


Chinese New Year Celebration usually lasts for 15 days. Celebratory activities include Chinese New Feast, firecrackers, giving lucky money to children, the New Year bell ringing and Chinese New Year Greetings. Most of Chinese people will stop the celebrating in their home on the 7th day of New Year because the national holiday usually ends around that day, however celebrations in public areas can last until the 15th day of New Year.


House Cleaning


To clean houses on the New Year Eve is a very old custom dating back to thousands of years ago. The dust is traditionally associated wit h “old” so cleaning their houses and sweeping the dust mean to bid farewell to the “old” and usher in the “new”. Days before the New Year, Chinese families clean their houses, sweeping the floor, washing daily things, cleaning the spider webs and dredging the ditches. People do all these things happily in the hope of a good coming year.


House decoration


One of the house decorations is to post couplets on doors. On the Spring Festival couplets, good wishes are expressed. New Year couplets are usually posted in pairs as even numbers are associated with good luck and auspiciousness in Chinese culture.房屋装饰之一就是在门上贴对联。在春联上,抒发良好的祝愿。春联通常是成对张贴,因为双数在中国文化中是好运气和吉祥的象征。

People in north China are used to posting paper-cut on their windows. When sticking the window decoration paper-cuts, people paste on the door large red Chinese

character “fu”A red "fu"means good luck and fortune, so it is cus tomary to post "fu"on doors or walls on auspicious occasions such as wedding, festivals.


Waiting for the First Bell Ringing of Chinese New Year


The first bell ringing is the symbol of Chinese New Year. Chinese people like to go to a large squares where there are huge bells are set up on New Year’s Eve. As the New Year approaches they count down and celebrate together. The people believe that the ringing of huge bell can drive all the bad luck away and bring the fortune to them. In recent years, some people have begun going to mountain temples to wait for the first ringing. Hanshan Temple in Suzhou, is very famous temple for its first ringing of the bell to herald Chinese New Year. Many foreigners now go to Hanshan Temple to celebrate Chinese New Year.


Staying up late ("Shousui")


Shousui means to stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve. After the great dinner, families sit together and chat happily to wait for the New Year’s arrival.


New Year Feast


Spring Festival is a time for family reunion. The New Year's Feast is "a must" banquet with all the family members getting together. The food eaten on the New Year Eve banquet varies according to regions. In south China, It is customary to eat "niangao" (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher every year". In the north, a traditional dish for the feast is "Jiaozi" or dumplings shaped like a crescent moon.


Setting Firecrackers


Lighting Firecrackers used to be one of the most important customs in the Spring Festival celebration. However, concerning the danger and the negative noises that lighting firecrackers may bring, the government has banned this practice in many major cities. But people in small towns and rural areas still hold to this traditional celebration. Right as the clock strikes 12 o'clock midnight of New Year's Eve, cities and towns are lit up with the glitter from fireworks, and the sound can be deafening. Families stay up for this joyful moment and kids with firecrackers in one hand and a lighter in another cheerfully light their happiness in this especial occasion, even though they plug their ears.


New Year Greetings(Bai Nian)


On the first day of the New Year or shortly thereafter, everybody wears new clothes and greets relatives and friends with bows and Gongxi (congratulations), wishing each other good luck, happiness during the new year. In Chinese villages, some villagers may have hundreds of relatives so they have to spend more than two weeks visiting their relatives.


On the first day of the new year, it’s customary for the younger generations to visit the elders, wishing them healthy and longevity.


Because visiting relatives and friends takes a lot of time, now, some busy people will send New Year cards to express their good wishes rather than pay a visit personally.


Lucky Money


It is the money given to kids from their parents and grandparents as New Year gift. The money is believed to bring good luck, ward off monsters; hence the name "lucky money". Parents and grandparents first put money in small, especially-made red envelopes and give the red envelopes to their kids after the New Year's Feast or when they come to visit them on the New Year. They choose to put the money in red envelopes because Chinese people think red is a lucky color. They want to give their children both lucky money and lucky color.


‘中国新年(Chinese New Year)’或‘春节(Spring Festival)’是最重要的中国传统节日(traditional Chinese holiday),也叫‘农历新年(Lunar New Year)’。这个节日从农历正月初一(the first day of the first lunar month in the Chinese calendar)开始,直到正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival)结束。除夕(Chinese New Year's Eve)的字面含义是‘Year-pass Eve’。据说当初春节是为了纪念与一头叫做‘年’的神话野兽进行的斗争(fight against a mythical beast called 'Nian')。

中国的阴阳历(lunisolar calendar)而不是公历(Gregorian calendar)决定了春节的日期。天干(heavenly stems)和地支(earthly branches)用来纪年。阴阳(yin and yang)与五行(the five elements of Chinese astrology)也用来描述一个具体年份。很多人混淆了他的农历生年(Chinese birth-year)

和公历生年(Gregorian birth-year)。有些算命的人(sign calculators)也会混淆农历和阳历。

12年形成一个属相(animal zodiac)循环(cycle);60年形成一个综合循环。十二属相(zodiac animal signs)包括:鼠(rat)、牛(ox)、虎(tiger)、兔(rabbit)、龙(dragon)、蛇(snake)、马(horse)、羊(ram/sheep)、猴(monkey)、鸡(rooster)、狗(dog)与猪(pig)。

春节在很多国家和地区(countries and territories)都是公共假期(public holiday),包括中国大陆、中国台湾、中国香港、中国澳门、马来西亚、新加坡、文莱(Brunei)、印度尼西亚和菲律宾。还有一些国家以其它方式纪念中国春节,包括澳大利亚、加拿大、法国、新西兰和美国等。在正式假期(official holiday)前后,庆祝活动(celebrations/festivities)一直在进行。各国对春节规定的法定假期(statutory holiday)长短不一。

春节期间的庆祝活动中最重要的是拜访亲朋好友(visits to kin, relatives and friends),即‘拜年(new-year visits)’。青年人(juniors)和孩子(children)可以从已婚者(the married)和长辈(the elders)那里拿到红包(red packets/envelope)。红包也叫压岁钱,是从‘压祟钱(the money used to suppress or put down the evil spirits)’发展而来。钱数应为偶数(even numbers),因为奇数(odd numbers)不吉利。数字4被认为不吉利,因为和‘死’同音(a homophone with death);数字8吉利,因为和‘发(wealth)’同音。互赠礼物(gift exchange)也是人们之间常有的事儿。

春节前一般要彻底打扫卫生(a thorough cleaning),以扫掉前一年的坏运气(to sweep away the bad luck of the preceding year)并迎接好运(to be ready for good luck)。房间要用带有吉利话(auspicious phrases)的剪纸(paper cutouts)和春联(couplets)进行装饰。信佛(Buddhism)和信道(Taoism)的人会将神坛(altar)与塑像(statues)清理干净。某些地区的人会有‘送神(sending the God home)’的仪式。灶王爷(Kitchen God)的纸人(paper effigy)会被烧掉以便让他去向玉帝(Jade Emperor)汇报这家人的好事(good deeds)和劣迹(transgressions)。

除夕最大的事儿就是吃团圆饭(reunion dinner),与西方的圣诞晚餐(Christmas dinner)的重要性类似。年夜饭上往往会有鱼,但某些地区的人不吃它,留到第二天,以示‘年年有余(May there be surpluses every year),

因为在汉语中‘鱼(fish)’与‘余(surplus)’同音。在北方(northern China),习惯上一定会在饭后开始包饺子(dumpling/jiaozi)并在午夜(around midnight)煮食。饺子象征财富(wealth),因为它外形像银锭(Chinese tael)。在南方(southern China),通常要做年糕(niangao/new year cake)。它的汉语发音表示越来越富有(increasingly prosperous)。现代的人们有时会进行倒计时(countdown)来迎接春节。从上世纪八十年代开始,中国中央电视台春节联欢晚会(CCTV New Year's Gala)会在每年的春节到来前开始播出。鞭炮(firecrackers)和焰火(fireworks)也是制造节日气氛的重要工具,不过在很多城市被禁放(banned)以防止火灾(fire hazards)。政府会组织大型焰火(large-scale fireworks)燃放来庆祝节日。

初一从‘接神(welcoming the deities of the heavens and earth)’开始,随后就是拜年等活动。初二是已婚妇女回娘家(for married daughters to visit their birth families/parents)的日子。有些人认为初三、初四不适合拜年,而适合上坟(grave-visiting)。初五被认为是财神爷(god of

wealth/fortune god)的生日。正月十五要吃元宵(rice dumplings: a sweet glutinous rice ball brewed in a soup)。户外还要燃起蜡烛(candles)以引领游魂(wayward spirits)回到自己的家。人们也会提着点燃的灯笼(lighted lanterns)逛街。

春节期间也有一些令局外人困惑的迷信(superstitious beliefs)或者传统文化观念(traditional cultural beliefs)。比如贴红菱形纸(red diamond-shaped poster)的‘福(auspiciousness)’字。它常常被倒着贴(hanging upside down),因为汉语的‘倒(upside down)’与‘到(arrive)’是同音字(homophones)。金元宝(yuanbao ingots)象征财富。除了春联,年画(New Year pictures)、中国结(Chinese knots)、剪纸(papercutting)等都用来增加气氛。舞龙(dragon dance)和舞狮(lion dance)也是人们庆祝春节的传统活动。人们打招呼会说一些吉祥话,如‘新年快乐(Happy New Year)’、‘恭喜发财(Congratulations and be prosperous)’、‘岁岁平安(Everlasting peace year after year)’等。

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together,


just like Christmas in the West.


It originated in the Shang Dynasty from the people's sacrifices to gods and ancestors 春节起源于殷商时期祭神祭祖活动,

at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.


During the last ten days before Spring Festival,


store owners are busy as everybody goes out to purchase necessities for the New Year.大小商铺生意兴隆,因为人们都忙于置年货。

Materials not only include edible oil, rice, poultry, fish and meat, but also fruit, candies and all kinds of nuts.


What's more, various decorations, new clothes and shoes for the children


as well as gifts for the elderly, friends and relatives are all on the list of purchasing.


Before the New Year comes, people completely clean the inside and outside of their homes.


Then they begin decorating their clean rooms with an atmosphere of joy and festivity.然后,他们会把家装饰得充满节日气氛

All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets.


Also, pictures of the gods of doors and wealth will be posted on front doors to ward off evil spirits


and welcome peace and abundance. Red paper-cuttings can be seen on window glass.迎福。在窗户玻璃上贴上红色剪纸。

According to custom, each family will stay up to count down for the New Year on the eve of the Spring Festival.


Lighting firecrackers was once the most typical custom during the Spring Festival.在过去,点爆竹是春节最典型的习俗。

People thought the banging and popping could help drive away evil spirits.


Children will get money as a New Year's gift, wrapped up in red packets.


A series of activities such as lion dancing, dragon lantern dancing, lantern festivals and temple fairs will be held for days.


The Spring Festival then comes to an end when the Lantern Festival is over.


【Greeting Season】:

春节 The Spring Festival 农历 lunar calendar

正月 lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar

除夕 New Year‘s Eve; eve of lunar New Year

初一 the beginning of New Year 元宵节 The Lantern Festival 【Customs】:

过年 Guo-nian; have the Spring Festival

对联 poetic couplet: two successive rhyming lines in poetry 春联 Spring Festival couplets 剪纸 paper-cuts

买年货 special purchases for the Spring Festival ;do Spring Festival shopping

年画 New Year paintings 敬酒 propose a toast

灯笼 lantern: a portable light 烟花 fireworks

爆竹 firecrackers (People scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.)

红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.)

舞狮 lion dance (The lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.)

舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests)戏曲 traditional opera 杂耍 variety show; vaudeville

灯谜 riddles written on lanterns 灯会 exhibit of lanterns 守岁 staying-up 禁忌 taboo

拜年 pay New Year‘s call; give New Year‘s greetings; New Year‘s visit

去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune

祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one‘s ancestors

压岁钱 gift money; money given to children as a lunar New Year gift

【Culture Note】:In the old days, New Year‘s money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a hundred years old. Today, money is placed inside red envelopes in

denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth

辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year

扫房 spring cleaning; general house-cleaning

【Food names】:

年糕 Nian-gao; rise cake; New Year cake

团圆饭 family reunion dinner 年夜饭 the dinner on New Year ‘s Eve

饺子 Jiao-zi; Chinese meat ravioli 八宝饭 eight treasures rice pudding

汤圆 Tang-yuan; dumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet or spicy fillings 糖果盘 candy tray: 什锦糖 assorted candies - sweet and fortune

蜜冬瓜 candied winter melon - growth and good health

西瓜子 red melon seed - joy, happiness, truth and sincerity 金桔 cumquat - prosperity 红枣 red dates - prosperity

糖莲子 candied lotus seed - many descendents to come

糖藕 candied lotus root - fulfilling love relationship

花生糖 peanut candy - sweet


Treasures fill the home 财源广进

Business flourishes 事业兴隆

Peace all year round 岁岁平安

Wishing you prosperity 恭喜发财

Harmony brings wealth 家和万事兴

May all your wishes come true 心想事成

Everything goes well 万事如意

The country flourishes and people live in peace 国家富强、人民安康

Money and treasures will be plentiful 财源茂盛

Wishing you every success Promoting to a higher position 事业有成、更上一层楼、蒸蒸日上

Safe trip wherever you go 一帆风顺

Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year! 祝你新的一年快乐幸福

Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family! 事业成功,家庭美满(阖家欢乐)


Dos and Donts of Chinese New Year


Wish everyone you meet a happy New Year by saying "gong xi fa cai", which translates to: "Have a happy and prosperous New Year!" 对每一个你遇到的人道一声:“恭喜发财”,翻译成英文就是:“在新的一年里拥有幸福繁荣的生活”;

Wear articles of red clothing because red symbolizes luck. 穿红色布料做成的饰品,因为红色昭示着幸运;

Eat vegetarian food because it's not good to see blood. 吃素食,因为见血是不吉利的;

Buy new trousers because the Chinese word for trousers is "fu", (Chinese homonym for wealth) 买新裤子(衣服),因为汉语里裤子


Children should stay up as late as possible on New Year's Eve for it is believed that the later they stay up, the longer their parents will live. 孩子应该在除夕之夜尽可能晚睡、熬夜因为据说


Visit family (especially those older than yourself) and friends to pass on your wishes on good fortune for the New Year. (plus kids and single people will receive lai-see lucky red packets full of money. 拜访亲戚朋友(尤其是比你年长的),传递


Give two lai see to each child. Because happiness comes in two's, do not just give one. This is your way of passing good luck to the next generation. Business owners also give lai see to employees and associates. 给每个孩子两份“来喜”(我觉得应该指钱是偶数的),因为好事成双,不要只给一份。这是你把祝愿传递给下一代的方法。企业主(老板)也要给员工和同事红包。


Don't wear white or black clothing, since they are the traditional colours of mourning. 不要穿白色或黑色服装,因为这是传统意义上丧事的颜色;

Don't buy new shoes for the first month of the New Year, because the sound of shoe in Chinese is "hai". "Hai" is similar to the sound of sighing, which Chinese believe is not a good way to start the year. 不要在新年的第一个月买新鞋,因为在汉语里鞋的发音是“孩”(好像是四川地区的发音),它与叹息”唉“相近,中国人认为这不是新年伊始的好兆头。

Don't wash your hair for the first three days of the New Year, because the Chinese word for hair is a homonym for the Chinese word for wealth. Therefore, Chinese believe it isn't a good thing to 'wash away your wealth' right at the start of the New Year. 在新年的前三天里不要洗头,因为汉语里“头发”的“发”和“发财”的“发”同音。因此,中国认为在新年伊始把财富给冲走可不是好兆头。

Floors may not be swept and garbage may not be disposed of on the first day of the New Year for fear of casting riches out the door. 在新年第一天,不拖地,不扔垃圾,因为怕把"财"给送走了;

Don't swear or quarrel. 不要诅咒发誓,也不愿吵架;

Don't break any dishes, otherwise you may incur more misfortune for the New Year. In the event of breaking a dish, quickly say "Peace for all time", and the bad luck will be warded away. 不要打破碗碟,否则在来年你可能会遭遇不幸。一旦打破了,要马上说“岁岁平安”,这样坏运气就会被赶走了;

Don't greet people who are in mourning. 不要向服丧期的人们问候(主要指不要说喜庆的话吧?)

Don't drop your chopsticks. 不要让筷子掉地上;

Don't say the number 'four' (Chinese homonym for death) or mention death. 不要说数字“四”(汉语里和“死”谐音)或者提到死;

Don't borrow or lend money. 不要借钱也不要借给别人钱。


春节是中国传统的新年,它从中国农历正月的第一天开始到第十五天结束,一共十五天。春节也预示着春天的来临。在新年的前一段时间,人们开始准备食物、买新衣服和打扫房间。很多家庭会在门上贴上春联。按照习俗,所有的准备是希望新的一年会带来幸福和好运。在中国,红色是好运的象征。 Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year. It starts on the 1st and ends on the 15th of lunar January. Spring Festival celebrates the coming of spring. Several days before the New Year, every family prepares rich food, buys new clothes, and cleans the house. Many families buy or write Spring Festival couplets and put them on the door. People believe that everything must be new and clean for the Spring Festival celebration so that the New Year will bring happiness and good luck. In China, red represents luck.

在除夕夜,人们通常要到十二点以后才睡觉,这叫“守岁”,“岁”也是“年”的意思,通常人们用岁表示年龄,即一年是一岁。守岁是送走旧的一年迎来新的一年,所以在晚上12点时,很多家庭都会放鞭炮以示新的一年的到来。新年的第一天,也就是初一,人们基本上都呆在家里。从年初二开始,人们起的很早,互相拜年并致以新年的祝福等。 On New Year’s eve, people set off fireworks from around midnight to see out the end of the previous year and welcome in the New Year, called “shǒusuì” .“suì”means year. On the first day of the New Year people usually stay at home. On the 2nd day people get up early and exchange New Year’s greetings with relatives, friends, neighbors, etc.


Spring Festival is on the traditional Chinese festivals.People used to call it "the Lunar New Year".It always starts between january the first and february the twentie its the most important festival in China Spring Festival The most important festival in China is the Spring Festival. It is said that the Spring Festival evolved from an activity known as the Winter Sacrifice. It was a custom practiced by the people of primitive society. The Spring Festival marks the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year,so the first meal is rather important. People usually eat Jiaozi or dumplings shaped like a crescent moon on that special day. As for recreational activities during the Sping Festival, the Dragon Dance and Lion Dance are traditionally performed . One legend goes that the beast Nian had a very big mouth that would swallow a great many people with one bite. People were very scared. 传说有一个叫“年”的怪兽,有一个大嘴,能一口吞下很多人。人们都很怕它。The custom of putting up red paper and firing fire-crackers is to scare away Nian. 贴红纸和方鞭炮的习俗就是为了吓跑年。 However, people today have long forgotten why they are doing all this, except that they feel the color and the sound add to the excitement of the celebration. 但是,现在人们大多忘记了为什么这么做的原因,只是觉得色彩和响声增加了过节的气氛罢了! Traditions of Chinese New Year Before New Year's Eve The celebration actually starts on New Year's Eve with the family reunion dinner. By New Year's Eve, you should have done the following: Clean the entire home to get rid of all the things that are associated with the old year. Put away all brooms and brushes. Pay all your debts. Resolve differences with family members, friends, neighbors and business associates. Buy the following: Red money envelopes, Oranges and/or tangerines, Fill a "Cheun hup(a circular red tray separated in eight compartments) with melon seedslotuschocolate coinsnuts etc. Flowers (especially plum blossoms, peach blossoms, water lilies), A new set of clothes and shoes for children, preferably something red or orange. Get new dollar bills from the bank. Insert the new dollar bills into the red envelopes. Now the red envelope is called a lai see or lucky money envelope. On New Year's Eve


关于春节的英文介绍 Spring Festival ○1The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back, becoming the busiest time for transportation systems of about half a month from the Spring Festival. Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees. (春节是中国人民最重要的节日,所有家庭成员聚在一起,在西方圣诞节一样。所有远离家乡的人都要回家,成为了为期半个月左右的运输系统最繁忙的时间——春运。机场,火车站和长途巴士站都挤满了回家的人。) ○2The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, often one month later than the Gregorian calendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC-c. 1100 BC) from the people's sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one. (春节落在正月的第一天,往往比公历晚一个月。它起源于商朝(西元1600 BC-C。公元前1100年)从人民祭祀神灵和祖先,在旧的一年结束和一个新的开始。) ○3Strictly speaking, the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid-1st lunar month of the next year. Of them, the most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days. The Chinese government now stipulates people have seven days off for the Chinese Lunar New Year. (严格地说,春节是指从腊月初开始一直到第二年中旬的一个月。其中,最重要的日子是除夕和一年的前三天。现在中国政府规定,人民在中国农历新年有七天的休假。) ○4Many customs accompany the Spring Festival. Some are still followed today, but others have weakened. (春节的时候有不少传统习俗。有的人至今还在保持,不过有的人已经慢慢淡化了这种习俗。) ○5On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month, many families make laba porridge, a delicious kind of porridge made with glutinous rice, millet, seeds of Job's tears, jujube berries, lotus seeds, beans, longan and gingko. (腊月的第8天,许多家庭做腊八粥,糯米,小米,薏苡种子,红枣浆果,莲子,豆类,龙眼,银杏制成美味的粥样。) ○6The 23rd day of the 12th lunar month is called Preliminary Eve(小年). At this time, people offer sacrifice to the kitchen god. Now however, most families make delicious food to enjoy themselves. (腊月23日,被称为小年。在这个时候,人们祭祀灶神。但是现在,大多数家庭做出美味的食物来过节。) ○7After the Preliminary Eve, people begin preparing for the coming New Year. This is called "Seeing the New Year in". (过了小年之后,人们开始为新年做准备。这被称为“看得见的新年”。) ○8Store owners are busy then as everybody goes out to purchase necessities for the New Year. Materials not only include edible oil, rice, flour, chicken, duck, fish and meat, but also fruit, candies and kinds of nuts. What's more, various decorations, new clothes and shoes for the children as well as gifts for the elderly, friends and relatives, are all on the list of purchasing. (商店老板都那么忙,因为每个人都出去购买生活必需品新年。材料不仅包括食用油,大米,面粉,鸡,鸭,鱼,肉,而且水果,糖果和各种坚果。更重要的是,各种装饰,新衣服和鞋的儿童以及老人的礼物,朋友和亲戚,所有的采购清单。) ○9Before the New Year comes, the people completely clean the indoors and outdoors of their homes as well as their clothes, bedclothes and all their utensils. (在新的一年到来之际,人们彻


FINANCIAL INNOV ATION Like other industries, the financial industry is in business to earn profits by selling its products. If a soap company perceives that there is a need in the marketplace for a laundry detergent with fabric softener, it develops a product to fit the need .Similarly, in order to maximize their profits, financial institutions develop new products to satisfy their own needs as well as those of their customers; in other words, innovation-which can be extremely beneficial to the economy-is driven by the desire to get (or stay) rich. This view of the innovation process leads to the following simple analysis: A chance in the financial institutions for innovations that are likely to be profitable. Starting in the 1960s, individuals and financial institutions operating in financial markets were confronted with drastic changes in the economic environment: Inflation and interest rates climbed sharply and became hard to predict, a situation that changed demand conditions in financial markets. Computer technology advanced rapidly, which changed supply conditions. In addition, financial regulations became especially inconvenient. Banking institution discovers many old ways of doing business being able to not have earned money again; they provide the masses finance with service and financial products sale neither well. Many financial intermediary is discovered they have no way to raise having arrived at a fund, but these self that will not a suspense of business right away with original tradition finance implement. For existing under new economy environment, research and development puts up banking institution be obliged to being able to satisfy customer need moreover the new product being able to gain a profit of and serving, this process is called financial engineering. In their case, necessity was the mother of innovation. Our discussion of why financial innovation occurs suggests that there are three basic types of financial innovations: Escapism to responding to needing condition change, to the small advantages supplying with condition change and to controlling. We have had one now understandable that banking institution is innovative for instance the cause institutions, let’s look at examples of how financial institutions in their search for profits have produced financial innovations of the three basic types. 1

Spring Festival春节的英文介绍

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China . 春节是中国最重要的节日 It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year . 它是为了庆祝农历新年 In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal . 在春节前夜,家人聚在一起享用丰盛的一餐 In many places people like to set off firecrackers . 在许多地方人们还放鞭炮 Dumplings are the most traditional food . 饺子是最传统的食物 Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes . 孩子们非常喜欢春节,因为他们可以吃好吃的东西和穿新衣服 They can also get some money from their parents. 他们也可以领到压岁钱 This money is given to children for good luck . 给孩子的这些钱是为了(来年的)好运气 People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune . 人们也用贴年画的方式来乞求好运 The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long . 春节持续近15天


个人资料 name 姓名 alias 别名 pen name 笔名 date of birth 出生日期 birth date 出生日期 born 出生于 birth place 出生地点 age 年龄 native place 籍贯 province 省 city 市 autonomous region 自治区prefecture 专区 county 县 nationality 民族,国籍citizenship 国籍 duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址 current address 目前地址present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码 home phone 住宅电话 office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话Tel.电话 sex 性别 male 男

female 女 height 身高 weight 体重 marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚 single/unmarried 未婚divorced 离异 separated 分居 number of children 子女人数none 无 street 街 lane 胡同,巷 road 路 district 区 house number 门牌 health 健康状况 health condition 健康状况blood type 血型 short-sighted 近视 far-sighted 远视 color-blind 色盲 ID card No.身份证号码 date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职membership 会员,资格president 会长 vice-president 副会长director 理事 standing director 常务理事


中国春节英文介绍 Spring Festival The Spring festival is the most important festival in China. It is on January 1st according to the Chinese lunar calendar. It's China's New year's Day So usually a month before the festiva,people begin to buy food clothes and decorations for houses. On New Year Eve,each family will gather together eating, talking and watching TV for almost the whole night.The children are the happiest of all because they can get presents from their parents or grand-parents. On Lunar New Year's Day.pepole will eat dumplings. When they meet their neighbours or friends,they'll say:”Happy New Year!”The New Year celebrating activitise will last about half a month.

春天的节日春节是我国最重要的节日.它是根据1月1日在中国农 历日历.它是中国中国新年一个月前的一天,通常是在节日,人们开始为 装修房子买衣服和食品.新年前夕,每个家庭都会聚在一起吃饭、谈话、看电视几乎整个晚上.孩子们兴的,因为他们能够得到来自父母或带来 大的父母.农历新年中国人喜欢吃饺子.他们的邻居和朋友聚会时,他们 会说新年快乐!新年庆祝会历时约半个月. The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August.A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and https://www.360docs.net/doc/e118880764.html,nterns will be hung in front of the house. On the evening there will be a big family dinner.People who work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union. After dinner,people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round.Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily. 中秋节是中国一个很重要的节日,在八月十五号.在节日来临的前 几天,家庭中的每一个人都帮着打扫房子,把房子装扮得漂漂亮亮的,灯 笼挂在屋前.


故障概率模型的数控车床 摘要:领域的失效分析被计算机数字化控制(CNC)车床描述。现场收集了为期两年的约80台数控车床的故障数据。编码系统代码失效数据是制定和失效分析数据库成立的数控车床。失败的位置和子系统,失效模式及原因进行了分析,以显示薄弱子系统的数控车床。另外,故障的概率模型,分析了数控车床的模糊多准则综合评价。 作者关键词:数控车床;场失败;概率模型;模糊信息 文章概述 1.介绍 2. CNC车床的概述 3.收集和整理数据 3.1. 收集数据 3.2. 领域失效数据的有效性 3.3. 数据核对和数据库 4. 失效分析 4.1. 对失败位置和子系统的频率分析 4.2. 对失败形式的频率分析 5.失败机率模型 5.1. 方法学 5.2. 分布倍之间连续的失败 5.3. 修理时间的发行 6.结论 1.介绍 在过去十年中,计算机数字化控制(CNC)车床已经越来越多地被引入到机械加工过程中。由于其固有的灵活性很大,稳定的加工精度和高生产率,数控车床是能给用户巨大的利益。然而,作为一个单一的数控车床故障也许会导致整个生产车间被停止,而且维修更加困难和昂贵,当故障发生时[1],数控车床能够给用户带来很多的麻烦。 与此同时,制造商还需要持续改进数控车床的可靠性来提高市场的竞争力。因此,数控车床的可靠性能使生产商和用户增加显著性和至关重要的意义。 需要改进数控车床的可靠性,使用户和制造商收集和分析领域的故障数据和采取措施减少停机时间。本文论述了研究失效模式及原因,失效的位置和薄弱的子系统,故障概率模型的数控车床。

图1 系统框图的数控车床 机械系统包括主轴及其传动链(固定在主轴箱),两根滑动轴(命名X、Z或者U,W在轮),车床拖板箱,转动架或刀架,尾座,床身等。主轴持续或加强连续变速,驱动交流或直流主轴电机直接或通过主传动,并有一个光电编码器的主轴车削螺纹。X和Z 两根轴的驱动交流或直流伺服车削螺纹和控制同时进行。该转动架或刀架可自动交换工


关于春节的资料英语 以下关于春节的资料英语是由聘才网的小编为各位整理收集的,希望能给大家一个参考,欢迎阅读与借鉴。 like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. I am as happy as a king. 我喜欢中国新年比喜欢其它任何节日更甚。这是一个专为休息和欢乐的时间。我不需要读书。我穿好衣服,吃好东西。我每天从早到晚日子过得轻松愉快。我和上帝一样快乐。 2.春节是中国民间最隆重的传统节日。在夏历正月初一,又叫阴历年,俗称“过年”、“新年”。春节的历史很悠久,它起源于殷商时期年头岁尾的祭神祭祖活动。按照我国农历,正月初一古称元日、元辰、元正、元朔、元旦等,俗称年初一,到了民国时期,改用公历,公历的一月一日称为元旦,把农历的一月一日叫春节。 Lunar New Year , the most solemn of traditional Chinese folk festivals. First day of the first lunar month in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, known as the Moon, commonly known as "New Year" and "New Year." The long history of the Spring Festival, which


各种工具toolbox 工具箱 bench 工作台 vice, clamp 虎钳(美作:vise) saw 锯 bow saw 弓锯 circular saw 圆锯(美作:buzzsaw) compass saw, scroll saw 钢丝锯fretsaw 细锯 handsaw 手锯 chisel 口凿 cold chisel, burin 冰凿 gouge, firmer gouge 半圆凿 plane 刨子 moulding plane 型刨 jack plane 粗刨 rabbet plane 槽刨 drawknife 刮刀 scraper 三角刮刀 rasp 粗锉 file 锉 square 尺

miter 斜槽规 scriber 近线尺 set square, triangle 三角板brace 手拉曲柄锉 hand drill 手钻 drill, bit 钻,有柄钻 gimlet, auger 钻,无柄钻countersink 锥口钻 gauge, marking gauge 量规hammer 锤 mallet 木槌 nail 钉 brad 平头钉 tack, stud 圆头钉 screw 螺丝钉 screwdriver 螺丝刀,改锥screw tap 螺丝攻 nail puller 拔钉器 ruler 尺 tape measure 卷尺 folding ruler 折尺sandpaper, emery paper 砂纸

toolbox 工具箱 bench 工作台 vice, clamp 虎钳(美作:vise) saw 锯 bow saw 弓锯 circular saw 圆锯(美作:buzzsaw) compass saw, scroll saw 钢丝锯fretsaw 细锯 handsaw 手锯 chisel 口凿 cold chisel, burin 冰凿 gouge, firmer gouge 半圆凿plane 刨子 moulding plane 型刨 jack plane 粗刨 rabbet plane 槽刨 drawknife 刮刀 scraper 三角刮刀 rasp 粗锉 file 锉 square 尺 miter 斜槽规


春节手抄报关于春节的英文资料 1.I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. I am as happy as a king. 我喜欢中国新年比喜欢其它任何节日更甚。这是一个专 为休息和欢乐的时间。我不需要读书。我穿好衣服,吃好东西。 我每天从早到晚日子过得轻松愉快。我和上帝一样快乐。 2.春节是中国民间最隆重的传统节日。在夏历正月初一,又叫阴历年,俗称“过年”、“新年”。春节的历史很悠久,它 起源于殷商时期年头岁尾的祭神祭祖活动。按照我国农历,正月 初一古称元日、元辰、元正、元朔、元旦等,俗称年初一,到了 民国时期,改用公历,公历的一月一日称为元旦,把农历的一月 一日叫春节。 Lunar New Year , the most solemn of traditional Chinese folk festivals. First day of the first lunar month in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, known as the Moon, commonly known as "New Year" and "New Year." The long history of the Spring Festival, which originated in the Shang period the year draws to a close servicemen and the memorial activities. According to China's Lunar, the first day of the first lunar month yen ancient name, Yuan-chen, a copy, is Emperor, the New Year Day, which is commonly known as Day of the Republic. switch to the


英文资料翻译原文 Boiler management: General management principles and operating procedures are well known and must be always followed to avoid boiler mishap. With many small package boiler,the automatic control sequence usually ensures that the boiler fire is initially ignited from a diesel oil supply,and changed over to the usual source when ignition is completed.With good management ,to facilitate subsequent starting from cold,the fuel system of large boilers will have been flushed through with diesel oil when the boiler was on light duty immediately prior to being secured.When burning such diesel fuel it is essential for safety that only the correct(small) burner tip should be used.It should be kept in mind that if fire does not light,immediately shut off fuel and vent furance. Complete ignition of fuel in the furance is essential.The burner flame,the smoke indicator and the funnel should be frequently observed.With satisfactory combustion,the flame should appear incandescent with an orange shade at the flame tip,and a faint brownish haze should show at the funnel.If on fist ignition the flame is uncertain,badly shaped and separates from the primary swirler ,momentary opening or closing of air register may correct. The PH value of the boiler feed water should kept between 8 and 9 and the boiler density less than 300 ppm but,if water samples show a heavy concentration of suspended mater,short blow-downs of 20 seconds duration should be given until the sludge content is seen to be reduced.The boiler should be blown down when the oil burner is operating,the water level lowered and then restored to prove the functioning of the low water cut-out and the oil burner start-up equipment.the boiler scum valve should also be operated at this time to keep the water level clear floating scum. Fuel burner components and igniter electrodes should be cleaned weekly and the furance examined to ensure that there are no excess carbon deposits. Tubes in the exhaust gas section of the boiler should be brushed through at about six-monthly intervals,and those in the oil-burning section periodically examined and cleaned as necessary with a wire bristle brush.With correct feed water treatment,blow-down procedures and sludge contents in water samples at a stable level,it should not be necessary to wash out the water side of the boiler more than once every three or four months. Boiler fires may be out of for long periods when a ship is at sea and the boiler steaming maintained by heat input from waste heat recovery plant.This operation is free from hazard,but feed water and boiler water treatment must be maintained to prevent internal deterioration or scale formation.Water level controller must be kept operable to protect external steam-using plant from water “carry-over”danger. If a boiler is isolated from the steam-using system it must be kept either in closed dry storage with a suitable internal desiccant,or completely full of treated water,or under a low steam pressure preferably maintained by a steam-heated coil. Regular testing of boiler protective devices must be implemented. Frequent comparison of drum-mounted and remote reading water level
