中考英语复习 词汇综合能力训练

中考英语复习 词汇综合能力训练
中考英语复习 词汇综合能力训练




( )1 .q terA .arB .orC .worD .uar

( )2 .know geA .ledB .lidC .ladD .le

( )3 .Sat dayA .erB .irC .urD .or

( )4 .po bleA .siB .ssiC .seD .sse

( )5 .lang geA .wiB .waC .ueD .ua

( )6 .gr ndA .ouB .auC .oaD .ua

( )7 .d ghterA .onB .auC .orD .ua

( )8 .b t fulA .u ;eB .eu ;iC .eau ;eD .eau ;i

( )9 .p c A .e ;cherB .i ;tureC .i ;cherD .e ;ture

( )10 .d ction ryA .e ;eB .i ;eC .e ;aD .i ;a


( )1 .A .caughtB .braughtC .taughtD .bought

( )2 .A .hasB .havingC .hadD .haved

( )3 .A .reechB .sweaterC .streetD .teacher

( )4 .A .JapaneseB .machineC .poleceD .writer

( )5 .A .careB .wearC .theirD .pare

( )6 .A .afraidB .radioC .almistD .Canadian

( )7 .A .foreignB .friendC .quietlyD .piece

( )8 .A .ladderB .bottlerC .dangerD .farther

( )9 .A .dirtyB .pianoC .WenesdayD .twelfth

( )10 .A .suddenlyB .subjectC .sunshineD .student


1 .become a member ofj

2 .have (clothes) on the bodyw

3 .almost noth

4 .not any ,no onen

5 .at lastf

6 .the fourth day of a weekW

7 .the opposite of cheape

8 .father or motherp

9 .ice boxf

10 .go in a car or on a horse or a biker


1 .His sister is a [li :g] member.

2 .Our teacher often [pleiz] games with us.

3 .Bell [in′ventid] the telephone.

4 .Do you [bi′li :v] what he said ?

5 .What’s the [′we ] like today ?

6 .They started climbing the [′mauntin].

7 . [ u] he was ill ,he went to school.

8 .It took 300 workers a year to [bild] the railway bridge.

9 .By the end of last month the writer had [′ritn] 250 pages.

10 .I will go shopping if I have [′n θi ] to do this Sunday.


1 .“Thank you ,”he said (polite).

2 .Children must be stopped from (skate) on thin ice .

3 .She spends one hour (watch) TV every day .

4 .Keep (quietly) !They are listening to the teacher .

5 .Would you please say it again more (loud) ?

6 .Keep on (work) hard ,or you’ll fall behind other st udents .

7 .I’ve been on the Great Wall (two) .

8 .Thank you for (lend) me the story book .

9 .I often write “Best (wish) for Teachers’ Day !”on the cards .

10 .Meimei did (badly) than Lucy in the high jump .

11 .After ten minutes’ rest ,they wen t on (walk) .

12 .I saw a wallet (lie) on the ground on my way home .

13 .There is a fire (burn) in the fireplace .

14 . (pick) apples is better than (have) classes .

15 .They went to the park instead of (stay) at home last Saturday .

16 .“See you” is another way of (say) “Goodbye” .

17 .They enjoy (take) a walk after supper .

18 .I don’t feel like (eat) anything now .

19 .The teachers are busy (get) ready for tomorrow’s work.

20 .Don’t forget to take the (shop) list with you.



Ⅰ.1—5 DACBD 6—10 ABDBD Ⅱ.1—5 BDACD 6—10 CABCC Ⅲ.1 .join 2 .wear 3 .hardly 4 .none 5 .finally 6 .Wednesday 7 .expensive 8 .parent 9 .fridge 10 .ride Ⅳ. 1 .League 2 .plays 3 .invented 4 .believe 5 .weather 6 .mountain 7 .Though 8 .build 9 .written 10 .nothing Ⅴ.1 .politely 2 .skating 3 .watching 4 .quiet 5 .loudly 6 .working 7 .twice 8 .lending 9 .wishes

10 .worse 11 .walking 12 .lying 13 .burning 14 .Picking ;having 15 .staying 16 .saying 17 .taking 18 .eating 19 .getting 20 .shopping


中考英语重点单词大全 A 动词:accept 接受 achieve 实现 advise 建议 afford 支付得起 answer 回答 appear 出现 add 添加 act 行动 allow 允许 agree 同意 arrive到达 ask 问 appreciate 欣赏 argue争论 名词:advice建议 activity 活动 address 地址 age 年龄 air空气 attention注意 accident事故 形容词:able能够的 awful可怕的 active活跃度 afraid恐惧的 alive活着的 amazing 令人惊异的 angry 生气的 asleep睡着的 anxious 焦虑的 actually实际的 alike 相同的 alone 孤独的 代词:any 任何的 anybody 任何人 anymore 不再 anyone 任何人 anything任何事 anytime 任何时间 anywhere任何地方B 动词:beat打败 begin开始 believe相信 borrow 借来 bring 带来 break 打破 build 建筑burn 燃烧 buy 买bother 打扰 名词: bank 银行 breakfast早餐 bread 面包 business 商业 形容词:beautiful美丽的 blind 盲的 boring无聊的 born 天生的 bright 明亮的 brave勇敢的 busy 忙的 C 动词:care 关心,在乎 call打电话 carry扛 catch 抓住 cause 导致 celebrate庆祝 change改变 chat 聊天 check 检查 choose 选择 clean 打扫 clear清除 climb攀爬 close 关 come 来collect收集 communicate 交流 compare比较consider考虑 continue 继续control 控制connect 连接 cook煮 copy 复制 cost 花费 count 有价值,数 cover覆盖cry 哭 create 创造 cross 横过 cut切 名词: capital首都 cancer癌症 care小心 century世纪 chance机会 child 小孩 children小孩(复) choice选择city 城市 clothes 衣服 cloud云朵 collection收集 college大学 communication 交流 competition 比赛 contest比赛conversation对白 corner 拐角 country国家 countryside乡村 courage勇气 culture文化 course 课程 custom 风俗 形容词:careful小心点 careless 粗心的 certain确定的 cheap 便宜的 clean干净的 clear 干净的 clever聪明的close 关着的 cloudy 多运动 colorful 多彩的 comfortable舒服的 common 共同的 confident 自信的 confusing令人困惑的 convenient 方便的 correct 正确的 crazy懒惰的 creative 有创造性的 crowded 拥挤的 cruel 残酷的 cute 可爱的 D 动词:dare敢于 deal处理 decide 决定 depend 依靠 describe描述 design设计 destroy 毁坏 develop发展 die 死亡 discover 发现 discuss 讨论 disturb打搅 divide分开 donate风险 draw画 dream梦想 drink喝 drop掉落 名词: danger危险 date 日期 daughter 女儿 death死亡 decision决定 development发展 dictionary 字典 difference差异 discussion 讨论 disease疾病 形容词:dangerous危险的 dark 黑的,暗的 dead 死亡的 deaf 聋的 deep 深的 delicious美味的 different不同的 difficult


2019年中考英语阅读理解真题汇编 (带详细解析过程) (名师精讲解题方法与技巧+实战训练,建议下载练习) 【考点分析】 阅读理解旨在考查学生阅读、理解的能力。近几年来,中考英语题中的阅读理解材料新颖,题材丰富,考查学生综合推断能力、根据语篇猜单词意思的能力 的力度加大,考查学生关注细节的能力占很大部分。所以学生往往要么没能正确 理解语篇中某些句子的意思,在细节题上丢分,要么就是对语篇的整体把握不够,在综合题或者推断题方面丢分。那么到底怎么做好阅读理解这一题型呢? 一、解题思路 (一)先读问题,弄清考查要点,以便能带着问题看文章,这样会心中有数,有 的放矢。 (二)快速浏览全文,掌握全貌,注意发现与问题有关的信息,如果时间紧,至 少要扫视一下起首段和尾段。再把标题和文章内容结合起来想一想,这样全文大意便清楚了。此时,不要忙于答题。 (三)细读原文,捕捉相关信息词,掌握短文细节内容。这是解题的关键,应特 别注意以下几点: 1.抓住四个"W"和一个"H",就是边读边用铅笔做些标记,把What (事件),When (时间),Where(地点),Why(原因),How(经过)划出来。抓住了四个“W”和一个“H”,就抓住了文章的全貌,一些直接性的问题便可解决。 2.抓住连接词及起关键作用的副词、代词、介词、插入语等。因为这些词具有 因果,让步,递进,转折,指代,列举及承上启下等各种连接上下文的特殊功能。 这对考生分清文章层次,辨明各种关系,了解人物心理,推断作者意图,进行逻 辑推理等手段来分析难点,都具有举足轻重的作用。 3.注意领会文章的寓意。

4.根据题意,初选答案。这一步须仔细审题,领会测试要求,确定解题方法。 对那些明显的,有把握的题可以断然确定,不必把其余三个答案再作推敲而浪费 时间:有些略难的题,应再查阅短文(不是重读一遍),迅速找出依据,予以排 除。常用的解题方法有如下几种: ①直接解题法。即从原文中直接找出答案。 ②归纳解题法。对于不能从原文中直接找出答案的可在把握全文中心和线 索的前题下进行概括、归纳得出正确答案。 ③综合推理法。读者需统观全文,认真分析,综合推理及至计算,最后归纳出 正确答案。 题干中有"suggest, conclude, conclusion, probably, reason, because, according to“等字眼时,属于推断概括型,考查内容着眼于全篇,考生应具备一 定的分析归纳,推理等逻辑思维能力。 ④捕捉关键词。在阅读时应该注意与问题相关的同义词,近义词,反义词 或同位词等信息词来得出正确答案。 ⑤转换解题法。即原文这么说,而在问题和所给选项中则用另外的词去转 换一种说法,但仍表示同一含义。 ⑥排除法。根据语言,句法结构,信息词和常识,在没有把握的选项中用 排除法得出正确答案。 四、重读原文,仔细斟酌核对答案。在解完最后一道题后,如果时间允许,再 将原文读一遍;用全文的主题思想统率各思考题,研究其内在联系和逻辑关系, 目的在于对所做答案进一步审查,推出未解答的题,以便减少失误。


名师精编优秀教案 中考英语词汇专题复习教案 教学目标 1.名词、形容词、副词、代词、数词、介词等词类的单词在句子中的灵活运用。 2.词性之间的转换及易混单词。 3.一词多译或近义词。 4.通过以上任务活动,让学生了解如何正确做好词汇题,并且让学生对英语的学习产生兴趣。 教学重难点 1.注意名词&动词在句子中的适当变化。 2.注意近义词的不同用法 教学方法 运用多媒体辅助教学及任务型教学。 教学总体思路 任务1 导入 任务2 考点一 任务3 练习 任务4 考点二归纳 任务5练习 任务6 考点三

中考试题练习7任务. 名师精编优秀教案 教学过程设计 Step 1 Presentation 中考试题引出中考考点。 1. Miss Brown taught (他们) English last term. 2. We don't think their classroom is (干净) than ours. 3. Is it the best one of the (照片) of your family ? 4. I spent an hour (写) the passage last night. (them/cleaner/photos/writing) Step 2 归纳中考考点: 中考考点一:考查不同词类的单词在句子中的灵活运用 一、名词考虑可数名词单复数、不可数名词和所有格 例1 Do you like white?We have shirts of different _____(颜色). 根据句意,可确定单词为“color”,通过前面的shirts和different两词可确定此处应用colors。 例2 September 10th is (教师) Day. 根据句意,确定单词“Teacher”,它与Day之间存在所有格关系,将Teacher变为复数,再变为所有格,应填Teachers'。 二、形容调和副词还要考虑到形容词和副词“级”的变化。 例1 He was very _____ (生气)with the man upstairs and began to

中考英语词汇运用 专项练习(含答案)

名词专项 1.识别可数名词,不可数名词 2.可数名词单数变复数及其修饰语 3.名词所有格 4.变名词 1) +er / or / ist / ian (play --- player; visit --- visitor; science --- scientist; music --- musician) 2) +ion / sion (collect --- collection; decide --- decision) 3) +ment (develop --- development) 4) +ing (mean --- meaning; paint --- painting) 5) +ure (press --- pressure) 6) +ness (kind --- kindness; happy --- happiness) 7) +y / ty (difficult --- difficulty; honest --- honesty; safe --- safety) 8) t变ce (important --- importance; silent --- silence) Group 1 得分: 1. ___________ say five minutes laughter is as good for you as fifteen minutes in the sports hall. (doctor) 2. Wang Ping tried his best and saved the ___________ life. (baby) 3. The proper time to rest should between 10 and 30 ___________. (minute) 4. Now more and more people in the cities keep ___________ as their friends. (pet) 5. Many young parents choose to buy some books as presents on ___________ Day. (children) 6. Parents sometimes have difficulty understanding the strange ___________ in their children’s mind.


2020中考英语重点单词专项练习(F) 如何更牢固的记住英语单词?练习是一种很好的方式,老师为大家推送2020中考英语词汇专项练习,非常好的英语学习和复习资料,值得期待,今天是关于E开头重点单词的专项练习! F 一.写出这些单词的汉语意义。 1.factory___________ 2.fail___________ 3.fall___________ 4.fan____________ 5.fat_______________ 6.fear____________ 7.fell___________8.fewer___________9.film_____________ 10.fit______________11.flew___________12.flower__________ 13.fly______________14.follow___________15.football__________ 16.foreigner________17.fox______________18.freedom__________ 二.按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。 1.factory___________(复数形式) 2.fail________(过去式) 3.fan________(复数形式) 4.fall_________(过去式)_________(过去分词) 5.fat________(比较级)_________(最高级) 6.fewer__________(原级)

7.film________(同义词) 8.fit__________(现在分词) 9.flew___________(原形)_______(过去分词) 10.flower________(复数形式) 11.follow__________(第三人称单数形式) 12.football__________(同义词) 13.foreigner_________(形容词) 14.fox____________(复数形式) 15.freedom____________(形容词) 三.根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。 1.Many new_________(factory)are being built in Chongqing. 2.Although Tom worked hard at his Chinese,he_______(fail)in the exam. 3.The old man________(fall)asleep as soon as he went to bed. 4.If you eat too much junk food,you’ll become_______(fat)and ______(fat). 5.The man_______(fear)to die. 6.We can use_______(few)people and less money to complete the work in a short time. 7.This coat looks very nice and it_______(fit)you very well. 8.Yesterday Jim and his friends________(fly)kites in the park.


综合能力测试06 Ⅰ. 听辨单词(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)听下面十个句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出你所听到的单词或短语,并将其标号填在题前括号内,每个句子读一遍。 1. A. please B. police C. plays D. planes 2. A. sat B. send C. side D. said 3. A. in time B. in line C. in surprise D. in Chinese 4. A. come down B. come out C. come round D. come from 5. A. feel B. feed C. fall D. fish 6. A. put away B. right away C. send away D. by the way 7. A. look away B. worry about C. hear about D. look out 8. A. travel B. tourist C. tractor D. traffic 9. A. October B. November C. September D. December 10. A. 130 B. 113 C. 314 D. 340 Ⅱ.单句理解(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与你所听到的句子意义最接近的句子,并将其标号填在题前括号内,每个句子读一遍。 11. A. The man stood there and said something. B. The man stood there and said nothing. C. The man stood there and heard nothing. D. The man stood there and stopped something. 12. A. They usually make lots of friends. B. Usually they like making friends with each other. C. They are usually very friendly to each other. D. They get on buses with their friends. 13. A. After my father came back, I went to bed. B. Before my father was back, I went to bed. C. I didn't go to bed after my father came back. D. After I went to bed, my father came back. 14. A. The bridge was built last month. B. The bridge is being built. C. The bridge will be built next year. D. Thee bridge has been built. 15. A. He studies English well. B. He is not good at Chinese. C. He is good at English. D. He does well in Chinese. Ⅲ. 情景反应(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)听下面五个句子,每个句子读一遍。 16. A. She works in a factory. B. I am a farmer. C. He is a driver. D. She is a teacher. 17. A. Good idea! B. Yes, I think so. C. Don't worry! D. Let's go for a walk. 18. A. Sorry, she isn't here at this moment. B. I'm sorry to hear that. C. I'll give her a message. D. Hello. 8906212. 19. A. Jim Allan Green. B. Jim Green. C. Allan Green. D. Jim Allan. 20. A. Sunday. B. Monday. C. Tuesday D. Tomorrow. Ⅳ. 对话理解(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)听下面两段对话和五个小题,听完第一段对话回答21—23小题,听完第二段对话回答24和25小题,并将其标号填在题前括号内,每段对话读两遍。 21. A. Thick soup. B. Clear soup. C. Chicken soup. D. Meat soup. 22. A. Pure water. B. Coffee. C. Tea. D. Orange juice. 23. A. Pork. B. Fish. C. Beef. D. Chicken. 24. A. Some story-books. B. Some magazines. C. Some pictures. D. Some plays. 25. A. READERS. B. WOMEN FRIENDS. C. POPULAR TV. D. POPULAR FILM. Ⅴ. 短文理解(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)听下面一段短文和五个小题,短文读两遍。 26. A. Mr. Black. B. Mr. Green. C. Mr. Black and Mr. Green. D. I don't know. 27. A. To see the cats. B. To see the holes. C. To visit Mr. Black. D. To see the cats and the holes. 28. A. One hole. B. Two holes. C. Three holes. D. Four holes. 29. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, it isn't. D. No, it is. 30. A. A kind man. B. A foolish man. C. A clever man. D. A bad man. 笔试部分 Ⅰ. 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 31. Mr. Green stopped smoking for a while, but soon he________ to his old ways. A. had returned B. returned C. was returning D. returns 32.—You are smoking a lot. —Only at home. No one________ me but you. A. is seeing B. had seen C. sees D. saw 33. The doctor________ Lily very carefully to see what was wrong with her. A. looked at B. looked over C. looked for D. looked after 34. The class____ before Tom____ into the classroom. A. began; was walking B. had begun; walked C. begins; walks D. was beginning; walked 35. The playhouse has two windows, __ of them faces south. A. Both B. All C. Either D. Two 36.—I hope you are well. —________. A. Yes, I hope well B. Thank you C. The same to you D. It's a pleasure 37.—Do you like the flower? —Yes, it________ sweet. A. is smelling B. smelt C. is smelt D. smells 38. My dictionary_. I have looked for it everywhere, but still_ it. A. is lost; don't find B. is missing; don't find C. has lost: haven't found D. is missing; haven't found


精编2019年中考英语词汇专项复习 一、学习目标 1.掌握常见名词,介词,连词等词的词义辨析。 2.掌握常见词组的词义辨析。 二、知识讲解 词语辨析: 第一组:Job, work & occupation Work——是用于表示工作或职业最常用的词,它可以用来指一切长期性的职业,包括脑力劳动和体力劳动,通常代替employment和job。不过work多用来指“工作”本身,平常我们每做一件事无论大小,都可以称为work。 例句:I started work when I was 18. Job——非正式用语,泛指一份固定的赚钱工作,不论是否需要技术和特殊训练。该词在口语中广泛使用。 例句:She has a good job in a bank. 她在银行里有份很好的工作。Occupation——指一个人经常担任的工作,不论是否领取工资。 例句:By occupation she is a housewife.她的工作是管家。 这是因为尽管她没有外出工作,但她负责管理整个家庭,照顾一家人的生活,她的管家工作就可以称为occupation,而不能用其他词来代替。当然,干工作而又

领取工资的也可称为occupation。 例句:The principal occupation of the inhabitants is to feed peacefully on tourists. 当地居民的主要职业是靠招待旅游者平静地度日。 小测试:请用以上所学词组进行填空 1. He finally got a _________ in a supermarket. 2. Will you go back to __________ when you've had the baby? 3. State your name, age, and ______________in the box below. 第二组:Some & any Some和any——既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,some常用在肯定句中,而any则常用在否定和疑问句中。因此some和any 的用法主要是考虑用在肯定句、疑问句还是否定句中,与名词的可数与否无关。 例句:--I have some tea here. 我这儿有些茶叶。 --I can’t see any tea. 我没看见茶叶。 --Do you have any friends at school? 你在学校有些朋友吗? Some 意为“一些”,可作形容词和代词。它常修饰可数名词复数。 例句:some books一些书some boys一些男孩 也可修饰不可数名词


一、选择题 1.—Hardly any people believe that a(n) ________ meeting will lead to a lasting love. —I agree. A.familiar B.distant C.accidental D.present 2.In modern life, shopping online is________ used by many people, especially for teenagers. A.exactly B.badly C.heavily D.widely 3.—Oh, my God! I have ________ five pounds after the Spring Festival. —All of the girls want to lose weight, but easier said than done. A.given up B.put on C.got on D.grown up 4.That path ________ directly to my house.You won't miss it. A.leads B.forms C.repairs D.controls 5.I don’t want to go. __________, I am too tired. A.However B.And C.Besides D.But 6.My sister Nancy often gets lost because of her bad _____ of direction. A.sense B.feeling C.experience D.information 7.People who always do sports are in spirits than those who don't. A.high B.higher C.tall D.taller 8.He is wearing his sunglasses to himself from the strong sunlight. A.prevent B.stop C.keep D.protect 9.He can’t wait to get a ticket to the movie, so he________ for it yesterday. A.spent B.paid C.took D.cost 10.Mr. Smith gave us some________on how to improve our speaking skills. A.advice B.news C.knowledge D.information 11.Kangkang gets up early every day and he is ________ late for school. A.sometimes B.often C.never D.usually 12.Remember to return the book to the school library in time, ________ you will be fined(罚款). A.or B.and C.but D.so 13.—Do you know what the meeting is about? —Yes, of course. It will ________ some important rules we need to know about our new senior high school. A.talk B.achieve C.memorize D.cover 14.—Bill, do you like________? —Yes. They’re healthy. A.ice-cream B.carrots C.salad 15.He wrote his phone number ________ a piece paper. A.on B.for C.in D.from 16.Maria ________ speaks Chinese be cause she doesn’t know much Chinese.

D_中考英语词语运用专项训练 (讲义)

中考英语词语运用专项训练 【知识点睛】 一、中考词语运用命题特点 河南中考对词汇的考查主要集中在______________、______________及 _____________和______________等几个方面。这就要求考生在平时一定要熟记大纲所 规定的考查单词及相关短语搭配,明辨同一词根的词的不同用法,更重要的是要做到对单词的词形/性变化及语法知识的活学活用。预计河南中考对词汇的考查重点在实词的拼写、词形/性变化及同一词根的词的不同用法上。 二、考察目标 该题型旨在考查学生的英语基础知识和综合运用英语的能力。该题型将重点考查:同一词根的不同词性变化;序数词与基数词的区别运用;名词的单复数及所有格;代词的用法;形容词和副词比较等级的运用以及动词各种时态语态的灵活运用。 三、解题策略 1.认真查看所给的单词,弄清楚每个单词的意思及词性。如动词一般作谓语,形容词 常作表语或定语,副词作状语等。 2.跳开空格,快速通读文章,初步了解文章框架、大意,获取有用信息。 3.认真阅读挖空的句子,弄清楚句子的结构及句子大意,特别是空格前后单词的词性, 这很关键。因为空格前后的单词往往是选择所要填入空格的单词最重要的依据。 4.根据句意,从所给单词中筛选最恰当的单词填入空格中。注意有时候词性要作相应 的变化。 5.认真研读完成后的短文和句子,看句子结构是否合理,句意是否完整并符合逻辑, 以便确定答案。 四、解题步骤 明确所给词的词性→弄清所给句子的意思→确定空白处所需的词性→正确写出所填的词 五、应试策略 1.对中考课标和考试说明中要求掌握的词汇必须通过听写或练习掌握,牢固掌握单词 不仅有益于答好词汇题,更是做好其他题型的前提。 2.重视背单词的_________,并熟知不同词性的作用。 3.注意结合语境去填对__________,(学生最爱用动原,名词单数),答题时画出关键 词,名词考虑“单复数”,形副考虑“原比最”,数词考虑“基序词”,动词考虑“时态语态”等。 4.练习各种题型,如用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,根据首字母补全单词,用方 框中单词短语正确形式填空等。 5.每天做几道题,作业经常训练,长期坚持必有收获。 6.摘录错题,错题反复看。


中考英语阅读理解专项练习综合(word) 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Scrapbooking is a hobby. It was popular for more than 500 years. People called it a friendship book. They kept pictures, letters, poems and other things they wanted to remember. Today people collect many things in scrapbooks. Some people have funny collections, like the world's most awkward ideas or pictures of the world's most ugly dogs. Other people may collect stories about the bad weather. It is easy to get started. First, you should decide what you want to collect. Start with just one idea. Next, you will need a book with background paper, scissors and glue. You need the scissors to cut out the pictures or stories. You need the glue to stick them to the background paper. You can be busy and collect many things or lazy and collect few things. It'll be lots of fun to make your scrapbook and you can share it with your friends. (1)How long was scrapbooking popular? A. less than 500 years B. 500 years C. over 500 years D. more than 550 years (2)What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "awkward"? A. 聪明的 B. 愚蠢的 C. 美妙的 D. 残疾的(3)How many items (物品) are mentioned to make a scrapbook? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. (4)To make a scrapbook, what do you need first? A. Glue. B. Scissors. C. A book. D. An idea. (5)What's the best title of the passage? A. Scrapbooking B. The History of Scrapbooking C. What Is a Scrapbook? D. How to make a Scrapbook 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)C (4)D (5)A 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了剪粘书的通途,可以保存照片、信件、诗歌和其他他们想记住的东西。 (1)细节题。根 It was popular for more than 500 years可知它流行了500多年,故选C。(2)词义猜测题。根据pictures of the world's most ugly dogs. Other people may collect stories about the bad weather 世界上最丑陋的狗的照片。其他人可能会收集坏天气的故事可知awkward指愚蠢的,故选B。 (3)细节题。根据you will need a book with background paper, scissors and glue 你需要一本背景纸、剪刀和胶水的书可知3种物品被提到制作剪贴簿,故选C。 (4)细节题。根据 First, you should decide what you want to collect. 可知要制作剪贴簿,你首先需要,故选D。


一、选择题 1.—Billy, you are very confident all the time, how do you make it? —I think confidence is more than just an attitude, it comes from a strong ________ to take responsibility rather than just let life happen. A.present B.care C.promise D.protect 2.Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, ________ plants can spread to new places. A.so B.or C.but D.for 3.— Can you tell us about our new teacher? —Oh, I’m sorry. I know________ about him because I haven’t seen him before. A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 4.When I as well as my cousins __________ as a volunteer in Beijing, I saw the Water Cube twice. A.were treated B.treated C.was served D.served 5.Gina didn’t study medicine. ________, she decided to become an actor. A.Instead B.Again C.Anyway D.Also 6.Her only problem, ________ you can call it a problem, is that she expects to be successful all the time. A.if B.because C.though D.since 7.We should learn_______ each other. A.to B.from C.for D.of 8.Mr. Smith gave us some________on how to improve our speaking skills. A.advice B.news C.knowledge D.information 9.Danny looks sad. How I________ telling him the bad news! A.remember B.regret C.refuse 10.—Look! It’s raining________ outside. —Yes, it is. It has been dry for many days, and the rain is good for crops. A.heavily B.hardly C.quietly D.badly 11.The next Olympic Games will be held in Japan________ 27th July 2020. A.on B.in C.at D.of 12.My email ________ to you last night. Have you received it ________? A.sent; too B.is sent; already C.was sent; yet D.was sent; either 13.—What do you think of the performance today? —Great! ________ but a musical genius could perform so successfully. A.All B.None C.Anybody D.Everybody 14.You can’t ___ how I missed my mother at that time.


中考英语重点词汇练习填空300题(下)及答案 1. They eat a lot of _________(土豆). 2. Indiren can speak English well. But she is an __________(意大利人). 3. Would you like something __________(别的)? 4. Walk along the road and turn right at the third __________(十字路口). 5. It' s about five _________(天) work. 6. Do you think it _________(必需的) for us to learn to wait? 7. A few minutes __________(后), I saw the plane again. 8. It's not a very good line. Could you speak more _________(清楚) ? 9. Bob is no __________(不再) a young man. 10. The Green family __________(归来) to China last Friday. 11. You must stop _________(抽烟). 12. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful __________(城市) in the world. 13. Have you visited my ____________(工作场所)? 14. Go to school _________(穿着) your school clothes on Monday. 15. They can't __________(带) the baby with them to go swimming. 16. There are some ____________(桥) over the river. 17. That old man __________(死) five weeks ago. 18. Father looks very _________(担忧的) today. 19. Be careful when you ___________(横穿) the busy street. 20. I didn't have bread for breakfast, I had a bowl of porridge ________(代替). 21. His father's coming back ________(使得) him feel very happy. 22. Today I came to school ___________(没有) breakfast. 23. I was too busy and ___________(错过) the film "Titanic". 24. I will tell you when he __________(到达) my home. 25. Is the license in one of your __________(衣服口袋) ? 26. --What's wrong? --I ___________(割) one of my fingers just now. 27. If someone ___________(推) hard, the old man will fall over. 28. There are so many ___________(参观者) in the West Lake. 29. You must keep __________(安静) in class. 30. He __________(改变) his name when he was in the USA. 31. It's not good to laugh at others' ___________(错误). 32. There's nothing ____________(严重) with him, I think. 33. The food smells very _____________(好). 34, Of the three, Mr Brown is the _____________(胖). 35. Do you __________(相信) what he said? 36. ___________(或许) he will come here tomorrow. 37. Can you make the baby stop ___________(哭) ? 38. The film is really __________(精彩). 39. I ___________(梦) I was in Shanghai last night. 40. Her dog died last week, her cat died today, it made her very __________(悲伤) 41. Mike ____________(跌倒) off the chair and hurt his leg. 42. It's hard ___________(完成) the work in such a short time. 43.The big boy ___________(叫做) Wu Hai is the best player on his team. 44. Mary enjoys ____________(听) to the music.
