

雅思写作Task 1图表小作文



图表通常分为两大类。一类是数据图,包括曲线图(graph/ line chart),柱状图(bar chart/ column chart),饼状图(pie chart)和表格(table)。

另一类是示意图/流程图(diagram/flow chart)。目前在雅思考试中主要出现的是数据图。


词汇语法:词汇准确多样,不能重复those who work in = people working in = the employee in





审题包括审读题目要求或说明以及查看图表及其注解。题目的文字部分一般提供了有关这个图表的最基本信息,如所涉及的背景、研究的对象、时间和地点。对于图表部分,我们需要仔细考察,查看纵横轴等,找出值得描述的主要规律和特征、关键点( 最高,最低值,中间值、相似类的)、总体趋势(overall trends)和不规则变化(irregularities 上升,下降,持平的)。






1)上升/ 下降(用变化动词)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The graph below compares the number of visits to two new music sites on the web. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words. model answer: The graph shows people using new music places on the Internet in fifteen days period of time namely personal choice and trendy pop music. The overall trend shows fluctuation with slight Increased towards the end of the period. Starting with Music Choice websites; 40,000 poeple went on this new site on first-day. Half of them backed out the next day. In Contrast to this Pop Parade net sites were visited by 120,000 music lovers on day one which decreased slightly on the next day thereafter regaining the same fame on 3rd day. After 3rd day the enthusiasm for both music lines on Internet dropped slowly- reaching maximum fall of 40,000 on 7th day. Whereas Music choice gained popularity, slightly Improoving to get the original strength of 30,000 viewers on screen, but was getting still less visiters than their opponent Pop group i.e. 40,000 on day 7. In the biegining of the next week both gained remarkable recovery after a few fluctuations for

历年雅思A类TASK2作文真题 Task1: Graph about fossil fuels worldwide, coal, oil and natural gas. Task2: Some people said should not encourage sport at school because it will cause competition rather that co-operation. To what extend you agree with it? Version 88 2002.7.24 英国阿伯丁2002.8.3 中国 TASK1 说澳大利亚1991 年男女分别获得证书的比例有SKILLEDUNDERGRADUATEPOSTGRADUATE..... TASK2 说政府是否应该限制艺术家门的IDEAS Creative artists always want to express their idea in what they own ways freely, if the government needs no restriction on what they want? Version 89 2002.7.20 新加坡2002.8.10 中国2002.8.24 新西兰的奥克兰6 一个pie 图2. about 世界能源分类**比solid fuels 44%,nuclear power20%, gas, water, other renewable 另一个柱图3. 不4. 是水平的5. 是由上至下6. about in 1997, European 8 个countries production of nuclear

雅思写作Task1曲线图考官范文(5) 本文为大家收集整理了雅思写作Task1曲线图考官范文(5)。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 The chart and graph below give information about sales and share prices for Coca-Cola. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. Sample Answer: The given pie chart and line graphs show the data on sales volume and share price of Coca-Cola. As is given in the illustration, in the year 2000, Coca-Cola was sold most in America where it had more than 55% sales volume. The share price of Coca-Cola was highest in 1998 and reached to around 55 in 2001 with some fluctuation.

As is presented in the pie chart, in 2000, Coca-Cola had more than 55% sales in Latin and North America. In Europe it had more than 20% sales volume, in Asia 16.45% and in Africa it had 7% sales volume. This indicates that American continent has the largest market for Coca-Cola while this market is least in African Continent. Again, the share price of Coca-Cola was only $ 33 in 1996 and this price increased to $ 68 in 1997. The price reached to the highest in 1998 when it was $ 80 per share. The price then started dropping and with some fluctuations it reached it around $ 60 in 2001. In summary, the American Continent was the largest market for Coca-Cola in 2000 and the average share price of it is $60 though this price varies year to year. (Approximately 202 words)

2017 年雅思写作真经(1-10 月) 2017年1月7日写作真题 Task 1流程图 Task 2教育类 Art classes,like painting and drawing are as important as other subject, should be compulsory subject in high school. To what exta nt do you agree or disagree? 卯

2017年1月12日写作真题 Task 1柱状图 The chart shows the number of international applications from four different countries to a Europea n coun try. Task 2环境类 Vehicle free day means the private cars, trucks and motocycles are banned in city cen tres. Only the bus, bicycles and taxis are permitted in the city cen ter. Do you thi nk the ben efits outweigh the disadva ntages?

2017年1月12日写作真题 Task 1表格题 The Table bekw shows the income 日n亡expenditure of Harckley Hafl r a pubic place fcr hirng over the period of three years. Task 2社会类 Somebody thinks job satisfact ion is more importa nt tha n job security, while others hold the opposite

汇总推荐:2008年雅思写作Task 2真题 (1)2008.01.10 Some people think children’s spending time on TV, video and PC games is good, while others think it is bad. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2)2008.01.12 Some people think that criminals should be given longer terms in prison, so as to reduce crime rate. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (3)2008.01.19 Some think the traditional thoughts of old people are out of date. Some believe they are still of some value. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinions? (4)2008.01.26 Unemployment is getting increasingly serious in many countries. Some people think students only need to get primary education, while others think secondary education is necessary. What’s your opinion? (5)2008.02.02 Some people think people can exploit animals for any purpose they need, while others do not think so. What is your opinion? (6)2008.02.14 An increasing number of people choose to live in big cities. What problems will this bring about? Should the government encourage people to live in small towns? (7)2008.02.16 An American film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious.” Some people think individuals and society should pay more attention to the future than to the present. Do you agree or disagree?


雅思图表作文TASK1精讲精练 A理论部分: 雅思小作文概论 1、文章结构:主要分三部分:i。introductory sentence;ii。body paragraph;iii。Concluding sentence 具体讲:第一段introductory sentence只要写一句话,交待图形(如the line graph, pie chart等等),描述对象(如图表描述的是the number of tourists visiting England),地点(如the US, the UK等)以及时间(如between 1988 and 1997等等);另外要注意的就是第一段不能和图表上方已给的句子太过相似!否则,会失分的! 第二部分一般写1~3段,这要视情况而定。这部分主要就是对比不同的数据,如相似或相同的数据;某个数据是另一个数据的2倍;某个数据所占比例最大或最小等等。 最后一段concluding sentence也只要写一句话,

主要是总结图表的整个趋势。 2。文章的效果。很多学生会发现小作文的例文特别简单(特别是剑桥书里提供的)。原因很简单,这个report的目的就是要让university lecturer了解某个事物的发展趋势,因此写出来的文章必须结构清晰、易懂,绝对不能太复杂,也不要把每个数据都描写出来,只要描写有代表性的,重要的数据即可。 以下为雅思小作文的四个基本步骤 第一步:改写题目 经过同义词转换在短短的1分钟内就写好作文的第一段。 举例:The graph below shows the percentage of people unable to find work in three major countries from 1983 to 1992. 题目中划线的单词都能够进行同义转换: graph—figure, show—illustrate, percentage—proportion, major—key, from…to…—between…and…, 第二步:分析时态

2020.1.11some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think that it provides more business opportunities. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 2020114In some countries, some criminal trials are shown on television and the general public can watch them. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 2019年12月14日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Today in many countries people are living in a “throwaway” society, where things are used for a short time and then thrown away. What do you think are the causes and what problems will it lead to? 2019年12月12日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Many young people in the workforce today change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons? Do the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages? 2019年12月7日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Nowadays some older people choose to live in the retirement communities with other people, rather than living with their adult children. Is it a positive or negative development? 2019年11月30日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for instance, clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年11月23日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 In modern age, some people think it is unnecessary to teach children the skill of handwriting, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年11月16日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Although the family have a powerful influence on children 's life,the influence outside from home is a bigger part for his/her development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年11月7日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 In some cultures old age is highly valued, while in other cultures youth is highly valued. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 2019年11月2日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 The world of work is changing rapidly. Working conditions today are not the same as before and people no longer rely on taking one job for life. Discuss the possible causes for this change and give your suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the future? 2019年10月26日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2 Some people think that private companies and individuals, not the government, should pay to clear up the pollution they produced. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年10月19日雅思写作练习题目雅思大作文TASK2

雅思写作Task1数据类图表 之六种常见变化趋势分析 雅思写作考试分为Task1和Task2两个部分,其中Task1这个部分主要考察考生对各种图表的主要特征和情况的客观概述能力。这些图表主要分成两种类型:数据类和图画类。其中数据类图表(线形图、饼状图、柱状图、表格)是出现频率相对较高的一种类型,因此也就是Task1的考察重点。这种图表表现形式多样,尤其是数据类型及变化繁杂,常常让考生望图生畏。针对这一难题,本文中,留学无忧的老师将总结数据类图表中常见的六种数据变化的趋势,帮助广大考生拨开迷雾。 一、上升/增长 上图描绘了英国本地固话、国内及国际固话和移动通讯的通话时长从1995年到2002年的变化情况。观察其中“National and International-fixed line”即国内及国际固话通话时长从1995年至2002年的变化,发现其数据整体呈现稳步增长这一趋势,虽然在最后两年其增长幅度明显放缓: National and international fixed line calls grew steadily from1995to2002, though the growth slowed over the last two years.

除了例句中的grew(grow v.)表示增长,还有increase/climb/ascend/rise/mount/ go up等表达。在表达增长幅度放缓时用到了“稳步地”、“缓慢地”这一类副词,除了steadily,还有gradually,slowly,mildly,moderately等。 二、下降/减少 上图描绘了从1979年到2004年鱼肉、羊肉、牛肉和鸡肉的消耗情况。观察其中“Beef”、“Lamb”的销量变化,即从1979年至2004年它们数值的变化,发现其数据整体都呈现急剧下降这一趋势: Between1979and2004,the consumption of beef and lamb fell dramatically. 除了例句中的fell(fall v.)表示下降,还有decrease/go down/drop/fall/descend/ decline等表达。在表达急剧下降时用到了“急剧地”这一类副词,除了dramatically,还有drastically/steeply等。当然这种情况也可以用到“显著地”这类副词,有considerably/ significantly/remarkably/markedly/notably/noticeably等。 三、持平/不变

英语考试作文 26日雅思写作task2真题范文 雅思写作话题Full-time university students should spend a lot of time in studying, but it is essential to be involved in other activities.To what extend do you agree or disagree? 参考范文: Students are facing more pressure than before. They are expected to devote more time to study and to show better professional competence after they graduate.Some cannot help wondering whether they should spend less time on otheractivities. Good academic performance, one of the criteria for measuring one’s competence in career, is the result of years of unremitting effort. Given the fierce competitions that students will face as job seekers and the importance of academic knowledge,students ought to give priority to study. Only when managers are good at economics can they interpret

雅思写作Task1曲线图考官范文(1) 这是一篇雅思写作Task1曲线图考官范文。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 The graphs below show the numbers of male and female workers in 1975 and 1995 in several employment sectors of the republic of Freedonia. Write a report for a university teacher describing the information shown.

Sample Answer: The provided line graphs compare the employment history of men and women in 1975 and 1995 dividing in six major sectors namely: manufacturing, communications, finance/ banking, wholesale & retail trade, non-defence public sectors and defence public sectors. As is observed from the given illustration, significant changes have been made in women's employment and women appear to have made remarkable improvements in almost the entire job sectors in Freedonia and in some sectors women went well ahead of men. Initially in 1975, men were notably ahead of women in every sector of employment. For example, in communication sector about 260 men worked against 220 women in every thousand employees. Twenty years later, though the number of men remained unchanged, the number of women rose to over 550 in one thousand. A similar trend can be seen in the wholesale and retail trade sector, where the number of women rose from about 550 to almost 800 in every 1000 employees of this sector two decades later. The number of men in this sector remained stable over the period, at around 700 / thousand.

Task2 真题列表 C5T1 Universities should accept equal number of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree? C5T2 In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. C5T3 Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. C5T4 Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life. Which d o you consider to be the major influence? C6T1 Today, high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Task 1 Writing band descriptors (public version) Band Task Achievement Coherence and Cohesion Lexical Resource Grammatical Range and Accuracy 9 fully satisfies all the requirements of the task clearly presents a fully developed response uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention skilfully manages paragraphing uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’ uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’ 8 covers all requirements of the task sufficiently presents, highlights and illustrates key features / bullet points clearly and appropriately sequences information and ideas logically manages all aspects of cohesion well uses paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly to convey precise meanings skilfully uses uncommon lexical items but there may be occasional inaccuracies in word choice and collocation produces rare errors in spelling and/or word formation uses a wide range of structures the majority of sentences are error-free makes only very occasional errors or inappropriacies 7 covers the requirements of the task (Academic) presents a clear overview of main trends, differences or stages (General Training) presents a clear purpose, with the tone consistent and appropriate clearly presents and highlights key features / bullet points but could be more fully extended logically organises information and ideas; there is clear progression throughout uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately although there may be some under-/over-use uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and/or word formation uses a variety of complex structures produces frequent error-free sentences has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors 6 addresses the requirements of the task (Academic) presents an overview with information appropriately selected (General Training) presents a purpose that is generally clear; there may be inconsistencies in tone presents and adequately highlights key features / bullet points but details may be irrelevant, inappropriate or inaccurate arranges information and ideas coherently and there is a clear overall progression uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical may not always use referencing clearly or appropriately uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but they do not impede communication uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication

Writing task one: single line graph You will be given a graph with a single line. Your task is to write a 150 word report to describe the information given in the graph. You are not asked to give your opinion. You should spend around twenty minutes on the task. Task one is not worth as many marks as task two and so you should make sure that you keep within the recommended twenty minute time frame. What is being tested is your ability to: ?objectively describe the information given to you ?report on a topic without the use of opinion ?use suitable language to describe the graph Sample task You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph below. Write at least 150 words. When you’ve f inished the task How good is your answer? Check the guidelines bellow and read the sample answer. Guidelines for a good answer Does the report have a suitable structure? ?Does it have an introduction, body and conclusion? ?Does it include connective words to make the writing cohesive within sentences and paragraphs? Does the report use suitable grammar and vocabulary? ?Does it include a variety of sentence structures? ?Does it include a range of appropriate vocabulary? Does the report meet the requirements of the task? ?Does it meet the word limit requirements? ?Does it describe the whole graph adequately? ?Does it focus on the important trends presented in the graphic information? Sample answer The graph shows the number of cases of X disease in Someland between the years 1960 and 1995. As an overall trend, it is clear that the number of cases of the disease increased fairly rapidly until the mid seventies, remained constant for around a decade at 500 cases before dropping to zero in the late 80s.

雅思作文Task 2真题思路”■教育 教育学点啥? 060318 061014 070707 070113 071208 080522 080605 1.Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students how to judge right and wrong and how to behave well. Some say that teachers should only teach students about academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (060318) 翻译:学做人vs学做事 有些人认为老师应当负责教给学生如何判断对错和如何行为得体;有些人说老师应当只教给学生学术科目,讨论两个观点给岀你的意见。 抛砖:(题目比较抽象,论证时要具体化) 有些人觉得老师应当只关注(focus on)学术科目,这是老师的基木职责(fundamental responsibility),比如幼儿园(nurseryschool)和小学的识字、算术、美术、音乐、体育;屮学的外语、物理、化学、自然、生物、历史、地理;大学的各种专业知识(specialist knowledge)。但学生和老师相处时间长,除了学习学术科目,在为人处世方面也会潜移默化(unconsciously)地受老师影响(in flue nee)。 所以,我认为老师也有责任教学生如何判断对错和行为得体,比如守吋(punctual) 是好习惯,而浪费是坏习惯;应当重视家庭,尊重长辈;应当相信工作,相信人,相信神(believe the God,西方人常见世界观之一)。这些做人方面的内容(How to be a qualified citizen)对学生在未来职业的帮助甚至超过专业知识。虽然孩子们也能从家长处或媒体上学到相关内容,但老师通常是主体。 教师不仅应关注学术科目,还有责任教学生判断对错和行为得体。 2.Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to teach children to be a good citizen or worker rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (061014) 翻译:教孩子如何做好公民而不是对孩子有益 有些人人为学校的主要目的是教学生做一个好市民或好工人而不是对学生个体有益,你在多大程度上同意或反对? 抛砖:(又是个抽象话题) 学校目的是教学生做个好市民或好工人,这是从政府的角度考虑问题(Viewed from government aspect),比如英国中学里的确有一门citizenship课,讲的就是如何做一个好公民,比如应诚实守信,勤奋努力,遵守法律,为国家做贡献,也算是一种“愚民政策” O 学校目的是对学生个体有益,这是从个体教育消费的角度考虑问题(Viewed from individual aspect)。学生接受教育,学会基本的数学和读写技能,掌握通才知识(General knowledge like history)和专才知识(Specialist knowledge like law and accounting),为未来的事业发展铺路,live a decent life. In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects; in others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For
