








《呼啸山庄》读后感300字_中学生《呼啸山庄》读书笔记 《呼啸山庄》是英国女作家勃朗特姐妹之一艾米莉·勃朗特的作品,下面小编为大家收集整理了“《呼啸山庄》读后感300字”,欢迎阅读与借鉴! 《呼啸山庄》读后感300字1 《呼啸山庄》到底凭借什么成为了一部不朽之作呢?首先它没有受到城市里大众化的影响和控制,完全描绘出了一个原汁原味的山村荒野的景象。使人们领略了一个完全不同的世界。故事中的主人公都保留着原始的性格:爱起来不顾一切,恨起来不计后果。这一切的一切在我们这些长期受到传统礼仪的约束的人们看来就显得非常特别,非常有新鲜感。有人说《呼啸山庄》是“人间情爱最宏伟的史诗”要我说这都要归功于作者艾米莉?勃朗特极丰富想象力;极强烈的激情;极深刻的内心体验和她那把主题升华的才华和能力。我认为这些也就是为什么《呼啸山庄》能如此畅销的原因了。 当我回味着这本书的深刻内涵和本质时,我发现在《呼啸山庄》中我学到了许许多多,其中另我感触最深的是它教会了我保持人性的尊严和心灵的自由。无论我们面临着多么严峻的挑战或是多么残酷的考验,我们都应该向往自由。 《呼啸山庄》读后感300字2 书,一向是我的最爱,这不,寒假期间,我一下子把十大名着全买来了。其中,《呼啸山庄》给我的启示。 文中死亡希刺克厉夫既让人同情,又让人气恼。他爱凯瑟琳,为了她不顾一切,可因为凯瑟琳的虚荣最终使希刺克里夫成为魔鬼。他报复她,到头来痛苦的是他自己。 上一代的恩怨使无辜的孩子受到牵连,林顿因为父亲的不管不问,最终走向死亡。而哈里顿和凯蒂心中有爱,幸福的生活在一起。希刺克里夫不知为何,死于非命。故事的结局令人感慨万千,它使我明白,处心积虑地报复别人,不但会使自己身心疲惫,还会伤害到许多人。可结果,往往是徒劳无功,甚至是讽刺的。所以,应该宽容的对待别人。 合上书,心里思潮起伏。我站起身,眺望远方,思绪飞走了好远…… 《呼啸山庄》读后感300字3

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde《化身博士》读后感

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde《化身博士》大意及读后感 General Idea(大意): Henry Jekyll was a doctor. He liked the hard work and other people had a good opinion of him. But on the other hand, he enjoyed the wild night life so much. He learned that man has two sides --- a good side and an evil side. He found that some chemicals had a great power when he was doing some scientific work. That could change a person’s body --- they can change its shape, and make it bigger or smaller. Jekyll used it to make himself turn into another person --- Hyde, an evil little man. Hyde did a lot of bad things. And finally Jekyll found that the medicine does not have enough power to turn himself back because the evil side of him had got bigger and bigger. Finally, he killed himself because he could not get rid of Hyde. Feelings and thoughts(读后感): I think most of people have a double life. But I don’t mean that a person had two sides, a good side and a bad one. Everybody has the desire of getting something, it is normal. But if we don’t control it when it get bigger and bigger, we will lose ourselves. Beautiful Sentences(优美句子): I seemed to have a good future in front of me. Everything looked bright and good. In this way, my life become a lie. Slowly it became clear to me that man is not just one person. He is two people. It seems wrong that we have to live with both person in the same body. The memory of those terrible hours as Hyde frightened me most. I was terribly afraid. Not afraid of a murderer’s death, but afraid of being Hyde.


呼啸山庄读后感英文版 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 呼啸山庄读后感英文版 Many people in the world are trying to find a perfect companion.Some of these may marry and not know what their new husband or wife is like.This kind of situation often leads to separation or hostility. Other situations may develop between two friends that stem from jealousy, desire for revenge, uncaring parents, etc. Emily Bront?'s Wuthering Heights displays several characteristics of destructive relationships. Three of these are uncaring parents, marriage without knowing the person, and jealousy. Uncaring or unsympathizing parents are shown throughout this story to be an element of destructive relationships. Because Heathcliff gained all the attention from Mr. Earnshaw, Hindley became disassociated from his father. This separation continued until after Mr. Earnshaw had died.Another example is between Hindley and Hareton. Hindley became such a drunk and a gambler that he could not properly care for young Hareton. This led to a separation between Hareton and his father as well. One primary example


化身博士读后感读后感500字5篇 所以我们要培养自己的习惯,并且持续地坚持,才能在以后生活中让我们收益,以免我们的心灵收不到控制从而使它处于过度的自由状态,让我们以后的生活中会因此而感到烦恼。下面是收集推荐的化身博士读后感读后感500字,欢迎阅读参考。 化身博士读后感500字篇一 这是小说《化身博士》的一小段简介,这很吸引人不是吗? 这些想法对有的人来说是很危险的,尤其对杰基尔博士就是这样,因为他是个聪明绝顶的科学家,他找到了一种方法,吧幻想变成现实。 杰基尔博士是一位拥有大笔遗产,一个强健身体和一个出色的头脑。作为一名科学家,他在他从事的领域里获得了巨大的成就。外面的人把杰基尔博士看成一本正经,勤奋工作的博士。但在这安静的性格下,却是活泼,爱现的交际场里的年轻人。他被他的名誉,成就,人品着,直到有一天他的研究成功了。他变成了另外一个人,他就像一只笼中鸟,不!是一头出笼的野兽。他杀了人,却无比畅快。他的得到了无限的释放。可世上没有完美

的事,也不可能容纳罪人。杰基尔,一直依靠药变化者身份。可那份善,恶的两面越加明显,直到被恶占领。药物也不能再起作用,杰基尔博士忏悔了,最终离开了人世。 读完了这本书,仿佛从杰基尔身上看到了一点自己打影子。曾经听人说过:“人的一生是在逃避中度过的”。当然,人们却喜欢,或者天生就爱展现自己好的一面。当不要像杰基尔博士一样。 另一位让人回味的人物就是厄特森律师。因为是一位博士,就有着一位律师负责理智的思维。故事的始终却贯穿着这个人物。在没有发现那位凶手便是杰基尔之前,他苦苦探索着。当然,到故事的中段,厄特森先生已经开始怀疑那位凶手便是杰基尔。那份对朋友的担心和找寻凶手的责任感,深压着他,直到他读了杰基尔的那封忏悔信。 小说的情节有些神秘,又有些悬疑。这令我一个对文字不感兴趣的中学生,却很感兴趣。 故事的最后两节,是两封信的内容,一封是兰宁的,一封是杰基尔的。 这两封信,解答了小说前部分所有的疑问,虽然看了故事的前部分,就已经可以看出些端倪,但最后的解疑会给人一点成就感。 这是一本很不错的小说,值得一看。


英语版呼啸山庄读后感5篇 《呼啸山庄》英文读后感 The whole story make peoples mood heavy. Fortunately, the end is happy. The author Emily Bronte lived an eccentric, closely guarded life. She was born in 1818, two years after Charlottethe author of Jane Eyre and a year and a half before her sister Anne, who also became an author. Her father worked as a church rector, and her aunt, who raised the Bronte children after their mother died, was deeply religious. Emily Bronte did not take to her aunts Christian fervor, the character of Joseph, a caricature of an evangelical, may have been inspired by her aunts religiosity. The Brontes lived in Haworth, a Yorkshire village in the midst of the moors. These wild, desolate expanseslater the setting of Wuthering Heightsmade up the Brontes daily environment, and Emily lived among them her entire life. She died in 1848, at the age of thirty. I like this book because it rest on the unforgettable characters. Wuthering Heights is based partly on the Gothic tradition, a style of literature that featured supernatural encounters, crumbling ruins, moonless nights, and grotesque


《化身博士》英文读后感 The story of Dr Jekyll is quite famous around the world, however, Dr Jekyll himself is a typical tragic person. He is a kind and wise doctor in front of the public, but might not wise enough to adjust himself. As an old saying goes: every coin has two sides. Dr Jekyll also has his own negative side, which finally become Mr. Hide. Mr. Hide is always hunger for violence, and all the bad things he did tell us that too. People may treat him as a criminal, but to me, he is just unable to find a way to abreact. It really doesn’t matter if you are a man lives in 19th century or comes from stone age, we are all people, we all have feelings, we all have our own Mr. or Ms Hide, the only question is, can you find a way to maintain your mental health? Maybe we can’t afford to have our own psychological consultant, but we CAN play games to relax ourselves, or realize any wildest dream in this virtual world. Imaging this, once our Dr Jekyll has some evil minds, he can turn to his computer for help. Maybe he can play some action games to satisfy his desire for “passion”, just like people today. Since the video

读《呼啸山庄》有感 英文版

The feeling of reading Wuthering Heights 1477 2014111783 周创会计三班Wuthering Heights by a tragic love story, to show a picture of society's life, outlines the society caused by the distortion of human nature and its dreadful events. The story is in fact gradually spread through four stages: the first phase describes the childhoods of Heathcliff and Catherine live in; a foundling and a miss in this special environment forms the special feeling, as well as their resistance against Hindley despotic tyranny. Phase Two focuses on describing Catherine from vanity, ignorance and stupidity, breaking with Heathcliff, became the mistress of Thrushcross Grange. Third stage how much ink in depicting Heathcliff in despair into revenge plot and action filled with hate. Despite Heathcliff's death would only give the final stages, was highlighted when he learnt that Hareton are revealed after falling in love with Katie, thought having a brand new change--human nature recovery, thus making this a frightening tragedy revealed a bunch of consolation to the light of hope. Therefore, Heathcliff's love hate revenge of a recovery of the human nature, the essence of the novel, and runs through a red line. Authors in this context, textual layout, changing scene, sometimes cloudy, the wilderness of their beds, rain sometimes and unrelenting, dark,


《化身博士》读后感 《化身博士》读后感 读完一本书以后,大家心中一定有很多感想,需要好好地就所收获的东西写一篇读后感了。那么你真的懂得怎么写读后感吗?下面是小编为大家收集的《化身博士》读后感,欢迎阅读与收藏。 《化身博士》读后感1 我很容易沉浸在幻想的世界里,《化身博士》这本书给我一个很独特的幻想空间,里面的博士因为从来不会克制自己的行动和欲望,所以经常犯下很多的错误,于是他发明了一种化学药剂,可以在自己有很恐怖的欲望的时候克制住自己的思维,他喝下这种药剂后就继续着他的生活,但是也给他的生活带来很多的问题,里面的一个场景让人哭笑不得,在一个聚会的高潮时,博士忽然逃离了聚会的现场,不知踪影,其实是他的脑海中又一次萌发了恐怖的想法,所以他无可奈何,只好用逃离现实的圈套来委曲求全地不让自己犯下更大的错误。可以说,他活的很艰难。我很为他感到惋惜,因为他是一个好人至少是从内心来说,因为不会克制自己而被生活,被命运所戏弄,所以我们在日常生活中也要学会克制自己,日久天长,才会有一个良好的习惯,这种良好的习惯再一次统治你的心灵,可以让你在规矩的束缚下循规蹈矩的生活,慢慢它会让你受益终生。不过我们毕竟也不愿意被规矩时时处处地管束,让我们的心灵受到一种莫名其妙的奴役,但是如果适应了自我约束,就可以在潜意识中形成一种规律,渐渐的,也就适应了适合自己的学习和生活的方法。所以我们要培养自己的习惯,并且持续地坚持,才能在以后生活中让我们收益,以免我们的心灵收不到控制从而使它处于过度的自由状态,让我们以后的生活中会因此而感到烦恼。《化身博士》读后感2 今天来跟大家分享一本科幻类的小说——《化身博士》。主人公是杰基尔博士,他很优秀,很善良,几乎是个完美的人,有着很高的声望。但在这些光环背后,他的压力也是巨大的。于是,他做了一个大胆的实验,调配了一种药水,能使自


《呼啸山庄》英文读后感 篇一:呼啸山庄英文 呼啸山庄英文读后感 In this summer, I read another book Wuthering Heights. Wuthering Heights is written by Emily Bronte. After reading that book, the love and the hatred between Catherine and Heath Cliff still linger in my head. The story begun with a mistake that made by Lockwood, a temporary resident. He is seeking shelter from the blizzard he staggers through the door of Wuthering Heights, finding the atmosphere inside is just as cold as ice. The master of the house, Heath Cliff, provides a bed reluctantly and it seems like that he feels ill at ease with his visitor’s ing. There's a sad tale behind his indifference, one which the elderly housekeeper Nelly Dean is happy to share.


The book report of Wuthering Heights Wuthering H eights was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. It was not until 1850, when Wuthering Heights received a second printing with an introduction by Emily's sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. And from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. Today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of English literature. I will introduce the author firstly. Emily Bronte, a British writer, Charlotte Bronte's sister, Anne Bronte's elder sister, was born in a poor family of the pastor. She was in poor living conditions, studying in a boarding school. And also once went to Belgium learning French, German and French literature with elder sister, preparing to establish a school in the future, but not succeed. Emily was introverted, elegant. She was fond of writing poetry from c hildhood. In 1846, they published a book of poems at their own expense. Wuthering H eights is her only novel, published in December 1847. The three sisters’ three novels, C harlotte's Jane Eyre, Emily’s Wuthering H eights and little sister Annie's Edgar nice graham were published in the same year. In addition to Wuthering H eights, Emily also produced 193 poem s. She was considered as a British genius writer. After reading the masterpiece, Wuthering Heights, gave me a kind of depression and made me unable to understand what love on earth is. I think all the people in this novel are pathetic. Somebody even is lamentable. Everyone who read this novel would be moved. Wuthering H eights is a story of love and revenge. It is the typical gothic novel. The story is narrated by Lockwood, a gentleman visiting the Yorkshire moors where the novel is set, and of Mrs. Dean, housekeeper to the Earnshaw family, who had been witness of the interlocked destinies of the original owners of the H eights. In a series of flashbacks and t ime shifts, Bront? draws a powerful picture of the enigmatic H eathcliff, who is brought to Heights from the streets of Liverpool by Mr. Earnshaw. H eathcliff is treated as Earnshaw's own children, Catherine and Hindley. After his death Heathcliff is bullied by Hindley, who loves Catherine, but she marries Edgar Linton. H eathcliff’s destructive force is unleashed, and his first victim is Catherine, who dies giving birth to a girl, another Catherine. Isabella Linton, Edgar's sister, whom he had married, flees to the south. Their son Linton and Catherine are married, but always sickly Linton dies. Hareton, Hindley's son, and the young widow became close. Increasingly isolated and alienated from daily life, H eathcliff experiences visions, and he longs for the death that will reunite him with Catherine. In the novel, the author's put all her efforts on the characterizations of Heathcliff. In it she placed all her indignation, sympathy and ideal. This outcast who is deprived of man’s warm in the actual life has been trained to have a strong love and hate. Hindley’s whip makes him get a taste of the cruel life, and also teaches him how to weak-spiritedly yield the fate of unchangeable shame. H e chooses to


化身博士读后感 化身博士读后感(一) 我很容易沉浸在幻想的世界里,《化身博士》这本书给我一个很独特的幻想空间,里面的博士因为从来不会克制自己的行动和欲望,所以经常犯下很多的错误,于是他发明了一种化学药剂,可以在自己有很恐怖的欲望的时候克制住自己的思维,他喝下这种药剂后就继续着他的生活,但是也给他的生活带来很多的问题,里面的一个场景让人哭笑不得,在一个聚会的高潮时,博士忽然逃离了聚会的现场,不知踪影,其实是他的脑海中又一次萌发了恐怖的想法,所以他无可奈何,只好用逃离现实的圈套来委曲求全地不让自己犯下更大的错误。可以说,他活的很艰难。 我很为他感到惋惜,因为他是一个好人至少是从内心来说,因为不会克制自己而被生活,被命运所戏弄,所以我们在日常生活中也要学会克制自己,日久天长,才会有一个良好的习惯,这种良好的习惯再一次统治你的心灵,可以让你在规矩的束缚下循规蹈矩的生活,慢慢它会让你受益终生。 不过我们毕竟也不愿意被规矩时时处处地管束,让我们的心灵受到一种莫名其妙的奴役,但是如果适应了自我约束,就可以在潜意识中形成一种规律,渐渐的,也就适应了适合自己的学习和生活的方法。 所以我们要培养自己的习惯,并且持续地坚持,才能在以后生活

中让我们收益,以免我们的心灵收不到控制从而使它处于过度的自由状态,让我们以后的生活中会因此而感到烦恼。 化身博士读后感(二) 今天来跟大家分享一本科幻类的小说;;《化身博士》。主人公是杰基尔博士,他很优秀,很善良,几乎是个完美的人,有着很高的声望。但在这些光环背后,他的压力也是巨大的。于是,他做了一个大胆的实验,调配了一种药水,能使自己变成另一个完全相反的人;;海德。海德长相丑陋,凶暴残忍,心狠手辣。 起初,杰基尔博士只是尝试,想倾诉自己心底的某些声音,但后来,不需要药水身体也会自己变成海德,而且越来越频繁。最后,海德杀了人,但这时,配置的药水用完了。博士通过纸条的形式让用人去买,但却再也买不到那次买的那种纯度的药了,所以,海德再也变不会杰基尔博士了。 这个故事让我想到,其实我们每个人心里都有一些“邪恶的念头”,而我们也都是有“双重性格”的人,只是我们可以控制住自己,我们有理智的头脑去评判对与错,有传统的观念去辨别好与坏。我们的思想支配着我们的行为去做应该做的事,但有时我们也需要一种方式来释放心里的压抑,这就需要选择一种正确合适的方式,不能肆意的放纵自己,否则就会像杰基尔博士一样到最后无法控制自己而悔恨终生。 同时还有另一个理解就是人们总是对现状感到不满,总是希望生活中再多些什么来满足自己的需求,但却很少考虑自己的需求是否合


Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights was published in 1847, and was the only novel written by Emily Bronte. As we know, Emily Bronte and Charlotte, Anne was together called as three sisters? constellation in the English literary history. In 1818, Emily Bronte was born in the poor priest family. With less than two years old, she and her family moved to Howard areas and lived in a remote wilderness, and she never left there. When she was 27 years old, she started to write Wuthering Heights, and published it when she was 29 years old. But Wuthering Heights was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. It was not until 1850, when Wuthering Heights received a second printing with an introduction by Emily's sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. And from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. Today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of English literature. Wuthering Heights is a story of love and revenge; it is the typical gothic novel. It is told in the form of an extended flashback. After a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from Nelly Deans, a servant who introduces us to the Earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as Wuthering Heights. It was once a cheerful place, but Old Earnshaw adopted a "Gipsy" child who he named Heathcliff. And Catherine, daughter of the house, regarded him as the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she. But although Catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soul mate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. She instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them all. Wuthering Heights is not so easy to “get into” , because the description of the environment and the character, the portrait of this obsessive love is so dark and somewhat off-putting. But in this novel there was the flow of the work in a remarkable way setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures. And these structures circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two generations. Besides, the description of wasteland in the novel gave more impression for readers. Wasteland gives Wuthering Heights rare vigor and charm and gloomier, mysterious, wild, remarkable, full of passion. What?s more, it is the temper ament and charm of Wuthering Heights, and can be summed up in two ways: one is the Wuthering of humanity; the other is the Wuthering of nature. Wuthering Heights explores the philosophy of humanity. The characters in the novel are full of boldness, wildness and passion which is the human nature and instinct that free from the restrict of social civilization. In this novel, passion

化身博士 书评

《化身博士》书评 《化身博士》是十九世纪英国著名小说家罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森笔下的一部经典恐怖小说。写于1886年,英文名为《The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde》,直译为“杰基尔博士和海德先生的奇异故事”。杰基尔博士和海德先生就是这部小说的主人公,这是一个关于人格分裂的可怕故事。 《化身博士》是一部中篇小说,篇幅不长两天就可以读完,但是其情节非常紧凑并曲折离奇。虽然主要采用第三人称的写法,但是却很像第一人称,读者会很自然地把自已置于厄特森的位置。作者采用这样写法可能是为了强调厄特森并不是小说的主人公,而是整个悬疑事件的揭露者,还使整个故事充满传奇色彩。 小说的主要情节是这样的:律师厄特森是一个正直善良的人,他从他的朋友恩菲尔德那里打听到了爱德华?海德先生的事迹,这是一个外表凶狠丑陋,残忍恐怖的变态人物,会晚上出来伤害路人。其实厄特森早就知道了海德,律师的好朋友亨利?杰基尔博士给他了一份遗嘱,内容是如果博士失踪或死后,将所有遗产送给海德。杰基尔博士是一个和蔼,慈祥的好人。律师和博士还有一个共同的朋友,兰宁医生,他与杰基尔有学术上的分歧,但不妨碍是好朋友。后来厄特森发现海德经常去杰基尔的家,但是杰基尔告诉厄特森海德不对他们有任何危险。后来发生了一件命案,凶手就是海德,但已不见踪影,厄特森和他的同事经过调查,发现了杰基尔博士包庇了海德,不过厄特森没有向警方提出自己的朋友。后来海德先生再也没有出现,博士也恢复了健康状况,厄特森感到比较安心了。 可是后来杰基尔又开始不再见客人,律师去找兰宁医生,发现医生变得衰老,病危,而且对杰基尔的事非常恐惧。不久之后兰宁去世,给厄特森留下了一份信,写着:“到亨利?杰基尔博士死亡或失踪时方可拆阅。”后来厄特森发现博士越来越怪异,从不出书房,与世隔绝。终于在“最后一夜”,厄特森接到博士的仆人普尔的求助后,与普尔闯进了博士的书房,发现了海德在里面服毒自杀。最后,按照杰基尔留下的遗嘱,厄特森先读了兰宁的那封信,终于知道了真相。海德就是杰基尔博士,博士发明了一种药,服用后就可以使相貌变化,使自己变成海德。小说的最后博士的忏悔书,讲了杰基尔这些事的原因及自己的忏悔,他为了实现欲望变成了可恨的海德,却因为犯下的错悔恨不已,最后痛苦地自杀。 《化身博士》是史蒂文森的一部重要代表作,史蒂文森是英国文学新浪漫主义的代表之一,他的另一部优秀小说《金银岛》,是关于寻找海盗宝藏的故事,也是他的浪漫小说中最受欢迎的一部。与《金银岛》那种浪漫、趣味冒险、积极向上,适合小孩子阅读的特点不同,《化身博士》的特点是怪诞、恐怖,描述人的心理变动,深刻揭示了人性的缺陷,适合喜欢研究人格心理的大人阅读。不过因为其悬疑荒诞的故事情节,一个多世纪以来和《金银岛》一样受到了包括儿童在内的无数读者的喜爱,改编成了多部电影、电视剧、电子游戏。这部小说开创了双重人格题材文艺作品的先河,这种现在随处可见的作品类型,在当时那个时代可是引起巨大的轰动,奠定了史蒂文森在世界文学殿堂不可动摇的地位,后来“Jekyll and Hyde”一词成为心理学“双重人格”的代称。《化身博士》与《金银岛》也有显著的共同点,那就是史蒂文森的写作特点:故事生动鲜明、紧凑刺激、扣人心弦,充满了想象力。 《化身博士》除了上述的写作特点,它除了是一部恐怖小说,还是个侦探悬疑小说,那个“侦探”就是厄特森律师。文字紧凑简易,但是对人物和场景的刻画十分到位,大部分时间在晚上,成功营造了一个黑暗恐怖的氛围。没有对杰基尔博士有过多的介绍性描写,却在小说第一段详细介绍了律师厄特森,使读者误以为主人公是厄特森,使听说过这本书的读者以为厄特森就是那名化身博士。小说一共分9章,每章有一个简短但概括合理的小标题,也让读者产生神秘感,比如“一扇神秘的门”、“朋友之死”、“窗户上的脸”等。小说中还有一
