


篇一:My Dream

I am good at writing and I am interested in travelling around the world,so I want to become a reporter in the future.

As a reporter,I can communicate with many different kinds of people.I can show the real world to readers.As a matter of fact,to be a good reporter is not easy.It's a challenge for me.Now I must study hard and lay a solid foundation.Also I must build up my body.

篇二:My dream

A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird.With a dream in the deep heart's core,a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star.A dream is an inexhaustible source of energy that keeps our enthusiasm burning,and kindles our desire to enhance our spiritual cultivation,refine our character,and upgrade our quality of life.A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings,confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision.On the contrary,a man with

a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition,foresight and gallantry,daring to step into an unknown domain to make a journey of adventure.It is dream that adds fullness,variety, and spice to our life and makes it worth living.

I have a dream.It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human nature.I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted.The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being.Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures.Love, sympathy,and cooperation will alleviate the sufferings and disasters inflicted upon our fellow men.Respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustices and evils. When my dream comes true,all men will be truly equal,happy, and free.




8B作文 Module 1 根据提示内容写一段短文来描述你最喜欢的老师。不少于80词。 1.What does he or she look like? 2.What does he or she like or dislike? 3.What is he or she like? 4.Why is he or she your favourite teacher? My favourite teacher is Mr Zhang. He is our maths teacher and he teaches us very well. Mr Zhang is medium build with short hair. He likes reading all kinds of books and keeping doing exercise every day. He thinks it’s good for his health, so he doesn’t like smoking or drinking. Mr Zhang is an active person. It seems that he is always full of energetic. He’s very patient and never angry with his students. He never say something bad to anyone, and he is always encouraging the student who has difficulties in learning and help him make progress. That’s the main reason that he is my favourite teacher. M2 初中生活丰富多彩。请参考以下图示,任选其中一个话题,写一篇短文,记录发生在学校或家庭中的难忘经历。供班级制作网上“Unforgettable Experiences” 要求:1.80~100 2.标题已给出,不计入总词汇。 An Unforgettable Experience I had a very unforgettable experience when I was 11 years old. I had some training with my classmates. We went to Fengxian and we needed to live in a small dormitory for two days. We did everything ourselves. Our parents couldn’t help us ,because they didn’t stay with us. We got up early in the moring.We had to clean ourselves quickly.And then we stood in a line.We learnt a lot of things there,such as cooking, washing and even making beds.Every day, we had to practice more than five hours. Now I think it was very hard for everyone but it was very good for us. We were looked after by ourparents before,but in fact we should learn how to look after ourselves. What an unforgettable experience it is!


1.沉迷网络游戏 题目:李华沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么帮他呢?请用下面所给的提示词写一篇不少于80字的短文。字迹工整,语言流畅。 提示词:give up, concentrate on, be (become)interested in ★范文Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him. Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.


水污染Water Pollution Everybody knows that there is serious problem of water pollution on the earth. Yes, water pollution is increasing. Look! The water in the river is getting dirtier and dirtier. Most of fish in the water have died, and we can’t swim in the water. My grandfather says, when he was very little, the water in the river was very clean. He often swam in the river with his friends. That was before, but now we can’t see such clean rivers. Let’s protect the water from pollution, be cause we can’t live without water. The water is really important to us all. 2.元旦英语作文(初中) January 1st is New Year's Day. It's a great day for all the people throughout the world. As the saying goes, "A good beginning is half the battle". So, many people go all out to celebrate the important day. On that day, I went to the Book City with my classmates. We bought a lot of useful reference books and interesting story books. I believe "Knowledge is power". I hope I can learn a lot from these books and improve my study. In the evening, my family had a big dinner party. All the members in my family wished me a good luck in the new year. 3.关于时间的英语作文初中英语作文 We often hear the saying"Time is money."But I think time is much more precious than money.Because If we lost time, we can't find it.But We can try to woke harder to get more money.No matter whatever you do ,you can not get lost time back. "Time flies.time and tides wait for no men".You can see how important time is.Lunxun had said"I spent the time on my work while others are havig coffee."We must make good use of our time,especially for our students,we shouldn't waste time in playing games and the like. 4.初中英语作文My friend (我的朋友) I have many friends. One of them is my classmate Ma Hua.He is a League member and one of the best students in my class.He is fond of English and good at it. He often practises reading aloud. So he has a good pronunciation. He is always ready to help others. With his help I have made great progress. I have made up my mind to catch up with him and to join the League in the near future. 5.初中英语作文水 Water is very important to us. If you don’t have water for three days, you will die. We can use water for flowers, swimming, washing and many different things. We use it to cook, make electricity, put out fires and so on. We use millions of liters of water every day. Do you know how does the water come to your home? It travels through water pipes. Some are long and wide but some are short and narrow. Then the water travels through the water pipes to the reservoirs. Then it travels through the water pipes to the river and to the special factories (we call water plants) that purify the water. When the water is purified, we can drink it. Please don’t leave garbage in the water on which we line, and keep the water clean.


Unit 1 I’m watching TV. 【作文要求】请根据提示写一篇题为“What are we doing?”的短文,描述你家里人的活动。 40~50词。提示:今天是周日,你们全家在家。妈妈在打扫房间,爸爸在看 报纸,爷爷在玩儿牌(cards),哥哥在看电视,妹妹在做作业,你在玩儿电 脑游戏。你们都很高兴。 【范文】:What are we dong? Today is Sunday. We are all at home. My mother is cleaning the room. My father is reading a newspaper. My grandfather is playing cards. My brother is watching TV. My sister is doing her homework. And I am playing the computer games. We are all very happy. Unit 2. It’s raining. 【作文要求】假设你最喜欢的天气是下雨天。请你根据以下提示,写一篇不少于50词的短文。要求:自己工整,条理清晰,可适当发挥。提示:1. 下雨天不冷不热。 2. 喜欢雨,雨过天晴,万物变得干净。 3. 喜欢在雨中漫步,或是在家读书,令人放松。 【写作指导】本次写作任务要求围绕“你最喜欢的天气”展开写作,对个人想法描述比较多,写起来有点儿难度。在写作时,同学们可以按照以下步骤写:是什么,为什么,做什么。这三点在提示里已给出,同学们只需要把这些内容用合适的语言组织起来即可,可适当发挥。务必注意表达的准确性、逻辑性。 【范文】I like the rainy days best. When it is raining, it is not too cold or too hot. And after raining, everything around us is clean. On the rainy days, I like walking in the rain, or sometimes I only read a book at home. It is relaxing. I really like the rainy days. Unit 3. What does he look like? 【写作要求】下面是你最好朋友张力的资料,请根据下表内所给的提示,写一篇不少于50 本次写作是介绍人物,重点是介绍任务的外貌和性格,而这些正是本单元所学习的重点,相信同学们在写作时会信手拈来。在仔细审题之后,同学们只需要按照一定的逻辑顺序,把表格内所给的中文提示用英文表达出来即可。切记不要遗漏任何要点。 【范文】Zhang Li is my best friend. He is 12 years old. He is of medium build, and wears a pair of glasses. He has short hair and small eyes. He is a very friendly boy, but he is a little bit shy. He is good at all his subjects at school, and his hobbies are reading and playing basketball. He wants to be a writer when he grows up. Unit 4. How often do you exercise? 【写作要求】健康一直是人们关注的话题。你认为健康的生活习惯应该是怎样的?请根据下面的信息提示,写一篇短文。提示:1. 健康饮食;2. 早睡早起; 3. 多做运动。 要求:根据信息提示,把握要点,适当发挥。70词左右。首句已给出,不计入总词数。


初二英语作文下册10篇 10篇初二年级下册的英语作文,大家看好了。下面是给大家整理的初二下册英语作文10篇,供大家参阅! 初二下册英语作文1【话题•谈论自己拥有的东西和周围环境】要求同学们写作时要运用相应的现在完成时态,特别是用since 和for来表达时间段。 范例1★★★ I have a doll for 9 years. And I still like it very much. When I was a child, my parents were busy with their business. Sometimes they had to work even on weekends, so I had to stay at home alone. I often felt lonely and scared at home. After my aunt knew that, she bought the doll for me. It is a Mickey Mouse. I have talked with it about my happiness and sadness since I was young. And it has become my best friend. The doll helps me a lot. I love my doll. 初二下册英语作文2【话题•谈论过去的经历】讲述我们在一些有趣的地方经历的有趣的事情,写此类短文首先应该掌握常用一般过去时和现在进行时,不要面面俱到,选取最有特色、最熟悉的一个方面来写。范例1 ★★★


Talking about hobbies Everyone has his hobbies, such as listening to music, doing sports, reading and looking after animals. However, reading is my favourite. When I was a little girl, I was interested in reading books. From then on, books have taught me a lot. In my opinion, books not only give me knowledge but also make me understand the world. I also think reading is very important and relaxing. So I will continue reading in the future. Talking about a radio/TV programme 1.What’s your favourite programme? 2.What kind of program is it? 3.Why do you like it?) "Animal World" is my favorite programme. First of all, I like animals, especially small animals. Secondly, the presenter makes the program lively and interesting. Thirdly, through this program I know plenty of things, such as different lives of different animals, the relationship between people and nature, people and animal. I want to say that animals are part of nature as we are. We must protect animals so that we will have a good life in the future. Solving the problems 【Jack didn’t pass the English exam and he lied to his parents. What should he do now? Please give him some advice. 】 Dear Jack, You have made two mistakes. First, you didn’t get ready for your English exam. Second, you lied to your parents. In my opinion, you must tell them the truth at once. If you do that, they may be angry with you, but you’ll prove how honest you are. Then I think you should work hard from now on. If you try your best, I’m sure you’ll pass the English exam next time. And your parents will be proud of an honest and hard-working boy. Best wishes Agony aunt Write a review (评论) of a book, a film, a play, a CD, etc.(写作提示:①What’s the name of it? ②Who wrote it?③What’s the story about? ④Where does it take place? ⑤What’s the best part? ⑥What do you think of it?) I have seen a movie called《Titanic》. It is about a sad love story happened in a very famous ship called Titanic. The main characters are Rose and Jack. Jack is very handsome and intelligent but poor. Rose is very rich but kind and she won't judge people by money. They met on the Titanic. And soon they fell in love with each other. Unluckily, the ship got crashed. In the end, Jack saved Rose but he died. I cried after watching the movie. It made me understand to love is to give.


初二下册外研版英语作文集锦 1. My hobby;I like sports very much. We usually take exercise in the early morning. We do eye exercises in the afternoon. After school we play basketball or football.. After supper, I often go out for a walk with my parents. My favourite sport is basketball. I often watch basketball matches on TV on Sundays. I think doing sports is good for our health. Our school holds a sports meeting every spring. It really can relax myself and build my body. I have many hobbies, such as reading ,painting, running ,looking after animals and so on. My favorite hobby is reading. I began to read at the age of 5. I often read in my spare time. It can make me feel free. I can also get knowledge and new skills from reading. Reading has brought me enjoyment and success. By the way ,what’s your favorite hobby? Tell me ,ok? 2. Friendship Everyone has friends . Friendship is one of the most important thing in our daily life. A friend is one who is there for you when you are in trouble . And when you are happy , you are willing to share them with him/her. You can not live without a friend , just like you can not live without air . Your most close ones are friends besides your parents . If you have friends , remember to take care of each other and to forgive his/her mistakes . Only in this way can your friendship last longer. Friendship can make us happy and warm. So we should make more friends. 4. 假设你是大明的笔友Tom,由于大明总是发短信和同学聊天、听音乐、短信息不断,他的家长对他的学习感到很担心,因此没收了他的手机,他很伤心。请你根据大明的烦恼给他写一封短信,安慰一下他,谈谈你是怎样使用手机聊天的以及你对中学生短信聊天的看法。 Hi Daming I’m very sorry to hear that your parents got back your mobile phone from you. I know that you like sending messages to chat with your parents with it. And you also enjoy listening to music. Maybe your parents are worried about your lessons and they that you spend too much time on it. I think you should understand them. I have a mobile phone ,too. But I only use it when I have something necessary to tell my parents, my teachers or my friends. In my opinion, it’s good to have a mobile phone. But I don’t think it’s good for us to send messages to chat with it. It’s bad for our eyes. And it’s a waste of time and money. We shouldn’t spend too much time on it. 5. Nowadays, computers play an important role in our daily life. Computers are good helpers to people. They can help people to work out problems. They can do some simple jobs as well. Some young people usually listen to music and watch films on the computer. They are really useful. But a coin has two sides. Sometimes computers are harmful to people. For example, some childrens are lost in computer games. It is bad for thier health and study. And more and more people use computer to do everything. This makes them become lazy. In my opinion, if people use computers in a correct way, they will be very helpful. 6 . Internet Internet is very important now.We can't do anything if we don't have https://www.360docs.net/doc/e27116150.html,e Internet,we can ask e-friends questions and we can get the correct answers.We can talk to our friends in the Internet.Also,we can play online games. Internet bring us a lot of pleasure. But,more and more people are crazy about games.They don't want to do anyshing except play games. Let's use the Internet better 7 . 李小虎沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么帮他呢?Li Xiao spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others, as a friend of his , I must do something to help him. playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with after school. Maybe he will become more and more interested in sports than computer games. And then I’ll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I’ll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him,too. If I try these, I am sure he will make great progress


初二英语作文题目大全 【篇一:中考英语作文题目集锦】 中考英语作文题目集锦. 请根据下面的提示用英语写一篇日记。 1. 写作要点提示: 1)汶川发生地震,李华来襄樊和叔叔住在一起,成了我们的新同学。 2)我们对他十分友善。送他爱心卡,鼓励他坚强;与他一起做游戏;带他参观学校…… 3)我们竭尽所能给予帮助。捐出书包、作业本、字典……;他英语学习有困难,我帮他复习功课,教他学习方法…… 4)李华激动地说,我们不仅是他的同学,也是他的兄弟姐妹,这里就是他的家。 2. 写作要求: 日记内容应包括所提示的要点,语言要流畅,可适当增加情节,以使短文意思连贯;日记字数90词左右,日记开头已给出,但不记入总词数,也不得抄入答题卡。 monday, may 21st fine a terrible earthquake happened in wenchuan. ______________________________________ 短文写作。(本题12分) 同学们很快就初中毕业了。马上要迎来快乐的暑假和精彩的2008北京奥运会,你的心中是否充满期待?请用英语写一篇90词左右的短文,和大家分享你心中的暑期计划。 内容要求: 1. 主要选择通过电视或现场观看哪(几)种比赛项目?最喜欢哪(几)位体育明星?为什么? 2. 主要安排哪(几)项体育锻炼活动?(包括时间、地点和目的意义等) 书面表达(满分20分) 假如你是李明,你的美国笔友jack给你发来email,想在暑假到北京看奥运会期间来芜湖参观旅游。请根据下表提示,为jack制定一份“芜湖一日游”计划,并发email给他,介绍相关内容。 上午游鸠兹广场、镜湖公园,去步行街购物


八年级下册英语作文范文集锦 Unit 1 W hat’s the matter? 范例1 ★★ Last week, I got sick. On Wednesday, I had a cold, but I still went to school. On Thursday morning, I had a fever. My mother took me to see a doctor in Renmin Hospital. Then we went back home and I had some chicken soup. My mother said chicken soup was very good. On Friday, I stayed in bed and had a good rest. On Saturday, I felt much better. 上周,我生病了。周三,我感冒了,但我仍然去上学。周四上午,我发烧了。我妈妈带我去看医生在人民医院。然后我们回家,我吃一些鸡肉汤。我母亲说鸡汤很好。上周五,我呆在床上,好好休息了一下。周六,我感觉好多了。 范例2 【Unit 1单元测试范文】★★★ Dear Sally, I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well these days. Are you still feeling tired now? I think you should drink a lot of hot water and have a good rest. You shouldn’t go to bed too late or work too late. Don’t be under too much pressure, and try to rela x yourself. If you still don’t feel better, you should go to a doctor and take some medicine. I hope you will feel better soon. Yours, Julia 亲爱的莎莉, 我很抱歉听到你不舒服。你现在还累吗?我认为你应该多喝热水,好好休息一下。你不应该太晚睡觉或工作太迟了。不要受到太多的压力,尽量放松自己。如果你仍然不感觉好一些,你应该去看医生和吃药。我希望你很快就会感觉好些的。 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. 【话题?帮助他人和参加志愿活动】描述发生在我们身边相关的事情,提倡相互帮助,关心社会和谐发展。此类为常考话题作文,写作时应尽量用倡议或号召性的语句或者用自己、他人亲身经历的事件鼓励教育他人。 范例 1 ★★★ Sam, I’m writing to tell you about a voluntary activity last week. Last Saturday several friends and I went to the People’s Park at about eight o’clock. Then we started to help clean the park. First, we cleaned up the benches. I took us about an hour. Then we picked up rubbish in the park. At last, we swept the floor of the park. At about 12 o’clock, we finished all the work. Though we were a bit tired, we felt very happy when the park became cleaner and nicer. Wang Kai 山姆, 我写信是想告诉你关于上周自愿活动。上个星期六我和几个朋友去人民公园大约8点钟。然后我们开始帮助打扫公园。首先,我们清理长椅。我花了大约一个小时。然后我们在公园里捡垃圾。最后,我们把地板上的公园。大约12点钟,我们完成了所有的工作。虽然我们有点累,但感到很高兴当公园成为清洁和更好的。


初二上英语作文 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

请以“Talking about English Learning”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你对英语学习的看法以及你学习英语成功的经验,并给学习有困难的同学提几条学好英语的建议。要点 如下: Why do you learn English How do you learn English Your suggestion(建议)。 要求: 1.短文应包括所有要点,要点顺序可以自己安排。词数80左右。短文开头已给 出,不记入总词数。 2.要求语句通顺连贯,能表达自己的真实思想。 3.所提建议应不 少于两条。 Talking about English Learning English is the most important and useful language in the world. It is also one of the subjects in schools. So I have learn English for many years. In class, I try to listen to the teacher carefully and speak English as much as possible(尽可能多的). After class, I often go over the lessons, listen to English tapes, watch English programmes on TV, read English newspapers and so on. I study hard, so I’m good at it. By the way, here are some suggestions about how to learn English well for you. First, believe yourself, try to read or speak English loudly. Second, you had better learn English words by heart. Third, it is a good idea to use English as much as possible. Finally, why not find an English pen friend and write email messages to each other in English Nothing is impossible if you


初二英语作文题目范文 多读优秀范文,学习写作技巧,是写好初二英语作文的重要方法。下面为大家带来初二英语作文题目范文,欢迎大家学习! 初二英语作文题目范文:如何学好英语It is more than five years since I began to study English .At first time I found it quite difficult」could n& #39;t pronounce well, spell the words correctly or remember the rules of grammar .With the help of my teachers and classmates ,I have made much progress .Now I am gett ing on well with my En glish . These years' study has taught me that one cannot learn English well without hard work . We must do more liste ning and speak ing both in and out of class. And do more reading and writing as well. That is "Practice make perfect .&qu ot; So ,in my opinion, we should work hard at English .That 's the most importa nt thi ng .And we should also practice using it as much as possible. 自从学习英语以来已经五年了。第一次发现它好难。我不会发音, 总不能正确拼写单词,也记不住语法规则。在老师和同学的帮助下
