张奎武《英美概况》笔记及习题 美国(主要城市)【圣才出品】

张奎武《英美概况》笔记及习题   美国(主要城市)【圣才出品】
张奎武《英美概况》笔记及习题   美国(主要城市)【圣才出品】


5.1 复习笔记

I. Washington D.C.

II. New York City

III. Chicago

IV. Los Angeles

V. Philadelphia

VI. Detroit

VII. Houston

VIII. San Francisco

IX. Boston

XI. St. Louis

I. Washington D.C. (华盛顿)

1. Washington, the capital of the United States, is in Washington D.C.


2. The city itself was named Washington after George Washington, the first president of the U.S.A. Thomas Jefferson was the first president inaugurated there.



3. Washington is the headquarters of all the branches of the American federal system: Congress, the Supreme Court and the Presidency.


4. places of interest (名胜)

①Capitol Hill (美国国会)

Capitol Hill is the seat of the U.S. government in Washington D.C. Congress Hall is open every Tuesday and Friday to visitors.


②White House (白宫)

The White House is the official presidential residence, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C. It is the oldest public building in the city and was originally painted grey.


③The National Mall (国家广场)

Between Constitution Avenue and Independence Avenue is the National Mall. Washington Monument stands in the middle of the mall.


④The National Air and Space Museum (国家航空航天博物馆)

The Museum was opened in 1976. More than 9 million people visit the Museum annually, making it the most popular museum in the world.


⑤The Lincoln Memorial (林肯纪念堂)

The Memorial honors the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. The memorial chamber contains three commemorative features—a colossal seated statue of Lincoln and two huge inscribed stone tablets.


II. New York City (纽约)

1. New York City, located in New York State, is the largest city and the chief port of the United States. The city has five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queen’s, Brooklyn and Richmond.


2. New York City is often called “The Big Apple”.


3. places of interest (名胜)

①The Statue of Liberty (自由女神像)

The Statue of Liberty stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. It is National Monument which was presented to the U.S. by France.


②Wall Street (华尔街)

Wall Street is the symbol of American monopoly capitalism. The world famous New York Stock Exchange is across the street.


③World Trade Center (世界贸易中心)

World Trade Center is the tallest building in the U.S. and the world. It is comprised of two buildings, twin structures, each rising 110 stories above the city’s streets.


④Broadway (百老汇)

Broadway is an avenue in Manhattan, a symbol of the New York theatre. The intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue is Time Square, which is theatrical center of the city.


⑤Rockefeller Center (洛克菲勒中心)

West of Fifth Ave, it is the world’s largest privately-owned business and entertainment complex. There is an excellent view from the Observation Roof of the850ft RCA building.

位于第五大道西部,洛克菲勒中心是世界上最大的私人商业和娱乐中心。在850RCA 建筑的观察层,可以欣赏到美丽的风景。

⑥Guggenheim Museum (古根海姆博物馆)

This famous museum is at Fifth Ave. It specializes in modern painting, sculpture and graphic arts.


⑦Metropolitan Museum of Art (大都会艺术博物馆)

It is one of the world’s leading art museums, and the largest in the Western Hemisphere.


⑧Bronx Zoo (布朗克斯动物园)

Bronx Zoo occupies the southwestern portion of Bronx Park. There are more than 2000 birds, mammals and reptiles of 1100 species.


⑨Greenwich Village (格林威治村)

Greenwich Village is rich in history. Its most famous landmark is Washington Arch in Washington Square and it was built in 1893.


⑩Chinatown (唐人街)

It has been the center of New York’s large Chinese community for more than 100 years with many interesting shops and fine restaurants.


?The United Nations Headquarters (联合国总部)

The most striking view may be the towering flag poles from which fly the flags of the member states arranged in alphabetical order. United Nations Day is celebrated each year on 24 October.


III. Chicago (芝加哥)

Chicago is the second largest city in population in the United States. The city is now the largest industrial city in the country. The working class in Chicago has a glorious revolutionary tradition.


IV. Los Angeles (洛杉矶)

1. Los Angeles is situated near the Pacific coast in California. It is an important center of shipping, industry and communication.

2. California is a leading state in the production of electronic products and the area of Los Angeles has grown into an important electronic center.

1. 洛杉矶位于加利福尼亚州太平洋海岸。它是重要的渔业,工业和通讯业中心。

2. 加利福尼亚州是电子产品的主要产地,洛杉矶已经发展成为重要的电子中心。


第17单元20世纪美国诗人(1) I.Fill in the blanks. 1.Author_____Title_____(南京大学2007研) The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet,black bough. 【答案】Author:Ezra Pound;Title:“In a Station of the Metro” 【解析】题目节选自庞德的《在一个地铁车站》,该诗是以一个意象作为叙述语言的典型范例。 2.Ezra Pound’s lifelong endeavor had been devoted to the writing of_____,which contains_____poems.(国际关系学院2007研) 【答案】The Cantos;117 【解析】庞德把毕生精力都投入到写作《诗章》当中,《诗章》共包括117首诗。 3.Pound was the leader of a new movement in poetry which he called the“_____”movement. 【答案】imagism 【解析】庞德是意象主义运动的领军人物。 4._____was successful in two fields of activity which did not seem compatible with

one another:he was a very successful businessman and a very remarkable contemporary poet at the same time.(人大2006研) 【答案】Wallace Stevens 【解析】华莱士·史蒂文斯(Wallace Stevens)是美国20世纪的著名诗人。他集企业家和诗人于一身。 5.Winner of the National Book Award in1950and the Pulitzer Prize in1963,______ is the author of the five-volume epic Paterson which is a lucid statement of the author’s aesthetics. 【答案】William Carlos Williams 【解析】威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯的代表作是《佩特森》,它清晰地表达了诗人的美学观点。 6.At the age of44,Wallace Stevens was finally persuaded to publish a book of poems,entitled_____. 【答案】Harmonium 【解析】1923年,44岁的华莱士-史蒂文斯出版了他的第一部诗集《风琴》(Harmonium)。 7.After his death,Wallace Stevens’s previously uncollected works appeared under the title_____. 【答案】Opus Posthumous 【解析】华莱士·史蒂文斯死后,其之前未收集的诗作集合成册于1957年发表,名为《遗作》(Opus Posthumous)。


美国文学笔记 I. Colonial Period(殖民地时期)(约1607-1765) II. The Revolutionary period(革命时期) :( 1765-18世纪末)Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790) III.The Romantic period (浪漫主义时期): (1800-1865)Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849) Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) Henry Daivd Thoreau (1817-1862) Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) Herman Melville (1819-1891) Walt Whitman (1819~1892) Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) IV.The Realism and Naturalism(现实主义和自然主义) : (1865-1918) Mark Twain (1835-1910) Henry James (1843-1916) Stephen Crane (1881-1900) V. The Modern period (现代主义时期): 1918-1945 F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) William Faulkner (1897-1962) Ernest Hemingway (1899—1961) Ezra Pound (1885—1972) Robert Frost(1847-1963) Eugene O’ Neil (1888-1953) VI. Contemporary literature(当代文学):(1945- ) I. Colonial Period(殖民地时期)(约1607-1765) II. The Revolutionary period(革命时期): (1765-18世纪末)Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790): 1. Summary: One of the greatest founding fathers of the American Nation First great self-made man in America


Chapter 3 The Romantic Period-the English Literature A basic introduction to the romantic period. 1) Began in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge's Lyrical Ballads and to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott's death and the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliament. 2) what are the characxteristics of the Romantic literature? A) In poetry writing, the Romantics employed new theories and innovated new techniques, for example, the preface to the second edition of the "Lyrical Ballads"acts as a manifesto for the new school B)The Romantics not only extol the faculty of Ballads acts as a manifesto for the new school. B) The Romantics not only extol the faculty of imagination, but also elevate the concepts of spontaneity and inspiration. C) They regarded nature as the major source of poetic imagery and the dominant subject. D) Romantics also tend to be nationalistic. 3) The Romantic period is an age of poetry. Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, shelley and Keats are the major Romantic poets. They started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regarded as the poetic revolution. 4) We can say that Romanticism actually consitutes a change of direction from attention to the outer 1) Literarily Blake was the first important Romantic poet , shwoing a contempt for the rule of reason,i th l i l t diti f th 18th t d t i th i di id l'i i ti )y y g world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit. In essence it designates a literary and philosophical theory which tends to see the individual as the very center of all life and all experience.William Blake opposing the classical tradition of the 18th century, and treasuring the individual's imagination.2) The Songs of Innocence is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a happy and innocent world, though not without its evils and sufferings; his Songs of Experience paints a different world, a world of misery,poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone . 3) particularly the practice of selling young children into apprenticeships, a practice which provides the context for the opening lines of the "Chimney Sweeper." The two "Chimney Sweeper" poems are good examples to reveal the relation between an economic circumstance,i.e.the exploitation of child labor,examples to reveal the relation between an economic circumstance, i.e. the exploitation of child labor,and an ideological cir cumstance, i.e. the role played by religion in making people compliant to exploitation. The poem from the Songs of Innocence indicates the conditions which make religion a consolation, a prospect of "illusory happiness;" the poem from the Songs of Experience reveals the true nature of religion which helps bring misery to the poor children. 4) Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell marks his entry into maturity(天堂与地狱的结合一诗标志着他创作上的成熟). 5) The Bok of Urizen, The Book of Los, The Four Zoas, and Milton (尤来森之书,洛斯之书,四个左义斯,弥尔顿)。 The Tyger The Chimney Sweeper ( from Songs of Innocence/Experien ce)


英美概况练习题 一、将下列汉语单词译成英语,作为提示,每个词、词类和第一个字母以及用短线表示,其余字母数,已给出。 1、饲养v.f________ 2.英勇的a.g____________ 3.普遍的 a . w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4.贸易 n .t _ _ _ _ 5.占领 v .o _ _ _ _ _ 6.城市的 a .u _ _ _ _ 7.平均 n. a _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.数量 n .q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9.装饰 v .d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.精确的 a .p _ _ _ _ _ _ 11.未来n.f_______ 12.报纸n.n__________ 13.教育v.e________ 14.预算 n .b _ _ _ _ _ 15.题目 n .t _ _ _ _ 16.刺激 v .s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17.诚实的 a .h _ _ _ _ _ 18.开关 n .s _ _ _ _ _ 19.著名的 a . f _ _ _ _ _ 20.独立的 a .i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21.混合 v .m _ _ 22.说服 v . p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23.管子 n . p _ _ _ 24.表扬 v . p _ _ _ _ _ 25.第三 num . t _ _ _ _ 二、将括号中的各词变为适当形式填入空白。答案写在答卷纸上。 1、During the war the British navy_________(play) 2.Most users don’t limit________(them)simply to E-mail. 3.In American colleges and universities,a vast array of subjects________(offer). 4. Experiments have to be made under ___________(care) controlled conditions. 5.Garage-sale items usually ___________(price) at a very small part of their original cost. 6.The part of the moon ____________(face) away from the sun appears dark. 7.He was the first to draw a map that ____________(base) on all available knowledge, rather than on guess or imagination. 8.By the time we got to the airport the plane ____________(take) off. 9.A plant that grows more than three _____________(foot) is unusual in that area. 10.In 1964, the Olympic Games in Tokyo became the first program ____________(transmit) via satellite. 11.At the same time a number of more fundamental reforms_________(enact). 12.Between 1488 and 1534 Europeans _________(make)several important voyages to esplore the world. 13. But for the traffic jam, we ___________(will, arrive) on time .


美国文学试题库 注:试题库内容仅作为学习参考使用,并不代表考试内容。任何一道题均可能变化为其它形式的试题。 1. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more_____________. A. rational B. humorous C. optimistic D. pessimistic 2.The impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American___________ . A. local colorism B. vernacularism C. modernism D. naturalism 3. ____________were idealists, believing the church should be restored to complete “purity” and dreaming that they would build the new land to an Eden on earth. A. Calvinists B. Puritans C. Romanticists D. Transcendentalists 4. All of the following are the features of Puritans EXCEPT _____. A. wanting to make pure their religious beliefs and practices


美国文学史复习(colonialism) 第一部分殖民主义时期的文学 一、时期综述 1、清教徒采用的文学体裁:a、narratives 日记b、journals 游记 2、清教徒在美国的写作内容: 1)their voyage to the new land 2) Adapting themselves to unfamiliar climates and crops 3) About dealing with Indians 4) Guide to the new land, endless bounty, invitation to bold spirit 3、清教徒的思想: 1)puritan want to make up pure their religious beliefs and practices 净化信仰和行为方式 2) Wish to restore simplicity to church and the authority of the Bible to the theology. 重建教堂,提供简单服务,建立神圣地位 3)look upon themselves as chosen people, and it follow logically that anyone who challenged their way of life is opposing God's will and is not to be accepted. 认为自己是上帝选民,对他们的生活有异议就是反对上帝 4)puritan opposition to pleasure and the arts sometimes has been exaggerated. 反对对快乐和艺术的追求到了十分荒唐的地步5)religious teaching tended to emphasize the image of a wrathful God.强调上帝严厉的一面,忽视上帝仁慈的一面。 4、典型的清教徒:John Cotton & Roger William 他们的不同:John Cotton was much more concerned with authority than with democracy; William begins the history of religious toleration in America. 5、William的宗教观点:Toleration did not stem from a lack of religious convictions. Instead, it sprang from the idea that simply to be virtuous in conduct and devout in belief did not give anyone the right to force belief on others. He also felt that no political order or church system could identify itself directly with God. 行为上的德,信仰上的诚,并没有给任何人强迫别人该如何行事的权利。没有任何政治秩序和教会体制能够直接体现神本身的意旨。 6、英国最早移民到美国的诗人:Anne Bradstreet 7、在殖民时期最好的清教徒诗人:the best of Puritan poets is Edward Tayor. 学习指南: 1、Could you give a description of American Puritans? 关于美国清教徒的描绘 Like their brothers back in England, were idealists, believing that the church should be restored to the "purity" of the first-century church as established by Jesus Christ himself. To them religion was a matter of primary importance. They made it their chief business to see that man lived and thought and acted in a way which tended to the glory of God. They accepted the doctrine of predestination, original sin and total depravity, and limited atonement through a special infusion of grace from God, all that John Calvin, the great French theologian who lived in Geneva had preached. It was this kind of religious belief that they brought with them into the wildness. There they meaant to prove that were God's chosen people enjoying his blessings on this earth as in Heaven. 2、Hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety were the Puritan values that dominated much of the earliest American writing. 3、The work of two writers, Anne Bradstreet & Edward Taylor, rose to the level of real poetry.

陶洁《美国文学选读》(第3版)笔记和课后习题详解(第13单元 凯萨琳

第13单元凯萨琳?安?波特 13.1复习笔记 I.Introduction to author(作者简介) 1.Life(生平) Katherine Anne Porter(1890-1980)was born in Indian Greek,Texas.She began her life as a news reporter and sometimes as an actress and ballad https://www.360docs.net/doc/ed2089863.html,ter she stayed in Europe and Mexico which proved very valuable for her writing.She was basically a short-story writer.Her Collected Stories won her both a Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award.She lectured at various universities and received honorary doctorates from various institutions.She was vice president of the National Institute of Arts and Letters from1950to1952. 凯萨琳·安·波特(1890—1980)出生于德克萨斯州印第安河市。她曾做过报社记者,演员和民谣歌手。后来她到过欧洲和墨西哥。这段经历对她日后的写作很有帮助。她主要是短篇小说家。她的《短篇小说集》获得了普利策奖和全国图书奖。她曾到许多大学做讲座,收到了许多机构授予的荣誉博士学位。从1950年到1952年她担任美国国家艺术与文学协会副主席。 2.Major Works(主要作品) The Flowering Judas(1930)《开花的紫荆树》 Pale Horse,Pale Rider(1939)《灰色骑士灰色马》


2011英美文化与国家概况期末考试填空与简答复习题 1.Of all these isles, the largest one is called Great Britain. For the sake of convenience, Great Britain is often shortened to Britain. 2.United Kingdom is made up of four parts, England, Wales,ScotlandandNorthern Ireland. 3.The island of Great Britain can be divided into two parts according to its geographic features: the Highland Zone in the north and west and the Lowland zone in the south and southeast. 4.In America, The presiding officer of the senate is the Vice-president of the United States who serves as chairman when the Senate is in session. 5.Britain did not produce cotton and textile industry used to rely on wool as the principal fiber. 6.In Britain, the city Birmingham is well known for its production of automobiles, electricity equipment, electronics, munitions, and arms. 7.British government is produced through contest between two major political parties every five years 8.British can enjoy higher education in three ways:



美国文学复习提纲 第一部分连线题(1*10=10’) 1. Thomas Jefferson The Declaration of Independence 2. Walt Whitman O’ Captain, My Captain 3. Mark Twain Jumping Frog 4. Robert Frost Mending Wall 5. Ezra Pound In a Station of the Metro 6. Carl Sandburg Chicago 7. Saul Bellow The Adventure of Augie March 8. Ernest Hemingway Men without Women 9. John Steinbeck The Grape of Wrath 10. Jack London The Call of the Wild 11. Sinclair Lewis Babbit 12. Flannery O’ Connor A Good Man Is Hard to Find 13. O. Henry The Last Leaf 14. Jerome David Salinger The Catcher in the Rye 15. William Falkner The Sound and the Fury 第二部分单项选择(1.5*20=30’) 1. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the “________” who appeared in America. A. Tenth Muse B. Ninth Muse C. Best Muse D. First Muse 2. In American literature, the 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment. ________ was the dominant spirit. A. Humanism B. Rationalism C. Revolution D. Evolution 3. Which of the following stirred the world and helped form the American republic? A. The American Crisis B. The Federalist C. Declaration of Independence D. The Age of Reason 4. At the Reason and Revolution Period, Americans were influenced by the European movement called the ________. A. Chartist Movement B. Romanticist Movement C. Enlightenment Movement D. Modernist Movement 5. Thoreau was often alone in the woods or by the pond, lost in spiritual communication with ________. A. nature B. transcendentalist ideas C. human beings D. celestial beings 6. ________tells a simple but very moving story in which four people living in a puritan community are involved in and affected by the sin of adultery in different ways. A. Twice-Told Tales B. The Scarlet Letter C. The House of the Seven Gables D. The Marble Faun


美文学美国部分——浪漫主义时期 Part two: American Literature Chapter 1 The Romantic Period浪漫主义时期 1. From the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of he Civil War. It started with the publication of Washington Irving’s The Sketch Book and ended with Whitman’s L eaves of Grass. It is also called “the American Renaissance”.浪漫主义时期开始于十八世纪末,到内战爆发为止,华盛顿.欧文出版的《见闻札记》标志着美国文学的开端,惠特曼的《草叶集》是浪漫主义时期文学的压卷之作。(也可称为“美国德文艺复兴”) 2. The desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of American literature.对逃离社会,回归自然的渴求成为美国文学的一个永恒的话题。 3. The American Puritanism as a cultural heritage exerted great influences over American moral values.美国清教作为一种文化遗产,对美国人的道德观念产生了很大的影响。 4. Besides, a preoccupation with the Calvinistic view of original sin and the mystery of evil marked the works of Hawthorne, Melville and a host of lesser writers. 在霍桑,麦尔维尔以及其他一些小作家的作品种加尔文主义的原罪思想和罪恶的神秘性都得到了充分的表现。 5. The most clearly defined Romantic literary movement in this period is New England Transcendentalism.美国浪漫主义文学运动足能标炳的是新英格兰的超验主义运动。 6. This Transcendentalist group includes two of the most significant writers America has produced so far, Emerson and his young friend, Henry David Thoreau, whose writing has a strong impact on American literature.超验主义文学的主要代表是爱默生和梭罗,他们的作品对美国文学产生了很大的影响。 7. Basically, Transcendentalism has been defined philosophically as “the recognition in man of the capacity of knowing truth intuitively, or of attaining knowledge transcending the reach of the senses.”超验主义承认“人类具有本能了解或认识真理的能力,能够超过感官获取知识”。 8. Emerson once proclaimed in a speech, “Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of you own mind.” Other concepts that accompanied Transcendentalism include the idea that nature is ennobling and the idea that the individual is divine and, therefore, self-reliant.爱默生曾说过:“只有人心灵的尊严才是最神圣的”。超验主义还认为自然是高尚的,个人是神圣的,因此人必须自助。 9. It ranges from the comic fables of Washington Irving to the Gothic tales of Edgar Allen Poe, from the frontier adventures of James Fenimore Cooper to the narrative quests of Herman Melville, from the psychological romances of Nathaniel Hawthorne to the social realism of Rebecca Harding.美国浪漫主义时期的小说富有独创性,多样性,与华盛顿.欧文的喜剧性寓

美国文学史习题 (1)

I. Multiple choice. Please choose the best answer among the four items. (10 x 1’= 10’) 1. In American literature, the 18th century was the age of Enlightenment. ____ was the dominant. 2. The short story “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is taken from Irving’s work named ____. 3. Which of the following is not the characteristic of American Romanticism? 4. The short story “Rip Van Winkle” reveals the __ attitude of its author.

5.Stylistically, Henry James’ fiction is characterized by ___. 6.Transcendentalist doctrines found their greatest literary advocates in ___ and Thoreau. 7.Which is regarded as the “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”? 8.____ is considered Mark Twain’s greatest achievement.


American Survey Test 地理 1. The _____ part of America consists of high plateaus and mountains formed by the Great Cordillera Range. A. eastern B. western C. northeastern 2. In eastern _____ lies Death Valley, 85 metres below sea level. A. California B. Utah C. Arizona 3. In the west of the _____ lie the Colorado Plateaus and the Columbia Plateaus. A. Rocky Mountain B. Coast Range C. Cascades Mountains 4. The _____ lies between the Colorado Plateaus and Columbia Plateaus A. Great Basin B. Colorado Valley C. Great Plains 5. The famous Yellowstone National Park is situated in northwestern part of _____. A. California B. Arizona C. Wyoming 6. The world-known Colorado Valley lies in northern _____, which is cut by the Colorado River. A. Arizona B. Utah C. Montana 7. Among the five Great Lakes, only _____ is wholly within the United States. A. Erie B. Superior C. Michigan 8. Only the climate in the southern part of _____ is tropical. A. Florida B. Georgia C. Virginia 9. Washington, the capital of the US, is on the _____ river. A. Potomac B. Delaware C. St. Laurence 10. The width of the Niagara Fall is about _____ metres and the drop average _____ metres. A. 1650, 50 B. 1240, 49 C. 1540, 49 11. _____ part is the most densely populated region in America. A. The southern B. The northeastern C. The western 12. The Great Salt Lake lies in northern _____. A. Idaho B. Arizona C. Nevada D. Utah 13. _____ has been called the “cradle of American Liberty”. A. Philadelphia B. Plymouth C. Boston 14. About _____ of the world’s annual agricultural products come from the United States. A. half B. one third C. two thirds 15. The highest mountain in the U.S. is Mount _____. A. Appalachian B. Mekinley C. Rocky 16. Mount Mekinley lies in the _____ Range. A. Sierra Nevada B. Cascades C. Alaska 17. The two largest Chinatowns are located in the following cities except _____. A. New York B. San Francisco C. Miami 18. The world’s largest freshwater lake is Lake _____. A. Superior B. Ontario C. Victoria 19. The world-famous Niagara Falls lie between lakes of _____. A. Erie and Michigan B. Erie and Ontario C. Superior and Haron 20. _____ of the America’s territory is covered with forests. A. 1/4 B. 1/5 C. 1/3
