


Flatshare flatmate natural cause alibi(犯罪现场,辩解)lipstick I refreshed it a bit. Bit different from my day. I do not talk for days on end. No a word. Got to dash. walk out on therapist psychosomatic prime spot owes me a favour. (欠我一个人情)There is all sorts round here. (这里什么人都有)Deduction (扣除)that would be right up your street. (这比较适合你)Brilliant landlady(女房东)do not wait up. (不用等了)Sitting-down type(比较安静的类型)bloody thing(棘手的事情)far too much(太多了)I will skip the tea.off out. No point doing sth. (做某事没头绪)It is not decent. (这样不好)Who cares about decent.(谁管他好不好)Be out of their depth.(做事失去方向)Psychosomatic gadget(小玩意)shot in the dark.(胡乱猜的) piss off(滚开)Freak not make it home.(没回家) here we are again(我们又见面了)make a point(清理头绪)asphyxiation(窒息) pass out black out(晕过去了) for god’s sake just make this up(随口说说) we are done waiting(不用再等了)really look(好好看) he gets off on it.(他喜欢这个) now and then(时不时)but for him(要不是他) pickpocket(偷)just passing the time(消磨时间) you are all so vacant.(一群草包) I want your best game.(拿出你做好的策略) child’s play(小孩把戏) the shock talking.(那是胡话)off you go.(你走吧)People will suffer(总是伤及无辜) childish feud(小孩子赌气) resentful(厌恶的)lucky guess(乱猜的)


To be handled(被使用) look hard at sth.(仔细观察某物) please stop asking.(请不要尝试约我了) please use an alternative method of payment.(请使用其他付款方式) you took your time.(你用了很长时间) sort of(差不多)I can manage.(我能搞定) in a manner of speaking.(不妨说) grab a pew(随便坐)enlighten me(请指教) buzz(东奔西忙)bright guy(有为青年)mundane(平凡)catchy(朗朗上口)place it(搞清楚)I have got a gap.(这有个空当) head straight for(直奔···而去) can you not keep doing this?(你别老这样行不行) the milk is gone off.(牛奶坏了) the washing is started to smell (脏衣服也有味了)that was rad(真牛)wouldn’t you say?(不是吗) orphan(孤儿) this is taking ages.(真是慢死了)I go where you point me.(我听你的)

Someone’s been gossiping.(有人嚼舌根) stood me up once too often.(经常放我鸽子)


Good job I’m not one of them.(幸好我不是其中的一员) not worth my time.(浪费我时间)flattered(得意) spectacularly(壮观的,引人瞩目的)hard drive(硬盘) he should have wrapped himself up a bit more.(他应该多穿点) as yet(目前) I can’t spare the time.(抽不出空) usual trivia(鸡毛蒜皮的事) legwork(跑腿) hellish(苦不堪言) have got to do sth.(得做某事) I’d like to see you try.(你倒是试试) now we’ve getting somewhere.(这倒真有意思) brand new(全新的)someone’s taken trouble to do sth.(有人故意做某事) end of story(就是这么个事) I’d better be off.(我还是走吧) save yourself the pain(免得伤心) you’re sparkling form.(你真是成就惊人啊) clever you(算你聪明)why does anyone do anything.(万事皆有理由) devastated(伤心欲绝的) we didn’t always see eye to eye(我们有过些小摩擦) repeat oneself(重蹈覆辙) we are one up on him.(我们领先他一步) he certainly gets about.(他真是神通广大) novel!(有创意) is that news to you?(这对你很新鲜吗) out of the blue(突然) gorgeous(美妙的) he was over the moon.(他心花怒放) you never saw this coming.(你没料到这个)ciao(再见)


Illustrious I’ll be mother.(我来做东道主吧) shall we say(所谓的) keep sb. in the dark.(令某人一无所知) sub-text(不明说) I have bad days.(我也有不爽的时候) delusional that for me will not a hardship.(这对我不是难事) family is all we have in the end. Do give her my love.(带我向她问好) atrocious(折磨死人)compensate(掩盖)it hardly matters.(基本无害) I lost count.(我数不清了) I decline.(我拒绝) redemption (赎罪)duress sentiment(感情用事)


We need a sec.(稍等一下) inappropriate(不合时宜) depressing(失落)in my defense(我想说的是) sb. Is a cake tease.(谁敢说不敢做) how dare you.(好大的胆子) everything’s gonna work out.(一切都会水到渠成) skim(捞油水)if you say so.(你说是就是吧) treats exclusive(独有的)wait, hold phone.(等等,我先问问) it happened.(来不及了、事实就是如此) sober(清醒)badass(女强人) don’t freak out.(别惊慌) chestnut(不可以)nothing’s gonna work out now.(现在做什么都徒劳无功) slow done (不会吧)I am done doing sth.(我受够干某事) sb. Might be screwed.(某人可能完了) more bad luck.(坏运气接踵而至) just got a little damp.(有点小兴奋) we have to mess her up.(给她点颜色看看) cause you never know.(以备不时之需) on the off chance(碰运气) gracious(和蔼)for the record(我要声明一句) come on to me(先逗我的) there goes our big break.(这是个大突破) here comes the future pitiful one in million(万中之一) puberty loose sth.(沉迷某事)funny how sometimes things just work out right.(反正事情不知怎么的就成了) soft opening(试营业)there’s no drama(没那么恐怖吧) we got it out of our systems.(我俩早没事了) cash only besides me later(等下就是我了) or it spells success(没准能带来成功) insolent charlatan(无耻的骗子) that’s gold.(真经典) count on(指望)it freaks me out.(这令我抓狂) it’s bananas./kickstarter(超牛的) things are looking up.(事情变好了) if they’re buying, I’m taking.(如果他们乐意,我也乐意) I’m in a groove.(我很有感觉) indulgent(放纵的)let me get this straight.(让我来理理) candy hammer no back talk(不要顶嘴) bully(欺负人,特好的)trash a people(损一个人)sp. is a bad reception area(某地信号不好) jealous I’m off the chain.(我不趟浑水) it’s turning us against each other.(它在挑拨离间) scale(规模,测量,天平)it sucks(太糟糕了)


神探夏洛克电影介绍英语 Sherlock is a British television crime drama that presents a contemporary update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. It stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as Doctor John Watson. Six episodes have been produced, the first three of which aired in xx. Three additional episodes began production in March xx. The series has been sold to over 180 territories. The show was conceived by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss during train journeys to and from the Doctor Who production base in Cardiff, where they were both writers. They aspired to produce a modern-day version of Conan Doyle's stories in which Sherlock uses the technologies that are available to him today in order to help him solve crimes. Credited as co-creators, Moffat and Gatiss each write one episode per series, with the other written by Steve Thompson. Hartswood Films produced the series for the BBC and co-produced it with WGBH Boston for its Masterpieceanthology series. The series is primarily filmed in Cardiff, although the production also uses a variety of other locations. North


——Sherlock Holmes SHERLOCK Season Two Episode Three —The Reichenbach Fall

——Sherlock Holmes 为什么今天来? Why today? 你想听我说? Do you want to hear me say it? 上次诊断已经过去个月了 18 months since our last appointment. 你看报纸吗? Y ou read the papers? 有时候 Sometimes... 电视总看吧 And you watch telly? 你知道我为什么来 Y ou know why I'm here. 我来是因为... I'm here because... 出了什么事约翰? What happened, John? 夏... Sherl... 你必须说出口 Y ou need to get it out. 我最好的朋友... My best friend... 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes... 死了 ..is dead. "莱辛巴赫瀑布" 透纳的杰作 Falls Of The Reichenbach. Turner's masterpiece. 终于失而复得 Thankfully recovered, 多亏夏洛克·福尔摩斯先生的奇才 owing to the prodigious talent of Mr Sherlock Holmes. 小小意思不成敬意 A small token of our gratitude. 钻石袖链我袖口都有扣子的 Diamond cufflinks... All my cuffs have buttons. 他说谢谢我说了吗 He means thank you. Do I? 快说谢谢 Just say it. Thank you. 稍等 Hang on. 我历经艰辛终于和家人重聚 Back together with my family, after my terrifying ordeal. 我的解脱还要格外谢谢一个人 And we have one person to thank for my deliverance... 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes. 领带夹我不戴领带嘘 Tie pin. I don't wear ties. Shhh. 彼得·里科里特 Peter Ricoletti... 1982年以来国际刑警组织通缉名单首位Number one on Interpol's most wanted list since 1982. 已经被捕我们必须感谢一个人 We got him, and there's one person we have to thank 给予的关键性指引 for giving us the decisive leads. 仰仗他对人情世故的精通 With all his customary diplomacy and tact. 是讽刺没错 Sarcasm. Y es. 大家凑钱买的 We all chipped in. 哦 Oh... 戴上戴上 Put the hat on. Put the hat on. 对夏洛克戴上 Y es, Sherlock, put it on. 早戴早超生 Just get it over with. 学术神探 "Boffin!" 学术神探夏洛克 "Boffin Sherlock Holmes!" 人人都会有 Everybody gets one. 一个什么? 小报外号 One what? Tabloid nickname. 苏珊大妈贱尼克我应该也快有了 SuBo, Nasty Nick. I'll probably get one soon. 第5页第6列第1句 Page five, column six, first sentence. 为什么总是这张带帽照? Why is it always the hat photograph?! "单身者华生" 什么头衔啊"Bachelor John Watson."What kind of hat is it? "单身者" 想暗示什么? BACHELOR? What are they implying?!


《神探夏洛克》S02E01口语精华 1. I will burn the heart out of you. 让你下到十八层地狱 burn somebody 灼烧某人,引申为让某人下地狱 eg:"May God burn you in hellfire for all eternity, " the priest flared. “愿上帝保佑,让你受地狱之火的永恒煎熬,”神甫快被气疯了。 2. Catch you later. 后会有期 catch you 抓住你,引申为跟上,赶上 eg:You go on, I will catch you up. 你先走,我一会儿来赶你。 3. But everything I have to say has already crossed your mind. 可我要说的你全都心知肚明了 cross one's mind 想到,知道,引申为心知肚明 eg:Someday, weeks will go by, maybe even years, it won't even cross our mind. 随着时间的慢慢流逝,总有一天,我们都不会再想起这些。 4. Wrong day to die. 今天还不适合死 wrong day 错误的时间,引申为还不适合怎样 eg:They were in the right place, on the wrong day. Or so it would seem. 他们来对了地方,却不是合适的时间,至少当时看起来是这样。 5. You'll be hearing from me, Sherlock. 我俩后会有期 hear from 收到...的信,引申为后会有期 eg:And we hope to hear from you soon. 我们也希望很快能听到你的回应。 6. I'll make you into shoes. 我让你吃不了兜着走 make you into shoes 把你塞到鞋子里,引申为让你吃不了兜着走 eg:Promise me or I will make you into shoes! 答应我,否则我让你吃不了兜着走! 7. I think my husband might be having an affair.


1明斯克白俄罗斯 Minsk Belarus 2从头开始源源本本告诉我 Just tell me what happened from the beginning. 3(东欧口音)我们去泡吧 We had been to a bar, 4酒吧不错我开始和一个女招待搭讪 nice place, and, er, I got chatting with one of the waitresses, 5凯伦她很不高兴后来回到酒店 and Karen weren't happy with that, so...when we get back to the hotel, 6我们吵起来打了一架 we end up having a bit of a ding-dong. 7她老是讽刺我说我不似个真爷们 She's always getting at me, saying I weren't a real man. 8不"是"个真爷们 Wasn't a real man. 9什么? "不是" 你说的"不似" What? It's not "weren't", it's "wasn't". 10接着说 Go on. 11然后我也不知怎么回事 Well...then I don't know how it happened, 12 突然我手里就多了把刀 but suddenly there's a knife in my hands... 13我老爹是个屠户所以我会使刀 ..and me old man was a butcher, so I know how to handle knives. 14他叫我们肢解野兽"教" He learned us how to cut up a beast. Taught. 15什么? "教"你们肢解野兽 What? Taught you how to cut up a beast. 16嗯反正我就动作了 Yeah, well, then I done it. 17"动手" 动手捅了她 Did it. Did it! Stabbed her, 18一刀一刀又一刀等我低头看她经已... over and over and over, and I looked down, and she weren't... 19"已经" ..wasn't... 20不会东了 ..moving no more. 21"不会动了" Any more. 22老天我真不知道怎么回事


Moriaty: Do you mind if I get that? (我接一下你没意见吧?) Sherlock: Oh, no, please. You've got the rest of your life. (没事,请便. 尽情使用你的余生吧.) Moriaty: Hello? Yes, of course it is. What do you want? Sorry!(喂? 是的,当然是我.什么事? 不好意思!) Sherlock: It’s fine. (没事) Moriaty: say that again! Say that again, and know that if you're lying to me, I will find you, and I will skin you. Wait! Sorry. Wrong day to die. (你再说一遍! 再说一遍,警告你,要是你敢骗我, 我会找到你,活剥你的皮. 等着! 抱歉. 今天死不成了) Sherlock: Did you get a better offer? (你有更好的邀请了?) Moriaty: You'll be hearing from me, Sherlock. So if you have what you say you have, I will make you rich. If you don't, I'll make you into shoes. (会给你消息的夏洛克. 要是你真有你说的东西,我会让你发大财. 要是你没有, 我会把你做成鞋穿.) Watson: What happened there? (这是怎么回事?) Sherlock: Someone changed his mind.The question is... who?(有人让他改变了主意. 问题在于... 是谁?) Irene Adler: Well, now, have you been wicked, Your Highness? (你不乖了是不是,殿下?) Kate: Yes, Miss Adler. (是,艾德勒小姐) Sherlock: What are you typing?(你在打什么?) Watson: Blog. (博客) Sherlock: About? (写什么?) Watson: Us. (写我们) Sherlock: You mean me. (是写我吧) Watson: Why? (为什么?) Sherlock: Well, you're typing a lot. (看你敲了一大篇) Watson: Right, then. (好吧) Sherlock: So, what have we got?(看看我们有什么新案子) Man: My wife seems to be spending a very long time at the office. (我的妻子好像在办公室待的时间太长了) Sherlock: Boring. (无聊) Woman: I think my husband might be having an affair. (我觉得我丈夫有外遇) Sherlock: Yes. (对) Man: She's not my real aunt, she's been replaced. I know she has. I know human ash. (她不是我姨妈,她被人偷换了. 我知道她被换了. 我认识人的骨灰) Sherlock: Leave. (开路) Men: We are prepared to offer any sum of money you care to mention for the recovery of these files. (价码由您开,开多少我们都愿意出, 只要能找回这些文件) Sherlock: Boring. (无聊) Youngs: We have this website, it explains the true meaning of comic books, cos people miss a lot of the themes. But then all the comic books started coming true.(我们开了个网站,来解读漫画书的真意, 因为读者总是不关注主题. 可是所有的漫画书突然就成真了) Sherlock: Oh...interesting. (哦,有意思) Sherlock:“Geek Interpreter”. What's that? ("希腊译员".这是什么?) Watson: That's the title. (标题)


华生 WATSON THE PERSONAL BLOG OF DR.John H.Watson 博客写的如何? How's your blog going? 嗯 顺利 很顺利 Yeah, good, very good. 你一个字都没写 对吧? You haven't written a word, have you? 你刚写下了"仍然不信任人" You just wrote "still has trust issues". 而你颠倒着读出了我写的东西 And you read my writing upside down. 知道我什么意思了? You see what I mean? 约翰 你是个军人 John, you're a soldier 从这个身份到普通人 and it's going to take you a while 需要一个过程 to adjust to civilian life 把你每天的遭遇写在博客上 and writing a blog about everything that happens to you 会有很大帮助 will honestly help you. 我根本没有任何遭遇 Nothing happens to me. 10月21日October 21th 你说一辆破车都没了? 'What do you mean there's no ruddy car?' 他去滑铁卢了 抱歉 He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry. 叫辆出租车 我从不叫车 Get a cab I never get cabs 我爱你 什么时候? I love you. When? 快叫辆出租车 Get a cab 我的丈夫 My husband 是个努力生活的乐观男人 was a happy man who lived life to the full. 他热爱家庭和工作 He loved his family and his work, Season One Episode One — A Study in Pink

神探夏洛克S01E01 A_Study_in_Pink 全英台词

A Study in Pink S01E01

TH=Therapist JW=John Watson TH : How's your blog going? JW: Y eah, good, very good. TH: Y ou haven't written a word, have you? JW: Y ou just wrote "still has trust issues". TH: And you read my writing upside down. Y ou see what I mean? John, you're a soldier and it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life and writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you. JW: Nothing happens to me. 【October 12th】 MAN: What do you mean, there's no ruddy car? WOMAN: He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry. Get a cab! MAN: I never get cabs! WOMAN: I love you. MAN: When? WOMAN: Get a cab! WIFE: My husband... was a happy man who lived life to the full. He loved his family and his work, and that he should have taken his own life in this way is a mystery and a shock to all who knew him. 【November 26th】 BOY A: Y es, yes! Taxi! I'll be back in two minutes, mate. BOY B: What? BOY A: I'm just going home to get my umbrella. BOY B: Y ou can share mine. BOY A: Two minutes, all right? 【January 27th】 MAN: She still dancing? WOMAN: Y eah, if you can call it that. MAN: Did you get the car keys off her?


关于《神探夏洛克》你还不知道的21个小知识 俄罗斯强盗,不存在的地铁站,变成漫画主角的Benedict Cumberbatch……正逢BBC夏洛克第三季开播,不妨看看下面这21个你可能还不知道的夏洛克相关小知识。 Martin Freeman和Benedict Cumberbatch(或者用中国饭的叫法:花生和卷 福)的第三季造型。 1.一切都从一次演讲开始 2006年,著名的福尔摩斯爱好者Mark Gatiss,受邀到国会大厦为一年一度的夏洛克福尔摩斯学会晚宴致辞,那天Gatiss还请了Steven Moffat作嘉宾。会上Gatiss向听众透露了一个BBC的会议,会议内容是讨论有没有可能对的作品进行再创作,做一档圣诞特辑。他和公司没能达成一致,但是当他“在无尽的环形走廊上泪奔,被那些不知道在想什么的门外汉气得口吐白沫”时,Gatiss碰见了John Simpson,后者刚从阿富汗首都喀布尔回来。Gatiss说“当他经过时,我碰了碰他的胳膊低声说:‘我注意到,你最近去过阿富汗。’”这句话在Simpson心中埋下了一个想法,随后他和Moffat让这个想法萌芽,变成了现代版的《神探夏洛克》。“一个年轻的军医,在阿富汗受了伤,没有朋友,孤身在伦敦,”Gatiss吊着听众的胃口,“正在拮据时期,巧遇学医时的同学,那人说他认识一个正在找室友的人,那人还不错就是有点怪……”Gatiss就这样向世上最难应付的一帮人兜售他和Moffat创作的夏洛克,那帮人点头了。 2. 苏门答腊路上并不存在废弃的地铁站

本季第一集《空灵柩》中,那节装满了炸药准备炸掉国会大厦的地铁车厢,其实是在西汉普斯特拍摄的,拍摄地点也不是个半完工的地铁站(虽然附近确实有个废弃的地铁站叫公牛灌木Bull&Bush),这个地方离威斯敏斯特很远,但Gatiss选了这个地方作为对《苏门答腊岛巨鼠》的巧妙致敬,这个故事在《》里有提到(但没有深入展开)。夏洛克剧组没法弄到一节真的车厢,所以自制了伦敦地铁区域线列车车厢,不过远景拍摄时观众看到的地铁明显是银禧线。地铁爱好者们还很快指出了片中其他不实之处。 3.不是人人都喜欢Irene Adler的裸露戏份 在《贝尔戈维亚丑闻》中,Lara Pulver演绎的用近乎全裸迷惑了侦探的高级职业女施虐狂,原本该是一个与Holmes进行友好较量的女性对手,据说BBC为此收到超过100份投诉。不过有些原著死忠的抗议理由不止于此。许多博文的论点都是,柯南道尔在《波西米亚丑闻》中塑造的Irene Adler,是个强大的值得尊敬的女人,她绝不会允许自己沦为Moriarty的手下,或者在Holmes面前袒胸露背后就爱上他。Steven Moffat不同意女权主义者的说法,他说:“在原著里,Irene Adler赢过Sherlock Holmes的目的也只是和丈夫一起搬家逃走,这样的胜利不能体现女权主义。” 4.Holmes和Watson到碗里来 Speedy咖啡馆是剧中Holmes和Watson经常光顾买三明治的地方,它是高尔街上一家真的咖啡馆,靠近尤思顿——BBC为贝克街221B选的替身。(试播集里这家店是Una Stubbs的角色开的,名叫哈德森太太的三明治轻食店Mrs Hudson’s Snax n' Sarnies,不过这个想法很快就被毙了)。现在从世界各地蜂拥而至的夏洛克饭可以在店里享受夏洛克主题小食,特别是夏洛克卷Sherlock Wrap(鸡肉,培根,车达奶酪,生菜,胡椒,红洋葱,黄瓜,辣椒酱——“被紧紧的包起来就像夏洛克不外露的个性”)和华生卷Waston Wrap(烤蔬菜,菠菜,番茄,小洋葱,布利干酪,酸奶油——“安全,温暖,治愈,就像华生的个性”)据说未来可能推出莫里亚蒂三明治Moriarty Sub。 5.尽管中国尽力了,但Sherlock不是同性恋 第三季第一集《空灵柩》里的多场吻戏充分证明Steven Moffat和Mark Gatiss 热衷用Sherlock模糊的性向做文章。Benedict Cumberbatch说:“每个人都对他有自己的理解,曾经有无性主义者跑来感谢我代表了他们。”但是Moffat认为他们不对:“在原著中,没有任何迹象表明Holmes是无性主义者或者同性恋,”Moffat对卫报这么说。不过什么也不能阻止众多中国饭把Sherlock当作同志偶像,大量的文学创作描绘了他和Waston的浪漫关系。有一篇长达39章的言情小说;一段点击量超大的剪辑视频(见配图),视频里Cumberbatch和Martin Freeman(或者还是用中文叫他们卷福和花生)在令人意乱情迷的音乐中互相凝视,当然,之后还有不可避免的sm场景。这些看起来好像也只是普通的同人作品——但要知道在中国,写这种污秽的东西是犯罪,可能面临漫长的刑期。(译者吐槽:吓cry)

《Sherlock》神探夏洛克S102 完整剧本

YAO: The great artisans say the more the teapot is used the more beautiful it becomes. The pot is seasoned by repeatedly pouring tea over the surface. The deposit left on the clay creates this beautiful patina over time. Some pots, the clay has been burnished by tea made over 400 years ago. 【This museum will be closing in 1 0 minutes.】 400 years old, they're letting you use it to make yourself a brew. YAO: Some things aren't supposed to sit behind glass, they're made to be touched. To be handled. These pots need attention. The clay is cracking. ANDY: Well, I can't see how a tiny splash of tea is going to help. YAO: Sometimes you have to look hard at something to see its value. See? This one shines a little brighter. ANDY: I don't suppose... Um, I mean... I don't suppose that you want to have a drink? Not tea, obviously. Um, in a pub, with me, tonight. YAO: You wouldn't like me all that much. ANDY: Can I maybe decide that for myself? YAO: I can't. I'm sorry. Please stop asking. YAO: Is that security? Hello? Can the till supervisor please go to...? Unexpected item in bagging area, please try again. Item not scanned. Please try again. W: Can you maybe keep your voice down? Card not authorised. W: Yes, all right! I've got it. Please use an alternative method of payment. Card not authorised. Please use an alternative method of payment. W: Keep it. Keep that. 【THE BLIND BANKER】 S : You took your time. W: Yeah, I didn't get the shopping. S : What? Why not?


Therapist: How's your blog going? Dr. John H. Watson (Martin Freeman): Yeah good. Very good. Therapist: You haven't written a word, have you? Watson: You just wrote "Still has trust issues". Therapist: And you read my writing upside down. You see what I mean? John, you're a soldier. It's gonna take you a while to adjust to civilian life. And writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you. Watson: Nothing happens to me. At the press conference Sgt Sally Donovan: The body of Beth Davenport, Junior Minister for Transport, was found late last night in a building site in Greater London. Preliminary investigation suggests that this was suicide. We can confirm that this apparent suicide closely resembles those of Sir Jeffrey Patterson and James Fillmore. In the light of this these incidents are now being treated as linked. The investigation is ongoing but Detective Inspector Lestrade will take questions now. Reporter1: Detective Inspector, how can suicides be linked? Detective Inspector Lestrade(Rupert Graves): Well they all took the same poison. They were all found in places they had no reason to be. None of them had shown any prior indications— Reporter1: But you can't have serial suicides. DI Lestrade: Well apparently you can. Reporter2: These three people, there's nothing that links them? DI Lestrade: There's no link found yet. But we're looking for it—there has to be one. Everyone's cellphones go off Sgt Sally Donovan: If you've all got texts, please ignore them. Reporter1: It just says "Wrong!" Sgt Sally Donovan: Yeah, well, just ignore that. If there are no more questions for Detective Inspector Lestrade I'm going to bring this session to an end. Reporter2: If they're suicides what are you investigating? DI Lestrade: As I said these suicides are clearly linked, um, but it's an unusual situation. We've got our best people investigating—{cellphones go off again} Reporter1: It says "wrong" again. Sgt Sally Donovan: One more question. Reporter3: Is there any chance that these are murders and if they are is this the work of a serial killer? DI Lestrade: I know that you'd like writing about this but these do appear to be suicides. We know the difference. The poison was clearly self-administered. Reporter1: Yes but if they are murders how do people keep themselves safe? DI Lestrade: Well don't commit suicide. Sgt Sally Donovan quietly: Daily Mail. DI Lestrade: Obviously this is a frightening time for people but all anyone has to do is exercise reasonable precautions. We are all as safe as we want to be. (Texts again. And for DI Lestrade: You know where to find me. SH). Thank you.


Season One Episode Two—The Blind Banker YAOSOOLIN: The great artisans say the more the teapot is used the more beautiful it becomes. The pot is seasoned by repeatedly pouring tea over the surface. The deposit left on the clay creates this beautiful patina over time. Some pots, the clay has been burnished by tea made over 400 years ago. This museum will be closing in 10 minutes. ANDY: 400 years old, they're letting you use it to make yourself a brew. YAO: Some things aren't supposed to sit behind glass, they're made to be touched. To be handled. These pots need attention. The clay is cracking. ANDY: Well, I can't see how a tiny splash of tea is going to help. YAO: Sometimes you have to look hard at something to see its value. See? This one shines a little brighter. ANDY: I don't suppose... Um, I mean... I don't suppose that you want to have a drink? Not tea, obviously. Um, in a pub, with me, tonight. YAO: You wouldn't like me all that much. ANDY: Can I maybe decide that for myself? YAO: I can't. I'm sorry. Please stop asking. YAO: Is that security? Hello? Can the till supervisor please go to...? Unexpected item in bagging area, please try again. Item not scanned. Please try again. W: Can you maybe keep your voice down? Card not authorized. W: Yes, all right! I've got it. Please use an alternative method of payment. Card not authorized. Please use an alternative method of payment. W: Keep it. Keep that. 【THE BLIND BANKER】 S: You took your time. W: Yeah, I didn't get the shopping. S: What? Why not? W: Because I had a row in the shop with a chip and PIN machine. S: You... You had a row with a machine?! W: Sort of. It sat there and I shouted abuse. Have you got cash? S: Take my card. W: You could always go yourself, you know, you've been sitting there all morning, you've not even moved since I left. And what happened about that case you were offered the Jaria diamond? S: Not interested. I sent them a message. 【Sherlock – How’re things, buddy? Been a long time since we (met). I hear on the grapevine that you’re now a consulting detective. There’s been an ‘incident’ at the bank – something (strange). I’m hoping you can sort it for me. Please call by. Needless to say, I’ll be relying on (your) discretion.】 W: Don't worry about me, I can manage. W: Is that my computer? S: Of course. W: What?


Sherlock is a British television series that presents a contemporary update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes detective stories. This TV drama is based on the famous detective novel of the British novelist Arthur Conan Doyle. It took the background from the 19C to the 21 century. And the fashion and talent detective Sherlock Holmes with his fantastic assistant John Watson are facing a series of dangerous and unusual events in London. There was a time when a really unique man who is called sherlock holmes, he was not a policeman, but there remains no evil man can get away from him. What's more, he was only a persona which is not really lives, however, people are all remember him with his unusual intelligence. In a word, he was not a man lives in the real world, but really a hero remains in our mind…… I will introduce you the characters with their 经典语录。 This is our 男主角,sherlock holmes.in this TV drama,he is brilliant, aloof and almost entirely lacking in social graces.before he met his assistant,Dr john Watson,he has no friend at all,he is so 理性so that he always be a jerk and say some bad words that can make people feel embarrast.尴尬的。(此处插入who cares about decent).On the ther hand,he is so brilliant .when policemen can not solve a case,they always consult sherlock to find the answer. The 2nd one ,Dr john Watson, SH’s assistant and best friend, he is brave, resourceful and practical; Jim Moriarty, consulting criminal, the biggest Villain character, he is brilliant but crazy.he is the only "consulting criminal" in the world, a counterpoint to Sherlock's similarly unrivaled "consulting detective".(此处插入:people dies;that’s what people do) Mrs. Hudson,the landlady,she is so cute;Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock’s older brother, but there is little brotherly love there;Irene is the character in 4th story,she is my favourite female character in this drama,and she said:briliant is the new sexy.(此处应有截图) it contains 9 stories up to now, such as a study in pink, the blind banker, the great game, a scandal in Belgravia, hounds of Baskerville, and the reichenbach fall.There is quite a lot of differences between this fashion Sherlock and the classical one. A real friend is someone who always stand by your side without any complication.And to sherlock, John must be that person. No wonder after watching the whole TV series, we can feel the strong and pure friendship between them.At the beginning ,the director has suggested that sherlock is somewhat an eccentric person,which means many normal person can‘t understand him in some way.But John has done it well,so there remains many interesting points:What the hell can the two finally get together?
