

The Modal Verbs(1):Must.May/Might,Can’t/Couldn’t+ Be(Doing)/Have Done 情态动词(1):情态动词表示推测

Vocabulary and Patterns

1.classic n.经典(著作)

Her daughter particularly likes reading the classics of English literature


adj. 古典(指古罗马或古希腊文艺)的;(文学,艺术等)第一流的

modern classic writers 当代第一流的作家

2.board n.板:船舷;董事会

on board在船上

on a notice/chess board在布告栏/棋盘上

on the board of the company在公司董事会上


board at Gate No.2 在二号门登机boarding school寄宿学校

aboard adv.&prep.在船(或飞机、火车、公共汽车)上(里)

He has gone aboard.他已上船(飞机、车)了。

3. management n.经营;管理

bad/poor management管理不善

manage. v. 管理,经营;支配;设法

manage a shop/a factory经营商店/管理工厂

We finally managed to get there in time最后我们及时赶到了。

manage to do=succeed in doing成功做……;设法做成……

It was very dirty,but he managed to clean it.


manager n. 经理

the general manager总经理

4.assist v.

(1)to help or support协助,帮助

assist sb.to his feet搀扶某人站起来

(2)assist(sb.)in doing/to do/with sth.帮助某人做某事

We children all assisted father in mending the roof.


You will be employed to assist to develop new equipment.


He is delighted to assist me with my physics.他很乐意帮助我学物理。assistance n.[u]帮助,协助

Can I be of any assistance? 我能帮什么忙吗?

assistant n. 助手,助理

a shop assistant售货员

adj. 助理的

an assistant manager经理助理

5.polish v.


Polish your shoes with a brush用刷子擦亮你的皮鞋。

(2)to improve a piece of writing,etc.by making slight changes to it before it is completely


The speaker spent days polishing her lecture.


polished adj.擦亮的;完美的

highly polished floor擦得很光的地板

a polished performance完美的表演

6.whisper vt.&vi.

(1)to speak or say sth.very quietly,using your breath rather than your voice低声,耳语

You don’t have to whisper,no one can hear us.你不必低声说,没人能听到我们。

(2)whisper sth.to sb./whisper(to sb.)that...低声跟某人说,对某人窃窃耳语

She whispered it to me so that no one else would hear.


Staff were whispering that the company was about to go Out of business.


(3)It is whispered that...……悄悄传开

It is whispered that he is heavily in debt.他负债累累的事悄悄传开了。

n. 低声,耳语

say sth./speak in a whisper低声说

She said it in a whisper,so I couldn’t hear.她低声说的,因此我没能听见。7.amazement n.惊异(同义词:surprise,astonishment)

to one’s amazement令人惊异的是……

in amazement惊异地

amaze vt.使惊愕,使惊异(同义词:surprise,astonish)

be amazed at/by/that...对……感到惊异=be surprised(astonished)at/by/that be amazed to see/find/discover sth.看见/发现……感到惊异

What amazes sb.is that…/It amazes sb.that...令某人吃惊的是……

Visitors are amazed to discover how greatly shanghai has changed.


What amazed her was that was still alive.他居然还活着使她感到惊异。

=It amazed her that he was still alive.:She was m]lazed that he、vas still alive.

I find it amazing that you can’t swim. 你不会游泳可使我大吃一惊。


(1)adj. 微弱的,暗淡的

in a very faint voice以十分微弱的声音

There’s still a faint hope that she may be c ured.


I haven’t the faintest idea what you are talking about.



He fainted with/from hunger/for lack of food.他因饥饿/缺乏食物而昏厥了。9.aim v.

(1)aim at/for sth. (向某方向)努力,力争,目的是;aim(sth.)at sth.瞄准

The hunter aimed(his gun)at the lion and fired but missed it.


We should aim for the best results.我们应该希望达到最好的结果。

(2)aim to do/at doing=intend or try to do sth.意欲;力求做某事

You aim to go to an ideal university.你的目的是进入一所理想的大学。

Advertisements aim at appealing to consumers to purchase their products.


n. 瞄准;目的

take aim at the target瞄准靶子

the aim of the research研究的目的

The main aim of the course is to improve writing.该课程的主要目的就是提高写作。10.seize vt.


seize sb.by the arm/wrist抓住某人手臂/手腕

seize the chance to do sth.抓住做……的机会


seize the airport占领机场

11.alarm n. 惊慌;警报;闹钟

He was struck with alarm.他饱受惊慌。

the fire alarm火警set the alarm at 10把闹钟调在10点

give/sound/raise the alarm 发警报

Neighbors raised the alarm when they smelt smoke.邻居们闻到烟味时就发了警报。

Scientists have said there is n0 cause for alarm.科学家们说不必惊慌。


My mother was alarmed when I fell over.当我跌倒的时候,我妈妈很惊慌。12.lock vt.&vi.锁

There is something wrong with the door;it won’ t lock.这门有毛病,它锁不上。

Please lock the bike.请锁上自行车。

keep/put sth./be under lock and key=lock up锁好

All my money is now safely under lock and key.

=I lock all my money up(in a safe).把所有的钱都锁好了。

lock sb./oneself in/out of 把某人/自己锁在里面/外面

He’s locked in and no body knows where the key is.


I locked myself out of the house.我把自己锁在屋外。

13.reward vt. to give sth.to sb.because they have done sth.good or helpful or have worked for it报答,奖赏,酬谢

(1)reward sb.with sth.以/用……报答/酬谢某人

The clu b’s director rewarded him with a free season ticket.


(2)reward sb.(with sth.)for(doing)sth.因……酬谢某人……

She was rewarded with an apartment for her wonderful performance in the work,


He gave the children sortie chocolate to reward them for behaving well.



give sb.sth.as a reward for给某人某物作为回报in reward for作为回报

offer a reward of sth.to sb.for(doing)sth.为……悬赏……给某人

The police are offering a big reward(of 20,000)for the clue to the robbery.


14.earn vt.

earn money=make money赚钱

(1)earn one’s living—make one’s living 谋生

He made an investment in stocks,turning millionaire.


Everyone should have the means to earn his own living.


(2)earn sb.sth.(所做的努力/贡献等)为某人赢得……

“That wonderful performance earned her an Oscar Best Actress.


earnings n.薪水,工资

She has spent all her earnings.她花费了她所有的I资。

15.take one’s place

(1)take one’s seat就座

Everybody,please take your place and the meeting is about t0 begin.


(2)take the place of=replace取代

With the popularity of computers,Internet has taken the place of traditional 1etters.


(3)take place=occur=happen(v/.)发生

Great changes have taken place in Shanghai recently.近来在上海发生了P-3V~变化。

16. bowl in hand=with a bowl in his hand手中拿着碗

The teacher came in ,with a book in hand.老师进来,手中拿着书。

He lay on the sofa,pipe in mouth.他躺在沙发上,嘴里叼着烟斗。


She is mature for her age.就年龄而言她很成熟。

It is quite cool for summer.就夏季而言天气是很凉爽的。

18. So+“adj./adv.+助动词/情态动词/be斗主语+部分谓语..,that...


So hard did he study that he never needed to worry about exams.


So interesting a novel is it that I have read it several times.


Such a big fire was there(There was such a big fire)that the firemen had difficulty controlling it.


19. Never before did the bowl need washing.这碗从来不需要洗。

否定副词或短语位于句首,通常句子用部分倒装,如never,little,scarcely,seldom,not only,not until,neither,nor,hardly,not a word,by no mean等。

Not a word did he say when asked.当问他时,他只字未提。

Not only does he write novels hut also he translates poems.


Not until she got home did she realize that she had left her keys in the office.


20.original adj.

(1)existing or happening first原先的,最初的

The 0riginal plan was to set out last Friday, but we had to delay it because of the bad



(2)(a work of art)is the one that was made by the artist and is not a copy.


The original painting is in the National Gallery in London.


原著的语言,原文in the original用原著语言

He studied Greek to read Homer in the original,


Origin n. 起源,开端;出身,血统

the Origin of Species物种起源

The family is Irish by origin.这家人是爱尔兰人。

originate v. (使)开始

All theories originate from/in practice and in turn serve practice.


21.assign sb.sth./assign sth.to sb.布置/分配某人某任务/工作Being kind and approachable,she is popular with us.


assign sb.to do sth.布置/分配某人做某事

My superior assigned me to finish the annual report in a week.


assignment n.分配,委派,任务,(课文)作业

receive an assignment接受一项任务

What is today’s assignment in history? 今天历史课指定的作业是什么?

22.plunge(sb./sth.)into sth.使……陷入

plunge into the river跳入河里

The house was suddenly plunged into darkness.整个房子陷入黑暗中。

After the war,the family plunged into debt.战后全家陷入了债务中。

23.put an end to sth.结束……

Carelessness put an end to his life.粗心断送了他的生命。

His football career was put to an end when his team won the World Cup for the third time.当他的球队第三次获得世界杯时,他结束了他的足球生涯。

24.stand the test of 经受……的考验

Products of famous brand should stand the test of time.


I can’t stand being laughed at,我不能忍受被讥笑。

25.account for

(1)form a particular amount or part of something占有……的比例

Peasants account for 70%of the population of China.


(2)to be the reason why sth.happens解释/是……的原因

Jack was brought to account for the missing cash.


Can you account for being late? 你能解释你迟到的理由吗?

(3)take sth.into account--take sth.into consideration把……考虑在内

A successful ad.has to take local customs into account.


(4)on account of sth.=owing to=due to=thanks to=because of由于

I am considering retiring on account of my health.


26.make up组成;弥补;编造,虚构;下定(决心);和解;(给……)化装The various groups which make up the society构成社会的各种群体

Ten chapters make up the book.10章组成了这本书。

比较:The medical team was made up of twelve doctors.医疗队由十二名医生组成。

We need $50 to make up the sum required.


The whole story is made up.整个故事完全是虚构出来的。

make up with sb.和某人讲和shake hands and make up握手言和


I. Spelling.

a. Fill in each blanks with a word using the hints in the brackets.

1. Oliver Twist and his (a person who goes with or

spends time with another) suffered terrible hunger in silence for three months.

2. Life in the workhouse was very (hard, difficult) indeed.

3. The master aimed a blow at Oliver's head with his big spoon, seized him_________(closely,

firmly) in the arms, and shouted for Mr. Bumble.

4. The master, ___________________(to help, aid) by one or two women, served out the soup at


5. The boys _________________(to speak in a low voice) to each other, and made signs to Oliver.

b. Fill in the blanks with the word from the text The first letter of the word has been given.

6. The boys p their bowls with their spoons till they shone again.

7. When they had performed this o ,they would sit staring at the huge

pot, as if they could have eaten that too.

8. Mr. Bumble rushed into the room where members of the board were meeting and a

the gentleman at the head of the table.

9. So d__ ______ did the boys become in the end that one boy told the others that he was afraid he

might some night eat the boy who slept next to him.

10. A c__ _________ was held; votes were cast, and it fell to Oliver Twist to walk up to the

master after supper that evening, and ask for more.

11. Mr. Limpkins asked Mr. Bumble to be calm and answer him d ______________ .

12.A notice was put up on the gate, offering a r ________________ o f five pounds to anybody

who would take Oliver Twist away from the workhouse.

13.Oliver Twist rose from the table and, a ____________ to the master, bowl in hand.

14.Hearing Oliver Twist's request, the master said in a f _______________ voice, "What!"

15.He stared with h _____________ and a _______ at the small boy for some seconds.

II .Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.

1.Thinking of the great (suffer) of her son in the war, the mother couldn't help crying.

2.After graduation, the top student was left in the university, (assistant) his professor.

3.The poor hungry girl could no longer endure _______________ (hungry), and stole some bread in the bakery.

4.A is one who offers his or her ________ to entertain others, (perform)

5. David's father is strict with him and (severe) scolds him even for a small mistake.

III. Complete each of the following sentences with a word or a phrase in its proper form suffer from fall to aim at earn one's living address reward.. . with

lock up serve out in silence take one's place cast in a . . . voice

1.The victims in the war __________ a desperate shortage of food and medicine.

2.It John to clean the blackboard and sweep the floor.

3.The principal will the staff and the students at the school-opening ceremony

every September 1st.

4.The book giving a general outline of the subject of war and peace.

5.She managed to _________by selling the clothes she made.

6.My parents promised me that if I did well in the entrance exam, they ____________ me

a trip to Hong Kong,

7.When everyone ________ ,the chairman began the meeting.

8.When one is over 18,he has the right to __________ a vote.

9.When the difficult question was put, every student was __________ ,hoping not to be

asked to answer it.

10. She kept her valuable jewels well in drawer.

IV. Complete the sentences according to the Chinese given

1. (董事会一致同意)that Mr.White was the best candidate for the job.(agree)

2.The fight was put to an end,and the troops (遭受惨痛的失败和巨大的损失).(suffer)

3. American presidents are elected (通过公民投票).(cast)

4. (学校规定)that the students should not bring cell phones to the school.(It,rule)

5. The white haired lady,(由那位中年卖票员帮助着),got on the bus.(assist)

6. The soldier guarded the castle,手巾拿着枪.(n.+ prep+n.)

7. It is great fun to (跳入河中)in tile hot summer days.(plunge)

8. Classics can stand the test of time and (只占很少一部分)of the total


9. Seeing that his series was so well received,(这位小说家决定暂不结束)the novel for the moment.(put...to)

10. (远离我的孩子),or I’11 call the police.(keep)



1.Are you clear what your is in life?

A.end B.reason C.result D.aim

2. His bravery and wisdom the soldier respect and admiration of people.

A.got B.earned C.potted D.put

3.It is known to all that Asian people on rice.

A.survive B.eat C.feed D.keen

4.The newly elected president is to the nation oil TV.

A.address B.speak C.talk D.say

5.He felt after the failure of his plans.

A.desperate B.dark C.severe D.dead

6.Discovering a cure for cancer would be a major medical .A.effect B.management C.advance D.1evel

7. Her father’s illness a shadow over the wedding celebrations.

A.east B.cost C.fainted D.dropped

8. Try to every opportunity,and you are more likely to win.

A.cast B.fasten C.seize D.make

9.He made a to me to leave the reading room.

A.sigh B.sign C.sight D.move

10.I’ll go shopping with you just to keep you .

A.accompany B.contact C.companion D.company



2.他如此虚弱以至于只能卧床几日。(faint,so… that…)






Ⅰ Spelling.






6. polished



9.desperate 10.council 11. distinctly 12. reward

13. advancing 14.faint 15.horror;amazement

Ⅱ.1.suffering 2. assisting 3.hunger 4.performer;performance(s) 5.severely Ⅲ.1.suffer from 2. fell to 3. address 4. aim at 5.earn her living

6.would reward; with

7.took his with

8. cast

9.in silence 10. locked up

1.The board of the directors all agreed

2. suffering a sharp defeat and huge losses

3. by every citizen’s casting a vote

4. It is ruled in our school.

5. assisted by the middle-aged conductor.

6.gun in hand

7.plunge into river 8.account for only a very children

9.the novelist decided not to put an end to

10.keep away from my children

B 能力提升

1.D2.B3.C4.A5.A6.C7A 8.C9.B10.D


1.It fell to me to inform her of bad news.

2.So faint is he that he has to lie in bed for days.

3.To survive the competition, the factory must aim at developing new models of machines.

4.The manager rushed into the fire to save the crying baby, with no thought of his own safety.

5.The products that can not stand the test of time will be eliminated sooner or later


新世纪英语七年级第一学期知识点Unit One Housing Estates and Surroundings Lesson One Choosing a Flat in the centre of town 在市中心 in the suburbs 在郊区 face south 面南,朝南 agree with sb. 同意某人的意见 the Wangs 王家,姓王的一家人(the Fangs) need to do sth. 需要做某事 don’t need / have to do = need n’t do 不需要做… have a look (at)看一看…. this week/year/Monday(带this,that或next的时间状语前一般不用介词)housing estate 住宅区 be happy/glad to do sth. 高兴做某事 a bigger one/pair 一个/双/条更大的 have an area of 占地…… a piece of paper 一张纸 a lot of / lots of + 可数名词复数/不可数名词

Lesson Two New Housing Estates in front of 在……前面(范围之外) in the front of 在……前面(范围之内) ten minutes’ walk 十分钟的步行路程 by the way 顺便问一下 go to…by bike = ride a bike to… 骑车去…… go to…by bus = take a bus to… 坐公车去…… go to…by air = fly to… 乘飞机去…… return to… = go/come back to… 返回…… = give …back to 归还……给 There used to be… 过去有 There is going to be…/There will be… 将会有 lose one’s way = get lost 迷路 used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 did’t use to do sth. / usedn’t to do sth. (否定句形式)Did…use to do sth. (一般疑问句形式) be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事(to是介词) be used to do sth. = be used to do sth. 被用来做某事 What’s…like? = How is…? ……怎么样? 语法:(Lesson Three) 一般将来时构成 shall + 动词原形(只用于第一人称) will + 动词原形 be going to + 动词原形


上海新世纪英语高二全部课文及重点词组 上海新世纪英语高二全部(包括Additinal Reading)及重点词组 高二第二学期 17 rds and their stries 18 English prverbs 19 Tips n aing a publi speeh 20 eep it shrt fr the audiene’s sae 21 aing friends 22 hat des friendship ean t esterners? 23 Ad 24 Ran, his friends, and his inredible trh run 2 The father f dern phsis 26 The survival f the fittest 27 irale in the rie field 28 Netn’s three iprtant las 29 liver ants re (Adapted fr liver Tist harles Diens) 30 En the lassis 31 Is she guilt? (Adapted fr The Prine and the Pauper ar Tain) 32 ar Tain 高二第二学期 17 rds and their stries EAGER BEA VER An eager beaver is a persn h is alas illing t d and is

exited abut ding hat is expeted f hi Suppse, fr exaple, that a teaher tells his students the eah ust slve ne hundred ath prbles befre ing t shl the next da The hildren plain abut s uh her But ne student des nt prtest at all That student is an eager beaver He lves t d ath prbles, and des nt ind all the her The expressin is said t have e fr the nae f a hard-ring anial---the beaver Beavers are strange-ling reatures The spend a lt f tie in the ater, building das t reate little laes r pnds The use their huge teeth and r hard t ut dn trees, reve branhes and put the arss streas The use their tails t pa ud n the branhes t ae the das slid Fe ther anials r s hard Histrians sa the beaver had an iprtant part in the settleent f Nrth Aeria There ere hundreds f illins f beavers hen Eurpean settlers first arrived The settlers put great value n the fur f beavers In fat, fr t hundred ears r re, beavers prvided the st valuable fur in Nrth Aeria Beaver sins ften used as ne ung en ling fr adventure headed est arss the untr t searh fr beavers In their searh, the explred uh f the estern territries The trading psts, here the exhanged beaver sins fr the gds the needed, beae villages, and later tns and ities IT’S IN THE BAG The bag---ne f the siplest and st useful things in ever an r an’s life---has given the rld an strange expressins that are nt ver siple A nuber f these expressins are idel used in the United States tda Se ere


上海新世纪英语高二全部课文及重点词组上海新世纪英语高二全部课文(包括additional reading)及重点词组 高二第二学期 17. words and their stories 18. english proverbs 19. tips on making a public speech 20. keep it short for the audience’s sake 21. making friends 22. what does friendship mean to westerners? 23. adjo 24. ryan, his friends, and his incredible torch run 25. the father of modern physics 26. the survival of the fittest 27. miracle in the rice field 28. newton’s three important laws 29. oliver wants more (adapted from oliver twist charles dickens)

30. enjoy the classics 31. is she guilty? (adapted from the prince and the pauper mark twain) 32. mark twain 高二第二学期 17. words and their stories eager beaver an eager beaver is a person who is always willing to do and is excited about doing what is expected of him. suppose, for example, that a teacher tells his students they each must solve one hundred math problems before coming to school the next day. the children complain about so much homework. but one student does not protest at all. that student is an eager beaver. he loves to do math problems, and does not mind all the homework. the expression is said to have come from the name of a hard-working animal---the beaver. beavers are strange-looking creatures. they spend a lot of time in the water, building dams to create little lakes or ponds. they use their huge teeth and work hard to cut down trees, remove branches and put them across streams. they use their tails to pack mud on the branches to make


上海新世纪版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期中A卷(I)卷 一、语音 (共1题;共5分) 1. (5分)从下列四个选项中选出一个划线部分发音与其他三个不同的选项。 ⑴________A. fit B. write C. price D. item ⑵________A. most B. kilo C. note D. soft ⑶________A. treat B. tea C. head D. reading ⑷________A. cool B. food C. good D. school ⑸________A. cap B. hate C. map D. cat 二、单项选择 (共15题;共30分) 2. (2分)—Hi! I _______ Grace. —Hi! My name _______ Jim. A . am, am B . am, is C . is, am D . is, is 3. (2分)——The documentary A Bite Of China II is quite popular around China recently. How do you like it? ——______. A . I think so B . Pretty good C . It's my pleasure D . All right 4. (2分)—Where's my soccer ball? —________ under the bed. A . It B . Is

D . Its 5. (2分)Could you please tell me something about the two ________? _________. They are exchange students of No. 1 Middle School. A . Frenchmen, Yes, please B . Frenchmans, Come on C . Germen, Not at all D . Germans, All right 6. (2分)— How ________your weekend? — It ________ great. But I ________ tired now. A . was; was; am B . is; was; was C . is; is; am D . is; is; was 7. (2分)— Do you often help your parents with some housework at home? —. I have to wash the dishes after dinner every day. A . Never B . Maybe C . Certainly D . No problem 8. (2分)- Is this your sweater, Joy? - No, it's not ________ sweater. _______ is yellow. A . my, My B . my, Mine C . mine, Mine D . mine, My 9. (2分)There is pen on the floor and I think pen is Mike's. A . an; the B . a; the


高中英语教材xx新世纪版单元标题高一上册 Unit 1 occupations Unit 2 Success stories Unit 3 English manners Unit 4 Holidays and festivals Unit 5 Animal friends Unit 6 Cartoons and comic strips Unit 7 Metropolises Unit 8 Hacking Unit 9 Personal hygiene Unit 10 School education Moudle 1综合 Moudle 2综合 Moudle 3综合 高一下册 Unit 1 travelling around China Unit 2 travelling around the world Module 1综合 Unit 3 English is changing Unit 4 A cushion or a kiss

Moudle 2综合 Unit 5 Classical and popular music Unit 6 Going to the Cinema Module 3综合 Unit 7 Newspapers Unit 8 Magazine Module 4综合 高二上册 Unit 1 Eating Around the World Unit 2 Global Drinks Unit 3 Sports Heroes Unit 4 Sports Around the World Unit 5 Animals Unit 6 The Environment Unit 7 Shopping Experiences Unit 8 Advertising Moudle 1综合 Moudle 2综合 Moudle 3综合 高二下册 Unit 1 Words and their stories


Unit One Translation: 1. The parade _______________________________ 阅兵式由一万两千名士兵组成。 The parade is made up of 10 thousand soldiers. 2. 每天玩手机真是浪费时间。 It is a waste of time playing mobile phones. 3.蔬菜价格会随着季节更替从10-15元不等。 The price of the vegetables varies from 10 to 15 yuan according to the season. 4.每年在世界各地举行多次国际足球比赛。(take place) Many international soccer competitions take place all over the world every year. 5. 这首迷人的名歌深受学生的喜爱,尤其是女学生。(popular) The charming folk is very popular with students, especially girl students. 6. 他房间里摆满了各种参考书籍的书架。(fill) His room is filled with shelves with a wide variety of reference books. 7. 自中国人在美国定居以来,唐人街开了很多中餐馆。(settle) Since Chinese settled in the States, many Chinese restaurants are run in China town. 8. 即使健康食物越来越受欢迎,仍有人匆匆应付午餐。(even if) Even if health are becoming popular, some people rush through lunch. 9. 这款手机式样新颖,携带方便,深受年轻人的欢迎。(popular) The mobile phone is fashionable in design and easy to carry and is popular with young people. 10. 绿色蔬菜含有丰富的维他命,包括维生素C。( contain; include ) Green vegetables contain rich vitamin, including vitamin C. 11. 约翰热衷于政治,而且迫切地希望毕业后成为一名政治家。( keen ) John is keen on politics and eagerly hopes to become a politician after his graduation. 12. 他们不想把时间浪费在做饭上,因此他们匆匆忙忙在快餐店吃了午餐.(waste; rush through) They didn’t want to waste their time cooking, so they rushed through their lunch at a snack bar. 13. 广泛阅读有助于拓宽视野,同时也会影响你面对困境时的态度。(expand) Reading widely helps expand your horizon, which will influence your attitude towards difficulties. 14. 出于种种原因,我们队将不参加这场比赛。(various) For various reasons, our team will not take part in the game. 15. 据报道,1998年中国很多地区发生了严重的水灾。(occur) It is reported that serious floods occurred in many districts in China in 1998.


高一下词组整理UNIT 1 Generally speaking On national holiday s Depend on A number of sea routes Pass through the famous Three Gorges The first choice for Limited time The time-saving advantage Popular tourist destinations/attractions On schedule Speaking of Be pressed for time Offer fairly good services In brief A round-trip ticket A travel brochure The permanent habitat Be surrounded by Within arm’s reach A master of ceremonies Sort out A tour guide UNIT 2 There’s no feeling like Take a special class Change into Receive instructions from the guide Be afraid of heights Lead up to 向上通向 Speed by Come into view Bird’s eye view of the city Extend in all directions ▲Feel proud of / take pride in / pride oneself on Be ready to do乐于做某事 in an instant 一会儿 tourists at home and abroad without doubt


新世纪研究生公共英语教材 听说(下)第二版 听力全文 主编:李玉璞 上海外语教育出版社

Table of Contents LESSON ONE Resources and Energy (5) PART A (5) PART B (6) Passage I: (6) Passage II: (7) Part D (8) Lesson Two Crime and Punishment (8) Part A (8) Part B (9) Passage I (9) Passage II (10) Passage III. (11) Part D (12) Lesson Three Computers and the Internet (12) Part A (12) Part B (13) Passage I (13) Passage II (14) Passage III (15) Part D (16) LESSON FOUR Finance (16) PART A (16) Part B (17) Passage I (17) Passage II. Functions of Money (18) Passage III Credit Cards (19) Part D (20) LESSON FIVE Places to See in Britain (20) Part A (20) Part B (21) Passage I: (21) Passage Ⅱ: (22) Part D (23) LESSON SIX Education (23) Part A (23) Part B (24) Passage I SAT Examination (24) PART II Medical Education (25) LESSON SEVEN Business (26) Part A (26) Part B (28) Passage I How to Increase Business Profits (28)


新世纪英语第二学期七年级期中考试 英语试卷 (时间 90分钟总分 100分) Paper I Listening (25%) I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据听到的句子,选出相应的图片)(共5分) 1.()2.()3.()4.()5. ( ) II. Listen and choose the best reponse to what you hear (根据听到的句子,选出最适当的应答) (共5分) ( ) 1. A. That’s right B. That’s all right. C. You’re welcome. D. It’s my pleasure. ( ) 2. A. It doesn’t matter. B. Chinese cartoons are better. C. I agree with you. D. So am I. ( ) 3. A. Very long. B. For thirteen minutes. C. About thirteen seconds. D. Not very fast. ( ) 4. A. To be a teacher. B. To go to school. C. To be strong. D. To wait for the bus. ( ) 5. A. Sorry, I’m new here. B. I don’t think so. C. Who are you? D. About two hours. III. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据听到的对话和问句,选出最适当的答案) (共5分) ( ) 1. A. Swimming. B. Running. C. Playing badminton. D. Playing baseball. ( ) 2. A. At a bookshop. B. At school. C. At home. D. At a fruit shop. ( ) 3. A. To clear up her room. B. To get her raincoat back. C. Not to wait for him. . D. Not to worry about the weather. ( ) 4. A. By ship. B. By bus. C. By train. D. By plane.


高二下翻译练习 1.他抗议,他从来没有去过犯罪现场的附近。(protest) 2.你真的考察了离你们那儿最近的城镇了吗?(explore) 3.这个店员以最快的速度问她把衣服包好。(wrap) 4.假设你父亲现在看到了你,你该怎么说?(suppose) 5.小孩不乖时,别去理他,不久他就会不闹了。(ignore) 6.开始时,政府很难说服人们离开里约热内卢(Rio)去巴西利亚(Brasilia)落户。(have difficulty in doing) 7.他们没在窗子附近打排球,怕把窗子打破了。(afraid) 8.一些表达方式是很久以前从英国引进来的。(import) 9.当时想去探险的年轻人向西横跨大陆搜寻海狸。(search) 10.站姿、手势、目光接触以及精确的计时对于演讲很重要。(play a part) 11.一般来说,一次成功的演讲需要言语和非言语交流的接触。(involve) 12.在规定的时间里,你要确保演讲不提前或拖后结束。(ensure) 13.已经将公众的注意力集中在城市的建设上。(focus on) 14.大多数医生认为抽烟对健康极其有害。(extremely) 15.几乎所有的发展中国家都支持上海申办2010年世博会。(go for) 16.是那些来自法国的游客把注意力百分百集中在老式的建筑上。(zero in on) 17.山中的休养处(a retreat)冬天只能靠直升机才可接近。(approachable) 18.无论你怎么解释,我们还是感到你的朋友当时在嘲笑我们。(aware) 19.她在房中不吃不喝,好几天都默想着这件事。(brood) 20.这位飞行员设法绕气球飞了一阵。(manage) 21.这孩子的判断力随着她年龄的增长而变得成熟。(mature) 22.她沿路扫视着,看他是否来了。(glance) 23.你不一定非得感到自信才微笑,但当你这样做时,人们会认为你很自信。(confident) 24.一旦她开始说话,别人就别想插话。(get a word in edgewise) 25.他妻子死后,他非常沮丧,开始借酒消愁。(take to) 26.直到二十世纪初,人类才开始探索太空。(It was not until …that) 27.主席指出他的国家希望与所有的邻国建立良好的关系。(point out) 28.这个女孩被橱窗里的玩具深深地吸引住了。(fascinate) 29.他把自己的一生都献给了教育事业。(contribute) 30.处在压力之下有的人往往会发挥出自己全部的潜能。(tend to) 31.他把毕生精力花在研制治癌症新药上。(devote) 32.据说新地铁在几天内就能完成。(It’s said that…) 33.只有不断学习,我们才能跟上现代化科学的发展。(Only) 34.中国必定能以其有限的可耕种土地来养活其庞大的人口。(feed) 35.是这场的后果使人们充分认识到植树的重要性。(It was …that) 36.她再一次仔细地看了一遍作文,以消除所有的拼写错误。(eliminate) 37.许多大学生都把自己未来的职业定位在金融界。(career) 38.他积极参加了和平运动,获得了诺贝尔文学奖。(award) 39.不要对孩子要求过于严厉,也不要宠坏他们。(severe) 40.在沙漠中迷失方向的人极度渴望得到水。(desperate) 41.一份报告说男性占中国人口的52%。(account for) 42.我从未碰到过像他那样无理的人。(nowhere)


高一第一学期 Unit 1 Text People from All Walks of Life 1.people from all walks of life 来自各行各业的人们 2.sb. grow up 某人长大= sb. mature (vi.) 3.sb. take up sth. 某人从事某事 ★sth. take up spl. 某物占据某地=sth. occupy spl. sth. take up some time 某物占据时间=sth. occupy some time occupation (v.)①占据②职业 4.various sth. 多种多样的某物 ★various (adj.) 多种多样的variety (n.) 种类 vary (vi.) sth. vary 某物变化(vi.) sth. vary with sth. 某物随着某物变化 5.sth. be made up of sth. 某物由某物组成 =sth. be composed of sth. =sth. consist of sth. 6.the following sth. 下列的、下述的某物 ★following (adj.) 接下来的 in the following years 在接下来的几年中=in the years that followed follow (vt.) sb. follow sb. 某人跟随某人 sb. be followed by sb. 某人被某人跟随 https://www.360docs.net/doc/e09681439.html,cational institutions 教育机构 8.sb. try one’s best to do sth. 某人尽全力做某事 ★sb. make an effort to do sth. 某人尽力做某事 =sb. spare no effort to do sth, =sb. go all out to do sth. =sb. strive to do sth. =sb. do what sb. can to do sth. =sb. devote oneself to doing sth. =sb. be devoted to doing sth. =sb. do sth. with all one’s energy =sb. do sth. with all one’s strength 9.sb. gain sth. 某人得到某物 ★gain=botain=get 10.in society 在社会上 ★society 不加冠词:社会,加冠词:the society 一个社会团体social (adj.) society (n.) socialism (n.) 社会主义socialist (n.) 社会学家socialize (v.) 社会化 11.sb. be involved in sth. 某人参与某事 ★=sb. get involved in sth. 某人参与某事 sth. involve sth. 某物涉及某物 sth. involve doing sth. 某物涉及做某事 sb. be involved in sth 某人被卷入某物 sth. involve sb. in sth. 某事使某人介入/卷入某事 12. sb. correct papers 某人批改试卷 ★paper (n.)[U] 纸paper (n.)[C]①文件②试卷 13. sb. give grades to sb. 某人给某人打分数 14. at the end of some time 在某段时间的最后 ★反:at the beginning of some time在某段时间的开始at the end of spl. 在某地的尽头 in the end =finally=at last=eventually 最后, 反:at the beginning 起初 by the end of sth. 到…结束为止


上海外语教育出版社——新世纪英语高二全部课文 (包括Additional Reading)及重点词组 高二第二学期 17. Words and their stories EAGER BEAVER An eager beaver is a person who is always willing to do and is excited about doing what is expected of him. Suppose, for example, that a teacher tells his students they each must solve one hundred math problems before coming to school the next day. The children complain about so much homework. But one student does not protest at all. That student is an eager beaver. He loves to do math problems, and does not mind all the homework. The expression is said to have come from the name of a hard-working animal---the beaver. Beavers are strange-looking creatures. They spend a lot of time in the water, building dams to create little lakes or ponds. They use their huge teeth and work hard to cut down trees, remove branches and put them across streams. They use their tails to pack mud on the branches to make the dams solid. Few other animals work so hard. Historians say the beaver had an important part in the settlement of North America. There were hundreds of millions of beavers when European settlers first arrived. The settlers put great value on the fur of beavers. In fact, for two


新世纪英语七年级第二学期考试卷 姓名_________成绩__________ I . 选择题40% 1 . Tom hasn’t finished his homework yet , he ___________ TV now . A . had better not to watch B . had better not watch C . had better don’t watch D . hadn’t better watch 2 . Please help _________ to the dumplings , children . A . yourself B . themselves C . yourselves D . them 3 . We went to see a movie instead of ___________ TV at home . A . watched B . watch C . watching D . watches 4 . Could you give me some ____________ about health ? A . advices B . abvise D . advice D . piece of advice 5 . I was absent last Friday because I get ___________ flu . A . a B . an C . the D . / 6 . The fitness camp will start ___________ July 10 . A . in B . on C . at D . from 7 . What’s ________ matter with Jack ? He looks upset . A . a B . an C . the D . / 8 . Mr. Smith was ill yesterday , so Mr. Cheng went to attend the meeting ___________ . A . instead of he B . instead of C . instead D . instead him 9 . Our holiday will start next week , we ____________ go to school next week . A . don’t have to B . haven’t to C . aren’t have to D . won’t have to 10 . The doctor told me to take the medicine _________ and drink more water . A . in time B . on time C . at time D . for time 11 . What do you mean by ______________ on a diet ? A . go B . goes C . went D . going 12 . Kate has a ______________ diet than Linda . A . health B . healthy C . healther D . healthier 13 . Grandpa is ill . Now he is ___________ hospital . A . in the B . in C . at the D . at 14 . Tom can’t speak English as ____________ as Mary . A . well B . best C . good D . better 15 . __________ good advice the teacher gave us ! A . How B . What a C . What the D . What 16 . Linda’s got a stomachache , _____________ ? A . isn’t she B . hasn’t she C . wasn’t she D . didn’t she 17 . Please help _________ to the dumplings , children . A . yourself B . themselves C . yourselves D . them 18 . John is ___________ . He is very good at maths . A . an eleven-year-old-boy B . a boy of eleven years


一、Unit 1新单词 1. rule n. 规则,纪律 school rules 校纪,校规class rules 班规 Our class rules are written on the wall. 2. finish v. 结束,完成 e.g. You must finish your computer games before 7 o’clock. 你必须在七点前结束你的电脑游戏。 翻译:When did you finish your homework? 3.keeep v. 保持,遵守 e.g. Students must keep the school rules.学生必须遵守学校规定。 Keep quiet. 保持安静。 Students must keep books clean. 4. also ad. 也,也是 e.g. He is also an American.他也是个美国人。 5. maths n. 数学 e.g.Which subject do you like best? Maths. 你最喜欢什么科目?数学 6.welcome 感叹词欢迎 常用搭配:Welcome to…欢迎来某地。 e.g. Welcome to Shanghai. 7.borrow v. 借 borrow强调的是“借入” e.g. May I borrow your umbrella? 我可以借一下你的伞吗? 反义词:lend 借出 e.g. Will you lend your umbrella to me?能把你的伞借给我吗? 8.get to 到达… e.g. Please get to the airport on time. 请准时到达机场。 二、Unit1重要知识点 1.Welcome to our school. You must be Lily. “must be”表示“一定是,肯定是”,后常加形容词或人名。如Your answer must be right. right为形容词,“对的正确的”。“welcome to”欢迎, e.g:欢迎来中国。 2. Students must get to school on time. “get to school”到达学校,“go to school”去学校; must 是情态动词,must do sth;一般疑问句直接将must提前,否定句在
