地区和部门要从全局出发,继续做好证券交易印花税的征收管理工作,进一步促进我国证券市场的健康发展。 中华人民共和国国务院 一九九六年十二月十六日 通知格式2:(会议性通知)[参考模板] 关于×××××××××××××××会议的通知 各职能处室: 定于×月×日召开××××会。现将有关事宜通知如下: 会议议题××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 参加人员××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 会议时间×月×——×日(会期×××,×××××报到。) 会议地点××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 有关事宜(一)××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 (二)××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 (三)×××××××××××。 联系人:×××,电话:××××××××,传真:××××××××。 北京积水潭医院


万能作文模板 篇一:语文万能作文法模板 语文万能作文法模板 我说(填写话题关键词) 第二板块:小故事过渡(引入话题200字以内) 第三板块:总结小故事(回归话题100字以内) 第四板块:可再引入一个小故事(吸引读者300字以内) 第五板块:排比妙句(升华主题100字以内) 而我选择了(填写话题关键词) (话题关键词)是千里大堤一沙一石的凝聚, (话题关键词)是春蚕吐丝一缕一缕的环绕。 (话题关键词)是远航船的帆,有了帆,船才可以到达成功的彼岸。 “人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”是文天祥的选择; “我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑”是谭嗣同的选择; 宁肯饿死也不吃美国的救济粮,是朱自清的选择。 而我的选择是(话题关键词) 第一板块:经典万能妙句开头(渲染文采100字以内) 是什么,来得悄无生息,走得不留痕迹,却激起所有色彩的轻舞飞扬? 是什么,走得不留痕迹,来得悄无声息,却留下穿越一季的倾情歌唱? 是什么,轻轻地来了,又轻轻地走了,在收获的季节留下飘垂的金黄? 是什么,悄悄地走了,又轻轻地来了,为沉寂的大地纺出洁白的梦想? 哲人对着蓝天微笑:“是时间。”孩童握着风筝拍手:“是风。”流浪者说:“什么都不是,只是一个梦。” 纵然谄媚混淆视听,也不随其流扬其波,这是执着的选择。 纵然马革裹尸,魂归狼烟,也依旧九死而不悔,这是豪壮的选择;

纵然一生清苦,终日难饱,也仍愿怡然自乐,躬耕垄亩,这是高雅的选择。 在一番选择中,帝王将相成其盖世伟业,贤士迁客成其千古文章。 第六板块:名句或者名言结尾(虎头豹尾100字以内) 大海如果失去了巨浪的翻滚,就会失去雄浑; 沙漠如果失去飞沙的狂舞,就会失去壮观; 人生如果失去(话题关键词),生命也就失去了意义。 歌德说:我一生基本上只是辛苦工作,我的年表就是最好的说明。 康德说:人就是不断地进行创造性的工作,工作是使人得到快乐的最好方法。 爱因斯坦说:只要有一天你得到一件合理的事情去做,从此你的工作和生活都会有奇异的色彩。 一个普通人说:我们注定要终生吃苦,我们注定活得不轻松,但我们应该(话题关键词) 盈盈月光,我选一杯最亮的;落落余辉,我拥一缕最暖的;灼灼红叶,我拾一片最热的;凄凄芳草,我摘一束最灿的;漫漫人生,我要采撷世间最重要的(话题关键词)万能开头五种方法 开头方法之一:开门见山话题点穿 诚实守信,是我们中华民族的优良传统。千百年来,人们讲求诚信,推崇诚信。诚信之风质朴醇厚,历史越悠久,诚信之气越充盈中华,诚信之光越普照华夏。诚信早已融入我们民族文化的血液,成为文化基因中不可或缺的重要一环。(《诚信》) 青春,是三月争奇斗艳的花朵,是七月缤纷的太阳雨,是十月灼人的红叶;是喷雾的旭日,是竞发的百舸,是搏击长空的雄鹰;是弹着欢乐的琴弦,是一路坎坷,一路执著地奔向大海的小溪,是挺直了躯干,舒展了满怀的葱茏,热烈地拥抱蓝天的白杨开头方法之二:引用名言文采凸现 如果事业中掺杂了感情因素那事业注定要不成功的;我们的公司的管理人员决于能长着相似的脸。(福特《2003年高考作文把心放正》) 心睛的时候,雨也是睛;心时候,睛也是雨。(汪国真) 哈姆莱特曾高呼:“人啊,看清你自己!” 而我要说:“人啊,看清这个世界。”(《2003


三、说明文模板 模板一 【示例模板】 一、【开头】 1.叙述或描写 2.总说明;一般定义说明 二、【中间】 用各种说明方法如举例说明、分类说明或分析说明、比较说明等,说明事物性质、形状、特征、成因、功用。(复杂的事物要依次按性质、形状、特征、成因、功用来说明;简单的事物主要运用分类说明或者分析说明、比较说明等。) 三、【结尾】 重申事物突出的特征或作用,或引起反思。 【范文】 水 汹涌澎湃的是海水,碧波荡漾的是湖水,潺潺不绝的是泉水,清澈见底的是溪水…… 水,常温下不过是一种透明无味的液体,可是到了摄氏零度时就变成晶莹的冰花,摄氏百度时又会变成腾腾的“热雾”。不过可不能小瞧了它。水是生命摇篮。没有了水,就没有一切。 生产离不开它。工农业生产哪一顶不需要水黄河上游的发电站发出了百亿度的电,其源泉是水的动能;成顿的钢材,在水压机上揉面团似的锻压成各种形状,靠的还是水的动能;商店里一匹匹色彩斑斓的布料,纺织、印染时离不开水。还

有农田里飘着清香的蔬菜,诱人垂涎的瓜果需要水,一望无际的碧绿的庄稼不能没有水……整个绿色世界和人类赖以生存的食粮,都是水和光的结晶。 生活离不开它。人们日常生活中,又有哪一项不需要水呢做饭、饮用要水;洗衣、洗澡要用水;在国际上一举夺魁的作大名酒,原料也是水;奥运会上鏖战的健儿们的饮料也离不开水…… 地球素有“水的行星“之称,地表的百分之七十也被水覆盖,可别就以为它是“取之不尽,用之不竭”的。非洲缺水已造成空前的灾难,还有废水的污染,使许多江河湖海的水变色变质。解决用水困难,除了有待利用地下深层水、冰山的雪水外,目前只能有两种途径:一是节约用水,二是净化废水。后者则被科学家所重视。 当你漫步在被净化的溪水边,看着那又重新恢复清亮的水淙淙流过身边时,当你休憩在被净化的湖边的凉亭下,凝视着碧波荡漾的湖面上鸭鹅嬉戏时,你是否体会到水带给你的享受和乐趣


第一种,总分总式。 这是最常见最朴素的写人结构。它的特点是有一个点明题意的开头(A),简洁醒目,作为文章的总起部分。主干部(B、C、D)也可以说是文章的分述部分,它的几段互相独立,从不同的角度表达中心,在编排先后的次序上还需要有一定的斟酌。结尾E是文章的总结部分,它不仅是D的自然过渡,而且常常是对B、C、D的归纳小结,又是对A的照应。 第二种,逐层进入式。 这种结构方式适用于用一件事写人。它的特点是:第一层次A,写事情的起因;第二层次B,写事情的发展;第三层次C,写事情的高潮;第四层次D,写事情的结局。文章的二三层次是全文的灵魂和力量所在。这两个层次写得好,常常可以使文章内容丰富起来。 七、为了便于同学们理解记忆,编了以下顺口溜: 写人文章并不难,抓住特点是关键。选择

事例一二三,典型新颖考虑全。 描写方法有五个,交叉运用文章鲜。运用细节不呆板,突出中心记心间。 横纵对比形象现,不宜用时勿生搬。以上几点全做到,写人文章一定好。 语文】高考作文万能模板 模板解说 1.要体现“记叙”性质。判断一篇文章是不是合格的记叙文,就要看它是否塑造了一个完整的人物或叙述了一个完整的事情。 2.强化背景和细节的设置。好的记叙文,人物活动、情节展开必然是建立在一定的背景之下,这一“背景”就是呈现人物、事件的舞台。好的环境描写,不仅能渲染氛围,增强文字的情感色彩,而且会使行文富有美感。另外,人物的思想性格的塑造往往是靠几个细节来完成的。 3.要挖掘典型意义。记叙文,记人或叙事是基础,但所写的人或事必须具有一定典型性。考生要通过文中的人或事传达某种情感

或思考,这就是典型意义。 模板图示 开头(引出事件,渲染气氛) 故事开端(平淡中蕴藏矛盾) 发展(矛盾产生,初起波澜) 高潮(矛盾尖锐,凸显人物性格) 结局(矛盾解决,风平浪静) 模板范文 忧与爱江苏一考生 已是上海的深冬,砭人肌骨的寒冷。上海眼科医院外的灰色地面,枯叶软塌塌地浸在积水中,想必淅沥的冬雨定是下了一夜。(开头的环境描写引出事件,奠定了全文淡淡忧伤的情感基调。) 拽了父亲的手怏怏地走,父亲忧愁的目光像这锁了寒雾的深冬,迷蒙而凄恻。 来上海检查是费了一番周折的,在我看来一次检查眼压高是算不得什么的。而父亲的眉自那时起就没有舒展过。是谁强颜欢笑将那


一般书写写作格式及范文 篇一:一般书信写作格式及范文 一般书信写作格式及范文书信一般由称谓、问候语、正文、结尾、署名、日期所构成. 1 .称谓 在首行顶格的位置写称谓,后加冒号。 为了表示尊敬、亲切,可在称谓前加上“尊敬的”或“亲爱的”等词。例如:亲爱的强强: 2 .问候语 第二行开头空两格写问候语。 运用礼貌语言,使收信人感到亲切,受到尊敬。 长者多问候身体,中年人多问候事业和家庭,青年人多问候爱情和学业,少年儿童多祝愿健康成长。 例如:你好!你在新学校的生活还习惯吧,别忘记了老同学哟3 .正文 另起一行空两格写,一般一件事一段,注意要分层次叙述清楚,简洁清晰 语言要求准确通俗,明白如话,不要作过多过深的修饰,已免造成对方难于理解。 例如:最近我们准备开一次同学聚会,不知你有时间回来参加没有。另外,请你帮我到新华书店买一本语文学习资料,阅读方面的。 4 .结尾

要根据收信人的身份,写表示祝愿的话,以示礼貌。 一般性的祝词“此致”“敬礼”,格式是另起一行空两格写“此致”, “敬礼”下一行顶格写。 给长者的信往往写“祝您健康长寿”,给朋友写“祝工作顺利”,给晚辈写“祝你学习进步”。 例如:祝 学习更上一层楼。 5 .署名和日期 最后两行靠右写写信人的姓名,姓名正下方落下写信日期。根据写信人与收信人的关系,在姓名前可表明身份,如“学生×××”、“儿××”等。 例如:好友:刘星 ××年×月×日 一般书信写作注意事项: 1 .内容要写得清楚明白,以免造成对方的误会或疑问,耽误事情。 2 .用词要热情、自然、贴切、有礼貌。 3 .要按照书信的格式写,信封写作更要规范,避免投递困难。 4 .字迹要清楚,不能潦草,以免造成误会和麻烦。 尊敬的XX: 您好! ??????????????????????????????????。

优秀作文 语文作文万能模板-精品

语文作文万能模板 “万能作文模板” 记者采访中发现,我市中学语文界几乎流行着各种各样的万能作文模板。据称,这 种模板在语文考试中能给学生作文带来不错的分数。 以一份“万能作文模板”为例: 第1节150字左右:写出中心论点,首选单句形式,且是判断句或肯定句。绝对不用复句(复句容易走题,影响得分),点出写作的由头,作文题中含有的提示性文字材料,一 定要有所涉及。 第2节200字左右:段首讲述分论点一,如第一节的内容是几个分论点的简单组合,则“分论点一”适宜放在段尾。这样和分论点二、分论点三的位置区别开来,使行文有变化。“分论点一”论证不许举例,采用纯分析的说理论据展开。 第3节200字左右:段首讲述分论点二,采用举例论证,首选作文题提示中的例子来分析论证,同时也可辅助一个自己举的例子,自己举的例子要比前例文字少。如没有作 文题提示中的例子,则自己举个典型的例子来分析论证,同样要求叙写例子的文字一定 要比分析论证的文字少。否则对文体特征会产生重创,影响得分。 第4节200字左右:段首讲述分论点三。采用联系实际举例。这是写作本文的时代意义所在。联系的实际可以是学习、生活、社会任何一个方面,目的是或提高思想认识,或明确是非正邪,或提出解决的方法途径,或揭示某种疑难迷惑,总之要给人以启发。 第5节150字左右:要再现中心论点,扣住中心论点写出作用、意义、号召、展望等。 模板提醒:如果作文题目提供有多个材料,并要求在所给材料中任选一个角度作文,那么,选入作文中的例子只能是一个,且是从中提炼出中心论点的那个,其余材料不可涉及。作文开头和结尾一定要出现题目中的关键词(句)。 目前上高二的周星同学介绍说,他平时最头痛作文,为了应付考试和老师布置的作业,“我在网上买了一本作文模式的书,平时在网上找些素材,只要照着模式把素材加进去,改头换面之下一篇作文就完成了。我准备了几个模式,一到作文考试就套用,得个基本分肯定没问题,有时碰巧了还能得到高分。” “现在网络发达,学生‘拼、抄、套’的现象很普遍,难免出现千人一面的现象。 例如作文要求是以‘父亲’为话题写一篇文章,很多学生的作文里就会出现如下的情节:有父亲在田间辛勤劳作的情景,有《背影》中父亲送别的情景。当然少不了从小学写到中学的父亲雨夜送‘我’去看病,或者陪伴‘我’看书、写字的情景……”某中学初三语文老师告诉记者。


高考作文万能模板:图标作文 As is shown by the figure/percentage in the table/picture,____ has been on rise/ decr ease,significantly/dramatically rising/decreasing from ____ in _____ to _____ in _____. From the sharp rise/decline in the chart,it goes without saying that _____. There are at least two good reasons accounting for _____. In one hand,____.In the other hand,_____ is due to the fact that ______.In addition,______ is responsible for _____. Maybe there are some other reasons to show ______.But itis generally believed tha t the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned,I hold the point of view that _______. I am sure my op inion is both sound and well-grounded. 书信作文模板 Your addressMonth,Date,yearReceiver's add ressDear …, I am extremely pleased to hear from you. And I would like to write a letter to tell you that_____. …… I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/I am lookin g f0rward to your replies at your earliest convenience. Best regards for your health and success.Sincerely yours


考研英语大作文万能模板 考研英语大作文指导思想: 大作文可归纳为三类:成功学、道德问题和社会新现象。 写作步骤: 第一,整体把握图画主题思想属于三类中的哪一类,并提炼主题思想的关键词; 第二,主题思想定位明确后,就可套用对应的模板; 第三,就可以套着模板下手写了,第一段要尽量准确地描述图片,句型要丰富,用词要恰如其分,第二、三段替换关键词即可。 一、成功学 成功学,即影响人成功的因素; 下文主题思想以“自信”为例,提炼关键词confidence ; 若主题思想为其他,横线上内容进行替换即可。 正文: As is vividly depicted in the picture, aman, who, is doing. Undoubtedly, the implication of this fancy picture is well worth considering. It goes without saying that the author of this drawing strives to send out an abundantly clear message that confidence is of supreme important to one’s success. Meantime, it strikes a chor d in our hearts. Owing to the quickening pace of modern life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, it is sagaciousforustousethisqualitytodefeatourrivals.Furthermore,whengetintoscrape with nail-biting, we need thisquality to help us to go out of the wood. Were there no confidence, hardlywouldwegetanavenuetosuccess.Therefore,peoplewithspiritofconfidence can not only accumulate wealth, but also establish their career,fit into society, and even attain social status. To sum up, confidence is the core value of us which we should carryon forever. That enlightensusbecomingmore appreciative of themeaningoflifeanditspermanentspiritualvalues.Tosomeextent,thereal value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the usage of it wasused. So having right values in lifeis all-important for us. Please alwaysbear in mind that your own resolution to get confidence is more importantthan anything. (228 words)


说明利弊型 3段式 第一段说明某现象或事物带来的好处、弊端 第二段说明某现象或事物可能会带来的问题、利益第三段阐述自己的看法或建议 模板1 作者支持弊端 Nowadays/Recently,___1___.By doing so, it/ they can help ___2___ and ______. However, some people believe/ view that ____3__.For one thing,___4___.For another,____5___.In addition, ___6___. As for me/ As far as I am concerned, ___7___.The reason lies in the fact that ___8____.Moreover/ What’s more,___9___.I hope/ expect to see ___10____. 1开门见山,引出事实或现象 2 带来的好处 3 可能带来的弊端 456 具体说各条弊端 7 作者的观点 89 具体说各条作者观点 10 提出希望,总结 模板2 作者支持好处 In recent years,___1___ has/ have become rather common. It has brought great benefits/ harm to ___2___.Firstly,__3____.Secondly,___4___.Furthermor e,___5_____. 6But every coin has two sides. The disadvantages/ advantages can not be ignored. For one thing, __7___.For another, ___8____. 9Through above analysis, I believe that the advantages/ positive aspects outweigh the disadvantages/ negative aspects. Therefore, we should ___10___. 1 开门见山,引出事实或现象 2 3 45 好处 6 注意对立面 78弊端 9 10 表明作者观点和建议,总结全文 My opinions of Students’ Owning a Cell Phone With the development of the information industry, cell phones play an important role in people’s life. However, I believe owing a cell phone is harmful to students. There are many bad effects of


最新2018河南省中考作文范文优秀模板 2018河南省中考作文篇一 青春年少,风华正茂。每个人都拥有自己渴望的青春梦。 青春的我们,希望可以如内心渴望一样,无忧无虑,活跃在校园的每个角落。青春的我们,渴望拥有一份骄傲的答卷,青春的我们,渴望进行一场属于我们少男少女的野外郊游,摆托那些闲言碎语。15岁的我们充满了希望。 多想,抛下书山题海,二胖可以清楚哪些唠叨的教诲,无忧无虑,插上翅膀,飞到校园,在校园里遗留属于我们三年快乐的时光:飞到桂林山水,欣赏秀丽的大好河山;飞到香格里拉,寻觅春天的足迹,享受田园风光,净化心灵。 多想,没有考试的学习。初二的我们,三天一小考,五天一大考。学习中等的我们经受不了此起彼伏的红叉叉,那鲜艳的分数。没有负担,自主学习,这亦是大多青春学子的梦吧?多想老师不要以成绩衡

量一个人的好坏,评价一个人啊! 多想进行一场活动,让我们少男少女彼此学习,消除隔膜,互相促进。十五岁的我,渴望被人理解,没有那些闲言碎语,没有性别之差,我们都是朋友。 多想,实施那种平等促进的师生民主关系,没有长辈之分,都是朋友课堂上你那抑扬顿挫讲诉的每句话一定会印在我们的脑海,多想我们师生关系就像张丽莉老师和她的学子一样啊。多想课堂上也可以彼此探讨解决问题,课后我们嬉戏玩耍。我想这样的学习一定深受青春大多学子的喜爱吧。 2018河南省中考作文篇二 我们的青春就像命运恩赐的一枚青涩的果子,我们迫不及待地塞进嘴里,却酸涩得流下泪来,无可救赎。青春,是一本太仓促的书。 常去的书城,一转角,遇上小学同学的几率是万分之一吧,就那么巧,我碰见了余珉瑶。 我们坐在茶吧里,点了两份奶昔,她放下书包,拿出一本辅导书在写。珉瑶说自己最近在学吉他,"呵,手指头有时都能被弦勒出痕


一、英语书信的常见写作模板 开头部分: How nice to hear from you again. Let me tell you something about the activity. I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th. I’m pleased to hear that you’re coming to China for a visit. I’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America. 结尾部分: With best wishes. I’m looking forward to your reply. I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier. 二、口头通知常见写作模板 呼语及开场白部分: Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. 正文部分: All the teachers and students are required to attend it. Please take your notebooks and make notes. Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups. Please come on time and don’t be late. 结束语部分: Please come and join in it.


1.基本要求:就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出120词的短文,内容基本完整、用词恰当,语篇连贯。 2.评分标准及相应的要求 14分——切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。 11分——切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。(单复数,冠词,拼写,大小写)8分——基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚, 文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。(时态混乱,句子成分搭配不当) 5分——基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。 2分——条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 *卷面要求:字体端正清晰、易于辨认;规范大小写;词间空格,段前缩进;正确使用标点符号;避免拼写错误,减少涂改。 *内容要求:语言上,关键在于变化,变化不分难易,只要有变化就行。变化分为词的变化和句的变化。在用词上,同一文章中,相同意义的词要争取不断的用近义词替换。

7种万能写作模板 一、现象/观点阐释型 现象/观点阐释型作文要求考生就某一事物或者现象进行客观的分析和评论。要求分析某一社会现象出现的原因或存在的问题并结合实际情况具体说明自己的看法和建议。此类作文的基本结构如下:第一段简述某一现象(即提出文章讨论的主题)。第二段分析产生该现象的原因或存在的问题(写作的重心,需要从多方面进行阐述)。第三段提出号召、建议或解决方案。 模板 (某社会现象或问题)has increasingly become a common concern of the public. (用一句话具体描述该社会现象). However, (该社会现象引发的问题). The reasons for this are obvious. The primary reason, presumably, is that (产生该现象的原因1). The second reason is that (产生该现象的原因2). Personally, I think (该社会现象) should be controlled because it (该现象产生的社会问题). To improve the present situation, (解决该社会问题的方法或措施).


高考英语议论文模板 三大要素:论点,论据,论证 基本结构:提出问题(引论);分析问题(本论);解决问题(结论) 常用论证方法:比较法例证法推理法归纳法驳论法 提纲式作文 (1)不同观点列举型( 选择型) 写作方法:有一些人认为…另一些人认为…我的看法… There is a widespread concern over the issue that 作文题目. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that 观点一. In their views there are two factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, 原因一. Besides, in the second place, 原因二. So it goes without saying that 观点一. People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that 观点二. In their point of view, on the one hand, 原因一. On the other hand, 原因 二 . Therefore, there is no doubt that 观点二. As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that 观点一或二. It is not only because _______________, but also because_______________. 题(一):每年高考之前总会出现“高考移民”,他们设法到录取分数线较低的省份参加考试。你班同学就此展开讨论,提出以下两种相反意见: 请就此给“学生英语报Student Times”写一篇报道,说明上述讨论情况。 说明:1.词数100左右2.标题和开头段已给出. Students on the Move for Their Exams ─Fair or Unfair? Every year some students from high─score areas move to other provinces to take the Entrance Examination of the Colleges. Recently we had a discussion about this. 题(二):目前,温州的街头出现了越来越多的猫与狗,对此“中学生英语报”组织了一场讨论:城市内是否可以饲养宠物。请你根据下表所提供的信息,介绍讨论情况,并说明自己的观点和建议。 注意1.词数100左右2.可以适当增减细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语已为你写好。 Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities. (2)利弊型的议论文 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 写作方法:1.说明事物现状2.事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法 Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that) 作文题目. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in 题目议题. Generally speaking, it is
