


Unit 1

*encyclopaedia n.百科全书

human adj.人的

dinosaur n.恐龙

*Italian n.意大利人

inventor n.发明家

musician n.音乐家

scientist n.科学家

born n.出生

countryside n.乡村

intelligence n.才智

*artistic adj.有艺术天赋的

ability n.才能,能力

perhaps adv.可能,大概

invention n.发明

notebook n.笔记本

Include v.包括

even ad v.甚至

however adv.然而

suddenly adv.突然

nobody pron.没有人

*fossil n.化石

win v.赢

dollar n.元

in the countryside 在乡村

human being 人

die out 灭绝

find out 了解

go for a walk 去散步

Unit 2

number n.数字

instruction n.指标

check v.检查

gram n.克

son n.儿子

chess n.国际象棋

India n.印度

wise adj.充满智慧的

challenge v.向(某人)挑战

promise v.许诺

prize n.奖赏

grain n.谷粒

chessboard n.象棋棋盘

double v.(使)加倍

amount n.数量

rest n.剩余部分

gold n.金子

instead adv.代替

realize v.认识到

copy v.抄写

correctly adv.正确地

traffic n.交通

accident n.(交通)事故

A long time ago 很久以前Challenge….to…向(某人)挑战And so on 等等

Copy down 抄写

Unit 3

order n.订货

compare v.比较

monitor n.显示器

speaker n.扬声器

main unit n.主机

keyboard n.键盘

mouse n.鼠标

type v.打字

brain n.脑

control v.控制

expensive adj.昂贵的

tiny adj.绩效的

depend v.依靠

*calculate v.计算

speed n.速度

operate v.操作

railway n.铁路系统

company n.公司

price n.价格

total n.总额

inch n.英寸

sell v.出售

popular adj.受喜爱的

work as 从事…….工作

(be)unaware of 没注意到;

depend on 依靠

In addition 除…..以外

grand total 总计;

look forward to 盼望;

Unit 4

advertisement n.广告

funny adj.滑稽的

create v.创造

telephone n.电话

wheel n.车轮comfortable adj.使人carriage n.四轮马车century n.世纪passenger n.乘客

invent v.发明

practical adj.有用的

since prep.从…..以后distance n.距离

mobile n.移动电话anytime adv.在任何时候develop v.发展

lamp n.灯

candle n.蜡烛

daytime n.白天

dust n.灰尘

special adj.特别的

wing n.翅膀introduction n.引言

instead of prep.代替

petrol n.汽油

since then 自那以来

keep in touch 与……保持联系in the daytime 在白天keep…off 使…..不接近

at the same time 同时

Unit 5

educational adj.有关教育的exchange n.交流

culture n.文化

host n.主人

local adj.地方的British adj.英国的

glad adj.高兴

guest n.客人chopstick n.筷子

weekday n.工作日

tour v.在……旅游fantastic adj.极好的experience n.(一次)经历*t’ai chi n.太极

already adv.已经introduce v.介绍

success n.成功

yet adv.尚未

respect v.尊重,慎重对待

At first 起初

So far 到目前为止

A bit of 小量

Introduce to 使……初次

Come over (to….) 从……到……..

Unit 6

ancient Adj.古代的

*Trojan Adj.特洛伊人

war n.战争understand v.明白

difference n.不同之处

*pyramid n.金字塔

captain n.首领

*Greek n.希腊人

*capture v.攻占

soldier n.士兵

huge adj.巨大的

pull v.拉动

main adj.主要的celebrate v.庆祝

stupid adj.笨的

midnight n.午夜

empty adj.空的

except prep.除….之外secret adj.秘密

side n.侧面

quietly adv.安静地

army n.陆军部队

enter v.进入

succeed v.达到目的

trick n.计谋

prince n.王子

queen n.王后

steal v.偷

punish v.处罚

scene n.(戏剧或歌剧)场sir n.先生

act out 将……表演出来make jokes about 拿……开玩笑except for 除…..之外

(be)full of (有)大量的

in the end 最后

Unit 7

memory n.记忆力

corner n.角

lose v.失去

improve v.改进

mention v.提到

method n.方法

spelling n.拼写

mind n.头脑

silly adj.可笑的

mile n.英里

letter n.字母

worth adj.值得

spell v.用字母拼unless conj.除非

trouble n.困难

list n.清单

step n.步骤

cycle n.循环

similar adj.相像的

note n.纸币

wallet n.钱包

basket n.篮;筐manager n.(企业的)经理take out (从银行账户中)提取pour out 涌出

Unit 8

speech n.演说

notice n.通告competition n.比赛

treasure n.珍宝

text n.文本

chance n.机会confidently adv.自信地

topic n.话题

winner n.优胜者

advise v.建议

several det.几个

opinion n.意见

whole adj.全部的suggestion n.建议communicate v.沟通whenever conj.在任何….时候rich adj.富有的

poor adj.贫穷的

hide v.隐藏

attack v.攻击

shy adj.腼腆的

else adv.其他的choose v.选择

treasure hunt 寻宝游戏

in public 公开地

put on 公开地

in my opinion 依我看

above all 最重要的是

look out 小心


Unit 1

raise v.筹募;增加;提高

difficulty n.困难;费劲

permission n.准许,批准

joy n.愉快;喜悦

disabled adj.丧失能力的;有残疾的

peace n.平静;宁静

teenager n.青少年

hurt v.使疼痛;受伤

offer v.主动提出

courage n.勇气;勇敢

suffer v.(因疾病)受苦;受磨难

spirits n.情绪;心境

serious adj.严重的

pay v.(paid, paid)付费

illness n.病

community n.社区

organize v.组织;筹备

in need 需要帮助的

express v.表达;表露

voluntary work 义务性工作

pain n.痛苦;苦恼

ask permission 报请批准

lonely adj.孤独的;寂寞的

suffer from 因......受苦;受折磨

friendship n.友情;友谊

raise one’s spirits 使振奋;使鼓起勇气

in order to 目的在于;为了

Unit 2

language n.语言

later adv.以后;后来

communication n.交流;交际

remind v.提醒;使想起

ballet n.芭蕾舞

neck n.颈;脖子

accept v.接受(建议、邀请等)

cross v.使交叉;使交叠

reject v.拒绝接受;不予考虑

nod v.点头

meaning n.意义;意思

shake v.(shook, shaken)握手;摇头gesture n.手势

sure adj.确信;肯定

message n.(书面或口头的)信息;消息body language n.身势语;肢体语言

bored adj.(对某人、某物)厌倦的;烦闷的take place 发生

part-time adj.兼职的

sit up 坐起来,坐直

well-dressed adj.衣着入时的;穿着讲究的make a good impression on 给......留下好印象lady n.女士;女子

remind sb. about sth. 提醒某人某事

sigh v.叹气;叹息

appearance n.外貌;外表

matter n.怎么了

impression n.印象

expression n.表情;神色

towards prep.向;朝;对着

hold v.(held;held)使保持(在某位置)

Unit 3

description n.说明;形容

character n.文字;符号n.人物;角色describe v.描述;形容

health n.健康

fisherman n.渔民

luck n.幸运

net n.网

wedding n.婚礼;结婚庆典

although conj.虽然;尽管

dough n.生面团

fit adj.健壮的;健康的

rough adj.粗糙的

cormorant n鸬鹚

size n.大小

dive v.下潜

simple adj.简单的

ready adj.准备好

lovely adv有吸引力的;迷人的

reach v.到达;抵达

paper cutting 剪纸

attract v.吸引;使喜欢

up to 到达(某数量、程度等);至多有

hang v.(hung, hung)悬挂;吊

set off 出发;动身

post n.柱;杆;桩

up and down 起伏;上下波动

require v.需要;依靠

after dark 天黑后;黄昏后

practise v.从事

no more 不再;再也不

tool n.用具;器具

all the time 一直;始终

scissors n.剪刀

pattern n.图案

Unit 4

cartoon n.动画片;卡通片

stage n.段;步;步骤

warning n.警告;警示

pleasant adj.友好的;和善的;文雅的

role-play v.角色扮演

detailed adj.详细的;细致的

symbol n.符号

appear v.显得;看来;似乎

bubble n.泡;汽泡

actor n.演员

thought n.心思;思想

match v.与......相配

rough adj.粗略的

separately adv.单独地;分别地

sketch n.速写;概述

play v.播放

program n.程序score n.得分

record v.录制;录(音)

team n.队

effect n.效果

star n.明星;体坛高手

basic adj.基本的;基础的

mystery n.神秘

storm n.暴风雨 comic strip n.连环漫画

island n.岛

pop out (眼睛)(因激动、惊奇)张大;睁大;瞪起jacket n.夹克衫;短上衣

decide on 决定;选定

wave n.海浪;波浪;波涛

video camera 摄影机

thank goodness 谢天谢地

play against 同......比赛

make it 获得成功

weather forecast 天气预报

life jacket 救生衣

Unit 5

endangered adj.濒临的

weight n.重量

file n.档案

kilogram n.千克;公斤

obligation n.义务;责任

population n.(统称)某领域的生物;族群;人口giant panda n.大熊猫

behaviour n.(动植物的)活动方式

wild n.自然环境;野生状态

birth n.出生时

bamboo n.竹;竹子

patch n.色斑;斑点


shoulder n.肩;肩膀


central adj.在中心的;中央的

organization n.组织;机构

menu n.菜单

danger n.危险;风险

fur n.(动物的)皮毛

face v.面对

in the wild 在野生环境中

Asian adj.亚洲的

At birth 出生时

weight v.有......重;重

on one’s own 独自

close to 几乎;接近

Unit 6

respond v. (口头或书面)回答;回应complaint n.投诉;抱怨

cause v. 造成;引起

chocolate n. 巧克力

dolphin n. 海豚

click v.使发出咔哒声

reason n. 原因;理由

cute adj.可爱的

responsibility n. 责任

feed v. (fed, fed)

according to prep. 据(......所说)

faithfully adv.忠实地;忠诚地

sofa n. 长沙发

noisy adj. 吵闹的

nearly adv.几乎;差不多

stranger n. 陌生人

common adj.常见的;通常的;

普通的18. choice n. 选择;抉择

lie v. (lay, lain)躺

attention n. 注意力;留心

scare v.使害怕;使恐惧

believe v.相信

heartn. 心;心脏

heart attack n.心脏病发作

until conj.到......时;直到......为止

care for 照顾;照料

what’s more 更有甚者;更为重要的是

have no choice but to do 除了......别无选择

run free (动物)四处自由走动;自由自在

lie around 无所事事地混日子;懒散度日keep sb. from (doing) sth. 阻止某人做某事(be) faithful to... 对......忠诚的

die of

keep on 继续

Unit 7

unknown adj.未知的

damage v.毁坏;破坏

alien n.外星人 crash n.碰撞;相撞

astronaut n.宇航员;航天员

frightened adj.惊吓的;害怕的

receive v.收到

discover v.发现;找到;发觉

hill n.山丘;小山

terrible adj.非常讨厌的;令人级不快的;可怕的loud adj.响亮的;大声的

fear n.害怕;惧怕

explore v.探索

creature n.生物;动物

bush n.灌木

feather n.羽毛


wonder v.想知道;想弄明白

round adj.圆形的;球形的

line n.线;线条

refuse v.拒绝

tent n.帐篷

spread v.(spread, spread)张开

knife n.刀

mark n.符号;记号

explain v.解释;说明

desert n.沙漠;荒漠

pleased adj.高兴;满意;愉快

keep quite 保持安静

in fear 恐惧地;害怕地

because of 因为

agree with 同意;赞成

as soon as possible 尽快

disagree with 不同意;持不同意见;有分歧landing site 降落场

Unit 8

Internet n.(国际)互联网

apology n.道歉

post n.(发在网上的)帖子n.邮递

excuse n.借口;辩解

past n.过去

hydrogen n.氢;氢气

present n.目前

wide a dj.宽的;宽阔的

shape n.形状;外形

recently adv.不久前;最近

cafe n.咖啡馆;小餐馆

forever adv.永远

certainly adv.无疑;肯定;当然

mix v.(使)混合

in a second 片刻;瞬间

mix with (使......与......)混合

recommend v.推荐

electronic a dj.电子的

satisfy v.使满意;使满足


while conj.在......期间;当......时候technology n.科技;工艺

software n.软件

in the present 现在

virus n.病毒

at the front 在前面

prepare v.准备

on the Internet 在互联网上

prepare for 准备

in the shape of ......的形状


八年级下册英语单词表 Uint1第一单元词组 1. will v.将;会;要 2. robot n.机器人 3. everything pron.每件事物 4. paper n.纸;纸张 5. use v.使用;利用 6. fewer adj.(few的比较级)较少的;较 少数 7. less adj.(little的比较级)较少;较小 8. pollution n.污染 9. tree n.树;树木 10. building n.建筑物;房屋 11. astronaut n.宇航员,航天员 12. rocket n.火箭 13. space n.空间;太空 14. space station 空间站 15. fly v.飞行 16. took v.(take的过去式) 17. moon n.月亮;月球 18. fall v.落下;跌落;变为 19. fell v.(fall的过去式) 20. fall in love with 爱上 21. parrot n.鹦鹉 22. alone adv.单独地;孤独地 23. pet n.宠物 24. probably adv.大概;或许 25. suit n.一套衣服 26. able adj.能;能够 27. be able to 能够……;得以…… 28. dress v.穿衣 29. casually adv.非正式地;随意地 30. which pron.哪个;哪几个 31. even adv.甚至32. The World Cup 世界杯 33. wrote v.(write的过去式) 34. myself pron.(反身代词)我自己;我 本人 35. interview n.面试;面谈 36. predict v.预报;预言 37. future n.将来;未来 38. prediction n.预言;预测 39. came v.(come的过去式) 40. come true 实现;达到 41. Sound n.声音 42. Company n.公司 43. Thought v.(think的过去式) 44. Fiction n.小说 45. unpleasant adj.使人不愉快的 46. scientist n.科学家 47. in the future 未来;将来 48. hundreds of 大量;许多 49. already adv.早已;已经 50. made v.(make的过去式) 51. factory n.工厂 52. simple adj.简单的;简易的 53. such adj.这样的;这种 54. bored adj.厌烦的;厌倦的 55. everywhere adv.各地;到处 56. human n.人;人类 57. shape n.外形;形状 58. huge n.巨大的;极大的 59. earthquake n.地震 60. snake n.蛇 61. possible adj.可能的 62. electric adj.电的;导电的 63. toothbrush n.牙刷 64. seem v.像是;似乎


Unit 1 raise v.筹募 v.增加;提高 permission n.准许;批准 disabled adj.丧失能力的;有残疾的teenager n.青少年 offer v.主动提出 suffer n.(因疾病等)受苦;受折磨serious adj.严重的 illness n.(某种)病 organize v.组织;筹备 express v.表达;表露 pain n.痛苦;苦恼 lonely adj.孤独的;寂寞的 friendship n.友情;友谊 difficulty n.困难;费劲 joy n.愉快;喜悦 peace n.平静;宁静 hurt v. (hurt, hurt) (使)疼痛;受伤courage n.勇气;勇敢 spirits n. [pl.] 情绪;心境 pay v. (paid, paid) 付费 community n.社区 in need 需要帮助的 voluntary work 义务性工作 ask permission 报请批准 suffer from ... 因……受苦;受折磨 raise one’s spirits 使振奋;使鼓起勇气 in order to 目的在于;为了 Unit 2 language n.语言 communication n.交流;交际 *ballet n.芭蕾舞 accept v.接受(建议、邀请等) *reject v.拒绝接受;不予考虑 meaning n.意义;意思 gesture n.手势 message n.(书面或口头的)信息;消息bored adj.(对某人/某物)厌倦的;烦闷的part-time adj.兼职的 well-dressed adj.衣着入时的;穿着讲究的lady n.女士;女子 sigh v.叹气;叹息 matter n.(询问某人的情况)怎么了expression n.表情;深色 appearance n.外貌;外表 impression n.印象 towards prep.向;朝;对着 hold v. (held, held) 使保持(在某位置)later adv.以后;后来


Unit 1 1.问题;事情matter 2.怎么了?出什么事了?What’s the matter? 3.疼痛的;酸痛的sore 4.感冒have a cold 5.胃痛;腹痛stomachache 6.胃痛have a stomachache 7.脚;足foot 8.颈;脖子neck 9.胃;腹部stomach 10.咽喉;喉咙throat 11.发烧fever 12.躺,平躺lie 13.躺下lie down 14.放松;休息rest 15.咳嗽cough 16.X射线;X光X-ray 17.牙痛toothache 18.量体温take one’s temperature 19.头痛headache 20.发烧have a fever 21.间歇;休息break

22.休息take breaks (take a break) 23.(使)疼痛;受伤hurt 24.乘客;旅客passenger 25.离开(某处);不工作;从......去掉off 26.下车get off 27.使......惊讶的;出乎......意料to one’s surprise 28.向;朝onto 29.问题;苦恼trouble 30.击;打hit 31.立即;马上right away 32.陷入;参与get into 33.(she的反身代词)她自己herself 34.绷带;用绷带包扎bandage 35.生病的;有病的sick 36.膝;膝盖knee 37.鼻出血nosebleed 38.呼吸breathe 39.晒伤的sunburned 40.(we的反身代词)我们自己ourselves 41.登山者;攀登者climber 42.习惯于......;适应于......be used to 43.危险;风险;冒险risk


新人教版八年级下册英语单词表(人教版八年 级英语下册) Uint1第一单元词组和短语 1. will v.将;会;要 2. robot n.机器人 3. everything pron.每件事物 4. paper n.纸;纸张 5. use v.使用;利用 6. fewer adj.(few的比较级)较少的;较少数 7. less adj.(little的比较级)较少;较小 8. pollution n.污染 9. tree n.树;树木 10. building n.建筑物;房屋 11. astronaut n.宇航员,航天员 12. rocket n.火箭

13. space n.空间;太空 14. space station 空间站 15. fly v.飞行 16. took v.(take的过去式) 17. moon n.月亮;月球 18. fall v.落下;跌落;变为 19. fell v.(fall的过去式) 20. fall in love with 爱上 21. parrot n.鹦鹉 22. alone adv.单独地;孤独地 23. pet n.宠物 24. probably adv.大概;或许 25. suit n.一套衣服 26. able adj.能;能够

27. be able to 能够……;得以…… 28. dress v.穿衣 29. casually adv.非正式地;随意地 30. which pron.哪个;哪几个 31. even adv.甚至 32. The World Cup 世界杯 33. wrote v.(write的过去式) 34. myself pron.(反身代词)我自己;我本人 35. interview n.面试;面谈 36. predict v.预报;预言 37. future n.将来;未来 38. prediction n.预言;预测 39. came v.(come的过去式) 40. come true 实现;达到


八年级(下)复习之语法归纳与练习 Unit 1 语法一:动词不定式作宾语语法二:动词不定式作宾语补足语 语法三:动词不定式作目的状语 【练一练】.单项选择。 ( ) 1. Our teacher gave us 10 minutes __________ about the question. A. thinks B. to think C. thinking D. thought ( ) 2. My father decided ________smoking. A. giving up B. to give up C. give up D. to giving up ( ) 3. You may take a horse to the river, but you can't make it________. A. to drink B. drank C. drink D. drinking ( ) 4. I didn't ask him ______to my party, but he came. A. to come B. come C. came D. coming ( ) 5. You can use a tool ________ a fire. A. make B. making C. to make D. to making Unit 2 语法一:动名词作主语语法二:动名词作宾语 【练一练】I.单项选择。 ( ) 1. __________ the train means waiting for another hour. A. Miss B. Missed C. Missing D. To missing ( ) 2. After _______his homework he went on to write a letter to his parents. A. finishes B. finishing C. finished D. to finish ( ) 3. _________ may cause cancer. A. Smoking B. Smoked C. Smoke D. To smoking ( ) 4. As she is looking forward to __________ from me, please remember to send this letter to her as soon as possible. A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. be heard ( ) 5. Grandma said that she had a lot of trouble __________ your handwriting. A. to read B. read C. reading D. to reading ( ) 6. Writing stories and articles __________ what I enjoy most. A. is B. are C. was D. were II.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 7. He came to the party without ________ (invite). 8. It took the workmen only two hours to finish ________ (repair) my car. 9. ________ (keep) your room clean is a way to stay away from disease. 10. He is very busy _______ (do) his homework. 11. Please stop _______ (talk), boys. I have something important to tell you. 12. Before ______ (buy) the house, you should get somebody to look it over. 13. ________ (sh ake) hands is a way of greeting. 14. My brother keeps ______ (help) me with my work. 15. We should often practise _______ (speak) English with each other. Unit 3 语法一:一般现在时的被动语态语法二:一般过去时的被动语态 语法三:一般将来时的被动语态 【练一练】I.用被动语态改写下列句子。


八年级下册英语必会单词 1 robot n.机器人 2 paper n.纸;纸张 3 use v.使用;利用 4 pollution n.污染 5 tree n.树;树木 6 building n.建筑物;房屋 7 astronaut n.宇航员,航天员8 rocket n.火箭 9 space n.空间;太空 10 fly v.飞行 11 moon n.月亮;月球 12 fall v.落下;跌落;变为 13 parrot n.鹦鹉 14 alone adv.单独地;孤独地 15 pet n.宠物 16 probably adv.大概;或许 17 suit n.一套衣服 18 dress v.穿衣 19 casually adv.非正式地;随意地20 even adv.甚至 21 interview n.面试;面谈 22 predict v.预报;预言 23 future n.将来;未来 24 prediction n.预言;预测25 sound n.声音 26 company n.公司 27 fiction n.小说 28 unpleasant adj.使人不愉快的29 scientist n.科学家 30 already adv.早已;已经 31 factory n.工厂 32 simple adj.简单的;简易的33 such adj.这样的;这种 34 bored adj.厌烦的;厌倦的35 everywhere adv.各地;到处36 human n.人;人类 37 shape n.外形;形状 38 huge n.巨大的;极大的 39 earthquake n.地震 40 snake n.蛇 41 possible adj.可能的 42 electric adj.电的;导电的43 toothbrush n.牙刷 44


新人教版八年级下册英语单词表(人教版八年级英语 下册) 新人教版八年级下册英语单词表(人教版八年级英语下册) Uint1第一单元词组和短语 1. will v.将;会;要 2. robot n.机器人 3. everything pron.每件事物 4. paper n.纸;纸张 5. use v.使用;利用 6. fewer adj.(few的比较级)较少的;较少数 7. less adj.(little的比较级)较少;较小 8. pollution n.污染 9. tree n.树;树木 10. building n.建筑物;房屋 11. astronaut n.宇航员,航天员 12. rocket n.火箭 13. space n.空间;太空 14. space station 空间站 15. fly v.飞行 16. took v.(take的过去式) 17. moon n.月亮;月球

18. fall v.落下;跌落;变为 19. fell v.(fall的过去式) 20. fall in love with 爱上 21. parrot n.鹦鹉 22. alone adv.单独地;孤独地 23. pet n.宠物 24. probably adv.大概;或许 25. suit n.一套衣服 26. able adj.能;能够 27. be able to 能够……;得以…… 28. dress v.穿衣 29. casually adv.非正式地;随意地 30. which pron.哪个;哪几个 31. even adv.甚至 32. The World Cup 世界杯 33. wrote v.(write的过去式) 34. myself pron.(反身代词)我自己;我本人 35. interview n.面试;面谈 36. predict v.预报;预言 37. future n.将来;未来 38. prediction n.预言;预测 39. came v.(come的过去式)

广州市新版教材八年级英语上册unit 1-3 语法专练

广州市新版教材八年级英语上册期中语法复习 Unit1 一、some与any的区别 1)some多用于肯定句,表示―一些,几个‖作形容词时,后面可以接①不可数名词+ 单数动词;②可数名词+复数动词。 Look! Some of the students are cleaning the library. . Some rice in the bag has been sold out. 2)any多用于疑问句、条件句和否定句中,表示―一些,任何‖用作形容词时,后面可 以接①不可数名词+单数动词;②可数名词+复数动词。 If you have any questions, please ask me. There isn't any orange in the bottle. Have you got any tea? 3)any和some也可以作代词用,表示―一些‖。any多用于疑问句或否定句中,some 多用于肯定句中。 How many people can you see in the picture? I can't see any. If you have no money, I'll lend you some. 二、复合不定代词 由some,every,no,any分别与one,thing和body组合即可得到以下复合不定代词: someone anyone no one everyone something anything nothing everything somebody anybody nobody everybody 1.一般来说,由some构成的复合不定代词往往用于肯定句中;而由any构成的复合不定代 词则往往用于否定句或疑问句中。 I heard someone singing when I was at work last night. Please give me something to read. (拓展)由some构成的复合不定代词有时也可用于疑问句中,用来表示请求、建议等语句。Would you like something to read? Why not buy something interesting? 2.复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 Somebody wants to see you. Is there anything I can do for you ? 3.形容词修饰复合不定代词something,anything,everything,nothing等时,要放在不定代词的后 面。 Do you have anything important to tell us? We need one more helper. Can you find anyone else? Unit 2 基数词与序数词 一、基数词的用法 基数词是表示数目多少的词


人教版八年级上册英语单词表全 Unit 1 anyone /'eniw?n/ pron.任何人 anywhere /'eniwe?(r)/ adv.任何地方wonderful/'w?nd?(r)fl/adj.精彩的;绝妙的few /fju:/adj.&pron.不多;很少 quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词) most/m??st/adj.,adv.&pron.最多;大多数something /'s?mθ??/ pron.某事;某物nothing(=not…anything)/'n?θ??/pron. 没有什么;没有一件东西 everyone/'evriw?n/pron.每人;人人;所有人of course /?vk?:s/ 当然;自然 myself /ma?'self/ pron.我自己;我本人yourself /j?:'self/ pron.你自己;您自己 hen /hen/ n.母鸡 pig /p?g/n.猪 seem /si:m/ vi.好像;似乎;看来 bored /b?:d/ adj.厌倦的;烦闷的someone /'s?mw?n/ pron.某人 diary/'da??ri/n.日记;日记簿 (keep a diary) enjoyable/'?n'd????bl/ adj.有乐趣的;令人愉快的 activity /?k't?v?ti/ n.活动 decide /d?'sa?d/ v.决定;选定 (decide to do sth.) try /tra?/ v.尝试;设法;努力 (try to do sth. /try doing sth.) paragliding/'p?r?ɡla?d??/n.空中滑翔跳伞 feel like 给……的感觉;感受到 bird /b?:d/ n.鸟 bicycle /'ba?s?kl/ n.自行车;脚踏车building /'b?ld??/ n.建筑物;房子 trader /'tre?d?(r)/ n.商人 wonder /'w?nd?(r)/ v.想知道;琢磨difference /'d?fr?ns/ n.差别;差异 top /t?p/ n.顶部;表面 wait /we?t/ v.等待;等候(wait for) umbrella /?m'brel?/ n.伞;雨伞 wet /wet/ adj.湿的;潮湿的;下雨的because of 因为 below/b?'l??/prep.&adv.在……下面;到……下面 enough/?'n?f/adj.足够的(地)adv.充足的(地);充分的(地) hungry /'h??ɡri/ adj.饥饿的 as /?z/ conj.像……一样;如同 hill /h?l/ n.小山;山丘 duck /d?k/ n.鸭 dislike/d?s'la?k/v.&n.不喜爱(的事物);厌恶(的事物) Central Park 中央公园(美国纽约)HuangguoshuWarterfall /'w?:t?(r)f?:l/ 黄果树瀑布(贵州) HongKong /,h??'k??/,/'ha:?,ka:?/香港(中 华人民共和国特别行政区) Malaysia /m?'le???/马来西亚; Malaysian/m?'le??n/adj.马来西亚的;n.马来西亚人 Georgetown/'d??:d?ta?n/乔治市(马来西亚) Weld /weld/ Quay /ki:/ 海墘街 Penang /p?'n??/ Hill 槟城山(马来西亚)Tian'anmen Square/skwe?(r)/天安门广场the Palace /'p?l?s/ Museum 故宫博物院 Unit 2 housework/'ha?sw?:(r)k/n.家务劳动;家务事hardly /'hɑ:(r)dli/ adv.几乎不;几乎没有ever/'ev?(r)/adv.在任何时候;从来;曾经hardly ever几乎从不 once /w?ns/ adv.一次;曾经 twice /twa?s/ adv.两次;两倍 Internet/'?nt?net/n.(国际)互联网;因特网Program/'pr??ɡr?m/ n.(=programme)节目full /f?l/ adj.忙的;满的;充满的 swing /sw??/ n.摆动;秋千v.(swung/sw??/) 使摆动;摇摆 swing dance 摇摆舞 maybe/'me?bi/ adv.大概;或许;可能 least/li:st/adv.最小;最少;adj.&pron最小的;最少的 at least至少;不少于;起码 junk /d???k / n.无用的东西;无价值的东西junk food 垃圾食品 coffee /'k?fi/ n.咖啡health/helθ/n.健康;人的身体(或精神)状态result /r?'z?lt/ n.结果;后果 percent/p?'sent/n.(=per cent)百分之……online /,?n'la?n/,/,ɑ:n'la?n/adj.&dav在线(的);


2014新人教版八年级上册英语单词表全Unit 1 anyone /'eniw?n/ pron.任何人anywhere /'eniwe?(r)/ adv.任何地方 wonderful/'w?nd?(r)fl/adj.精彩的;绝妙的 few /fju:/adj.&pron.不多;很少 quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词) most/m??st/adj.,adv.&pron.最多;大多数 something /'s?mθ??/ pron.某事;某物 nothing(=not…anything)/'n?θ??/pron. 没有什么;没有一件东西 everyone/'evriw?n/pron.每人;人人;所有人 of course /?vk?:s/ 当然;自然myself /ma?'self/ pron.我自己;我本人 yourself /j?:'self/ pron.你自己;您自己 hen /hen/ n.母鸡 pig /p?g/n.猪 seem /si:m/ vi.好像;似乎;看来bored /b?:d/ adj.厌倦的;烦闷的someone /'s?mw?n/ pron.某人 diary/'da??ri/n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) enjoyable/'?n'd????bl/ adj.有乐趣的;令人愉快的 activity /?k't?v?ti/ n.活动 decide /d?'sa?d/ v.决定;选定(decide to do sth.) try /tra?/ v.尝试;设法;努力 (try to do sth. /try doing sth. ) paragliding/'p?r?ɡla?d??/n.空中滑翔跳伞 feel like 给……的感觉;感受到bird /b?:d/ n.鸟 bicycle /'ba?s?kl/ n.自行车;脚踏车 building /'b?ld??/ n.建筑物;房子trader /'tre?d?(r)/ n.商人 wonder /'w?nd?(r)/ v.想知道;琢磨difference /'d?fr?ns/ n.差别;差异 top /t?p/ n.顶部;表面 wait /we?t/ v.等待;等候(wait for) umbrella /?m'brel?/ n.伞;雨伞 wet /wet/ adj.湿的;潮湿的;下雨的because of 因为 below/b?'l??/prep.&adv.在……下面;到……下面 enough/?'n?f/adj.足够的(地)adv.充足的 (地);充分的(地) hungry /'h??ɡri/ adj.饥饿的 as /?z/ conj.像……一样;如同 hill /h?l/ n.小山;山丘 duck /d?k/ n.鸭 dislike/d?s'la?k/v.&n.不喜爱(的事物);厌恶(的事物) Central Park 中央公园(美国纽约)HuangguoshuWarterfall /'w?:t?(r)f ?:l/ 黄果树瀑布(贵州) HongKong /,h??'k??/,/'ha:?,ka:?/香港(中 华人民共和国特别行政区) Malaysia /m?'le???/马来西亚; Malaysian/m?'le??n/adj.马来西亚的;n.马来西亚人 Georgetown/'d??:d?ta?n/乔治市(马来西亚) Weld /weld/ Quay /ki:/ 海墘街Penang /p?'n??/ Hill 槟城山(马来西亚) Tian'anmen Square/skwe?(r)/天安门广场 the Palace /'p?l?s/ Museum 故宫博物院 Unit 2


Unit 1 Helping those in need 一、要点概括 1.短语 in need, voluntary work, ask peimission, suffer from, raise one’s spirits, in order to, continue to do, pay for, work as 2.句型 (1)There are many children without parents. (2)They have difficulty walking or moving. (3)I am thingking about doing some voluntary work. (4)I am going to do some voluntary work. (5)Since then, this project has helped millions of girls return to school. (6)I wish to help other girls the way the Spring Bud Project helped me. 二、疑难宝典 1. courage 勇气,勇敢 amazing courage 惊人的胆量cool courage 镇定勇气 He hurt his leg in an accident, but he has lots of courage. They do not have the courage to apologise for their actions. 2. illness (某种)病 bear illness 忍受疼痛cure illness 治愈疾病combat illness 与疾病斗争 He died at the age of 83 after a long illness. 3. in order to 目的在于,为了 In order to raise money for children in need, we are going to sell old books. She worked all summer in order to save enough money for a holiday. 4. lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的 She is unhappy and very lonely. 【区别】lonely&alone alone单独的(意为没有其他人陪伴);lonely孤独的(因为没有他人的陪伴而难受) 5. offer 主动提出[ + to do sth. ]表示愿意(做......) Three teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays. He offered to get me a cab. 6. peace 宁静,平静(n.)peaceful adj. 宁静的 I taught them to sing because music can bring them joy and peace. After a busy day, all I want is peace and quiet. 7. raise 筹募,增加,提高 We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits. They are raising money for charity. Please raise standards. 【区别】raise&rise raise意思是将某物抬举或举到较高的位置,或者增加数量、提高水平,后面必须跟宾语。 rise意思是增加或上升,后面不接宾语。 8. There be句型表示存在,意为“某地有某物”。Be动词应与紧跟其后的主语的单复数形式 保持一致。主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词时用is或was,主语是复数可数名词时用are 或were。 There is some bread on the plate. There are seven days in a week.


新版人教版八年级上册英语单词表 Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? 3)_______________ adj.精彩的;极好的 4)_______________f adj.很少的;n.少量 5)________________adj.最多的;绝大部分的; 6)_______________pron.某事物; 7)_______________pron.没有什么n.没有 8)_________________pron.我自己 9)__________________pron.每人;人人 10) _________________pron.你自己;你亲自 11)__________________n.母鸡;雌禽 12)_______________adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 13)__________________n.猪 14)____________n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) 15)__________________vi.似乎;好像 16)__________________pron.某人;有人 17)__________________相当多(后接可数名词) 18)__________________当然 19)__________________n.活动;活跃 20)__________________v.决定;选定 21)___________________v.尝试;设法;努力 22)_________________.鸟;禽 23)__________________n.空中滑翔跳伞 24)__________________n.自行车 25)___________________n.建筑物 26)__________________n.商人;商船 27)__________________v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑 28)___________________n.差异;不同 29)____________________n.顶部;顶 30)____________________v.等;等待(wait for) 31)____________________n.伞;雨伞 32)_________________adj.湿的;雨天的 33)________________prep.在...下面adv.在下面 34)__________________conj.如同;像...一样 35)__________________adj.充足的adv.充足地 36)___________________n.鸭肉;鸭 37)__________________adj.饥饿的;渴望的 38)___________________v.想要 39)________________v.不喜欢;厌恶n.不喜爱 40)___________________因为;因为 41)___________________玩得痛快 Unit 2How often do you exercise? 1)________________n.家务劳动 2)____________adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚 3)______________adv.以前;在任何时候 4)________________adv.一次;以前 5)________________adv.两倍;两次 6)________________n.因特网 7)_______________n.节目;程序;课程;节目单8)________________adj.满的;充满的;完全的 9)________________n.摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转 10)________________adv.或许;也许;可能 11)________________摇摆舞 12)________________adj.最小的;最少的 13)________________至少 14)________________很少;几乎从不;难得 15)________________n.垃圾;废旧杂物 16)________________ n.咖啡;咖啡色 17)____________n.健康;人的身体或精神状态 18)________________结果;后果 19)________________adj.百分之...的 20)________________adj.在线的adv.在线地 21)________________n.电视机;电视节目 22)___________conj.虽然;即使;不过;不过 23)________________prep.穿过;凭借;一直到 24)________________n.身体 25)________________想法;意见;心思 26)________________adj.这样的;如此的 27)________________adv.共同;一起 28)________________v.死;枯竭;消失 29)________________n.作者;作家 30)________________n.牙科医生 31)________________n.杂志 32)___________adv.不过;无论如何;不管多么 33)________________conj.比 34)________________adv.几乎;差不多 35)______________pron.没有人;没有任何东西 36)________________adj.更少的;较少的 37)________________n.看法;重点;分数 38)________________例如;诸如 39)________________n.垃圾食品;无营养食品 40)______________超过;多于;不但仅;非常 41)________________不到;少于 Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. 1)_________________adj.外向的 2)_________________adj.更好的;较好的 3)____________adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地 4)____________adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地 5)________________adj.勤勉的;努力工作的 6)_________________n.竞争;比赛 7)_________________adj.极好的;了不起的 8)_________________adj.哪一个;哪一些 9)_________________adv.清楚地;显然地 10)_________________v.赢;获胜n.胜利 11)_________________conj.虽然;即使 12)_________________关心 13)_________________adj.有才能的;有天赋的 14)_________________adv.真实地;真诚地


英语八年级下册单词表 Go for it 序号单词词义 Unit 1 1will 将;会;要P2 2robot 机器人P2 3won't=will not P2 4they'll=they will P2 5everything 每件事物P2 6paper 纸;纸张P2 7fewer (few的比较级)较少 的;更少的 P3 8pollution 污染P3 9tree 树;树木P3 10she'll P4 11building 建筑物;楼房P4 12astronaut 宇航员;航天员P5 13rocket 火箭P5 14space 太空;空间P5 15space station 太空站P5 16fly 飞行P5 17took take的过去式P5 18moon 月亮;月球P5 19I'll=I will P6 20fall 落下;跌落P6 21fell fall的过去式P6 22fall in love with 爱上(某人或某物) P6 23alone 单独地;孤独地P6 24pet 宠物P6 25parrot 鹦鹉P6 26probably 大概;或许P6 27go skating 去滑冰P6 28suit 一套衣服P6 29able 能;能够P6 30be able to 有能力做某事.会做某 事 P6 31dress 穿衣P632casually 非正式地;随意地P6 33which 哪个;哪几个P6 34even 甚至P6 35the World Cup 世界杯P6 36wrote write的过去式P6 37myself 我自己;我本人(反身代) P7 38interview 面试;面谈P7 39predict v.预言;预测P7 40prediction n.预言;预测P7 41came come的过去式P7 42come true (希望等)实现;达到P7 43sound 声音P7 44company 公司P7 45thought 动词think的过去式P7 46strategy 策略;战略P8 47fiction 小说P8 48unpleasant 使人不愉快的P8 49scientist 科学家P8 50in the future 未来;将来P8 51hundreds of 大量;许多P8 52already 早已;已经P8 53made make的过去式P8 54factory 工厂P8 55simple 简单的;容易的P8 56such 这样的;这种P8 57bored 厌烦的;厌倦的P8 58everywhere 各地;到处P8 59human 人;人类P8 60shape 外形;形状P8 61huge 巨大的;庞大的P8 62earthquake 地震P9 63snake 蛇P9 64possible 可能的P9 65electric 电的;导电的P9 66toothbrush 牙刷P9 67seem 像是;似乎P9 68impossible 不可能的;不会发生的P9 69housework 家务;家务事P9 70rating 级别;等级P9 71Alexis 亚历克西斯(女名)
