






Plant design is the most important aspects of the industrial infrastructure and technological transformation process, is the soul of the whole project. The whole process of the design including the preparation, design, construction, commissioning and trial production in factory. In detail introduced the 800 x 800 mm specifications joint workshop floor tile production line production process, has carried on the strict reasoning, to all processes are in the process of production need to choose the working principle of main equipment and selection principles for full instructions. The design is based on the instructor provided an annual output of 1.8 million square meters

of building porcelain process design task book basis. Include materials, host, reservoir balance calculation and the three ingredients, grinding, pulping, drying, forming, firing, packaging, and a series of processes, and general layout for the whole plant design.

This topic for ordinary building ceramics production line design, in terms of raw material choice relying on the advantage of site traffic convenience is adopted in this design using the optimization of material preparation, design a less raw materials, fuel consumption, high productivity, low cost, short payback period of investment, investment in high efficiency of the factory.In process control, this design will use advanced ceramic production equipment, technology and quality

inspection way.

Key words:Glazed pottery;Balance calculation;Process design;Technological design


绪论 (1)

项目背景 (1)

产业前景 (2)

1 概述 (4)

1.1选题的依据 (4)

1.2建设规模,产品方案,质量标准 (4)

1.3本设计遵循的原则 (4)

1.4工程的建筑规模 (5)

1.5厂址的选择 (5)

1.5.1建厂地选择的要紧因素 (5)

1.5.2厂址具体位置选择的原则 (5)

1.5.3厂址选择 (6)

2 工艺流程 (7)

2.1确定工艺流程的原则 (7)

2.2生产方法及生产工艺流程的确定与论证 (7)

2.3生产工艺流程 (7)

3 配方的确定与论述 (9)

3.1 确定坯料配方的原则 (9)

3.2 釉料配置原则 (9)

3.3坯料组分中各种氧化物的作用 (9)

3.4 釉用原料的性能 (10)

3.5各原料在陶瓷生产中的作用 (11)

3.5.1 粘土类原料 (11)

3.5.2 长石类原料 (11)

3.5.3 滑石 (12)

3.6 坯料的配方计算 (12)

3.6.1 坯料的配方 (12)

3.6.2 坯料无灼减量的化学组成 (12)

3.7 釉料配方的计算 (16)

4 物料平衡计算 (19)

4.1物料平衡计算 (19)

4.2 工作制度确定 (21)

4.3设备选型的原则 (22)

4.4 确定设备数量的原则 (22)

4.5要紧设备选型计算 (23)

4.6要紧设备选型 (23)

4.6.1 颚式破裂机 (23)

4.6.2轮碾机 (24)

4.6.3球磨机 (26)

4.6.4 泥浆池数量计算 (27)

4.6.5 泥浆泵 (27)

4.6.6 电磁除铁设备 (28)

4.6.7 圆形震动筛 (29)

4.6.8 泥浆搅拌机 (29)

4.6.9 喷雾干燥塔数量计算 (29)

4.6.10 旋风除尘器 (30)

4.6.12 连续式辊道干燥窑 (31)

4.6.13 一次烧成辊道窑 (32)

4.6.14 浇釉机组 (32)

4.6.15 窑前储坯机及施釉线储坯机 (32)

4.6.16 称量设备 (32)

4.6.17斗式提升机 (33)

4.6.18 辅助设备 (33)

4.7储库平衡 (33)

4.7.1料仓计算 (33)

4.7.2贮库堆场面积计算 (33)

4.7.3原料的贮存和堆放 (33)

5 总平面设计 (35)

5.1 总平面设计依据、原则 (35)

5.2 厂区的划分 (35)

5.3 工厂总平面的布置方式 (36)

5.4 联合车间生产工艺布置 (36)

5.4.1车间工艺布置的差不多原则 (36)

5.4.2原料车间 (36)

5.4.3成型车间 (36)

5.4.4烧成车间 (36)

6 技术经济分析 (38)

6.1 建设投资估算 (38)

6.2 劳动定员 (38)

6.3 技术经济指标 (38)

7 工艺设计的其他部分 (41)

7.1 土建建筑 (41)

7.2 给水与排水 (42)

7.2.1 给水 (42)

7.3 采暖通风 (43)

8 中心实验室 (44)

8.1设计依据和范围 (44)

8.1.1 设计依据 (44)

8.1.2 设计目的 (44)

8.1.3 设计任务 (44)

8.1.4 设计规模 (44)

8.2 分析项目及仪器、设备的选择 (44)

8.2.1分析项目 (44)

8.2.2 仪器设备的选择 (44)

9环境爱护及安全卫生 (47)

9.1 设计依据 (47)

9.2 要紧污染源和要紧污染物 (47)

9.2.1 粉尘、烟气来源及处理 (47)

9.2.2 废水来源及处理 (48)

9.3 绿化设计 (48)

9.4 企业安全卫生 (49)

结论 (50)

致谢 (51)

参考文献 (52)

附录 (54)

连续式辊道干燥窑 (54)



