
(王承君. 基于网络文献检索的英语专业毕业论文写作[J]. 平原大学学报, 2007,(3): 81-83. )
DOAJ:https://www.360docs.net/doc/e35707469.html,,据说收集671 种免费多学科的网络版学术期刊。我用educational technology检索,竟然轻松显示了8本教育技术刊物,且都是可以全文看的,只是不是当年的,这点非常可惜!
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 
ISSN: 14493098
EISSN: 14495554
Subject: Education
Publisher: Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education,Australian Society for Educational Technology
Language: English
Keywords: educational technology, instructional design, computer technologies
Start Year: 2004
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology
ISSN: 14996677
Subject: Computer Science --- Education
Publisher: Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada
Language: English, French
Keywords: educational technology, online learning, cognition and technology, instructional design
Start Year: 2002
Educational Technology & Society
ISSN: 14364522
Subject: Education --- Technology (General)
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society
Language: English
Keywords: education, educational technology
Start Year: 1998

International Journal of Educational Technology
ISSN: 13277308
Subject: Education
Publisher: University of Western Australia, Department of Education
Language: English
Keywords: education, educational technology
Start Year: 1999

Language Learning and Technology
ISSN: 10943501
Subject: Languages and Literatures --- Education
Publisher: University of Hawaii, National Foreign Language Resource Center
Language: English
Keywords: education, language education, educational technology
Start Year: 1997
(还记得《外语电化教学》么?有点类似噢,都是搞语言教学的。这个同样很爽啊,能看到最新的,HTML与PDF同在,MY GOD,老外也有好人的!呵)

Teaching English with Technology
ISSN: 16421027
Subject: Education
Publisher: IATEFL Poland Computer Special Interest Group
Language: English
Keywords: ICT, computers, educational technology
Start Year: 2001

TOJET - Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
ISSN: 13036521
Subject: Education
Publisher: Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey
Language: English, Turkish
Keywords: educational technology
Start Year: 2002


1. HighWire Press [海威出版社] https://www.360docs.net/doc/e35707469.html,/
HighWire Press 是全球最大的提供免费全文的学术文献出版商,于 1995 年由美国斯坦福大学图书馆创立。最初仅出版著名的周刊 "Journal of Biological Chemistry" ,目前已收录电子期刊 710 多种,文章总数已达 230 多万篇,其中超过 77 万篇文章可免费获得全文;这些数据仍在不断增加。通过该界面还可以检索 Medline 收录的 4500 种期刊中的 1200 多万篇文章,可看到文摘题录。HighWire Press 收录的期刊包括:生命科学、医学、物理学、社会科学。
2. DOAJ:Directory of Open Access Journals https://www.360docs.net/doc/e35707469.html,/
开放存取期刊目录 DOAJ 是由瑞典 Lund 大学图书馆( Lund University Libraries )与 SPARC(The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) 联合创建。它设立于2003 年5月,最初仅收录 350 种期刊,截至 2005 年 2 月 28 日收录的开放存取期刊已有 2064 种、文章 8 万多篇。该系统收录的均为学术性、研究性期刊,一般都是经过同行评审,或者有编辑作质量控制的期刊,具有免费、全文、高质量的特点,对学术研究有很高的参考价值。
收录主题包括:农业及食品科学、美学及建筑学、生物及生命科学、经济学、化学、地球及环境科学、一般主题、健康科学 、历史及考古学、语言及文学、法律及政治学、数学及统计学、哲学及宗教学、物理及天文学、一般科学、社会科学、工程学等 17 种主题。
3. Sciencedirect [科学直通车] https://www.360docs.net/doc/e35707469.html,/
科学直通车收录了包括物理工程学、生命科学、医学、人文与社会科学等方面的期刊 2000 多种,目前已超过了 700 万篇文章。并与 350 个科学、技术和医学出版商的刊物链接。
4. ICPSR(Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research)
5. CogPrints https://www.360docs.net/doc/e35707469.html,/

