

Distinguished leaders, dear teachers and students,

Good afternoon!

A:With a good vision and dreams,we are looking forward to new brilliance.

B:Carrying the hope for the future, we meet the new challenges.

C:Vigor is the essence of our middle school students. D:An unyielding is our unremitting pursuit.

A:Once upon a time, we study till the midnight for the brilliant tomorrow.

B:Once upon a time, we also didn't sleep for our pursuit. C: Yesterday's glory will be sent by wind in autumn. Let us remember the bright life.

D:The winter welcomes a brand new life. We will look forward to the beauty of the unknown.

A:Our life describes the most gorgeous color. Each a youth are translated in a wonderful way.

B:We write the most beautiful melodies of life. Every song praises the youth.

C:Let's start from here, the beginning of spiritual journey. D:Let's take off from here. Never give up our dreams. A: Now, please allow me to declare: the official start of

the First “English carnival”in Tangxia Shuilin Middle School.

B:First, please let me introduce the leaders and teachers. C:Now, please welcome to the leaders and teachers with warm applause.

D:Here, let's welcome the headmaster delivers the speech.

A:Thank the leadership for showing hospitality expectations and best wishes.

B:Now, let’s enjoy the song The show by Teacher Yufen. D:So beautiful voice. Right? Next, please enjoy a drama Snow White performed by Niu Sunyi from Class 808. Tutor: Yang Liuhong.

A、B:I believe that the drama Snow White performed by students from class 808 must remind of so many good memories in our childhood. Next, please enjoy the dubbing Do you want to build a snow man performed by Liu Sangni from Class 801. Tutor: Quan Yinling.

C、D: Wow, fantastic! The dubbing brings us to the holy temple of music. Now please enjoy the song Big big world performed by Yang Wangwang and Li Siming from 708. Tutor: Wang Xinchao.

A、B:I think the song is brilliant. Do you want to continue the music festival? Next, let’s enjoy the Speech Grateful Heart by Penglu and Huang Yingdi from 701. Tutor: Zhengna.

C、D: The speech Grateful Heart touches so many persons’heart. Thank parents for giving us lives, thank teachers for giving us wisdom, thank friends for their company. Next, let’s enjoy the song A little love performed by Long Jiayi from 707. Tutor: Li Meilin.

A、B:The world of tomorrow will be beautiful if everyone of us just offers a little bit of love. So let’s give out our helping hands to help more people. Now, let’s enjoy the song Stay here forever performed by He Ziyan and Yang Xiaotao from 809.Tutor: Luo Minling.

C、D:After listening to the wonderful music, we can feel the charm of English song. Next, let’s enjoy the drama The cat and the dog performed by Hou Yi and other students from 811. Tutor: Wei Xuan.

A、B:Do you think the performance is wonderful? Cats and dogs can live in harmony. Next, let’s enjoy the drama Mirror, Mirror performed by Li Zhenxiang, Yang Jingru and so on from 702. Tutor: Zhengna.

C、D:Exactly, life is like a mirror, so we need to be gentlemen and ladies. Next, let’s enjoy panto-mime Little red cap performed by Dream girls and boys from 704. Tutor: Deng Fangli.

A、B: The panto-mime brings us to the fairy tale world,let us remind of unforgettable childhood. Do you have wonderful friendship? Next, let’e enjoy another panto-mime Forever Friend performed by Kong Xinjing, Chen Meifang and so on from 714.Tutor: Liu Chenghui.

C、D:Only true friends could company with you forever.Next, let’s enjoy the chorus Firefly performed by Wang Chunyu, Xu Lingling and so on from 810. Tutor: Luo Minling.

A、B:The song Firefly touches us and their performance gives us a big surprise. Next, let’s enjoy the dance called Not only a dance by ???? from 802. Tutor: Quan Yinling.

C、D: The dance is very beautiful. Now let’s enjoy the song called Lemon tree by Li Hongdou, Ruan Zhenxing and so on from 906.Tutor: Yufen.

A、B:The song Lemon tree is so beautiful and attracts three little pigs.Next, let’s enjoy the show Three little

pigs performed by Lu Mingzi and so on from 706.Tutor: Zhang Liping.

C、D:Three little pigs are so cute.Next, let’s enjoy the show Cinderella by Ye Jingjing and so on from 706. Tutor:Li Meilin.

A、B: The fairy tale world is beautiful. Last, let’s enjoy the chorus Hey Jude performed by Zhu Wenli, Li Wanyu and so on. Tutor: Zeng Bingrong. Let’s welcome.

C、D:Thank you for your outstanding performance.Next,let’s enter the Award Ceremony.

A、B:Who will get the excellent Awards?They are……….Let’s welcome……to present the awards to the recipients.

C、D:Then allow me to announce the third prize winners.They are…….Congratulations!

Let’s invite……to deliver the awards to the recipients. Now let me announce the second prize winners,they are…….

Now,The most exciting time comes now.Let’s hold the breathe,the first prize winners are…….Congratulations!

A、B:Next. Let’s invite the best teachers to come to the stage.They are…….Let’s welcome……to present the

awards to them.


A:Unforgettable time always is too short.

B:Thank all the audiences-----leaders, teachers and dear students, it is you that share the meaningful time.

A、B:The First “English carnival”in Tangxia Shuilin Middle School has a perfect ending.

B:Now, all the performers please come to the stage to take photos.

国际会议主持词 英语口语

Ladies and Gentlemen: Good afternoon Welcome to Nanjing! Welcome to Southeast University! I’m going to be the host of this management forum. Please allow me to extend our warmest congratulations to the conference and the most cordial welcome to you. Thank you very much for your attention.Management forum is devoted to expanding academic communication, promoting mutual understanding and following the advanced studies. This time, the forum will focus on frontier international management. It includes the frontier trend and the application of new theory. Now, let’s clap our hands and welcome the chairman of the conference to have an welcome speech. Thank you! It’s really a heart-warming speech. Well, ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce our speaker today, Professor Cui, and it’s a great pleasure for me to introduce her to us all. She comes from Harvard Business College and devoted to the study about frontier management. The topic of her speech is”Current Management Trends and Issues”. Please join me in welcoming our guest speaker, Cui. The next speaker is Professor Wang. Since 1992, he has published nearly 20 papers, of which more than 5 were included in Journal of Management. At present, he is also the regular member of Society of Business Administration, which is the most authoritative international organization in this field. Please join me in welcoming professor Wang, whose topic is”leadership”. Thanks for two professors’ excellent reports. Do you have any questions? I hope you will participate in the discussion by raising your hands. Thanks two professors again for their excellent explanation. And thanks all of you for your attention and your time. I appreciate it very much. But now, I’m sorry to say that this conference will have to stop here. We will invite the next conference organizer to give an speech.

小学英语文化节 最新版主持稿 中英文

嘉绿苑小学英语文化节主持稿 Good morning, everyone. The 17th week is coming. It will be a special week, because we will welcome our English Festival of Jia Lvyuan Primary School. 第十七周来临了,这是特殊的一周,因为我们迎来了嘉绿苑小学英语节。 Now it is the time that we show our talents, report our learning results and also the time of carnival. 现在就是我们展示才华的时刻,汇报成绩的时刻,也是我们共同欢乐的时刻。 Today, let us feel the happiness of learning English. 今天,让我们一起感受英语学习的快乐! First of all,let’s welcome Mrs. Ye, the headmaster to express her wishes! Welcome!现在请大家以热烈的掌声,欢迎我们叶校长讲话。(校长讲话) Now, let’s welcome Mr. Zhu to express his wishes.掌声有请朱校长讲话! Then, let’s welcome Mrs. Wang to express her wishes! 有请王老师讲话。 Yes, indeed. English as an important tool, it brings us to the world and helps us to enjoy the charming of different cultures. 的确,英语作为一项非常重要的工具,它能带领我们走向世界,帮助我们领略世界各种不同文化的魅力! Now, I announce: the English Festival of Jia Lvyuan Primary School begins now. 嘉绿苑小学英语节开幕! Let’s enjoy the wonderful show! First,let’s welcome five girls from Grade six, Class two to sing Do Rei Mi for us! welcome! 大家掌声欢迎来自六二班的同学带来歌曲Do Rei Mi。 How beautiful! 多么优美的歌声! Look, Poor George is coming. Let’s welcome three students from Grade Six , Class one and three to tell a story for us. Poor George. 看,可怜的乔治来了,欢迎六一班的同学带来的故事可怜的乔治。


关于英语文艺演出主持稿 亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家下午好! 1:跨越时间的门槛,我们送走了硕果累累的20xx年, 2:伴随温暖的阳光,我们即将迎来充满希望的20xx年。 1:回首过去,我们热情洋溢, 2:展望未来,我们斗志昂扬。 合:在这辞旧迎新的日子里,让我们承载希望,放飞梦想! 1:今天,我们相聚在一起,尽情地载歌载舞,释放童年的活力, 2:今天,我们相聚在一起,用心地感受真情,享受美好时光。 合:**英语寒假补习班文艺汇演现在开始! 1;首先由我为大家介绍今天到场的老师,他们是:**英语学校校长安老师,**英语学校老师,**英语学校老师,**英语学校老师,以及所有到场的家长和各位同学。 2:让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎各位的到来 1:在演出开始之前,先请我们的安老师为我们的**英语补习班文艺演出致辞,大家掌声欢迎。 2:青春童年就是一个大舞台,这里有的是美丽,这里有的是纯真,童年的歌曲已经响起,朋友们,还在等什么,一起唱起来,唱出童年的旋律。下面请欣赏由李老师班带来的歌曲little star。请【小品金钱能买到什么?】做准备。 1:听完好听的歌,让我们来欣赏一段精彩的表演。 有请李老师班带来的小品请话剧【守门员大比拼】做好准备。

1:六年级的哥哥姐姐果然不同凡响,表演得非常精彩。 2:童年如歌,快乐如风。如歌的童年飞扬着少年的豪情,如风的快乐洋溢着学子的憧憬。下面由侯老师班3 ,4年级的同学们为大家倾情奉献歌曲,和杨雅琪带来的精彩表演【爸爸去哪儿了】。请话剧【闹鬼】做好准备。 1:感谢这群可爱的小朋友和雅琪带来的精彩表演,再次把掌声送给他们。下面是李老师班带来话剧【闹鬼】,请欣赏。请话剧【特尖班】做好准备。 2:鬼也闹完了,下面有钱请谭老师班带来的的话剧【特尖班】。请歌曲串烧做好准备。 1:话剧闹完了,接下来请继续欣赏由谭老师班带来的歌曲串烧。掌声有请。 1:同学们歌也唱了,话剧也演了,接下来该到什么?对了,玩游戏!首先请安老师为大家宣布游戏规则。 2:游戏到这就结束了,同学们想不想看老师们表演呀?【想】好好好,就满足你们。首先有请安老师为我们先唱一首好不好?掌声在哪里? 2:有请为我们唱一首。大家掌声再激烈一点,不激烈就就不唱咯。 1:谢**英语学校的老师们为我们带来的精彩表演,12的生活,个学生,这就是**英语寒假补习班一家人的生活,相互照顾,相互关爱。请允许我代表所有的同学向老师们说一声:谢谢老师,你们辛苦了。没有你们的付出就没有我们脸上纯真的微笑,和现在的收获。下面就请出所有的老师上台来同我们唱响今天的最后一首歌【同一首歌】。全部同学请起立,让我们一起唱响今天的【同一首歌。】 【侯领】鲜花曾告诉我你怎样走过 大地知道你心中的每一个角落

希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿》☆初赛演讲稿汇总 (2)

《希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿》☆初赛演讲稿 第1篇: My Dreams Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Today,my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it . I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there’s an old saying “where there is a will,there is a way 《希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿》☆初中比赛演讲稿 第2篇: I Love English Ladies and Gentlemen ,


国际会议英语口语100句 一、开幕式中,宣布开幕、欢迎词及贺词。 (1) Mr President of the Congress, President A and distinguished guests: 尊敬的大会的主席先生,会长A和贵宾们。 (2) Dr. (Professor) A, Dr. (Professor) B, ladies and gentlemen. A博士(教授)、B博士(教授),女士们,先生们。 (3) Mr. Chairman, fellow delegates, friends. 主席先生、同仁们、朋友们。 2 宣布开会。 (4) I am very pleased and honored to declare···(the conference)open. 我很高兴和荣幸地宣布···开幕。 3 来宾在开幕式上致辞。 (5) I am greatly honored to give the opening address/speech at this ···(3rd ) International Congress of ABC here in Beijing 我深感荣幸在北京举办的第···次ABC国际大会上致开幕词。 4 主办单位对参会者致欢迎词。 (6) On behalf of the ABC society, I am delighted to welcome all of you to the ···(1st) International Symposium of XYZ. 我很高兴代表ABC学会欢迎你们所有的人来参加第···届XYZ国际学术会议。 (7)You have come all the way for this conference. Thank you very much for your attention/participation. 你们远道而来参加会议。谢谢你们出席会议(参加会议)。 5 参加者对主办单位表示赞赏。 (8)Thank you for your invitation and warm hospitality. 谢谢你们的邀请和盛情款待。 6 介绍会议的背景。 (9)The history of this gathering/conference goes back to September 1982, when it first became apparent to us that developments in the field of ABC had become so important that a conference seemed mandatory. 此次会议的历史可追溯到1982年9月,当时ABC领域的发展已变得如此重要,组织一次会议显然是必要的。 7 介绍会议的目的和期望。 (10)The goals of this Conference are threefold. First, it should provide a forum for the exchange of information between participants in this interdisciplinary meeting. Second, it should provide an opportunity to establish and renew personal relationships between participants, and finally, it should stimulate the interest and ambition of participants from all over the world to cooperate in their efforts. 这个会议的目标有三重。第一,它必须为参会者在这个属于交叉学科的会议上提供信息交流


凌:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾。 柳:Respected leaders and honorable guests 月:敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们。 森:Dear teachers and schoolmates 合:大家下午好!Good afternoon! * 凌:在这充满生机和活力的春天里,我们迎来了北师大附校的第()届英语节。 柳:In this warm and vigorous season of spring, we are here to celebrate the 10th English Culture Festival of our school 月:为了营造浓郁的英语文化氛围,学校为同学们提供了一个学习英语的机会,搭建了一个展示英语的舞台。 森:In order to create a rich English cultural atmosphere, provide students with an opportunity to learn English, and set up a stage for you to show your English, we gather her to have this party. — 凌:在本次英语节,我们看见了同学们忙碌的身影,他们为了自己的班级为了自己的梦想,付出了辛勤的汗水 柳:In the process of preparing for this party, we witnessed all your efforts to fulfill the dreams and glory of your classes. 月:今天,他们即将在这个舞台上为我们呈现一场精彩的表演。森:Today, they are going to present you a wonderful performance .


英语辩论赛主持人串词 A:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. B:Welcome to our English Debate Competition 合:We are honored to be the chairman for today's debating contest. A:I am Chen Fuquan. B:I am Zhai Wanyin. A:At first, let’s welcome our judges. Miss Zhong and Miss Sun. B:And also, let’s welcome our debaters from both sides come to this stage.We have 3 groups of tonight. A:I believe most of you want to know these debaters just as I do. So every debater, could you introduce yourself to the audience? Let’s start with debater number 1 from the affirmative side. (从正方一辩开始分别进行自我介绍,直到正方四辩自我介绍结束。) B:Now it is time for the negative side to introduce yourselves. (从反方一辩开始分别进行自我介绍,直到反方四辩自我介绍结束。) I think all of you have known the topic for this debate contest. (宣布辩题及相关背景材料, 介绍正反双方所持观点。) Now, I would like to introduce the rules for this debate contest. In order to ensure objectivity and impartiality, interrupting is not allowed. No controversial topics. Direct attacks are also prohibited. 现在,我想向大家介绍本次辩论大赛的规则。为了确保客观性和公正性,中断是不允许的。没有争议的话题。也禁止直接攻击。 A:We can see every debater of both sides is very confident; we are looking forward for your wonderful performance and hope you can give us an excellent debate contest. Score will be given according to your pronunciation, linguistic fluency and content. 现在,我想向大家介绍本次辩论大赛的规则。为了确保客观性和公正性,中断是不允许的。没有争议的话题。也禁止直接攻击。我们可以看到,每一个双方辩手是非常有信心的,我们期待着你的精彩表现,希望你能给我们一个很好的辩论大赛。分数将根据你的发音,语言的流畅性和内容。 As everyone is ready now, here starts the debate. (依照比赛程序进行比赛) B:Now,let’s come to the first stage, the opening statement. During this stage, debater number 1of both sides should give an opening statement. Each debater has 2 minutes. When time is up, our fine-keeper will show you by a sign. Debater number 1of affirmative side, are you ready? Time begins.现在,让我们来的第一阶段,致开幕词。 在这个阶段,双方应致开幕词。每个的辩手有2分钟。当时间到了,我们的评委会举起一个牌子。正方1辯,你准备好了吗?开始时间。


英语风采大赛主持稿 Wendy:Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen,my honored teachers ,parents and my fellow students.叶子琨Kevin:(女士们先生们,各位亲爱的老师们、家长们、同学们,大家下午好!) Wendy:We are very honored to be the hosts for today's competition this afternoon.And this is the final of English talent competition. 叶子琨Kevin:(非常荣幸我们能担任今天的英语风采大赛主持人,并且欢迎大家来到我们英语风采大赛总决赛现场) Wendy:Now you are watching the Only English Contest . This is the final of kids and pupils groups. 叶子琨Kevin:(您现在正在参加的是由洛浦街文化体育服务中心、昂立外语洛溪校区以及图书馆洛浦街分馆联合举办的首届“洛浦杯”英语风采大赛,本场比赛是幼儿和少儿组的决赛现场。) Wendy:Thank you for coming to this competition. In today's show,there are 30 contestants in all groups. 叶子琨Kevin:(再次感各位来到我们的比赛现场。今天的比赛共有30组参赛选手。) Wendy:We hope that we can exchange experiences of how to improve Oral English better.And also, we hope everybody can perform well. 叶子琨Kevin:我们希望通过这次比赛,能够更好的让小朋友们交流如何提高英语口语的经验,同时希望大家在今天都能有一个出色的表现Wendy:Yes. At the same time, we still appreciate our partners. For them, we can have the opportunity to hold this English competition in this wonderful place. 叶子琨Kevin: 在这里,我们仍要感我们的合作伙伴---洛浦街街道 办的领导及所有工作人员。在他们的帮助下,我们能再有这个机会在这里如期举行这次英语风采大赛。 Wendy:Please allow me to introduce our rules. The contest is divided into two parts. 叶子琨Kevin:比赛分为两个部分:选手表演和随机抽取认读单词,,本次参赛选手顺序不分先后。


Opening remarks: Distinguished Delegates and Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,it’s a great privilege for me to start the me introduce myself first. I am Du Ruimin from Harbin Engineering University. And I am very honored to be the chair person for this morning’s session. It is a great pleasure for me to share the chairmanship with Professor Lee Guobin who is Harvard University. On behalf of the organizing committee of TCASSP , I would like to announce the session we are going to do this morning is to review the different aspects of signal processing and their current research challenges. We have some of the world’s foremost professors and researchers, people at the forefront of this field. Let me introduce our first speaker Professor Lee Guobin, who is the Director of Information and Communication Engineering apartment of Harvard Lee has published extensively in SCI and books on the subject of Image, Video, and Multidimenional Signal Processing. His presentation is entitled “No-reference perceptual quality ass essment of JPEG compressed images”. Let’s welcome professor Lee~ Thank you, Prof. Lee. Your presentation is very convincing. From your presentation, we know that(---)Your speech is indeed very useful, interesting and challengeable. Thank you. Q&A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, let me introduce the next speaker Prof. Dai Dai jia comes from Columbia University who is famous for his study on Signal Processing Theory and Methods,and also make its application have a Practical speaker is also co-author of five books and over 40 published articles. As a communications expert, he has been quoted in the Seattle Times, the Chicago Tibune and the Atlanta Journal a lot of first-class books on this subject are wrote by Professor Dai,and today we are very honored to have give us a speech entitled “Fractional Fourier Transform and Its Applications”.Let’s welcome . Q&A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you, . Your speech is the absolutely inspiring. We are delighted to be able to share your new specific strategies and techniques. (----)will be greatly cherished by the people present here. Now, let’s welcome our next speaker, Dr. Cao Qingming is a professor and the chairperson of the Electrical Engineering Department at the Ohio State University in Columbus, speaker got his . in EE at the University of California, Berkeley, followed by a series of teaching and research positions at Harvard, Cambridge University, and the past 6 years,he published more than10 papers on join me in welcoming our guest speaker today— Qingming, whose topic is entitled Signal Processing for Communications and Networking. Q&A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Thank you very much for your worthwhile/ enlightening/informative presentation. Let’s welcome the next speaker Prof. Guo Xiangchen with warm applause.)Xiangchen is from Chongqing Jiaotong University,who is co-author of five books and over 40 published articles. As a communications expert, he has been quoted in the Seattle Times, the Chicago Tibune and the Atlanta Journal speaker has been honored many awards--2013 Marconi Prize Paper Award and a national Book , Guo Xiangchen


贵阳市英语实验学校第六届英语节闭幕式主持词 1、开场 Honorable leaders, teachers , dear students and friends. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! 尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好! Hello, I’m Hello, I’m Hello, I’m Today we are happy here to celebrate the 6th English Festival. After a week of activities, we have come to the end of our English Festival. On behalf of our shcool I express our gratitude to the teachers and students who organize and participate in it. Thank you! Thank you for your working. 今天我们欢聚在这儿举行第六集英语节的闭幕式。 历经了一周的活动,我校第六届英语节将落下帷幕。在此,让我们用最热烈的掌声向组织和参与本届英语节的老师和同学们表示感谢! 介绍来宾 Now let’s introduce our leaders. They are the principal of our school Miss , Mr ,and Miss . 现在由我介绍今天莅临现场的领导,他们是我们学校的校长: Miss Qiu, Mr Ding director of primary school department. 小学部主任邱主任,丁主任。 And our foreign teacher Aggie. 以及我们的外教,Aggie。 I would like to extend our sincere welcome to all the guests here. 同时感谢所有来宾的到来。 2、我是小老师,我教你说英语 What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you want to be a teacher in the future? 你长大后想要做什么?你想成为一名老师吗? Yes, I dream to be an English teacher, I will teach my students to speak English. 是的,我想成为一名英语教师,教我的学生们说英语。 Really? Here is a good teacher to give you an example. 真的吗?这里刚好有一位小老师给你示范示范怎么教。 Let’s welcome the first group! 掌声欢迎第一组家庭!


英语课外阅读情景剧表演赛 男:尊敬的各位领导,老师 女:亲爱的同学们,大家 合:下午好! 男:英语课外阅读是英语学习的重要组成部分。为了响应“亭湖区”希望之星英语风采大赛活动,推动我校英语课外阅读的有效开展,激发学生广泛的阅读兴趣,使学生喜欢阅读,感受阅读的乐趣。我校特此举办了英语课外阅读情景剧表演赛活动。 女:为此,五、六年级的同学们都准备了丰富多彩的英语团体节目。 男:首先,请欣赏六(2)班为大家带来的英语童话剧《three littlepigs》 大家掌声欢迎! 女:母爱是世界上最伟大的爱,从呱呱落地,妈妈在我们的成长中付出了很多很多,在母亲节到来的时候,你有没有为妈妈做些什么?下面请欣赏六(3)班的童话剧《三只山羊》,让我们看看他们为妈妈做了些什么? 男:诚实守信是我们每个人应有的道德品质;诚实守信是人类最美丽的外套,是心灵最圣洁的鲜花;然而生活中往往有些人选择撒谎与欺骗。他们在生活中都会收获些什么呢?请欣赏六(4)班英语童话剧《金斧子银斧子》 女:接下来我们把目光投到古代的中国,春秋战国时期。那是一个群雄争霸,群星璀璨的一个年代,而且给我们留下了很多传说和故事,其中就有一个荆轲刺秦的故事,这个故事被无数次改编成戏剧啊,戏曲啊,电影啊等等。而今天我们将会看到的是来自小学组六(5)班的同学们用英文为我们演绎的穿越剧<荆轲刺秦>。 男《白雪公主与七个小矮人》这样美丽而经典的故事也被我们改编成了英语剧,下面请欣赏六(6)班与五(8)班同学们带来的白雪公主。 是谁将我们带到人间,让我们有了第一声啼哭;是谁牵着我们的手,让我们迈出了人生的第一步。这是一个令人感动又令人深思的故事,这个故事送给天下每一个孩子,请欣赏《男孩和他的树》 女大家来猜猜看,穿着红裙子,戴着红帽子的小姑娘是谁呢?下面有五(2)班为大家带来童话话剧《小红帽》 男森林里住着一群小动物,它们幸福快乐的生活着。有一天,小白兔和小猴子这对好朋友,遇到了危险,接下来会发生什么呢?请看五(4)班童话剧,真正的朋友 女守株待兔的预言故事我相信大家都听说过,今天我们要讲的是新守株待兔的故事,那么农夫是如何逮住两只小兔子的呢?让我们一起来欣赏五(5)班表演


英语风采大赛演讲稿小学组 篇一:希望之星英语风采大赛小学 B 组演讲稿 This is me Hello, everyone! My name is Gaoyuan. I am thirteen years old. I was born in Yixing and I live with my parents in Yixing now. My hometown -----Yixing is a beautiful are a lot of famous[’feims] sceneries, such as the Shan Juan cave [keiv], the Mu Li Cave and so on .The scenery [’si:nri]is superb [.sju:’ p:b] in mountains. The most famous thing in Yixing is traditional teapots. They are very beautiful. And a teapot is a very good present to send to your good friends, I am sure your friend will like it very much. But that is a little expensive. I am lively [’laivli].I work hard at all my lessons, so I am a top student in my class. I like reading very much. I have a lot of good books, such as , and so on. I like the writer of -----Margaret Mitchell best, the novel [’n Dvl] is very interesting, and I think the


国际会议英文发言稿 篇一:英文国际学术会议开幕词演讲稿 Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends: At this special time of wonderful August, With a pleasant subtropical climate in Xiamen, Our respectable guests are here getting together , undertaken by XMU , the XX 10th Interna tional Conference on Natural Computation and the XX 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery , will be open. Now, First of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you , for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event. It is a great honor for us to have all you here to attend this conference, of which the theme is the academic exchange about the advanced technologies on Computer Science. Here I’d be delighted to introduce our conventioneers in brief. Apart from our faculty and
