


一.Key Points for interviewing

1.Instruction by yourself.

My name is ****. I graduated from Jimei University of Chengyi college and my major is Navigation. During the school years, I have passed the CET 4 and the Computer Grade Test Band Ⅱin Fujian Province. With an optimistic and outgoing character, I believe that I could be a cadet in your good company. So I hope you can give me this opportunity. Thank you!

2.Personality . optimistic 乐观 independent 独立的 out-going 外向的active 活泼的 disciplined 守纪律的 able 有才干的,能干的;cooperative 有合作精神的;adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的; aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的; amicable 友好的;faithful 守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的; generous 宽宏大量的 industrious 勤奋的steady 踏实的;realistic 实事求是的;easy-going 随和的 ; introvert 内向的.

3. What’s your hobby (interest) in your leisure time (spare time)?

e.g. playing football; hiking; take part in social activity; take part time job; study English; watch video; surfing on internet; etc.

4. What course did you like mostly?

College English; maritime English; maritime law; seamanship; navigation; cargo operation; stability; ship management; Main Engine; ship automation; Auxiliary Engine; ship Electricity;

5.how did you handle your challenge in your college life?

Please specify one example.

6.Do you have your plan in your future career?

7. How did you know our company?

8. Do you know anything about chemical tanker and gas carrier?

9. Why did you wish to join our company? What is your strongest traits and greatest weakness?

10. how about the team work onboard a ship?

Give a example to specify the importance of “team work”.

11. How can be a good seaman?

Hardworking; obedience; learning and thinking; cooperating; helpful;

二.General question:

1. Please briefly introduce yourself (as a deck / engine cadet) to us. Or tell us something about yourself.

2. Please tell me what major you had in the marine university/college/school?

3. What courses (subjects) have you learned during your studies there? Which courses do you like most? Why?

4. Why do you want to be a sailor?

Are you willing work hard?

How long do you want to be a sailor?

Do you have any friend as a seaman?

What do you know about seaman’s life?

5. What other plans do you have for the coming 5 or 6 years?

6. Do you think that sailing is a very ideal job for you? Could your brother follow your step?

7. If Capt(CE) scold you? Will you fight back? Why?

8. Have you got a girlfriend? If you have, will you miss your girlfriend when you work on board for a whole year?

9. When do you want to get married?

10. Do you have hobbies? What hobbies do you like best, why?

11. Which country do you like best?

12. what do you think is most important thing on-board ship? Second?

Third? (safety)

13. If you work on board for one year, will you be very home sick? Do you get a seasick?

14. Please name some types of vessels in the world. What types ship do you like to join? Do you know Tanker? How much do you know Tanker?

15. Do you teachers talk English? Do they use English to have lesson?

16. If you have a leave, how long do you want to stay home?

17. What food do you like? There no Chinese foods in board, how do you feel?

18. What will you do in your spare / free time? What kind of leisure activilies do you do?

19. If you are asked to do a lot of jobs on board, will you have some complaint?

20. In your opinion, how can you get along well with other in the work team?

21. Do you know our company? How do you know? What do you know?

22. How many departments are there in a vessel, and what are they?

23. As far as you know, what equipments are there in the bridge/ deck/ engine department? What positions are there on board?

24. Tell me the whole name of the following anonyms:


25. Have you ever worked on board the training vessel, and with whom did you work together on board the training vessel? How many people were there in your ship? What did you do there?

26. Can you use English computer? Can you rend / write / listen English? How long have you learnt English?

27. Why are you elder than your classmate? How do you think of your classmate?

28.What is lifejacket? Lifeboat?

29. Can you tell me where is bridge? Bow? Astern? Middle?

30.How many kinds of Alarm do you know?

31.What skills do you offer,that are most relevant in this job? / What skills would you like to develop in this job?

32.What motivates you to do this job? /What interest you most about this job? What interests you less?

三.Question for engine cadet:

1. Why do you select to be engineer then not be officer? How many years do you plan to be Chief engineer?

2. What is main engine? What are subsidiary engines? Tell me the name of some auxiliary engines.

3. Tell me how the fresh water is produced through the fresh water generator?

4. If you work as a 3rd engineer, what are your duty hours?

5. What are the rough differences between the diesel oil and fuel oil?

6. Tell me how about oily water separator and how to treat bilge water.

7. Do you know Tanker? How much do you know Tanker? any different in engine room?

Question for deck cadet:

1. If you work as a 3rd officer, what is your duty hours every day?

2. Please name some types of vessels in the world. What types ship do you like to join?

3. Tell us some very important canals/ straits in the world.

4. How do you get the weather information on board vessel?

5. what is windless?

6.Do you know what is latitude and longitude?

7. What do you call 0℃?

8.what do you learn in navigation?

9. what is chat? Why do we use chat?

10. what is radar?

11.what is GMDSS? DCS? VHF?

12. Do you know navigation light? Tell me about it. Which side is red? Which side is yellow? Could you tell me something about light or flag signal?

13. Do you know navigation log? What is recorded in it?

四. Duty of station

1.Duties of Cadet (deck and Engine).

Perform assigned duties under the supervision of supervisor. Undergo training as per company training program and complete all training module within his contract.

2. What is the responsibility of third officer?

To perform sea watch and cargo operation watch from 0800-1200 and 2000-2400. To maintain the GMDSS system and record in GMDSS logbook. To maintain LSA and FFE as per maintainence plan. To assist Master during entering or leaving port and other job instructed by Master and C/O.

3.What is the responsibility of fourth engineer?

To perform sea watch from 0800-1200 and 2000-2400 To be in charge of deck machines, windlass, deck crane and incinerator ,OWS. To be in charge of boiler and other pumps. To be in charge of bilge and sludge oil.

4. Convention and rules: SOLAS STCW78/95 ISM MARPOL ISPS


C.DCPA的估算 法一:口诀法(原自大连海大某毕业论文) “八七同,六五半,十一十,加倍算,十九一点六,九八一点三,七六零点七,五四零点三。”观测目标船距离变化1 海里时的方位变化量ΔA根据观测距离从口诀中取得系数α, 则求得最近会遇距离DCPA=ΔAαHello Sir : First, thank you for this opportunity offerd to me. now I would introduce myself to you. I am qualified and experienced engineer , named Sun JiaRong. The specific information about sea service and related document , please read my Candidate Detail Form. I had graduated from the professional skill school of Dalian maritime University in 1990. Since then, I devoted my seafarer career to one of the national crewing agency in China until 2000. I quited my previous circumstance because I feel it's no space for me to develop. Since becoming a individual seafarer, I have already made visible progress on my profession career. Please browse


国船员如何通过国外船东的面试随着世界海运贸易连续数年的蓬勃发展,国际市场新船数量达到历史最高水平。这些先进的现代化船舶,需要更多训练有素、能适任船舶操纵和管理的高级船员。目前国际海运业高级船员平均年龄正在老化,大约25%的高级船员年龄超过50岁,且大多是船长、轮机长,船员呈现青黄不接的态势。有统计表明,今后10年,高级船员的缺口至少将增长到2.75万人。 中国船员走向国际市场已是大势所趋。然而,大多数中国船员尽管有着丰富的实操经验和业务水平,但由于缺乏必要的英文交流能力和现代管理意识,且不懂面试技巧和方法,因此经常造成面试结果不理想。中国船员如何通过国外船东的面试,这也成当务之急。笔者认为应从以下几个方面加以引导。 各船东的面试有不同的侧重点,但总体内容大致相似。主要知识点和题目列举、简析如下: ISM规则的知识ISM规则(International Safety Code)是SOLAS公约新增的第IX章内容,是1998年7月1日生效的强制性规则,要求船公司及其船舶必须建立安全管理体系,建立全球性的安全管理监控机制,以保证船舶安全营运和防止海洋污染,最大限度地控制海难事故的发生。 ISM规则在各港口国检查中都被作为重点,是船东面试的一个重要内容。因此,要求船长、轮机长、驾驶员和轮机员都要熟练掌握ISM规则的内容,以及在本公司实施情况及安全管理体系运转情况等。 关于ISM规则常见问题有:①ISM规则是什么?目标是什么?主要内容是什么?②ISM 规则生效后船上多了哪些证书?DOC与SMC全称是什么?③船上发现不符合情况或需要岸基支持时,船长应向谁报告?④DPA是什么意见?全称是什么? 港口国检查(PSC)知识港口国检查(Port State Control)是港口当局对到港的外国船舶依法实施的以船舶技术状况、操作性要求、船舶配员、船员生活和工作条件为检查对象的,以确保船舶和人命财产安全、防止海洋污染为宗旨的一种监督与控制,是有效限制低标准船舶在海上营运的有力措施。 作为船上高级船员,要了解《港口国检查程序》,了解“巴黎备忘录(Paris MOU)”、“东京备忘录(Tokyo MOU)”等PSC组织的港口国监督体系。关于港口国检查常见问题有:①什么是PSC?全称是什么?②PSC主要检查什么?哪些缺陷可能使检查官进行更详细的检查?哪些缺陷可能导致船舶被滞留? 防污染知识 包括:①MARPOL公约有几个附则?生效的附则有哪些?②现行有效的防污染规则是什么?③什么是IOPP证书?有效期是多少?④何谓15ppm?机舱有哪些防污染设备?机舱污水怎样排放?油渣怎样处理?⑤什么是SOPEP?加装燃油时应注意什么?⑥怎样制定垃圾管理计划?怎样处理塑料垃圾? 消防与救生知识 每位船员都必须熟悉船上的应变部署,必须清楚本船消防、救生演习的程序和安排,以及自己在各种演习中的职责。除了机舱灭火外,所有消防演习中大副都应承担现场指挥的任务;救生演习中,二副通常应承担艇长的任务。 船员之间的关系 国外的船东强调船上的等级观念。船长是船舶的管理者,是一船的最高长官,是船公司的授权代表,包括轮机长在内的所有船员都必须对他负责,下级船员必须向上级负责,听从指挥。按照国外观念,干部船员是高级船员,普通船员是下级船员,船员之间要保持距离,不能经常混在一起喝酒聊天或称兄道弟;要有等级区别,工作中要有服从精神,生活中要有礼貌,见面先问好,就餐时分餐厅吃饭;高级船员要注意自己的形象,要有上进心;船长、


实用英语100句 1.How do you do!你好! 2.How are you? 你好吗? 3.May I know your name? 请问你叫什么名字? 4.I’m the Chief Engineer. 我是轮机长。 5.I’m very glad to know you. 我很高兴认识你。 6.Where is the Captain, please? 船长在哪里? 7.I’m looking for him. 我要找他。 8.He is on the deck. 他在甲板上。 9.I don’t think he’ll be back for some time. 我想他暂时还不回来。 10.May I ask if there is anything I can do for you? 我可以问你有什么事我能帮忙吗? 11.What’s the weather like today? 今日天气怎样? 12.It is cloudy this morning but will clear up this afternoon. 上午多云,下午转晴。 13.The weather forecast says there is a storm coming. 天气预报有十一级风(暴风)。 14.It's blowing a strong gale now. 现在刮九级风(烈风)。 15.The sea is rough. 海上风浪很大。 16.May I speak to Mr. Black, please? 请布莱克先生听电话。 17.Y es, speaking. 是的,我就是。 18.Who’s calling, please? 请问是谁呀? 19.Would you mind calling me back? 给我打回电好不好? 20.I’d like to make a long distance call to China. 我要打长途电话到中国。 21.I should like to have meals on board. 我想要在船上用餐。 22.I’d like to invite you to dinner this evening. 我想请你今晚用餐。 23.Would you help yourself? 请随便吃。 24.May I help you to some more Beijing roast duck? 请您再吃点北京烤鸭好吗? 25.I’m so glad you like Chinese food. 你喜欢中国菜,我感到非常高兴。 26.I’m happy I can spend an evening with you at the Seamen’s Club. 我很高兴与你在海员俱 乐部度过一个晚上。 27.Let’s go to the Karaoke bar. 让我们去卡拉OK厅。 28.Shall we go to the dance hall? 我们到舞厅去好吗? 29.I can waltz and foxtrot. 我能跳华尔兹舞和狐步舞。 30.I’d like a cup of coffee. 我要喝杯咖啡。 31.What’s the matter with you? 你怎么啦? 32.I’m not feeling very well today. 今天我觉得身体不舒服。 33.I’ve got pains in my chest. 我胸腔感到疼痛。 34.Now undo your shirt and let me examine you. 我去把这药方配好。 35.I'll go and get the prescription made up. 我去把这药方配好。 36.Ships can be classified in several ways. 船舶可以好几种方式分类。 37.The size of ships is given in terms of length, beam, draft, and tonnage. 船舶大小是按照长 度,最大宽度,吃水和吨位来表达。 38.We have five different categories of merchant ships: freighters, container ship, bulk carriers, passenger ships, and coastal vessels. 商船分为五大类:货船,集装箱船,散货船,客轮和海岸船。


船员面试必考的一些英语 编辑| 删除| 权限设置| 更多▼ 更多▲流鱼发表于2009年11月26日11:52 阅读(8) 评论(0) 分类:个人日记权限: 公开 Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你) It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你) Glad to meet you! 2. What’s your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?) 答:I am XXX. 或My name is XXX. Where are you from? (你是那里人?) 11.How old are you? (你多大?) 答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁) 3. When were you born?(你什么时候出生?) 答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。) 答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人) 4. Are you married? (你结婚了吗?) 答:Yes, I am. 5. How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?) 答:There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我) 6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间) 答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年) 7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?) Which company did you work for? 答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过) 8. Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)? 答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年) 9. What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage? (利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?) 答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand tonnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多)


1.Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你) It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你) Glad to meet you! 2.What’s your name?(你叫什么名字) Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?)答:I am XXX. 或 My name is XXX. Where are you from? (你是那里人?) 11.How old are you? (你多大?) 答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁) 3. When were you born?(你什么时候出生?) 答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。) 答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人) 4. Are you married? (你结婚了吗?) 答:Yes, I am. 5. How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?) 答:There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我) 6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间) 答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年) 7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?) Which company did you work for? 答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过) 8. Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)? 答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年) 9. What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage? (利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?) 答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand tonnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多) 10. Were the crew all Chinese? (船员都是中国人?)




船员英语面试的简单题目 1. Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你) It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你) Glad to meet you! 2. What’s your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?) 答:I am XXX. 或 My name is XXX. Where are you from? (你是那里人?) 11.How old are you? (你多大?) 答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁) 3. When were you born?(你什么时候出生?) 答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。) 答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人) 4. Are you married? (你结婚了吗?) 答:Yes, I am. 5. How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?) 答:There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我) 6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间) 答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年) 7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?) Which company did you work for? 答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过) 8. Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)? 答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on boa rd under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年) 9. What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage? (利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?) 答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand t onnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多) 10. Were the crew all Chinese? (船员都是中国人?) 答:No, they weren’t, including me; there were only 4 Chinese in the deck department. We joined the ship at the same time. While the o thers came from different countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。我们是同时上这艘船的,其余的人都是来自不同的国家。) 11. Which country did the captain come from?(船长是哪个国家的人?) 答:The captain came from Poland. 12. Which certificate do you have now?(你有什么证书?) Which certificate do you hold now?(你持有什么证书?)答:I have AB certificate. 13. What kinds of ship have you worked on? (你在什么类型的船上工作


船员面试技巧和注意事项 面试或称应聘评估(interview/employ evaluation)是一种通过会面、电话交流等方式使得雇主和应聘者彼此了解,确定是否达成聘用关系的考核过程。随着航运业的发展,船员市场化趋势越来越明显,船员面试已经成为船员应聘工作的一个重要手段和必要环节。 本文就船员面试相关知识和技巧作简单介绍。 一. 船员面试方式 通常船员面试有四种方式。 1. 口头提问和回答(Face-to-face Questioning and answer)。船员面试中,考官最基本的办法是面对面口头提问,即考官提问,船员回答。有时,考官进行口头提问时会穿插一些笔答问题。这些笔答题可能包括写一篇简单的英文、做一些非专业英文测试题、阅读并翻译一篇文章,就阅读材料回答一个或几个问题,直接回答一些问题等等。总之,面试中穿插的笔试一般都不会很长、很复杂。回答这类问题时,首先不要紧张,熟悉问题要求和问题内容,要在动笔或电脑之前稍做思考,在脑海中先规划一下答案的提纲。同时,在做答时还要注意字迹清晰、书写工整、条理清楚。 2. 电话面试(Telephone Interview)。电话面试是一种非常通行的船员面试方式,原因是船员居住地比较分散,而船东又多在国外,对于零散外派来说,电话面试对个方面来说是一种非常经济的办法。电话面试通常时间紧,没有时间准备。如果预约的面试时间对你来说真是太紧,你可以要求推迟一下,以便有时间调整你的情绪和心情,也有时间大致翻阅一下常用船上英文用语和电话会话用语。电话面试前,最好在电话旁边放一份自己的简历表,因为考官经常要你简单介绍一些你的工作经历和个人情况,有一份书面简历,便于自己回答诸如船名、吨位、航行区域、工作时间、主机辅机的机型和功率等问题时得心应手。电话旁还应该放一支钢笔和一两张纸,以便面试时随时记下考官的问题,特别是比较长的问题。另外,接电话时最好显得职业化一些,比如,电话在预约的时间响了,你可以说: “Hello, this is Wang Lin ,a second engineer ,speaking.”(您好,二管轮王林在接听您的电话)。另外,还有一点需要注意:接电话前,要确


航海英语试题 中华人民共和国海事局 2008 年第46 期海船船员适任统考试题(总第46 期) 科目:航海英语试卷代号:903 适用对象:无限航区,近洋航区船舶二、三副 (本试卷卷面总分100 分,及格分数70 分,考试时间100 分钟) 答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B 铅笔涂黑。第1 题至88 题,每题1 分,第89 题至96 题,每题1.5 分。 1.You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from ____ . 你可以在___________ 找到某个港口低潮后的平潮期。 A. mFAG. B. Tide tables. 潮汐表 C. Notices to mariners. D. Table of azimuth. KEY: B https://www.360docs.net/doc/e514206910.html,rmation on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? _______ . 国外无线电信标的运转时间和特性的信息在哪一个出版物里能够被找 到? A. List of Lights 航标表 B. Coast Pilot C. Sailing Directions D. List of Radiobeacons KEY: A 3. ______________________________________________________ A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a ________________________________ . 来自天体观测的位置线是 _______ 的一段


船员英语面试自我介绍 my name is*** since graduated from hunan huangpu foreign language college in XX,i had done the teaching for one and half an year,and had worked in foreign trade business. until in feb,XX,i returned to the south central university for studying more knowledge and confirming objective. during the past two years studing,i had been majoring the application english on the base of trading english,including the advance englishone,advancetwo,economy and trade english,busiess english correspondence,selected readings in english and american literatures,chinese and english translation course,interpret and listening,japanese,advance english writing etc.in addtion, i got the undergraduate diploma,flunetly oral english,good conpprehesion reading better social communication ability! for the time being, i would like to hunt the job that with regard to the trade business or english.i am sure that i should take advantage of my ability and experience to serve for your firm. my name is xxxx, and english name is luky, please note that is luky i/o luck, i'm very vexation that someone always make mistake to call me luck. kindly pay attention on it. i graduated from a senior high school, and major liberal arts 5 years ago. now, i study at china radio and television university jiaoguang guangzhou branch at my own expense, and major english language. but it is still have a year to finish the course and graduate. so i still have to pay one year’s night go to school for study, because i must pay the daytimes for my joy. i'm honest, optimistic and conscientious. i’m working in a foreign company at the shipping department over 2 years. i am a shipping clerk with responsibility for imports and export freight transport. booking vessel, arrange the container to pick up the cargo,


最新船员英语面试基本试题 1. Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你) It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你) Glad to meet you! 2. What’s your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗,) 答:I am XXX. 或 My name is XXX. Where are you from? (你是那里人,) 11.How old are you? (你多大,) 答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁) 3. When were you born?(你什么时候出生,) 答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。) 答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人) 4. Are you married? (你结婚了吗,) 答:Yes, I am. 5. How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人,) 答:There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我) 6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间) 答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年) 7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过,) Which company did you work for?


船东英语口语面试(高级海员) English For Interviewed by Ship’s owner 1. Could you introduce yourself? 您做一下自我介绍好吗? My name is x.x.x. I am x.x years old. I hold a xxx certificate. I have experienced of xx. Xxx. Xxx. I can use a computer system for management(maintenance). I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single). There are 3 people in my family, my daughter and my son. 我的名字叫XXX。我XX岁了。我有XXX证书。我经历过XX,XXX,XXXX。我可以使用电脑做维护保养工作。我想我的英语水平足以完成工作。我结婚了(单身)。我家有三口人,我女儿,儿子。 2.Where did you graduate from? 您是那里毕业的? I graduated from XXX university(college, school). 我毕业于某大学(某学院,某学校) 3.How long have you worked on board?您在船上做多久了? I have worked on board ten years.我在船上工作十年了。 4.Which company have you served (worked for)?您在那个公司做过?

【2018最新】船员英语口语面试自我介绍-优秀word范文 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 船员英语口语面试自我介绍 面试的第一个环节就是自我介绍,自我介绍也是面试中最重要的一个环节。那么关于船员英语自我介绍的范文有哪些呢?下面小编为大家整理了船员英语口语面试自我介绍,希望大家喜欢。 船员英语口语面试自我介绍(一) My name is xx,I graduated in accounting education from Normal school at the age of 17,entered the Water Conservancy Bureau in December 1995 ,hold the position of cashier.Since 201X, I have bought a laptop computer,has never stopped working knowledge of computer learning and improvement;from 201X to June 201X,I am through self-study and attend training,obtained the international trade qualification certificates included customs declaration, inspection declaration, business document etc..And continue to invest in the learning of business English,I still firmly believe that one day will surely can reach the level of TEM4. I am patient, careful and earnest ,can be hard-working and responsible to completed the works.Not only have a strong interest in engaging in foreign trade,and will to keep learning. Skilled in shipping procedures(ocean/air transportation), 船员英语口语面试自我介绍(二) Good morning. It's a pleasure for me present myself. My name is xx, and I am a candidate for the position of crew I am honest,steady,considerate ,creative,hit off things with insight ,with passion and energy, have the respensebily, likes challenges ,and I can adjust myself to a new cultural environment ,with good team work .i likes study ,i think i can be put to use in further to develop the company's business.During these


How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?) 答:There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我) 6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间) 答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年) 7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?) Which company did you work for? 答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过) 8. Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)? 答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年) 9. What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage? (利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?) 答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand tonnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多) 10. Were the crew all Chinese? (船员都是中国人?) 答:No, they weren’t, including me; there were only 4 Chinese in the deck department. We joined the ship at the same time. While the others came from different countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。我们是同时上这艘船的,其余的人都是来自不同的国家。) 11. Which country did the captain come from?(船长是哪个国家的人?) 答:The captain came from Poland. 12. Which certificate do you have now?(你有什么证书?)


海员英语面试常见问题 1. Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你) It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你) Glad to meet you! 2. What’s your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?) 答:I am XXX. 或My name is XXX. Where are you from? (你是那里人?) 11.How old are you? (你多大?) 答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁) 3. When were you born?(你什么时候出生?) 答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。) 答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人) 4. Are you married? (你结婚了吗?) 答:Yes, I am. 5. How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?) 答:There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我) 6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间) 答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年) 7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?) Which company did you work for? 答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过) 8. Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)? 答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年) 9. What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage? (利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?) 答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand tonnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多) 10. Were the crew all Chinese? (船员都是中国人?) 答:No, they weren’t, including me; there were only 4 Chinese in the deck department. We joined the ship at the same time. While the others came from different countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。我们是同时上这艘船的,其余的人都是来自不同的国家。) 11. Which country did the captain come from?(船长是哪个国家的人?) 答:The captain came from Poland. 12. Which certificate do you have now?(你有什么证书?) Which certificate do you hold now?(你持有什么证书?)
