



2019.04 I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and' the questions will be spoken only once, After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. Teacher and student.

B. Father and daughter.

C. Manager and secretary.

D. Customer and shop assistant.

2. A. In a museum. B. In a taxi.

C. On a bus.

D. On a bridge.

3. A. Get into the car.

B. Carry the bags.

C. Hurry to drive the car.

D. Search for the bags.

4. A. Reading newspapers.

B. Writing up local news.

C. Talking about sports.

D. Putting up advertisements.

5. A. She will have coffee at school.

B. She will stay for breakfast.

C. She loves to grab a coffee on the way.

D. She needs to eat before school.

6. A. He partly agrees with the woman.

B. He's missed an important point.

C. He considers the woman competitive.

D. He's wholly been lost in a colorful life.

7. A. Mary must be caught in heavy traffic.

B. Mary probably will not come.

C. The woman was obviously not fond of Mary.

D. The woman forgot to tell Mary to come.

8. A.The tennis game won't last 1ong.

B. Weather forecasts are not reliable.

C. They could stick to their plan.

D. They'd better change their mind.

9. A. Stay till tomorrow evening.

B. Leave for Beijing with Jack.

C. Go to the airport after work.

D. Ask someone else for help.

10.A. The man doesn't like his new suit.

B. The new suit is a reminder for the man.

C. The new suit doesn't fit the man.

D. The man forgets to wear his new suit.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following speech.

11. A. Educators from South Africa.

B. Teenagers fond of cooking.

C. Students eager to make friends.

D. Photographers around the world.

12. A. Brainstorming ideas in one s group first.

B. Avoiding using cooking oil.

C. Sending a sample dish before May.

D. Creating one's own dish.,

13. A. To announce a cook competition.

B. To start a cook festival on campus.

C. To advertise a local cook course.

D. To organize a cook show in South Africa.

Questions 14 through 17 are based on the following passage.

14. A. Guitarists are vital to a pop group.

B. Guitar tutors aren't difficult to find.

C. Guitar players have more chances to travel.

D. Beginners don' t make noise with the guitar.

15.A. About 60 years.

B. About 500 years.

C. About 1000 years.

D. About 2000 years.

16.A. Indians played the lute with a bow

B. The guitar originated in Spain.

C. The sitar took root in British music.

D. The Beatles relied a lot on the brass.

17.A. Reasons for the popularity of the guitar.

B. Some interesting facts about the guitar.

C. Various kinds of guitars in the world.

D. Stories of some famous guitar players.

Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

18.A. It sells things from ancient Egypt.

B. It looks like an Egyptian giant.

C. It brings a feel of a different world.

D. It offers a wide range of cheeses.

19.A. Produced by the department store itself.

B. Supplied by a nearby small town.

C. Collected from the outside of the building.

D. Obtained from the numerous light bulbs.

20.A. Customers spend €1.5 m illion or so per day.

B. Around 30.000 customers come per day.

C. There is a big increase in customers and sales.

D. Customer flow and sales are quite unsteady.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After I reading the I passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

To any soldier

I served as a second lieutenant (少尉) in a war thirty years ago. Married for only a year and a half, I missed my wife and baby daughter a lot. In the years before cell phones and Wi-Fi, we had limited opportunities (21)________(communicate) with loved ones.

One night while sitting by myself, I investigated the Any Soldier mailbox, a cardboard box with letters and packages from Americans. I chose one shoebox-size package. Inside I found about 20 greeting cards (22)________ children. At the bottom was a letter written by their teacher (23)________(explain) how her kids had put the box together and how they supported our efforts in the war. Truly touched at that very moment by this gesture, I decided to write a letter of gratitude. I thanked the teacher for (24)________ her children had done its impact on my patriotism, my morale, and, (25)________ (significantly), my uplifted faith. For security reasons, I was able to sign only my name.

Around 2013, I received a Facebook friend request from a woman with (26)________ I shared no contacts.I replied that (27)________ we were friends, I could not accept her request. She responded with one question: Are you Second Lieutenant Bartholomew?" I replied that I had been at one time.

“Dear sir, she wrote. We have never met. but thirty years ago I was a second-grade teacher at a school in Ohio and our classroom sent a care package (28)________ (address) to ‘Any Servic e Member.' The thank-you letter you composed was framed and it (29)________ (post) on the wall of the school for more thans20 years. I wanted to again thank you for your service to our country.”

We never spoke again, but this gracious teacher strengthened my belief in doing what my mother always taught me: Write thank. you notes (30)________ never know how many people your kindness can touch.

Section B

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once.Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. accounted

B. commonly

C. defined

D. determine

E. elimination

F. emergency

G. infectious

H. potential

I. previously J. suspected K. symptoms

Measles (麻疹) breaks out in the Northwest

The U.S. is experiencing outbreaks of measles, a disease it had declared eliminated years ago, largely due to a drop in vaccination (接种疫苗) rates in some communities.

An outbreak in Washington state has sickened 23 people this month, mostly children under 10. Local health officials in Clark County, declared a public-health (31)________ on Friday. They also urged residents to track (32)________ symptoms and call ahead before heading to medical centers.

State officials announced the (33)________ of measles from. the U.$. in 2000 thanks to a widespread vaccination program. But travelers entering the country with measles, as well as dropping vaccination rates in some states in recent years, has led to a rise in infection. Last year,

there were a total of 17 outbreaks, (34)________, as three or more cases linked together, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. New York and New Jersey (35)________ for roughly half of the 2018 cases. The Clark County outbreak began early last week with three confirmed cases and has since grown to 23 confirmed and two more_ 36_. Of those cases, 20 were unvaccinated and the others are unconfirmed.

Measles is highly (37)________ the virus spreads through the ,air by coughing or sneezing, the CDC says. Early (38)________ include a high fever, cough, runny nose and red, watery eyes, followed by tiny, white spots inside the mouth and the red, bumpy rash (疹子) that people (39)________ associate with the infection. Children younger than 5 or adults older than 20 are more likely to suffer from complications, according to the CDC.

In order to prevent the further spread of the outbreak, local health officials are posting times and places where residents may have been exposed. They are urging residents who. haven 't been vaccinated to (40)________ whether they have been exposed and to take appropriate action. II. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Keeping it in the family

You understand grandmother when she talks to you, don't you, darling? The girl nods. I met her, her Japanese mother and English father on a plane to Japan. The parents were eager to (41)________ their experience of bringing up their daughter bilingually (使用双语地) in London It isn't easy: the husband does not speak Japanese, so the child hears the language only from her mother, who has come to (42)________ that the girl will reply in English. This can be painful! Not sharing your first language with loved ones is hard. Not passing it onto your own child can be especially tough. Many immigrant parents feel a sense of (43)________

Children learn languages easily, but this doesn't mean that (44)________ exposure is enough. They must hear a language quite a bit to understand it- -and use it often to be able to speak it comfortably. This is mental work,and a child who doesn’t have an intention to spe ak a language will often avoid it. So languages often die when parents move abroad. In the past, governments discouraged immigrant families from keeping their languages.These days, officials tend to be (45)________: some even see a valuable resource in immigrants language abilities.Yet many factors ensure that children still lose their parents languages, or never learn them. A big one is institutional (46)________. A child's time spent with a second language is time not spent on their first. So teachers often discourage parents from speaking their languages to their children. Parents often (47)________ obey, worried about their children education. This is a(n) (48)________ for children really can master two languages or even more. Research does indeed suggest their vocabulary in each language may be somewhat smaller for a while,but other studies hint at intellectual advantages among bilinguals. They may be more skillful at complex tasks,better at maintaining attention.

Even without those side effects, (49)________,a bilingual child's connection to another culture is a good thing in itself. How to (50)________? When both parents share the native language, the strategy is often to speak that at home,' and the national language outside. But when they have (51)________ languages. perhaps the most common approach is “one parent, one language”. Francois Grosjean, a language expert from Switzerland, (52)________ the necessity. He recommends reserving occasions on which the only language that may be spoken is the one that needs (53)________. Sabine Little, a language expert at the University of Sheffield, puts the emphasis elsewhere.Making the native language yet another task (54)________ by parents can lead to rejection, she argues. She recommends letting the child form their own (55)________ I connection to the language, for languages are not just another thing to be drilled into a young mind, but a matter of the heart.

41. A. conceal B. publicize C.discuss D.imagine

42. A. accept B. argue C. decide D. ensure

43. A. excitement B. inferiority C. failure D. injustice

44. A. momentary B. maximum C. repeated D. continued

45. A less stimulated B. less controlling C. more relieved D. more discouraging

46. A. engagement B. feature C. prejudice D. pressure

47. A. cheerfully B. faithfully C. immediately D. reluctantly

48. A. instance B. shame C. ambition D. suggestion

49. A. though B. hence C. besides D. otherwise

50. A. keep it up B. carry it on C. figure it out D. bring it about

51. A. multiple B. different C. foreign D. target

52. A. removes B. challenges C. emphasizes D. ignores

53. A. preservation B. restriction C. rejection D. connection

54. A. performed B. imposed C. shared D. recommended

55. A. skillful B. powerful C. apparent D. emotional Section B

Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements., For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.-


The bus screamed to_ a stop in Nazareth. Israel. Five Australian backpackers boarded and struck up a conversation with me. They asked typical travelers questions -where was I going and why was I traveling alone? My plan was to travel with a friend of a friend, I explained, but when I called her that morning, she didn't pick up and I had no other way to reach her. My stomach was in knots, but I decided to head out anyway, thinking I might run into her if I traveled to Tiberius, where we had planned to go together.

Why don't you travel with us?" one of the backpackers offered. They were experienced adventurers who would work for a few months, save, then travel for as long as they could. Their current plan was to explore the Middle East and Europe in three months while working in London.

It seemed risky to travel with strangers, but my instinct said yes. For the next two weeks, I explored Israel with the backpackers and learned to trust my instincts in all types of new and interesting situations. When they hook a ride, I took the bus, but when they wanted to steal into the King David Hotel's swimming pool, I led the way. The world opened up to me because I chose to travel alone. I joined complete strangers, who become close friends. Years later, one couple from the backpacking group even flew from Sydney to Phoenix to be in my wedding. The trip was such a special experience that it gave me confidence in all areas of my life. Since then, I've backpacked alone across South Africa, sky-dived from 12,000 feet in New Zealand and even moved across the U.S. with no job Lined up.

On my third day wandering in Israel with my new friends, I bumped into the woman I was supposed to meet. Though I was happy she was all right, I was grateful she hadn't picked up the phone.

56. By "My stomach was in knots" (in paragraph 1), the author most likely means that she was________.

A. sick of riding on a bumpy bus

B. nervous of meeting strangers

C. upset about the sudden change

D. sorry 'about the impractical plan

57. Which of the following best describes the backpackers the author met?

A. Courageous but disrespectful.

B. Jobless and poorly educated.

C. Warmhearted and trustworthy..

D. Homeless but lighthearted.

58. The author's sixth sense told her that ________.

A. she would get along with the backpackers

B. it might cause trouble to have a swim

C. she ought to stay away from the backpackers

D. it could add excitement to get a free ride

59. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Most of the backpackers became the author's lifelong friends.

B. The author gathered the courage to be a full time backpack traveler.

C. The woman missed the phone call with the purpose of traveling alone.

D. The author considered it the best decision of her life to travel on her own.


60. Alex wants to know how to ________.

A. avoid uncertain terms in writing

B. use tenses properly in one sentence

C. improve grammatical skills

D. focus on clear and short sentences

61. Diana reminds Rajiv that he will be severely criticized for

A. tending to hold gender prejudice

B. breaking the law using Mr Men titlesf

C. not characterizing enough professions

D. not running a project related to education

62. Which of the following questions is not supposed to be asked if you email Diana?

A. Is there a good market for traditional poems these days?

B. Can you possibly evaluate my recently written novel enclosed?

C. Where can I get some instructive books on writing for my son?

D. How can I write an appropriate acknowledgement for my book?


Studies show that older people tend to remember the positive things in life rather than the negative things,while younger people remember the positive and negative equally well. The dominant psychological theory to explain this is that older people are aware of their limited time left, so they prioritize positive emotional experiences. But about a decade ago, I worked with biologist Robert Trivers on his idea that there was an evolutionary basis for older people's increased positive outlook. Our research took us in the fascinating direction of exploring how the body uses its energy.

When our ancestors needed more energy than usual, perhaps while being chased by a tiger, they had to get that energy from somewhere in the body. Could they borrow it from the brain? That organ uses 20 percent of our metabolic (新陈代谢) output, whether we are solving math problems or watching television reruns. Due to this constant energy requirement, borrowing energy from the brain when our need- surpasses the available supply is not an option. Perhaps we could borrow energy from our muscles. Because we use far more muscle energy when we are active than when at rest, in principle, we could borrow energy when we are sitting. But the problem is that most of the energy-demanding emergencies of our ancestors required a muscular response.There was no way to borrow energy from our muscles during an emergency because relaxing when a tiger showed up was not an effective response. This brings us to our immune system, which, when strong, protects us from many illnesses and diseases. Like the brain, the immune system works at great metabolic cost, but largely in the service of keeping us healthy, in the future. We have. an enormous number of immune cells coursing through our body, a momentary break from production is fine. So. when our body needs extra energy,one of the places it goes is our immune function. When you're being chased by a tiger, you don’t need to waste energy making immune cells to fight off tomorrow's cold. What you need is to shift all available energy resources to your legs, with the hope that you will live to experience another cough or sneeze.

As a result, our immune system evolved to run in maximum amounts when we re happy, but to slowdown dramatically when we re not. With this background in mind, Trivers supposed that older people evolved a strategy of turning this relationship on its head, becoming more focused on the positive things in life in an effort to enhance their immune. functioning. This was helped along by their knowing much more about the world than younger adults, so they can deal with some of the unpleasant things in life more easily.

63. According to Robert Trivers, when our body needs extra energy, ________

A. muscles will respond to it by relaxing a little bit

B. organs will speed up metabolic processes to answer it

C. immune system will temporarily shut down to fulfill it

D. brain will satisfy it by sharing optional metabolic output

64.In paragraph 3 “this relationship" most probably refers to the one between ________

A. experiences and related knowledge

B. happiness and biological evolution

C. immune function and health

D. optimism and length of life

65. What can be concluded from Robert Trivers study?

A. Younger people adopt strategies of handling tense situations from everyday life.

B. Our ancestors evolved their immune systems in fighting against fierce animals.

C. Realizing that their days are numbered, older people prefer being positive.

D. Being negative drains energy from our body, lowering resistance to disease.

66. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. Brain, muscles and immune system

B. Age, health and happiness

C. Ancestors, emergency and evolution

D. Energy, effort and response

Section C

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.


Most people don't know that the anniversary of an important event in space exploration occurred last month. On March 18, 1965, spaceman Aleksi Leonov became the first human to complete an Extra Vehicular Activity (EV A) or spacewalk It marked the first time that a human was able to leave a spacecraft and operate in the emptiness of space. It is a dangerous procedure, but one that is vital for the success of manned space missions.

(67)__________ In space, a spacesuit must protect people from extreme cold and heat, provide air to breathe, and remove extra carbon dioxide._ 68_ Too much of it, and the spacesuit becomes firm and difficult to move in. Too little of it, and astronauts can become dangerously sick after returning to their spacecraft.

Astronauts now perform complex jobs in the emptiness of space in modern spacesuits. They have logged many hours repairing and upgrading equipment on satellites: during EV As.

(69)___________ On July 20h, 1969,American astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon for the first time. There is no atmosphere on the moon, but there is gravity- -about 17 percent of Earth's, which means Neil needed a special suit for walking on the moon's surface. Suits for the moon are equipped for exploration far from any. vehicles, including tough boots that can resist cuts from the rough surface while walking. But sharp rocks weren't the only danger to astronauts.

The moon surface is covered with a fine and flour-like dust which consists of small particles (颗粒) leftover from the numerous. meteorite RMB) strikes on the moon.

(70)__________. When astronauts would leave the moon's gravity, the dust on their suits began floating all over. It got into delicate equipment inside the spacecraft and the astronaut's eyes and lungs. As different space agencies plan for returning people to the moon, new EV A suit designs will have to take something else into account. Keeping astronauts safe also means keeping their suits clean.

IV. Summary Writing

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Holding Parents Responsible -An Unfair Punishment

The rise in teen crime suggests. that some parents are failing at their parental tasks. To correct the problem,lawmakers in some states require parents to serve jail time. They hope that

this punishment will motivate parents to take their responsibilities seriously.

Despite public support for parental responsibility laws, many people think that the laws are unfair. They suggest that parents should not be punished for the criminal acts of their children, unless it can be shown there is a related fault on the parents part. For example, if young teenagers. are arrested for drinking alcohol supplied by parents, then parents should be held responsible because they helped the teenagers break the law.People who oppose parental responsibility laws -also believe that punishing parents is unlikely to create a change in the kids behavior. These people argue that parents may not be at fault. The children of good parents can fall in with the wrong kids and get into trouble, they say. Worse yet, if mom is in jail, there may be no one at all to control her kid.That lack of control may then lead to more crime,/

The unfortunate fact is that jailing a mom ,or dad punishes the rest of the family. The jailed parent can not work to help feed the family or pay the rent. A parent who is sent to jail for the crimes of a teenager may also be fired from a job for missing too much work. Furthermore, little evidence exists to support the idea that the threat of punishment improves a parents ability to control a teenager. The problem is that some teens cannot be controlled by their parents, even if the parents try hard to control them. These struggling parents are not ignoring their parental responsibilities. Opponents of parental responsibility laws say that parents who are in this situation need help, not a jail sentence.

V. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

72. 窃贼一定是深夜时从窗户逃出去的。(must)

73. 在上海处处可见行人为坐在轮椅上的老人或残疾人让路。(make way)74.新生身处不习惯的学习环境,产生焦虑是很自然的。()

75. 唯有亲临这部音乐剧的现场,你才会明白为何六十年来每场演出都座无虚席。(Only) VI. Guided writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-

150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.






在第四季第6集中,小恶魔提利昂·兰尼斯特被控谋杀国王乔弗里,他将接受父亲泰温的审判,为证自己清白获得自由身,小恶魔怒斥谎言连篇的证人和亲情丧失的父亲与姐姐,一番激情演讲振奋人心! I saved you; I saved this city and I all your worthless lives. I should have let Stannis kill you all. 是我救了你们,是我救了整个城市,是我拯救了你们这些卑微的生命。我应该让史坦尼斯把你们都杀了。 Yes, father. I'm guilty. Guilty, is that what you want to hear? 是的,父亲。我有罪。有罪,这就是你想听的吗? No, of that I'm innocent. I am guilty of a far more monstrous crime. 不,关于那一点我是无罪的。我犯下的是比那个恐怖得多的罪孽。 I am guilty of being a dwarf. I've been on trial for that my entire life. 我有罪,因为我是个侏儒,我的一生都为此遭受审判 Have you nothing to say in your defense? nothing but this——I did not do it. 你不为自己做任何辩护吗?什么都没有,只有这一句——不是我干的。 I did not kill Joffrey but I wish that I had. 我没有杀乔弗里,我倒希望是我做的。 I wish I was the monster you think I am. I wish I had enough posion for the whole pack of you. I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it. 我希望我是你们口中的那个怪物,我希望我有足够的毒药能毒死你们所有人。我愿意献出我的生命,看着你们所有人咽下毒药。 I will not give my life for Joffrey's murder. Let the gods decide my fate. I demand a trial by combat. 我不会背负这个罪名而死,我要让上天决定我的命运。我要求比武审判


2020年上海市高考英语二模试卷(B卷) 第I卷(共100分)I. Listening Comprehension(25分)Section ADirections:In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.(1分)A.In a gym. B.In a department store. C.In a shoe﹣repair shop. D.On the playground. 2.(1分)A.She appreciates the man's help. B.She worked hard on her speech. C.Her speech was somewhat long. D.She should have made better preparation. 3.(1分)A.Forty. B.Thirty. C.Fifteen. D.Twenty. 4.(1分)A.Indifferent. B.Apologetic. C.Excited. D.Disappointed. 5.(1分)系统找不到该试题 6.(1分)A.A holiday plan. B.An outdoor activity. C.The weather forecast. D.The view of a lake. 7.(1分)A.Fix the camera.


崇明区2019届第一次期末质量检测试卷 英语 I. Listening Comprehension II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Electric Bike Ban in New Y ork Hurts Food Delivery Workers A ban on electric bicycles in New York City is hurting delivery workers who depend on them to earn a living. Many of the workers are immigrants. Electric bicycles, or “e-bikes,” look like regular bicycles, but they have electric-powered motors to assist riders in moving the bike forward. Most e-bikes reach speeds of about 32 kilometers an hour, but some can go much (21)________ (fast). (22)________ it is legal to own e-bikes in New York City, it is not legal to operate them. Officials there consider the dangerous use of e-bikes on streets and sidewalks as reason (23)________ the ban. Last year, the city announced severe measures (24)________ (mean) to hold e-bike riders and restaurants that employ the riders responsible. E-bike operators can now be fined $500 for breaking the ban. The police (25)________ also seize the bikes. Many of New York’s delivery workers are Chinese immigrants in their 50s and 60s. Their job requires them to work quickly and for long hours (26)________ (earn) enough money to live on. Delivery worker Deqing Lian said it is important to perform quality work (27)________ their job also depends on tips. He added that when delivery workers are too slow, some people refuse to pay for the food. This makes the workers’ supervisors angry. Liqiang Liu is an e-bike delivery worker and spokesperson for the New York Delivery Workers Union. He says (28)________ (catch) breaking the ban and having the bike seized would cause costly delays for workers. Do Lee is with the Biking Public Project, (29)________ provides assistance to bicycle-related workers in New York City. He says the city’s ban on e-bikes is unfairly targeting low-paid workers who largely come from the city’s Latino and Asian communities. He does not accept the argument (30)________ e-bikes present a danger to citizens. However, many New Yorkers are quick to blame e-bike riders for not being safe. Section B


2018上海英语高三二模翻译汇总 宝山 72.我对这场比赛的结果抱乐观态度。(optimistic) I am optimistic about the result of the game /match. 73. 许多人把迟到看作是一个小问题,其实不然。(think) Many people think of being late as a small problem, but in fact it’s not./it can have serious consequences. 74.无人驾驶技术解决了人们的困惑,使开车打电话成为可能。(…it…) Driverless technology solves people's puzzle and makes it possible to make a phone call /talk on the phone while driving. 75. 人生中最可怕的不是你即使努力了仍一事无成,而是碌碌无为却以平凡可贵安慰自己。(...not...but...) The most horrible/terrible/ dreadful/ fearful/ frightening/frightful thing that can happen in your life is not that you achieved/accomplished nothing even though you tried, but that you do nothing at all/give up and tell yourself it is precious to be just ordinary. 崇明 72. 何不利用这宜人的天气出去野餐呢?(advantage) 73. 当你对情况一知半解时,不要随意发表见解。(knowledge) 74. 到底是什么促使你放弃了这么稳定的工作,来到这个偏远地区保护野生动物?(it) 75. 人工智能正以如此快的速度改变着整个世界,你很难预测未来的生活究竟会是什么样子。 (So) 72. Why not take advantage of the agreeable weather and go out for a picnic? (1+1+1) 1


庆余年经典台词 1、能保护你自己的,不是阴谋,不是权利,不是其他任何东西,只是力量,你要记住这一点。 2、醉过方知情浓,死后才知命重。 3、重义者,并不见得能将义字发挥;谋利者,却不见得是无义之徒。义者,大利也,只要目的正确,何必在乎手段。 4、浪花只开一时,但比千年石,并无甚不同,流云亦如此。 5、人的生命如果只有一次的话,那总是需要去看些不同的风景,遇到不同的人,这样才能让不能重来的游戏玩的尽兴些。 6、如果他试图一步步地试探我的底线,我不介意把底线摆的更向前一些。 7、别打扰我,我在成佛! 8、这个世道很变态,你若不变态,怎么玩转过来。 9、春有风筝,夏有鱼,秋有青鸟,冬有雁,书信一来一往间,日子就这样过去了。 10、一辆马车,怎能载得动这二十年离愁,多少不自由。 11、可是人生这种东西,谁又能说的准将来?一饮一啄皆是定数,今日种下地因,日后不知会结下如何苦涩的果。 12、你这捧哏,如今拍马屁是愈发的不堪,愈发的不羁,愈发的美妙了。 13、吻君唇叶,齿有余香。

14、天大地大不如君大,君不在,则师大,师远行,则君子最大。 15、外表正太,内心却有三百六十道裂痕,每条裂痕上书春夏秋冬四字,沧桑到妖。 16、念君如三日,昨日今日明日。 17、明日复明日,便是后日,当然,这是一句废话。 18、四年前皇后曾经想过自己死,四年后,宫里的这些人依然会想自己死。 《庆余年》剧情介绍/简介 《庆余年》是由孙皓执导,王倦改编,张若昀、李沁、陈道明、吴刚、辛芷蕾、宋轶等主演的古装权谋剧。 该剧改编自猫腻的同名小说,讲述了一个有着神秘身世的少年,自海边小城初出茅庐,历经家族、江湖、庙堂的种种考验、锤炼的故事。范闲十五岁的时候,父亲范建及监察院院长陈萍萍派用毒高手费介教他识毒用毒和武功,四年后范闲武力已属上乘。在破解了一场投毒事件后,他带着危机感和对真相的探索前赴京都。在熟悉京都的过程中,范闲见识了柳如玉和弟弟范思辙的下马威,对未来的妻子林婉儿一见钟情,也看到了亭亭玉立的才女妹妹范若若。然而随即平静的生活就被突然打破,范闲在牛栏街上遭遇了一场围杀,滕子京为救范闲而死,各方庆贺范闲的逃生,更引得太子和二皇子争相拉拢,却无人在意死去的卑微侍卫滕子京,范闲感到心寒,更加理解母亲叶轻眉要改变世界的想法。在充满正义的小伙伴们的帮助下,范闲历经千山万水,不断克服各种困难。在这个过程中,范闲饱尝人间冷暖,但依然不忘赤


【2018-宝山区-二模】 Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. How Much of the Jetsons' World Has Become a Reality? For most of our readers, The Jetsons may be an unfamiliar name. However, for many Americans born in or before the 1980s, it is a name we fondly remember. The Jestsons was a popular cartoon that featured a family living in an advanced world (21)______people settle in houses built in the sky, work only three days a week and drive flying cars that resemble flying saucers. While sky-high houses and three-day workweeks don‘t appear to be on the horizon, other visions of the future (22)______(turn) into practical realities. Flying cars have been on the minds of scientists and inventors for decades. They are part of a typical imaging of the future fast-paced and luxurious, (23)______(allow) us to speed through the skies. As (24)______ (see) in The Sky‘s No longer the Limit, this flight of fancy may soon be a reality in Dubai. Aiming (25)______ (become) the world‘s most advanced city, Dubai is currently testing the first-ever flying taxi. (26)______ money still exists in its current cash-based form in The Jetsons, people today are looking toward a world where even cash is out-of-date. Bitcoin is a type of digital money that has taken the world by storm. Since its introduction, the money‘s price (27)______ (increase) to rates as high as US$ 19,000. This, however, may not predict well for the future of digital currency, as experts warn that Bitcoin is a bubble and (28)______ crash soon. It‘s possible that some dreams of the future may still be (29)______ ______ our reach. Other more probable technologies already exist, for example, future flying eye hospitals in A Hospital with Wings, unusual-engineered folding paper in Clever Folding and the population of endangered corals(珊瑚) in are already capable of. So, what else could the future have in store for us? 21 where 22 have been/are /are being turned 23 allowing 24. seen/is seen 27. has increased 28may/might/can/could 25.to become 26While/Though/Although 29 out of 30. what 【2018-崇明区-二模】 Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. China‘s Good Samaritan Law (见义勇为法) Takes Effect

2019届高三英语周周练三 上海市 英语试卷

2019届高三英语周周练三 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Norway is Teaching Travelers to Travel After 15 people died during Easter in 1967, the Norwegian Trekking Association and the Red Cross announced their campaign ‘Welcome to the mountains, but be responsible’. Fjellvettreglene, the ‘mountain code’ (21) ________ encourages people to have a healthy and respectful relationship with nature, has since become a crucial part of Norwegian culture. It includes points such as bringing necessary equipment (22) ________ (assist) yourself and others, seeking shelter if necessary and feeling no shame in turning around. Nationally, Norway (23) ________ (experience) an 11% increase in tourism in the past decade. From just 1,000 tourists in the whole of 2010, Trolltunga, a piece of rock that stands horizontally out of the mountain, (24) ________ (see) 1,800 visitors in one 2017 day alone. Why? Because people want the same picture they see on Instagram and Facebook. A lot don’t care about the experience of the hike. They just want proof (25) ________ they did it. But, while good for the economy, this tourism boom has become a threat (26) ________ Norway’s natural environment. Used toilet paper, (27) ________ (abandon) tents and plastic bottles can be found littered all around Trolltunga. And with the high amount of people who come unprepared for such an active hike, Norway’s leading hiking group, Friluftsliv, also has called for regulations on the number of tourists (28) ________ (hike) to Trolltunga. Lasse Heimdal, leader of the outdoor organization said, “On a busy day, you may have to wait in line for an hour and a half just to get a picture. To control this, we’d like to regulate (29) ________ ________ people can hike in a day. Starting hike times should also have regulations so people don’t start too late and find (30) ________ stuck up here.” World’s Best Restaurant The Black Swan, a rural pub in England has been named “the world’s best restaurant” by TripAdvisor. After scoring up positive feedback, the review website __31__ the pub over fine dining establishments from New York to Paris in its __32__ Travelers’ Choice awards. So what’s it got going for it? Firstly, this isn’t some backwater pub enjoying in insignificance. Tommy Banks, a(n) __33__ young cook, is already a TV regular in the UK and has had a Michelin star to his name since becoming the youngest receiver ever in 2013 at the age of 24. Secondly, it’s not really a pub anymore. Like many rural UK pubs, the Black Swan had been in __34__ for many years bef ore 2006, when Banks’ family took over. After their attempts to run it as a pub struggled, they decided to make it a dining __35__. It now operates as both restaurant and fashionable __36__ offering food-and-stay packages that help draw customers to its t ruly __37__ location. It’s usually booked up well in advance with __38__ coming from near and far. During CNN’s visit, neighboring tables included a couple on an overnight break from their kids. Another __39__ two of the Banks brothers’ old school teachers, on a trip up from York -- __40__ the kind of crowd that have helped lift the Black Swan to TripAdvisor glory.


https://www.360docs.net/doc/e916394350.html, 《权力的游戏》前三季经典台词合集 《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)改编自美国作家乔治·R·R·马丁的奇幻小说《冰与火之歌》系列,是美国HBO电视网制作推出的一部中世纪史诗奇幻题材的电视剧。 1. Power is a shadow on the wall. A very small man can cast a very large shadow. 权力就像墙上的阴影,再渺小的人也能投射出巨大的影子。 2. You waste time trying to get people to love you, you'll end up the most popular dead man in town. 把时间浪费在博得别人爱戴上,你会成为世界上最受爱戴的死人。 3. It doesn't matter what we want, once we get it, then we want something else. 不管我们想要的是什么,一旦到手,我们便又会想要其他的。 4. If we die, we die. But first we'll live. 如果我们一定要死,那就死呗。但首先要好好活着。 5. A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone. 要保持剑的锋利就得时时磨拭,要保持头脑灵光就得看书。 6. A good man does everything in his power to better his family's position regardless of his own selfish desires. 好男人应该放弃私欲,竭尽全力为家族争取优势地位。 7. Fear cuts deeper than swords. 恐惧比利剑更伤人。 8. If your gods are real and if they are just, why is the world so full of injustice? 如果你的神真的存在,如果他们真的公正,那为何世上尽是不公之事? 9. We mothers do what we can to keep our sons from the grave. But they do seem to yearn for it. 我们做母亲的总是竭力阻止儿子们踏进坟墓。可他们偏要往里走。 10. Prodigies appear in the oddest of places.


2020上海崇明高三英语二模试卷 (考试时间120分钟,满分140分。请将答案填写在答题纸上) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.A. A physicist. B. An operator. C. A surgeon. D. A psychologist. 2.A. In a college. B. In a bank. C.In a property agency. D. In an accounting office. 3.A. Go home. B. Go travelling. C. Help in a lab. D. Help in a travel agency. 4.A. Leave the exhibition. B. Ignore what the man says. C. See more of the exhibition. D. Help the man understand art. 5.A. The time to close student accounts. B. The application procedures of student accounts. C. The limits on student loans. D. The application deadline of student loans. 6.A. The woman is better at writing reports. B. He is unqualified to write the report. C. The woman should have told him earlier. D. He should have made last-minute preparations. 7.A. The man seldom eats in the cafeteria. B. The woman prefers canned vegetables. C. The spring roll contains more vegetables. D. The cafeteria usually uses canned vegetables. 8.A. She warned the man previously. B. She thinks the chemistry class is difficult. C. The man should have got up earlier. D. The man needs to be more attentive in class. 9.A. Only take morning classes. B. Make time for lunch in her schedule. C. Get used to skipping lunch. D. Change her schedule after she has lunch. 10.A. The data need to be collected soon.


上海市松江区2019届高三英语一模 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

学霸学习提醒 一、课本是最好的老师。要注重基础,反复研读课本,巩固基础知识。 二、要养成良好的学习习惯。良好的学习习惯是高效率掌握知识的保障。 三、要保持良好的学习状态,自信踏实,刻苦努力,以饱满的精神迎接新一天的挑战。 四、课堂上:专心听讲是第一位。事实证明,自以为是的确是不好的习惯。同样的例题,自己看懂与听老师讲懂是完全不同的两种效果。 五、建议同学们在课外多投入些时间做题,并且要从心里重视数学。还应该准备一个错题本,老老实实地将每次错过的题抄在上面,并写上正确的解题思路,变不懂为精通。 特别提醒:请学习稍差的同学一定不要放弃,哪怕到最后一学期,也不能放弃。只要按照老师说的去做,只要塌实地付出了,就一定 2

会有奇迹出现。永远不要放弃拼搏,因为奇迹只发生在相信奇迹存在的人身上!!! 松江区2018学年度第一学期期末质量监控试卷 高三英语 (满分140分,完卷时间120分钟) 2018.12 考生注意: 1.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分,试卷包括试题与答题要求,所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 2.答题前,务必在答题纸上填写考试号和姓名。 3.答题纸与试卷在试题编号上是一一对应的,答题时应特别注意,不能错位。 I. Listening Comprehension Section A (10分) Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. A bus. B. A computer. C. A telescope. D. An elevator. 2. A. Salesman and customer. B. Boss and secretary. C. Husband and wife. D. Interviewer and interviewee. 3. A. Stamp collecting. B. Reading. C. Painting. D. Photography. 4. A. He lost a button at work. B. He thinks he damaged the woman’s calculator. 3


2019上海英语高三二模翻译汇总 宝山 72.我对这场比赛的结果抱乐观态度。(optimistic) I am optimistic about the result of the game /match. 73. 许多人把迟到看作是一个小问题,其实不然。(think) Many people think of being late as a small problem, but in fact it’s not./it can have serious consequences. 74.无人驾驶技术解决了人们的困惑,使开车打电话成为可能。(…it…) Driverless technology solves people's puzzle and makes it possible to make a phone call /talk on the phone while driving. 75. 人生中最可怕的不是你即使努力了仍一事无成,而是碌碌无为却以平凡可贵安慰自己。(...not...but...) The most horrible/terrible/ dreadful/ fearful/ frightening/frightful thing that can happen in your life is not that you achieved/accomplished nothing even though you tried, but that you do nothing at all/give up and tell yourself it is precious to be just ordinary. 崇明 72. 何不利用这宜人的天气出去野餐呢(advantage) 73. 当你对情况一知半解时,不要随意发表见解。(knowledge) 74. 到底是什么促使你放弃了这么稳定的工作,来到这个偏远地区保护野生动物(it) 75. 人工智能正以如此快的速度改变着整个世界,你很难预测未来的生活究竟会是什么样子。 (So) 72. Why not take advantage of the agreeable weather and go out for a picnic (1+1+1) 73. When you have a limited/foggy knowledge of the situation, don’t express your opinions


2019年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试 上海一考英语试卷 考生注意: 1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分 2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(第1-12页)和第Ⅱ卷(第13页),全卷共13页。所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 3. 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名。 第Ⅰ卷(共100分) Ⅰ. Listening Section A Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. In a church. B. In the man’s home. C. In a restaurant. D. In a furniture store 2. A. She was excited. B. She was very nervous. C. She was very confident. D. There was something wrong with her heart. 3. A. She is full. B. She doesn’t like that snack bar C. She is ill. D. She is going to see the doctor. 4. A. 150 pounds. B. 110 pounds. C. 50 pounds. D. 100 pound. 5. A. He couldn’t spell the words. B. He did well in spelling. C. He reckoned that it was hard to say. D. He didn’t do well in contest. 6. A. Concerned. B. Satisfied. C. Relaxed. D. Depressed 7. A. They are talking about a fitness coach. B. They are discussing about the former firm. C. They are talking about their former colleague. D. They are talking about their friends’ school. 8. A. Young people weren’t satisfied with the lecture. B. The lecture was very successful. C. Drinking water was banned in the lecture. D. The lecture made people feel thirsty. 9. A. The boss. B. Tom. C. The woman. D. The man. 10. A. He already has one calculator.
