

在浙江省专升本考试中,阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)所占比例最大,总分值 60 分,占试卷总分的五分之二。这一部分首要测验考生经过阅览获取书





篇章阅读理解(Passage Reading) 部分采用多项选择题的形式进行考查。

这部分测验分两节:四篇文章和一篇 7 选5 的文章。榜首部分为细心阅览了解,

其间每篇长度为 300 词左右。每个华章后有 5 个问题,共 20 题。考生依据对篇









依据专升本考试的时刻组织,做一篇华章阅览的时刻大致需求控制在 10 到

12 分钟之内。要在这个时刻内完结一篇阅览,需求合理的组织做题的时刻和做











(1) 注重段落首末。近几年浙江省专升本的阅读理解题目增加了对段落首末


(2) 注意转折性连接词。文中的转折性的词汇经常会成为阅读考点的标志性

词汇,这类词汇是考题的解题题眼地点。例如 however、but 等词汇,跟在这些


(3) 略读例句。阅读中经常出现一些例句,只用来补充说明文章所陈述的观点,这些句子一般是由 for example 、for instance 、. 等短语或词语来引导。关于这些例句,除非阅览文章触及的标题中有所提及,不然往往能够快速过掉甚至能够疏忽不读,这样也能愈加的进步阅览的速度。

(4) 忽略某些研究所表明的观点。阅读文章中,作者在给出某个观点后,有时会在观点之后加上某些研究表明( 常出现research 、survey 、study 等词汇) ,那么相同,除非阅览文章后的标题中有所提及,不然这些 research 、survey 、study 等所陈说的详细内容一般也可疏忽不读。因为一般情况下,这些都仅仅作













What is the main idea of the passage?

What does the passage mainly discuss?

What is the main topic of the passage?

Which of the following can best sum up the passage?

Which of the following can best express/ summarize/ convey the main

idea of the passage?

This passage is mainly/ primarily concerned with ________ .

This passage is mainly about ________ .

This passage mainly discusses/ deals with ________ .

The purpose/ aim of the passage is to ________ .

The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to ________ .

The passage is intended to ________ .


(1) 文章首尾,首段首尾成为常见命题点。对于整篇文章来说,中心句、主题句


(2) 标志性引导词。常见的标志性引导词有but, however 等转折性的连接词和表

因果的连词because, therefore, for, as a result 等。它们所引导的句子往


(3) 特殊标点符号。在文章的首段或者尾段带有冒号和破折号的语句通常是作者


For example:

2010年浙江工商大学阅览了解 Text 5 第51 题:

The word religion is derived from the Latin noun religion, which

denotes both earnest observance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit

of reverence. In modern usage, religion covers a wide spectrum of meaning

that reflects the enormous variety of ways the term can be interpreted.

At one extreme, many committed believers recognize only their own

tradition as a religion, understanding expressions such as worship and

prayer to refer exclusively to the practices of their tradition. Although

many believers stop short of claiming an exclusive status for their

tradition, they may nevertheless use vague or idealizing terms in

defining religion for example, true love of God, or the path of

enlightenment. At the other extreme, religion may be equated with

ignorance, fanaticism, or wishful thinking.

By defining religion as a sacred engagement with what is taken to be a spiritual reality, it is possible to consider the importance of religion

in human life without making claims about what it really is or ought

to be. Religion is not an object with a single, fixed meaning, or even

a zone with clear boundaries. It is an aspect of human experience that may intersect, incorporate, or transcend other aspects of life and society. Such a definition avoid the drawbacks of limiting the investigation of religion

to Western or biblical categories such as monotheism (belief in one god only )or to church structure, which are not universal. For example,

in tribal societies, religion unlike the Christian church usually is not

a separate institution but pervades the whole of public and private life.

In Buddhism, gods are not as central as the idea of a Buddha. In many traditional cultures, the idea of a sacred cosmic order is the most prominent religious belief. Because of this variety, somescholars prefer

to use a general term such as the sacred to designate the commonfoundation of religious life.

Religion in this understanding includes a complex of activities that cannot be reduced to any single aspect of human experience. It is a part

of individual life but also of group dynamics. Religion includes patterns

of behavior but also patterns of language and thought. It is sometimes

a highly organized institution that sets itself apart from a culture, and

it is sometimes an integral part of a culture. Religious experience may

be expressed in visual symbols, dance and performance, elaborate philosophical systems, legendary and imaginative stories, formal ceremonies, and detailed rules of ethical conduct and law. Each of these elements assumes innumerable cultural forms. In some ways there are as

many forms of religious expression as there are human cultural


is the passage mainly concerned about ?

A. Religion has a variety of interpretation.

B. Religion is a reflection of ignorance.

C. Religion is not only confined to the Christian categories.

D. Religion includes all kinds of activities.

解析:答案 A。标题便是一个典型的宗旨粗心题,问及全文的首要内容,调覆按

生的总结和归纳才干。整篇文章是都是环绕“ religion ”这个单词打开阐明,介绍这个单词的来源以及它的意义和解说。从榜首段第二句和文章最终一句话能够

看出,“religion ”的解说和体现办法有许多种,全文其他部分都是在对此进行阐明和弥补,因而答案为 A。

2008年浙江工商大学阅览了解 Passage 1 第 81题:

Science is guided by the vast body of scientific laws that have been

established through careful experimentation over the past 300 years.

Although there is no precise prescription for doing science, there is a

general schemefor doing science. Science begins whena natural phenomenon

is observed that raises a question for which there is no known answer.

Doing science involves thinking of ways to explain the natural phenomenon

and answering the question raised. The various explanations invented by

a scientist involve a creative process that is based on one’s ownpersonal

experiences as well as known scientific laws and theories. Thinking of

the initial question to ask about the observed phenomenon, and all

conceivable (能想得出来的)explanations (or hypotheses) to explain the

phenomenon are among the most creative moments in doing science.

A hypothesis is based on one ’s personal life experiences, and can

also embodya known scientific theory or law. The combination of a theory

or law that applies to the phenomenon under study plus the scientist ’s

proposed hypothesis to explain the phenomenonis called a model. A model

can be a statement of a concept, a physical model, a diagram, or a

mathematical expression. The process of explaining the patterns and

trends in data based on known scientific theory is called modeling the

data. A reason that a model is always simpler than the actual phenomenon

observed is that the theories and laws are simplifications and

generalizations of the patterns observed in nature. The basic premise in

science is that knowledge is advanced when a correspondence is found

between the model and the observed phenomenon.

The foundations of scientific inquiry in the physical sciences rest

on developing the skills to pose a scientific question, to develop, to

test and to apply a scientific model that adequately accounts for the

observed phenomena.

85. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. Hypothesis and Model in Science.

B. The Function of a Hypothesis.

C. How is Science Done?

D. Phenomenon and Scientific Inquiry.

解析:答案 C。这道题调查的也是考生对文章宗旨的把握。这道题仍是需求通读全文之后才干选出正确的答案, A这个选项标明科学中的假说和模型,这个仅仅文章第二段的描绘和归纳,不全面。 B项标明假说的运用,也仅仅文章第二段的一个内容,并非全文的宗旨。 D项阐明是科学探求与实践现象,这个仅仅第三段的归纳阐明。全文是论说了科学是怎样构成的,故答案为 C。

( 二) 短文细节题







Which of the following is true/false?

Which of the following is not the result of ________?

What causes ______?

Why does the author mention ______?

The author gives this example to illustrate _______?

Which of the following are people allowed to do?

What do we know about _____?

Which of the following best characterizes the main feature of

________ ?

The question in lines XXis based on which of the following assumptions?

The author uses which of the following in the XX paragraph?

In line XX the author distinguishes between______?


(1) 关键词定位,利用题干中的关键词或者关键短语快速在文中找到相应的词或


(2) 在重要、关键的词语或短语下做上记号,如表示时间与年代的词;表示条件、目的、办法、过程、原因等词;标明人名、地名或其他的专有名词;数据;某些

副词(如:always, seldom, absolutely, entirely, relatively, particularly,

hardly, merely, virtually 等等),这些词汇或短语都有或许成为答案地点的


(3) 注意留意复合句,如同位语、插入语、定语、不定式等,往往这种复合句能使考生愈加明晰作者的目的。

(4) 圈出表示条件、递进、转折、例证、原因、总结等语标词,它们所引导的句子很有或许藏有考点,它们均与短文细节有所相关。

For example:

2012年浙江省专升本阅览试题 Passage Four 中第 16 题:

The . Travel Association confirmed in a survey what many frustrated

fliers already know: The airport headache is passengers who pull too

many carry-on bags through security and onto flights.

That number has skyrocketed in recent years —86 million more bags

were carried on in the year than during the sameperiod two years earlier,

the Transportation Security Administration estimates.

The reason for the carry-on jump is no mystery: All the major domestic


now charge to check (托运) even one bag, generally $25. To save money and

time at the baggage claim, passengers carry as much as they can on board,

with predictable consequences.

At security checkpoints, these millions of extra bags, many of them


packed, mean longer lines. Once past security, the fun continues at

boarding. Ona typical flight, there ’s a fierce fight for scarce overhead

bin space, extending the

boarding process. Bags that are stuffed under seats make passengers even

more uncomfortable.

There has got to be a better way. In fact, there is. Here ’s what

a more sensible system would look like:

No fee for the first piece of checked luggage. It would be better if

airlines simply

raised fares( 机票) instead of fees. Limit the carry-on size and charge

for large carry-ons. Use templates( 标尺) at the security checkpoints to

cut off the monster bags that now often escape airline staff ’s notice

until they’r e right at the door of the plane. Tax the airlines ’income

from fees the same way that fares are taxed. Currently, the fees are tax

free, encouraging airlines to generate income through fees rather than fare


We’r e sympathetic to the airline industry ’s need to makemoney, but

the baggage

fees —previously intended to offset rising fuel costs —have become an

interruption that slows down the security check, offloads costs onto

fliers and makes the boarding process even more unpleasant than it

already is.

1.What makes the air travelers most frustrated at the airport?

A. The limited overhead bin space for bags.

B. The number of bags they carry onboard

C. The long line at the baggage claim.

D. The extra fee they have to pay for carry-ons.

解析:B。依据要害词 frustrated 能够定位到文章榜首段。得知:让乘客最为头痛的便是安检和登机的时分带着过多的行李。故答案为 B。

( 三) 词义猜测题




(1) 考查考生熟悉词汇的生僻含义,即很多词汇考生了解其通常含义,但是在具体的情境和语境之中,词汇会有一些不常用的生疏意义。

(2) 考查考生对指代词的理解,例如文章中所出现的 it, this, that 等指代词,


(3) 考查考生通过对其近义词、反义词甚至是修饰词的理解去猜测词汇意思。

(4) 考查考生理解文中俚语、谚语的意思。


The word “?” in the passage means ________ .

The word “?” (Line ? ) could be best replaced by ________ .

According to the passage, the word “?” is referred to as ________ .

As used in the passage, the phrase “?” suggests ________ .

The sentence “? . ” means that _______ .

The sentence “?” can be paraphrased as ________ .

What does the sentence “?” mean?

What does the sentence “?” imply?

The word “it ” (Line ? ) refers to ________ .

The word “one” could be best replaced buy which of the follo wing


Which of the following is nearest in meaning to “?”?

The term “?” in paragraph ? can be best replaced by________ .


(1) 可根据所考查词汇与整篇文章主旨的关系来猜测,与主题基调和意义相近或者相契合的,一般便是词汇的恰当解说。

(2) 通过文章中对词汇或者短语的定义和解释来猜测语义。在阅读中,有的所考


(3) 利用文章中的同义词和反义词来猜测语义。在很多情况下,考生可以通过理解所考词汇的近义词或许反义词,来判别词汇的意思。

(4) 通过逻辑关系来猜测语义。上下文的逻辑关系是个很好的推理依据,根据上下文的因果联系、转机联系、证明联系、递进联系和比照联系等,来确认词汇语义。

(5) 利用某系词缀可以猜测词语的意思。考生需要掌握常见的前缀和后缀,例如看到 un, im, in, ab 等最初的词汇,一般便是标明反义的意思。

For example:

2012年浙江省专升本阅览试题Passage Three 中第 12题:

Wecovet (垂涎)their food, their wine and their ability to stay slim

while consuming both ? but should we be admiring the French for their

parenting skills, as well?

In her very buzzy new book, “Bringing Up Bebe,” American mom and

Paris resident Pamela Druckerman makes the argument that the French have

a leg up on rearing their children.

“There’s something about the way the French parent that makes it

less of a grind and more of a pleasure, ” writes Druckerman, a former Wall

Street Journal reporter. She cites a 2009 study finding mothers in Ohio

think caring for their children is far less pleasant than mothers in Rennes,


What exactly do French parents do that ’s so different from American

parents? A few examples:

Teaching kids patience and self-control through delayed

gratification: French parents teach their children to wait for what they

want from an early age— for a few minutes, usually — instead of

immediately giving into kids ’ demands.

“ I ’m now convinced that the secret of why Fre nch kids rarely whine

or collapse into tantrums (发脾气)— or at least do so less than American

kids — is that they ’ve developed the internal resources to cope with

frustration, ” Druckerman writes.

Sleep training often begins at birth: In France, babies are expected

to be sleepingthrough the night by the time they ’re four months old.

Parents don ’t ignore their babies ’ cries but they do pause before

responding to them.

“French parents believe it ’s their job to gently teach babies to

sleep well, ” she

writes. “They don’t view being up half the night with an eight -month-old

as a sign of parental commitment. ”

They don’t give in to guilt over spending time away from their kids:

French women believe that “it ’s unhealthy for mothers and children to

spend all their tim e together. ? Children — even babies andtoddlers — get

to cultivate their inner lives without a mother’s constant

interference. ”

12. The underlined words “have a leg up” in Paragraph 2 probably means


A. offer help

B. gain advantage

C. act fast

D. stand up

解析:B。依据短语中的 up 一词,就能够估测其意思应该是正面活跃的。由榜首段的最终一句 should we be admiring the French for their parenting skills,

as well? 我们是否也该羡慕法国人养育子女的能力?有下文可知法国人在养育

子女方面是有许多优势的,故答案 B契合。

( 四) 推理判断题





The passage implies / suggests / shows that ________.

It is implied / suggested / indicated in the passage that ________.

It can be inferred / seen /concluded from the passage that ________.

The author implies / suggests / indicates that ________.

We can learn / conclude from the passage that _________.

Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?

Which of the following conclusions could best be drawn from the


Based on the passage, we can assume / presume that ________.

The writer implies but not directly states that ________.


(1) 推理和判断题一般都会根据全文主题的背景,所以考生在做推理判断题的时




(2) 在选项中用词过于绝对的,一般不会是答案

(3) 推理判断的原文大多数会是对某一论点的论证或者进一步的说明,所以在分


(4) 语义转折的地方仍会是出题点,着重注意。

For example:

2012年浙江省专升本阅览试题 Passage Two中第 8题:

Lloyd Slocum was unemployed for 18 months, but like hundreds of

thousands of American s, he ’s working part time this holiday shopping

season, unloading trucks and stocking shelves for a Bealls store in Port

St. Lucie, Fla.

“It gives you something to look forward to, ”says Slocum, 29.

He plans to use cash to buy his father a Christmas present and hopes

to move on to a full- time position with Bealls/Burke ’s stores, a Sunbelt


Black Friday, the official start of holiday shopping heat, also kicks

off the less-celebrated season of the part-time worker. Retailers (零

售商)alone are hiring about 500,000 seasonal employees this year, most

of whom are part time, according to the National Retail Federation.

Retailers ’recent shift to opening on Thanksgiving or midnight on Black

Friday has intensified the need for part-time workers.

Holiday jobs offer financial and emotional lifeline for many of the

nation ’s

jobless. They also point up a troubling reality: A near-record number of

Americans are working part time throughout the year, even though they

would prefer full-time jobs. It is not just because of the recession (经

济阑珊) . Economists cite a broader, longer-term shift toward part-time work as employers cut expenses and more precisely match staffing with ups

and downs of customer demand.

The number of part-timers who really want full-time

positions —so-called involuntary part-time employees —has risen from

million in January to million last month, according to the Bureau of

Labor Statistics. The total has hung at million to 9 million since early

2009 —double the pre-recession level.

By contrast, the total of unemployed Americans has stayed flat at

about million this year and is down from about 15 million in late 2009

as employers had added 2 million or so jobs. The gap showshowthe nation ’s

official 9% jobless rate doesn ’t fully reflect the eff ect caused by a

half-speed economic recovery.

8. In America, “Black Friday ”usually marks the beginning of ______.

A. 24-hour work shifts

B. Thanksgiving dinner

C. Christmas celebrations

D. a holiday shopping season

解析:D。由要害词 Black Friday 定位到原文第四段的榜首句话, Black Friday 后边的同位语正好是对其意思的解说阐明:黑色星期五是假日购物热的开端,故D正确。

( 五) 观点态度题







What’s the tone of the passage?

Which of the following best describes the author ’s attitude toward??

How does the author feel about ??

What’s the author ’s opinion of/ about ??

What is the author ’s overall attitude towards ??

What does the author think of ??

Which of the following is the author most likely to agree with?

The author seems to be in favor of the idea of ________.

The author probably feels that ________.

The author ’s attitude towards ?might be best summarized as ________.

In the writer ’s opinion, ________.

According to the author, ________.

The author of the passage seems to be ________.

The tone of the author is ________.



(2) 注重表示观点或者态度的引导词,例如:in my point, as far as I am

concerned, in my opinion, I think/ suppose/ argue/ believe/ claim 等。


(3) 注意转折和对比的地方,也会是作者观点态度的表现。转折或者对比处,也便是作者着重的当地,此处会反响作者的情感和倾向,考试的标题依据一般就会


(4) 掌握和熟悉一些表示观点的词汇和短语,例:

A. 标明附和的

positive adj. 必定的 ,实践的 ,活跃的 , 的确的favorable adj.拥护的 , 有利的 ,赞赏的 , 杰出的approval n.拥护 , 供认, 正式赞同

enthusiasm n. 疯狂,热心 ,活跃性

supportive adj. 支撑的,援助的

defensive adj.为??而辩解

B. 标明否定的

negative adj. 否定的 , 低沉的 ,负的 , 阴性的disapproval adj. 不拥护

objection n. 贰言

opposition n. 对立

critical adj. 批评的

criticism n 批评批评

disgust vi. 令人讨厌, 令人恶感 vt. 使作呕

warning adj. 正告的

detestation n. 憎恨,讨厌的人 , 嫌恶

indignation n.气愤

contempt n.小看,轻视 , 羞耻 , 不尊敬compromising n. 退让, 折衷 v. 退让, 折衷

worried adj.郁郁寡欢的 , 焦虑的

C. 标明置疑的

suspicion n. 猜忌 ,置疑

suspicious adj.( ~of) 可疑的,怀疑的

doubt n.置疑

doubtful adj. 可疑的, 不确的, 猜疑的

question v. 质疑

puzzling adj. 使利诱的, 使莫明其妙的

D. 标明客观的

objective adj. 客观的

neutral adj. 中立的

impartial adj. 公正的, 不偏不倚的disinterested adj. 忘我的

imprejudiced adj. 没有成见的

unbiased adj. 没有成见的

unprejudiced adj. 公正的, 无成见的, 没有成见的detached adj. 不含个人成见的

E. 标明片面的

subjective adj. 片面的, 个人的

indifference n. 不关怀

tolerance n. 宽恕,忍耐,忍耐

pessimism n. 失望, 失望主义

gloomy adj. 漆黑的, 阴沉的, 令人懊丧的 , 忧郁的optimistic adj. 达观的

sensitive adj. 有感觉的, 敏感[ 锐] 的, 易受伤害的scared adj. 惊骇的

reserved adj. 保存的, 包租的

consent vi. 赞同, 拥护, 容许 n. 赞同, 拥护, 许诺radical adj. 急进的

moderate adj. 中等的, 适度的, 适中的 v. 平缓mild adj. 温文的, 温顺的, 淡味的, 细微的, 适度的


专升本英语阅读理解50 篇 (1) One sho u ld be moderate(适度)in a ll things. Moderation i s a l ways the safes t way to do t h ing s and a v irtu e(品质)we shou ld have. Let's take th e stodcnt Ii fe for exam pl e. The re arc some students who s tu dy too hard a nd play 100 little, while there are o th ers who play too mu c h and study too linle. On o n e hand, it is harm fu l 10 his heallh i f h c ha s too few exercises, and on the o th e r hand, i t is harmful 10 h is mind if h c pl ays t oo mu c h. In th e matter of eating, one a l so shou l d be m odera t e. Do not eat 100 much or 100 li ule. Too much eat in g wi ll m ake you s ick, whi l e 100 litt le eating will make yo u weak T h e man of progrcss i s h e who neithcr has I OO h ig,h an opin i on of h imse lf nor Ihin ks lOO poorly of h imse lf. l f a man thinks 100 hig h ly of h imse l f, he is sure 10 become very pro ud, but ifhe has 100 poor an o pini on of h i m self, h e w ill ha ve no courage 10 make an adva n ce. Bo 由lh c cond 山ons above wi ll make you l ose your advancing a im. A broad m i nded man i s he w h o a l ways moves with in the o rbit (轨道)of rca onab l cness. W h c1hcr in any aetivilies in life, moderation i s one of the be t ways 10enjoy re a l happin css. I . ''Someone c modcra1e" mea n s A.he wa l ks neither 100 fast nor 100 s l owly B.h e hasgood characters and good ways to do things C. h e i s not on l y safe bu1 a l so successful D. he i s e i1h crt a ll o r shor l 2.T h e ,vriter s u gge 1s that a st u dcn l shou l d A, have much more time to st ud y 1han10 play B.spend m ost of 1h c time playing difleren1 games C.on l y study hard w i t h o ut any 1irne to play D.correct l y arrange (安排)h i s time for study and play 3. Modcra1c eating m eans A.eating as much food as o n e ca n if 1he food i s 1a t y B.eating food ri ch of fa1 C.eati n g a proper amounl of food D.eating either too much or 100 l i1t l e 4 , If one want to be br oad-minded. he must A.believe in himself B.be full of co u r age C.enjoy rea l happine s D, do every1h ing that i s reasonable 答案:B D C D (2) Daniel Boone was born in the U n i ted States in 1734. He didn't go to schoo l a nd cou l dn't r ead, a lth ough h e l earned a ll about th e fo r csl , streams and hunting. He could move sile nt ly lik e an Indian l eaving no marks. He l oved to li ve alone in th e woods where nothing frightened him When he grew up, he married an d tri ed t o 沁ide down o n a farm. A year la t er, however, h e wasn't sa ti sfie d a nd decided t o go i nt o the unknown western land s, crossing the Appalachian Mou nt ai n s. Whe n he returned a 仆er l\vo years, hebecame famous for h is lo n g journey. He brought va lu ab l e an im a l sk in s and t o ld stories about the Indians. After thi s, he cho沁10 keep travelling to unknown places. Once he lost t o the Indians in batt le and was taken away. T h e Indian. li ked him and bec"1me his frie n岱 Daniel Boone died a t the age of86.He i s remembered as a n ex p lo r c(-r探险者)a nd a p i o n eer who lived an exciting li fe in the early years of American nation I . Daniel Boone's ea-rly li fe was mainly s p en t i n A. l earn ing about nature 8. hunting wi th his friends


2018年北京高职升本科招生统一考试 英语试卷 本试卷共8页,共100分。考试时长120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 Part ⅠVocabulary and Structure Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or works from the 4 choices marked A.,B.,C. and D. then you should write the letter in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 1. —All the streets are wet. —Yes, didn’t you know? _______ for 20 minutes. A. It’s raining B. It’s been raining C. It was raining D. It had rained 2. Here’s your money—if I were you, I__________ it in the bank right now. A. put B. have put C. would put D. should have put 3. ________in 1896, Thomson School is proud of its excellent reputation. A. Establish B. Establishing C. Established D. To establish 4. I believe his design is ________, for it’s completely different from others ’. A. common B. original C. practical D. reliable 5. Being curious, working hard, and believing in____________ was true made Jenny a success. A. what B. that C. which D. whether 6. The painters say that _________ the downstairs rooms by Wednesday afternoon. A. They’ll finish B. they’ve finished C. they’re going to finish D. they’ll have finished 7. I am sick of all the quarreling among politicians who____________ be concentrating on vital issues. A. could B. must C. might D. should 8. The new law will have a great effect___________ the lives of most people. A. about B. in C. on D. of 9. More and more people are coming to appreciate the contribution______________ these talents make to our society. A. which B. where C. when D. whom 10. If you travel frequently, find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into__________ . A. others B. another C. the other D. one another 11. The expression on her face suggested that she_____________ glad to go shopping with me. A. was B. is C. will be D. should be 12. Weather_________ , we will go boating this afternoon. A. to permit B. permit C. permitted D. permitting 13. All parents worry about_____ their children are getting enough of the right foods. A. how B. when C. whether D. where 14.The quickest way was to use the car. It was a risk_____________ he decided it had to be taken. A. and B. but C. for D. or 15.We are said__________ in the Digital Age. A. living B. lived C. to have lived D. to be living


成考专升本考试英语单选题答题技巧,看了绝对拿高分 做选择题时,最头痛的是在经过筛选只剩下两个选项时,模棱两可,似是而非。那么如何在考试时间内迅速高效选出正确答案,是所有同学都要重视的问题 今天智睿乐德郑老师分享一篇专升本英语选择题作答干货,希望能够帮到大家。 一、单选的解题方法 1.直接法 直接利用相关语法知识,通过题干中的已供信息,捕捉到解题线索,从而得出正确答案的解题方法。例: --Will you come to the net bars(网吧)with me﹖ --Sorry.My mother always tells me______ there. A.not go B.go C.not to go D.to go 根据句意可知此题考查动词不定式的否定形式,即tell sb.not to do sth.,故此题应选C。 2.关键词法 许多题目中都有这样一些词,它们对于快速而准确地判定答案起着至关重要的作用。我们称这些词为关键词key words。找到句中的关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口,例:--He hardly hurt himself in the accident,______ ﹖ A.doesn't he B.didn't he C.did he D.does he 该题中hardly与hurt是起关键词作用的。凡陈述部分含有hardly,never,little,few 等否定意义的词时,反意疑问句用肯定形式;而hurt一词的过去式与原形相同,此处hurt 未加s,应为过去式。因此本题答案C是正确的。 3.记准固定搭配 My cousin and I often ______ on Sundays. A. play football B. play the football C. plays the football D. plays football 在本题中,play football是固定短语,play和球类之间没有任何冠词,所以B和C 同时被排除了。主语是my cousin and I,所以play不加s,D也被排除了。只剩下A是准确答案了。 4.牢记动词的固定用法 I like_______very much and I’d like ______with my friends this afternoon. A. swimming;to swim B. to swim;swimming C. swimming;swimming D swim;to swim 在本题中,考查了两个固定短语,前者是like doing,后者是would like to do,分辨清楚这两个短语结构,就能准确选出A。 5.准确判断所需词性


模拟题四 第一部分:交际用语 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话是未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 1. ---Do you mind if I sit here? --- _____A_________. A. Not at all. There is plenty of room. B. Of course. Do sit down, please. C. Never mind. I’d like to have some companion. D. Sure. I’d like to have someone to talk to 2. –Why do you always tell me what to do? To be frank, I don’t like it. --- I know, but _C__. A. I don’t like it either. B. How do I do for you? C. I just want the best for you. D. Obviously. You are right. 3. ----That was a delicious dinner. ----_D_. A. Thank you. Don’t mention it. B. You’re welcome. C. Not so delicious, I’m afraid. D. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 4. --- You are most beautiful in that red sweater. --- __C___. A. Oh, no. It’s just an old one, and I have had it for years. B. Yes. I think it goes nicely with my pants. C. Thank you. My mom knitted it for me some years ago. D. Oh, but I’m not sure if it suits me. 5. ---I missed Prof. Wang’s linguistics class again yesterday. ----_____C_____. A. Congratulations! B. How nice you are! C. What a pity! D. Have a nice weekend. 第二部分:阅读理解 此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 Passage 1 Many countries face a somewhat more serious economic problem in the form of an unfavorable trade balance with other nations. Such an imbalance exists when the total value of a country’s imports exceeds that of its exports. For example, if a country buys $25 billion of products from other countries, yet sells only $10 billion of its own products overseas, its trade deficit(贸易逆差)is $15 billion. Many underdeveloped nations find themselves in this position because they lack natural resources or the industrial capacity to use these resources, and thus have to import


专升本英翻汉 具体技巧 剖析 技巧一:语词搭配 某些动词,在汉语中只能用于人。而英语中既可以用于人,又可用于物。所以,汉译时要符合汉语搭配习惯。比如 see 或 witness。 1949 saw the founding of the People’s Republic of China. 1. Dusk found her crying at a corner of this street. 黄昏时,有人看见她在街上的一个拐角处哭泣。 2. His name escapes me for the moment. 我一时记不起他的名字。 技巧二:语词的引申 翻译中的引申,指的是在语言转换时,为适应译文表意或行文的需要,在原词或词组基本意思的基础上,对词义进行符合逻辑的调整或变动。翻译实践中常见的有:具体化、抽象化、逻辑化引申。 3. The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green. 我前面的那辆车停住了,我错过了可通行时间。 4. Please don’t wake a sleeping dog. 请不要惹是生非。

5. Don’t waste t ime on self-congratulation; there is still work to do. 不要因为沾沾自喜而浪费时间;还有工作要做呢。 技巧三:语词的增译和省译 6. He ate and drank, for he was exhausted. 他吃点东西,喝点酒,因为他疲惫不堪了。 用增词法试着翻译: 1. 累得我走不动了。 2. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 1. It makes me so tired that I can’t walk any more. 2. While/Where there is life, there is hope. 7. As she sat down and began talking, words poured out. 她一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。 8. I could have skinned Rupert in front of the whole audience. 我真恨不得当着听众的面剥了鲁伯特的皮。 9. The doctor put the baby in her arms. She kissed it on the forehead. 医生将婴儿放到她怀里,吻了吻孩子的前额。 A horse is a useful animal. 马是有用的动物。


第一节(共7小题;每小题2分,) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 A Sea level is rising around the world, so there is more salt in fresh water on the farms near the sea. As a result farmers are not able to use fields close to the sea. But a farmer in the Netherlands is now using a mixture of sea and fresh water to grow healthy and delicious vegetables. Marc Van Rijsselberghe started with an experiment. He put several kinds of plants in the mixture. He worked on the project with scientists from the Free University of Amsterdam. He cut a farm into eight areas. Then he watered them with different mixtures of fresh water and sea water, and a computer program created water with eight levels of the mixture. Rijsselberghe says he was able to harvest vegetables from most of the eight test areas. He says the vegetables were smaller than those grown in fresh water. But he says they also have more sugar and salt, so they taste better. The farmer grew carrots, cabbage, onions and beetroot. But he found that potatoes grew better than the other vegetables in the mixture of sea and fresh water. Rijsselberghe says four kinds of these potatoes were sent to Pakistan. Farmers in Pakistan will test the potatoes to see if they can be grown in those fields. does Marc Van Rijsselberghe do farmer in Pakistan. farmer in the Netherlands. computer programmer in the Netherlands. scientist from the Free University of Amsterdam. vegetables grow best in the mixture of sea and fresh water . . . . is not mentioned about the vegetables grown in the mixture are more expensive. have more sugar and salt. taste better than those grown in fresh water. are smaller than those grown in fresh water. 's the best title for this passage level is rising around the world better vegetables vegetables with sea water special mixture of sea and fresh water B Disney's theme park,its first on the Chinese mainland,Shanghai Disneyland,has already been completed, and opened its doors on June 16,2016."Six is a lucky number to Chinese people, "the Walt Disney Company said. Shanghai Disneyland hosted an opening celebration to welcome its first guests. At the opening,it held more Chinese-style activities instead of Western-style ones, because the host wants to show China's local traditional culture. "We have prepared a three-day celebration and invited more than 8,000 actors, "Philippe Gas, Shanghai Disneyland's general manager, told Shanghai Television yesterday. So why has Disneyland been so popular Well, it's described as "the Happiest Place on Earth" and "a place for the young and young at heart". Disney's storytelling in


[专升本类试卷]河北专接本英语(阅读理解)模拟试卷7 0 Long before recorded history, our ancestors were bathing for pleasure and health. The earliest records often mention the use of rivers for bathing. And the Hindus have believed for centuries that the Ganges River has the power to clean the soul, as well as the body. Several thousand years ago, the inhabitants of the island of Crete built baths with running water. The early Jews took ceremonial baths on certain occasions, making use of oils and ointments(油膏). The Jews also had a custom of bathing the feet of all strangers that came within their gates. This friendly custom is still practised in parts of Palestine. Swimming was popular among the Greeks of ancient time. By the third century before Christ, almost every Greek city of a certain size had at least one public bath. The wealthy classes had private baths and pools, some of which were beautifully decorated. Many of the public baths that the Romans built utilized natural mineral springs. Since most of these springs were naturally warm the Romans took advantage of this free hot water. By the time of the Roman Emperors, these baths were often housed in large, marble(大理石) buildings. The baths built by the Emperor Caracalla, in the center of Rome, covered about one square mile and could hold sixteen thousand people. 1 The earliest bathing place was probably_____. (A)the river (B)the Nile (C)the Ganges (D)the River Jordan 2 According to the passage, today, some parts of Palestine also have the custom of_____. (A)bathing in public baths (B)bathing for pleasure


成人高等学校专升本英语答题技巧总结 制作人:伍佳佳 (说明:答题技巧是在总结研究历年(2002-2010)考试规律、出题人答案设置规律及结合老师多年自身考试的经验得出,希望同学们认真备考,掌握答题技巧,取得优异成绩!) 一、考前准备和考试中需注意的几个问题 1、考试前需带好一下几样物品:准考证,身份证、2B铅笔、小刀,0.5毫米的黑色中性笔(至少两只),橡皮,手表。最好是买一只透明的笔袋,里面可以放这些物品。 2、考试开始前:一般考试要提前半小时进考场,正式开考后半小时不允许进场考试。考试试卷在考前五分钟发放,在监考老师没有发出“可以答题”口号之前不能答题,这五分时间大家可以认真的在答题卡上用0.5毫米的黑色中性笔填写准考证号等个人信息,并用2B铅笔在相应的答题卡上涂黑刚才填写的准考证号,(如果试卷分A卷或者B卷,一定要记得正确填涂自己的试卷类型,否则读卡器无法识别,判为零分)如有不清楚的,可以举手向监考老师发问。 3、考试过程中:考试开始后,大家可以按照顺序做题,最好是一道大题(例如:第一部分的语音题)做完就把答案转涂到答题卡上,以此类推。这样做的目的是为了防止到最后时间不够。涂答题卡要尽量涂满,具体可参照答题卡上给的填涂样例。

考试过程中有同学要去卫生间的,可举手示意监考老师,会有一名同性老师陪你一起。 考试半小时前方可提前交卷,但是老师希望大家尽量不要提前交卷,认真做好阅读部分。 二、英语考试每一部分题目的答题技巧 1、语音题(共五题5分):语音题常规的答题就是认识每一题的四个单词,并能读出,能读出来答案自然就出来了。如果单词不全认识或者全部不认识怎么办? ①看单词下划线的字母是否是特殊音标,有些单词发音比较特殊,这也是常考的内容。考试中的规律是不考常态考变态。 例如,y字母跟“r”结合发音[ri],跟其他字母结合,读[ai]。 th,跟er结合,就读[e]; oo,发特殊[u]的几个单词:look;good;book;wool;bedroom;classroom; ②辨别单词,看单词字母组合是否一样或者类似; (语音题说明:语音题答案分布规律是A、B、C、D错开分布各一个,外加A、B、C、D四个中另外一个,也就是说大家在作为答案后可以用这个方法反测自己选择的答案是否合理。) * 历年试题中重复考的特殊语音 “th”的发音[θ][e] (1) th位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音。在名词、动词、形容词和数词中th发清辅音[θ]。如:thing, theatre, thunder,

英语专升本考试重点复习内部资料 (专升本英语语法,词汇,阅读理解、翻译)

语法七大语法考试重点 一独立主格 (一):独立主格结构的构成: 名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词; 名词(代词)+形容词; 名词(代词)+副词; 名词(代词)+不定式; 名词(代词) +介词短语构成。 (二)独立主格结构的特点: 1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。 2)名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词等是主谓关系。 3)独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。 举例: The test finished, we began our holiday. = When the test was finished, we began our holiday. The president assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. = After the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. This done, we went home. The meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier. He came into the room, his ears red with cold. He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. 二过去完成时 1)概念:表示过去的过去其构成是had +过去分词构成。 2)用法 a.在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris. b. 状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. c. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示"原本…,未能…" We had hoped that you would come, but you didn t. 3)过去完成时的时间状语before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。 He said that he had learned some English before. By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.


大学英语阅读理解辅导资料:(共45题) Passage 1 The Antarctic is actually a desert. It is the only continent on the earth without a river or a lake. The Antarctic is all ice all year round. The warmest temperature ever recorded there is zero, at the South Pole. Explorers used to think that a place so cold would have a heavy snowfall. But less than ten inches of snow falls each year. That is less than half an inch of water. Ten times that much moisture falls in parts of the Sahara. The little snow that falls in Antarctica never melts. It continues to pile up deeper and deeper year after year. When the snow gets to be about eighty feet deep it is turned to ice by the weight of the snow above it. 1. Antarctica is called a desert because it ________. A. is sandy B. has the same temperature as a desert C. has little moisture and no lakes or rivers D. All of the above 2. The Antarctic has ________. A. ten times as much moisture as the Sahara B. the same amount of moisture as the Sahara C. about one-tenth the moisture of the Sahara D. None of these. 3. The temperature in the Antarctic is ________. A. always above zero B. always below zero C. never recorded D. Both B and C 4. The snow in Antarctica is very deep because it ________. A. never stops falling B. piles up year after year C. never melts D. Both B and C 5. The snow turns to ice when ________. A. it gets wet B. the temperature gets colder C. the next snowfall comes D. the snow above it is heavy enough 答案:CDBDD Passage 2 Astronomers ( 宇航员) can tell just how hot the surface of the moon gets. The side of the moon toward the sun gets two degrees hotter than boiling water. The night side reaches 243 degrees below zero. In a lunar eclipse (月食) the earth's shadow falls on the moon. Then the moon's temperature may drop 300 degrees in a very short time. A temperature change like this cannot happen on the earth. Why does it happen on the moon? Astronomers know that the surface of the moon is dust. On the earth, rocks store heat from the sun. When the sun goes down, the rocks stay warm. But the dust of the moon cannot store heat. So when the moon gets dark, the heat escapes quickly. The moon gets very cold.
