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mobile phone, two people have not looked up and saw each other, so, two people together. A: oh! My local tyrants gold! B: oh! Is who ah! Walk without eyes? A: look at what you have done! You lost my mobile phone, it is I who give me birthday gift, this is a local tyrants gold! How do you compensate me!!! B:: it's none of my business, is that you yourself walk don't hit me A:I can't stand it! How can you be so unreasonable! You have to accompany my mobile phone. B:Don't tease? What were you thinking? It is not entirely my responsibility. A:It seems I have to give you some lessons(对着B挥拳相向) B:Ouch! My eyes! 场景2(医院) 旁白:B eyes after being injured, was rushed to hospital. B:You wounded me, you have to compensate me. A:What did you say? You should pay for my cell phone!(两人相互推搡) Balabalbal。。。 医生:Please keep quiet in the hospital, ok, tell me about why do you quarrel with me.


大学生英语话剧剧本Michael: 泽泓Scolfield: 仲铨Lincoln: 桂帆T-bag: 捷驰宿舍3人:M:(reading book) rules for students the book is so hard to understand,it's a little boring..Scolfield,what are you doing ? S: (刚开始没应答,忙于dota) - 大学生英语话剧剧本 Michael: 泽泓 Scolfield: 仲铨 Lincoln: 桂帆 T-bag: 捷驰 宿舍 3人: M:(reading book) "rules for students" the book is so hard to understand,it's a little boring..Scolfield,what are you doing ? S: (刚开始没应答,忙于dota) i'm dota ing...Oh,no..I lost again(中文说:队友不给力啊). what a day! I lost five times today.I couldn't dota any more..And Lincoln ,what are you busy with ?大学生英语话剧剧本 L: nothing,just watching video. M: which kind of video are you watching ?I guess it's American,right? L: Yeah,American .. of course.clever boy,you know I like American movies very much. but this movie I'm watching is not that funny.Hey..guys,it's holiday ,is there any fun we can have? S: Say..I remember there's a party tonight at E502. M: Oh,yes,I almost gorget it.there's a fellowship gathering tonight,which can be a good chance to make some friends..you know.. L: with some beautiful girls,right? S: Yeah,that's really wonderful,you know ,I like this kind of gathering party..pretty girls are everywhere.. M & L :haha..we know what you mean. L : all right.it's a deal.four of us should go to the party together. M: OK..but where is T-bag ? S: T-bag.. T-bag 进来 L: T-bag,where have you been? M: we have a good news . S: Yeah,there's a party tonight,and we can have fun ,would you come with us? T-bag: (装悲剧ing..)sorry ,I don't want to,I'm not in a good mood.


情景剧剧本:College Life 08会计1班第三小组全体成员 人物:Cast George Mancy Ken Tida Annie Character descriptions: (G)George -He majors in Environment Science. His roommates are Ken and Ti da. They have a bad relationship. He thinks happiness is more important. His gir lfriend is Mancy. (K)Ken -He fools around all the time. He doesn’t know what kind of life he wants. He hates studying and doesn’t like to be blamed. (T)Tida -He doesn’t want to spend time making friends with Ken and George. He likes to communicate with others by computer. Computer is his life. (M)Mancy-She is George’s girlfriend. She doesn’t have her own ideas. She wan ts to be with George all the time. Because of the reason, she ignores Annie’s fe elings. (A)Annie -She is Mancy’s good fr iend. She likes Mancy. She is very weird so she hates Mancy’s friends. She wishes Mancy and George to break up. But she doesn’t like her evil thinking. Plot: There are three roommates who have a bad relationship, but a motorcycle accide nt changes their l ives…..


背景:大学生本应意气风发,至筹已满,但是,如今的大学校园里,很多人对前途是迷茫的,丧失了理想,得过且过,他们逃课,然后考试抱着及格就行的心态。 时间:某次考试前几天。 地点:某女生宿舍 人物:老大、老二、老三、小四 道具:三张椅子、一张桌子、几本书 开场:考试前老三坐在桌前认真的复习着,老大坐在一边嗑着瓜子,老二和小四则抱着手机,一个打电话,一个听音乐。 老大:三啊!怎么这么认真呢?考试嘛!只要及格就行,你平时已经很认真了,及格对你来说肯定没有问题,所以不用这么认真啦! 老二:是嘛!三,及格就行,多一分是浪费。不要那么认真啦,我们聊天啊! 老三:不是,我?????? (突然被小四打断,小三则低下头继续复习) 小四:就是啊,老三。我们聊天吧!不如就聊聊我们高中时的考试吧。像你这样的乖宝宝应该没有做过弊吧。对于作弊我可是有着一定的心得的。 老二:哎???让我来和你们分享下我的作弊生涯吧。有一次期末考试数学题目巨难。最后一道20分的大题一点头绪也没有。手里一边做着76+20的算术,嘴里一边念念有词:“20分的大题如果答对了,及格就没有问题了”。然后我看了一下手表还有最后的15分钟,觉得不能再等了,于是悄悄的拿了一张纸,在纸上写道:最后一道大题你会不会?在瞄准目标前又浪费了5分钟,终于等监考老师转身之际我找到了个机会把它扔了出去。 老四:切,你作弊的水平这么低啊??? 老二:等我说完好不好,那张纸条幸好纸条落到了我瞄准的对象那里,她也我们班上前几名的。在煎熬的等待中又过了5分钟,终于她把纸条传了回来,当时你知道吗,我心里的那个激动啊!心情那个澎湃啊! 老大:结果嘞?抄到没? 老二:哎???(竖起两根手指)只有两字。 老大、小四:哪两字? 老二:我会! 老大、小四:哈哈??? 老三:(抬头看着她们)你们快看一会儿书吧!待会儿就考试了。 老大:恩。不过说来也奇怪,上了大学之后,就没想过考试要作弊,这是为什么呢? 老三:那是因为现在没有升学的压力,而且都是靠自已,老师也不会像高中时那样一天到晚都盯着你。还有就像你们所说的考试及格就行,多一分是浪费,所以啊大家就这样学学及格就行。 老大:肯定的呀~ 必须及格呀,是吧老二(边说着坏笑着看着老二) 老二:嘿嘿,大哥咱们这次可真是必须要互相合作呀。 老四:合作什么东西?你们知道哥当年高中英语怎么过来的么?每次坐我前面那伙计我压根就不认识。可是最后他答案都会跑我试卷上来!哈哈这叫充分发挥自我能动性! 老大老二:切~你就净吹牛吧~ (老三这是觉得宿舍里有些吵闹,就抱这书本去阳台了) 老大:(看见老三出去了)哎,估计还嫌我们吵到他了呢,其实到时候估计还没我们考的好呢!是吧老二。


角色:四个大学生,名字分别是:A,B,C,D。 (旁白)我们一直在想,所谓的大学究竟应该是怎样,我们一直在迷茫,为什么自己已经回不到高中时期的状态,于是很多人迷失了自己觉得现在的大学配不上自己,于是很多人与曾经的梦想渐行渐远,于是很多人选择了这样的生活。。。。。。 (在四人间的寝室里,灯光昏暗,三台电脑全开,背景音乐是摇滚乐,十分吵杂,配合有不断地鼠标点击的声音,还有打游戏时的喊声。) C:唉,又死了。这垃圾键盘,该死鼠标!垃圾键盘,该死鼠标! D:哈哈,小撸怡情,大撸伤身,樯橹灰飞烟灭。王跃同志是你不行吧,不要勉强。。。 C:什么竟敢怀疑我的能力,好歹我也是在咱们寝室积极推广LOL文化第一人好不好 B: 哎哎,你两别吵了,我在跟媳妇视屏呢,声音小点好不。 C:哦,原来呀,我说网速咋这么慢。(敲门声响起,寝室里停止讲话) B:(上前开门,诧异状)张松一天不见你了,干啥去了 A:(拿着书本,满脸疲倦,走进寝室)老样子,还是去自习。 D:(转过身来)我就一直不明白,这是大学了,还起早贪黑上什么自习呀。 C:其实吧,我也挺想改变一下自己。有时候我老想像他一样每天做一点事,真的不能这样浑浑噩噩了。现在这般的生活确实很惬意,只是完了之后老是有一种愧疚感。 B:你们这么一说,我更加觉得我们对不起自己了。跟你们说个事吧,其实我一直就有个梦想,只是到了大学渐渐地把它抛在了脑后 A:说说吧 C:嗯,以前我想当一个企业家,创造出属于自己的一个商业帝国,为了这个梦想我曾经付出了很多努力,可是,唉,但是看看现在,自己一直萎靡不振,大家应该也有梦想吧。 B:我进入大学的时候曾满怀壮志,想要学好我的专业知识,成为一流人才,为了自己能更好的活着而努力。 A:其实吧,我的梦想很简单,就是以后可以和一个自己爱并爱着自己的人过着简单的生活,但要做到这点不是很容易,所以我很珍惜所拥有的每一天。 D:我的梦想是做一位美食家,我想吃遍天下美食,然后把它们推向世界,中国美食有着中国上下五千年文化的积蕴,不应该泯灭在历史的长河中,可现在我离梦想越走越远。 A:古人曾说过少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强,我们的梦,中国的梦,中国梦,从我们的梦开始;当我们的梦实现之时,中国母亲的梦也就会实现,这时,我们民族可以无晦涩地立在人类面前,我们的祖国母亲也会最美的装饰起来,与世界各位母亲平等的携手了! D:是啊,不仅如此,我们身上还有父母们梦想的影子,我们还有很多的责任。 (旁白)最终,我们明白了,不是现在的大学配不上你,而是现在浑浑噩噩的你配不上你曾经的梦想。其实我们的梦想从未离我们远去,只要让自己静下心来,让自己的梦想与祖国的梦想联系起来,我的梦,中国梦,我们已经在追梦的路 上了。


The Tale of Aladdin Characters: Aladdin, Genie, Jasmine, and Sultan Scene 1 旁白: Welcome to my store. What are you in need of today? What about this (Hold up a strange item) Or this? (Holds up another item) Or look at this… (Holds the third item) Wait don’t go… I can see that you are only interested in special things. Why not co nsider this? (He pulls out the magic lamp) This… this is no ordinary lamp! It once changed a young man's life. His name was Aladdin. SCENE 2(白 when Aladdin is on the way home) Aladdin:(Notices the lamp) Hey wh at’s this? (He picks it up) W o w… it’s so dirty. (He rubs the lamp clean) Genie: (Genie appears. Aladdin is astonished.后退,倒下,惊叫,向门外逃被无形的 力量牵住) Who are you and why call me from my lamp? Aladdin: please don’t kill me,I’m Ala ……Aladdin. Ah… I am sor ry to disturb you(Genie interrupt Genie: (Bows to Aladdin) I am the genie of the lamp and I will obey you. I will do anything you ask. What is your command?


Net-Friends 网络朋友 from Class 17,2013 Hotel Management 2013级酒店管理专业17班 Th eme 主题 This play mainly describes the rustic performance and the embarrassment caused by an innocent couple from rural area to stay at a luxury hotel for a very first time. It reflects the responsibility of the hotel staff and the true love between people. What’s more, the gap between the upper class and lower class in the society was easy to see from the play. This play not only set an example to the attendant working in the hospitality industry, but also calls for people to sacrifice their love to others. 本剧以一对没见过世面的乡村夫妻第一次住豪华酒店表现出的土气和不知所措造成的尴尬搞笑为主线,反映出现代服务员工作上的尽职尽责,人与人的真诚相待和发自内心的爱,更能体现人世间的真情,又从侧面反应出社会上层人士和下层人士的差距。该片,不仅为服务者做出了榜样,也起到了呼吁世人为他人奉献爱心的作用。 ``


Scene ⅰ: 地点(at campus) 人物:kevin Jason and Rita Jason: Oh ,I’m sorry ,are you ok ? 对不起,你还好吗? Rita: How familiar! 好眼熟啊! J: you pick? 是你捡的吗? Kevin: Shut up !谁说的! R and J: Kevin ? 是Kevin 吗? K: Jasson ? Rita ? Rita:Kevin! Do you know ? I miss you so much. we have lost much romantic without you 你知道吗? 我太想你了kevin,没有你我们少了很多浪漫 Jason:It’s so nosiy here ,let’s find a quiet place to talk.这里太吵了,我们找个安静的地方聊吧 K to R: Is it convenient for you to share your department with me during my finding job?在我找工作期间方便让我住你的宿舍吗? R: Sure ,no problem,as long as avoid dormitory administrator当然没问题,只要躲过宿管就可以了 J: But why? What happened to you ? I thought that after graduation you will live well.但是为什么啊?你怎么了?我以为你毕业后会过的很好

R: You’re such a dream catcher .why are you come back to the place where you were sick of?你那么有梦想的人,怎么还要回到你曾经连做梦都不爽的地方? K: Because no money ,no job,even there’s no place to live.Nothing at all. 因为我没钱、没工作,甚至连住的地方都没有,一无所有。R:Impossible !这不可能! K: This is what happened…事情是这样的。。。 Scene ⅱ: (at kevin’s home) 人物:Kevin , land lady Marry M: Open the door, open the door.开门开门 K: What’s wrong ?Marry?有事吗Marry? M: Look,you must be paid as rent, You’ve defaulted if for 6 months. Not only didn’t I take your deposit,but also I disbursed ultilities for half a year. I’m enough of it .pay of f your bills ,right now.听着,你现在必须付房租,你已经拖6个月了,我不仅没收你押金,连水电都帮你垫付了半年。我受够你了,付清账单,现在,马上,立刻,马上! K: please, I have no money now. Look , I only eat the cheap bread for food . 拜托,我现在真的没钱。看,我只能吃这种廉价的食物。M: Wow , turn to black , is it my dog’s food ? 哇,都变色了!是我家狗的食物吗?


演员:甄嬛——Clover、 安陵容——Casey 华妃——Popo 宫女、太监——Jamal 皇上——Juliana The biography of Zhenhuan 第一幕 宫女:启禀小主,安小主想要见您。 ZhenHuan: Yes, ask her to come in, please.. 甄嬛:请进来吧。 Anling: Your Majesty . 安陵容:陵容参见姐姐。(拜) ZhenHuan: Please be up. (扶). 甄嬛:妹妹快请起。(扶) (The Two bow to each other) 两个人拜两拜。 ZhenHuan: Please have a seat. Just a day without seeing you, why are your voice become so harsh? 甄嬛:坐。一日不见妹妹,这嗓子怎么变了这个声音呀。 Anling: You don’t know, recently I suffer from throat illness again, and the emperor also has not come to see me for a long time 安陵容:姐姐有所不知,近日妹妹的喉疾又犯了,就连皇上也几日没有来看过我了。 ZhenHuan: Throat illness? Didn’t you just have a piles operation last month? How quickly the disease recurred. HuanBi, go to the royal hospital and take some Madingrong for her soon. 甄嬛:喉疾?你不是上个月才做的痔疮手术吗?怎么这么快又复发了?浣碧,一


True meaning of college life 旁白一:What’s the true meaning of the life? This question is hovering in my mind when I entered the college。(多镜头切换,从不同视角拍主角在在操场行走) 生活的真正意义是什么?当我迈进大学开始,这个问题就在我的脑海盘旋。 (开始回忆最开始进入大学的时候)I still remember that day when I came here first day.(提着行李箱,站在南门,抬头着校门对大学充满了期望)As time goes by, I feel more and more confused about the college life. Because this problem has been bothering me for long. I try my best to find the answer, but everybody has his own feeling. 我仍然记得我第一天来到这里的情形。时光流逝,我对于大学生活越来越困惑。这个问题困扰我很久了,我尽我所能的去寻找答案,但是人人都有自己的理解。 Scene 1 第一人: 旁白:Hey, guy, may I ask what university life is like in your mind? 同学,请问你心中的大学生活是什么样子的? A: well, speaking of university life, it should be rich. In my opinion, we shouldn’t waste the time. What we should do is to make good use of every minute. What’more, young as we are, university life should be filled with passion. We should go out for the outside world, experiencing something new. A:奥,大学生活啊,应该是充实的。在我看来,不应该任时间被浪费掉。应该充分利用每一分钟。其次,对于年轻人而言,大学生活还应该是富有激情的。我们要多出去见识一下世面,多闯荡闯荡。 B:I rarely surf the Internet in my daily life, sometimes I just do for some profiles and current affair s. In my opinion,I think we should go out for a walk more, rather than stay in the dormitory, chat on the Internet, see some bad idol drama.Oh,look at this book,it is very wonderful and amazing,i t is useful. I’ve been appealed to it.Oh .I am so sorry, It is time for listening. 翻译:我平时很少上网,偶尔上网也是为了查查资料,了解时事而已啦。在我看来,我们应该多出去走走,而不是天天呆在宿舍,上网聊天,看些乱七八糟的偶像剧。看看这本书,它非常的精彩,也非常的有用。我已经被它深深的吸引了。哦,非常抱歉,我该练习听力了! 第三人: 旁白:hey, guy, what are you doing? C: studying of course, what else will you do, if you don’t study on campus? Shit! Stand by please, I’m very busy. Don’t bother me, OK? Come on! Come on! Come on! Oh my GOD! OK! OK! Take it easy. Frankly speaking, as an adult, what the most important is enjoying yourself here and now. We have no time before we really go to work. Don’t you think so? C:当然是在学习吗!来大学不学习,那是来干什么的! 第四人: D: Stupid Cunt! College isn’t the ivory tower that you have imagined! College is bridge which relates us to society. College students are supposed to take a knowledge for the society in


Dream or reality Main roles: Tom Dad、Mom Storyteller Ms Green、girl1、girl2 Scene one: Tom: Mom, I'm back. Mom? Dad? Dad? Dad:Here, my dear.Y ou are back. (Reading newspaper, back turn to Tom) Mom: My dear, There's a dessert for you.(cooking,turn to Tom) Storyteller:At the moment, Tom screams. What's wrong? So scary! Tom's mother becomes a big pig.And father? (Tom's father turn to Tom,Tom screams again, he takes a backward step) Tom:Dad? Dad:Oh,my dear son, how was today going?(make a sound like a pig)Come here ,you mother bought your favorite cake for you . Tom:But mom just said that I was too fat yesterday,she didn't want me to eat cake any more until my weight was normal.(Tom turns back to his father and mother ,says every words with great fear) Storyteller:Tom thinks of something suddenly ,what's that? Tom is under too much pressure all the time.Several days ago,Tom begged something from God. Tom:How fool my parents are!I don't like playing piano ,I don't want to get 100 masks every time,I also want to do something I like, really really like, such as playing football with my best friends, play computer games, and ,and the most important one ——eating cakes,the whole world's cakes!Oh, why my parents aren't pigs,If they were, they couldn't control me like before .So god ,please help me! Storyteller:Tom's dream has come true, two pig parents. (Tom laughs.) Tom:Thanks so much!My dear god!Mom!Please take the cake for me.(Tom starts to play computer games,his mother takes the cake for him happily. Storyteller:Tom does not go to the piano lesson after class,he asks his mother for buying various cakes for him.With the days going,Tom' weight has gained gradually and he never gets 100 masks after that. Scene two: Teacher Ms Green:Tom!Tom!Stand up,please!Stand up! (Tom's desk-mate wakes him up,Tom stands up and makes a noise like a pig,some girls shouts.) Girl1:He is not Tom!He is just a pig!A ugly pig! Girl2:But you see his hands and feet!Those are humans'. Storyteller:What happened? Ah! Tom becomes a fat pig. Girl1:What should we do?Ms Green!


灰姑娘的百万英镑 Betty-灰姑娘Sally-富翁姐Tom-富翁弟Penny-衣店老板Jimmy-衣店小二Jason-白马王子Jessica-后妈Susan-后姐William-后哥Bobby-歌星James-主持人Robin-酒店服务员Julia-服务员Angel-服务员Vicky-有钱人 第一幕(Betty在认真扫地,Susan比划衣服,William高兴地吃东西) Susan:Bobby will hold a concert the day after tomorrow, I’m so excited. William: Oh,he is a real superstar,I want to go there. Betty: I want to go too. Susan:You?Look at yourself,so dirty and so ugly. Jessica:Clean the room and cook for us,you have many things to do.so if you want to go,finish your work. 第二幕(Tom and Sally正在享受按摩) Sally: life is so boring. Tom:I agree with you,Life is so boring. Sally:Let’s have a bet. Tom:Bet on? Sally:Ok, we will give a poor person a million pound and I think everyone will like him because of his money,he will live a happy life. Tom: Sally,I don’t think so.Money is not everything, we can live a happy lives without money,we have love. Sally: Sure,Let’s go and find the person,Er..who will be the luck dog. 第三幕(Betty做完工作,正试着衣服) William:Susan, look at Betty,her dress is so beautiful. Susan:Mom,mom.I like her dress(抢衣服) Betty:No,that’s my dress .It’s my father bought for me. Jessica: It’s doesn’t matter,Susan .(转脸对Betty),you are our servant.Get out! and clean the garden,pick up all the leaves. 第四幕(Betty委屈的拣树叶,看着William等离开,Tom和Sally在花园外看到Betty)Sally:oh,Young lady. would you please come here a moment? Betty: Who? me? Tom: Yes, you. Betty: What can I do for you? Tom: I wonder, young lady. if you’d mind us asking a few questions? Betty: Certainly. Sally: What’s your name? why don’t you join the concert? Betty: My name is Betty. I can’t go, because I must do housework at home, and I have no money to buy the ticket. Sally: Tom, give her the letter. Betty: For me? Tom: For you. Oh no, you mustn’t open it now. you may open it 30 minutes later. Betty: Why? Sally: There’s money in it. Betty: Thank you! But I can’t receive it.


Scene i : 地点(at campus) 人物:kevin Jason and Rita Jason: Oh J'm sorry ,are you ok ?对不起,你还好吗? Rita: How familiar!好眼熟啊! J: you pick?是你捡的吗? Kevin: Shut up !谁说的! R and J: Kevin ?是Kevin 吗? K: Jasson ? Rita ? Rita:Kevin! Do you know ? I miss you so much, we have lost much romantic without you你知道吗?我太想你了kevin,没有你我们少了很多浪漫Jason:lfs so nosiy here Jet's find a quiet place to talk?这里太吵了,我们 找个安静的地方聊吧 K to R: Is it convenient for you to share your department with me during my finding job?在我找工作期间方便让我住你的宿舍吗? R: Sure ,no problem,as long as avoid dormitory administrator 当然没问题,只要躲过宿管就可以了 J: But why? What happened to you ? I thought that after graduation you will live well.{0是为什么啊?你怎么了?我以为你毕业后会过的很好

R: You're such a dream catcher .why are you come back to the place where you were sick of?你那么有梦想的人,怎么还要回到你曾经连做梦都不爽的地方? K: Because no money ,no job,even there's no place to live.Nothing at all.因为我没钱、没工作,甚至连住的地方都没有,一无所有。 R: Impossible !这不可能! K: This is what happened...事情是这样的。。。 Seene ii: (at kevin's home) 人物:Kevin , land lady Marry M: Open the door; open the door.开|' J开I、] K: What's wrong ? Marry?有事吗Marry? M: Look’you must be paid as rent, You've defaulted if for 6 mon ths. Not only didn't I take your deposit,but also I disbursed ultilities for half a year. Km enough of it .pay off your bills ,right now.听着,你现在必须付 房租,你已经拖6个月了,我不仅没收你押金,连水电都帮你垫付了半年。我受够你了,付清账单,现在,马上,立刻,马上! K: please, I have no money now. Look, I only eat the cheap bread for food.拜托,我现在真的没钱。看,我只能吃这种廉价的食物。


搞笑英文话剧剧本 Three Times’Beating Monster 人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空E:猪八戒J:沙僧 B:白骨精B1:B变成的村姑B2:B变成的太婆 B3:B变化成的老头N:哪吒 T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now S: Bajie,map! E: (摸出,递给S) S: Look,master (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E) T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, nof to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you! E: Oh,master!Forgive me(伸手拿回) T: (缩 手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west E: But…… T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map E: (递)……we have arrived in White Tiger Mou ntain! Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach do esn’t allow So. S: Fat Pig! E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will , I will………. S: You will what(凶相) E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤). S: Hm!
