




第1关:有一个皇帝听信了骗子的话,把自己脱得一丝不挂,还跑到大街上去游行,让别人看个够。这个故事的题目是:_______________ 第2关:有一位穷人家的少年得到了一盏旧油灯,只要轻轻一擦,油灯里就跳出一个魔怪来,魔怪神通广大,帮他找了个老婆、建了个城堡,后来的日子过得像王子一样。这个故事的题目是的:___________________




第6关:我知道中国古代四大名著是《》、《》、《》和《》。第7关:古诗是中国文化的瑰宝。除了书上学过的古诗,我还能背诵、默写出课外的一首诗:___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________.


1、照样子写词语凉丝丝___________ ____________ ______________________ 慌慌张张___________ ____________ ______________________

2、祖国的汉字真是非常的丰富,光表示“看”的意思的词语就有上百个。你能写出按要求写出几个吗?一个字的:瞧________ ________ ___________________ 两个字的:观看________ ________ ___________________ 四个字的:东张西望________ ________ ___________________

3、中国加入世贸,奥运会申办成功,足球走向世界,全国人民心情十分愉快,你想到的词语有:___________ ____________ _______________________________

4、春回大地,到处充满生机,望着满园的春色,你想到的词语有:___________ ____________ _______________________________

5、表现人物好品质的成语:___________ ____________ ______________________

6、以“一”字开头的成语:___________ ____________ ______________________

7、时间对每个人来说都是极其珍贵的,可是,王刚就不这么认为,每当看到他沉迷于各种游乐中的时候,你真想对他说:________________________________________________(名人名言)8、你认为教室里应张贴怎样的名言警句或千古佳句,请写两句。___________________________________________________________ ______________

___________________________________________________________ ______________


1、方方和圆圆在打电话,请你发挥想象,写出方方的话,使得她们之间的对话合理紧凑。圆圆:方方,我是圆圆。你找我有事吗?方方:_____________________________________ 圆圆:噢!怎么回事?方方:_____________________________________ 圆圆:那我问问婷婷,她可能知道。方方:_____________________________________ 圆圆:不客气,这是应该的。





5、某人外出做生意,给父母写了这样一封信:“儿的生活好痛苦也没有粮食多病少挣了很多钱”。父母接到信后,用了不同的标点符号来停顿,结果一个笑一个哭。读了后笑了,是因为这么读:_______________________________________________ 读了后哭了,是因为这么读:____________________________


(一)杏儿熟了(8%)你发现了没有?《杏儿熟了》这篇课文三次写到了奶奶的“笑”。第一次是“我仰着头来数杏儿,数呀数呀,数到后来就糊涂了。奶奶忍不住笑了。”你觉得奶奶这时是一种()的笑。第二次是“奶奶把小淘淘和他的伙伴都叫过来,一人分给五六个,剩下的几个给了我。看他们吃得那样香甜,奶奶嘴角露出了微笑。”这又是一种()的笑。第三次是“我看到奶奶这样做,有点儿不高兴,奶奶却笑着说:‘果子大家吃才香甜。要记住,杏儿熟了,让乡亲们都尝尝鲜’。”这又是一种()的笑。另外,我还想给课文补充一点。课文的最后说“今年的杏儿又熟了,我挑了熟透的杏儿给乡亲们送去——给他们送去了香甜,也给他们送去了喜悦。”如果奶奶在天之灵看到我这么做,她一定会发出()的笑。(二)九寨沟(11%) 一进入九寨沟景区,就像到了一个童话世界。一座座雪峰插入云霄,峰顶银光闪闪。从河谷至山坡,遍布着原始森




3、人们把这里的湖泊称为“五花海”、“五彩池”,是有原因的:___________________________________________________________ ____________

4、请你根据九寨沟风景的特点来给她写一条广告语吧!___________________________________________________________ ____________

(三)一枚硬币(13%) 两个年轻人一同寻找工作,一个是英国人,一个是犹太人。一枚硬币躺在地上,英国青年看也不看他走了过去,犹太青年却激动地将它捡起。英国青年对犹太青年的举动露出鄙夷之色:一枚硬币也捡,真没出息。犹太青年望着远去的英国青年心




3、这篇文章最打动你或值得你学习的是什么?___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________

4、你能质疑问难吗?请提出有价值或不懂的问题。___________________________________________________________ ______________

(四)母亲的账单(15%) 小彼得是一个商人的儿子。有时他得到他爸






___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ________________________

【结束语】游览了语文大观园,你一定学到了不少的知识吧,你战胜了困难,付出了努力,老师恭喜你!相信你在以后的日子里会更加努力!最后,我想了解一下:你觉得这份试卷怎么样?做完之后你有什么话要对老师说吗?请你写在下面:___________________________________________________________ ________。

新概念青少版1A Unit1 测试题

匠心英语新概念青少版1A Unit1练习题 一,下列不属于同一类的是 ()A is B this C is D green(根据读音) ()A teacher B key C meet D isn’t(根据读音) ()A son B daughter C nephew D mobile ()A book B ruler C pencil D coat ()A green B red C flower D silver ()A son B wife C daughter D family 二,重新排列字母。 m t e e ___________ n o s _________ i f e w _________ o t n_____ o o b k__________ a c o t_________ ym ________ uroy_________三,根据课文内容选择。 1, Karen is William’s _______. A sister B wife 2, This is William’s son,________. A Paul B Robert 3, Paul is William’s ______. A son B Nephew 4, Lucy is Robert’s ______. A sister B cousin 5, Robert is Paul’s _______. A brother B cousin

四,情景对话。 1, 当朋友跟你介绍他的好朋友时,你可以说________ A How are you ? B Nice to meet you. 2,同学向你打招呼说Hello.的时候,你应该说_____. A How are you? B Hello. 3,当别人问Whose is this pen? 你可以说_______ A It’s my pencil. B It isn’t your pen. C It’s my pen. 4,当别人问Is this your pen?你可以说_________ A No, it is not. B It’s your pen. 5, 当你想跟别人说这不是我的包,你可以说______ A This is my bag. B This is not my bag. 6, 当你想向别人介绍这就是我的一家人,你可以说_______. A This is my family. B This isn’t my family. 7,当你进新公司,老板和你介绍其他人认识的时候,你可以说_____ A Hi. B Hello. C How do you do?


新概念第一册入学测试题 姓名:_______ 分数:________ 写出下列字母的对应大小写形式:16 % A___;H___;J___;K___;E___;B___;D___;E___; ___g;___t;___f;___l;___i;___y;___q;___r (二)根据情景写出可能会说的话:14% ()1.你问Tony好吗: ()2. 当打扰到对方时应该说: ()3. 初次见面,你对对方说: ()4. 感谢别人说: ()5. 把东西递给对方时说: ()6. 向他人表示歉意,: ()7.你给你的爸爸妈妈介绍你的同学Dave: A. Sorry. B. This is Dave. C. How is Tony? D. Nice to meet you. E. Thank you! F. Here you are. G. Excuse me. (三)写出下列单词的汉语意思:%40 your _________ pen_________ watch_________ house_________ five_________ morning_______ Miss_________ nice_________ Japanese______ name_________ floor ________ clean _________ white _________ come _________ carpet________ office ________ boy _________ box _________ bottle________ housewife_____ (四)反义词连对:10% short busy old hot fat cold free young thin tall (五)根据情景填空: 20% Lars: __________, Helen.__________ are you today? Helen: Hello,Lars.I'm very __________ ,thank __________. And_________ are you? Lars: I'm __________,thanks.__________ is Steven? Helen: __________ is at home . Lars: Goodbye, Helen. Nice to _________ you. Helen: __________ to see you,Goodbye,Lars. 学院官网:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ed16248697.html,


新概念英语第二册综合水平测试题 一、根据音标写单词(10分) 1. [r?'mɑ?k]? 2. [r?'ma?nd] 3. [gl?m(p)s] 4. [fla?t]? 5. ['f?r?st] 6. ['v?l?d??] 7. [d?'sk?v?] 8. [s?'d?est] 9. [k?'lekt]10. [swi?p]11. [r?'w??d]12. [spe?s] 13. [k??z]14. ['f??g?]15. ['k?nf?d(?)nt]? 16. [?k'spl???(?)n] 17. [sm??k]18. [?n'kri?s]19. ['eksp??t]20. ['fju?t??]? 二、单项填空(20分) 21. It’s interesting, but ________ difficult for me. A. little B. a little C. a few D. few 22. Everyone ______ here last Monday. A. were B. is C. are D. was 23. Did Julie study _______ exams? A. to B. for C. have D. at 24. It was a _________ day yesterday. A. rain B. raining C. rainy D. to rain 25. There are also many fast food restaurants in _________ parts of our city. A. other B. others C. another D. the others 26. You needn’t _________ your English. I will help you. A. worry B. worried C. worry about D. worried about 27. —_________ does you mother go to the supermarket? —By bus. A. Where B. When C. How D. What 28. It’s time ___________class. A. for have B. have C. to have D. to having 29. He helped his mother clean the rooms and then ________ his homework yesterday afternoon. A. do B. doing C. does D. did 30. —Is that ________ interesting book? —Yes, but it is ___________ difficult. A. an, a little B. a, a bit C. a, a little D. an, little 31. —When did you see the film? —__________. A. Two hours ago. B. In an hour C. Two hours D. In two hours ago 32. How about _________ the supermarket? A. to go to B. going C. to go D. going to 33. I’d like ________ TV, but my father enjoys _________ newspapers. A. watching, reading B. seeing, see C. to see, see D. to watch, reading 34. His __________ says it’s 7:00 pm. A. belt B. wallet C. watch D. ring 35. I think the TV show is interesting. Do you ________ me? A. like B. agree C. agree to D. agree with 36. —I love Sports News. What about you? —__________. did, too do, either do, too D. I love to

青少版新概念 1A 阅读理解

Unit 1 Meet my family 根据短文内容判断正T误F: My name is David. This is my family. Rose is my wife. That is Philip. Philip is my son. That is Susan. Susan is my daughter . And this is Victor. Victor is my nephew. That is my mobile. That is Rose`s coat. That isn`t her bag. Whose is it ? It is Philip`s. And that is Victor`s pen. Is that pencil Victor`s ? No, it isn`t. It is Susan`s pencil. Oh, that is my friend,Mr. Chen. He is a teacher. We are happy. ( )1. Mr. Chen is a teacher. ( ) 2. Rose is Mr. Chen`s wife. ( ) 3.That mobile is David`s. ( ) 4. That pen is Victor`s. ( ) 5.Susan is Rose`s daughter. Unit 2 What is it? 根据短文内容判断正T误F: I `m Zhang Jie. I like white. My coat is white,my shirt is white and my umbrella is white,too. Oh,what is this? It is not white! It is silver. It is a key. That is a brown hat. Whose is it ? It is not my hat. It is LiLi`s hat. LiLi is my wife! She likes brown. We have a son. He likes green. This is his green ruler. That is his green bicycle. Whose is that green bag? Right! It is my son`s. ( ) 1.Zhang Jie is the mother`s name. ( ) 2. The hat is LiLi`s.


听力(30分) 一、选出听到的单词(6分) What’s your number, Flora? It’s 078-( )( )( )( )-( )( )21. My phone nuber is 079-( )( )( )0-56( )( ) 二、听对话选出正确的答案(16分)(10 9 7 9 ) 1、Who’s in a red car? A.Jenny B.Joan C.Tom 2、What nationality is the teacher? B.American B.English C.French 3、Whose car is dirty? C.Sam’s B.Tim’s C.Mike’s 4、Where is Mick’s watch? A.On the desk B.In a box c.On the shelf 5、What’s there on the table? A.A glass B. A bowl C. A plate. 6、Whose pyjamas are a bit dirty? A. Rose’s B. Matt’s C. Tom’s 7、What’s Sophie’s favorite thing? A.Pencil B. Pen C. Ruler 8、What’s in the drawer? A. Box B. Mobile C. Watch 三、听短文填空(8分) on the chair /on the table / in the bag Where’s Karen’s bag? Where’s Karen’s car key? Where’s Karen’s mobile? Where’s Karen’s house key? 笔试(70分) 一、选择题(16分) 1、( )is this mobile? It’s my mobile. A.What B.Who C.Whose D.Which 2、( )is the name of William’s daughter? A.What B.Who C.Whose D.Which 3、What color is Robert’s bicycle? ( ) A.This is a bird. B.It is a red. C.It is silver. D.This is black. 4、Whose is the purple bicycle? It’s ( ). A.Lucy B.Robert’s C.My D.your 5、Who’s the young man ( )the old car? A.on B .in C. with D.for 6、Who’s that woman? ( )woman? A . What B.Who C.Whose D.Which 7、( )me about Robert. He’s the boy on the bicycle. A.Give B.Tell C. Put D. Ask 8、( )’s the matter with you? I am not very well. A . What B.Who C.Whose D.Which 9、What do you do ? I am a ( ). A.boy B.girl C .student D neighbour. 10、( )’s she from? She’s from Washington. A . What B.Who C.Whose D.Where 11、( ) nationality is that student? He’s Chinese. A . What B.Who C.Whose D.Where 12、Which ball in the case –the small one ( )big one? The small one. A.and B.of C.or D.on 13、( )me that ball,please? Which one. A.Give B.Put C.meet D .want 14、Is ( ) an orange in the bowl? Yes,there is. A.where B.there C. here D.near 15、( )them ( )the washing 1



1A-U n i t3E x e r c i s e s1Ⅰ.选择 ()1.____ is the man with a black coat He is my father. A.Who B. B.Which C. C.Whose ()2.Who’s that woman _______ the white umbrella. A.on B.an C.with ()3.Look ____ that young man. Who is he? A.At B.with C.in () 4. Are you a teacher? A.Yes, I am not B. No, I am C.Yes, I am Ⅱ.对划线部分提问 1.The boy’s bicycle is red. 2.The woman with an umbrella is my teacher. 3. Ⅲ.补全对话 1.A: Who is that woman? 2. B: Which __________ A: The woman _____ the yellow bicycle. B: The _______ on the ______ Oh, that’s Annie. 3.A: Look at that young man. _____ is he? 4. B: Which young man? A: The young man _____ that old car.

B: Oh, that’s Paul. Paul is Lucy’s cousin.Ⅳ.根据首个字母提示补全单词完成句子 1.Who is that w____ 2. She is my m_____ 3.The m_____ on the bicycle is y_____ 4. 5.Paul is my ne_____. Ⅴ.连词成句 1.The in old that man young car 2.man which young


新概念英语1 完形填空和阅读理解 Look at the picture. There is a family in this__1_ .This man is the father .He is a _2__in a factory. That woman is the_3___ .She is a teacher. She teachers in a__4_ .The girl is the daughter. She is very pretty. She is a__5__ in a school .She studies hard .They are happy. ( )1.A.picture B. house C. room D. photo ( )2.A. doctor B. student C. teacher D. worker ( )3.A. mother B. daughter C. niece D. student ( )4.A. hospital B. home C. school D. house ( )5.A. teacher B. doctor C. worker D. student There are many things on the desk. There is a pen, a pencil, a schoolbag and an umbrella. This pen is Tom`s .That pencil is Xiao Hong`s .The schoolbag is beautiful but it is not my schoolbag. It is Mary`s schoolbag. That umbrella is mine .It is very useful on a rainy day. 根据短文内容回答问题 1.What is on the desk? 2.Whose schoolbag is it? 3.Whose pen is it? 4.Whose pencil is it? 5.Whose umbrella is that? I am Jun Li. I am Chinese. I am in Grade Three. This is Ming Zhang. And this is Nan Li .They are students, too. They are my classmates. We are all good students. That is Mr.Wang. He is an old Chinese teachers. That is Miss. Ann. She is an English teacher. Miss.Ann is young. They are both our good teachers. 根据短文内容,判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” ( )1.Jun Li ,Ming Zhang and Nan Li are all in the same class. ( )2.Jun Li, Ming Zhang are good students. Nan .Li is not. ( )3.Mr. Wang is a teacher of English. ( )4.Miss. Ann teaches us Chinese. ( )5.Mr. Wang is old, but Miss. Ann is young. Come and look at the picture .It is a picture of an American family. The man in the hat is Mr. Smith .He is a teacher. He teaches English in a middle school in China. You can see Mrs. Smith, too. She is Mary Smith. She is from Canada. She is also a teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have three children. Peter, Helen and Dan. Peter is fifteen. Helen is thirteen and Dan is ten. They are at Mr.and Mrs.Smith`s school. 根据短文内容,判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” ( )1.Peter`s father in the picture ( )2. Mary`s father is Canadian and her mother is American. ( )3. Mrs. Smith is a teacher ,too. ( )4.Peter, Helen and Dan and their father and mother are in the same school. ( )5Their school is in Canada. Hello, I am Tom. I study in a junior school. I have three men teachers. They are Mr. Carter. Mr. Green and Mr Black .Mr. Carter is a new teacher. He comes from the UK and teaches us math. His class is so funny that we all like him very much. Mr. Green is our art teacher. He is strict but he is so smart. He is our English teacher. He speaks well. They are all nice. We all like them.


阅读理解(二十三) Today was Macdonalds’ Tree Planting Day. I went to the park with my parents. At about ten o’clock the manager of Macdonalds’ made a speech. Then we started to plant trees. We needn’t to dig holes because the people in the park dug them before. We just put the young trees into the holes. My father filled the holes with me. My mother carried water for the young trees. We were so tired when we finished the work. All of us hope the trees will grow well. I hope I can plant trees next year. ( ) 1. Today was Macdonalds’ Tree Planting Day. ( ) 2. At about nine o’clock the manager of Macdonalds’ made a speech. ( ) 3. First we dug holes. ( ) 4. My mother filled the holes with me. My father carried water for the young trees. ( ) 5. All of us were very tired and happy. 阅读理解(二十四) Mike is going to have a picnic with his best friends this Sunday. He is going to invite Sally, Yongxian, Jiamin, Ben and Janet to come. He is getting ready for it. He is going to buy some sandwiches, hamburgers, coke and orange juice. He'll ask his friends to have the picnic on Maofeng Hill. Maofeng Hill is a big park in Guangzhou. They can get there by bus. Mike is going to meet his friends at the bus station in Guangwei Road at eight thirty. ( ) (1) Mike is going to have a party this Saturday. ( ) (2) Mike will invite his best friends to have a picnic. ( ) (3) Mike is getting ready for the picnic. ( ) (4) Mike is going to buy some food and drinks. ( ) (5) Mike is going to meet his friends at the bus station in Guangwei Road at half past nine


The shortest way to do many things is 青少版新概念1A 1-6单元测试题 一.词汇 A.写出下列句子中的缩写形式 1.A:Is this your sister? B:No, she __________(is not). 2.A:__________(what is) your name? B: My name is Jerry. 3.A:Who's that? B:__________ (that is) my father. 4.A:What's this in English? B:__________(it is) a baseball. 5.A:Are those her rulers? B: No, they __________(are not). 6.A:Where are my books? B:__________(they are) under the desk. 7.A:What's that in English, Vitor? B: Sorry, I _______(do not) know. 8.A:________(who is) your sister? B:I don't have a sister. 9.A:__________(I am) Bill. B: What's your name? 10.__________(let us)go home. B.词汇 根据题中所给出的提示母填写单词: 1.My mother's brother is my un 2.They ar my sisters. 3.These boys are my fr . 4.A: Wh is my pen?B: It’s in my schoolbag. 5.Jenny is my good si_____________. 6.His fa________is a teacher. 7.Is the boy your br__________?8.Jane and Jenny are twins(双胞胎),so they wear(穿着) the same(同样的) coa__________. 9.Please take the two _________(watch/watches/watchs) to the room. 10.Where ____________(is/are/am) my new pencil. 二.根据上下文,用合适的介词( in , on)填空。 1. A: Where’s the bag? Is it _____ the chair?B:No, it isn’t. It is on the table.


新概念英语青少版入门级A 册综合测试卷姓名___________ A.圈出你听到的单词(13分) 1.anorak 2.dad 3.brother 4.cap 5.dancer 6.eight 7.family 8.queen 9.jelly 10.monkey 11.salad 12.shirt 13.robot 14.sister 15.postman 16.sausage 17.kite 18.zebra 19.short B.听写单词(10分) 蓝色 __________ 小猫__________ 果冻_________ 女孩_______ 腿________五________ 汉堡包_______ 昆虫___________ 熊猫__________ 兔子__________风筝________ 橙子___________ 黄色_____________ 衬衫________ 王后_______窗户_______ 舞者________衬衫_______动物____________ 一 ________ 二_________ 三________ 四_________ 五________妈妈__________国王___________ 六_________ 七________ 八________ 九_________ 十________看_________狗___________ D.写缩写形式(10分)例:They are happy. They’re happy. 1、You are six. _____________________ 2、He is tall. _____________________ 3、She is not tall. ___________________ 4、They are not red._________________ 5、He is not fat._____________________ 6、I am happy______________________ F.回答问题(10分) 1、What’s your name? ________________ 2、How old are you? ____________________ 3、Are you ten? _______________ 4、What colour is your pencil-case? _________________ 5、Are you tall? ______________ E.翻译句子(10分) Is it an apple? ______________________ What’s your name? ________________________ This is my book._______________________That isn’t my pen. _________________________ How old are you? ______________________She’s tall.________________________________ He’s a teacher._______________________She isn’t a doctor.___________________________ It’s a dog. _________________________This is his rabbit.____________________________ F.填空(11分) That’s _________(她的) sister. That’s _________(我的) mum. This is


Step 1 阅读短文 Good morning, class. Sit down, please. My name is Yang Hui. I'm your English teacher. I'm fine.1 This is Tom Green. Tom Green is new(新来的). Step 2 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 1. Tom Green is your English teacher. 2. Yang Hui is an English teacher. 3. Tom Green is Chinese(中国人). 4. This is an afternoon class. 5. Miss Yang is not fine. Step 1 阅读对话 Are you a New Student? S: Good morning, Miss Hu. T: Good morning. Are you a new student? S: Yes, I am. T: What's your name, please? S: My name is Li Dong. T: Li Dong? Who's Li ming? S: He's my brother.

T: How old are you? S: I'm twelve. How are you, Miss Hu? T: I'm fine, thank you. And you? S: I'm fine, too. Excuse me, is this Class Three, Grade One? T: No, that is. S: Thank you. Goodbye. T: Goodbye. Step 2 根据对话内容,在每个空白处填写一个适当的词(词首字母已给出)。 1. Li Dong is a s . 2. Li Dong knows Miss H . 3. Li Dong is Li Ming's b . 4. Li Dong is t . 5. Li Dong in Class T . Step 1 阅读对话 We're All Friends Jim: How do you do? Ann: How do you do? Jim: I'm Jim Hyde. What's your name, please?


青少版新概念A阅读理 解 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

Unit 1 Meet my family 根据短文内容判断正T误F: My name is David. This is my family. Rose is my wife. That is Philip. Philip is my son. That is Susan. Susan is my daughter . And this is Victor. Victor is my nephew. That is my mobile. That is Rose`s coat. That isn`t her bag. Whose is it ? It is Philip`s. And that is Victor`s pen. Is that pencil Victor`s ? No, it isn`t. It is Susan`s pencil. Oh, that is my friend,Mr. Chen. He is a teacher. We are happy. ( )1. Mr. Chen is a teacher. ( ) 2. Rose is Mr. Chen`s wife. ( ) 3.That mobile is David`s. ( ) 4. That pen is Victor`s. ( ) 5.Susan is Rose`s daughter. Unit 2 What is it? 根据短文内容判断正T误F: I `m Zhang Jie. I like white. My coat is white,my shirt is white and my umbrella is white,too. Oh,what is this? It is not white! It is silver. It is a key. That is a brown hat. Whose is it ? It is not my hat. It is LiLi`s hat. LiLi is my wife! She likes brown. We have a son. He likes green. This is his green ruler. That is his green bicycle. Whose is that green bag? Right! It is my son`s. ( ) 1.Zhang Jie is the mother`s name.


I. 读一读,选出划线部分和其他三个单词不一样的,把序号写在括号里。(5%) ()1. A . fun B. fair C. five D. river ()2. A . watch B. well C. woman D. who ()3. A . name B. knife C. hungry D. spoon ()4. A . dear B. fair C. there D. careful ()5. A . poor B. cure C. sure D. jury II. 根据提示写出正确的单词。(10%) 1.Can you _________ it (相信) 2.Put some water in the pan and pass me some ______. (大米) 3.There isn’t any _________(茶) in the cup. 4.Which is the ________ (第一) month of the year January. 5.Many _____ ___(赛跑选手) are from America. 6.In _____ (春天),It’s always warm and fine. 7.Poor William, he _______(看起来)miserable! 8.This book is _ ________(令人厌烦的). 9.I feel sick. I have a _____________(流感)。 10.Don’t _______(担心)about it! I will help you! III. 单项选择。(15%) ()1. Are there ________ ships on the river Yes, there are some. A. some B. lot C. any ()2. I’m _________music. How about you I’m not good at it. A. good B. good at C. useless D. well ()3. I need some rice. Can you pass ___________ A. my them B. me they C. I they D. me them ()4. Welcome to my home. ______________ A. Help yourself! B. Nonsense! C. Sorry! D. I know!()5. ____________________ I can’t find my book. A. How are you B. What do you mean C. Are you sure D. What’s the problem ()6. ______________ milk do you want Just a small glass, please! A. How many B. How much C. How big D. How long ()7. Robert! Would you like to tell me ______ your sister, Lucy A. in B. at C. about D. with ()8. I can’t find my cat. I’m _____________ it. A. look for B. look at C. looking for D. I know! ()9. Annie __________ a lot of friends. A. have got B. there are C. has got D. there is ()exam is coming. They are all _________their studies. A. compete with B. busy with C. look for D. wait for ()here. I’ll ________ a new teacher to you. A. introduce B. show C. need D. hate ()12. _______ you ________ fish, Claire Yes. A. Are … you B. do…you C. Do…you D. are…you ()13. It’s nine o’clock. I _______ go now.
