


[Abstract] Numbers, as a special part in the science of linguistics, are words originally used to express quantity or sequence. Numbers serve the same calculating function in both Chinese and English. But because of the cultural diversity found in the national psychology, religious belief and mythology, numbers are endowed with abundant cultural connotations and associations. And both Chinese and English people show different cults, taboos and connotations towards the different or identical numbers so as to generate their own numeral cultures. Therefore, in the process of translating numbers, especially ones in the folk language and literary works, translators should make a relatively thorough study of the language and culture both in Chinese and English, and consider the discrepancy in the vagueness of numbers respectively before rendering satisfactory translations.

[Key Words] numbers; Chinese; English; comparison; translation




1.1 Language, culture and numbers

1.1.1 The relationship between language and culture

Culture, a controversial and puzzling question, has been conceptualized from diverse perspectives by generations of linguists and anthropologists. It has no completely standard definitions, however, “culture, in a broad sense, means the total way of life of a people including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community” [1]. As culture is so inclusive, it permeates virtually every aspect of human life and influences predominantly people’s behavior, including linguistic behavior. And language, “the carr ier and container of cultural information” [2], is commonly viewed as a means of communications, means of expressing ideas and emotions of human beings. Language, as a reflection of the culture and a mirror of the society, is strongly influenced and shaped by culture. And culture is influenced by many factors, such as language, beliefs, customs, social habits and so on. Thus, language and culture, intrinsically dependent on each other, cannot exist without each other. The close relationship between language and culture is readily shown by the fact that

culture is transmitted from one generation to the next through language.

1.1.2 The definition of numbers

As far as the relationship between elements of language and culture is concerned, the words relate most tightly to the culture. And numbers, as an important part in language world, have an informative function. But what is number? As Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary defines, “A number is a word or symbol that represents an amount or a quantity” [3]. Numbers are used widely in every aspect of life. Without numbers, nothing can get along well in the world. As we know, numbers are grammatically divided into cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers, multiples, fractions and approximate numbers in Chinese and English language.

And the concept of numbers stems from the Nature, from human beings’ observation and exploration to the objective world, from the realization and generalization to the physical world [4]. A number is the abstract concept that can be considered not only as the word but also as the symbol.

1.2 The purpose of this paper

Numbers are created from the interaction of humans’ social and cultural behavior with their ability to conceptualize their outside world. So numbers are not merely mathematical tools, but extended as metaphors in the idiomatic usages with a series of connotations. Chinese people and English people show different appetites towards the numbers. So there exist different cultural connotations and extensions between Chinese and English numbers. This paper, from diverse cultural backgrounds of numbers in Chinese and English, discusses the discrepancy in the national psychology, religious belief, mythology and so on, and generalizes several methods of translation in numbers, especially in literary works, so as to facilitate intercultural or cross-cultural communication.

2. The cultural diversity between Chinese and English numbers

All human beings use numbers so that the culture of numbers has come into being. Numbers penetrate into every aspect of human life [5]. Yet, numbers, which reflect the scales of the material world, have been endowed with rich cultural connotations due to the different cultural backgrounds. As far as Chinese culture is concerned, it bears some similarities to the world culture, but it has been laying more stress on the usages of idioms. There are numerous Chinese idioms and idiomatic usages with numbers, such as:说一不二,五湖四海,三教九流,一日不见,如隔三秋,三十六计走为上计,三句话不离本行,八九不离十,百战不殆,七零八落,九霄云外,九九归一,十万火急and so forth.

In English-related culture, there are also a large quantity of idioms or idiomatic usages with numbers, such as three sheets in the wind, the upper ten, second to none, two-by-four, four-letter man, catch-22, two-left feet, and so on. Besides, odd numbers except13, are favored and adorned by western people. For instance, number “seven” with marked religious colour is used frequently in the Scriptures to signify completeness. Similarly, multiples of seven are also used in a similar sense of completeness [6]. But in Chinese, it is on the other way around. Although the discrepancy in the social tradition and the diversity in the numerical culture are universal, there exists a general cult of numbers in both Chinese and English. The following part will focus on the cultural sources of number cult or worship from three aspects, that is, national psychology, religion, and mythology.

2.1 Numbers and psychology of national culture

In Chinese culture, heaven and earth produce everything by the interaction of two existential and powerful forces of the universe, yin and yang. “Since numbers were considered a mystical part of the universe, the ancient Chinese regarded odd numbers as yang or masculine and even numbers as yin or famine” [7]. “Nine”, as the largest single digit, took on the meaning of “ultimate masculinity” and implied the loftiest reverence for heaven. Therefore, the number “nine” symbolized the supreme sovereignty of the emperor who was the Son of Heaven. And the number “nine” (or its multiples) is often e mployed in the Chinese ancient architecture, particularly imperial buildings. Ancient palaces were usually designed as nine-section architectural complexes related to the number “nine” in the number or size. Take the Forbidden City, located in the center o f Beijing for example. It has a total of 9,999 bays, and the Gate Tower of Tian’anmen has nine by nine bays. Thus number “nine” or its multiple is ubiquitous in the architecture of the sacrificial temple. And the Nine Dragon Screen near Beihai Park has also been connected with number nine. The Chinese people show preference to number “nine”, not only on the construction of the building, but also in other fields, such as: Annual festival feasts for the royal court of the Qing consisted of 99 kinds of foods. And a division of ancient feudal government officials was “nine level”. Besides, to celebrate an emperor’s birthday, there were 81 forms of entertainment called the “nine-nine big celebration” to wish the emperor good luck and longevity [8]. By and by, the number “nine” became exclusively reserved and adorned by Chinese people, even today. Generally speaking, in Chinese culture, even numbers are regarded to be lucky and propitious symbols, which can bring people good luck and fortune, while odd numbers are incomplete. But as far as English people are concerned, this phenomenon is on the other way around. They prefer odd numbers to even ones, such as “three”, “seven”, of course excluding number “thirteen”, as is known to nearly most English-speaking people. When celebrating or sending flowers to friends or relatives, people should take one, three, five, or even more (excluding 13), whereas, people send two or four, six flowers or its multiple when condoling with deceased persons.

But everything has its both si des. For instance, number “four” in Chinese has a bad and unlucky association and connotation, though it is an even number. Thus, another element that renders numbers good or bad in Chinese is the homophony and punning in a many-tone word. Number “four” has a similar sound with the Chinese character“死”,representing “death”. So a large number of people try every effort to avoid it. The possible omens associated with numbers and sounds of numbers by the Chinese are inexhaustible. In contrast, the number “eight” is fortunate because it sounds like“发”,namely, making a fortune. When it comes to the cases like telephone numbers, vehicle license numbers, door numbers, people show special preference to number “eight” or something associated with number “eight”, such as 168(to make a fortune all the way)(一路发),518(I want to make a fortune)(我要发)and so forth[9]. Number nine also has such lucky association due to its sound and punning “eternity”(久). Therefore people favor to choose the date related to number “nine” as the wedding day. The 21st Century once reported that on 9th, September 1999, 165 pairs of people were married, in the hope of having everlasting love for each other [10].

But in contrast, English people worship number “four”, which is the symbol of justice, righteousness, power, the fountain of creation, and the key of everything in the world [11]. For

instance, to the early people, the cosmos is made four elements: earth, air, water, and fire.

2.2 Numbers and religion or philosophy

Religion, considered t o be the kernel source of a culture, without doubt influences people’s conception of culture, because of its dominant role in most countries. For ancient Chinese, “three” stands for the three parts of the universe: heaven, earth, and man. And it is said that there are three creators of the universe, governing the earth and the fairyland. Chinese traditional culture has been closely connected with the religions, dominated mainly by philosophical Confucianism for over 2000 years. And Confucianism has intertwined tightly with Taoism and Buddhism, whose thoughts bring a profound influence on the culture of Chinese numbers. In “Laotzu”(《老子》),Laozi expressed that one produces two, two produces three and three produces everything. (道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物) [12]. Therefore, in Chinese there arise many idiomatic phrases, like 三教九流,三思而后行,三人行必有我师焉,余音绕梁,三日不绝,一日不见,如隔三秋,and the like. Number “three” indicates perfection and completeness. The idiom“三生有幸”expresses that a person is fortunate all his life. Here“ 三生”refers to the previ ous life, present life and next life.

And, Christianity, as the mainstream culture, has a strong influence in the cultural connotation of numbers in western countries. The religious tradition of the Christian Trinity, that is, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, has endowed a mysterious number “three” with divinity and perfection. [13] The widespread interest of number “three” still remains in the westerner’s mind or thinking today. Many things that are particularly complete are stamped with number “three” in th e areas like physics, mathematics, philosophy and so forth. There are three completing time, that is, past, present and future. Similarly, number “seven”, a number with strong religious colour, is used frequently in the Bible, indicating that God spent seven days in Creation. At times it has reference to bring a work toward completion, or it can refer to the complete cycle of things as established or allowed by God. There are plenty of idioms or idiomatic usages with “seven” in English culture, such as, the Seven Virtues, including Faith, Hope, Charity, Justice, Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance; the Seven Deadly Sins, saying, Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Avarice, Sloth; the Seven champions of Christendom, the seven days of creation, the Seventh Heaven, and so on. And, according to the Bible, number “six” at times represents imperfection. The number of “the wild beast” is 666 and is called “a man’s number”(Re13:18), indicating that it has to do with imperfect, fallen man, and it seems to symbolize the imperfection of that which is represented by “the wild beast”. The number six being emphasized to a third degree (the six appearing in the position of units, tens, and hundreds) therefore highlights the imperfection and deficiency of that which the beast represents, or pictures [14].

Number “thirteen” is regarded as an evil number, standing for “unfortunate”. According to the Scripture, Judah, the thirteenth comer during the last supper, betrayed Jesus. Hence, people in western countries avoid “13” in many as pects of life. People avoid a room numbered 13, a seat in the 13th row of an airplane or renting a flat on the 13th floor [15]. And in a few instances periods of judgment or punishment seem to be associated with number “forty”. Nineveh was given forty days to repent. The world was flooded for forty days for people’s evil-doing. So forty is a number denoting bad luck to the westerners [16].

Numbers and mythology

Mythology associated with numbers in both Chinese and English culture has deeply influenced the cultural connotations of numbers. In Chinese, the cultural connotations of numbers have connection with the ancient myth. For instance, four character words “三头六臂”originated from Chinese myth, narrating a supernatural being. Nezha, who takes charge of the justice, has three heads and six arms. He has vastly magic power to transform himself into three at random. Accordingly, number “three” is endowed with cultural connotations of magic and power.

And, English cultures have been more strongly affected by the Greek and Roman mythology, whose gods resemble the character of humans with feelings and desires, happiness and sadness. In Roman myth, god “Jupiter”, whose power stems from his trident or three-pronged thunder-stick in his hand, governs the others. Neptune, the god of the sea, relies on his three-pronged spear, and Pluto is a dog with three heads. Thus number “three” is lodged with extension of power and divinity. And the number “thirteen”, in accordance with the western myth, is an evil one, which has a similar connotation and symbolization to Christianity. It is said that twelve gods were present at a banquet held in heaven in honor of the soldiers sacrificed in the battle. During the dinner, the demoniac Rocky, an unexpected person, arrived and killed the son of the head god Austin to death. Hence, the westerners avoid number “thirteen” just like the plague [17].

All in all, the function of numbers is not limited in the calculation or mathematics. It is obvious that numbers have gradually evolved throughout the long history of humanity, in response to practical requirements for calculation, forming a special culture of numbers. From the analysis above, we know people show different attitudes and preference towards number. Thus, studying the diversity of number cults in English and Chinese not only helps us understand their specific cultures better, but also facilitates intercultural communication.

3. Vagueness of numbers in Chinese and English

Vagueness and preciseness are two paradoxical characteristics of human language. Numbers, whose basic function is calculation, are integration of notion and symbol. But in most cases, a lot of numbers in idioms do not designate quantities anymore, not to say precise quantities. Some numbers in idioms mean small quantities both in Chinese and in English [18]. In Chinese, 一(one),二or两(two),三(three) are often used to indicate small quantities. For instance,“一本万利”,i.e. a small investment brings a ten-thousand fold profit. So “一” in the set phrase means a small investment or capital. And “略知一二”means “to know a little”. Compared to one,two and three, the numbers from four to ten are big numbers relatively, as well as hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million and billion. So these numbers can be used to express large quantities. For instance, in Chinese, we have set phrases:三令五申,三番五次,五光十色,五颜六色,千金买笑,千方百计,万目睽睽and the like. In English, we can see such a sentence “The seventies saw a succession of one-hit wonders who were famous over night and then never heard of again.” Here “one-hit wonder” means the success, which lasts a short period of time. And now let’s look at another example: “They won their last game. But one swallow doesn’t make a summer, they are still bottom of the league.” “one swallow doesn’t make a summer” means one can’t be certain that more good things will happen and the whole situation will improve just because one good thing has happen. Here, “one swallow” doesn’t strictly refer to “one good thing”, but a small quantity. In English, we can see the proverb “A cat has nine lives”, which means that a cat has a vigorous life. Thus, “nine” can also express many.

Chinese and English use different counting units. So, in Chinese, “万”( ten thousand), and“亿”(a hundred million) are employed to designate a very large quantities, whereas million and billion are used to achieve the same effect in English. For example, in Chinese, we say “万分感谢” while in English, “ thanks a million” is substituted.

Chinese culture and English culture are quite different from each other. In turn, the differences between them influence the vague meanings of their numbers inevitably. Therefore, understanding what the numbers refer to becomes an important factor in translating numbers, especially in literary works.

4. Methods of translation for Chinese and English numbers

The same numbers in different countries with diverse cultural backgrounds will spark dissenting associations or connotations. In some cases, the target language shares the same association or connotation and linguistic feature with the source language. But in most cases, the

source-language numbers or numeral expressions may produce specific culture, which is unknown to the target-language readers. Thereby, the translation of numbers is simple on the surface but complicated in essence. Translation is here conceived primarily as a process of intercultural communication, whose end product is a smooth and acceptable text in specific situation and culture. So decision-making in the methods of translation depends on the specific context and respective culture background.

4.1 Literal translation

Literal translation, also called word-for-word translation by Cicero, Horace and virtually everyone thereafter[19],is a notion which has been at the heart of most translation controversies for many centuries. As a translation strategy, literal translation clearly has its uses. Here, the precise words and word order are followed and translated into the target language wherever possible. And this strategy involves the same meaning for a source language expression and brings about the same impact on the target reader and it can also provide language learners with useful insights into the structure of the target language. Surely, literal translation can be employed in the pretext of not causing misunderstanding.

E.g.: (1)好容易熬了一天,这会儿瞧见你们,竟如死而复生的一样。真真古人说一日三秋,这话再不错的。


But I survived it somehow, and now that we’re together again I feel as if I’d just risen from the dead! “One day apart seems three autumns. ”—How true that old saying is. [20]

(2)-- 咱那面红旗呢?

-- 叫吴淑兰掂了啦

-- 哪个吴淑兰?敢情是有三头六臂?


-- What happened to our red flag?

-- Wu shulan has captured it …

-- What Wu shulan? Don’t tell me she has three heads and six arms! [21]

As stated above,“一日三秋”or“一日不见,如隔三秋” expresses that a day’s separation seems as long as three years. It is literally translated into “one day apart seems three autumns”, which not

only retains the original meaning but is understandable and readable to the target reader. The same is in the case of“ 三头六臂”,originating from the Chinese ancient myth about the superhuman, Nezha. Thus, in the example (2), translating it literally into “three heads and six arms” will give people an expression of vividness and powerfulness. Generally speaking, some idioms and proverbs can be translated practically according to the translatability of the source language, to such an extent that the people of target language can assimilate them to fertilize their culture. And, hence it also can retain some of its diversity through literalism and engender a view of translation in which the target language in specific cultural context is paramount.

(3) I love Ophelia, forty thousand brothers

could not (with all their quantity of love)

make up my sum…


加起来也休想抵得上我的分量 (22)

(4) Putting two and two together, as the saying is, it was not difficult for me to guess who the expected Marquis was.

(W.Thackeray, The Newcomes)


The English people like to employ forty or forty thousand to indicate a large quantity, just as the sentences listed in the example (3). We can still understand its meaning even if it is translated into“四万个”. And “putting two and two together” means “guess the truth from what one sees, hears, etc”. So, even if it is translated as th e expression above, it is still readable and understandable.

4.2 Free translation

Free translation is a type of translation in which more attention is paid to producing a naturally reading target text than to preserving the source text wording intact. It is also known as

sense-for-sense translation. And according to different texts, different techniques are employed in translation.

4.2.1 Meaning translation

In the course of translating, sometimes we find it difficult or impossible to translate literally to get equivalence between the source language and the target language, due to the diversity in the cultural backgrounds and the expressions. In English and Chinese language, some idioms or idiomatic usages with numbers carry particular cultural connotations, which have no identical or similar characters in another language. This means the necessity, in order for the intercommunication to be realizable in practice, of free rendering in both source language and the target language.

E.g. (1) 七碟子八碗摆了一桌。

He laid out an elaborate spread. [24]

(2) 一听说他又要来,她七窍生烟。

When she heard he would come again, she fumed with anger.

(3) 阿Q候他略停,终于用十二分的勇气开口了。


Ah Q waited for him to pause, and then screwed up his courage to speak. [25]

The set phrase “七碟子八碗”is a dialect, used to describe a substantial meal. And, “七窍”refers to seven apertures in the human head, i.e. eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth.“七窍生烟”means very angry. And the translation above is appropriate and acceptable to the English people.

(4) Seventy times seven did I take counsel with my soul.


(5)Everyone sprang to his feet, but the business was over in two twos. (R.Stevenson, New Arabian Nights)


(6)-- Are you taking Pam out tonight?

-- Ah, that’s the sixty-four-thousand dollar question!

-- 你今晚打算带帕姆出去吗?

-- 唉,这真是个难题![28]

As illustrated above, the idiom “seventy times seven” originated from the Bible. “Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.” (Mat t, 18:22) [29]. It is a repetition of seven in a number, equivalent to saying “a large number” or “without limit”, but its original meaning is“七十七个次”. And “in two twos” which means immediately can be translated into“转眼间,一下子”. The expression “sixty-four-th ousand dollar” started to be used because of a television Game Show, in which people played games or answered questions to win prizes, the presenter used these words just before he asked the last and most difficult question. So it means the most difficult and crucial. This method of translation is not always concerned with the words of the original forms, but with understanding the meaning of the text. Sometimes more words, sentences or even paragraphs are to be added so as to be understandable.

4.2.2 The technique of replacement

It happens on the premise of not disturbing the original meaning and context. Since there exist substantial idioms or idiomatic usages about numbers in both English and Chinese, this method involves replacing a cultural specific expression with a target-language expression which is certain or likely to have a similar impact on the target language reader, so that the idiom in the target language conveys roughly the exactly same meaning as that of the source-language idioms.

E.g.: (1)普及工作若是永远停留在一个水平上,那末,教育者和被教育者岂不是半斤八两?


If popularization remains at the same level forever… will not the educators and those who are educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other?

(2) 廖湘云用尽九牛二虎之力,才把季交恕拉曳起来


Liao xiangyun eventually succeeded in pulling Ji Jiaoshu up from the ground with Herculean efforts. [30]

(3) 柳嫂子有八个头,也不敢得罪姑娘。


Even if Mrs. Liu had nine lives, she’d never d are offend you. [31]


In the first sentence, “半斤八两”is a Chinese usage. According to the old weighing apparatus, one jin(斤)equals sixteen liang(两) “jin” and “liang” are both units of weighing. So,“半斤八

两”means a situation that is good and bad to an equal degree. When translated into English, it can be transferred into the corresponding the English idiom “six of one and half a dozen of the other” on account of duodecimal number system in western countries like English and so on.

Such methods of translation can be found in other idioms as following:

人生七十古来稀The days of our years are threescore years and ten[32].

二一添作五go fifty-fifty

一不做,二不休in for a penny, in for a pound.

a nine day’s wonder昙花一现

ten to one 十有八九

to be flung to the four winds 抛到九霄云外

at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟

a thousand and one ways 千方百计

4.2.3. The technique of adjustment

In order to be in conformity with the principle of tradition and thinking of the target language, some expressions of numbers should be enlarged or narrowed when translated into another language, because of the different usages in numbers.

E.g. (1)薛蟠也假说来上学,不过是“三天打鱼,两天晒网”,却不曾有一点进益。


Xue Pan had hastened to register himself as a pupil. His school-going was, needless to say, a pretence—“one day fishing and two days to dry the net” as they say, and had nothing to do with the advancement of learning.






Eagles cleave the air,

Fish glide in the limpid deep,

Under freezing skies a million creatures contend in freedom [34].


The houses on the northern bank of the river are separated according to the design that has lanes running between every three or four of them and steps leading down to the river bank [35].



A hundred mountains and no bird,

A thousand paths without a footprint. [36]

(5) A slav e that is not twentieth part of the tithe of your precedent lord…

一个不及你先夫千分之一的奴才 (37)

For the first example,“三”and“两”in the original text designate no precise quantity, but their vague meaning, so when we translate it into English, we can narrow the number just as the above, retaining its original vagueness. And, “万”(ten thousand)is not as frequently used in English as in Chinese due to the different unit of counting. Similarly, in example (5), translating “twentieth”

into “千分之一” is more acceptable t o us Chinese.

5. Conclusion

Numbers, as an important theme in humanity, are filled with mystery and connotations both in English and Chinese since the earliest time. People are surrounded by the rhythm of numbers. But different nations show quite different appetites for numbers due to the different cultural backgrounds. Thus, cultural factors necessitate decision-making on translation strategies. It is generally agreed nowadays that literal translation and free translation do not form a binary contrast, and that the most appropriate translation strategy will vary according to the text being translated and the purpose of the translation. The translator should have a relatively thorough understanding of the Chinese and English culture in order to convey the correct meaning of numbers, especially their idioms.


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[2] 王振亚. 语言与文化[M] . 高等教育出版社(第二版),2001. P6

[3] 牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第六版)[Z]. 牛津大学出版社,2004. P1180

[4] 包惠南、包昂. 中国文化与汉英翻译[M] . 外文出版社,2004. P238

[5] 蒋咏梅. 英、汉数字文化与翻译[J] . 保山师专学院,2005,2. P115

[6] Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, International Bible Students Association. Insight on the Scriptures Volume2: Jehovah-Zuzim and Index [M]. Watchtower Bible and Tract society of New York, Inc. International Bible Students Association, Brooklyn, New York, USA. P512

[7] 张伟、韩江. 中国文化掠影[M] . 华南理工大学出版社,2005,2. P115

[8] 同[7] P116

[9] 王秀银. 英汉数字词语的比较及翻译[J] . 湖北三峡学院学报,1999,2. P70

[10] 包惠南. 文化语境与语言翻译[M] . 中国对外翻译出版公司,2001. P195

[11] 同[4] P241

[12] 陈炯. 中国文化修辞学[M] . 江苏古籍出版社,2001. P235

[13] 同[12] P79

[14] 同[6] P513

[15] 蓝红军. 英汉数字习语文化比较与翻译[J] . 华东船舶工业学院学报,2002,9. P59

[16] [6] P513

[17] 同[9] P71

[18] 于亚莉、班荣学. 英汉数字的语义模糊性与翻译--《浮躁》英译本Turbulence个案分析[J] . 浙江万里学院学报,2004,8. P41

[19] Mona. Baker. 翻译研究百科全书[M] . 上海外语教育出版社,2004,10. P125

[20] 李延林、潘利锋、郭勇. 英语文化翻译学教程[M] . 中南大学出版社2003. P125

[21] 同[4] P250

[22] 腾梅. 英汉数词翻译略说[J]. 青岛海洋大学学报(社科版),1998,2. P84

[23] 同[20] P117

[24] 同[18] P42

[25] 中国文学出版社. 中国文学许多小说卷[M] . 外语教学与研究出版、中国文学出版社,


2.称呼方式 近年来,很多说英语的人倾向于用名来称呼别人,这个现象在美国人当中尤其普遍,甚至是初次见面的时候。这个不仅适用于同龄人,也适用于年龄不同的人。听到一个小孩称呼一个年龄很大的人为joe, ben, may, helen是很平常的事。很多大学生直呼他们教授的名字,教授不把这个看作是一种不尊敬或不熟悉,而是把他看作是一种谦恭有礼和平等。 中国人称呼自己的家人、亲戚或近邻为二哥,三姐,四婶,周大伯,而这些不应当被转译成英语。中国人的称呼方式通常是使用一个人的头衔、办公室、职业等,比如,黄局长、林经理、马校长,但是很少听到说英语的人说“bureau director”, “manager jackson”, “principle morris”。 英汉亲属称谓的文化差异与互译 中文摘要 语言是文化的载体,称谓不仅是一种语言现象,更是一种文化现象。英汉语言中亲属称谓的不同,可以说从一个侧面反映了东西方文化的差异。本文试图从人们较为熟悉的英汉亲属称谓习惯和语义进行比较分析,揭示其中所隐含的文化意蕴。它们属于不同的称谓制度,具有不同的称谓习惯和泛化现象。家庭类型、血缘关系、宗法观念、文化取向、礼貌原则等是造成两者文化差异的主要原因。因此通过对亲属称谓的属性和用法的分析和对比,可以对一个民族的传统文化窥见一斑。汉英称谓在形式、语用意图、文化内涵上存在诸多差异,通过两种语言称谓系统的归纳对比,挖掘各自的文化内涵,对中英称谓语的翻译提出三种方法。关键词: 亲属称谓;文化差异;比较;翻译

Cultural Differences and Translation between English and Chinese Kinship Terms Abstract Language is the carrier of culture, kinship term is not only a part of language but also a kind of culture. The differences between English and Chinese kinship terms reflect the cultural differences between East and West to some extend. From the comparative analys is of usages and meanings of kinship addressing system between Chinese and English which people familiar with,the paper is to reveal the cultural implication in it. They belong to different kinship addressing systems also have different usages of kinship terms and developments. The main reasons for cultural differences lie in the family structure, consanguinity, patriarchy concept, culture adoption and courtesy principle. The comparative analysis of its features and usages can help us to understand the cultural differences between Chinese and English. Based on the great differences in the title and kinship addressing system between Chinese and English, and their complicated pragmatic intentions and cultural implications in use, the paper systematically compares the two systems, and reveals their respective culture specific implications. Finally, three methods are presented on how to translate addressing forms between Chinese and English. Key words: kinship term; cultural difference; comparison; translation 语言是文化的载体,称谓不仅是一种语言现象,更是一种文化现象。英汉语言中亲属称谓的不同,可以说从一个侧面反映了东西方文化的差异。因此通过对亲属称谓的属性和用法的分析和对比,可以对一个民族的传统文化窥见一斑。 一、英汉亲属称谓的差异 (一)、英汉亲属称谓的复杂程度差异 汉语亲属称谓复杂,英语简单。“亲属称谓(Kinship term)是一定的亲属制度(Kinship system)所产生的文化符号,它以简单的术语形式反映复杂的亲属制度。”[1](P139)汉语称谓语要比英语称谓语繁杂细致得多,汉语要区分血亲姻亲,如伯父、叔父、姨母和伯母、婶母、姨父;区分宗族非宗族,如爷爷、侄儿、孙子和外公、外甥、外孙等;区分父系母系,如叔叔、姑妈、堂兄和舅舅、姨妈、表兄等;区分长幼辈份,如哥哥、姐姐和弟弟、妹妹等。而英语的亲属称谓就显得简单得多,仅用几个词就能全部涵盖,如grandparent(爷爷,外公,奶奶,外婆),brother(哥哥,弟弟),sister(姐姐,妹妹),uncle(伯父,叔父,姨父,舅舅,姑父),另外,英语中的一些亲属称谓非常笼统,没有指明具体关系。所以像Linda?s bother married Michelle?s sister这句话就很难准确地译成汉语,因为不知道brother是Linda的哥哥还是弟弟,sister是Michelle的姐姐还是妹妹。还有cousin这个称谓,有时连男女都不分了。在西方国家,亲属关系的涵盖和延伸范围远没有中国那么广阔。 (二)、英汉亲属称谓关系表达清楚性差异


英语翻译论文开题报告 精编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

英语翻译论文开题报告 时间:2015-03- 12Bell.?Translation?and?Translating:?Theory?and?Practice.?Beijing:?Forei gn?Language?Teaching?and?Research?Press,?2006. 崔长青,?张碧竹.?翻译的要素[M].?苏州:?苏州大学出版社,?2007. 李琏.?英式显性词性转换与英语写作[J].?新疆教育学学 报,?2003,?19(1):?85-89. 李连生.?英汉互译中的词性转换[J].?武汉交通管理干部学院学 报,?1996,?(1):102-107. 项伙珍.?谈翻译中的转性译法[J].?长江职工大学学报,?2000,?17(3):?46-48. 叶海燕.?翻译中的词性转换及换形[J].?安徽工业大学学报(社会科学 版),?2005,?22(3):60-61. (责任编辑:1025) 三、对英文翻译中词类转换的引入 从语言的角度来分析,对一门语言中的词性以及在语句中的成分进行分析,?从转喻理论的相关知识出发,来探讨英汉语言翻译中词类转换的概念和知识,并就其异同和特性进行对比,不仅是当前国内外学者研究的重点问题,也是大学英语教学中始终关注的热点。?为?此?,从英文翻译的实践中,?通过例证或典型问题的互译,从语言结构及表达习惯上进行探讨英文翻译中的转换方法,以增强语言翻译的可读性和准确性,并从中探讨出词类转换的规律,帮助更多的学生从中获得有益的指


1.美国人的自我意识和独立意识很强。 Self-awareness and independent consciousness of Americans are very strong. 2.美国文化鼓励人民开拓创新,做一番前人未做过的、杰出超凡的事业。 In America, innovation often is encouraged and people often do something nobody has done. 3.美国基础教育实践,注重创造的教学形式. American education based on practice, pay attention to teaching form of creation. 4. 中国的家庭结构比较复杂,传统的幸福家庭是四代同堂。 China's family structure is more complex, the traditional happy family is four generations. 5. 中国人的婚姻相对来说比较稳定。这是因为中国人把婚姻当作一个严肃的道德问题,喜新厌旧,或是第三者插足都会被认为是极不道德的。 The Chinese marriage is relatively stable. Because Chinese people treat marriage as a serious moral problem, propensity or a third people involvement is considered highly unethical. 6. 新中国虽已建立了六十年,但传统的君臣,父子等级观念在中国人的头脑中仍然根深蒂固。The traditional manner, parent-child hierarchical remains entrenched in the Chinese mind. 7. 主动帮助别人或接受别人帮助在西方常是令人难堪的事。在中国,主动帮助别人,给人以无微不至的体贴是一种美德。 Take the initiative to help others or accept others help is embarrassing thing in America. However, help others is a virtue. 8. 在个性自由与团结协作上:美国人十分珍视个人自由,喜欢随心所欲,独往独行,不愿受限制。中国文化则更多地强调集体主义,主张个人利益服从集体利益,主张同甘共苦,团结合作,步调一致。 On the personality freedom and cooperation, Americans cherish personal freedom and don't want to be limited. Personal interest obedience collective interests and cooperation were advocated in China. 9. 美国家庭教育目的是把孩子培养成具有适应各种环境和独立生存能力的“社会人”;中国家庭教育的目的是把孩子培养成“才”,将来有出息,有个好职业,一生能在顺境中度过。 The education purpose of American family is to help children to adapt to the environment and improve the independent ability, and finally make children become a "social person". The education aim of Chinese family is to make children become a person with ability, and hope they can have ambition in the future, have a good career, life can be spent in prosperity. (You are very handsome! 或赞扬你Your English is very good时,中国人一般很谦虚地说:I do not think so! 或说 No ,no ,my English is poor. Thank you !; Have you had your meal? Where are you going? 他们则会认为你想请他吃饭或者干涉其私事,会引起误解。美国人见面,通常打招呼道:Hello! How do you do! Nice to meet you.) (American culture:The main content of American culture is the emphasize on individuals' value, the pursue of democracy and freedom, the promotion of deploitation(开拓,经营) and competition and the need of realistic and practicality. Its core is individualism: self-first, personal need first, pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment, emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design. This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized individualism has its pros and cons, it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity. egocentric:.自我中心的,利己主义的 American citizens emphasize on achievements and respect heroes. They have great sense in their hearts to praise success and heroes.Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in Americans mind.Americans have very strong senses of success.Success is the pursuit of most Americans,it is their attractive future and the incentives for moving forward.They believe that one's personal value is equivalent to his achievements in his career.Some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs,scientists,artists and all kinds of super starts became modern heroes.The process and result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social culture value and the real life text book for parents to educate their children. incentive:Serving to induce or motivate: American society has great movements within itself. These movements are shown in two aspects:movements amongst locations and movements inside the society.The United States are relatively more open and have more freedom.Developed transport and the tradition of adventure and sporty makes a lot of American migrate from countryside to cities,from downtown to uptown; and from north to the southern sunny land,from one city to another.Unlike European countries,the social classes in America is not so stable.Further more,with the advocation of public education,movements upwards along the social ladder have become possible.Many people living in


浅谈商务英语的特点及英译汉翻译技巧 目录 中文摘要 (1) 英文摘要 (2) 提纲 (3) 正文 (4) 参考文献 (8)

浅谈商务英语的特点及英译汉翻译技巧 摘要:随着世界经济一体化的不断深化和扩展,国际商务活动日益频繁,商务英语的作用也变得日益显著,本文以商务英语作为实用英语语言工具的角度,对其显著的特点以及对应的英译汉翻译技巧进行简要分析,这有助于人们更好地学习商务英语,更好地进行商务沟通,取得国际经济贸易的成功。 关键词:商务英语;特点;英译汉;翻译技巧

On the Study of the Characteristic of Business English and Its E-C Translation Skills Abstract:As the world continues to deepen economic integration and expansion of international business having become increasingly frequent, the role of Business English is becoming increasingly significant, the paper business English as a practical tool for English language point of view.Its significant features, as well as the English translation of the corresponding Chinese translation skills to carry out a brief analysis, which helps business people to learn better English, better for business communication, international economic and trade success. Key words: business English; features; English-Chinese translation; translation skills


电厂蒸汽动力的基础和使用 1.1 为何需要了解蒸汽 对于目前为止最大的发电工业部门来说, 蒸汽动力是最为基础性的。 若没有蒸汽动力, 社会的样子将会变得和现在大为不同。我们将不得已的去依靠水力发电厂、风车、电池、太阳能蓄电池和燃料电池,这些方法只能为我们平日用电提供很小的一部分。 蒸汽是很重要的,产生和使用蒸汽的安全与效率取决于怎样控制和应用仪表,在术语中通常被简写成C&I(控制和仪表 。此书旨在在发电厂的工程规程和电子学、仪器仪表以 及控制工程之间架设一座桥梁。 作为开篇,我将在本章大体描述由水到蒸汽的形态变化,然后将叙述蒸汽产生和使用的基本原则的概述。这看似简单的课题实际上却极为复杂。这里, 我们有必要做一个概述:这本书不是内容详尽的论文,有的时候甚至会掩盖一些细节, 而这些细节将会使热力学家 和燃烧物理学家都为之一震。但我们应该了解,这本书的目的是为了使控制仪表工程师充 分理解这一课题,从而可以安全的处理实用控制系统设计、运作、维护等方面的问题。1.2沸腾:水到蒸汽的状态变化 当水被加热时,其温度变化能通过某种途径被察觉(例如用温度计 。通过这种方式 得到的热量因为在某时水开始沸腾时其效果可被察觉,因而被称为感热。 然而,我们还需要更深的了解。“沸腾”究竟是什么含义?在深入了解之前,我们必须考虑到物质的三种状态:固态,液态,气态。 (当气体中的原子被电离时所产生的等离子气体经常被认为是物质的第四种状态, 但在实际应用中, 只需考虑以上三种状态固态,

物质由分子通过分子间的吸引力紧紧地靠在一起。当物质吸收热量,分子的能量升级并且 使得分子之间的间隙增大。当越来越多的能量被吸收,这种效果就会加剧,粒子之间相互脱离。这种由固态到液态的状态变化通常被称之为熔化。 当液体吸收了更多的热量时,一些分子获得了足够多的能量而从表面脱离,这个过程 被称为蒸发(凭此洒在地面的水会逐渐的消失在蒸发的过程中,一些分子是在相当低的 温度下脱离的,然而随着温度的上升,分子更加迅速的脱离,并且在某一温度上液体内部 变得非常剧烈,大量的气泡向液体表面升起。在这时我们称液体开始沸腾。这个过程是变为蒸汽的过程,也就是液体处于汽化状态。 让我们试想大量的水装在一个敞开的容器内。液体表面的空气对液体施加了一定的压 力,随着液体温度的上升,便会有足够的能量使得表面的分子挣脱出去,水这时开始改变 自身的状态,变成蒸汽。在此条件下获得更多的热量将不会引起温度上的明显变化。所增 加的能量只是被用来改变液体的状态。它的效用不能用温度计测量出来,但是它仍然发生 着。正因为如此,它被称为是潜在的,而不是可认知的热量。使这一现象发生的温度被称为是沸点。在常温常压下,水的沸点为100摄氏度。 如果液体表面的压力上升, 需要更多的能量才可以使得水变为蒸汽的状态。 换句话说, 必须使得温度更高才可以使它沸腾。总而言之,如果大气压力比正常值升高百分之十,水必须被加热到一百零二度才可以使之沸腾。


华北电力大学科技学院 毕业设计(论文)附件 外文文献翻译 学号:121912020115姓名:彭钰钊 所在系别:动力工程系专业班级:测控技术与仪器12K1指导教师:李冰 原文标题:Infrared Remote Control System Abstract 2016 年 4 月 19 日

红外遥控系统 摘要 红外数据通信技术是目前在世界范围内被广泛使用的一种无线连接技术,被众多的硬件和软件平台所支持。红外收发器产品具有成本低,小型化,传输速率快,点对点安全传输,不受电磁干扰等特点,可以实现信息在不同产品之间快速、方便、安全地交换与传送,在短距离无线传输方面拥有十分明显的优势。红外遥控收发系统的设计在具有很高的实用价值,目前红外收发器产品在可携式产品中的应用潜力很大。全世界约有1亿5千万台设备采用红外技术,在电子产品和工业设备、医疗设备等领域广泛使用。绝大多数笔记本电脑和手机都配置红外收发器接口。随着红外数据传输技术更加成熟、成本下降,红外收发器在短距离通讯领域必将得到更广泛的应用。 本系统的设计目的是用红外线作为传输媒质来传输用户的操作信息并由接收电路解调出原始信号,主要用到编码芯片和解码芯片对信号进行调制与解调,其中编码芯片用的是台湾生产的PT2262,解码芯片是PT2272。主要工作原理是:利用编码键盘可以为PT2262提供的输入信息,PT2262对输入的信息进行编码并加载到38KHZ的载波上并调制红外发射二极管并辐射到空间,然后再由接收系统接收到发射的信号并解调出原始信息,由PT2272对原信号进行解码以驱动相应的电路完成用户的操作要求。 关键字:红外线;编码;解码;LM386;红外收发器。 1 绪论


英汉习俗文化对比(选修课) 题 目 __中西文化差异_______ 姓 名 周超 ________ 学 号 3090311120 _________ 专业班级 英语094 ________ 分 院 外国语分院 _____ 宁波理工学院

文化是一种社会现象,是人们长期创造形成的产物。确切地说,文化是指一个国家或民族的历史、地理、传统习俗、生活方式、文学艺术、行为规范、思维方式、价值观念等。不同的文化背影和文化传统,使中西方在思维方式,价值观念,行为准则和生活方式等方面也存在有相当的文化差异。在跨文化交际中,文化障碍会导致的信息误解,有时善意的言谈会使对方尴尬无比,礼貌的举止会被误解为荒诞粗俗。 例如在言谈方面,在中国对别人的健康状况表示关心是有礼貌的表现,但是西方人就不是这么认为了。当我们向西方人表示关切地问候时,他们可能反而觉得很不高兴。因为在他们看来这不需要任何人来指教。如果就某种小事给人以忠告,那显然是对其能力的怀疑,从而大大伤害其自尊心。另外中国人在饭桌上的热情好客经常被西方人误认不文明的行为。因为西方人认为客人吃多吃少完全由客人自己决定,用不着主人为他添酒加菜,而且他们认为饮食过量是极不体面的事情。类似的例子还有很多很多。这些都给我们的日常生活交际带来不少困惑。 同样的一件事物,不同的文化背景,看法也大相径庭。中国人的家庭观念很强,血缘关系,亲情伦理,在脑中根深蒂固,父母、子女始终是一家人。哪怕成家立业,另立门户,和父母仍不分彼此,中国人把赡养父母,侍奉父母,看作是自己应尽的责任。然而西方人却不同,子女一到成年,就会离巢而飞,父母不再抚养他们,而子女一旦独立,对父母家的事也不再理会,更别说赡养父母或几代同堂了。美国式的家庭结构比较简单:父母及未成年孩子,称之为核心家庭。子女一旦结婚,就得搬出去住,经济上也必须独立。父母不再有义务资助子女。这种做法给年青人提供最大限度的自由,并培养其独立生活的能力,但同时也疏远了亲属之间的关系。中国人如果一大家子来购物,父母为小孩买东西天经地义,已成年子女为父母代付钱也是理所当然。中国式的家庭结构比较复杂,传统的幸福家庭是四代同堂。在这样的家庭中,老人帮助照看小孩,儿孙们长大后帮助扶养老人,家庭成员之间互相依赖,互相帮助,密切了亲情关系。然而,这种生活方式不利于培养年青人的独立能力。老外却不同,父母、子女各自理财,互不搭界。现实中的美国,儿子可以是百万富翁,父母却照旧穷困潦倒,和中国人的“母以子贵”,“一人得道,合家升天”的中国传统实在天差地别。 中西方的文化差异还表现在很多方面。西方人崇拜个人奋斗,尤其为个人取得的成就自豪,从来不掩饰自己的自信心、荣誉感,以及在获得成就后的狂喜。相反,中国文化不主张炫耀个人荣誉,而是提倡谦虚。中国人反对王婆卖瓜式的自吹自擂,然而中国式的自我谦虚或自我否定却常常使西方人大为不满。在西方人看来,谦虚不仅否定了自己,还否定了赞扬者的鉴赏力。在自我中心与无私奉献方面,西方人自我中心意识和独立意识很强,他们认为自己应该为自己负责。在弱肉强食的社会,每个人生存方式及生存质量都取决于自己的能力,因此,每个人都必须自我奋斗,把个人利益放在第一位。他们也不习惯过问他人的事情,比较注重隐私。因此主动帮助别人或接受别人帮助在西方常常是令人难堪的事。因为接受帮助只能证明自己无能,而主动帮助别人会被认为是干涉别人的私事。中国人的行为准则是“我对他人,对社会是否有用”,个人的价值是在奉献中体现出来的。中国文化推崇一种高尚的情操——无私奉献。在中国,主动关心别人,给人以无微不至的体贴是一种美德,因此,中国人不论别人的大事小事,家事私事都愿主动关心,而这在西方会被视为“多管闲事”。 西方人平等意识较强,无论贫富,人人都会尊重自己,不允许别人侵犯自己的权利。同时,人人都能充分地尊重他人。很少人以自己显赫的家庭背景为荣,


辽宁大学外国语学院 全日制硕士专业学位研究生学位论文开题报告 题目: 中国会展经济国际合作论坛交替传译模拟实践报告——以发言人致辞(中译英)交传为例 姓名: 张伟平 年级: 2012级专业: 英语口译学号: 4031241975 指导教师: 万平

1、本论文选题基本内容、应用价值或现实意义 本篇实践报告采用模拟会议的形式进行,真实模拟了中国会展经济国际合作论坛会议,以发言人在论坛开幕会上的致辞为原文本,进行中译英的交替传译实践。会议内容涉及中外会展业,搭建广泛交流与合作的平台,探寻双方相同利益和共同发展的切入点,为国际会展企业进入中国和中国会展企业开拓国际市场寻求新的渠道,促进中国会展业法制化、专业化、市场化、国际化发展,实现中国会展业与国际会展业的战略性合作。该实践报告将如实记录模拟翻译过程,记录翻译文本,并对模拟论坛各个环节(会前准备、速记、即时翻译应变策略、翻译技巧与理论的应用)中出现的问题进行分析,并提出相应的提高办法。 该实践报告的应用价值巨大,体现在三方面:第一,如实模拟论坛会议,具有可操作性和广泛应用性。模拟过程中设发言人及翻译两人,操作实施方便。第二,中国会展业蓬勃发展,符合绝大部分译员将来从事的领域,可以广泛应用。第三,在模拟翻译过程中可以帮助译者找到不足,加强英语听说读写译各种能力,提高反应能力,为以后有可能从事口译工作打下一定基础。

2、本论文选题的研究特色和创新之处及预期可解决的实际问题 一般介绍口译的文章都把重点放在纯粹的翻译技巧上,却忽视了口译现场时限性超强的情况下译者面临各种压力,需要在发言人话音一落就把长达3到5分钟的内容用另一种语言准确表达出来,这么短的时间如何运用这些翻译技巧。成功的翻译需要有对原文的理解、全面准确的速记、新语言组织的敏感度等。 本论文选择属于商业题材,重点研究当前社会商务会议中交替传译应该注意的问题,通过真实口译实践材料训练加强自身对于公众演讲、速记、短时记忆、连续传译、重组语言及临场应对策略等各项口译基本技能的掌握。本论文的创新之处就在于通过案例分析提出记笔记的方法,并针对翻译过程中出现常见问题提出解决办法和补救办法,比如笔记没记全如何翻译,遇到不会的词和术语如何翻译等。 翻译过程中会出现一些可预想到的问题,比如情绪紧张、笔记不全、译出语组织不佳、生僻词未掌握等而影响翻译质量。本论文将通过实际翻译案例分析对这些问题提出解决办法。


Differences between Chinese and Western culture As we know the differences between the our estern cultures and western cultures are quite obvious.I would like to state some of my opinions in this paper. I.difference in the thinking style People on the earth are homologous,but different people in different place have different performance on the way of thinking. Differences between Chinese and Western way of thinking reflected in many aspects.Such as the difference between abstract and concrete, reflected in their attitudes towards life can be understood as Westernersare more practical, and the Chinese are much more biased towards some spiritual experience. Westerners pay attention to logical thinking, but Chinese pay more attention to dialectical thinking and so on. As Chinese and western way of thinking are different, there are differences in expression of the order. For example,we can see that the names of western style are not like ours,they put their given names at the first place,while we put them after our family names,that is to say,we regard our family more important than ourselves,and it's the traditional way of estern thinking.Westerners have another way of thinking,they think that each person is important in our world and society,and a person should play a important role among our human beings. II.differences in daily communication Westerners are frank,but chinese are humility.The reflection between westerners and chinese on the treatment of praise is different.In the West, people can accept it generously. As the Chinese have long term impact of Confucian education, we treat others’ praise and recognition not often take the attitude of ourselves, or there is suspected of arrogant. When meeting acquaintances, chinese and westerners greet each other are also different. Chinese people often say "Have you eat ?" "Where are you going?"except the general asked”hello”. In western culture, this is not a greeting, but substantive issues. When British and American people meet,they usually use a polite phrase like "How are you?" or "Nice to meet you!" In addtion,when westerners accept gift from others,they are willing to open it and praise it directly,but chinese do not do like that. III.differences in customs Chinese people regard ourselves as descendants of the Dragon.Chinese have a supreme respect for the dragon, we think dragon is a symbol of our nation. In the dynasty time,Chinese emperors generally self-styled "dragon".However,in the West, the dragon was regarded as the devil, and it was killed by the legendary god of protection, so they set a day as a festival to celebrate the lifting of a disaster, and thank the protection of God.For this reason, when the students describe a person's lively, they say "He / She is full of vim and vigor." not"He / She is as lively as a dragon and tiger". Everyone has their favorite color, so does a country and a nation. Chinese like the red colour ,because chinese think red is a symbol of luck and enthusiam. But westerners perfer to the blue colour,they think blue can make themselves calm. Thus,the preferences of different colors can reflect the whole of a country’s aesthetic taste. IV. differences in eating cultrue Chinese and Western diets are very different, so the differences also have an impact on the national character. In China, a banquet, no matter what purpose, there will be only one form, that is, everyone sit around one table. People toast each other,and eat the same food in one plate,,It reflects the mutual respect between people even the traditional courteous virtue. Although from the health point of view, this dietary approach has obvious shortcomings, it is consistent with our


医学论文英语摘要的写作及难句翻译 [摘要] 2.1 文章标题文章标题具备信息功能(提供文章的主要内容)、祈使功能(吸引读者阅读和购买)、美感功能(简单明了、新颖、醒目)和检索功能(方便读者和科技工作者检索、查阅及引用)。 2.2 语态在英语中却常常采用第三人称的被动语态。 2.3 时态:一般现在时和一般过去时,偶尔也会出现完成时。 结论”中的一句,是论文作者对研究工作进行的总结,并指出其对当前实际工作的指导意义,因此使用的是一般现在时。当然,使用何种时态不能一概而论。在翻译时,要根据原文中所要表达的意思来最后确定。 3 长、难句的翻译 不管是英语还是汉语医学文章,都有一个共同的特点,即它们的句子通常较长,结构较复杂,有时,长长的一段文字仅由一句话组成。在医学论文摘要中更是如此,要做好它们的互译还真不容易。这是因为汉语句子建构在意念主轴(thought?pivot)上'英语句子建构在形式(或主谓)主轴(form?pivot or subject? predict?pivot)上。也就是说,虽然句子是表达完整意义的语言单位,汉语强调的是意义,不太强调句子结构,许多句子没有主语,还有的句子主语不明显,但意义是明确的;而英语句子特别强调句子结构,绝大多数句子需要主语和谓语。这就要求在汉译英过程中注意句意的转换,学会抓找中心词和使用英语中的各个关联词。请看下列例子 例1:“以BPDE诱导恶性转化的人支气管上皮细胞株16HBE为模型,采用cDNA代表性差异分析方法,比较转化细胞及正常对照细胞间基因表达的差异,分离恶变细胞中差异表达的cDNA片段。”翻译:The malignant transformation of human bronchial cell line 16HBE induced by BPDE was used as a m odel for comparing gene expression between the transformed cells and controls. cDNA representational difference analysis was performed to isolate differentially expressed cDNA fragment in transformed cell s.分析:在中文原句中,出现了“以……”、“采用……”以及“比较……”、“分离……”这两个看似并列的机构'如果按照原文翻译'就会不知所云。因此,根据句意和英语的句子结构,将原文分成两层意思,按照两个句子去翻译。在第一层意思中,“上皮细胞株”在句中是中心词,但在实际翻译中,应通过所有格形式将“恶性转化”处理为中心词。翻译时,将它们的位置颠倒过来,并且为了保持和中文“以…”结构相一致,使用了被动语态。第二层意思中,“c DNA代表性差异分析方法”是中心词。其他结构按照英文习惯出现,层次分明,出落自然,毫无累赘之感。 例2:“这些感受器是神经末梢,它们嵌入血管壁,根据该血管扩张的程度发出冲动。”翻译:These r eceptors are nerve endings that discharge impulses according to the extent of stretch in the wall of the vessels in which they are imbedded.分析:原文虽然不是太长'但如果按照中文结构去译'就显得很幼稚。因此'就应使用英语中的各个关联词及关联结构。本句中采用的是定语分译法'即用一个主句带上一个定语从句'该定语从句又带上它自己的定语从句'这不仅符合英文习惯'而且逻辑性很强。整个译文层次明晰、流畅自然。以上是笔者在工作中的一些探索'希望能对进行医学论文英语摘要写作的医务工作者有所启发。 翻译的等效性和灵活性 1. 正确理解“等效翻译”
