
Part 13 Job Hunting

Now you are ready to find a job. In the U.S. after graduation you are entitled to work as practical training for one year, without applying for a working visa. You should start looking for jobs half a year before graduation. It is rewarding both professionally and personally to find a good job.

Topic 89 Writing a Resume


Amy: I got my resume done.

Brian: Ready to go job hunting?

Amy: I think so. But I want you to go through my resume for me. Brian: Let me take a look.

Amy: Okay.

Brian: Why do you put your age and sex on it?

Amy: Why not? We all do it in China.

Brian: Oh. This is America. If you do that, it can cause problem with age and sex discrimination.

Amy: Wow, I didn’t know that.

Brian: Take them off. They will know you are female as your first name is Amy.

Amy: Right. What else?

Brian: Write your name, address, phone number and e-mail address. Amy: I have got all those.

Brian: Then your work experience, if any.

Amy: I do have some experience.

Brian: Summarize what you have accomplished with bullets.

Amy: Okay.

Brian: Use verbs to start your sentences, such as “Developed methods for process improvement”.

Amy: I should be consistent with all past tense to start my bullets. Brian: Yes, unless it’s something you’re d oing now.

Amy: Okay.

Brian: Then write your education, graduation year degree, major and thesis.

Amy: Okay.

Brian: Put down any awards, honors, publications and presentations. Amy: I get the idea. Thanks a lot, almost made a big mistake.

Brian: You are welcome. Call me anytime if you have questions. Amy: Okay.

New Words and Expressions:

discrimination: 歧视

bullets: 用圆点类符号排列分段major: 专业degree: 学位resume: 简历



Additional Expressions:

I see. 我明白了。I understand. 我懂了。I got it. 我知道了。So do I.我也是。So am I.我也一样。Yes, please. 好的,请便。Yes, of course. 当然了。Yes, I’d love to. 是的,非常乐意。Yes, I’d be happy to. 是的,我很乐意。Yes, I’d be glad to. 是的,我很乐意。Yes, I’d be pleased to. 是的,我很乐意。Yes, with pleasure. 是的,我很乐意。Sure, go ahead. 当然了,尽管去做。Sure, no problem. 当然了,没问题。

Topic 90 Preparing for a Job Interview

Dialogue 1

Amy: Brian, a company called me for an interview.

Brian: That’s gre at! You need to prepare for it.

Amy: How?

Brian: Get your hair done at a good hair saloon. Tell them you are going for a job interview.

Amy: Okay.
