






An earthquake is one of the most common natural disasters. It may cause great damage. So it is wise to learn some simple safety tips to protect yourself or your family members.

Fragile items, like those made of glass should usually be placed on a lower surface, near the ground instead of placing them on cupboards higher up. Never place them near your bed, sofas and other furniture where you would be sitting or lying down. When there is a strong movement, these pieces will fall on the floor directly and on you. There is a strong chance of short circuits (短路) and fire breakouts during an earthquake. Make sure you turn off electrical connections and gas immediately when an earthquake happens.

During an earthquake, lie beneath an object that is not easily damaged. Do not go near objects that could directly fall on you. Never use the elevator to go down. Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that most injuries happen when people inside buildings try to go out. Use the staircases at all times.

If you are outdoors, do not take shelter under a tree, streetlights, electric poles or tall buildings. If you are driving, stop your car and stay in a safe place. Do not park your car under a tree or any tall object.

If trapped in debris (瓦砾堆), cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing. Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can find you. Use a whistle (哨子) if one is available. Never shout for help. Shouting can cause you to breathe in dangerous amounts of dust. Do not light a match because you may burn yourself. Do not move about or kick up dust.

1. The purpose of the passage is to tell readers ________.

A. the damage caused by earthquakes

B. the rescue work after earthquakes

C. what to do about earthquakes

D. how to prevent earthquakes

2. During the earthquake, people are advised to ________.

A. go out the building at once

B. turn off power and gas immediately

C. take shelter under a tree

D. drive to a safe place

3. What should people NOT do when they are trapped in debris?

A. Cover their mouth with a handkerchief.

B. Tap on a pipe or wall for help.

C. Use a whistle for help.

D. Light a fire for help.


Working women make up nearly half of the U.S. workforce, and 51 percent of professional workers, like doctors, lawyers, nurses and accountants, are female. While climbing the career ladder can be rewarding, it often comes with one big downside: weight gain!

New research published this week in the International Journal of Obesity shows that working women are more likely to be overweight, and the more you work, the more pounds you're likely to pile on. Like many women, I work..., a lot! As a self-employed nutrition communications specialist, I sit at my desk, in front of a computer, for hours on end. Sitting alone is one of the worst things you can do for your health, and it's directly linked to being overweight and increased fatness, so the fact that women in the workforce gain weight isn't that surprising. If you work, you have less time to move around. Obesity researchers are revealing many other ways that employment is harmful to your diet and waistline.

In the International Journal of Obesity study, some 9, 276 Australian women aged 45-50 had their body weight and employment status monitored for two years. Results? Those who worked more than 35 hours were likely to gain weight compared to those who worked fewer hours or were out of the workforce. What' s more, the more hours a woman worked in a week, the more weight she gained.

The authors of the Australian study attribute weight gain among working women to inactivity, lack of time for food preparation, more use of prepared foods, high levels of

stress, lack of sleep and consuming more alcohol. I'll also add in travel,meals eaten out and working at night as other factors that I can find to make balancing work with a healthy diet a challenge.

4. The text above is probably taken from__________.

A. a sports report

B. a fashion journal

C. a health and fitness magazine

D. an advertisement post

5. A woman who works as an accountant is more likely to__________.

A. gain more weight

B. have more time to move around

C. work a full time job

D. keep a balanced diet

6. Which is NOT the cause of working women weight gaining according to the passage?

A. Lacking time for food preparation.

B. Using more prepared food.

C. Consuming too much alcohol.

D. Taking part in more activities.

7. What can be a suitable title for the test?

A. Less activity leads to fat.

B. Ways of gaining weight.

C. Effects of weight gaining.

D. Working women more likely pile on pounds.


NEW YORK (Reuters) — Global warming has cut about $5 billion worth of value from the world’s most commonly grown grains over 20 years, according to a new study. Warming temperatures from 1981 to 2002 cut the combined production of wheat, corn and other crops by 40 million tons per year. “Contrary to what most people think, this study shows that warming over the past two decades has already affected global food supply. The effect is not a faraway thing,” said Christopher Field, a co-author on the study, the first to estimate how much global food production has already been affected by climate change.

Not every scientist agrees that agriculture is suffering from warmer temperatures. A UN report said warming is expected to turn the planet a bit greener by encouraging plant growth, but crops and forests may wilt beyond mid-century if temperatures keep rising.

Average global production for several of the crops suffered from warmer

temperatures, with production dropping by about 3-5% for every 1°F increase, the study said. Average global temperatures increased by about 0.7°F during the study period, with even larger changes in several regions.

“If the past is an indication, agriculture will also suffer going forward,” Field said. “We expect future warming to continue to be a drag on grain production, like driving with the parking brake engaged.” The study said the cereal crops hit by global warming account for 55% of non-meat categories consumed by humans and they also contribute more than 70% of the world’s animal feed.

“Farmers can adapt to warmer temperatures by changing crop planting times, the varieties they grow, or the locations used for each crop,” Field said. “In the past farmers have been very adaptable to environmental challenges, but adaptation to warming can take years.”

8. It is commonly thought that global warming ______.

A. will have a bad effect on human beings’ present life

B. is something that will just affect the future

C. is becoming more and more serious

D. will soon lead to great decrease in food supply

9. The underlined word “wilt” in the third paragraph probably means “______”.

A. increase

B. grow taller

C. stay the same

D. grow badly

10. According to Field, we can learn that ________.

A. agriculture will not suffer a lot from global warming

B. grain production will increase despite global warming

C. grain production will be affected by global warming

D. farmers can increase crop production by changing crop planting times

11. This passage mainly tells us that __________.

A. the future food supply will change with global warming

B. global warming reduces global food production

C. traditional agriculture will disappear due to global warming

D. global warming prevents the growth of plants and grains


The Poetry Foundation, recently named American poet Jack Prelutsky as the nation's first children's poet laureate (桂冠诗人). The group created the award as a way to increase children's love of poetry.

As children's poet laureate, Jack Prelutsky will give two public readings in the next two years. He will also advise the Poetry Foundation about children's literature and take part in projects concerning children and poetry.

Jack Prelutsky has been writing poetry for children for almost forty years. He has written more than thirty five books of poems. His first book was called A Gopher in the Garden. It was published in 1967. His latest is called Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant and Other Poems.

Jack Prelutsky is well known for creating new words by combining two words to create a new kind of creature. For example, he combined “radish” with “shark” to get “radishark”. “Lion” and “broccoli” became “broccolion”.He also created “umbrellaphant”, a mixture of the words “umbrella” and “elephant”.

Jack Prelutsky says that children like his poems because he writes about things they care about. Poetry researchers say that Jack Prelutsky's poems recognize children's feelings. An example of this is the poem My Sister Is a Werewolf which is about how it feels to be different.

Jack Prelutsky also writes poems about American holidays. His poem It's Halloween is a very famous one about the holiday celebrated at the end of October.

12. Which of the following can be the BEST title of the passage?

A. Poems with New Words Grow Popular

B. First Children's Poet Laureate Named

C. Children's Love for Poetry Increased

D. Jack Prelutsky Awarded Nationwide

13. What is Jack Prelutsky famous for?

A. Creating new words in his poems.

B. His productivity.

C. His long time of writing.

D. His poems about American holidays.

14. What can we infer from the passage?

A. It was A Gopher in the Garden that brought him fame.

B. The poet will be kept busy over a lot of activities.

C. Jack Prelutsky will no longer write about American holidays.

D. The poem It's Halloween must have been written for adults.

15. Put the following items in RIGHT order according to the passage.

a. two public readings

b. A Gopher in the Garden

c. Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant and Other Poems

d. My Sister Is a Werewolf

A.b—c—d—a B.d—a—c—b

C.b—d—c—a D.a—b—c—d


七选五:根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

How to stay in shape during the winter

Staying in shape during the long, cold winter is more difficult than at any other time of year. Now, here are a few ways that will help a lot.

Exercise while watching TV

When your favorite television shows are on, get up off the sofa and do some exercise. 16 And running in place during commercials (电视广告), leg lifts, or sit-ups can easily be done while you are watching TV.

Go for a walk

17 You just need ten minutes before breakfast or after dinner. This can quickly help keep you in shape, knock off the pounds and help keep you healthy during the winter.

Stay away from fast-food restaurants

The fat and calories associated with fast food can do a lot of damage to your body. 18 A big pot of vegetable soup, beans or delicious winter greens can be prepared on the weekend and divided to be eaten during the week.

Take the dog for a walk

When it is time to walk the dog, do it yourself. 19 You can add a little jogging (慢跑) to the routine to burn even more calories.


A day of sweeping and making beds can easily burn hundreds of calories. These are activities that can make your home shine and they can help keep you in better shape.

A. Do the cleaning

B. Start an exercise class

C. Take a walk around your neighborhood.

D. This is an easy way to add activity to your day.

E. However, it is important to remain as active as possible.

F. It is best to eat healthy food that you prepare yourself.

G. Just make sure you keep moving instead of sitting there.


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Most people have at least heard of one story or another involving someone who seemingly died of a broken heart, but is that 21 ? Could it be that the proper functioning of our immune system is directly connected to love, or 22 by that? Surely it is true. When I was a child I 23 my grandparents’ story and how they followed each other closely in 24 .

How we deal with love or the loss of it mainly 25 our psychological (心理的) habits, but the consequences of our joys and 26 can be seen in the way our body functions. We all have an endocrine (内分泌) system, which is 27 several glands (腺), such as the pineal gland, pituitary gland and thymus gland etc. The 28 of your thymus directly shows the state of your overall health as well as your ability to 29 infection and keep energy levels. Now, the heart is 30 to be an organ that is actually associated with love and other 31 . When someone is 32 he will most likely suffer from things like sadness or worry, which are known to cause 33 damage to the body if the 34 lasts for long periods of time. Perhaps this 35 between love and the immune system explains why we feel 36 ill when our feelings are hurt.

As the story in my 37 goes: my grandparents 38 each other deeply, which meant that when one of them passed away, the other also 39 a lot. It destroyed the

other’s immune system, and even resulted in the other’s death. 40 , we need to be optimistic as this will surely help us to live longer.

21. A. possible B. important C. perfect D. necessary

22. A. accepted B. affected C. removed D. forgotten

23. A. waited for B. showed off C. thought of D. heard of

24. A. death B. nature C. sight D. difficulty

25. A. talks about B. looks into C. depends on D. cheers for

26. A. dangers B. sorrows C. pleasures D. excitements

27. A. made use of B. taken care of C. made up of D. taken advantage of

28. A. movement B. position C. equipment D. condition

29. A. fight B. carry C. pass D. develop

30. A. meant B. considered C. divided D. painted

31. A. skills B. decisions C. opinions D. feelings

32. A. easy-going B. peace-loving C. strong-headed D. heart-broken

33. A. temporary B. familiar C. serious D. strange

34. A. state B. accident C. mistake D. trouble

35. A. balance B. distance C. connection D. difference

36. A. slightly B. physically C. severely D. mentally

37. A. team B. school C. family D. neighborhood

38. A. impressed B. loved C. supported D. hurt

39. A. suffered B. learned C. laughed D. traveled

40. A. Besides B. However C. Instead D. Therefore



My uncle ___41___(retire) ten years ago from a factory where he worked as an engineer for thirty-five years. After his fifty-fifth birthday, he applied to work as an advisor like most ___42___(experience) plant employees and spent the last part of his career there. Soon___43__he retired, he moved to the retirement community. The staff there focuses mainly___44__improving the strength and energy of each person living in the community as well as ___45__(meet) their needs and interests. He takes part in many

___46__(activity): oil painting, watercolor, and other crafts, __47__his major interest is golf. Weather__48__(permit), he plays every day. They have__49__golf course in the community, and since he plays more often___50__ he used to before he retired, his golf has improved a lot.


51. It was________________(evidence) that his faith in the government was shaken.

52. If you ________________(not see) the film last night, you wouldn’t be so sleepy now.

53. His money is_________________(run out), so he has planned to borrow some from his classmates.

54. People___________________(addict) to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit.

55. Running a marathon will leave you out of________________(breathe).

56. He is very busy recently; otherwise, he_______________________(come) to visit the Great Wall yesterday, which he is looking forward to.

57. __________________(live) in the city for ten years, he got tired of the noisy life. 58.My brother graduated from college half a year ago and it is high time that he__________ (find) a job.

59. To our relief, our economy is developing _____________ (steady).

60. Unimaginable _________________(quantity) of creatures, little and large alike, mix within its depths in a kind of oceanic harmony.

61. Her owner Mike _________________(panic) and called the coastguard of Cornwall, who turned up in seconds.

62. It was this sense of failure ________________made him determined to succeed in his new life.

63. “Thunder ________________” (anxious) is common among dogs, and some dogs tremble

with fear under the owners’ bed during thunderstorms.

64.House construction ________________(various) from country to country. However, you

can find many diverse styles in China.

65. Why don’t you bring __________________ to his attention that you’re too busy to do it?

V. 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






I’d like to share a unforgettable experience with you. It happened in a warm Sunday

afternoon in August. I go shopping with my cousin, Li Ming. When walk in the street,

we found a young man, who was big but strong, stealing a woman’s wallet. We stopped

her immediately. Though he stared at us angry, we didn’t feel frightened and tried to

make him to realize his bad behavior. Because our bravery, he left without saying a

word. The woman thought highly of us for which we had done. In my opinion, it’s our

duty to fight against bad behavior.



注意:1. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 词数120左右。

With the development of science and technology, the climate has been getting warmer and

warmer in recent years. ______________________________________________________________




1-3 CBD 4-7 CADD 8-11 BDCB 12-15 BABC 16-20 GCFDA

21-25 ABDAC 26-30 BCDAB 31-35 DDCAC 36-40 BCBAD 41.retired 42.experienced 43.after 44.on 45.meeting 46.activities 47.but 48.permitting 49.a 50.than

51.evident 52. hadn’t seen 53. running out 54. addicted 55. breath

56. would have come 57. Having lived 58.found/ should find 59. steadily

60.quantities 61. panicked 62.that 63. anxiety 64. varies 65. it




3. go改成went



6. her改成him



9.Because后加of 10.which改成what


With the development of science and technology, the climate has been getting warmer and warmer in recent years. To stop global warming we should take some immediate measures.

First, it is believed that saving energy is an effective solution to the problem. For example, turn off the lights, the TV, the computer and so on, if we are not using them, and walk or ride a bike instead of using vehicles when possible.

Second, reducing the amount of waste gases and polluted water is another way to protect the earth. People are used to throwing bottles and plastic bags everywhere. Factories pour polluted water directly into the river and heavy smoke into the air. They are harmful to our earth.

We therefore must act now, and we must act globally. However difficult it may be in the short term, we must keep doing it.


职高高一英语试题(外研社)(Ⅱ) 一.Match the words with their meanings. 15% A 1.Beautiful A. many 2. nice B. good-looking 3. all over the world C. around the world 4. a lot of D. drive somebody to a place 5. give somebody a ride E. good and friendly B 6. library A. 教学楼 7. workshop B. 篮球 8. dining hall C. 办公楼. 9.office building D. 食堂 10. student apartment E 图书馆 11.teaching building F 车间 12. playground G 学生公寓 13. basketball H. 操场 14. a tour guide I 从周一到周五 15. from Monday to Friday J 导游 二.Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions in the box. 10% 2.The weather report it usually___________ 3.You have a good idea. I’ll take your ________. 4.It’s a _________ day. Let’s have a walk in the sun. 5.Let’s go to the park. The air after the rain is so __________. 6.Look, it is _________. It’s going to rain. Let’s take our raincoats. 7.Don’t drive on a ________ day. You can’t see the road clearly. 8.It is very dangerous to drive on a _________ day. 9.Money is _________, but we don’t live for money. 10.He always goes to work on ___________. 三.Choose the best answer. 20% 1.I like your class. You _____________ a very good teacher. A. is B. are C. am 2.There ____________ a lot of trees in my hometown.


2014-2015年学年度第二学期高一英语期末考试题 第一部分英语知识运用 第一节语音知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部 分读音相同的选项。(共5分,每小题1分) ( )1. heaven A. b reath B. meat C. breathe D. please ( )2. example A. exam B. excellent c.effort D? helpful ( )3. blood A. f oot B? good c.flood D. look ( )4. wasted A. lived B? relaxed c.settied D? sounded ( )5. laugh A. t aught B? because c.autumn D. aunt 第二节词汇与语法知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。(共25分,每小题1分) ( )6? The work _____ next month? A. will finish B? have finished C? will be finished D? have been finished ( )7? Mary and I _____ t o the summer palace many times?? A. has been B? have been C? had been D? are ( )8? The food ______ delicious and the light music _______ sweet? A. tastes; sounds B? is tasted; is sounded C? taste; sound D. is taste; is sounded ( )9? The teacher asked us _______ so much noise in the classroom. A. don' t make B? not make C? not making D. not to make ( )10. There is _______ ? I' m not curious about it. A. secret nothing B. secret some thing C? nothing secret D. something secret?? ( )11? It seldom rains here, _____ ? A. Is it B isn' t it C? does it D? doesn' t it ( )12? I earn 10 yuan ____ hour as _____ supermarket cashier on Saturdays?A. a; an B? the; a C? an; a D? an; the ( )13. E-mail as well as mobile phones ______ an important part in our life?A. is playing B? have played C? are playing D? play ( )14. Do you have any difficulty ______ these flowers? I *d like to help you if you need? A. in planting B? for planting C? with planting D. to plant ( )15? I can do nothing but ____ at the airport if you don' t pick me up? A. to stay B? staying C? stay D? stayed ( )16. The ____ story can give us some enlightenment? Followed B. follow C? following D. follows A. )17. It' s no use _______ so much time? You' d better give it up.


南通市中等职业学校对口单招 2015届高三年级第二轮复习调研测试 英语试卷 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(客观题)和第Ⅱ卷(主观题)两部分。两卷满分100分。考试时间120分钟。 2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、学校、考试号用0.5mm黑色签字笔填写在答题卡规定区域。 3.选择题作答:用2B铅笔把答题卡上相应题号中正确答案的标号涂黑。 4.非选择题作答:用0.5mm黑色签字笔直接答在相应题号的答题区域内,否则无效。第一部分:语言知识运用(共40小题;每题1分,满分40分) 第一节在本节中,你将读到10个句子,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应的字母涂黑。 1. He did come to my class every week, but his eyes ______ he wasn’t interested in the subject. A. suggested B. expressed C. explained D. insisted 2. Helen ______ her husband since ten years ago. Now they are living a happy life. A. married B. has been married to C. has married with D. has been married with 3. ______ made Tom’s father very excited was the news ______ his son was admitted into Nanjing University. A. That; that B. What; which C. That; which D. What; that 4. This paper should be signed ______ you yourself or the manager won’t agree to your plan. A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than 5. I like living ______ the environment is nice. Luckily, near my home there is such a place ______ many people often come to do exercise. A. where; that B. in which; where C. that; in which D. where; where 6. Nowadays the living costs are continuously ______, ______ many people’s not being able to afford a flat in the city. A. raising; resulting from B. being risen; resulting in C. rising; resulting in D. being raised; resulting from 7. I invited Joe and Linda as well as Tom to dinner, but ______ of them came. A. neither B. none C. either D. both 8. The airport ______ next year will help promote tourism in this area. A. being completed B. to be completed C. completed D. having been completed 英语试卷第1页共10页


职高高一年级组英语月考(二)试卷分析 (2014-2015学年第一学期) 一、整体情况分析 本次考试总分为120分,考试时间为100分钟,考试内容主要以职高英语基础模块上Unit 1-4为主,重点考查学生应该掌握的英语基础知识和基本能力,旨在夯实学生的基础,注重阶段内知识的考查和消化。试卷选材上注重题材、体裁的多样性,所选文章内容贴近生活,贴近实际,具有时代感,体现了职高英语新课程的理念。 三、试题和答题情况分析 1.单选 本部分重点考查语音、词汇、语法知识以及交际用语等,主要是最近学过的内容,所以大部分学生得分较高,少数学生在某些词汇用法和语法运用方面,以及语音方面还存在着不少问题。一部分学生的1-5题, 6. 20. 21. 25题的得分率较低。由此可见,经常复习以前的知识从而达到使学生巩固已学内容并能熟练运用是非常重要的,而且有必要强化语音知识的理解和积累。 2.完形 完型填空考查学生在阅读理解的基础上对语篇、词汇和语法知识掌握情况,要求学生综合运用所学知识,选出最佳选项,是综合性较强的题型。从试卷可以看出,学生在某些句子的理解和具体语境的处理上还欠缺能力,特别是对第32.36.38.39题学生理解不到位。学生读题不够细心,不注意上下文相关联内容,容易犯习惯性错误,由此可见,应该指导学生做题的严谨性, 同时要增加完型练习量。 3.阅读 本次阅读理解有三篇,文章比上次月考难度适当增加,题量适宜。一部分学生得分较高,丢分的主要是对49题和50题判断失误。但是对于基础较差者,失

分较多。很明显学生在概括要点、细节理解、推理判断上还需要加强训练。 4.词义搭配得分相对较高。 5.补全对话的67题和69题是这次容易丢分题,而且分值很高,主要是学生分辨能力还有待提高。 6.单词考查 本次单词考查题中所填单词主要是以1-4 单元为主要选择范围,因为是刚刚学过,大多数学生得分在及格以上。但是基础较差的学生不注意单词词形变化,甚至写不出原词,得分仍然困难。 7.改错 多数学生得分8分或高于8分。少数学生对这种题型的把握较差,不注意规范答题。因此,在今后的教学中应该加强这方面的练习,这也体现了学生基础知识较差的现状,在今后应该加强对学生基础知识的巩固和提高。 8.书面表达 这次考试的书面表达题是给自己的父母写封信,汇报自己在新的学校里的生活和学习,以及自己的打算等情况。选材非常贴近学生的生活实际,学生有话可说,应是易得分题,但学生忽视了书信语言的表达,内容缺乏有序性和连贯性,对句子不能灵活处理,语法知识欠缺;部分学生审题不清,所表达内容与要求话题不符;还有部分学生书写潦草,卷面涂抹,导致失分;同时还有少许学生东抄西拼,抄袭阅读,以图蒙混过关。时态运用错误是普遍现象。有些虽然得分较高,但是完全写得清楚的同学也不是很多。 三、对下一阶段英语教学工作的思考和建议 1、夯实语言基础知识 从学生在单项填空、完形填空部分的解答以及单词拼写可以看出,很多学生的词汇和语法知识仍不够扎实,还存在较多问题,因此,强调基础知识的学习是关键。但需要注意的是,此处的基础知识指的是语言知识(语法和词汇)的灵活运用,而非一条条的语法规则,必须结合具体语境,倡导在语境中教学,在语境中学习,语境中运用。另外,在平时词汇教学中,抓重点单词,特别是动词的教学,适当扩充该词的其他相关用法。并把检查单词记忆等情况落实,使学生真正养成学习语言的习惯。 2、培养阅读能力 新课标在谈到教学中应该注意的几个问题时,明确说明加强“听、说、读、写”综合运用,侧重培养阅读能力。因为阅读是理解和吸收语言信息的最重要手段,它能给学生提供更为丰富的教育教学资源,有助于他们开阔视野、丰富语言知识、扩大词汇量和了解英语国家的社会及文化等。在平时教学中,应争取让学


职教高三英语期末考试英语试题 第一部分英语知识应用(共分三节,满分40分) 第一节语音知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共5分,每小题1分) 1.wounded A. dedicated B. played C. washed D. checked 2.stomach A. child B. change C. channel D. headache 3.difficulty A. apply B. specialty C. supply D. fly 4.hour A. exhibition B. healthy C. happiness D. unhappy 5.appear A. bear B. disappear C. pear D. wear 第二节词汇与语法知识:(共25分,每小题1分) 6.I can’t understand the way ________the old man was looked after. A. / B. in that C. which D. by which 7. The two great men wrote those letters ___________. A. in 1870’s B. the 1870s C. in the 1870’s D. on the 1870s 8. Would you please ________ write on the textbooks? A. don’t B. not to C. not D. to not 9. When I ________ to the cinema, the film ________ for 5 minutes. A. got, had begun B. get, will begin C. got, had been on D. got, has been on 10. This is a good book. I have read it and I decide to read it ________. A. two time B. a second time C. the second time D. two times 11. Great changes ________ in the last twenty years in China. A. took place B. have taken place C. were taking place D. have been taken place 12. Tom had no choice but ________ the classroom with his classmates. A. to clean B. clean C. cleaning D. cleans 13. I’m so tired after ________ walk. A. three hours B. three hours’ C. three hour’s D. three hour 14. The advertisement can contain ________ information if ________ well. A. a good many, designed B. a lot of, designing C. a great deal of, designed D. a great deal, designing 15. So far as I am concerned, I prefer reading _________. A.than meat B. for joy C. instead of sleeping D. to drinking 16. Bill Clinton killed his dog. I will ask him ________. A. what did he do that B. why did he do that C. what he did that D. why he did that


职高高一英语期中考试试题 一.Multiple choice. 1.I like your class. You _____________ a very good teacher. A. is B. are C. am 2.There ____________ a lot of trees in my hometown. A. is B. are C. am 3.There is _________ in the room. A. two Americans B. one Chinese C. many Australians 4.Some girls help ________ the rooms clean. A. keep B to clean C. do 5.It is already April, but it is still_________ in the north of China. A. warm B. cold C. rainy 6.The boy runs ________ fast as his sister. A. as B. so C. much 7.Neither you _______ I will go to the meeting tomorrow. A. or B. nor C. and 8.The tour guide_________ the tourists around the city. A. show B. shows C. lead 9.What do you usually have ___________ breakfast? A. to B. for C. from 10.Thank you_________. A. to send me the photos B. for sending me the photoes C. for sending me the photos 11.Would you like ______ to drink? ---No, thank you. A. Nothing B. something C. everything 12.I’m not ready________ yet. A. to order B. order C. order food 13.Just_______ water, please. A. a bottle of B. a bottle C. a 14.Boys play________ sports than girls. A. more B. many C. much 15.You’ll find ________ not easy to give up the bad habit. A. it B. that C./ 16.I________ like computer games. A. don’t B. not C. am not 17.Do you feel ________ today? A. Well B. better C. best. 18.Sometimes I watch TV __________ long time. A. for a B. with a C. / 19.In the evening we often do ________. A. jog B. some jogging C. many jogging 20._________, and you will be healthy and fit.


2015年上学期高二英语5月份考试试卷 考试总分:150分考试时间:120分钟 一、单项选择(共30题,每小题1分,共30分) ( )1. How do you study _____ a test? -- I study _____ making flashcards A. by, for B .for ,for C. for , by D. by , by ( )2.Don’t make so much _______ ! I can’t hear the t elephone. A .sound B .shout C . voice D. noise ( )3.– Hello! Would you like to go the party with me tonight? –I’m sorry I can’t . Mother won’t ______me to go out in the evening . A. let B. allow C. offer D .ask ( )4.--Don’t ______ too late , or you will reel tired in class -- I won’t , Mum . Good night! A. wake up B. get up C. stand up D. stay up ( )5.I wanted to do my homework last night , but ended up ________ to the cinema. A .go B. to go C. going D. went ( )6.He preferred to sit rather than __________ A .sleep B. sleeping C. sleeps D. to sleeping ( )7.You look tired .______ working indoors you should be out for a walk. A .Because of B. Instead of C. Thanks to D. As for ( )8. _______wonderful advice you have just _______me! A. How; told B. What a; given C. How a; sent D. What; given ( )9.. --do you often hear Lucy ________in her room? -- Yes, listen! Now we can hear ________her in her room. A. sing; sing B. singing; singing C. singing; sing D. sing; singing ( )10.I __________ be afraid to sleep alone in my room, but now I _________ sleeping there alone. A Was used to, used to B used to, am used to C used to , used to D am used to , used to ( )11. Dongying_________ a lot in the last 3 years .It’s now one of the important cities in Shandong. A .changed B. changes C. has changed D. had changed ( )12.Jack is afraid of flying . He feels ________ before he gets on a plane. surprised B excited C patient D nervous ( )13.He _________ for two years. We are still sad about his _________. A died, dead B died , death C has been dead , dead D has been dead, death ( )14._____ the waiter didn’t understand what the old lady was saying , he knew what she wanted. A. Unless B. Because of C. Even though D. Because ( )15.Good parents should be _______ with their children. A. patient B .frustrated C .unfair D. funny ( )16.People ,especially teens, think it ______great fun to surf on ________Internet. A.a;the B.a;/ C./;the D.the;the ( )17.---Don’t _____too late,or you will feel tired in class. -----I won’t ,Mum. Good night! A. wake up B. get up C. stand up D. stay up ( )18.There’s a smile on the teacher’s face. I think she’s ______our work. A. worried about B. pleased with C. sorry for D. afraid of ( )19.---Have you found ______here in the room? ----Everything is OK ______the broken window. A. special thing; except B. anything special; besides C. special thing; besides D. anything special; except ( )20.None of the shoes in the shops are the right size. They are _____too big ____too small. A. both; and B. neither; nor C. either ;or D. not only; but also ( )21.The price of this computer is the _______of the three. A. smallest B. biggest C. highest D. tallest ( )22.No one can be sure ________in a million years. A. what will man look like B. what will happen on the earth C. where will humans live D. how many people are there in the world ( )23.A neighbor helped to keep our dog. It _______while we were on holidays. A. was taken good care of B. took good care of C. is taken good care of D. takes good care of ( )24.---What delicious bread! ---It would taste _______with jam. A. well B. good C. better D. delicious ( )25.Not only Tom but also his brother _______the Greener China for two years . A. has become a member of B. have joined C. have been a member of D. has been in ( )26.----Have you seen my toy car, Bill ? ----It’s ______my way, so I put it ______. A.in; away B. on; out C. in; out D. by; away ( )27.After school I found Mother was in bed sick. _____Mother was ill, I should do something for her. A. So B. Though C. Since D. If ( )28.------_______weather it is today !Let’s go out for a walk. ------That sounds good! A. How fine B. How bad C. What a fine D. What fine ( )29.-----What should I do, doctor ? -----______healthy, you should take more exercise. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Having kept ( )30.----Must we finish giving out the posters today? -----Yes, we _______.It can’t be put off any longer. A.can B. may C. must D. needn’t 二、完形填空(20题,每题1分,共20分) In order to be a success in the American business wor ld, you must “get along” with people. You must learn to conduct yourself in such a way _31_ you earn the affection and respect of others._32_ we have already pointed out, Americans_33_ business and pleasure. Therefore, learning how to _34_ informally can be a help with your American business _35_.Americans like to talk about a _36_of different topics—sports, politics, cars, popular movies and television shows and personal


此文档下载后即可编辑 2013-2014学年度第一学期期末考试 高一英语试题(对口升学) 说明:本次考试只交答题卡,试卷自己保存好,试后讲评。 第一部分英语知识运用(共三节共45分) 第一节语音知识从下列各组ABCD四个选项中,选出划线部分读音不同的选项。(共5分) ( ) 1. A fish B drive C city D fix ( ) 2. A again B change C ancient D mistake ( ) 3. A luck B culture C hurry D pull ( ) 4. A get B left C never D reply ( ) 5. A stop B possible C hope D modern 第二节词汇与语法知识从ABCD四个选项中,找出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共30分) 6.--- Who’s the boy _______red hair? A. in B. with C. on D. of 7. This is my sister;name is Linda. A. My B. His C. Its D. Her 8. ____ is a girl, __________ name is Jill. A. Her, she B. He, his C. She, her D. I, my 9.Miss zhang is very kind ____me. A to B for C. at D. on 10. He looks young ____ his age. A. in B. for C. on D. of 11. Li Wei is _______ Chinese boy. He’s ________ honest boy. A. a, a B. an, a C. a, an D. an, an 12. My father often enjoys _____ to music after work. A. listens B. to listen C. listened D. listening 13. Thanks _______your help. A. at B. for C. in D. of 14. ---How do you do? ---_____. A. How old are you? B. Fine, thanks. C. How are you? D. How do you do? 15 Jim is popular __________ his friends. A. to B. with C. for D. on 16._______ girl she is! A How clever a B What a clever C How a clever D How clever 17.—I’m sorry, it’s my fault. —_________ . A Ok, no problem. B That’s all right C No, I’m not D Never mind 18.______ Alice speak English? A Do B Does C Are D Is 19.Mother is ______ in my family. A busier B the busiest C busiest D busy 20.It was a______ winter morning. A snowy B snow C snowing D snowed


学习必备欢迎下载一,词汇配对(10分) 1,nice 2,boring 3, letter 4, cheap 5, open 6, vegetable 7,patient 8, remember 9, salad 10, without A,无,没有 B,无聊的,无趣的C,便宜的 D,信件,信 E,沙拉 F,记得,记住G,美好的,漂亮的H,打开 I,蔬菜 J,耐心的,病人 II. 单项选择。(每题2分,共30分) 1. How much are these shoes? _________ twenty dollars. A. Are B. There C. They’re D. Their ( )2. ---This is my sister Ann. ---Is _____ a student? A. she B. he C. her D. his ( )3. What about______a party? Good idea. A. have B. to have C. having D. has ( )4. _________. Is this your pen? A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Hi

( )5. It is a good time _____. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sang ( )6. ---Is that your book? ---Yes, ________. A. it is B. it isn’t C. it’s not D. this is ( )7. Mary is ____ girl, but she knows a lot about science. A. a eight-year-old B. eight-year-old C. eight years old D. an eight-year-old ( )8. Let’s _________ now. A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to ( )9. She’s good at _____. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads ( )10. ________this your guitar? A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Do ( )11. A: . B: Nice to see you, too. A. Nice to see you. B. How are you? C. How do you do! D. See you later ( )12. —Excuse me, which is the way to the post office? —Sorry. I’m new here. —_____. A. Not at all B. Bad luck C. Thank you all the same D. Thank you ( )13. —Would you like to go for a picnic with us?


扬州市职业学校2018届对口高考班适应性考试 英语试卷 注意事项 考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项及各题答题要求 1.本试卷共11页,包含选择题(第1题第~56题,共56题)、非选择题(第57题~第63题,共7题),本卷满分为100分,考试时间为120分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置。 3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、考试证号与您本人是否相符。 4.作答选择题(第1题~第56题),必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。作答非选择题,必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效。 第一部分:语言知识运用(共40小题,每小题1分,共40分) 第一节在本节中,你将读到10个句子,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑。 1.__________ you need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me. A.May B. Would C. Should D. Could 2.It is generally believed that _________ breakfast is bad for your health. A.scanning B. skipping C. sticking D. saving 3.One of the workmates who ____ against the plan at the beginning ____his hand at the meeting. A.was, have raised B. were, has risen C. were, has raised D. was, have risen 4.It _______ five years _______ the new product comes into market. A.will be, since B. is, before C. will be , before D. is, since 5.People will ________ a lot about _______ they are thinking in the way they look and behave. A.give away, what B. give out, what C. give off, that D. give away, that 6.As a leader, you should make sure that everyone in your team has a ______ in how the work get done. A.speak B. talk C. speech D. say 7.In a football team, every player, ___________, has to cooperate with other team members to win the game. A.however skilled is he B. no matter how skilled he is C. how he is skilled D. however he is skilled 8.Was it in the hotel _______ was built last year ________ a fire broke out at night. A.where, that B. which, that C. that, where D. /, that 9.Neither ________ to be a singer because you have a silky voice, nor ________ to be a cook because you have a talent with spices. A.you have; you have B. have you; have you C. do you have; do you have D. do you have; you have 10. _____ a hot day, we decided to go to the beach for a swimming. A. That B. Being C. Such D. It being
