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2015年上海高考英语作文解析,及,作文范文 II. Guided Writing (25分) Directions: Write an English composition in 120–150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 学校即将举办“读书节”,目前正广泛征集“读书节”宣传册图片。假设你是该校学生潘阳,你已找到以下三幅图片,决定给读书节组委会写一封信,推荐其中一幅,你的信须包括以下内容: 1. 简单描述你想推荐的那幅图片; 2. 阐述你用这幅图片宣传“读书节”的理由。 作文解析: 今年的英语作文题目同样重点考察了主观理由型作文的写作手法,这篇文章要求学生在三幅学校读书节宣传图片当中选出自己最喜欢的一幅,对图片进行描述并说明原因。这也是继2013年和2014年连续两年考察书信体与主观理由型文章的结合体之后出现的第三篇主观理由型文章。 整体来看,今年的作文题目似乎与往年没有什么区别,但细细分析,我们会发现今年英语作文的难度,不管是在文章内容、还是在形式上面,都有了大幅提升。因为考生需要同时兼顾三个难点:1、书信体正确的的书写格式;2、对图片内容进行细节的描述;3、找出恰当的理由(2-3点)进行论证,说理充分,同时注意论点和论据相结合,以及文章语句之间的逻辑严密性。可以说,近三年来英语作文虽然都在考察主观理由这个大的方向,但是考察的难度确实是在逐年递增。 对于考生来说,要想在短短的20分钟之内写好这篇作文,首先需要拿捏好这篇文章的结构。一般来说,文章第一段用来引出话题,第二段可以对所选择的图片进行描写,描写时要格外注意的地方是对细节的详细描述,基本内容讲清楚就可以开始第三段的理由阐述了。



序言 本报告针对境内目的地(货源地)上海市的进出口贸易数据进行深度分析,并对主要指标进出口金额,出口金额,进口金额等进行了总结分析。 借助分析我们可以更深入的了解境内目的地(货源地)上海市的实际进出口贸易状况,从全面立体的角度了解境内目的地(货源地)上海市的进出口贸易现状,把握行业前景。 本报告借助权威多维度数据分析,客观反映当前境内目的地(货源地)上海市的贸易真实情况,趋势、规律以及发展脉络,相信对了解境内目的地(货源地)上海市的进出口贸易现状具有极高的参考使用价值,亦对商业决策具有一定的借鉴作用。 境内目的地(货源地)上海市进出口贸易分析报告中数据来源于中国海关总署、中国国家统计局、国家发改委以及商务部。

目录 第一节境内目的地(货源地)上海市进出口贸易现状概况 (1) 第二节境内目的地(货源地)上海市进出口贸易进出口金额指标分析 (2) 一、境内目的地(货源地)上海市进出口金额现状统计 (2) 二、境内目的地(货源地)进出口金额总值现状统计 (2) 三、境内目的地(货源地)上海市进出口金额占境内目的地(货源地)进出口金额总值 比重统计 (2) 四、境内目的地(货源地)上海市进出口金额(2015-2017)统计分析 (3) 五、境内目的地(货源地)上海市进出口金额(2016-2017)变动分析 (3) 六、境内目的地(货源地)进出口金额总值(2015-2017)统计分析 (4) 七、境内目的地(货源地)进出口金额总值(2016-2017)变动分析 (4) 八、境内目的地(货源地)上海市进出口金额同境内目的地(货源地)进出口金额总值 (2016-2017)变动对比分析 (5) 第三节境内目的地(货源地)上海市进出口贸易出口金额指标分析 (6) 一、境内目的地(货源地)上海市出口金额现状统计 (6) 二、境内目的地(货源地)出口金额总值现状统计分析 (6) 三、境内目的地(货源地)上海市出口金额占境内目的地(货源地)出口金额总值比重 统计分析 (6)


历年上海高考英语作文及参考范文 1999上海高考作文及范例 一些学生认为学英语很重要;一些学生则认为不必学英语;我认为。。。。。。(观点、理由) Some students think it is very important to master English. They believe “A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life”, Others consider English useless. They feel lear ning English is nothing but a burden to them. In my opinion, English is one of the most important subjects we learn at school. Of all subjects I like English best. There are several reasons why English is my favorite subject. First, English is one of the most widely used languages of the world. Nearly all information on the Internet and over half of the world’s technical materials are in English, thus a good command of English will greatly benefit me in my work. Secondly,it is believed that good English also leads to greater chances and opportunities. In the competition for a well-paid job, the one who can speak English has an advantage over those who cannot. For all these reasons we should not only learn English but master it in the shortest time possible. (166words) 2000年上海高考作文及范例 1。我最难忘的一课2。具体说明为何难忘3。感想 An Unforgettable Lesson In my life I have experienced many important things. But perhaps the most unforgettable thing which is really worth mentioning is the lesson given by my Chinese teacher just after she had an accident. One morning just before our Chinese lesson, we were told our Chinese teacher, Miss Liu, had had an accident. One of her legs was badly injured and she couldn’t come t o teach us. While we were planning to visit her after school, we also thought that maybe we would be free to do whatever we wanted during our Chinese lesson, and hoped our homework load would be reduced. But to our surprise, shortly after the bell, Miss Liu, with the help of a stick, came to the door of our classroom. With great respect w all stood up and greeted her. She sat on a chair and began her lesson. She spoke slowly but forcefully. She prepared her lecture quite well and demanded that we do the same. Towards the end of the lesson, we got lots of homework from her. A good teacher is many things to many people. Everyone has definite ideas about what a good teacher is. In my opinion the teachers who demanded the most from the students are perhaps liked best. (210 words)


一、办理工商营业执照变更:经营范围增加一句“从事货物进出口及技术进出口业务” 1.需要资料:营业执照正副本原件;《公司登记(备案)申请表》;《指定代表或者 共同委托代理人授权委托书》及其身份证复印件(需出示原件);关于修改公司章 程的决议、决定;修改后的公司章程或者公司章程修正案 2.注意事项:住所和生产经营地必须一致且和执照上一样 3.嘉定工商局是10个工作日后领取新执照(一定要带着领照的那张凭据) 二、商务局(市商务委员会:浦东新区世博村300号5号楼)办理对外贸易经营者备案 登记表 1.网上填写对外贸易经营者备案登记表并正反面打印、签字、盖章 2.营业执照原件及加盖公章的复印件 3.上海商务局对外开放时间:周一、周三、周五,提交申请后5个工作日领取审核后 的《对外贸易经营者备案登记表》 三、至所属区县海关办理海关登记(进出口货物收发货人注册登记) 1.填写《报关单位情况登记表》签字盖章;营业执照复印件加盖公章;对外贸易经营 者备案登记表复印件加盖公章;文件都需出示原件 2.首先去海关指定地点做信息预录入(收费50元)、再至窗口提交资料 3.3个工作日后领取《报关单位注册登记证书》 四、至商检局(中国质量检验检疫局)办理自理报检登记证明书 1.登录出入境检验检疫局网、报检企业备案登记选择新用户、输入单位组织机构代码 点击备案、输入企业相关信息、申请、打印申请表即《报检企业备案表》 2.营业执照复印件加盖公章、出示原件及身份证 3.当即办理领取 五、至外管局(市外汇管理局)办理外管局网上服务平台开通登记(即进出口企业名录 备案手续) 1.营业执照复印件、原件;对外贸易备案登记表;海关登记证明书;公章;法人章; 身份证;现场填写企业信息表 2.当场办理,领取网上业务开通证明(提供首次登录用户代码及初始密码) 六、办理电子口岸登记(IC卡备案) 1.需要材料:经办人身份证原件;法人代表有效证件复印件加盖公章;营业执照复印 件;对外贸易经营者备案登记表;海关注册登记证书;外管局开具的“企业网上业 务开通”备案表;中国电子口岸企业情况登记表;A类业务登记表 2.所有文件均加盖公章,且出示原件 3.购买IC卡(法人卡、操作员卡)170元、读卡器200元、信息录入330元 4.5个工作日后领取IC卡 注: 1.进出口货物收发货人应当在每年6月30日前向注册地海关提交《报关单位注册信息年度报告》。


英语作文模版经典解析 英语作文模版:对比观点题型 (1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为…2.另一些人认为…3.我的看法… The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A 的理由一)What is more,③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因).As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice.


上海贸易型企业办理进出口经营权全攻略2010-03-30 该攻略来源网络,原创人写的相当详细,我就是跟着这些步骤走,基本都对了。 我自己的一些实践体会,用红色字体标出。 进出口经营权p;最近二个月基本办理完毕一家公司的进出口权申请。由于进出口业务涉及主管部门众多,办理起来千头万绪。现凭记忆将所经历的办事流程、注意事项、费用等记录下来,方便今后查阅。所经办的企业办公地在浦东区,注册地在另一个区,以前一直由外贸代理公司代理出口业务。 注:如果公司注册地和办公地不在同一个区,办理进出口经营权时,税务和海关登记须在注册地机关办理。 前期准备工作有二项: A.营业执照变更。到注册地的工商局办理营业执照变更,在经营范围一栏加入“从事货物进出口和技术进出口业务”。提交材料:1、法定代表人签署的《公司变更登记申请书》(公章); 2、《指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明》(公章)及被指定代表或被委托代理人身份证复印件(本人签字); 3、公司章程修正案和股东会决议(公司法定代表、股东签字); 4、营业执照正副本原件。一般当天可办好。参考费合同范本用:110元 B.税务登记证变更。到注册地的税务机关办理税务登记证变更,在经营范围一栏加入“从事货物进出口和技术进出口业务”。提交资料:《变更税务登记表》、税务登记证正副本原件。注:如果企业所得税征收方式原为“核定征收”,需要变更为“查帐征收”。另:一定要请税务局在其内部网上系统将变更后的新营业执照编码和发证日期进行更新,否则今后在三分局办出口退税核定时会通不过。参考费用:6元 一、到市外经委办理《对外贸易经营者备案登记表》。 1. 网上填报《对外贸易经营者备案登记表》,并打印,由法人签字并盖公章。填报的时候一定要认真,因为发证机关就是将这个登记表直接打印作为证书下发。其中公司的英文名称必须规范,与今后办理原产地证所刻的中英文章要一致。 2. 将以上《对外贸易经营者备案登记表》、营业执照复印件、组织机构代码证书复印件、法人代表身份复印件(均盖章)一起交到上海市娄山关路55号(新虹桥大厦)11楼13、14号窗口(受理时间:周1、3、5,上午9:30-12:00下午1:00-5:00,电话:52881313、52881314)。 3. 资料交上去会安排为期二天的培训,含资料费、午餐费共200元。个人感觉培训办得不错。培训结束会发加盖章的《对外贸易经营者备案登记表》。 二、到检验检疫局办理《自理报检单位备案登记证明书》。 1.网上填报《自理报检单位备案登记证明书》,并打印,法人签字并盖公章。


你是××中学的××,你校学生会即将组织一次徒步活动,已在校园网发布方案,征求师生的修改意见。你需要写一封邮件,包含以下两点: 1.提出你觉得需要改进的地方; Dear Sir/Madam, I’m really excited to heat that a hiking activity is going to be held near the Bund on the Labor Day holiday. However, there may be further improvement of the scheme you’ve posted on the campus website, as I’d like to point out. are willing to have a clearer picture of security precautions and necessary medical support for the the scheme should be comprehensive and thoughtful enough to ensure the success of the activity. Only by clarifying these details, are you likely to attract more attention from the students. I suggest the hike be more suited to the theme “Discover Shanghai” through additional activities. Upon arrival at the Bund, I propose an introduction of the architecture on both sides of the Huangpu River. By appreciating different artistic styles of the buildings, we can gain a deeper insight into the authentic Shanghai culture mixed with exotic , the experience may well be unforgettable one, because it of organizing the activity. , if the hike is organized in more detail and in a more supportive way, it is sure to succeed. I hope that my voice above can be heard and considered and wish the activity a great success. Yours sincerely Wang Lei


2010年山东高考英语作文 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件: 1. 表示歉意; 2. 解释原因; 3. 另约时间。 注意:1. 词数120~150; 2. 可适当增加细节。 【范文】 Dear Tom, I am indeed very sorry that I can not go to Beijing with you next week , which I have promised .I feel sorry for about it and want you to know what happened . Just now ,my cousin , Li Qiong , who left home to Australia for his further study last year , informed me that he would return this Saturday morning and asked me to pick him up at the airport with his family . You know , we haven’t seen each other for nearly a year . I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand me . I would appreciate your allowing me to make another date to show you around Beijing .Once again ,I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused . Sincerely yours, Li Hua 2011年山东高考英语作文 假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛(speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。请根据以下要点给Tom写一封电子邮件: 1.询问Tom的生活和学习情况; 2.谈谈你的困难并请Tom帮忙; 3.告诉Tom你打算赛后去看他。 注意:1.词数:120-150;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【范文】 Dear Tom, It’s a month since you studied in Beijing. How is everything going with you? I am really happy to spend such an unforgettable experience with you here. I am going to take part in an English speech contest for middle school students in July this summer. I think the chance is of great importance for me. To have a very good performance, I am making preparations for it. However, I still have some trouble in collecting useful materials. Meanwhile,I find it hard to use English properly. I would appreciate it if you could offer me a

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上海健龙进出口有限公司中国上海番禺路888号 Shanghai Jianlong Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd. 888 Panyu Road TEL: 0086-21-62485800 Shanghai China FAX: 0086-21-62485801 DATE: MAR. 2ND, 2003 Leisure International Trading Corporation 237 Johnson Rd. 39210 Vancouver B. C., Canada TEL: 01-11-4533212 FAX:01-11-4533211 Dear Sir/Madame, We know your firm through market research,and take the liberty of introducing our firm to you as an exporter specializing in various kinds of shoes and caps. For over 7 years, we have been engaged in this line of business, especially slippers. We have a number of regular customers in U.S. market, to which we have been supplying considerable quantities of slippers every year. So, to certain extend we can take pride in our knowledge of the requirements and tastes of your market. We are glad to find through our market research that our Huanle Brand Boa Slippers are receiving warm welcome in North American countries. There is enough evidence showing that the potential demand of our Boa Slippers is quite large, which also means a bright outlook for business between us. For any information on our financial standing, please refer to Bank of China, Shanghai Branch, Shanghai, P.R.C. Attached is our catalogue of various kinds of Huanle Brand Boa Slippers, and some other commodities. We do hope that this initial fax will arouse your interest in our goods, and that we may enter into friendly business relations. Yours truly, SHANGHAI JIANLONG IMP. &EXP. CO. LTD. MANAGER x x x


1999年 一些学生认为学英语很重要;一些学生则认为不必学英语;我认为……(观点、理由) 2000年 1。我最难忘的一课 2。具体说明为何难忘 3。感想 2001年 请你谈谈轿车大量进入家庭后,对家庭、环境和经济可能产生的影响。 2002年 你们让我骑好吗? 简述图片内容,结合生活实际,就图片的主题谈谈自己的感想。 2003年 你的好友因家境一般买不起名牌而闷闷不乐。给他写信,谈谈你的看法和建议。 收信人:徐海青 寄信人:黄平 写信日期:2003年六月八日 2004年 老师要求你负责班级墙报(wall-newspaper)工作并征求你的意见。在日记中表述你的决定并谈谈想法。 2005年 古人云:“天生我材必有用”(There must be a use for my talent)。 通过描述你生活中一件事,说明人各有所长,无论才能大小都能成为有用的人。 2006年 下表提供了你所心仪的南、北两所大学的招生信息。通过比较作出选择,并结合个人情况说明理由。

南方大学北方大学 学费8000元/年5000元/年 招生人数20人10人 优惠政策无加20分 2007年 以“礼物”为主题写一篇作文。该文章必须包括以下内容: 1、你送礼物的对象及所送的礼物; 2、该礼物对他(她)可能产生的影响或带来的变化。 2008年 你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛(group dancing cooipetition),班长希望大家积极参加。对此谈谈你的看法。你的文章必须包括以下内容: ·你是否会参加比赛 ·你做出该决定的具体理由 2009年 某海外学校举办英语夏令营,开设了如下课程:园艺(gardening),烹饪(cooking),防身术(self- defence),护理(nursing)。假如你是王跃华(不可以用自己的真实姓名),写一封申请信,报名参加其中一门课程的学习。信的内容必须包括: 1、你感兴趣的课程 2、你期望从这门课程中学到什么 3、为什么想学这些内容 2010年 下图是小学新生的课堂一脚,对照你当时的上课情况,作出比较并谈谈你的感受。你的作文必须包括: ●描述图片里学生上课的场景 ●比较你同时期的上课情况 ●简单谈谈你的感受 2011年 假如你是启明中学(Ming Qi Middle School)的李明,想申请一个扶贫项目,帮助贫困地区的儿童。根据以下启事,写一封申请信(信中不能提到真实姓名和学校)。


上海进出口贸易形势分析 学院: 系部: 专业: 姓名: 班级: 学号: 指导老师: 联系电话:

目录 第一章中国国际经济贸易发展概述 (3) 一.2002年—2011年中国进出口贸易情况 (3) 二.2012年中国对外贸易发展形势分析 (4) 第二章上海对外贸易概述 (5) 一.2002年—2011年上海对外贸易情况 (5) 二.2011年上海对外贸易回顾 (6) 第三章贸易依存度 (7) 一.贸易依存度的概述 (7) 第四章上海外贸依存度快速增长的原因及建议 (8) 一.上海外贸依存度快速增长的原因 (8) 二、控制上海外贸依存度的政策建议 (9) 参考文献: (10)

第一章中国国际经济贸易发展概述 一.2002年—2011年中国进出口贸易情况 自改革开放我国对外贸易不断扩大,加入WTO更为国内企业提供了更多公平竞争的机 会。中国对外贸易在国民经济发展中发挥了重要作用。对外贸易的发展不仅使中国经济融入 全球经济体系,也对世界经济发展做出了巨大贡献。中国对外贸易已发生了从量变到质变的 飞跃。 2002-2011年,中国贸易规模持续扩大,进出口贸易总额由6207.7亿美元扩大至36417.83亿美元,共计增长5.9%倍,年均增长21.7%,占国际贸易的比重由4%升至9.7%。 2009年,中国已跃升为世界第一大出口国和第二大贸易国,在国际贸易中的份额及地位已 经不容忽视。 2002-2011年中国进出口总体情况 金额单位:亿美元 年份进出口出口进口差额总额增速(%) 总额增速(%) 总额增速(%) 2002 6207.7 39.2 3256 36.1 2951.7 41.3 304.3 2003 8509.88 37.1 4382.28 34.6 4127.6 39.8 254.68 2004 11545.54 35.7 5933.26 35.4 5612.29 36 320.97 2005 14219.06 23.2 7619.53 28.4 6599.53 17.6 1020.01 2006 17604.39 23.8 9689.78 27.2 7914.61 19.9 1775.08 2007 21765.72 23.6 12204.56 26 9561.16 20.8 2643.4 2008 25632.6 17.8 14306.93 17.3 11325.67 18.5 2981.26 2009 22075.35 -13.9 12016.12 -16 10059.23 -11.2 1956.89 2010 29740.01 34.7 15777.54 31.3 13962.47 38.8 1815.07 2011 36417.83 22.5 18983.88 20.3 17433.95 24.9 1549.94


2016年上海高考英语作文题目 假设你是中华中学一名中学生,最近你正在参与一个研究性学习研究调查,调查课题为“关于父母是否对孩子感到骄傲” 1.简要描述这些数据 2.分析该原因 父母:对孩子感到骄傲 80% 孩子:认为父母对自己感到骄傲 60% A survey conducted recently indicates that the parents who are proud of their children are twenty percent more than the children who consider themselves as prides of their parents. There exist two reasons, which may account for this subtle difference. First, conservative Chinese parents are never accustomed to conveying directly how much they are proud of their kids. This tendency to conceal feelings hardly helps children develop a strong sense of self-confidence. Second, the current educational system excessively emphasizes the value of academic performance, thus forcing children to extensively believe that only by achieving excellent scores can they make their parents proud. This bias unfairly undermines the significance of talents


2019版商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区进出口贸易分析 报告

序言 本报告针对商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区的进出口贸易数据进行深度分析,并对主要指标进出口金额,出口金额,进口金额等进行了总结分析。借助分析我们可以更深入的了解商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区的实际进出口贸易状况,从全面立体的角度了解商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区的进出口贸易现状,把握行业前景。 本报告借助权威多维度数据分析,客观反映当前商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区的贸易真实情况,趋势、规律以及发展脉络,相信对了解商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区的进出口贸易现状具有极高的参考使用价值,亦对商业决策具有一定的借鉴作用。 商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区进出口贸易分析报告中数据来源于中国海关总署、中国国家统计局、国家发改委以及商务部。

目录 第一节商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区进出口贸易现状概况 (1) 第二节商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区进出口贸易进出口金额指标分析 (2) 一、商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区进出口金额现状统计 (2) 二、商品经营单位所在地进出口金额总值现状统计 (2) 三、商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区进出口金额占商品经营单位所在地进出口金额总 值比重统计 (2) 四、商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区进出口金额(2016-2018)统计分析 (3) 五、商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区进出口金额(2017-2018)变动分析 (3) 六、商品经营单位所在地进出口金额总值(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 七、商品经营单位所在地进出口金额总值(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 八、商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区进出口金额同商品经营单位所在地进出口金额总 值(2017-2018)变动对比分析 (5) 第三节商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区进出口贸易出口金额指标分析 (6) 一、商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区出口金额现状统计 (6) 二、商品经营单位所在地出口金额总值现状统计分析 (6) 三、商品经营单位所在地上海浦东新区出口金额占商品经营单位所在地出口金额总值比 重统计分析 (6)


你是XX中学的XX, 你校学生会即将组织一次徒步活动,已在校园网发布方案,征求师生 的修改意见。你需要写一封,包含以下两点: 1. 提出你觉得需要改进的地方; 2. 需要改进的原因。 Dear Sir/Madam, I ' ireally excited to heat that a hiking activity is going to be held near the Bund on the Labor Day holiday. However, there may be further improvement of the scheme you ' vposted on the campus website, as I ' cblQket t o ut. First of all, the hike needs to be planned in more detail as the informationreleased online appears to be too general. As participants, we need to know how long the hike will last. 〔Also, we are willing to have a clearer picture of security precautions and necessary medical support for the activity. After all I, the scheme should be comprehensive and thoughtful enough to ensure the success of the activity. Only by clarifying these details, are you likely to attract more attention from the students. What' smore|, I suggest the hike be more suited to the theme " Discover Shanghai " through additional activitiesUpon arrival at the Bund, Ipropose an introduction of the architecture on both sides of the Huangpu River. By appreciating different artistic styles of the buildings, we can gain a deeper insight into the authentic Shanghai culturemixed with exotic flavor. |Thus|, the experience may well be unforgettable one, because it |not only | makes us move, but also] enables us to discover the scenic beauty of Shanghai, which will well achieve the purpose of organizing the activity. All in all |, if the hike is organized in more detail and in a more supportive way, it is sure to succeed. I hope that my voice above can be heard and considered and wish the activity a great success. Yours sincerely Wang Lei


历年(1999-2018)上海高考英语作文及参考范文 1999上海高考作文及范例 一些学生认为学英语很重要;一些学生则认为不必学英语;我认为……(观点、理由) Some students think it is very important to master English. They believe “A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life”, Others consider English useless. They feel learning English is nothing but a burden to them. In my opinion, English is one of the most important subjects we learn at school. Of all subjects I like English best. There are several reasons why English is my favorite subject. First, English is one of the most widely used languages of the world. Nearly all information on the Internet and over half of the world’s technical materials are in English, thus a good command of English will greatly benefit me in my work. Secondly,it is believed that good English also leads to greater chances and opportunities. In the competition for a well-paid job, the one who can speak English has an advantage over those who cannot. For all these reasons we should not only learn English but master it in the shortest time possible. (166words) 2000年上海高考作文及范例 1。我最难忘的一课2。具体说明为何难忘3。感想 An Unforgettable Lesson In my life I have experienced many important things. But perhaps the most unforgettable thing which is really worth mentioning is the lesson given by my Chinese teacher just after she had an accident. One morning just before our Chinese lesson, we were told our Chinese teacher, Miss Liu, had had an accident. One of her legs was badly injured and she couldn’t come to teach us. While we were planning to visit her after school, we also thought that maybe we would be free to do whatever we wanted during our Chinese lesson, and hoped our homework load would be reduced. But to our surprise, shortly after the bell, Miss Liu, with the help of a stick, came to the door of our classroom. With great respect w all stood up and greeted her.
