小学英语人教版一起-一年级(下)单词 重点语句及歌谣

小学英语人教版一起-一年级(下)单词 重点语句及歌谣
小学英语人教版一起-一年级(下)单词 重点语句及歌谣


Unit1 classroom



课文:Where is the ruler?

On the desk.

It’s on the desk.

练习:Put your schoolbag under the chair.

Put your schoolbag on the chair.

Where is the book? It’s in the desk.

Where is the book? It’s on the desk.

Story time: Put my ruler in the pencil box

Put my pencil box in the schoolbag

Let’s go home.

Where is my pencil box?

In my desk?

Oh. It’s in your mouth! Thank you!


On my desk,

I can see,

A book for you,

A book for me. Under my chair,

I can see,

A schoolbag for you.

A schoolbag for me. In my classroom,

I can see,

A blackboard for you, A blackboard for me! Where’s the green pencil, Green pencil, green pencil? Where’s the green pencil? It’s under my desk. Where’s the red apple, Red apple, red apple? Where’s the red apple? It’s on my chair.

Unit2 room


课文:what’s behind the door? A chair.

What’s under the desk? A bird.

练习:what’s near the light? A pencil

Story time: I have a gift for you. Go and find it .


Near the light?

On the desk?

On the bed?

Under the chair?

Yeah! It’s under the chair!

Thank you, Mum.


This is the light, near the bed. This is the bed, near the door. This is the door, near the box. What’s behind the box? Angel, angel, where are you?

In the schoolbag. Peekaboo. Angel, angel, where are you? On the schoolbag. Peekaboo. Angel, angel, where are you? under the schoolbag. Peekaboo. Angel, angel, where are you? Behind the schoolbag. Peekaboo.

Unit3 toys


Sure当然sorry 对不起,抱歉

课文:can I have a car? sure.

Can I have a bear? Sorry, no.

练习:Can I have a ……? Sure, here you are. Oh, I have two. Story time: look, I have many toys.

Can I have your plane? Here you are.

Can I have your car? Sure.

Can I have your ball? Here you are.

Can I have your doll? Sure. Here you are.

I have no toys. Let’s share.


We can play, night and day,

With a doll, a bear or a train.

We can play, night and day,

With a car, a ball or a plane.

Toy train, toy train, choo choo choo. Toy train, toy train, go go go Plane, plane, follow me. Plane, plane, come and see

Toy train, toy train, choo choo choo. Toy train, toy train, go go go

Ball ball follow me

Ball ball, w come and see Toy train, toy train, choo choo choo. Toy train, toy train, go go go doll, doll, follow me.

doll, doll, come and see

Toy train, toy train, choo choo choo. Toy train, toy train, go go go car, car, follow me.

car, car, come and see

Toy train, toy train, choo choo choo. Toy train, toy train, go go go bear, bear, follow me.

bear, bear, come and see

Unit4 food



课文:I ‘m hungry. I want rice and vegetables. Here you are.

I ‘m hungry. I want noodles. Here you are.

练习:Do you like fish? No, I don’t.

Story time: I want noodles.

I want rice. I’m hungry.

I want fish. I’m hungry.

I want chicken. I’m hungry.

Oh, no! lucky!

歌谣:Do you like noodles, noodles, noodles? No, no, I don’t.

Do you like chicken, chicken, chicken? Yes, yes, I do.

Do you like eggs, eggs, egg s? No, no, I don’t.

Do you like vegetables, vegetables, vegetables? Yes, yes, I do.

Do you like fish, fish,fish? No, no, I don’t.

Do you like rice, rice, rice? Yes, yes, I do.

Rice is nice

Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake, baker’s man!

Bake us a cake as fast as you can.

Pat it and prick it and mark it with“B”.

Put it in the oven for baby and me,

For baby and me, for baby and me.

And there would be plenty for baby and me.

Unit 5 drink


课文:Do you want tea? Yes, thanks.

I’m thirsty.

Do you want water?

yes, please.

No, thanks. I want juice

练习:Can I have juice? Here you are.

Story time: Do you want fish? Yes, please.

Do you want chicken? Yes, please.

Do you want milk? Yes, please.

Do you want juice? Yes, please.

Do you want tea? Yes, please.

I’m hungry! Oh, no!

歌谣:Can I have water, water, water? Yes, you can. I t’s go od for you.

Can I have juice, juice, juice? Yes, you can. It’s good for you.

Can I have milk, milk, milk? Yes, you can. It’s good for you.

Can I have tea, tea, tea? Yes, you can’t. It’s bad for you.

If all the world were paper,And all the sea were ink,

And all the trees were bread and cheese,

What should we have to drink?

Unit6 clothes

单词:shirt衬衫T-shirt T恤衫skirt裙子dress连衣裙;套裙Socks短袜shorts短裤your你的;你们的

课文:I like your shirt.

Thank you.

I like your T-shirt.

Thank you.

练习:put on your socks.

Put on your shirt.

Look at my dress.

I like your dress.

Thank you.

Look at my shirt. It’s blue.

Story time: beautiful!

I like my red hat.

I like my orange T-shirt.

I like my green shorts.

I like my blue socks and purple shoes.

I like my yellow skirt

I’m beautiful, too!

歌谣:Blue shirt, blue shirt, I like my blue shirt.

Yellow skirt, yellow skirt, I like my yellow skirt.

Green T-shirt, green T-shirt, I like my green T-shirt.

Red dress, red dress, I like my red dress.

Blue socks, blue socks, I like my blue socks.

Black shorts, black shorts, I like my black shorts.

I like all my clothes.

This is the way

I put on my shirt, put on my shirt, put on my shirt

This is the way

I put on my shirt

Then I go to school.

This is the way

I take off my shorts, take off my shorts, take off my shorts, This is the way

I take off my shorts,

Then I go to school.


发挥英语歌谣的独特魅力 学期总结 : 常言说得好:兴趣是最好的老师。孔子也曾说:"知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。"这里的"乐"指的正是"兴趣"。《英语新课程标准》明确规定新型的英语课堂教学要以“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略……”为主要任务,尊重小学生生理、心理和认知水平的发展规律,将语言学习与活动结合起来,让小学生在说说、唱唱、跳跳、做做的过程中,去感受语言、学习语言、运 用语言。小学英语语言技能目标中要求小学生要能表演歌谣或简单的诗歌。从目前小学英语教学的实际情况来看,小学生十分喜欢歌谣和诗歌,特别是低段的学生。这些歌谣琅琅上口,易说易记,降低了难度,同时又培养了学生的语感。在平时的教育教学实践中,我着重研究了歌谣在小学英语单词教学中的促进作用。实践证明:把富有节奏感、韵律美和文化气息浓的英语歌谣运用到教学中去,培养了学生的学习兴趣和学习积极性,增强了他们的自信心;通过英语歌谣的创编,满足了儿童的求知欲和成就感,提升语言学习。 一、认真钻研教材,巧妙创编英语歌谣。 歌谣是儿童口头传唱的,它们大多是根据儿童的理解能力、心理特点,以简明的音韵写成,也有部分儿歌是儿童自己在游戏等场合随口编唱的。儿童时期是学习语言的 关键期,此时儿童英语语句简单、语法结构单纯、语汇贫乏,因此,语言浅显的英语歌谣把正确的语法、语汇与儿童的口语结合起来,形成优美的、规范的儿童英语口语,适应了儿童语言发展的水平,能被儿童理解和接受。英语歌谣中使用的词汇主要是名词(动物、植物、食物、日常用品、交通工具等)、动词(走、跑、跳、 爬等基本动作)、形容词(颜色、形状、大小等),这些词反映的事物及其属性比较具体,契合了儿童的思维特点。同时,英语歌谣中简单句的大量使用,容易为他们所接受和掌握。教师要以此为契机,积极创编英语歌谣,丰富课堂教学。 (一)英语歌谣创编,注重节奏感、乐感。 歌谣与节奏、音乐密切联系,歌谣中特有的悦耳和谐的音韵和鲜明的节奏能使儿童产生愉悦感。有些歌谣在内容上没有多大意义,但其和谐的韵律、铿铿的音响都从听 觉上给幼儿以愉悦。因而儿歌的语言不仅要求浅显、口语化,而且须有严格的韵律、明朗的节奏,常形成有规律的反复。例如在教学小动物时,我们创编了一首《动物谣》: Cat,cat是小猫,小猫cat miao-miao.Dog,dog是小狗,小狗dog wang-wang.Duck,duck是小鸭,小鸭duck ga-ga.Pig,pig是小猪,小猪pig lu-lu.Bird, bird是小鸟,小鸟


英语歌谣 dog dog汪汪汪,cat cat喵喵喵 bird bird天上飞,monkey monkey最顽皮 tiger tiger王中王,zebra zebra黑又白 panda panda吃竹子,elephant elephant鼻子长 我是你的好朋友,见面问候说Hello,good morning早上好good afternoon下午好,Zhangpeng,Zhangpeng 新朋友 This is Zhangpeng(新朋友)! 遇见你,我很高兴, nice to meet you. 遇见你,我也很高兴, nice to meet you, too. 水彩笔, 真漂亮, 色彩丰富又鲜艳 yellow yellow 是黄色, blue blue 蓝又蓝 red red 是红色, green green 绿油油 orange orange 是橙色, white white 白又白 brown brown 像咖啡, black black 黑黑黑 家庭成员我熟悉,,英语说来挺容易:,最忙碌的是爸爸 father,father, my father ,This is my father. 亲爱的妈妈是mother,my mother, my mother This is my mother. 调皮的兄弟my brother,my brother, my brother,This is my brother.

文静的姐姐/妹妹sister,my sister, my sister ,This is my sister. 香蕉香蕉banana,苹果苹果apple ,桔子桔子orange,桃子桃子peach ,梨子梨子pear ,西瓜西瓜watermelon,草莓草莓strawberry ,葡萄葡萄grape 叮铃铃, 闹钟响,get up, get up 快起床,背上书包go to school,go home , go home快回家,Bye bye, bye bye,See you, see you是再见,Good night 道晚安! 小朋友, 小朋友, 欢迎你到我家来,我家的东西/家具可多啦: sofa sofa是沙发, bed bed是小床,fridge fridge是冰箱, chair chair是椅子table, table是饭桌, desk, desk 是书桌 shelf, shelf是书柜, telephone , telephone电话机 Hello, hello, How are you ?Fine, fine, thank you. and you , and you, and you? I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine, too! 同学们,开学啦! 文具用品少不了 pencil pencil是铅笔, pen pen是钢笔 ruler ruler是尺子, ball pen ball pen圆珠笔


小学英语语法歌谣 谓语be的用法 我用am,你用are 除此之外的单数 包括他她还有它 统统都是用is 我们你们和他们 只要复数都用are 教冠词a, an, the a,an,the是冠词,就像帽子扣名词; 元音因素要扣an,辅音因素要扣a; an/a用来泛泛指,the是特指常牢记。 现在进行时 Look, Listen是标志,现在进行正发生; 有时now在句中现,“be+v-ing”时态成。 若问be用何形式,须看主语数、人称。 He/She is, I am.We, you, they后are紧跟。 v-ing形式更好记,三种构成要分清。 一般问句be提前,be后加not否定成! 时间介词巧记歌 年、月、季节前须用in,(如:in 2008, in September, in spring) 日期前面行不通。 遇到几号改用on,(如:on January 1) 上午、下午、晚上仍用in。(如:in the morning/afternoon/evening)若是某日上下午,也是用on才能行。 (如:on the evening of the Mid-autumn Day) 正午、夜里用at,(如:at noon, at night) 时、分用法也同理。(如:, at two, at two) 如若“差”点须加to,(如:two to two) 如若“过”点改past。(如:half past one) 多说勤练牢牢记,学好英语非儿戏。 一般现在时 肯定句的现在式。 不是三单用原形, 是三单就加s,es, 若是否定疑问句, 没有be就加个do, 碰到三单加does。 如把does加在前,


小学英语chant集锦 1、动物歌 动物园,动物多,小朋友,听我说, Tiger Tiger是老虎,凶猛的老虎有斑纹,Stripes Stripes是斑纹; Lion Lion金毛狮,金色的狮子有鬣毛,Mane Mane是鬣毛; Elephant Elephant是大象,可爱的大象鼻子长,Trunk Trunk是象鼻; Kangaroo Kangaroo是袋鼠,育儿袋里装宝宝,Pouch Pouch育儿袋; 动物特征记得牢,保护动物我第一。 2、小熊bear建新房,朋友friend来帮忙。漂亮的house真气派,能挡风雨outside大门外。五彩的flower真美丽,in front of房前种。清清的river潺潺流,behind、behind房后走。 葱葱的tree遮绿荫,beside、beside站两旁。 动物animal齐庆贺,inside、inside里面请,都夸bear可真棒。 3、月份歌 一月January雪花飞;二月February年来到;三月March花儿笑;四月April风筝飞; 五月May去劳动;六月June节日到;七月July向着党;八月august烈日照; 九月September回学校;十月October庆国庆;十一月November初冬到; 十二月December过圣诞。 4、天气歌 五种weather好兄妹,都是字母y结尾,Sunny大哥阳光照,Cloudy乌云飘呀飘, Rainy大雨哗哗下,Windy狂风吹来了,Snowy小妹脾气怪,不到冬天她不来。 5、颜色歌 red红,yellow黄,blue蓝色像海洋; green绿,purple紫,orange橙色桔子样,pink粉红画女郎; black黑,white白,brown棕色画座房。 6、形状歌 Shape形状真奇妙,直线、方形、圆、三角,Line,line, square,Circle, circle, triangle, Triangle三条边,Line就是一条线,Circle是个大圆圈,Square方形记心间. 7、方向歌 east东,太阳红,west西,月儿明;south南方天气热,north北方天气冷。 8、物主代词 我的my,你的your,男的他的用his, 女的她的就用her, 物品它的用its, 我们的our ,你们的your,他们的their. 9、Be动词 我是am,你是are,is跟着他、她、它, 复数全部都用are


小学英语儿歌教学设计 1Goodmorning教学目的(Teachingaims):通过活动会唱一些英文名曲及英语儿童歌曲,能利用熟悉的曲谱自编英文歌曲,从而提高英语学习的兴趣教学内容(Teachingcontent):学唱一首英文歌曲Goodmorning 教学准备(Preparation):同学们到各个音像书店去寻找自己需要的英语磁带或VCD,或从网络中找到了许多儿童英语歌曲教学过程(Teachingprocess):1、教学主题导入T:Goodmorning,boysandgirls.Ihaveagiftforyou.Let’slisten.教师在多媒体中播放《Goodmorning》,本堂课在美妙的歌声中展开了(这首歌曲欢快、富有童趣,渲染了欢快的课堂气氛,调动了学生学习英语歌曲的积极性同时让学生初步熟悉旋律,以便之后学习这首歌)T:Doyouhaveanysongswhichcanshare(分享)withus?S1:Ihave‘Hello!’S2:Ihave ‘Bodysong’.S3:Ihave‘Howareyou?’…学生交流搜集到的比较动听、优美的英文歌曲由于是三年级的学生,他们收集到的是比较简单的歌曲大家一起欣赏这些歌曲片段3、学唱歌曲,并且比赛T:Wehavemanybeautifulsongshere.Nowwouldyoulike tosingthesongs.Let’slearnthesong‘Goodmorning’andhaveacompetition.Ss:OK!全班同学学习,然后四人

小组练习,教师巡回指导在指导中教师要特别注意纠正学生的歌词读音以及音准问题全体学生当评委,选出三名优胜选手2Appletree教学目的(Teachingaims):通过活动会唱一些英文名曲及英语儿童歌曲,能利用熟悉的曲谱自编英文歌曲,从而提高英语学习的兴趣教学内容(Teachingcontent):学唱一首英文歌曲Appletree教学准备(Preparation):同学们到各个音像书店去寻找自己需要的英语磁带或VCD,或从网络中找到了许多儿童英语歌曲教学过程(Teachingprocess):1、教学主题导入T:Goodmorning,boysandgirls.Ihaveagiftforyou.Let’slisten.教师在多媒体中播放《Appletree》,本堂课在美妙的歌声中展开了(这首歌曲欢快、富有童趣,渲染了欢快的课堂气氛,调动了学生学习英语歌曲的积极性同时让学生初步熟悉旋律,以便之后学习这首歌)T:Doyouhaveanysongswhichcanshare(分享)withus?S1:Ihave‘Hello!’S2:Ihave ‘Bodysong’.S3:Ihave‘Howareyou?’…学生交流搜集到的比较动听、优美的英文歌曲由于是三年级的学生,他们收集到的是比较简单的歌曲大家一起欣赏这些歌曲片段3、学唱歌曲,并且比赛T:Wehavemanybeautifulsongshere.Nowwouldyoulike tosingthesongs.Let’slearnthesong‘Appletree’


小学英语chant全面总结资料大全 动物歌 动物园,动物多,小朋友,听我说, Tiger Tiger是老虎,凶猛的老虎有斑纹,Stripes Stripes是斑纹; Lion Lion金毛狮,金色的狮子有鬣毛,Mane Mane是鬣毛; Elephant Elephant是大象, 可爱的大象鼻子长,Trunk Trunk是象鼻; Kangaroo Kangaroo是袋鼠, 育儿袋里装宝宝,Pouch Pouch育儿袋; 动物特征记得牢,保护动物我第一。 小熊bear建新房,朋友friend来帮忙。 漂亮的house真气派,能挡风雨outside大门外。 五彩的flower真美丽,in front of房前种。清清的river潺潺流,behind、behind房后走。 葱葱的tree遮绿荫,beside、beside站两旁。 动物animal齐庆贺,inside、inside里面请,都夸bear 可真棒。 月份歌

一月January雪花飞; 二月 February年来到;三月 March花儿笑; 四月 April风筝飞; 五月May去劳动; 六月June节日到; 七月July向着党; 八月 august烈日照; 九月 September回学校;十月 October庆国庆; 十一月 November初冬到;十二月December过圣诞。天气歌 五种weather好兄妹, 都是字母y结尾, Sunny大哥阳光照,Cloudy乌云飘呀飘,Rainy大雨哗哗下,Windy狂风吹来了,Snowy小妹脾气怪, 不到冬天她不来。 颜色歌

red红,yellow黄,blue蓝色像海洋; green绿,purple紫,orange橙色桔子样,pink粉红画女郎; black黑,white白,brown棕色画座房。


小学英语音标学习歌谣六首(一) 五个字母真不赖, 单词发音掐掉/e/。 Ff发/f/,Mm发/m/, Nn发/n/来,Ss发/s/。 Xx去/e/发/ks/。 我们大家来比赛, 比比谁能记得快。 (二) 九个兄弟本领强,单词发音比谁棒。 去掉尾音要短促,送气轻轻气又足。 Bb发/b/,Cc发/c/, Dd发/d/来,Jj发/d?/。 Kk发/k/,Pp发/p/。 Tt 发/t/来,Vv发/v/, 还有一个Zz发/z/。 大家发音显本领,争当发音小能手。 (三) 字母Cc,真快乐, 发完/s/来,还发/k/。 身兼两职显本领, 两种发音要记清。 (四) Aa Aa Aa, /? ? ?/,/?/for cat, /?/for bag,

Ee Ee Ee, /e e e/, /e/for egg, /e/for red, Ii Ii Ii, /i i i/, /i/for six, /i/for big, Oo Oo Oo, /???/, /?/for orange, /?/for dog Uu Uu Uu, /???/, /?/for duck, /?/for bus. Aa Ee Ii Oo U u, /?/ /e/ /i/ /?/ /?/. (五) Aa Aa Aa, /ei ei ei/, /ei/for face, /ei/for cake, Ee Ee Ee, /i: i: i:/, /i:/for he, /i:/for me, Ii Ii Ii, /ai ai ai/, /ai/for five, /ai/for kite, Oo Oo Oo, /?u ?u ?u/, /?u/for nose, /?u/for Coke, Uu Uu Uu, /ju: ju: ju:/, /ju:/for student, /ju:/for use, Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu, /ei/ /i:/ /ai/ /?u/ /ju:/! (六) Qq Qq 脾气怪,发音要和Uu一块。 Qu一起发/kw kw/,你说奇怪不奇怪。 Let’s sing Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu, /?/ /e/ /i/ /?/ /?/, 五个元音发短音,看清口型牢牢记住了。 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu, /ei/ /i:/ /ai/ /?u/ /ju:/, 五个元音发本音,认真体会明白别混了。 剩余是辅音,掐头和去尾, 汉语拼音来对照,qu一起发音要记牢, 我们学音素,愉快又简单, It’s easy, I’m happy, 快乐学习永远把我伴。

小学英语chant 集锦

小学英语chant 集锦 动物歌 动物园,动物多,小朋友,听我说, tiger tiger是老虎,凶猛的老虎有斑纹,stripes stripes是斑纹; lion lion金毛狮,金色的狮子有鬣毛,mane mane是鬣毛; elephant elephant是大象, 可爱的大象鼻子长,trunk trunk是象鼻; kangaroo kangaroo是袋鼠, 育儿袋里装宝宝,pouch pouch育儿袋; 动物特征记得牢,保护动物我第一。 小熊bear建新房,朋友friend来帮忙。 漂亮的house真气派,能挡风雨outside大门外。 五彩的flower真美丽,in front of房前种。清清的river潺潺流,behind、behind房后走。 葱葱的tree遮绿荫,beside、beside站两旁。 动物animal齐庆贺,inside、inside里面请,都夸bear可真棒。 月份歌 一月January雪花飞; 二月 February年来到; 三月 March花儿笑; 四月 April风筝飞; 五月May去劳动; 六月June节日到; 七月July向着党; 八月 August烈日照; 九月 September回学校; 十月 October庆国庆; 十一月 November初冬到; 十二月December过圣诞。 天气歌 五种weather好兄妹, 都是字母y结尾, sunny大哥阳光照, cloudy乌云飘呀飘, rainy大雨哗哗下, windy狂风吹来了, snowy小妹脾气怪, 不到冬天她不来。 颜色歌

red红,yellow黄,blue蓝色像海洋; green绿,purple紫,orange橙色桔子样,pink粉红画女郎;black黑,white白,brown棕色画座房。 形状歌 Shape形状真奇妙, 直线、方形、圆、三角, Line, line, square, Circle, circle, triangle, Triangle三条边, Line就是一条线, Circle是个大圆圈, Square方形记心间. 方向歌 east东,太阳红,west西,月儿明; south南方天气热,north北方天气冷。 物主代词 我的my,你的your, 男的他的用his, 女的她的就用her, 物品它的用its, 我们的our ,你们的your,他们的their. Be动词 我是am,你是are, is跟着他、她、它, 复数全部都用are Two Big Trees Two Big Trees Two big trees, taller than the house. The trees are tall. Two big trees. Two big trees, older than the house. The trees are old. Two big trees. Two big trees, stronger than the house. The trees are strong.


I Am a Small Boat I am a small boat. The classroom is my harbour. I am a small boat. The desk is my sampan. I am a small boat. The pencil is my oar. I am a small boat. The book page is my sail. I am a small boat. I am sailing towards The sea of knowledge. 我是一艘小船, 教室是我的港湾; 我是一艘小船, 课桌是我的舢板; 我是一艘小船, 铅笔是我的船桨; 我是一艘小船, 书页是我的风帆; 我是一艘小船, 正驶向知识的海洋。

I Love Reading I love reading, Reading lots of books. I’m a bookworm, Books are my friends. I read and read and read, Until a story ends. There are lions, There are monsters, Big and small. There are islands, There are castles. Short and tall. I open up a book, I can see them all. 我酷爱看书,看了大量的书。我是个书虫,书是我的好友。 我看啊看啊看啊, 直到一个故事结束。 大大小小的狮子和怪物,高高低低的岛屿和城堡,翻开一本书,我全能看到。


歌曲与歌谣在小学英语教学中的作用 内容提要:小学阶段是儿童获得语言的关键时期,而学习的成效很大程度取决于他们对学习的兴趣。小学生活泼好动,注意力易发生转移,但模仿能力强、爱唱爱跳。歌曲与歌谣节奏感强,琅琅上口;形象生动,激发想象;简单易记,容易背诵;语言精练,响亮押韵,这些特点符合儿童的认知特点和身心发展的要求。它们使教学变得生动、丰富,使枯燥的语言知识变得有趣。 关键词:歌曲,歌谣,作用 马克思说:“音乐是人类第二语言。”而唱歌又是人的声音与语言结合的一种音乐。所以说,歌曲,歌谣也是一种语言,它是用来表达思想感情的一种特殊的艺术手段。试想一下,当我们舒舒服服坐着听音乐时,不单感到身心特别松弛,而且还有非常丰富的内心活动。这时候,良好的精神状态在形成,丰富的联想在奔驰,创造力在活跃。人在这种状态中学到的知识记忆也会特别牢固、特别持久。有实验证明:有音乐伴随的教学比没有音乐伴随的教学的记忆效率高达-倍,可见音乐对于语言学习的重要作用。 而且,从心理学上来看,唱歌是以听觉感知为主的形象记忆。歌曲悦耳、动听的歌词和旋律又可激发人的情绪记忆。而儿童的记忆特点恰是:形象记忆和情绪记忆要先于逻辑记忆。所以,歌曲,歌谣教学非常受学生的欢迎。现在,歌曲和歌谣已成为明确规定的小学英语整体教学目标的一部分。新颁布的《英语课程标准》(实验稿)明确提出了歌曲和歌谣教学的目标与要求:一级(三、四年级)要求能唱简单的英文歌曲15-20首,说歌谣15-20首;二级(五、六年级)要求能表演歌谣或简单的诗歌30-40首,能演唱英

文歌曲30-40首。可见,歌曲与歌谣教学在小学英语教学中并不是可有可无的,而是占有相当重要的地位。 那么歌曲与歌谣在小学英语教学中的作用具体表现有哪些呢? 1.提高学生的兴趣,调动学生的积极性。 小学生生性好动,注意力易发生转移,要避免这种不利因素的影响,最好的良师就是兴趣。而且从儿童心理特征来讲,学生唱歌时随着旋律的起伏变化,在感到松弛、愉快、满足的同时,会产生兴奋情绪。因此,歌曲和歌谣是提高学生的学习兴趣,调动学生积极性的有效手段。 首先,我常在课前播放与教学内容有关的歌曲,如在教牛津小学英语3A Unit 4 How are you? 时,我在课前先播放一段迪士尼动画歌曲How are you? 优美的旋律加上甜美的歌声,使学生的学习兴趣异常浓厚,教学成效也明显提高。 其次,我教学生唱一些国内外广泛流行、容易上口且学生喜爱的歌曲,如Do, Re, Mi; Ten Little Indian Boys 等,为了满足学生的要求,学唱一些他们推荐的歌曲,如Jingle Bells ;Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars。学生在没有掌握多少英语的情况下,就能唱出一句句有一定难度的英语歌,这无疑给学生增添了无限乐趣和成就感,增强了求知欲。 唱歌也是我在课堂上不可缺少的“兴奋剂”。在学生注意力不够集中时,我们就唱诸如Head ,Shoulders ,Knees and Toes的歌,配上动作,不费什么力气就将学生游离的注意力拉了回来。 2. 运用英文歌曲,促进听力教学 一直以来,听力在对于大部分的英语学习者来说,都是最难掌握的。而在小学英语中,由于学习者的年龄特征,并且学生刚刚接


《小学英语chant知识歌》 第一部分 一、英语字母知识歌 英语字母26 字母又分大小写 一般情况用小写 特殊需要才大写 书写字母成斜体,元音字母有5个,a、e、i、加o、u 辅音字母有21,字母表要牢记! 二、问候语知识歌 我是I你是you,介绍自己I’m… 见面问好说hello 告别时goodbye 你好吗How are you? 我很好,谢谢你:I’m fine, thank you. 并且问:And how are you ? 回答说:I’m fine too, thank you. 我也很好,谢谢你

三、颜色知识歌 颜色是colour red红色,green绿 蓝色blue,yellow黄 back,white是黑白 pink粉,purple紫,还有橙色orange 四、数字知识歌 One two three point to the door Four five six point to the window Seven eight nine ten jump and skip eleven 是十一 twelve 是十二 数字number牢牢记 五、教室和学具知识歌 classroom 是教室 door 和window是门窗 desk书桌chair椅 书本book包bag

I am pupil小学生 要用pencil要用pen blackboard teacher 用 六、家庭成员知识歌Dad Mum是爸妈,Father mother父母亲哥哥、弟弟brother 姐姐、妹妹sister 爷爷、外公grandpa 奶奶、外婆grandma uncle叔叔,aunt婶 七、家人职业知识歌 教师teacher 学问深Doctor 医生本领大Nurse护士把针打Driver司机开着car 农民farmer 力气大Policeman 是警察 小学生Pupil Engineer工程师


小学英语课堂歌谣教学(转发) 王珊妮 歌谣(chant),是符合儿童年龄特点的、押韵的、有节奏的、充满童趣、琅琅上口的一种说唱形式。 小学英语的教学对象是小学生。小学生的记忆的发展特点是有意识记逐渐占主导地位,意义识记在逐步发展,在形象记忆的基础上抽象记忆迅速发展。对于第二语言——英语的学习,形象记忆和与词的抽象记忆是相辅相成的。唱歌是以听觉感知为主的形象记忆,而歌词和旋律是可激发儿童对词的抽象记忆。 著名英语教材《基础英语》的作者C.E埃克斯利说:凡能激发学生喜爱学习英语的方法,则是教英语的最好方法。而使学生厌恶学习英语的方法则是最坏的方法。儿童的学习动机往往来源于有趣地教学内容和有吸引力的教学活动。而歌谣这一艺术形式在所有的文化中,和童话、民间故事一样,一直伴随着儿童的成长。在小学阶段积极提倡歌谣教学,将英语学习与儿童喜欢的歌谣有机地结合起来,无疑是一种符合儿童心理发展规律的学习英语的方式和途径。教师要善于在课堂内创造让学生“乐学”的学习氛围,这就需要歌谣这个“氛围调节剂”的加入。 小学英语歌谣在教学过程中能够提高学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习积极性;能够帮助学生掌握正确的语音、语调、增强学生的语感;能够启发学生思维,激发想象力。歌谣教学是小学英语教学中一种行之有效的手段,它能激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣,让他们在快乐的课堂气氛中学习,又能使他们掌握所学知识,达到事半功倍的效果。它作为一种辅助教学手段在小学英语教学中占有重要的地位。 我们用歌谣创设轻松愉快的教学氛围。上课铃一响,让学生唱一首歌谣,可调动学生的学习情绪,激起学生学习兴趣,在课堂起始创造轻松、愉快的学前气氛。进入课堂中段,经过较长时间的知识输入,学生或多或少地产生疲态。歌谣富有节奏感、生动有趣,这时插入歌谣一方面可帮助消除学生的疲劳,另一方面学生可在唱唱、跳跳这种无意识的状态下记忆知识,运用英语,保持了课堂教学气氛的轻松愉快。在课堂结束阶段,歌谣更可把课堂教学推向高潮。 英语歌谣在教学过程中的运用有: 一、在组织英语课堂的热身部分,我们可以运用教学内容的chant,或者是自编与教学内容有关的chant来引导学生进入英语学习的氛围,调动学生的积极性,让学生逐渐进入学习氛围。 二、在新课教学中,我们可以运用歌谣来教学新的字母、单词、句子。 1.字母教学中我们可以运用如下歌谣: 英语字母书写歌 字母书写有规律,右倾五度正合适。 大写一律上两格,上不顶线是原则。 小写字母怎么办?请你耐心往下看: 头上有“辫”上两格(b,d,h,k,l), 有“尾”下面两格拖(g,q,y), 无“辫”无“尾”中间格(a,c,e,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z), 惟有f,j,p占三格, i,t中上一格,对照课本仔细看, 养成书写好习惯,关键还要反复练。


【篇一】小学读的英语诗歌 If wind had colors,the world would be more beautiful and lively. If it matched with the natural scence,it would be a most beautiful picture. If wind had colors,in spring it should be green.Flowers come out in spring. When green wind blew around,all the flowers seemed to be surrounded by green leaves.What a beautiful sight! The wind in summer should be light blue,because it is too hot.When the light blue wind blew over,you would seem to be in a swimming pool.How cool! The wind in autumn should be golden because autumn is harvest time,and golden color make us have harvest feelings. The wind in winter should be light yellow. When light yellow wind blew on white snow, it was very warm,wasn't it? If wind had colors ,the world would be a riot of colors. 倘若风有颜色,世界一定回更加美丽,更加生动。 如果它和自然景色搭配起来,那一定是一幅最美丽的图画。 倘若风有颜色,那春天的风应该是绿色的。 春天百花盛开,绿色的风就像给百花衬上了绿叶,美极了! 夏天的风应该是浅蓝色的因为天太热,一阵浅蓝色的风吹过,人们就像在游泳池中,多凉爽啊! 秋天的风应该是金色的, 因为秋天是收获的季节金黄色使我们有丰收的感觉。 冬天的风应该是鹅黄色的,鹅黄色的风吹在纯白的雪上,难道不是很暖和吗?


小学英语chant集锦 在小学英语教学中,有很多教师在课堂中都很喜欢使用Chant。Chant又称数来宝,它的特点是短小、生动、有趣,它特有的音调节奏很受学生喜欢。好的Chant简单易懂、上口快、容易记忆,节奏感强,轻松有趣,有助于学生的听、说、读的训练。同时,对培养学生的学习兴趣和行为习惯有着重要的辅助作用。因此在教学中,教师应恰当运用Chant,以有助于课堂效率的提高。以下是我搜集的一些chants,与大家一起分享。 1 What are you doing now What are you doing now? I am reading now. What are you doing now? I am jumping now. What are you doing now? I am running now. What are you doing now? I am laughing now. Hi hi hi hi ha ha ha ha ha ha. 2. Eyes ears nose mouth chant Eyes. eyes. chua chua chua Ears ,eard. eng eng eng Nose, nose. sh sh sh Mouth, mouth. um um um 3. Hello song Hello hello how are you , fine , fine, fine ,thank you. Hello hello how are you, oh oh just so so. Hello hello how are you, no no I am terrible. 4. Rabbit song Left , left ,right ,right ,go ,turn around go go go! 5. Everything is moving now Everything is moving now . Let me show you how.


小学英语歌谣 颜色类 red 红,blue 蓝, yellow黄色真好看。Pink粉, purple 紫, 橙色橙色Orange. Gree绿,Green 绿,Green绿色真美丽。Black黑,white 白,brown棕色我最爱。 动词短语类 早上起床get up, 上床睡觉go to bed,father, mother good night,小木桥,摇摇摇, 一只小熊来过桥。 Go straight go straight 一直走,

不要turn left turn right两边瞧。Go straight go straight一直走,Go up the stairs上岸了。 介词 in在里, on在上, under在下不要忘。 方位 左边left,右边right, in在里面,out在外。 left 左,right右, in front of 在…前, behind在…后 大小 big大,small小, just right才正好。

感觉类 感觉feel真奇妙, 伤心sad,happy笑,cold冷,hot热, warm cool感觉真不错,累了就说tired. I feel happy , I feel sad . I feel cool, I feel cold. I feel warm, I feel hot. Tired , tired, I’m very tired. (此歌谣配相应动作) 水果类

苹果apple红红的脸,草莓strawberry 溜溜的酸, 香蕉banana月儿弯,西瓜melon大又甜,桔子orange一瓣瓣,葡萄grapes一串串。 衣服类 身上穿着花dress, dress dress是裙子。dress里面有shorts,短裤,短裤是shorts. shorts下面是鞋子shoes shoes是鞋子。shoes里面有袜子,socks socks是袜子。


】 I Am a Small Boat I am a small boat. The classroom is my harbour. I am a small boat. The desk is my sampan. I am a small boat. The pencil is my oar. . I am a small boat. The book page is my sail. I am a small boat. I am sailing towards The sea of knowledge. 我是一艘小船, 教室是我的港湾; ! 我是一艘小船, 课桌是我的舢板; 我是一艘小船, 铅笔是我的船桨; 我是一艘小船, 书页是我的风帆;

我是一艘小船, 正驶向知识的海洋。 , I Love Reading I love reading, Reading lots of books. I’m a bookworm, Books are my friends. I read and read and read, Until a story ends. · There are lions, There are monsters, Big and small. There are islands, There are castles. Short and tall. I open up a book, 】 I can see them all. 我酷爱看书,看了大量的书。我是个书虫,书是我的好友。

我看啊看啊看啊, 直到一个故事结束。 大大小小的狮子和怪物, 高高低低的岛屿和城堡, ? 翻开一本书,我全能看到。 What a Lot of Fish in the Pond! What a lot of fish in the pond! One fish, two fish; Red fish, yellow fish; Black fish, blue fish; Old fish, new fish. ! Some are sad. Some are glad. Some are very smart. Why are they sad and glad and smart I don’t know. Go and ask your dad! { 池塘里的鱼真多呀! 一条鱼,两条鱼; 红的鱼,黄的鱼;


小学英语chant集锦 1 What are you doing now What are you doing now? I am reading now. What are you doing now? I am jumping now. What are you doing now? I am running now. What are you doing now? I am laughing now. Hi hi hi hi ha ha ha ha ha ha. 2. Eyes ears nose mouth chant Eyes. eyes. chua chua chua Ears ,eard. eng eng eng Nose, nose. sh sh sh Mouth, mouth. um um um 3. Hello song Hello hello how are you , fine , fine, fine ,thank you. Hello hello how are you, oh oh just so so. Hello hello how are you, no no I am terrible. 4. Rabbit song Left , left ,right ,right ,go ,turn around go go go! 5. Everything is moving now Everything is moving now . Let me show you how. My head is shaking, shaking ,shaking, shaking. My arms are swing, swing ,swing ,swing.


人教版(一起)一年级- 下 Unit1 classroom 单词:chair 椅子desk 书桌,写字台blackboard 黑板on 在Under 在... 下面(下方)in 在..... 里面where 在哪里 the 放在名词前特指人事或物课文:Where is the ruler? On the desk. It 'son the desk. 练习:Put your schoolbag under the chair. Put your schoolbag on the chair. Where is the book? It 'sin the desk. Where is the book? It 'son the desk. Story time: Put my ruler in the pencil box Put my pencil box in the schoolbag Let 'sgo home. Where is my pencil box? In my desk? Oh. It 'sin your mouth! Thank you! 歌谣: On my desk, Where's the green I can see, pencil, A book for you, Green pencil, green A book for me. pencil? Under my chair, Where's the green I can see, pencil? A schoolbag for you. It 's under my desk. A schoolbag for me. Where 'sthe red apple, In my classroom, Red apple, red apple? I can see, Where 'sthe red apple? A blackboard for you, It 'son my chair. A blackboard for me!
