兰迪.波许教授最后一课 英文

兰迪.波许教授最后一课 英文
兰迪.波许教授最后一课 英文


So I am reprising a talk that I gave in September at Carnegie Mellon University. It is an academic tradition called the last lecture. Hypothetically, if you knew you are going to die, you got one last lecture, what would you say to your students?

Well, for me, there is an elephant in the room. The elephant in the room that for me is not hypothetical. I have been fighting pancreatic cancer. It is now coming back after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. And the doctors are telling me there is nothing more to do and I have months to live. These are my most recent CT scans. The pancreatic cancer is spread to my liver and there are approximately a dozen tumors. I don't like this.

I have three little kids. Let's be clear, this stinks. But I can not do anything about the fact that I am going to die. I am pursuing medical treatments, but I pretty much know how this movie is going to end. And I can not control the cards that are dealt, just how I play the hands. Now if I am not morose enough for you, I am sorry to disappoint. But I don't choose to be an object of pity and in fact, although I am going to die soon, I am actually physically very strong. In fact, I am probably physically stronger than most of the people in this audience.(doing push ups).

So today's talk is not about death, it is about life and how to live. Specifically about childhood dreams and about how you can try to achieve them---my childhood dreams, your childhood dreams.

As a child, I had an incredibly happy childhood. I went back and raided the photo album. I could not find any places I wasn't smiling. Right? I just had a great childhood...and I was dreaming, always dreaming. It was an easy time to dream when you turned on your television set and men are landing on the moon---anything is possible and we should never lose that spirit. So what were my childhood dreams? Being in the National Football league. This is one of the childhood dreams I did not achieved. Alright? And it is very important to know that if you don't achieve your dreams, you can still get a lot by trying for it. There is an expression I love---experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted. I played a little league football for a long time and I had a phenomenal coach, Coach Jim Graham and he was old school. When I was at practice, he rode me all practice. You know you are doing it wrong, go back and do it again, you are sluffing off, you owe me push-ups...just for two hours, it was relentless. And after practice, one of this assistance couches came up to me and he said:" yes, couch Graham rode you pretty hard". I said

Yeah. He said" that is a good thing. Because it means he cares. When you are doing a bad job and nobody points out to you, that's when they've given up on you." and that is something really stuck with me, is that when someone is going to ride you for two hours, they are doing that because they care to make it better.

So next dream--Walt Disney Imagineering. When I was eight, my family took the pilgrimage to Disneyland in California and it was incredible experience. The rides, the shows, the attractions and everything ...and I said "gosh, I'd like to make stuff like that when I get older". So I graduated from college and I tried to become an imaginer. These are the people who make the magic. And I got a lovely rejection letter. And I tried again after graduate school and I've kept all the rejection letters over the years. They are very inspirational. But then the darnedest thing happened. You know I worked hard and worked hard and I became a junior faculty member and I specialized in doing certain kind of research...that's me...and I developed a skill that was valuable to Disney and I got a chance to go there and I was part of the Imagineering team and we worked on something called magic carpet ride and it was incredibly cool. However, it took me over fifteen years to do it and lots of lots of tries and what I learnt from that is that the brick walls that are in our way are there for a reason. They are not there to keep us out, they are there to give us a way to show how much we want it.

If you are going to have childhood dreams, I recommend you have good parents. I lucked out I have great parents. This is my mother, on her 70's birthday. I am the blur in the back, I have just been lapped. This is my father on his 80's birthday. There is this notion of have fun all the time. Have a sense of fun and wonder that should never go away.

My dad, what an incredible guy! He fought in world war two. He was clearly part of the greatest generation. Sadly, my dad passed away a little over a year ago. And when my mother was going through his things that was when she discovered that in world war two, he was awarded the bronze star for a valor. In fifty years of marriage, it had just never come up. There is a real lesson in humility that I can learn from my father there.

Now my mother. Mothers are people who love you if when you pull their hair. And this was the kind of relationship I have with my mother. And my mother, speaking of humility, was always there to keep me in check. When I was going through graduate school, I was taking really hard examinations. I was home pretty much complaining and whining about how hard this PHD tests were, and she just patted my arm and said, we know how you feel. Just remember that when your father were your age, he was fighting the Germans in World War Two. And the day came when I got my PHD, I was so proud and

my mother introduce me to everyone as--this is my son, he is a doctor but not the kind that helps people.

Probably the most wonderful thing my parents did was let me paint my bedroom. I said one day I want to paint stuff on the walls and they said OK. So I had a rocket ship and we lived in a ranch so I wanted an elevator.

I wasn't sure where it would go...and yeah, you can tell the nerds early so that was the quadratic equation. But the great thing is that they let me do it. And they felt that letting me express my creativity was more important than the pristine nature of the walls. I was really blessed to have parents who saw it that way. My parents taught me about importance of people versus things. So when I got older, I bought my first car and I was so excited. I had this shiny convertible, these were my nephew and niece Christopher and Laura and every month i take them for a weekend. So my sister and her husband can give a little break. And we go off for adventures. And I was just showing off my new car and my sister explained to Chris and Laura--that is uncle randy's new car, you can't get it dirty …… and they were just cra cking up laughing because over her shoulder i was casually open a can of soda and just emptying it on the back seat and they come running over and my sister said what are you doing? And I said it is a thing, it's just a thing. I am really glad I did that because at the end of the weekend as I was driving them home, little Chris who was about eight at the time, had had the flu and he threw up all over the back seat of my car. And I don't care how much value you get out of owning a nice shiny pristine thing. It's not as good as I felt knowing that I made an eight year old boy not feel guilty just because he had the flu.

Next thing, you better decide early on if you are a tiger or an Eyesore. Tigers are energetic, optimistic. They are curious, they are enthusiastic and they have fun and never ever underestimate the importance of having fun. I am dying soon and I am choosing to have fun today, tomorrow and every other day I have left.

If you want to achieve your dreams, you better work and play well with others and that means you better live with integrity. Simple advice that you will find hard to follow--just tell the truth. Second thing, when you screw up, apologize. There are a lot of bad apologies in America. A good apology has three parts: I am sorry. It was my fault. How do I make it right? Most people skip that third part that is how you can tell sincerity.

The last thing is that we all have people that we don't like, that have done things we don't like. And what I have found is that no one is pure evil. If you wait long enough, they will show you their good side. You can not make them do it in a hurry, but you can be patient.

Show gratitude. When I got tenure as a young faculty member, there are about 15 young kids have been working in my research lab. I took them all down to the Disney world for a week on my nickel. One of my colleague said this must have cost you an arm and a leg. How could you do it? I said these kids just worked day and night for years so that I could get the best job in the world for life. How could I not do it? Gratitude is a very simple thing and it's a very powerful thing.

And lastly, I don't think complaining and whining really solves the problem. This is Jacky Robinson, first black major leaguer, had it in his contract not to complain if people spit on him. Alright, I don't care if you are Jacky Robinson or if you are a guy like me who's only got a couple of months to live, you can choose to take your finite time and energy and effort, and you can spend it complaining or you can spend it playing the game hard which is probably going to be more helpful to you in a long run.

Now I told you this is part of the lecture serials at Carnegie Mellon University and it is important for you to know why I gave this talk. The talk isn't just about how to achieve your childhood dreams. It is much broader than that. It is about how to live your life. Because if you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you. If you live properly, the dreams will come to you. And I think it is great so many people have benefited from this lecture. But the truth of this matter is that I didn't even really give it to the 400 people in the Carnegie Mellon who came...I only wrote this lecture for three people. And when they are older, they will watch it. Thank you.


《难忘的一课》教案 教学目标 1、会认“闽”、“诸”两个生字。 2、通过自读自悟,了解课文主要内容,感受台湾人民热爱祖国的深厚感情和强烈的民族精神。 3、通过联系上下文、品词析句,感受字里行间饱含的民族精神和爱国热情。教学重点: 了解课文主要内容,理解作者的每一次感受。感受台湾人民强烈的民族精神和深厚的爱国情谊。 教学难点: 理解文中每一次出现“我是中国人,我爱中国!”时“我”的感受。 教学过程 一、激情导入,揭示课题 1、师:同学们,从幼儿园到现在,哪一节课给你留下了深刻的印象?这是一节怎样的课? 2、师:是的,或有趣、或开心、或教训、或尴尬,这节课因此让你终身难忘。今天我们也要跟随(作者)去经历一堂难忘的课(边说边板书:难忘的一课) 3、首先请同学们快速浏览教学目标,——这就是今天这堂课我们要达到的目标,同时老师也要送同学们三句话:积极交流、大胆发言、认真倾听。你们能做到吗?能就用你们响亮的声音读出来。 二、初读课文,整体感知 1、请同学们快速阅读课文,思考这篇课文是按什么顺序写的?并说一说故事发生的时间、地点? 2、谁还能说说课文的主要内容呢?为了降低难度,老师准备了一道检测题,请看大屏幕:预习检测(PPT) 1、文章讲了一件什么事?讲述了( 抗日战争胜利)以后,作者在( 台湾)的一所乡村小学,见到一位年轻的台湾教师(认真)教孩子们学习( 祖国文字)的动人情景,以及在( 学校礼堂里)参观中国( 历代伟人像)的深切感受。 2、师:谁能概括一下分别讲了那几件事?这两部分内容在写法上有什么特点呢?(引导生概况小标题:学习祖国文字(详写)参观伟人画像(略写)) 3、师:这堂课的上课内容是什么? 板书:我是中国人,我爱中国。 三、深入阅读.体会情感 师:接下来请同学们看到合作探究 (一)合作探究 1、细读课文,“我是中国人,我爱中国.”这句话,在文章中出现了几次?(3次)用“——”画出。 2、再读,想一想,每一次都是在什么情况下出现的? 3、三读,紧扣关键词想想你从中读出了什么?在旁边做些批注. 4、小组交流、汇报、体会情感. (二)汇报交流 第一次 (1)出现“我是中国人,我爱中国!”是在什么情况下出现的?(是“我”看见一位年轻的台湾教师在教学生学习“我是中国人,我爱中国!”)

最后一课(the last lecture by Randy Pausch)

兰迪·波许(Randy Pausch ),美国Carnegie Mellon大学计算机系教授,因晚期癌症于2008年7月25日去世,享年47岁。 在去世前的10个月,也就是2007年9月18日,他做过一个著名的演说《最后一课》(The Last Lecture),回顾了自己的一生。这篇演说反响极大,数百万人观看了网上的视频,ABC电视网将他选为"2007年度人物"之一,《时代》杂志将他列入了"世界上影响最大的100人",同名书籍至今仍然排在"畅销书(建议类)"的榜首。 1.在演说的第一部分,波许教授说,他童年的梦想是体验失重状态,但是一直无法实现。他当上了教授以后,终于出现了一个机会。 当时,美国宇航局(NASA)组织了一次大学生竞赛,优胜团队将被送到高空,体验25秒失重状态。波许教授指导的参赛队,获得了第一名。但是,NASA告诉他,只有学生才能飞上天空,指导老师不行。 他就急了,要求将身份改为校报的随队记者,因为记者可以一起飞。NASA说:"你这样做,太明目张胆了吧。" 波许教授回应说,我们做个交易吧。我把自己的最新研究成果----"虚拟现实"头盔----带过来,让学生向新闻界当场演示。这一定会让你们的这次活动受到关注,登上各大媒体,获得巨大的新闻效应。 NASA一听,就同意让他飞了。 所以,波许教授的第一个人生经验就是: Have something to bring to the table, because that will make you more welcome. 你必须要有一些真本领,这样可以让你更受欢迎。 2.接着,他又回忆了,他小时候最喜欢打橄榄球。 可是,第一次上橄榄球课,老师却是空着手来的,没有带球。 其他小朋友问:"老师,没有球怎么上课啊?"老师反问:"橄榄球场上一共有几个人?"小朋友们答道:"每队11人,一共22人。"老师又问:"在比赛的任何一个时刻,有几个人可以接触到球?"小朋友们回答:"只有1个人。"老师说:"好的,我们今天就开始学习,那其他21个人要干的事情。" 这件事,波许一直记住了,他的忠告是: You've got to get the fundamentals down because otherwise the fancy stuff isn't going to work. 你必须练好基本功,否则后面的事情都不会发生。 3.整篇演说中,听众们最喜欢的是下面这段话。 ●That was a bit of a setback. 你总会遇到挫折。 ●But remember, the brick walls are there for a reason. 但是记住,它们的出现不是没有原


第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握 第一部分: 1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法 2 专业英语Specialty English 3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering 4 土木工程Civil Engineering 5 地下工程Underground Engineering 6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering 7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering 8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering 9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering 10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 11 交通工程Traffic Engineering 12 港口工程Port Engineering 13 安全性safety 17木结构timber structure 18 砌体结构masonry structure 19 混凝土结构concrete structure 20 钢结构steelstructure 21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure 22 素混凝土plain concrete 23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 24 钢筋rebar 25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete 26 静定结构statically determinate structure 27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构truss structure 29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure 30 近海工程offshore engineering 31 静力学statics 32运动学kinematics 33 动力学dynamics 34 简支梁simply supported beam 35 固定支座fixed bearing 36弹性力学elasticity 37 塑性力学plasticity 38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics 40 土力学soil mechanics 41 水力学hydraulics 42 流体力学fluid mechanics 43 固体力学solid mechanics 44 集中力concentrated force 45 压力pressure 46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure 47 均布压力uniform pressure 48 体力body force 49 重力gravity 50 线荷载line load 51 弯矩bending moment 52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress 54 应变stain 55 正应力normal stress 56 剪应力shearing stress 57 主应力principal stress 58 变形deformation 59 内力internal force 60 偏移量挠度deflection 61 settlement 沉降 62 屈曲失稳buckle 63 轴力axial force 64 允许应力allowable stress 65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis 66 梁beam 67 壳shell 68 板plate 69 桥bridge 70 桩pile 71 主动土压力active earth pressure 72 被动土压力passive earth pressure 73 承载力load-bearing capacity 74 水位water Height 75 位移displacement 76 结构力学structural mechanics 77 材料力学material mechanics 78 经纬仪altometer 79 水准仪level 80 学科discipline 81 子学科sub-discipline 82 期刊journal ,periodical 83文献literature 84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号 85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号 86 卷volume 87 期number 88 专着monograph 89 会议论文集Proceeding 90 学位论文thesis, dissertation 91 专利patent 92 档案档案室archive 93 国际学术会议conference 94 导师advisor 95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis 96 博士研究生doctorate student 97 研究生postgraduate 98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引 99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引 100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引 101 题目title 102 摘要abstract 103 全文full-text 104 参考文献reference 105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation 106 主题词Subject 107 关键字keyword 108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会 109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署


《最后一课》阅读答案 阅读。 《最后一课》(节选) 我一纵身跨过板凳就坐下。我的心稍微平静了一点儿,我才注意到,我们的老师今天穿上了他那件挺漂亮的绿色礼服,打着皱边的领结,戴着那顶绣边的小黑丝帽。这套衣帽,他只在督学来视察或者发奖的日子才穿戴。而且整个教室有一种不平常的严肃的气氛。最使我吃惊的是,后边几排一向空着的板凳上坐着好些镇上的人,他们也跟我们一样肃静。其中有郝叟老头儿,戴着他那顶三角帽,有从前的镇长,从前的邮递员,还有些旁的人。个个看来都很忧愁。郝叟还带着一本书边破了的初级读本,他把书翻开,摊在膝头上,书上横放着他那副大眼镜。 …… 他穿上那套漂亮的礼服,原来是为了纪念这最后一课!现在我明白了,镇上那些老年人为什么来坐在教室里。这好像告诉我,他们也懊悔当初没常到学校里来。他们像是用这种方式来感谢我们老师四十年来忠诚的服务,来表示对就要失去的国土的敬意。 …… 忽然教堂的钟敲了十二下。祈祷的钟声也响了。窗外又传来普鲁士兵的号声——他们已经收操了。韩麦尔先生站起来,脸色惨白,我觉得他从来没有这么高大。 “我的朋友们啊,”他说,“我——我——” 但是他哽住了,他说不下去了。 他转身朝着黑板,拿起一支粉笔,使出全身的力量,写了两个大字: “法兰西万岁!” 然后他呆在那儿,头靠着墙壁,话也不说,只向我们做了一个手势:“放学了——,你们走吧。” 1、老师为什么在最后一课时穿戴礼服?郝叟等人为什么坐在教室里?(用原文句子回答) (1)_____________________________________________________________ (2)_____________________________________________________________ 2、为什么韩麦尔先生听到钟声和号声后“脸色惨白”? _______________________________________________________________ 3、韩麦尔先生使出全身的力量,在黑板上写了“法兰西万岁!”这表现了他怎样的思想感情? _____________________________________________________________________ ____ 4、选文的最后一段用了______、______、_____________描写。 5、选文中有一句话暗示了小说的社会背景,是哪一句话?其作用是什么? 参考答案: 1、(1)老师穿上那套漂亮的礼服,是为了纪念这最后一课。 (2)郝叟等人坐在教室里,是感谢我们老师四十年来忠诚的服务,来表示

最后一课 (2)

7、最后一课 【教学目标】: 1、积累词语,掌握“懊悔、宛转、郝、祈祷、哽”等词语的读音、字形及词义,并学会运用。 2、了解作者都德 3、能从整体上把握课文内容与结构,掌握过渡段的知识。 4、理解课文中小弗郎士的心理描写及其作用。 【教学重难点】:心理描写对人物思想感情的作用。 【小说文体简介】 1. 文学体裁:小说是和诗歌、散文、戏剧并列的文学的基本形式之一。 2. 小说的概念:小说以刻画人物形象为中心,通过完整的故事情节和具体的环境描写来广阔地反映社会生活。 3. 小说的三要素:人物、情节和环境。 4. 故事情节:情节是一系列有组织的生活事件,分为:开端、发展、高潮、结局。 5. 刻画人物的方法:分为外貌描写、语言描写、神态描写、心理描写、行动描写。 6. 环境的种类及作用:自然环境、社会环境。 7. 小说分类:按篇幅长短分:长篇、中篇、短篇、小小说(微型小说)。 【课文背景】 1870年7月爆发的普法战争是法国发动的。法王拿破仑三世为了阻遏普鲁士用武力统一德意志各邦的行动,维护法国在欧洲的霸权,故发动了这场战争。但不到两个月,法军大败。普鲁士军队长驱直入,包围了马黎。法国政府执行卖国政策,同普鲁士签订了屈辱的停战协定,赔款50亿法郎,并把阿尔萨斯和洛林东部地区割让给普鲁士。小说写于1873年,以刚刚结束两年的普法战争为背景,反映了阿尔萨斯沦陷后,当地人民在侵略者强行禁教法国语言时所表现的悲愤情绪和爱国精神。 教学流程: 一、交流展示(预习作业):(二人互查订正朗读掌握) 1.查字典给加粗字注音,或根据拼音写出汉字。(掌握词语的读音、解释) 踱()督学()郝叟()()摊( )懊悔()( ) chéng fá()()钥匙()()磨损()qíd?o ( )( ) 哽()宛转()() 2.下列词语中加粗字注音全都正确的一项是() A.赫叟(hǎo sǒu)诧异(chà)哽住(gěng) B.祈祷(qí)懊悔(ào)挟(jiá) C.惩罚(chěng)板凳(dèng)捂(wǔ) D.紫藤(téng)钥匙(yào shi)赚(zhuàn) 3.解释下列词语 诧异: 懊悔: 哽咽: 宛转: 4.下列各组词语中有错别字的一组是() A.祈祷督学B.思量墙璧 C.惨白阻塞D.戒尺溜冰


米诺特的毛线团 ——对兰迪·昂纳教授的“最后一课”演讲有感 “请记住,砖墙在那里还是有原因的,砖墙不是要挡住我们,砖墙是要给我们机会说明我们有多迫切的想得到。因为砖墙要阻挡那些不诚心的人,那些其他人。”这是我在兰迪教授以“最后一课”为主题的演讲中印象最为深刻的一段话。我极为庆幸自己看完了全程演讲,至少在那段90分钟的演讲后,能够抛开现有的懒惰之心,用清醒而又客观的头脑去考虑,作为一个身体中仍迸发着激情、怀拥梦想的大学生,我们对待梦想本应该有的态度。 使用Minotaur迷宫的例子,兰迪教授的演讲就像是帮助那些年轻的少男少女们的公主,用毛线团引导他们返回正确的道路。我不敢说我从兰迪教授的这次演讲中学到太多的东西,也不敢大发其词,只想浅谈这位已然逝去的人的演讲,给我那如星光般引导。 ·梦想完成的过程真的很迷人。 也不知道什么时候梦想居然成为了单一、只是用来完成的目标。在未知的何人、何时、何地地教导之后,脑子里的概念成为了——“梦想只能是一个!”“只有一个很好完成、很容易完成。”现在想起来,排开把梦想当做任务的这种观念是错误的之外,貌似这样的单一与固执的概念也是可怕。只能让人朝着两个方向去走:一,成为执念纠结

于一身的顽固之人,不懂的变通,只会一心前行。绊倒了只懂得爬起来继续,却不懂得下次要避开那些烦人的障碍。最后变成“一根筋”,失去了原有的灵活;二,终会走向疲倦。一心只求达到,虽然这不是很难。但怎样达到呢?疲于思考,卒于幻想中的压力。得不偿失,最终成为了迷失于梦想的Minotaur的迷宫中,跌跌撞撞,最终被你心中的牛头怪吃掉。兰迪教授的演讲中,他的梦想不是唯一的、是活灵活现的、是可变通的,是让他愉悦的。这让我很是羡慕。他认为那些梦想,对于他来说如果是能达到的,放弃一些东西都是可以的。像是他为了体验零重力,而辞去了他导师的职位,变身为当地的地方网络记者。在旁人看来,他们肯定会说,“兰迪!why?!”可是对于走在梦想路上的人来说一切都是值得的。其实换位去想,都是不太会放弃自己的工作而去体验一把零重力。“为什么呀?为什么要放弃了工作只为一个小小的体验。有钱了再去不就好??”可也许真的味道就不一样了。就像是你寻觅着一股香甜的味道,慢慢找到面包店并进去品尝,那是一种莫名的满足感和幸福感,过程中你充满着想要的欲望。当然,也许你会遇到水沟、遇到流浪狗、遇到暴躁的妇人对你大吼大叫,但是,你有那种欲望想要去前进、去得到,并且想要享受最后美味带给你的幸福感。这跟你定了外卖直接拿到手上的感觉是不一样的。得到的过程也许比单调的目标更要棒。 ·形状有什么关系呢?愉悦到你了不是么? 或许梦想有时会偏离了我们原本想要的样子。我们会狂躁、会难

土木工程 专业词汇大全中英对照

土木工程专业外语词汇大全中英翻译 1. 综合类 大地工程geotechnical engineering 反分析法back analysis method 基础工程foundation engineering 临界状态土力学critical state soil mechanics 数值岩土力学numerical geomechanics 土soil, earth 土动力学soil dynamics 土力学soil mechanics 岩土工程geotechnical engineering 应力路径stress path 应力路径法stress path method 2. 工程地质及勘察 变质岩metamorphic rock 标准冻深standard frost penetration 冰川沉积glacial deposit 冰积层(台)glacial deposit 残积土eluvial soil, residual soil 层理beding 长石feldspar 沉积岩sedimentary rock 承压水confined water 次生矿物secondary mineral 地质年代geological age 地质图geological map 地下水groundwater 断层fault 断裂构造fracture structure 工程地质勘察engineering geological exploration 海积层(台)marine deposit 海相沉积marine deposit 花岗岩granite 滑坡landslide 化石fossil 化学沉积岩chemical sedimentary rock 阶地terrace 节理joint 解理cleavage 喀斯特karst 矿物硬度hardness of minerals 砾岩conglomerate


阅读《最后一课》(节选)。 我一纵身跨过板凳就坐下。我的心稍微平静了一点儿,我才注意到,我们的老师今天穿上了他那件挺漂亮的绿色礼服,打着皱边的领结,戴着那顶绣边的小黑丝帽。这套衣帽,他只在督学来视察或者发奖的日子才穿戴。而且整个教室有一种不平常的严肃的气氛。最使我吃惊的是,后边几排一向空着的板凳上坐着好些镇上的人,他们也跟我们一样肃静。其中有郝叟老头儿,戴着他那顶三角帽,有从前的镇长,从前的邮递员,还有些旁的人。个个看来都很忧愁。郝叟还带着一本书边破了的初级读本,他把书翻开,摊在膝头上,书上横放着他那副大眼镜。 …… 他穿上那套漂亮的礼服,原来是为了纪念这最后一课!现在我明白了,镇上那些老年人为什么来坐在教室里。这好像告诉我,他们也懊悔当初没常到学校里来。他们像是用这种方式来感谢我们老师四十年来忠诚的服务,来表示对就要失去的国土的敬意。 …… 忽然教堂的钟敲了十二下。祈祷的钟声也响了。窗外又传来普鲁士兵的号声——他们已经收操了。韩麦尔先生站起来,脸色惨白,我觉得他从来没有这么高大。 “我的朋友们啊,”他说,“我——我——” 但是他哽住了,他说不下去了。 他转身朝着黑板,拿起一支粉笔,使出全身的力量,写了两个大字:“法兰西万岁!” 然后他呆在那儿,头靠着墙壁,话也不说,只向我们做了一个手势:“放学了——,你们走吧。” 1、老师为什么在最后一课时穿戴礼服?郝叟等人为什么坐在教室里?(用原文句子回答)________________________________________________________2、选文的第二段加粗的“这种方式”指什么? ________________________________________________________ 3、为什么韩麦尔先生听到钟声和号声后“脸色惨白”?________________________________________________________4、韩麦尔先生使出全身的力量,在黑板上写了“法兰西万岁!”这表现了他怎样的思想感情?________________________________________________________ 5、选文的最后一段用了_____ 、______描写。参考答案:1、⑴老师穿上那套漂亮的礼服,是为了纪念这最后一课。 ⑵郝叟等人坐在教室里,是感谢我们老师四十年来忠诚的服务,来表示对就要失去的国土的敬意。 2、坐在教室里上最后一堂法语课。 3、钟声和号声宣告了最后一课的结束,宣告了阿尔萨斯从此将被普鲁士占领,对于一位爱国之士来说,韩麦尔先生感到内心悲痛,精神受到沉重打击。(意思对即可) 4、这是韩麦尔先生对祖国必胜信念的体现,也是法国人民爱国主义精神和不屈意志的集中体现。5、神态动作。(意思对即可)

都德的《最后一课》(The Last Class) 英文译本

都德的《最后一课》相信大家都在课本上读过,故事借亚尔萨斯省一个小孩小弗朗士的 自述,具体地描写一所小学所上的最后一堂法文课。作家回避了普法战争的正面战场,而把 笔墨转向一幅极为平常的生活画面:小学生迟到,老师讲课、提问,习字,拼音练习,下课……描写极为冷静、客观、朴素,却极具感染力。我们就用这部名篇的英文译本来体会一下: I WAS very late for school that morning and I was terribly afraid of being scolded[责骂] especially as Monsieur[法语:先生] Hamel had told us that he should examine us on participles[分词] and I did not know the first thing about them. For a moment I thought of staying away from school and wandering about the fields. It was such a warm lovely day. I could hear the blackbirds whistling on the edge of the wood and in the Rippert field behind the sawmill[锯木厂] the Prussians going through their drill. All that was much more tempting to me than the rules concerning participles; but I had the strength to resist and I ran as fast as I could to school. 那天早晨,我去上学,去得非常晚,我好害怕被责骂,特别是,阿麦尔先生跟我们说过,他要考一考分词规则,而我连头一个字都不会。这时,在我的头脑里冒出了逃学、去田野跑 一跑的念头。天气是那么暖和,那么晴朗!我听见乌鸦在小树林边鸣叫,普鲁士人正在锯木 厂后面的里贝尔草地上操练。所有这一切都比分词规则更吸引我,但我还是顶住了**,加快 脚步向学校方向跑去。 As I passed the mayor’s office I s aw that there were people gathered about the little board on which notices were posted. For two years all our bad news had come from that board—battles lost conscxxxxriptions[征兵] orders from headquarters; and I thought without stopping: “What can it be now?” 从村政府门前经过的时候,我看见许多人站在小布告栏前。这两年来,所有的坏消息, 诸如吃败仗啦,征兵征物啦,还有普鲁士占领军司令部发布的命令啦,都是从那里来的。我 边跑边想:“又有什么事吗?” Then as I ran across the square Wachter the blacksmith who stood there with his apprentice[学徒] reading the placard[布告] called out to me: “Don’t hurry so my boy; you’ll get to your school soon enough!” I thought that he was making fun of me and I ran into Monsieur Hamel’s little yard all out of breath. 当我跑着穿过广场的时候,正在布告栏前和徒弟一起看布告的瓦克特尔铁匠朝我高喊:“小家伙,不用赶得那么急;你去得再晚也不会迟到的!”我以为他在跟我开玩笑,便上气不接下气地跑进阿麦尔先生的小教室。 Usually at the beginning of school there was a great uproar[喧嚣] which could be heard in the street desks opening and closing lessons repeated aloud in unison[一致] with our ears stuffed in order to learn quicker and the teacher’s stout ruler beating on the desk: “A little more quiet!” 往常,开始上课的时候,总是一片乱哄哄的嘈杂声,斜面课桌的开关声,同学们一起捂 住耳朵高声背诵课文的声音,街上都听得见。先生的大戒尺敲打着课桌:“安静一点!” I counted on all this noise to reach my bench unnoticed; but as it happened that day everything was quiet like a Sunday morning. Through the open window I saw my comrades already in their places and Monsieur Hamel walking back and forth[向前] with the terrible iron ruler under his arm. I had no open the door and enter in the midst of that perfect silence. You can imagine whether I blushed[羞愧] and whether I was afraid! 我打算趁这片嘈杂声,偷偷地溜到我的座位上去。可是,这一天不同于往常,一切都很 安静,就像是星期天的早晨。透过敞开的窗户,我看见同学们已经整整齐齐地坐在他们的座


土力学词汇英汉对照 编写人:邵俐 审核人:刘松玉、张克恭 东南大学交通学院 二00五年三月

A absorbed water 吸着水 accumulation sedimentation method 累积沉淀法 active earth pressure主动土压力E a activity index 活性指数A adamic earth,red soil 红粘土 additional stress(pressure)of subsoil 地基附加应力(压力)σ z adverse geologic phenomena 不良地质现象aeolian soils 风积土 aeolotropic soil 各向异性土 air dried soils 风干土 allowable subsoil bearing capacity 地基容许承载力[σ0] allowable settlement 容许沉降 alluvial soil 冲积土 angle between failure plane and major principal plane破坏面与大主平面的夹角 angle of internal,external (wall) friction 内摩擦角?、外(墙背)摩擦角 angular gravel,angular pebble 角砾anisotropic soil 各向异性土 aquifer 含水层 aquifuge,impermeabler layer 不透水层 area of foundation base 基础底面面积A artesian water head 承压水头 artificial fills 人工填土 artificial foundation 人工地基 Atterberg Limits 阿太堡界限 attitude 产状 average consolidation pressure 平均固结压力 σ average heaving ratio of frozen soil layer 冻土层的平均冻胀率η average pressure ,additional pressure of foundation base 基底平均压力、平均附加压力p、p0B base tilt factor of foundation 基础倾斜系数b c、b q、bγ base tilt factors基底倾斜系数b c、b q、bγ bearing capacity 承载力 bearing capacity factors 承载力系数N c,、N q,、Nγ [California]Bearing Ratio [CBR] 承载比 bearing stratum 持力层 bedrock,original rock 基岩 beginning hydraulic gradient 起始水力梯度(坡降)i o Biot consolidation theory 比奥固结理论 Bishop’s slice method 比肖普条分法 bound water 结合水(束缚水) boulder 漂石 Boussinesq theory 布辛奈斯克理论 bridge 桥梁 bridge pier 桥墩 broken stone,crushed stone 碎石 bulk modulus 体积模量 buried depth of foundation 基础埋置深度d buoyant density 浮密度ρ' buoyant gravity density(unit weight) 浮重度(容重)γ’ C California Bearing Ratio(CBR)加州承载比 capillary rise 毛细水上升高度 capillary water 毛细(管)水 categorization of geotechnical projects 岩土工程分级 cementation 胶结作用 central load 中心荷载(轴心荷载) characteristic value of subsoil bearing capacity 地基承载力特征值f ak chemical grouting 化学灌浆 circular footing圆形基础 clay 粘土 clay content 粘粒含量 clay minerals 粘土矿物


最后一课阅读答案,《最后一课》阅读题及答案 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 最后一课阅读答案,《最后一课》阅读题及答案最后一课阅读题及答案(一)(一)阅读“接着,韩麦尔先生从这一件事谈到那一件事······他们该不会强迫这些鸽子也用德国话唱歌吧”答题1、“这可怜人好像恨不得把自己知道的东西在他离开之前全教给我们,一下子塞进我们的脑子里去”这句话的意思是什么?“可怜”一词的含义是什么?2、把字帖想象成国旗表达了什么感情?反复将“法兰西”和“阿尔萨斯”连在一起出现有什么含义?3、赏析划线句“只要牢牢记住他们的语言,就好像拿着一把打开监狱大门的钥匙”。答案:1、表现了喊麦尔老师对祖国语言的热爱和对最后一节法语课的珍视,也表现了小弗朗士同情老师最后一课的良苦用心。“可怜”一词表现了“我”对老师的理解和同情。爱国之情;法兰西是祖国,阿尔萨斯是家乡,阿尔萨斯永远属于祖国,热爱法语就是热爱祖国和家乡。这句话运用比喻修辞手法,将语言比作钥匙,形象的告诉人们这样一个道理:只要牢记本民族的语言,就能团结人民,激发他们的爱国热情,赶走入侵者,求得民族的解放。(二)阅读“忽然教堂的钟声敲了十二下···散学了—你们走吧”答题1、选段开头写教堂的钟声、祈祷的钟声和普鲁士兵的号声,有什么作用?2、文中“我觉得他从来没这么高大”的含义是什



部编版七年级下册语文第6课《最后一课》课文原文、知识点及教案. 部编版七年级下册语文第6课《最后一课》课文原文 天气那么暖和,那么晴朗! 画眉在树林边宛转地唱歌;锯木厂后边草地上,普鲁士兵正在操练。这些景象,比分词用法有趣多了;可是我还能管住自己,急忙向学校跑去。 我走过镇公所的时候,看见许多人站在布告牌前边。最近两年来,我们的一切坏消息都是从那里传出来的:败仗啦,征发啦,司令部的各种命令啦我也不停步,只在心里思量:“又出了什么事啦?” 铁匠华希特带着他的徒弟也挤在那里看布告,他看见我在广场上跑过,就向我喊:“用不着那么快呀,孩子,你反正是来得及赶到学校的!” 我想他在拿我开玩笑,就上气不接下气地赶到韩麦尔先生的小院子里。 平常日子,学校开始上课的时候,总有一阵喧闹,就是在街上也能听到。开课桌啦,关课桌啦,大家怕吵捂着耳朵大声背书啦……还有老师拿着大铁戒尺在桌子上紧敲着,“静一点,静一点……” 我本来打算趁那一阵喧闹偷偷地溜到我的座位上去;可是那一天,一切偏安安静静的,跟星期日的早晨一样。我从开着的窗子望进去,看见同学们都在自己的座位上了;韩麦尔先生呢,踱来踱去,胳膊底下夹着那怕人的铁戒尺。我只好推开门,当着大家的面走进静悄悄的教室。你们可以想像,我那时脸多么红,心多么慌! 可是一点儿也没有什么。韩麦尔先生见了我,很温和地说:“快坐好,

小弗郎士,我们就要开始上课,不等你了。” 我一纵身跨过板凳就坐下。我的心稍微平静了一点儿,我才注意到,我们的老师今天穿上了他那件挺漂亮的绿色礼服,打着皱边的领结,戴着那顶绣边的小黑丝帽。这套衣帽,他只在督学来视察或者发奖的日子才穿戴。而且整个教室有一种不平常的严肃的气氛。最使我吃惊的是,后边几排一向空着的板凳上坐着好些镇上的人,他们也跟我们一样肃静。其中有郝叟老头儿,戴着他那顶三角帽,有从前的镇长,从前的邮递员,还有些旁的人。个个看来都很忧愁。郝叟还带着一本书边破了的初级读本,他把书翻开,摊在膝头上,书上横放着他那副大眼镜。 我看见这些情形,正在诧异,韩麦尔先生已经坐上椅子,像刚才对我说话那样,又柔和又严肃地对我们说:“我的孩子们,这是我最后一次给你们上课了。柏林已经来了命令,阿尔萨斯和洛林的学校只许教德语了。新老师明天就到。今天是你们最后一堂法语课,我希望你们多多用心学习。” 我听了这几句话,心里万分难过。啊,那些坏家伙,他们贴在镇公所布告牌上的,原来就是这么一回事! 我的最后一堂法语课! 我几乎还不会作文呢!我再也不能学法语了!难道这样就算了吗?我从前没好好学习,旷了课去找鸟窝,到萨尔河上去溜冰……想起这些,我多么懊悔!我这些课本,语法啦,历史啦,刚才我还觉得那么讨厌,带着又那么沉重,现在都好像是我的老朋友,舍不得跟它们分手了。还有韩麦尔先生也一样。他就要离开了,我再也不能看见他了!想起这些,我忘了他给我的惩罚,忘了我挨的戒尺。


时间管理四象限法 篇一:时间管理四象限(含图) 时间管理四象限时间,是人类最珍贵的资源,每个人每天只有24小时,而且还要吃饭睡觉,因此实际有效时间不超过14小时,如何可以利用好时间就成为一个恒久的话题。下面收集整理了一些关于新的时间管理理念"四象限"方法的资料: 传统的时间管理观念是以事件的紧急程序来划分事件的优先级,只要是"紧急" 的事情,就要先处理,因此就会出现一种怪现象,管理者每天都忙于处理那些"急事",天天在到处救火,一面忙得焦头烂额,但一面却因为忙而觉得很有成就感,难道这种单纯的、不分轻重的忙是越多越好?这种"忙"越多就表示收获的结果越多?答案是否定的。紧急的事件有很多种,有重要的和不重要的,有能带来创造价值的和不能的,还有可做的和可不做的,如果你都在忙一些不重要的、不能带来价值事件,那你就算一天忙个24小时,也会颗粒无收,因此,力应该用在关节眼上。 "四象限"法是美国的管理学家科维提出的一个时间管理的理论,把工作按照重要和紧急两个不同的程度进行了划分,分为四个"象限":既紧急又重要(如客户投诉、即将到期的任务、财务危机等)、重要但不紧急(如建立人际关系、人员培训、制订防范措施等)、紧急但不重要(如电话铃声、不速之客、部门会议等)、既不紧急也不重要(如上网、闲谈、邮件、写博客等)。

按处理顺序划分:先是既紧急又重要的,接着是重要但不紧急的,再到紧急但不重要的,最后才是既不紧急也不重要的。"四象限"法的关键在于第二和第三类的顺序问题,必须非常小心区分。另外,也要注意划分好第一和第三类事,都是紧急的,分别就在于前者能带来价值,实现某种重要目标,而后者不能。 以下是四个象限的具体说明: 1、第一象限是重要又急迫的事。 举例:诸如应付难缠的客户、准时完成工作、住院开刀等等。 这是考验我们的经验、判断力的时刻,也是可以用心耕耘的园地。如果荒废了,我们很会可能变成行尸走肉。但我们也不能忘记,很多重要的事都是因为一拖再拖或事前准备不足,而变成迫在眉睫。 该象限的本质是缺乏有效的工作计划导致本处于"重要但不紧急"第二象限的事情转变过来的,这也是传统思维状态下的管理者的通常状况,就是"忙"。 2、第二象限是重要但不紧急的事。 案例:主要是与生活品质有关,包括长期的规划、问题的发掘与预防、参加培训、向上级提出问题处理的建议等等事项。 荒废这个领域将使第一象限日益扩大,使我们陷入更大的压力,在危机中疲于应付。反之,多投入一些时间在这个领域有利于提高实践能力,缩小第一象限的范围。做好事先的规划、准备与预防措施,很多急事将无从产生。这个领域的事情不会对我们造成催促力量,所


Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams Given at Carnegie Mellon University Tuesday, September 18, 2007 McConomy Auditorium For more information, see https://www.360docs.net/doc/e41662285.html, ? Copyright Randy Pausch, 20071 Note that this transcript is provided as a public service but may contain transcription errors. This translation was done by Lichao Chen (chenlc03@https://www.360docs.net/doc/e41662285.html,); I don’t read Chinese, so I cannot verify it. – Randy This translation is far from perfect and I presented it in the sprit of old Chinese saying ‘throwing a brick to attract jade.’ Any comments, suggestions and corrections are highly appreciated. Lichao 译文可能有诸多不当,疏漏之处。但抛砖引玉, 望读者不悋指正。 兰迪.波许的最后讲座:真正实现你童年的梦想 2007年9月18日,星期二, 于卡内基.梅隆大学 Introduction by Indira Nair, Carnegie Mellon’s Vice Provost for Education: 卡内基.梅隆大学副教务长英迪拉.内尔 Hi. Welcome. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to the first of our new university’s lectures titled Journeys – lectures in which members of our community will share with us reflections and insights on their personal and professional journeys. Today’s Journey’s lecture as you all know is by Professor Randy Pausch. The next one is on Monday, September 24th by Professor Roberta Klatzky. 嗨。欢迎大家。我很高兴向大家介绍我们大学的题为旅途的新系列讲座的首场演讲- 这些演讲是我们的社团成员与我们一起分享他们对个人和专业旅途的思考和洞察。今天旅途演讲的主讲人,你们都知道,是兰迪.波许教授。下一个是9月24日,星期一,罗伯塔.克莱兹基教授。 1 This is temporary; we will be doing a creative commons license or some such; for now, please consider this footnote your permission to use this transcript for any personal or non-commercial purposes. -- Randy
