


第十九单元世界地理 模拟精选题 (依据高考命题大数据软件分析,重点关注第2、6、9、10、14题) 一、选择题 (2016·山东烟台栖霞模拟)读世界某区域图,完成1~3题。 1.图中甲被称为“西方的香港”,使其成为国际性海港的主要因素是() A.地处国际航道的要冲 B.天然港湾有利于停泊 C.周边地区的经济发达 D.陆地交通线稠密便捷 2.图中乙流域河谷地区是优质葡萄产区,其主导区位因素是() A.地形B.光照C.热量D.水源 3.丙所在国被称为“烈日下清凉的国土”,对其影响较小的是() A.地形地势B.海陆位置 C.纬度位置D.大气环流

解析本题组以直布罗陀海峡周边区域图为背景,综合考查交通区位因素、农业生产活动和气候成因。第1题,图中甲地处大西洋与(地中海)的咽喉要道,加之苏伊士运河开通,因此成为联系大西洋与印度洋必经之地。第2题,乙地处地中海气候区,夏季光热充足、温差较大,加之地形起伏和缓,土壤肥沃,有利于葡萄种植。但夏季受副热带高压控制,降水较少,因此需要灌溉,水源成为其主导区位因素。第3题,丙国夏季受副热带高气压带控制,天气晴朗。临近海洋,受大西洋(地中海)的调节作用;地处河流源头,海拔高气温低;山地阻挡了南部撒哈拉大沙漠热浪的侵袭;沿岸寒流的降温作用。故夏季“清凉”。选C。 答案 1.A 2.D 3.C (2016·课标区高考信息卷)内流河是指不能注入海洋的河流,为内流河提供径流的区域,称为内流区,无流区是指基本上不产生地表径流的地区,这类区域多出现在干旱少雨的地区。读某国家中部某一内流区位置图,完成4~6题。 4.图示无流区的地表景观最可能为() A.牧场B.梯田C.盐沼D.沙漠 5.图中所示的时令河流程最短时期,有可能出现在() A.2月B.4月C.7月D.10月 6.图示区域应分布在() A.沙特阿拉伯B.澳大利亚 C.埃塞俄比亚D.纳米比亚


英语翻译二级笔译实务模拟试题及答案解析(8) (1/2)Section ⅠEnglish-Chinese Translation Translate the following two passages into Chinese. Part A Compulsory Translation 第1题 How much money can be made from trying to extract oil and gas from the layers of shale that lie beneath Britain? Answering that is proving to be a surprisingly difficult scientific question because knowing the basic facts about shale is not enough. The layers have been well mapped for years. In fact until recently geologists tended to regard shale as commonplace, even dull—a view that has obviously changed. The key tool is a seismic survey: sound waves are sent into the ground and the reflections reveal the patterns of the rocks. This describes where the shale lies but not much more. So we know, for example, that the Bowland Shale—which straddles northern England—covers a far smaller area than the massive shale formations of the United States but it is also much thicker than they are. That may mean that it is a potentially richer resource or that it is harder to exploit. Britain's geological history is long and tortured, so folds and fractures disrupt the shale layers, creating a more complex picture than across the Atlantic. To assess what the layers hold involves another step: wells have to be drilled into the rock to allow cores to be extracted so the shale can be analysed in more detail. As Ed Hough of the British Geological Survey told me: "We know the areas under the ground which contain gas and oil—what we don't know is how that gas and oil might be released from the different units of rock and extracted." "There's a lot of variability in these rocks—so their composition, their history and the geological conditions all come into play and are all variable." That means that neighbouring fracking operations might come up with very different results. In a lab at the BGS near Nottingham, I'm shown a simple but effective proof that shale does contain the hydrocarbons—gas and oil—at the heart of the current surge in interest. A few chunks of the rock are dropped into a beaker of water and gently heated until they produce tiny bubbles which rise like strings of pearls to the surface. It is a sight which is both beautiful and significant—the bubbles are methane, which the government hopes will form a new source of home grown energy. The gas and oil were formed millions of years ago when tiny plants and other organisms accumulated on the floor of an ancient and warm ocean—at one stage Britain lay in the tropics. This organic matter was then compacted and cooked by natural geological warmth which transformed it into the fuels in such demand now. So one question is the "total organic content" of the shale—how much organic material is held inside—and there can be large variations in this. But establishing that the shale is laden with fossil fuels is only one part of the story. The samples, extracted from deep underground, then need to be studied to see how readily they would release the fuels. So the BGS scientists fit small blocks of the shale into devices that squeeze it and heat it—trying to mimic the conditions that would be experienced during a fracking operation, when high


《中国古建筑史》模拟试题(二) 一、选择题(每题1分,共30分) 1.清明上河图所表现的是(c )城的风貌。 A、西汉长安B、唐长安C、北宋汴梁D、明南京 2.《营造法式》是哪个朝代的著作?(c) A汉B唐C宋D清 3.我国砖普遍用于民居砌墙始于哪个朝代?(d) A秦B唐C宋D明 4.下面哪个城市不属于我国七大古都?(d) A杭州B南京C开封D苏州 5.唐长安城位于汉长安城的:(a) A东南B西南C东北D西北 6.按尊卑顺序排列,下列哪组屋顶形式是正确的?(c) A歇山顶、庑殿顶、硬山顶、悬山顶 B庑殿顶、歇山顶、硬山顶、悬山顶 C庑殿顶、歇山顶、悬山顶、硬山顶 D歇山顶、庑殿顶、悬山顶、硬山顶 原始社会晚期黄河流域最具代表性的建筑类型是:(b) A干阑式建筑B木骨泥墙房屋C穴居D巢居 9.历代帝王陵墓中“因山为陵”的是:(b) A秦代B唐代C宋代D明代 河南洛阳龙门石窟开凿于:(a) A北魏B北周C隋D唐 我国用琉璃瓦的历史始于哪个朝代?(a) A南北朝B唐C春秋D西周 13.佛光寺东大殿平面柱网为:(c) A单槽B双槽C金厢斗底槽D分心槽 14.我国已知最早采用榫卯技术构筑房屋的实例是:(c) A浙江余姚河姆渡遗址B西安半坡村遗址C河南偃师二里头宫殿遗址D陕西岐山凤雏村遗址

15.原始社会晚期长江流域最具代表性的建筑类型是:(a) A干阑式建筑B木骨泥墙房屋C穴居D巢居 16.我国已知最早的庭院式建筑是:(b) A西安半坡遗址B陕西岐山凤雏村遗址C河南偃师二里头宫殿遗址D浙江余姚河姆渡村遗址 17.我国已知最早、最严整的四合院实例是:(b) A湖北蕲春建筑遗址B陕西岐山凤雏村遗址C河南偃师二里头宫殿遗址D安阳小屯村殷墟宫殿遗址我国瓦的普遍使用是在哪个时期?(b) A西周B春秋C战国D秦 19.我国砖的使用始于:(a) A西周B春秋C战国D秦 20.著名的河北赵县安济桥的设计人是:(b) A李诚B李春C宇文恺D鲁班 21.《园冶》的作者是:(a) A李诚B李春C计成D苏东坡 22.我国佛教的四大名山是指:(a) A五台山、九华山、峨嵋山、普陀山 B五台山、武当山、峨嵋山、普陀山 C武当山、九华山、峨嵋山、普陀山 D武当山、五台山、峨嵋山、九华山 23.著名的《考工记》成书于:(b) A春秋B西周C战国D商 24.明朝天坛祈年殿三檐颜色为:(d) A全部青色B全部绿色C全部淡蓝色D分别为青、黄、绿三色 26.《园冶》是哪个朝代的著作?(a) A明B唐C宋D清 28.现存甘肃敦煌莫高窟开凿于:(a) A北魏B北周C隋D唐 原始社会晚期黄河流域最具代表性的建筑类型是:(b) A干阑式建筑B木骨泥墙房屋C穴居D巢居 30、我国宋代的建筑官书是。(c) A、《木经》 B、《考工记》 C、《营造法式》 D、《工程做法》


水力学模拟试题及答案 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

水力学模拟试题及答案(一) 1、选择题:(每小题2分) (1)在水力学中,单位质量力是指() a、单位面积液体受到的质量力; b、单位体积液体受到的质量力; c、单位质量液体受到的质量力; d、单位重量液体受到的质量力。 答案:c (2)在平衡液体中,质量力与等压面() a、重合; b、平行 c、相交; d、正交。 答案:d (3)液体中某点的绝对压强为100kN/m2,则该点的相对压强为 a、1 kN/m2 b、2 kN/m2 c、5 kN/m2 d、10 kN/m2 答案:b (4)水力学中的一维流动是指() a、恒定流动; b、均匀流动; c、层流运动; d、运动要素只与一个坐标有关的流动。 答案:d (5)有压管道的管径d与管流水力半径的比值d /R=() a、8; b、4; c、2; d、1。 答案:b (6)已知液体流动的沿程水力摩擦系数与边壁相对粗糙度和雷诺数Re都有关,即可以判断该液体流动属于 a、层流区; b、紊流光滑区; c、紊流过渡粗糙区; d、紊流粗糙区 答案: c (7)突然完全关闭管道末端的阀门,产生直接水击。已知水击波速c=1000m/s,水击压强水头H = 250m,则管道中原来的流速v0为 a、1.54m b 、2.0m c 、2.45m d、3.22m 答案:c (8)在明渠中不可以发生的流动是() a、恒定均匀流; b、恒定非均匀流; c、非恒定均匀流; d、非恒定非均匀流。 答案:c (9)在缓坡明渠中不可以发生的流动是()。 a、均匀缓流; b、均匀急流; c、非均匀缓流; d、非均匀急流。 答案:b (10)底宽b=1.5m的矩形明渠,通过的流量Q =1.5m3/s,已知渠中某处水深h = 0.4m,则该处水流的流态为 a、缓流; b、急流; c、临界流;


英语翻译二级笔译实务模拟试题及答案解析(15) (1/1)Section ⅠEnglish-Chinese Translation Translate the following two passages into Chinese. Part A Compulsory Translation 第1题 This week and next, governments, international agencies and nongovernmental organizations are gathering in Mexico City at the World Water Forum to discuss the legacy of global Mulhollandism in water—and to chart a new course. They could hardly have chosen a better location. Water is being pumped out of the aquifer on which Mexico City stands at twice the rate of replenishment. The result: the city is subsiding at the rate of about half a meter every decade. You can see the consequences in the cracked cathedrals, the tilting Palace of Arts and the broken water and sewerage pipes. Every region of the world has its own variant of the water crisis story. The mining of groundwaters for irrigation has lowered the water table in parts of India and Pakistan by 30 meters in the past three decades. As water goes down, the cost of pumping goes up, undermining the livelihoods of poor farmers. What is driving the global water crisis? Physical availability is part of the problem. Unlike oil or coal, water is an infinitely renewable resource, but it is available in a finite quantity. With water use increasing at twice the rate of population growth, the amount available per person is shrinking—especially in some of the poorest countries. Challenging as physical scarcity may be in some countries, the real problems in water go deeper. The 20th-century model for water management was based on a simple idea: that water is an infinitely available free resource to be exploited, dammed or diverted without reference to scarcity or sustainability. Across the world, water-based ecological systems—rivers, lakes and watersheds—have been taken beyond the frontiers of ecological sustainability by policy makers who have turned a blind eye to the consequences of over-exploitation. We need a new model of water management for the 21st century. What does that mean? For starters, we have to stop using water like there's no tomorrow—and that means using it more efficiently at levels that do not destroy our environment. The buzz-phrase at the Mexico Water forum is "integrated water resource management." What it means is that governments need to manage the private demand of different users and manage this precious resource in the public interest. 下一题 (1/1)Section ⅡChinese-English Translation This section consists of two parts, Part A—"Compulsory Translation" and Part B— "Choice of Two Translations" consisting of two sections "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". For the passage in Part A and your choice of passages in Part B, translate the underlined portions, including titles, into English. Above your translation of Part A, write "Compulsory Translation" and above your translation from Part B, write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2". 第2题 能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。纵观人类社会发展的历史,人类文明的每一次重大进步都伴随着能源的改进和更替。能源的开发利用极大地推进了世界经济和人类社会的发展。


模拟试卷二 一、选择题(请将正确答案的序号填写在题中的括号中。每题2分,满分30分) 1、在XY平面上,某圆弧圆心为(0,0),半径为80,如果需要刀具从(80,0)沿该圆弧到达(0,80),程序指令为(B )。 (A)G02 XO.Y80.I80.0 F300 (B)G03 XO.Y80.I-80.0 F300 (C)G02 X8O.Y0.J80.0 F300 (D)G03 X80.Y0.J-80.0 F300 2、在G00程序段中,(C)值将不起作用。 (A)X (B)S (C)F (D)T 3、下列(D )不适应在加工中心上生产。 (A)需要频繁改型的零件(B)多工位和多工序可集中的零件 (C)难测量的零件(D)装夹困难的零件 4、数控机床中把脉冲信号转换成机床移动部件运动的组成部分称为(C )。 (A)控制介质(B)数控装置(C)伺服系统(D)机床本体 5、数控机床的旋转轴之一B轴是绕( B )旋转的轴。 (A)X轴(B)Y轴(C)Z轴(D)W轴 6、使用(B )可使刀具作短时间的无进给光整加工,常用于车槽、镗平面、锪孔等场合,以提高表面光洁度。 (A)G02 (B)G04 (C)G06(D)G00 7、数控机床坐标轴确定的步骤为(C )。 (A)X→Y→Z (B)X→Z→Y (C)Z→X→Y 8、下列(B )的精度最高。 (A)开环伺服系统(B)闭环伺服系统 (C)半闭环伺服系统(D)闭环、半闭环系统 9、(B )命令是有条件停止。 (A)G00 (B)M01 (C)M05 (D)M19 10、在CRT/MDI面板的功能键中,用于刀具偏置数设置的键是(B )。 (A)POS (B)OFSET (C)PRGRM (D)SYSTEM 11、精车轮廓时,为保证零件加工面光洁度的一致性,应使用(C )。 (A)G94 (B)G95 (C)G96 (D)G87 12、单段运行功能有效时,(B )。 (A)执行一段加工结束(B)执行一段保持进给(C)连续加工(D)程序校验 13、程序“D01 M98 P1001”的含义是(D )。 (A)调用P1001子程序(B)调用O1001子程序 (C)调用P1001子程序,且执行子程序时用01号刀具半径补偿值 (D)调用O1001子程序,且执行子程序时用01号刀具半径补偿值 14、执行程序后G98 G81R3 Z-5 F50后,钻孔深度是(A )。 (A)5mm (B)3mm (C)8mm (D)2mm 15、(B )与虚拟制造技术一起,被称为未来制造业的两大支柱技术。 (A)数控技术(B)快速成形法(C)柔性制造系统(D)柔性制造单元 二、判断题(请将判断结果填入括号中。正确的填“√”,错误的填“×”。每题2分,满分30分) ()1、机床回零后,显示的机床坐标位置一定为零。 (√)2、加工中心具有刀库和刀具交换装置。



一、判断题六 1、根据我国《保险法》的规定,人寿保险以外的 其他保险的被保险人或者受益人,向保险人请求赔偿或者给付保险金的诉讼时效期间为五年,自保险事故发生之日起计算(×) 2、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险公司的业务 范围分为财产保险业务和责任保险业务(×)3、根据我国《保险法》的规定,外国保险机构在 中华人民共和国境内设立的代表机构,应当经外交部批准。(×) 4、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险公司依法终 止其业务活动,可以不注销其经营保险业务许可证。(×) 5、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险公司有《中 华人民共和国企业破产法》第二条规定情形的,保险行业协会可以向人民法院申请对该保险公司进行重整或者破产清算。(×) 6、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险公司应当在 国务院保险监督管理机构依法批准的业务范围内从事保险经营活动。(√) 7、根据我国《保险法》的规定,订立保险合同, 应当协商一致,遵循公平原则确定各方的权利和义务,除法律、行政法规规定必须保险外,保险合同

自愿订立。(√) 8、根据我国《保险法》的规定,经营保险业务, 必须是依照《保险法》设立的保险公司。其他单位和个人如要求经营保险业务,必须得到工商管理部门的特别批准。(×) 9、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险公司若要变 更公司或者分支机构的营业场所,应当经保险监督管理机构批准。(√) 10、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险监督管理机 构应当建立健全保险公司偿付能力监管体系,主要对寿险保险公司的偿付能力实施监控。(×) 二、选择题 1、根据我国消费者权益保护法的规定,国家机关 工作人员玩忽职守或者包庇经营者侵害消费者合法权益的行为的,情节严重,构成犯罪的,将受到的处罚为(B ) A、其所在单位或者上级机关给予行政处分; B、依法追究刑事责任; C、承担民事赔偿责任; D、承担间接责任; 2、在保险事故中,同时发生的多种原因导致的损 失,且各原因的发生无先后顺序之分,对损失都起决定性作用,则导致该损失的近因是(B )

小企业管理基础模拟试题及答案 (2)

第三部分:小企业管理基础模拟试题及答案 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1.狭义的竞争优势就是小企业的( D )。 A.核心竞争力B.比较优势 C.内部管理优势D.市场优势 2.小企业进行产品生产或提供服务的时候,在除成本之外的其他方面与众不同,采用“别具一格”的竞争战略,以获得竞争优势,这是被小企业普遍采用的战略,即( A )。 A.差异化战略B.创新战略 C.低成本战略D.市场细分战略 3.以下哪种经营方式不属于小企业通常采用的方式( D ) A.专业化经营B。特许经营 C.利基经营D.垄断式经营 4.我国会计制度规定的利润表采用( A )结构。 A.多步式B.报告式 C。账户式D.并列式 5.根据小企业的经验,流动比率在( C )是最佳的。 A.0。5 B.1 C.2 D.3 6.对于香水和昂贵的奢侈品来说,应采用( C )技巧。 A.心理定价B.品质定价 C.威望定价D.激励定价 7.CRM是指以下哪种电子商务活动( A ) A.客户关系管理B.企业资源计划 C.供应链管理D.企业网络营销 8。小企业选聘人才时最常使用的一种工具是( A )。 A.面试B。工作情景模拟 C.能力测试D.品行鉴定 9.小企业管理者给员工升职、颁发奖金,这种激励方法属于( B )。 A.组织激励B。外在激励 C.荣誉激励D.内在激励 10.小企业进入成熟阶段后,为保持处于产业的主导地位,而不被别的企业挤出,通常选择的创新战略是( C )。 A.品牌战略B.联合战略 C.产业化战略D.稳定性战略 二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共20分。多选或少选均不得分) 1.对小企业竞争优势的认识,许多企业家存在一些误区,如( BCE ). A.模仿竞争对手而获得的竞争优势是短暂的 B。小企业与大企业根本不可能在同一起跑线上竞争 C。对于小企业而言,好的商业机会已经消失了 D.小企业应选择适合自身发展的行业 E.小企业应选择成长迅速的行业 2.小企业专门化战略也叫专一经营战略.主要包括如下几种(ABCD ) A.产品专门化B.消费群体专门化 C。经营特色专门化D.地理区域专门化 E.售后服务专门化 3.下列属于适合小企业生存发展的分散型部门是( BC )。 A.纺织品B.副食品 C.石化D.钢铁 E.汽车制造业 4.小企业人才战略开发的指导思想是:(ABCDE )。 A。适用性B。实用性 C.有序性D.连续性与稳定性 E.综合性 5.资产负债表的三大要素是( ABD )。 A.资产B.所有者权益 C.利润D.负债 E.流动资金 6.小企业筹集外部资金,采用负债融资还是权益融资,主要受( ABD )几个问题的制约: A.筹资风险 B.潜在获利能力 C.偿债能力D.表决控制权 E.偿债期限 7.小企业的资产管理能力分析包括(ACD )。 A.流动资产管理能力分析 B.偿债能力分析 C.固定资产管理能力分析 D.总资产管理能力分析 E.利息周转倍数分析 8,一般来说,( ACD )的情况下,顾客对价格的敏感程度较高。 A.产品属非基本需求B.可替代程度低 C.支出额相对大D.对价格认同度较低 E.生活必需品 9.在产品生命周期的不同阶段,企业应采取不同的产品策略。产品导入期,企业应采取恰当的(ACDE ),尽可能缩短导入期,减少亏损。


人事部翻译资格证书(CATTI)2004 年11 月英语二级《笔译实务》 试题及参考答案 Section 1: English-Chinese T ranslation (英译汉)(60 point ) Part A Compulsory T ranslation (必译题)(30 points) Until recently, scientists knew little about life in the deep sea, nor had they reason to believe that it was being threatened. Now, with the benefit of technology that allows for deeper exploration, researchers have uncovered a remarkable array of species inhabiting the ocean floor at depths of more than 660 feet, or about 200 meters. At the same time, however, technology has also enabled fishermen to reach far deeper than ever before, into areas where bottom trawls can destroy in minutes what has taken nature hundreds and in some cases thousands of years to build. Many of the world's coral species, for example, are found at depths of more than 200 meters. It is also estimated that roughly half of the world's highest seamounts - areas that rise from the ocean floor and are particularly rich in marine life - are also found in the deep ocean. These deep sea ecosystems provide shelter, spawning and breeding areas for fish and other creatures, as well as protection from strong currents and predators. Moreover, they are believed to harbor some of the most extensive reservoirs of life on earth, with estimates ranging from 500,000 to 100 million species inhabiting these largely unexplored and highly fragile ecosystems. Y et just as we are beginning to recognize the tremendous diversity of life in these areas, along with the potential benefits newly found species may hold for human society in the form of potential food products and new medicines, they are at risk of being lost forever. With enhanced ability both to identify where these species-rich areas are located and to trawl in deeper water than before, commercial fishing vessels are now beginning to reach down with nets the size of football fields, catching everything in their path while simultaneously crushing fragile corals and breaking up the delicate structure of reefs and seamounts that provide critical habitat to the countless species of fish and other marine life that inhabit the deep ocean floor. Because deep sea bottom trawling is a recent phenomenon, the damage that has been done is still limited. If steps are taken quickly to prevent this kind of destructive activity from occurring on the high seas, the benefits both to the marine environment and to future generations are incalculable. And they far outweigh the short-term costs to the fishing industry. Part B Optional T ranslations (二选一题)(30 points ) Topic 1 (选题一) Most of the world's victims of AIDS live - and, at an alarming rate, die - in Africa. The number of people living with AIDS in Africa was estimated at 26.6 million in late 2003. New figures to be published by the United Nations Joint Program on AIDS (UNAIDS ),the special UN agency set up to deal with the pandemic, will probably confirm its continued spread in Africa, but they will also show whether the rate of spread is constant, increasing or falling. AIDS is most prevalent in Eastern and Southern Africa, with South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya having the greatest numbers of sufferers; other countries severely affected include Botswana and Zambia. AIDS was raging in Eastern Africa - where it was called "slim", after the appearance of victims wasting away - within a few years after its emergence was established in the eastern Congo basin; however, the conflicting theories about the origin of AIDS are highly controversial and politicized, and the controversy is far from being settled. Measures being taken all over Africa include, first of all, campaigns of public awareness and device, including advice to remain faithful to one sexual partner and to use condoms. The latter advice is widely ignored or resisted owing to natural and cultural aversion to condoms and to Christian and Muslim teaching, which places emphasis instead on self-restraint. An important part of anti- AIDS campaigns, whether organized by governments, nongovernmental organizations or both, is the extension of voluntary counseling and testing (VCT ).In addition, medical research has found a way to help sufferers, though not to cure them. Funds for anti- AIDS efforts are provided by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a partnership between governments, civil society, the private sector and affected communities around the world; the fund was launched following a call by the UN


2008年4月统考模拟试题二 第一部分:交际英语(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 1. --Can you turn down the radio, please? -- _________. A. Oh, I know B. I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was that loud C. I'll keep it down next time D. Please forgive me 2. -- Hello, I'd like to speak to Mark, please. -- _________. A. Yes, I'm Mark B. This is Mark speaking C. It's me here D. This is me 3. --Can I give you a hand. It seems pretty heavy. -- _________. A. It's none of your business B. Sorry, I don't know you C. Thanks, I can manage that D. No, it's not heavy 4. --I'd like to make a reservation for two days. My name is Wang Ming-Ming. -- _________. A. Single room or double room B. You're too late for the room C. We don't have any room D. Our hotel is very expensive 5. -- Would you fill in this registration form? _________? -- I don't know how to do that. A. What should I write B. It's too difficult. C. Where is the form D. Would you please help me 6. --Look, would you like to go out tomorrow evening? --________. My parents are coming to see me. A. I'm afraid I can't tomorrow evening B. I don't like to go out with you C. I have no time tomorrow evening D. I won't go out with you 7. --Do you mind turning off the TV? I'm studying for the exam.
