



1.The Internet makes our life nicer,_______(容易的) and more colorful than before.

2.A high-speed railway ________(在……之间)Beijing and Shanghai will be in use soon.

3.—Nancy, I can’t understand the meaning of this word.

—Please look it up in your _________(字典).

4. Kanas Lake is a very beautiful place. A large number of _ (旅游者) come here to enjoy themselves every year.

5.Dan Lang's songs quite______(流行) today in the whole country.

6.There is too much noise in the classroom. Please speak more______(大声的)。


1.Man can’t live ________(没有) water, so we must make good use of it.

2.Please listen to the speaker _________(仔细地) when he (she) speaks.

3.She is such a pleasant and ___________(有帮助的)girl that we all like her.

4.The foreign teachers in our school are from Germany, they are ________(德国人).

5. Sunday is the _________ (第一) day of a week.

6.Susan plays the piano very _______(好).


1. I’m sure your cousins can do these exercises _______(自己)

2. I love children, _______(尤其,特别)when they smile.

3. My brother sleeps with the window open _______(除非)it’s really cold.

4.When talking about our plan, most of my classmates were _____(反对) my idea.

5. Great______(进步)has been made in the field of medicine,

6. He can always find many______(借口)when he is late for school.


1. He thinks that the city is too_____ (拥挤) to live in.

2.This skirt doesn’t fit me, please give me _____(又一的)one.

3.I feel _____(坚定地)that you’ve made the wrong decision.

4.My sister studies hard, she often finishes her homework _________(容易).

5. Many Chinese students have come to realize the ________(重要) of learning English.

6. We had a long __________ (讨论)about the plan.


1. Driving on mountain roads always makes me __________ (紧张).

2. I couldn't decide __________(是否)or not to go to the party.

3.Tom has the ___________(能力) to do the work.

4.The plane will take off ________(不久).

5.As we know, China is an __________(亚洲)country.

6._________(星期二)is the third day of a week, between Monday and Wednesday.


1. Bob was very careless, He made so many (错误)that he failed the exam.

2. Our teacher always all very (严格)with us students in the study.

3. (除……之外)singing English songs, there are any other fun ways to learn English.

4. We’ll have a party next Saturday for Lily’s (二十) birthday.

5. Thanks to the (政府), thousands of people in Wenchun have moved into their new houses.

6. I can’t hear you (清楚地), Could you please speak more slowly.


1. Jack is so smart that he can answer these questions ______________ (容易地) .

2. Both of my best friends were born in ______________ (十月) .

3. People will use robots to do the ______________ (家务) in the future.

4. The young man with glasses teaches (我们) Chinese.

5. Who's (高), Lucy or Lily?

6.The boy left the room with_________(眼泪) in his eyes.


1.It's________(浪费) to throw away glass, paper and metal.

2.Tony sits_________(在……之间) Lucy and Lily.

3.You'd better speak_______(大声). I can't hear a word from the back.

4.Tom will hear from his parents this__________(星期二)。

5. Look, Mum! All the boxes in the room are filled with (蔬菜).

6. Many people died in (自然的)disasters every year.


1. Reading English aloud every day will of course help you to improve your (发音).

2. The have planted about five (千)trees in and around the town in the past few years.

3. Many roads are being improved to meet the coming (国际的)Marathon in Lanzhou.

4. Harry keeps exercising every morning. As a result, he’s few kilos _____(轻的) than he used to be.

5. –Kitty, why do you look so happy today?

–I happened to meet an old friend of _____ (我的) in the Confucius Temple this morning.

6. Children in the west usually wear (特殊的) costumes with masks at Halloween.

7. Zhang Shaohan has a sweet (嗓音), and many of us like listening to her songs.


1. Sorry, I didn’t know you. Would you please speak more (清楚地)?

2. My grandma often gets up (早) to do exercise.

3. My main (任务) was to prepare for the meeting.

4. He told me to go out to find some (枝条) for a fire.

5. I like going to school on foot. I___(很少)take a bus to school.

6. More and more _______(外国人)come to visit China.


1.They crossed the road in ______(安全).

2. Louisa didn' t have a pencil, so I let her borrow_______(我的).

3. I don't know what her interests are, because we talk____( 主要地) about work when we

4. To our great_______(惊讶), Tom failed to pass the graduation exam.

5. _____(除了…….之外)Su Dongpo, Huanggang was home to ancient doctor Li Shizhen and printing inventor Bi Sheng.

6. The old woman walked ______ the road carefully.(穿过)


1. Kathy always makes ______ mistakes than the other students in her class.(少)

2 For some ______ reason, Sam noved to Japan.(未知的)

3. On holidays, tourists like to go to Dinghu Mountain because of the _____ (新鲜的) air.

4. In modern_____ (社会), science technology has developed rapidly.

5. Collecting stamps is one of my __________(爱好).

6. It’s not __________(礼貌的)to talk with your mouth full.


1. China is getting richer and stronger in the new __________(世纪).

2. We are very __________ (自豪) that a pupil from our school has won the prize.

3. We shouldn’t throw rubbish ________ (到处) to protect environment.

4.This book is of great _________(价值) to beginners.

5._________(实际上),we still have a lot more to learn.

6. My teacher often told me to pay ________(注意)to my spelling while I was writing.


1. Ice turns into water when the temperature is ____( 超过) 0℃.

2. Have you got the ________ (最新的) news about the drinking and driving in Beijing?


一、照样子写词语: 1 2 牛奶——奶牛 3 二、照样子写句子 4 5 农民把禾苗一棵一棵往高里拔。 6 禾苗被农民一棵一棵往高里拔。 7 玲玲把画儿弄脏了。 8 9 画儿被玲玲弄脏了。 10 11 他把三个妈妈迷住了。 12 三个妈妈被他迷住了。 13 14 三、 15 1、例:力气总算没白费,禾苗都长高了一大截。 16 17 我的努力总算没白费,我终于考及格

18 了。 19 20 2、我的儿子既聪明又有力气。 21 22 学校既干净又美丽。 四、照样子写句子。 23 1、你虽然是一个石头小姑娘,但你也有一个美丽的生命。 24 25 我虽然年龄小,但是我不是最弱小26 的。 27 28 2、燕子的尾巴像剪刀一样。 29 星星像宝石一样。 30 3、他一会儿浓墨涂抹,一会儿轻笔细描,很快就画成了。 31 32 33 我一会儿看书,一会儿写字。 34

4、英国邮政部门立即采用了这种机器。 35 36 上课铃响了我们立即走进了教室。 37 五、照样子,写句子。 38 例:一只天鹅飞过来。 39 40 一只美丽的天鹅从远处飞过来。 41 1、一支铅笔在桌子上。 42 43 一支漂亮的铅笔在干净的桌子上。 2、一架飞机在天空上。 44 45 一架白色的飞机在高高的天空上。 46 47 48 例:小花狗懒洋洋地趴在楼梯上。 49 明明地写作业。 50 51

六、照样子,把两句话合成一句话。 52 53 例:我们脱掉棉袄。我们冲出家门。 1、老师在教室里。老师在批改作业。 54 55 老师在教室里批改作业。 56 2、孩子跑过来。孩子接过水桶。 57 孩子跑过来接过水桶。 58 59 60 3、同学们拿起饼干。同学们吃了起来。 61 同学们拿起饼干吃了起来。 62 七、把下列字词组成一句通顺的话并加上标点。 63 64 1、爷爷吗是说的话真的 65 3、坐在一位休息旁边的石头上爷爷 66 67 4、敲了起来雷公公把大鼓藏了好久的重重地68


专题2 词汇拼写 根据括号内的汉语完成句子,答案书写在答题卡卷Ⅱ各小题规定位置。 81. (2018·贵州铜仁) What a _____( 遗憾), he lost the game again. 82. (2018·贵州铜仁) His father is very ____(严格的)with him. 83. (2018·贵州铜仁) The shoes are ______( 我的). My sister bought them for me yesterday. 84. (2018·贵州铜仁) I visit my grandmother_____( 两次) a month. 85. (2018·贵州铜仁) Please ______(归还) the books to the library on time. 81. pity 82. strict 83. mine 84. twice 85. return A) (2018山东莱芜)根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空一词。 56. Hold on to your ______ (梦想), one day it may come true. 57. Tea plants are ______ (广泛地) grown in the south of China now. 58. It is ______ (有礼貌的) to knock at the door before entering a room. 59. The government of Laiwu provides a bag of _____ (牛奶) for each pupil every day. 56. dream。句意:坚持你的梦想,总有一天会实现的。 57. widely。句意:茶树目前在中国南方被广泛种植。本题修饰动词grown,故用副词形式。 58. polite。句意:进门之前敲门是礼貌的。 59. milk。句意:莱芜政府每天为每位学生提供一袋牛奶。 76. (2018·广西柳州)The post office is ____________(在……的对面) the station. 76.across【解析】考查介词,根据汉语提示“在……对面”填写across。 77.(2018·广西柳州)Tony usually practices playing ____________(音乐的) instruments after class. 77.musical【解析】考查形容词,根据汉语提示,形容词修饰名词instrument,故填musical。 78.(2018·广西柳州)It’s our duty to protect the ______________(环境). 78.environment【解析】考查名词。 79. (2018·广西柳州)Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman ____________(_宇航员) to enter the space. 79.astronaut【解析】考查名词。 80. (2018·广西柳州)You should _____________(_道歉) to her for your mistake. 80.apologize【解析】考查动词。 A) 根据句意和汉语注释或首字母写出单词的正确形式 , 使句子完整与正确。(每空一词) 76.(2018 ? 新疆乌鲁木齐)Yongshu Island is the farthest island off the (海岸) of the southern part of China. 76. coast 永暑岛是远离中国南部海岸的岛屿。coast名词,意为“海岸”。 78.(2018 ? 新疆乌鲁木齐)Every Chinese takes pride in our scientific (技术), such as high-speed railway. 78. technology 句意:每一个中国人都为我们的科学技术感到自豪,例如高铁。technology 名词,意为“技术”。 79.(2018 ? 新疆乌鲁木齐)During the SCO Summit Meeting on June 10, 2018 in Qingdao, eight member countries were discussing about six ( 特殊的) projects.


根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.让我们吃冰激凌吧! Let's have_________ . 2.他喜欢沙拉吗? _________ he_________ salad? 3.他不喜欢米饭。 He_________ _________ rice. 4.早饭我喜欢吃汉堡包。 I like hamburgers_________ _________ . 5. 那位运动明星吃很多健康食品。 That sports star eats_______ _______ healthy food 6.这件白色T恤衫85元。 This________ ________ is eighty-five yuan. 7.这双黑鞋卖60元。 The pair of________ ________ ________ 60 yuan. 8.看看我们的服装店。 Have a________ ________ our clothes store. 9.那条红色裤子正在减价销售,仅仅20元。 The red pants are________ ________ for only 20 yuan. 10.我们以极好的价格卖我们的衣服。 We_______ our clothes_______ very good_______ 11.你妈妈的生日是什么时候? _______ _______ your mother's birthday? 12.他弟弟的生日是10月20日。 His_______ _______ is on October 20th. 13.那个男孩15岁了。 That boy is 15_______ _______ . 14.三月份我们有篮球比赛。 We have_______ _______ in March. 15.学校郊游是在4月12日。 School trip is on_______ _______ 16.他最喜欢的运动是打篮球。 ______ ______ ______ is playing basketball. 17.今天是11月20日,星期四。 It’s________ ,________ 20. 18.我喜欢数学,因为它虽然难,但很有趣。 I like math because it's______ ______ _____ . 19.赵老师总是和我们一起玩游戏。 Mr Zhao always______ ______ ______ us. 20.周五我非常忙。 I'm very busy________ ________ . 21.对于甜食,他喜欢冰激凌. He _________ ice cream _________ ____________.


日积月累复习: 一、根据意思写词语: 1.指有彩绘装饰的很华丽的房屋.() 2.形容技艺巧妙,多指工艺美术. () 3.具有独到的灵巧心思,指在技巧和艺术方面有创造性() 4.指美妙的境地或生动的情景.现多指山水风景或文艺作品特别吸引人. () 5.形容书画,器物等有古雅的色彩和情调. () 6.形容歌声优美,给人留下深刻的印象. () 7.比喻有独创风格,不落老套子. () 8.旧时用来形容某种艺术作品,各种人都能够欣赏. () 9.形容好的东西很多,看不过来() 10.比喻好的诗文为人们所称赞和传诵. () 11:旧时指知音难得.现比喻言论和作品不通俗,能了解的人不多. () 12.比喻杰出的写作才能. () 13.用来比喻较高级的文学艺术作品,经常与"下里巴人"对比着用. () 14.形容书法生动而有气势,风格洒脱.也指书法速度很快,形容书法笔势雄健活泼. () 15.形容事物不平凡,十分出色,多指文学艺术作品. () 16.具有一种独特的风格. () 二、根据意思写名句: 1、作者以花自喻,意谓自己虽然处境艰难,但忠贞报国之心始终不变,自信高尚的情操更能感召年轻一代。 2、天没有言语却有情意,每当寒冷过去便让我们觉得春天已来临。 3、今天晚上,我格外地感觉到了春天温暖的气息,还听到透过绿色窗纱传来的春虫的叫声。 4、讲了诗人在客居洛城的一个夜晚,听到用笛子吹奏的《折杨柳》的曲调,于是感慨到:此时此地听到这支曲子,谁能不让我思念自己的家乡和亲人呢? 5、躺在船上看满天的云没有动,殊不知,云和我一起住东飘去。 6、不是偏爱菊花,是因为菊花不畏严寒,迎风傲雪,菊花开过,大自然中再没有其他花开放了。 7、只有热爱自己的民族才能有自信心,才能有为祖国、为民族而献身的精神。中华民族的爱国情操,是在中华民族悠久历史文化的基础上产生与发展起来的,它源于对生育自己的故土、家乡、民族的爱。

八年级下 首字母填空与根据汉语意思填空专项训练 同步导学案

Period 1 Unit 1- Unit 5 首字母填空与根据汉语意思填空专项训练 一、学习目标: Review the key words in the text book as well as the usage of these words. 二、重点难点: Remember these words and master the usage of these words. 三、导学过程: ●根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分) 1. I think you have a f. Let me take your temperature. 2. I usually walk to school on f, but sometimes I ride my bike. 3. My father is very tired now, and he wants to r for an hour. 4. If you get into(苦恼), we’ll help you out. Don’t worry. 5. To my(惊奇), the traffic is so heavy at this time in the street. ●根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分) 1. The word “passenger” m a person who is travelling in a vehicle such as a bus, a boat or a plane. 2. Linda Green works in a hospital. She is a n. 3. Parents should allow their children to make their own(决定). 4. I hope you can be in(限制; 管理)of your own future. 5. We must have the(勇气, 意志)to face difficulties. ●根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分) 1. They are planning to r some money for charity. 2. —What does the s mean? —It means “No Swimming”. 3. He spends(几个)hours every week helping others. 4. L et’s go to the football game and(欢呼)for our school team. 5. Miss Green(自愿做)to teach kids to learn English in her free time. ●根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分) 1. Being b, she can’t see anything. 2. Let’s o the windows to let the fresh air in. 3. The box is full of books. It’s too heavy for me to c. 4. Our life has(变化)a lot in the past ten years. 5. You can’t(想象)how clever the boy is. ●词汇运用(20分)


七年级英语上册-根据汉语意思完成句子日期: (每空一词) 1. 他的父母来自亚洲。His parents _______ _______ Asia. 2. 你有电脑还是电视?______ you _______ a computer _____ a television? 3. 桌子底下没有足球。_______ ______ a football _______ the table. 4. 你会做家谱吗?_______ you _______ a family tree? 5. 汤姆有几个外国朋友? _______ _______ foreign friends ______ Tom got? 6. –你有叔叔吗?--不,没有。--______ you ______ _______ uncle? –No, _____ _____. 7. 史密斯一家打算去巴黎度假。_______ _______ _______ is going to Paris for holidays. 8. 王老师的办公室里没有电脑。There ______ _______ computers in Miss Wang’s office. 9. 学校的中间是一个大操场。______ ______ ______ _____ the school is a big playground. 10. –他们没有胡萝卜。他们有些肉。 They ______ ______ ______ carrots. They have got _____ ______. 11. –你最喜欢的食物是什么?--面条和汉堡包。 --_______ your _______ food? --They are _______ and _______. 12. 牛肉和土豆是健康的食品。________ and _______ are ______ food. 13. 大多数小孩喜欢冰激凌。Most _______ love ________ ________. 14. –糖果是健康食品吗?--不是。--_______candy ______ food? --_____, ______ ______. 15. 我们每天都应吃一些蔬菜和水果。We should eat some ______ and ______ every day. 16. –你午餐吃什么?--鱼肉和米饭。 --What _____ you ______ ______ lunch? –Fish and rice. 17. 我没有时间回家吃早饭。I have ___ time ___ ___ home for breakfast. 18. 冰箱里有多少牛肉和鸡肉? _____ ______ chicken and beef _____ ______ in the fridge? 19. 我喜欢地理并且我很擅长它。I love geography and I _____ _____ _____ it. 20. –你们的科学课在什么时候?--在下午五点钟。 --______ is your _____ lesson? –It’s at five o’clock _____ _____ ___. 21. 你愿意来参加我的生日聚会么?_____ you _____ ______ come to my birthday party? 22. 在周末你通常做什么?What ______ you ______ _______ at the weekend? 23. 妈妈总是给我买一个特殊的礼物。Mum ______ _______ a special present ______me. 24. 他们玩得很愉快。They are ________ ________ ________ __________. 25. 他白天睡觉,晚上工作。He sleeps in the daytime and _____ ______ ______.


三、词语解释篇 岭——山峰,山脉。峰——高而尖的山头。 缘——因为。题——书写。 豚——猪。疑——以为,怀疑。 浑——不清澈。之——去、到。 使——出使。浥——湿润。 更尽——再饮完。故人——老朋友。 号啕--- 形容大声哭。端详--- 仔细地看。 诸生---总称教室里的所有学生。洞察--- 观察得很清楚。 迟钝--- 反应慢,不灵敏。惬意-- 很满意,很舒服。 凝视--- 指聚精会神地看。远眺--- 向远处看。 慎重--- 认真谨慎,不草率。静谧--- 形容十分宁静。 蜿蜒--- 指弯弯曲曲地延伸。协调--- 配合得适当。 绾裤--- 把裤子挽起来的意思。矗立--- 高耸地立着。 归根到底--- 归结到根本上。得意--- 称心如意,感到非常满意。 郁郁苍苍- 形容草木苍翠茂盛。 乘--- 古时侯四匹马拉一辆车,称为一乘。 碰钉子--- 比喻遭到拒绝或受到斥责。 摔跟头--- 比喻在生活中遇到各种困难。 奢侈--- 花费大量钱财追求过分享受。 红眼病--- 课文中指看到国强取得好成绩非常羡慕而妒忌 腾云驾雾-- 传说中指利用法术乘云雾飞行,也用来形容奔驰迅速或头脑迷糊,感到身子轻飘飘的。 呼风唤雨-- 原指神仙道士的法力,现在比喻能够支配大自然或推动社会前进的力量。 浩浩荡荡- 原指水势广阔壮大,现用来指气势大。 神秘莫测- 使人捉摸不透,高深难测。人迹罕至- 很少有人去的荒僻地方。 应接不暇- 形容来人或事情太多,接待应付不过来。 恍恍惚惚- 精神不集中,看的不真切,不清楚。 随遇而安--- 能适应各种环境,在任何环境中都能满足。 不可思议--- 不可想象,不能理解。枉费心机--- 白白地耗费心思。 浩如烟海--- 形容文献资料非常丰富。嘟嘟囔囔- 连接不断地自言自语。 龇牙咧嘴--- 形容凶狠或疼痛难忍的样子。 左顾右盼---东看看,西看看,一点儿也不拘谨。 引吭大叫--- 伸长脖子,敞开喉咙大叫。 局促不安--- 形容拘谨、不自然、不安定的样子。 不胜其烦--- 指忍受不了某种麻烦。理所当然--- 从道理上说应当这样。 慢条斯理--- 形容动作缓慢,不慌不忙。


专题四、根据汉语意思填词 (2017·广西贵港) 76. Tina is my cousin. She is tall and she has long _______ (直的) hair. 77. Mr Smith is sitting ______(在其中) a group of children, telling the story. 78. Nobody was _______(缺席) from school though it rained heavily yesterday. 79. His uncle is going to ______(参加) a business meeting in Beijing next week. 80. It’s important for young people to make a right ______(决定) for their future. 76. straight 77. among 78. absent 79. attend 80. decision (2017·江苏常州) B)根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空填一词。 45. We must be ▲ (勇敢的)enough to face difficulties in our life. 46. Some wild animals are in ▲ (危险)as the earth is getting warmer and warmer. 47. Mary goes to work every day ▲ (除…之外)Sundays. 48.The general manager always thinks twice before ▲ (回复)to the customers. 45.brave【解析】用形容词brave作表语,表示“勇敢的。” 46.danger【解析】介词后跟名词danger表示“危险。” 47.except【解析】用介词except表示“除……之外,”含有排除关系。 48.replying【解析】动词reply和介词to连用跟宾语,介词before后用动名词形式。 B)根据句意及汉语提示,写出歌单词的正确形式,每空一词。 (2017?江苏镇江)41. The dentist suggests that the girl should brush her _ (牙齿) before going to bed. (2017?江苏镇江)42. The boy threw the ball to the dog and it _ (捉住,搂住) the ball successfully. (2017?江苏镇江)43. When Mr. Jiang got up in the morning, his suit was ironed _ (平整地) by the robot. (2017?江苏镇江)44. In the first half of this year, there are _ (四十) twins among all the newborn babies in that hospital. (2017?江苏镇江)45. —Where’s the city museum? —It’s (在……对面) the front gate of the Grand Hotel. 41. teeth 【解析】“刷牙”用brush one’s teeth表达,tooth用复数形式。 42. caught【解析】前文threw提示用catch的过去式形式threw。 43. smoothly【解析】修饰动词用副词smoothly表示“平整地”。 44. forty【解析】基数词forty表示“四十”。 45. opposite 【解析】用介词opposite表示“在……对面”。 B. 根据中文提示完成单词,使句子完整、通顺。 (2017·新疆建设兵团)71. We’ve got a lot of new ___________ (杂志) in our school library. (2017·新疆建设兵团)72. The glasses can keep the worker’s eyes __________ (安全的). (2017·新疆建设兵团)73. The houses are so expensive that he can’t ___________ (承担得起) to buy one. (2017·新疆建设兵团)74. My parents are always ____________ (严格的) with me. (2017·新疆建设兵团)75. Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional __________ (艺术). 71. magazines 【解析】句意:我们学校图书馆有很多新杂志。空格前的a lot of说明“杂志”


他的科学老师长得什么样? What his science teacher ? 他将是我们的新语文老师。 He will new Chinese teacher. 这只猴子非常聪明。 This monkey is . 埃米严厉吗?不,她很客气。 Amy ? No, she isn’t. she is polite. She is our art teacher.(对划线部分提问) My music teacher is kind and funny. (对划线部分提问) Our math teacher is clever.(改为一般疑问句) Is your father hard-working? (做肯定回答) he, new, your, Is, teacher, English(?) (连词成句) can, He, Chinese, speak, and, English(.) (连词成句)our, is, new, music, funny, teacher(.) (连词成句)

is,woman, that, old, Who(?) (连词成句) your, art, funny, Is, teacher, very(?) (连词成句) She is nice and funny.(就划线部分提问) Do you have new teachers? (做否定回答) Is she kind? (做肯定回答) She is very clever.(变为复数形式) at, my, look, photo(.)(连词成句) you, on, what, Fridays, do, have(?)(连词成句) English, has, on, Mondays, Sarah, art, and(.)(连词成句) Music, class, have, on, do, you, Tuesdays(?)(连词成句) 周三我们上英语、计算机和音乐。


句子 练习六 一、按下列词语的不同意思写句子。 1、骄傲(指不谦虚)_______________________ (指很自豪)_______________________2、温和(气候不冷不热)_____________________ (使人感到亲切)_____________________3、耽搁(停留)_________________________ (耽误)_________________________4、新鲜(〈空气〉经常流通,不含杂类气体) _________________________(没有变质,也没有经过腌制、干制等) _________________________ 二、缩写句子。 1、高山的崖缝里冷得像冰窖一样。 _______________________ 2、黄继光用自己的胸膛堵住了敌人的枪口。 _______________________ 3、戴红领巾的小姑娘捡起了操场的许多纸片和枯黄的落叶。 _________________________ 4、相传很久很久以前,牡丹江边住着一位美丽善良的红罗女。 __________________________ 5、小松鼠的一条毛茸茸的大尾巴总是向上翘着, __________________________ 6、清晨,大火球似的太阳从遥远的海平面上升起来了。 __________________________ 7、我国桥梁事业的飞速发展表明了社会主义制度的无比优越。 _______________________ 8、海边的沙地上种着一望无际的碧绿的西瓜。 _______________________ 9、山沟的柿子树上缀满了沉甸甸的柿子。


二、给下面的句子加上标点 1李红向远方飞奔而去() 2、玲玲又生病了() 3、你明天会去上学吗() 4、春天又到了,百花竞相开放() 5、你的妈妈会来送你吗() 6、老师,今天我们玩得真开心() 7、她的态度很诚恳() 8、灯光真美,故宫真气派() 9、岩石会是书() 10、我们的祖国多么强大,多么美丽() 11、我是一只漂亮的天鹅呀() 12、我是一只漂亮的天鹅() 13、我会是一只漂亮的天鹅吗() 二年级语文期未试卷 姓名班级得分 一、看拼音写词语,相信一定能写得非常好看。(10分) Pi do Iiang Zh IW U b e n I ι ng W e n nu α n ()()()() L i Sh i gu nα g b i Xi U Ch Cn gge ()()()() 二、我会让生字开花。(6分) 三、你能照样子写词语吗?快来试一试。(6分) 一片片、 高高兴兴、 很多很多、 四、谁和谁可以做朋友呢?连一连吧!(6分) 美丽的空气工人种功课翠绿的花瓶学生扫玉米 新鲜的树叶农民做街道五、照样子,填一填。‘(9分)


( )象棋( )彩虹贫() ( )二胡( )鲜花弯() ( )钢琴( )筷子寒冷() 六、看谁最能干,先组词,再写一句话。(9分) 傍(傍晚):昨天傍晚下了一场雨。 桌(): 漂(): 奇(): 七、想一想,排排队,连成一句通顺的话。(6分) 绿铅笔把我借行用一用吗你 生日我今天的是 困难我们热情应该别人帮助有 八、请帮下面的词语找到合适的位置。(3分) 心爱疼爱喜爱 1、包里就是没有我()的裙子。 2 .我有一支漂亮的钢笔,我很()。 3、我很()我的弟弟。 九、读一读,想一想,做一做。(13分) 秋天,公园里可美了,各种各样的菊花都开了。有红的,有黄的,有白的,还有紫的,漂亮极了。桂花也开了,小小的,黄黄的,还发出一阵阵香味儿。 1、请你给短文加个题目。 2、秋天到了,公园里的 3 .菊花的颜色有 4、桂花是什么样子?( (1分) 和 、、 2分) 都开 了。 、 (1分) (2 分) 5、这段话共有句话,最主要的是第句。(2分) 6、你最喜欢哪一句话,把它抄下来,并说说你为什么喜欢它。(3分) 7、你还知道哪些花是秋天开的吗?(2分) 在我国南海的西沙群岛上,住着成百上千种海鸟。 数量最多的是白鸟。这种白色的鸟最爱吃鱼,它们成群地在海面上寻找鱼群,傍晚才飞回海岛。


根据汉语意思补全单词 【2015山东枣庄】 63. My pet dog, three years old now, ___________(不喜欢) to stay alone. 65. Don’t put your __________(胳膊肘) on the table. 【2015江苏南京】 42. “Nanjing Week” at Expo Milan 2015 will last from ________(七月) 7th to 13th in Milan, Italy. 43. Harry doesn't take medicine when he catches a cold. He always believes that body is able to fight it by ________(自己). 44. Dad always tells me not to study only for tests. If that's all I'm doing, he says, I will soon ________(失去) interest in learning. 【2015山东滨州】 61.I haven’t heard from him since last ____________________(一月). 62.I want to visit _______________ (自然的) sights this summer holiday. 63.It’s impossible to ____________________ (分离) Diaoyu Island from China. 【2015安徽】 91. It is p______(礼貌的)to offer seats to the old on the bus. 【2015四川南充】 74. All the students are _______(分散)into four teams to finish them. 75. Jack got his driver's license on his______(二十)birthday. 【2015江苏盐城】 62. These new types of energy cost very little and ______ little pollution. (产生) 63. V olunteers from different ______ feel like part of one big family. (背景) 64. Internet users now use the character “duang” to ______ any kind of special effect. (描述) 65. As we reached the top of the mountain, we felt a sense of ______. (成就) 【2015山东青岛】 2. We have nothing_____(反对)running. 3. In the famous competition,_______(获胜者)always get very good prizes. 【2015山东烟台】 66. Could you please tell us about the four great____________(发明) of China? 67. He’s already____________(喂养) his pet dog. 68. My grandfather is interested in_____________(收集) old coins. 69. The dentist suggests that we should brush____________(牙齿) three times a day. 70. After the sudden earthquake, most of us were ____________(醒着) all the night. 【2015四川遂宁】 77. We are walking ______ (穿过) the forest. 【2015甘肃武威】 26. Linda' s (健康) has improved greatly since she started on this new diet. 27. 1 think (医疗的) level in the city is better than that in the countryside. 【2015江苏苏州】 41. Helen ▲(点头) with a smile when she met me. 43. Justin lay back and enjoyed the ▲(安宁) of the summer evening. 44. The bank is ▲(在…对面) the supermarket, on the other side of the road. 48. — Thanks for lending me the book Black Beauty. —Don’t ▲it.


三词语 词语复习要做到能正确地读,写已学过的词语,理解学过的词语的意思,并能正确运用。能按要求给词语进生归类。一、积累词语:词是能够独立运用的最小语言单位。每篇课文后面要求说说写写的词语,都应该正确地读写及积累。 二、理解词语:理解词语的方法: (1)弄清这个词语中,两个关键性的字的意思,然后考虑整个词语的意思。例"凝神谛听"这个词,其中"谛"是"仔细"的意思,整个词语的意思是"集中注意力仔细地听"。 (2)有些词不能光从字面上去理解,要注意它们的比喻或引伸义。例:"目瞪口呆"这个词常常用来比喻惊讶的样子,而不能只从字面上去理解。 (3)要结合语言环境,联系上下文来理解词语的意思。如:"这茶叶的香味吓煞人。嫩叶如同一条青龙上下翻飞,煞是好看。前一个煞是"杀"的意思,后一个煞是"极"的意思。一、辨析词义辨析词义的方法: (1)要搞清词语的感情色彩。例:"团结"和"勾结",都有一个"为了一个目的联合和结合"的意思。"团结"用于好的方面,而"勾结"用于坏的方面,指"进行不正当的活动而暗中结合"。 (2)注意运用的对象。如:"爱戴"和"爱抚",前者用于党、领袖、英雄,后者用于老一辈对后代。

(3)注意范围的大小。如:"辽阔"和"广阔",都是指面积广大,但辽阔比广阔所指的范围更大。 (4)注意程度的轻重。如:"喜爱"和"酷爱",都有爱好某事某物之意,但"酷爱"比"喜爱"的程度重。 (5)考虑词语搭配的习惯。如"提高水平","改进方法","改善生活"等。 二、用词造句要做到: (1)正确理解词语的意思,注意它的使用习惯,特别要留心这个词语用在什么场合,常跟哪些词语搭配。 (2)把意思表达完整。 三、词语的归类或排列,常见的可以从词语所代表事物的性质、特点、用途、概念大小,相关相对关系等方面来考虑。练习 (一)填字成词。 风流()洒气()轩昂神()奕奕满面()光威风()() 相貌()()温()尔雅心地()良风度()()()()大方 一元()始万象()新桃()柳()芳草如()()阳似火 暑气()人秋高气()万里()云涸波()渺一望无()

二年级语文下册 照样子写词语写句子练习

小学二年级照样子写词语,写句子练习一、照样子写词语 例题:(茂盛)的树木 ()的妈妈()的家庭()的伙伴()的朋友()的教室()的操场()的老师()的马路()的天气()的天安门()的风景()的花园()的广场()的雪花()的小狗()的车辆()的草坪()的花坛 二、照样子写句子 A例:李小青是我们班的劳动委员。 我们班的劳动委员是李小青。 1、小红是我们的开心果。 2、美丽的慈溪是我的家乡。 3、我喜欢那条黑白点的小狗。

4、李宁是我最要好的朋友。 B例:小猴子听了吃起葡萄来。 小猴子听了大口大口地吃起葡萄来。 1、我看书。 我()地看书。 2、小红在教室里画画。 小红在教室里()地画画。 3、妈妈在花园里浇花。 妈妈在花园里()地浇花。 4、小马在草原上奔跑。 小马在草原上()地奔跑。 5、小猴子望望架上的葡萄。 小猴子()地望望架上的葡萄。 6、小松鼠采了许多花。 小松鼠()地采了许多花。 小松鼠采了许多()的花。 三、照样子仿写句子 1、圆圆非常后悔。 ()非常()。

2、到了学校,已经上课了。 (),已经()。 3、全城到处是绿树,到处是高楼大厦。 ()到处是(),到处是()。 4、我们爱北京,我们爱祖国的首都。 ()爱(),()爱()。 5、纤夫们一边收缰绳,一边向风娃娃表示感谢。 ()一边(),一边()。 6、他急忙跑过去,对着帆船吹起来。 ()急忙()。 例:蒲公英在天空中飞舞。蒲公英像降落伞在天空中飞舞。 1.秋叶落下来。 2.天上的白云飘来飘去。 例:他把禾苗一颗一颗往高处拔。禾苗被他一颗一颗往高处拔。 1.同学们把丁丁选出来做班长。 2.小林还没有把垃圾倒掉。 例:我不是不懂这道题怎么做。我懂这道题怎么做。 1.明天不是不下雨。 2.小明不是不听话的孩子。 例:那么多星星,你怎么数得清呢? 那么多星星,你是数不清的。 1.少先队员怎么能不做作业呢? 2.小红生病了,怎么能参加运动会呢?

2019年中考英语分类汇编短文填空3. 根据汉语意思填词

A)(2019湖南衡阳)词汇运用。根据所给汉语或英文首字母写出短文中所缺英语单词。(共5小题,计5分) Confucius, a pioneer in the field of (46)_________(教育). He was born in the year 551 B.C. He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior. His main ideas are about kindness and good manners. He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have (47)i_________ many people in (48)d__________ countries. For example, one of his famous saying, “He who learns but does not think is lost; he who thinks but does not learn is in (49)d________”, tell us the (50)___________(重要性) of learning and thinking. 【主旨大意】孔子,教育界的先锋,出生于公元前551年。他还是一位伟大的思想家,对人性和行为有许多聪明的想法。他的主要思想是善良和礼貌。而且,孔子也是一位著名的哲学家。 【答案】 46. education 47. influenced 48. different 49. danger 50. importance 【解析】 46. education 所填写词作介词of的宾语,应用名词。education为名词,意为“教育”。 47. influenced 由下文的描写可知,孔子的哲理影响了很多人。have在这里为助动词,帮助构成现在完成时,这里需要动词的过去分词。influence为动词,意为“影响”,其过去分词为influenced。 48. different 所填写作定语,修饰名词countries,由首字母d可判断应用意为“不同的”different 填写。 49. danger 由He who learns but does not think is lost可推知本句意为“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”,殆有“危险”之意。结合首字母d推断填名词danger。 50. importance 由前面的定冠词the提示填名词importance。 B. 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词) 。(2019·浙江嘉兴) Cooking was once regarded as a necessary part of education in England. But in recent years, it has become less important in schools. As a result, 36 (基础的) cooking and food preparation skills are being lost. It is also making more children overweight, as parents use too much fast food that is 37 (有害的) to their health. The government is worried and is looking for ways to 38 (解决) the problem. A new law has been passed. All secondly schools should offer cooking 39 (课程) to students aged from 11 to 14 years old.. They hope that this will encourage people to cook instead of eating__40__(准备好的) meals, fast food and snacks. Students will learn to cook for one hour a 41 (星期) for one term. They will learn to use simple and fresh ingredients(原料) to prepare healthy, tasty food, following 42 (说明) . These cooking skills will be helpful in their future life. Schools are also setting up cooking clubs all over the country. The clubs will 43 (提供) more children with the chance to learn to cook.
