
1.a special interview 专访
2.cut both ways 各有利弊
3.correct one’s former errors 纠正自己以往的过失
4.retain one’s self-confidence 保持自信
5.newly appointed office head 新任命的部门经理
6.to rely on external factors 依靠外在因素
7.to preserve this facade 保全这种门面(表面形象)
8.to respond to life’s challenges 回应生活的挑战
9.a fine way to keep in touch with a friend 与朋友保持联系的好办法
10.have the virtue of being inexpensive and convenient 具有价廉、便利的优点
11.stay grounded in one’s feeling 保持现实、理智、头脑清醒
12.be rated as the most loyal friend 被认为是最忠实的朋友
13.open a new bank account 新开一个银行账户
14.a digital camera 数码相机
15.drive sb. Mad 把某人逼疯
16.make an effort to arrive on time 尽力按时到达
17.the informalities that we practice 我们不拘礼节的做法
18.solace for the “sting of poverty” “贫困的痛苦”中的慰藉
19.gain admittance to the homes of the rich 获准进入富人家庭
20.do the kindest thing in the kindest way 以友善的方式做最友善的事
21.remain mentally alert 保持思维敏捷
22.the frailty and immaturity of human nature 人类脆弱而幼稚的本性
23.education of the whole person 全面素质教育
24.full and active cooperation between the teacher 教师与学生之间充分而积极的合作
25.once a week 每周一次
26.skim over a new chapter 浏览/略读新的一章
27.turn titles and headings into questions 将题目和标题作为问题
28.get good grades 取得好成绩
29.adopt a different method 采用一种不同的方法
30.preserve meat by smoking and salting it 通过烟熏和腌制来保存肉类
31.the masses of people in Europe 大批的欧洲人
32.modern standardized measures 现代标准化方法
33.最早的厨具 the earliest kitchen utensils
34.冷却下来 cool off
35.在中世纪的动荡年代 in the troubled times of Middle Ages
36.防止食物变质 keep the food from spoiling
37.增强对所学内容的记忆 promote retention of what has been read/learned
38.默诵要点 recite the key points to oneself
39.在大多数情况下 in most cases
40.编造一个有趣的故事 make up an interesting story
41.个人魅力 personal charm
42.个性品质 personal qualities
43.装模作样;帮作姿态 put on an act
44.长处与不足 strengths and limitations
45.过时的礼议 outdated eqiquette
46.受欢迎的社会成员 popular members of society
47.热情和善意的体现 an indication of one’s warm heart and kindness
48.意识到礼貌的重要 be conscious of the importance of (good) manners
49.外科开心手术 an open-heart surgery
50.粗鲁之极 the height of rudeness
51.跳伞时发生意外 a

parachuting accident
52.被恶臭熏死 be intox
icated by the fumes
53.放弃不重要的朋友关系 let go of less important friends
54.利用写信来维系友谊 take advantage of letter-writing to keep a friendship alive
55.培养友情 nature friendships
56.真正的忠诚 real loyalty
57.具备入会资格 be qualified for membership
58.经历严酷考验 be through some severe tests
59.与他人建立良好关系 build good relations with other people
60.着手解决一个共同问题 address a common question
61.一片刚刚落满白雪的土地 a filed of newly fallen snow
62.个人的伦理道德标准 a personal standard of morality ethics
63.见风使舵 to sell out to expediency
64.底线 bottom line
65.眼下,跨国的旅游已成为世界上最大的产业之一。遗憾的是,它往往在不同文化背景的人们之间造成了紧张,而不是理解。Nowadays,international tourism has become one of the biggest industries in the world..Unfortunately,yt often creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures.
66.他们的爱情经受住了时间的考验。Their love has stood the test of time.
67.他已经放弃了他上星期所坚持的立场。He has backed down from the position he took last week.
68.随着科技日新月异,许多科幻小说情节不可避免地成为科学事实。As technology advances,much of science fiction inevitably becomes science fact.
69.沿基座先铺上大块石头,然后,小块的石头再渐次地层层垒砌在上面。Place the larger stones along the bottom and then lay the smaller stones progressively on top.
70.这本书有简洁的方式,准确地描述了计算机程序语言。The book gives a concise and accurate description of the computer programming language.
71.过去她一直以为自己太年轻了,不具备晋升资格。She used to consider herself too young to be qualified for promotion.
72.工厂发生的意外事故让我们清楚地意识到必须遵守安全规定。The accident at the factory really drove home to us the point that safely regulations must be observed.
73.他们经受着严峻的考验-------他们必须在接近35度的高温下工作。They were through severe tests------they had to work in temperatures approaching 35℃.
74.我们得着手解决一个问题,就是怎样让这本词典包含尽可能多的英语词汇。We had to address a problem:How coule we make the dictionary cover as much English vocabulary as possible?
75.很显然这份工作有利有弊。我一时无法决定是否接受它。It is clear that the work cuts both ways.So I cannot decide for the moment whether to accept it or not.
76.在这里,来自贫困家庭的孩子对求学有着迫切的期望。在中国的其他很多地区都能发现类似的情况。Here children from poor families have eager anticipation for stud

y.Similar conditions could also be found in many other areas of China.
心,他却笑了笑,没当回事。The children teased John,but he smiled and let go of it.
78.我有好几个星期都没在,所以对情况相当不了解。I’ve been away for a few week so I’m rathar out of the picture.
79.我们应该在试卷上方写上自己的名字。We are meant to write our names at the top of the paper.
80.这种座位的优点是可以调节。This seat has the virtur of being adjustable.
81.未来的几年内我们也许还会见面。Perhaps in years to come we shall meet again.
82.虽然我和弗兰克的关系不错,但当他和他兄弟争论的时候我并没有站在他那一边。Despite my friendship with Frank,I tried not to take sides with him in his argument with his brother.
83.他当然知道这份工作回报丰厚,但是他却没有表现出过多的兴趣。Of course he clearly know that this job is very rewarding,but he is not showing much interest.
84.让我苦恼的是我的部分学生在学习英语时只是重复我的话,他们没有主动用脑去学习。What annoys me is that some of my students,when learning English,simply keep repeating what I have said.They don’t use their brains actively.
85.别把那个塑料袋扔了,会用得着的。Don’t throw away that plastic bag.It may come in handy.
86.我再也无法忍受邻居家的吵闹声了,这快把我逼疯了。I cannot put up with my neighbor’s noise any longer.It is driving me mad.
87.据报道在印度尼西亚失踪的四名外国人两天后在新加坡出现了。The four foreigners reported missing in Indonesia turned up in Singapore two days later.
88.这个故事的寓意是:一个人一旦制定了目标,就必须全力以赴全神贯注于他要做的事情。The moral of the story is that a man must concentrate on what he does in all his endeavours once he has his goal set.
89.一切礼貌的行为都以“体谅”为基础,都体现出对他人的体贴和尊重。All good manners are based on”consideration”,and are an indication of thoughtfulness and respect for others.
90.自从20世纪70年代末以来,中国人的生活方式与社会一样也发生了很大的变化。Since the late 1970s,the lifestyle of the Chinese has changed as much as the society itself.
91.有谁不希望别人礼貌、友善地对待自己呢?所以我们作为社会的成员都应该了解礼仪和礼貌的行为举止的真正含义。Who doesn’t hope to be treated kindly and politely?That’s why we all as members of society should have a knowledge of the true meaning of etiquette and good manners.
92.他们对篮球是如此有兴趣,他们都希望获准加入我们的篮球俱乐部。Basketball holds such an interest for them that they all wish to gain admittance to our baskball club.

自己所做的事会给别人带来快乐,我们每做一件事都会感到更加愉快,而且会做得更好。Unquestionably,we will be able to enjoy eve
rything we do and will do it better if we know what we do will bring pleasure to others.
94.那时,人们普遍认为,礼貌仅仅证明一个人教养,而对于生活在贫困的痛苦中的穷人来说,是极不重要的。In those days the idea prevailed that manners,as a mere proof of a person’s breeding,were not important at all to those who lived in the sting of poverty.
95.我们不应该拒绝这些外国人加入俱乐部,因为他们中的很多人是真正的能力的。We should not exclude the foreigners from(joining)the club,because many such have genuine capacities.
96.父母要去了解孩子内心的想法和感觉,这一点不仅是需要的也是必须的。It is not merely desirable but essential that patents manage to tune in to the minds and feelings of the children.
97.我认为,在了解了所有的事实之后再下结论,这是绝对必要的。I hold it essential to know all the facts before a conclusion is drawn.
98.政府必须制定相关法规,来决定行动计划以引导市场有规律地运行。The government must make related laws to decide upon plans of action by which the regular operation of the market shall be guided.
99.广泛地阅读当然好,但我们也应该学会有选择地读书,我这么说并不矛盾,因为不是所有的书都是同样有用的。It is certainly desirable to read widely;however,there is no contradiciton in my going on to say that we should learn to read with discrimination because not all books are equally usefull.
100.教书这一职业没有人能做到尽善尽美。Teaching is a profession at which one will never be perfect.
101.老师给你们分配了什么阅读任务?What books did the teacher assign you to read?
102.如果有必要的话,你要工作到很晚。You are expected to work late if need be.
103.如果你只是很快地浏览一下剧本的话,你就会忘记剧本情节。If you skim over the play too quickly,you’ll forget the plot.
104.当弗兰克听说战争开始的消息时,他很长时间都没有意识到这一点,直到他的父亲被征入伍。When Frank heard that war started,it didn’t sink in for a long time until his father was drafted into the army.
105.我们必须全力以赴提高我们对科技英语的理解能力.We must concentrate our effort on developing our ability to understand scientific English.
106.他缺乏经验,体格又小,我们认为他赢得这场比赛的可能性不大。Due to his lack of experience and small physique,we don’t think he stands a good chance of winning the contest.
107.市长向女王作了一番冗长枯燥的欢迎辞。The mayor recited to Queen a long and tedious speed of welcome.

e depends upon his uncle for his school fees after his father’s death.
109.我们用红皮球换下了蓝皮球,看这婴儿会不会发觉。We replaced the blue ball with a red one to see if the baby would n
110.印度西部的人们把巨大的油壶制作成乐器。West Indians make musical instruments out of large oil cans.
111.诚信是其他许多品质得以建立的基础。Honesty is the foundation upon which many other qualities are built.
112.早在13世纪晚期,中国的大型航海船队已到达了南中国海的一些岛屿。As early as the late 13th century,large fleets of Chinese ships visted some islands in the South China Sea.
113.政府已承诺采取措施来帮助失业者。The government has promised to take measures to help the unemployed.
