



unit 1 i’ve got many new friends.

教学目的和要求 teaching aims and demands

● 通过本学习本单元,学生能用英语简单介绍自己的朋友学习和掌


交际用语 expressions in communication

● i’ve got many new friends. they are so lovely. maybe i can meet her tomorrow. i like to play with toys. my chinese name

is“zhou changcheng.” my english name is“ann.” please give it to me. can i help you with the bag?

重点朗读词汇 key words and expressions

chinese, english, friend, american, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, alex, strong, weak, fat, thin,


所需教具 materials for teaching

● 几个男生和几个女生照片或图片每个同学需要带自己的照片已学


● 书包里装的相应玩具及学习用品

教学步骤 teaching procedures

warm up



生定出新学期的学习目标,制定好每天的学习计划,注意把握时间。 presentation

上课时,教师首先欢迎学生继续选学剑桥少儿英语的课程。教师说:“first of all, i would like to say‘welcome’to all of you. welcome you back to school. i’m sure you can learn more things this semester. and i hope you enjoy learning english.”接着,教师说:“this semester we’ve got some new friends.”教师有意识地介绍

一两个新同学,比如说:“this is li ming. he is eight years old. he likes to play football and he is very good at learning maths. he likes to play soccer,

too.”介绍完了之后,教师可以对学生说:“now i want you to work in groups and introduce yourself to your friends. you are going to tell your friends the following things: name (english and chinese name) , age, hobby, and where do you study?”学生依

次在小组里做一个介绍,让大家相互了解。介绍完之后,教师说:“we have six new friends today. who can tell us something about the first friend? what’s his name? what does he like to do? what food does he like?”教师鼓励学生把第一张图的信息都说出来。然后,教师让学生依次介绍其他的几个新朋友。本部分需要



they are my new friends. who’s she? she is may. who’s he? he’s tom. she’s an american. he’s a chinese. she’s an e nglish.


对话的原文进行。 practice

单元教学活动 2 listen, read and match.



不大,能够很轻松地跟上新学期的学习。单元教学活动 3 pick and tell.




边说:“i’ve got many new friends. they are alex, may and linlin.”教师可以使用第二级考级中要用的名字来练习,比如daisy, jane, mary, sally, fred, jim, paul, vicky, jack, john, peter及第一级已经


单元教学活动 5 draw, ask and answer.



行询问:“is your friend a boy or a girl?”(书上的句子)为了增添





单元教学活动 6 read and write.


单元教学活动 7 listen, chant and match.

第七部分是说唱歌谣。教师可以让学生反复听录音,并跟着学说歌谣,直到熟练为止。之后教师可以让学生自己填上新词,自编自演。单元教学活动 8 play and guess.



说一个歌谣或说几个句子,而不是单纯地问“who am i?”这个游戏参与的人控制在三到五人。

单元教学活动 9 look and say.


“ what have i got here, in my bag? ”学生可以猜。有的学生会说:“you’ve got a pen and a book.”等。

单元教学活动 10 circle and match.



单元教学活动 11skill practice.




单元教学活动 4 read and act.









my friend and i

xiao ming is my best friend. we go to school together, play football together, do our homework together, and we want to go to the same university in the future. people say we are like brothers, but we ourselves know that we are very different in many ways. for example, he seems happy with everything while i always see the dark side of things. last sunday morning when we were going out to play football, it started to rain. i got very upset because sunday morning was the only time we could play our plans. bu t xiao ming didn’t seem to care much; he suggested that instead we watch“star wars”at home. while we were watching the movie, he tried to cheer me up, and soon i forgot about our bad luck that he cares a lot about but i don’t. he always wants to get the highest test score in our class. if he fails, he gets so angry that he won’t talk to anyone, not even to me. but i, on the other hand, don’t mind a score of 70, or even 60. as long as i can pass the test, my parents wouldn’t get upset. i guess i’m not as smart as xiao ming is , so i don’t expect to do better than him. when he gets angry, i simply leave him alone for a day or two. i know he will come to talk to me when he feels better. after all, we are best friends.

unit 2 is this book yours?

教学目的和要求 teaching aims and demands

● 通过本学习本单元,学生能初步掌握名词性物主代词的用法学生能较熟练地使用本单元的词汇和句型学生能自己编小对话

交际用语 expressions in communication

● is this book yours? no, it’s not mine. maybe you can ask bob. you should ask tina. this book is not yours. which one is different? his beard is short, but his is long.

重点朗读词汇 key words and expressions

mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, maybe, different, scarf, sweater, pet, find, socks, dialogue, guess, circle, bat, fan, tank, bank, hand 所需教具 materials for teaching

● 名词性物主代词的卡片

● 有关的学习用具,如钢笔、铅笔、书、铅笔盒、书包等

● 能用做比较的相关图片,如short, long, new, old, big, small, dirty, clean, green, yellow, do, cat等

教学步骤 teaching procedures

warm up


类单词。 presentation

上课时,教师拿出一支钢笔对学生说:“look, i’ve got a pen. this pen is mine. i’ve got a book. this book is mine.”

a) 给出几个例句后,教师对学生说:“now you pick up a thing

and say it to your friend.”教师暗示学生拿出东西跟自己同座位的

同学说:“i’ve got a pencil. this pencil is mine.” b) 练习一会儿后,教师找几个同学拿着东西到前面演练。然后,教师拿出一本书问学生:“is this book yours?”并教学生说:“no, it’s not mine. mine

is here.教师继续让学生练习类似的表达。“you pick up your own thing and ask your friend,‘is this bag yours?’your friend answers, ‘no, it’s not mine. mine is here.’学生开始练习。

c) 教师请几个同学拿自己的东西到前面做类似的问答。说完之后站


举着自己的东西。教师开始举例说:“she’s got a r uler. the ruler is hers. he’s got an eraser. the eraser is his.”教师说完之后,让学


d) 几次练习之后,教师说:“now let’s play a game. i’m going to ask li ming a question.‘li ming, is this book yours?’li ming says,‘no, it’s not mine. maybe it’s tom’s.’you can a sk tom. then, i go to tom and ask tom, ‘tom, is this book yours?’tom answers,‘no, it’s not mine. maybe it’s tina’s. you can ask tina.’then i go and ask tina. tina says the same thing. do you

understand? who wants to come here and try?”教师找一个同学


e) 等该同学问了几个同学之后,教师说:“now you can go and

ask your friends and do the same thing.”教师暗示学生离开座位


f) 最后,教师让大家听录音并朗读对话在。旁边的小对话熟悉一个





单元教学活动 2 listen, chant and sing.



单元教学活动 3 odd one out.

第二组:the first one is different. this one is moustache and

the others are all hairs.

第三组:the second one is different. the second one is a shoe, the others are all clothes. 第四组:the third one is different. the third one is a drink. the others are all food.


单元教学活动4 let’s play.




的时候,该学生转过身,拿出盒子里的一个东西问学生:“zhang nan, is this ruler yours?”如果猜对一次,该学生为小组得到10分,然后继续猜,直到猜错了,就回到座位上。为了节省时间,教师把

东西放在一边,继续开始另一组游戏,方法同上。几分钟的游戏之后,教师再让学生到前面认领自己的东西说:“this is mine.”

单元教学活动 5 look, match, point and say.


该说:“this hat is his. these shoes are hers.”


丑与小丑帽子单元教学活动 6 tongue twister.


二级下unit 1 going to different places


teaching aims and demands 通过学习学生能了解我们周边美丽的风景熟悉和掌握相关词汇和句型



expressions in communicationwhere would you like to go in the holiday? i?d like to go to the countryside.

where did you go on the holidays?

did you go to huang mountain?

what other places did you go to?

i?m sure you had a good time.

that?s great!

he couldn?t use the pen now, so he had to use a pencil.


key words and expressionsjungle, forest, lake, plant, island, countryside, field village, river, waterfall, mountain, cinema, bank, zoo, supermarket, hospital, library, park, india, nun,

surprised, poor, homeless, people, famous


materials for teaching 风景名信片或用过的风景挂历





上课时,教师首先给学生提出几个问题:“have you ever been to shanghai? did you go to shanghai before? what other places have you been to ?” 问了几个学生之后,教师便拿出风景图片问学生:“did you go to visit the huang mountain? did you go to visit the jungle? did you go to visit the waterfall?” 教师要根据自己手中的风景图片进行提问。提问时,教师应注意将句型及其肯定回答和否定回答写在黑板上以便让学生了解要学习的句型。

a) 引出话题后,教师便拿出许多单词卡片或风景图片对大家说:“now let?s look at the pictures and say the words.” 教师边拿图片给大家看边带着大家熟悉这些单词。

b) 在反复熟悉单词的基础上,教师教给学生句型:“where did you go last saturday?” “i went to visit the jungle.” 让大家熟悉这两



c) 在学生练习的基础上,教师问学生:“where do you often go at school? i often go to the classroom and the library. i often go

to the playground.” 等等。(类似的词还有swimming pool,

art centre, p.e. centre, garden, school lab, reading room, sports centre 等)

d) 教师示范后再让大家两人一组进行问答训练,并将单词放在句型


单元教学活动2read and answer.

第二部分是他不论fred 的假期。首先教师要让学生会说这些地点的


动词短语、名词短语或介词短语。在学生熟悉的基础上,教师介绍说:“fred came back to school from a long holiday. do you

know which holiday is longer? the summer holiday or the winter holiday?” 问完之后,教师接着说:“fred came back from

a long holiday. he went to many places and took many pictures. please look at the pictures and say something about his holiday. you can say, ?fred played in the park. he

climbed the great wall. he went to the zoo, ect.?” 教师让两人一

组进行陈述。最后,教师可以向全体学生提问:“where did fred

go last summer holiday?” 学生依次回答教师所提的问题。

单元教学活动3listen, read and act.




单元教学活动4listen, read and retell.


学生一些有关mother teresa 的生平事迹介绍(见知识扩展)。同时,教师要引导学生看文章时划出不明白的地方,教师适当做一些


单元教学活动5listen, read and write.

第五部分是阅读部分,该短文是某学生的一篇日记。教师首先需提问学生:“have you ever been to wutai mountain? would you like to go there in the future? have you ever climbed a

mountain? is it very tall? do you think it?s easy to climb a mountain?” 学生回答了这些问题后,教师说:“now please read the passage on page 4 ?climbing wutai mountain?. read carefully and try to fill in the missing words. after you?ve finished, you can discuss with your partner about the answer. you can also underline the sentences which you are not so sure of.”

教师让学生先自己阅读并填空。学生基本完成后,教师带着学生一起完成该任务。填空完成后,教师需带领学生朗读几遍该短文。待学生有些语感之后,教师提问学生是否明白该短文的意思,也可以让学生提问老师。教师应教给学生说:“may i ask you a question? what?s the chinese for? what?s the english for…?” 朗读时,教师要提醒学生特别注意动词过去式的读音。朗读两三遍之后,教师让学生看短文并提出问题,教师适当给予解释和说明,但不要讲得




单元教学活动6read, find out and write.

第六部分需要学生谈论五个方面的问题。教师可以分别来问学生。首先教师可以让学生谈论放暑假时他们想去哪儿。为了让学生能说出句子,教师先拿出相关的图片或单词卡片让学生复习一下,比如shanghai, tianjin, wuhan, mountain, waterfall, village, countryside, field, island, garden, lake, jungle, park 等。然后,教师给出句型:“where would you lik e to go in the holiday? i?d like to go to the countryside.” 教师要提醒学生地名前不要加任何的定冠词。

a) 接着,教师提出问题:“when you go to that place, what would you like to see? do you like to see beautiful places? do you like to visit parks, museums, zoos, gardens and shopping ce ntres?” b) “what would you like to eat?” 教师引导学生说出所有有关食物的单词。“i?d like to eat

eggs, fish, bananas, apples and chips.”

c) “what would you do? i would play games, watch movies, see animals, play soccer.” 等等。教


d) “whom would you meet? old friends, famous people, parents, brothers and sisters, ect.” 教


单元教学活动7look, match and say.

第七部分是复习动词短语。为了让学生清楚地知道often 的意思,

教师可以拿出一个月历对学生说:“look, zhang ming goes swimming on monday, tuesday and friday every week. he often goes swimming.” 接着教师问学生:“do you often go swimming? do you often watch tv? do you often play computer games?”

问题之后,教师举例说:“he often goes swimming. she went swimming yesterday.” 教师给大家两个句型,并希望学生按照这两个句型练习。但在练习前,教师要带着大家多读这些短语。另一方面,教师可以让学生按照所给的例句适当造一些句子。最后再将图


单元教学活动8read and write the words.





1) countryside 2) cinema

3) jungle 4) waterfall

5) island 6) field

7) lake

单元教学活动9listen and sing.








二级下unit 10let’s guess


teaching aims and demands 通过游戏,学生能进一步提高学习外语的兴趣




expressions in communicationlet’s guess.

how many things beginning with letter c can you findin this picture?

she is a person who teachers children at school this is a person who can make you happy

when did he come here?


key words and expressionsguess, panda, dress, clown, plane, uncle, aunt, computer teacher, hippo, rabbit, camera, television, pirate, parrot, treasure, pick, bear, rock, know, moustache


materials for teaching 以字母b和c开头的单词图片及卡片




上课时,教师首先拿出以b 字母开头的单词图片让学生辨认,并对学生说:“these words all begin with b. can you see them?” 教师给学生展示一下图片,然后说:“these words all begin with b. can you think of any other words b eginning with b?” 教师鼓励学生想出一些b 开头的单词,如bike, bed, book, bag, bat, banana 等。教师可以让学生以小组为单位进行brainstorming, 然后再让学生向全班汇报。在汇报的基础上,教师说:“now let’s look at the picture of our book. please find oictures beginning with v. let’s see how many you can find in this pictur e. you can do it in pairs. then we are going to find out who has got the most words beginning with c.” 教师让学生两人一组寻找,最后全班集中说这些词汇。教师也可以让学生派出代表或以组为单位将所说的词汇写在黑板上,最后一起讨论是否正确。

答案:coat, cake, chocolate, cat, colour, crocodile, carrot, cheese, car, cow, clown, camera, clock, cup, cook, clouds, chair, cinema, cd played, coffee

单元教学活动2listen, read and match.


“now ,please guess who this person is. she is a person who teachers children at school.” 教师可以适当多说几遍以便让学生熟悉该种句型的用法。接着,教师说:“now please read the sentences on the book and then look at the pictures and draw

a line between the right picture and the sentence.” 教师让学生


单元教学活动3listen, sing and play.


家基本能跟着一起唱的时候,教师让大家一起参与表演。教师说:“who likes to be a mouse? we need three children to be mice and we need one person to be farmer’s wife. who wants to

have a try?” 教师选出人以后让大家一起唱,这三只老鼠跑在农夫





单元教学活动4look, read and guess.

单元教学活动5listen, ask, answer and act.


一张不太有名又有些人又知道的一位“名人”照片问大家:“who is

the man that is standing behind the singer?” 教师问学生,看是

否有人知道或认识这个人。大家猜出后,教师继续问一些相关的内容:“wh o is the man that is standing behind the tree? who is

the old woman that is reading a book in the garden? who is the boy that is playing with a cat?” 教师给出几个句子之后说:“now please listen to the tape.” 学生听了几遍录音后便可以进行对话练习。练习的时候为了让学生相对地感到容易,教师可以让学生一个



单元教学活动6look, guess and say.

第六部分是要求学生根据图来回答所给的提示词。学生要将信息填在横线上。等学生填完后,教师可以让学生根据所给的提示词组成一个问句。以name 为例,教师可以启发学生说:“how will you ask a person’s name? what will you say?” 学生应该问:“what’s your name?” 其他的句子都应该以此方法进行。比如:“age—how old is he? (nine.) favourite food—what’s his favourite food? (cake.) best friend—who’s his best friend? (peter.) hobbies—what is bob’s hobby?(playing soccer.”)

单元教学活动7odd one out.

第七部分需要学生从每组图中找出一个不同类的图。前面已经有多次的练习,所以教学上不会有太多的困难。关键是教师要帮助学生说出不同之处。比如第一最,“the car is different. because picture one, two and four are for playing, but picture three is for driving.”


第二组:the cheese is different. the others are all drinks, but the cheese is food.

第三组:the first one is different. because the first is outside the house, but the others are inside the house.

第四组:the mouse is different. because the mouse is an animal, but the others are clothes.

单元教学活动8look and try.

第八部分是一个数学游戏,需要学生在很短的时间内算出该题的得数。教师可以对学生说:“now let’s see the last part of this unit. this is an interesting maths problem. who can add up these numbers quickly? who can make a simple sum?”

答案: 888






1 0 0 0




Unit 1 School Opening Day 一、单元要点 1.知识概述 (1)复习见面打招呼时的用语; (2)能相互介绍问好; (3)能就颜色、年龄及喜爱的水果、动物等进行提问; (4)学习字母组合ee在单词中发的音。 2.单元重点词汇 名词: holiday假日,friend朋友,fun娱乐,fruit水果,animal动物,colour颜色,crayon 蜡笔eraser/ rubber 橡皮toilet paper 卫生纸radio 收音机exercise book 练习本picture book 图画本lemonade 柠檬汁water 水 动词: worry 着急wear穿,戴spell 拼写greet 致候introduce 介绍help 帮助bring 带来 其它词汇: great 伟大的new 新的all 所有的please 请favourite 最受喜爱的人或物fine 健康的almost 几乎wonderful 了不起的 3.交际用语 (1)Oops!噢!(表示惊讶和遗憾) Let me help you! 让我来帮你吧! (2)Where’s Pat? Pat在哪里? She’s coming. She’s with Anna now.

她马上就来了。她现在和Anna在一起。(3)Have fun! 玩得高兴!(4)It’s good to see you back.看到你回来真好。 (5)It’s great to see you all again.再次看到你们真高兴。 (6)Is she our new friend?她是我们的新朋友么? (7)How was your holiday?你的假期过得如何? It was great!真是太棒了! 二、单元学习 1.重难点知识讲解 ①Words and expressions: holiday 假日friend 朋友have fun 玩得高兴worry 着急,担心②Oops! 噢! Don’t worry!别着急。 Let me help you. 让我来帮助你。 ③Nice to see you! 很高兴见到你。 Nice to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。(熟人见面打招呼的用语。)Where’s Pat?Pat在哪里? She’s coming. She’s with Anna now. 她来了。她现在和Anna在一起。 ④This way, please. 请走这边。 ⑤It’s great to see you all again! 再见到你们真是太棒了! Is she our new friend? 她是我们的新朋友吗? ⑥It’s good to see you back. 看到你回来真是太好了! How was your holiday? 你的假期过得怎么样?


剑桥少儿英语二级下册单元测试卷(一) Class___________ Name ___________ Score __________ I. Look and write festor _________ akle _________ ilansd _______ motaunin ___________ teafwarll _________ rveir __________ counsidryte ____________ fidle ________ tanlp _________ glejnu ___________ lbriay____________ suemakterpr ______________ cmanie ___________ wethrea __________ suyun _________ wiydn _________ toacoheth ____________ II. Put the words in order 1. Where you are now going ? _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Where like go in to would you the holiday ? _____________________________________________________________________ 3. What’s like weather the today ? _____________________________________________________________________ 4. I have stay home at don’t to . _____________________________________________________________________ 5. What’s you the with matter ? III. Translate these sentences. 1.我不能吃甜食。 _____________________________________________________________________ 2.我会把你的蛀牙拔出来。 _____________________________________________________________________ 3.我正在发烧。 _____________________________________________________________________ 4.你必须卧床休息一到两天。 _____________________________________________________________________ 5.多喝水。 _____________________________________________________________________ IV.Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.


本文由tongmanni贡献 doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 剑桥少儿英语预备级教案 剑桥少儿英语预备级(A)Unit 1 Greetings 剑桥少儿英语预备级 一、Teaching aims and demands: 1)can use simple English greet others 2) can say“Good morning!” “Good afternoon “Good evening” 3) Can read the new words about letter A a 4) can speak out the sentences of part 7 二、Important and difficult points: What‘s this? It’s the letter Aa. Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening . Hello! Hi! Slide 三、Teaching Steps : Step1 Greetings: Good morning /afternoon! Boys and girls how are you today? …… Ask one student to stand up and say Hello to him or her .and encourage him or her to answer “hello!” Then ask some other students to practice this sentence. Step 2:Call their names and say hello to them. Hello Ming Ming Hello, Dan Dan. Hello Fang Fang …… Step 3: Presentation Show the students some pictures about morning and ask, what’s the picture say? Morning, Yes, its morning teach the new word. Then show another picture and then teach the word afternoon and the same way to the word evening. Step 4: After learning the short sentences, we will learn an English song, teach the song and practice in groups or in pairs Step 5: show a model slide (this is a slide, what does it like? Yes, it likes the letter Aa).Write the letter Aa on the blackboard and teach the letter A a A is the slide, Slide on the A a. Step 6 teach the words about the letter A a : ape ace alien then practice some times . Step 7 Teach them how to write letter Aa Step 8 :Do some exercises 1) Do the exercises on page 4 of the students’ book 2) match them 3) Good morning Hello! Good night. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good morning. Hello! Good night. Good afternoon! Good evening. 剑桥少儿英语预备级上 Unit 2 who is the first 一、Teaching aims and demands : *They can understand some simple actions and do it ; *They can do “Stand up “”Sit down”,” Come here “, “Go back “., * Can understand the meaning of “up “and “”down”. *Can read B b and some new words about Bb *Can read the sentences of part 5 二、Important and difficult points What’s this? Stand up. Sit down. Come here. Go back Hands pens pencils feet cat snail back bee ball beef 三、teaching method: 本单元的教学重点是游戏,通过大家一起做动作来学习英语,也就是我们常说的, “玩中学,学中玩” 。教师一到课堂里就可 以边做手势边说,Now ,stand up ,sit down, Stand up! sit down.说的时候可以先慢后快,也可以让学生无法预料。大家基本上不 出什么错误的时候,教师就可以跑到教室的后面叫一个同学说,Come here! Come here! 等到学生来了之后,教师可以说 Go back. Go back. Go back.然后再叫另外的同学,在这四个句子中来回变换花样,最好是时常有所变化。 等大家熟悉了以后, 、 让大家一起来说顺口溜,Up, Up, stand up. Down, down, sit down. Here, here, come here. Back ,back, go back.边说边做动作。然 后教师开始用实物来做替换练习。如,Hands up! Hands down. Hands up, hands down. Books up .Books down .等等。 当大家累了的时候,就让大家休息一下,来给图画着色。着色之后再让大家相互观看,看谁色彩上的好。接下来便是教字母 的时间。教师首先让学生们看两个字母的卡片或形象的图片(猫和蜗牛) 。边看大写 B 的时候,边说 Big B is a cat.然后拿小 写 b 说,Small b is a snail. The cat and the snail .They are the letter Bb,等.让大家反复说,反复练习,然后,让小组的同学进行朗 诵比赛,看看哪个组最好。在学字母的时候,注意把这几个词给学生,让他们练习一下。其中还有:bee, ball, beet 字母组合 等。在适当的时候,让学生放松一下,可以随时让他们做一些动作,即复习了所学内容,有有助于学生上课保持新鲜感,更 有兴趣参与到学习中来。 请一个学生到讲台上去做动作,其他同学在下面说他做的动作,看谁说得最快最准确,老师可适当给予奖励。然后再换其他 同学去,做到充分练习。


剑桥少儿英语二级下册期中测试题 Name: score: 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或者短语。(15分)( ) 1.A、mouth B、mouse C、month ( ) 2.A、played B、play C、plane ( ) 3.A、want B、went C、wanted ( ) 4.A、mop the floor. B、mopping the floor. ( ) 5.A、peach B、beach C、each 二、听录音,根据所听到的问句选择相应的答句。(15分)( ) 1.A 、It’s Sunday. B、It’s sunny. C、It’s sun. ( ) 2. A 、It’s windy . B、It’s Wednesday. C、It’s a window ( ) 3. A 、Yes,I do . B、Yes,I can. C、Yes,I did. ( ) 4. A 、He likes swimming. B、I like singing. C、She likes to swimming. ( ) 5. A 、I live in Beijing. B、It’s on the desk . C、I like Beijing. 笔试部分 三、翻译题下列单词。(40分) jungle forest lake plant island countryside field village river waterfall rainy windy snowy cloudy rainbow sunny earache toothache stomachache headache


剑桥少儿英语预备级各单元重点 Pre-starters B (下册) Unit 1 School is fun . (Pre-starters B) 1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands: 通过活动激发学生在英语课上的学习兴趣。 复习和巩固前面出现过的学习用具等校园词汇。 学会简单的英语表达句式。 2.交际用语Expressions in communication: What can you see? I can see a big book. This is b ig. It’s big. Welcome to our school. Please come with me. How many boys are there? 3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions: eraser, pencil-case, penicil, ruler, bag, blackboard, pen, book, playground, classroom, garden, swimming pool, Class One, boys, girls, teachers, doors, windows, TVs, fans. Unit 2 Classroom Olympics. (Pre-starters B) 1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands: 通过学习,培养大家的竞赛意识及为集体增光的意识。 掌握一些运动用的交际词汇和句子。 通过游戏,进一步培养学生对英语的兴趣。 2.交际用语Expressions in communication: Hop to the blackboard. Jump to the window. Run to the door. Walk to the teacher. 3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions: hop, paint, catch, count, run, bounce, draw, touch, football, badminton, baseball, basketball, jump and touch, catch and count, kick and stop. Unit 3 You and I (Pre-starters B)


代词 am是(我I) is是(他he、她she、它it、其它单数名词) are是(我们we、你们you、他们they、其它复数名词)

主语和be动词 I am Lucy. You are Tom. He is Ben. She is Mary. It is a dog. We are classmates. You are boys. They are friends. 宾语和be动词 This boy is me. That girl is you. The baby is him. The girl in red dress is her That little white cat is it. These children are us. Those boys and girls are you. These boys and girls are you. ……的(名词前) This is my pen. This is your pen. That is his pen. That is her pen. It is its fish. He is our teacher. They are your teachers. We are their teachers. ……的(句末) These cats are mine. Those dogs are yours. This monkey is his. That bird is hers. The ball is its. Those chocolate are ours. These milk are yours. The jeans are theirs. 指示代词 This is a doll. These are some dolls. That is a doll. Those are some dolls. There is a doll. There are some dolls. There are some dolls on the bed. 疑问代词 Who am I ? Who are you? Who is he? Who is she? Who is it? Who are us? Who are you? Who are them? What is my name? What is your name? What is his name? What is her name? What is its name? Whom will I talk with? Whose jeans are they? What do you like? Which book do you like? Which book does he like? Where are you? Where is he?


剑桥少儿英语二级下册各单元知识点汇总Unit1 Going to different places. 单词: jungle灌木丛forest森林plant植物island小岛field田野village小山村countryside村庄waterfall瀑布lake湖mountain大山hospital医院library图书馆cinema电影院bank银行 zoo动物园supermarket超市park公园city城市place地方nun修女India印度poor穷的 people人民surprise惊奇的homeless无家可归的 词组: take (lots of) pictures照相play in the park在公园玩climb the Great Wall爬长城go to the zoo去动物园ride the horse骑马buy some toys买玩具shop in the market在商场购物visit Tian’anmen参观天安门see a film看电影swim in the lake在湖里游泳that’s great 太棒了that’s right正确have a good time 玩的高兴have one’s holiday度假go swimming去游泳go shopping去购物go fishing去钓鱼 go riding去骑马go skating去滑冰go dancing去跳舞 句型: 1.Where are you going now? I'm going to the zoo. 2. Where would you like to go in the holiday then? I’d like to go to the countryside . 3. Where did you go on the holidays? 4. Did you go to Huang Mountain? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 5. What other places did you go to? I’m sur e you had a good time. 文章: Part3 Unit2What’s the weather like today ? 单词: weather天气rainy下雨的windy有风的snowy有雪的cloudy多云的sunny晴朗的enjoy喜欢soccer足球rainbow彩虹because因为beach海滩dark黑暗的light浅色sunset日落 bicycle自行车cousin(堂)表兄弟姐妹grandparent祖父母,外祖父母along沿着sweet甜的 cycling骑车兜风snack零食 词组: stay at home在家go to the park去公园visit the zoo参观动物园have a snowball fight打雪仗water the flowers浇花fall asleep睡着get off下车play with sand on the beach在沙滩上玩沙子 enjoy the beautiful weather享受好天气 句型: 1.What‘s the weather like today ? It‘s sunny. 2. I like sunny days because I can do many things outside . 3. I don’t like rainy days because it‘s wet outside . 4. What can you do when you cycle in the country ?


少儿剑桥英语测试试卷 姓名 班级 一、 用“a ,an ”填空。1 ____ pencil-case ____ eraser ____ classroom ____ ant ____ arm ____ apple ____ pineapple ____ school ____ eel ____ lemon 二、根据图片选择合适的数。 10% -How many umberllas can you see? - I can see _____ umberllas A one B six C three D five -How many trees can you see? -I can see ______ trees A four B six C three D five 三、写出下列字母的前后邻居。12% _____ G _____ _____ C _____ _____ L _____ _____ j _____ _____ d _____ _____ ____Q 四、选出不同类的单词,将字母代号写在括号内。10% ( ) 1.A.pear B bag C apple D orange ( ) 2.A red B pink C walk D yellow ( ) 3. A hen B six C dog D cat ( ) 4.A nose B one C face D eye 五、选择。20% 1.( ) pencil-box A 铅笔 B 铅笔盒 2.( ) plane A 火车 B 飞机 3.( ) pizza A 面包 B 匹萨饼 4.( ) I like red. A 我喜欢红色。 B 我不喜欢红色。 5.( ) This is an apple. A 那是一个苹果。 B 这是一个苹果。 6.( ) I like playing baseball. A 我喜欢打棒球。 B 我喜欢打羽毛球。 7.( ) 你最喜爱的食物是什么? A What ’s your favourite food? B What ’s your favourite animals? 8.( ) my book A 他的书 B 我的书



剑桥少儿英语预备级上教案 Unit1 Greeting 第一课时教学设计方案 题目:Unit1 Greeting 教学重点:本部分主要是见面打招呼、自我 介绍及道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情 景中听懂、会说 Hello./Hi . Goodbye./Bye-Bye. I'm ...。 教学难点:自我介绍用语I’m …的发音不容 易到位,学习起来较难,教师要适时纠正,切不 可挫伤孩子的学习积极性。 教具准备: 1教材相关人物的面具或头饰 2为Let's play中的击鼓传花游戏准备相应 的道具 3教材相配套的录音带 教学过程:

1.热身 (Warm-up) (1)先给学生播放卡通片,了解所学语言运 用的环境。内容为“迪士尼英语”中第一课的片 段(Magic English----Hello)学生在他们喜爱 的卡通节目中了解、学习打招呼用语Hello./Hi ,边看卡通边说英语。学习语言的同时,了解语言 所用的环境,兴趣与语境同时创设,学习与兴趣 同时存在。[本部分内容根据各校情况可自行改变,用图片来代替,或直接进入下一环节。] (2)通过看卡通片告诉学生“卡通”一词的 发音是由英语单词Cartoon一词的发音直接翻 译过来的。在现实生活中,我们还有许多的类似 之处,有时我们甚至直接用英语的单词来代表某 物如CD, VCD, DVD等等。 (3)由于学生是第一次正式接受英语课的学习,教师可在此基础上采取交谈的方式与学生讨 论一下英语的作用以及学习英语的意义。不妨请 学生说说他们在现实生活中已经了解的英语单 词或日常用语。利用教科书开始的蝴蝶页Welcome to English 彩图中呈现的我们生活中学 生已经会说或较熟悉的词汇如 CD, VCD, DVD, OK!


Unit 1 My cousin and I 教案 Objectives: Language knowledge: 能听、会说本课词汇,做到发音准确,语调自然。 (1)Sentences: 1.掌握句型He is a ... She is a … 学生须掌握表示职业的单词,如driver等。 2. 会描述人He/She is… 3.重点掌握“where were you born?”句型,能准确回答。 (2)Words: clever, active, popular, careless, polite, quite, helpful, friendly. 情感目标:知道关于澳大利亚的地理、环境、人文等相关知识,增强学生的人文知识素养, 并且学以致用。 Difficult Points: He/She is…“where were you born?”在日常交际中的使用。 Teaching method: TPR, Listen and say, look and say. Teaching steps: 一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1.教师让学生拿着自己的家庭照,通过实物投影展示给大家,指着其中的人物做介绍: I have a big family. He’s my father. She’s my mother. 2.让学生两人一组面对面站着,举起自己的家人照片做问答练习:Who’s that man? Who’s that woman? 二、呈现新课(Presentation) 1.教师出示Li Ming的图片问学生:Who’s this boy? 让学生回答:He’s Li Ming.并把图片贴到黑板上。 2.教师分别出示father, mother的图片,问学生:Who’s that man (woman)? 引导学生说出:He’s Li Ming’s father (dad). She’s Li Ming’s mother (mom).并把图片贴到黑板上。 3.出示单词卡,让学生认读father,dad,mother,mom,grandfather (grandpa),grandmother (grandma),uncle,aunt让学生把这些单词卡贴到黑板上相应的图片下。 4.教师:There are 8 people in Li Ming’s family. Do you know who are they? 可先让学生


剑桥少儿英语预备级(下) Unit1 1.词汇 ①重点词汇(要求:听、说、读、写) Pen 钢笔,pencil 铅笔,box 盒子,pencil-box 文具盒,pencil-case 文具盒, bag 包,schoolbag 书包,ruler 尺子,blackboard 黑板, book 书, desk 书桌, window 窗户, door 门, TV 电视, chair 椅子②一般词汇(要求:听、说、读) Boy 男孩,girl 女孩,can 能够,you 你,你们,see 看见our 我们的,different 不同的,fun 有趣,drawing 画画,singing 唱歌,dancing 跳舞,running 跑步,jumping 跳高,swimming 游泳,Number One 第一,第一名 2.句型(要求:听、说、读,并且会回答) ①w hat can you see 你能看见什么 I can see a big book. 我能看见一本大书。 ②h ello,welcome to our school. 你好,欢迎来到我们学校。 Please come with me. 请跟我来。 ③t his is our swimming pool.

这是我们的游泳池。 Unit2 1.词汇 ①重点词汇(要求:听、说、读、写) one 1, two 2 ,three 3,four 4,five 5,six 6,seven 7,eight 8,nine 9,ten 10,eleven 11, twelve 12,number 数字 ②一般词汇(要求:听、说、读) Paint 涂色,粉刷,catch 接住,hop 单腿跳,count 数数字,bounce 拍球,draw 画画,touch 摸,walk 走路,散步,football 足球,kick 踢,badminton 羽毛球, baseball 棒球, basketball 篮球, stop 停止2.重点短语(要求:听、说、读熟,会做动作) Draw a picture 画一幅画, bounce the ball 拍球, hop the blackboard 单腿跳向黑板 , touch the table 摸一摸桌子, count the numbers 数数字, run to the window 跑到窗户边, jump to the window 跳向窗户Walk to the teacher 走向老师, Jump and touch 跳起来并摸一摸,catch and count 接住再数一数,kick and stop 踢一下再停下来 Unit3 1.词汇 ①重点词汇(要求:听、说、读、写) I我, you 你,你们, we 我们, he 他, she 她, it 它, they 他们②一般词汇(要求:听、说、读)


v1.0可编辑可修改剑桥少儿英语预备级教案 剑桥少儿英语预备级(A)U nit 1 Greet in gs 一、Teach ing aims and dema nds 1) can use simple English greet others 2) can say “ Good mornin g! ”“ Good after noon “ Good evening 3) Can read the new words about letter A a 4) can speak out the sentences of part 7 二、Important and difficult points: What's this It ' s the letter Aa. Good morning! Good after noon! Good evening . Hello! Hi! Slide 三、Teaching Steps : Stepl Greeti ngs Good morning /after noon! Boys and girls how are you today .......... Ask one stude nt to sta nd up and say Hello to him or her .a nd en courage him or her to an swer “hello! ” Then ask some other students to practice this sentence. Step 2 : Call their names and say hello to them. Hello Mi ng Mi ng Hello, Dan Dan. Hello Fang Fang ....... Step 3 : Prese ntati on Show the students some pictures about morning and ask, what ' s the picture say Yes, its morning teach the new word. Then show ano ther picture and the n teach the word after noon and the same way to Step 4: After lear ning the short senten ces, we will lear n an En glish song, teach the song and practice in groups or in pairs Step 5: show a model slide (this is a slide, what does it like Yes, it likes the the letter Aa on the blackboard and teach the letter A a A is the slide, Slide on the A a. Step 6 teach the words about the letter A a : ape ace alien then practice some times . Step 7 Teach them how to write letter Aa Step 8 : Do some exercises 1) Do the exercises on page 4 of the students ' book 2) match them 3) Good morning Good ni ght. Good evening. Hello! Good after noon! Hello! Good after noon. Good morning. Good ni ght. --__ Morni ng, the word evening. letter Aa).Write


剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit1 What’s your name? Teaching aims and demands: ●Can ask the name of others ●Can ask the age of others ●Can simply introduce the name of yourself and others ●Can count the number1~~10 Important and different point: ●交际句型:What's your name? I'm ..., You' re..., He's..., She's..., It's..., We're..., You're..., They’re… ●交际词汇:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten Teaching procedure: Step1 Greetings Because it is the first class, so the teacher can introduce herself(himself),using the sentence pattern: “Hello, I’m JIQING, nice to meet you!” Ss should answer together: Nice to meet you ,too. Step2 Presentation Teacher can prepare some name cards before class, write your name and some of your Ss names on the cards. When the class begins, invite a boy and a girl to the platform and give them their name cards, adhibit each card on the coat. Then begin from you . Point at your name card and say slowly and clearly, “I’m JI QING.”. Repeat it two or three times. Then turn to the boy and ask: “What’s your name?” Imply the boy answer the question like you. Then do the same way to the girl. Step3 Ask and answer. Let the Ss do the following activity: Ask each pupil to take out a piece of paper and a pen ,then go and ask his or her friend“ What’s your name ?”.Tell the pupils to write down the names of his or her friend in Pinyin . Check some Ss by asking their names and one or two of their friends’names. So Ss can know how to say “I’m…,He’s…,She’s…” After doing this, the teacher will add something new. Let the Ss listen to you carefully. You say: “my name is JIQING, I’m 25 years old.” Meanwhile,write down the number 25 on the blackboard. Say again “I’m 25 years old.” Then ask one student “How old are you?Are you 7 or 8?” Wri te 7 and 8 on the blackboard . Ask more Ss the question like this. Step4 Chant Do Part5. We can clap while chanting. First chant together, then in part. Step5 Ask each other


剑桥少儿英语二级下册期末测试 Name:__________ Mark:______________ Listening 一、听录音连线(20) 二、听录音选择图片(10) Reading and writing 一、根据例子改写单词。(4) wind——(windy ) rain——()cloud——() sun——()snow——()

二、根据基数词写出序数词。(5) one——()two——()three——()nine——()twelve——() 三、读句子,再认真选择,填写在横线上。(10) 1、How did the train go?The train went ________( slow, slowly ). 2、How did he sing the song? He sang the song _______(happily, happy) 3、How did she dance? She danced________ (beautifully, beautifull) 4、How did he do her homework? He did his homework___________ (careful, carefully ) 5、How did they wait for their teacher to come? They ________ (quietly, quiet ) waited for their teacher to come. 四、在括号里填上适当的量词.(6) 1、a ()of coffee 2、a ( ) of apple 3、a ()of popcorn 4、a ()of soup 5、a ()of water 6、a ()of toys 五、选择填空(15分) 1、()I’d like a glass ______ water . A、with B、of C、for 2、()Tom ______ in the country . A、live B、living C、lives 3、()I can see ______ my eyes . A、with B、in C、of 4、()He can do better ______ his brother . A、then B、than C、when 5、()There isn’t _______ bread in the kichen . A、any B、some C、two 6、()She likes _______ computer games . A、play B、playing C、to playing
