


一部电影,一段经典台词 1. 这个年头忍一时不见得风平浪静,退一步未必海阔天空。与其忍让不动,不如我行我素,反正得失寸惜之,苦乐独我尝。----《新龙门客栈》 2.青春犹如方糖,对吧?有棱角的,易碎的,荒唐的,甜蜜的。这种甜蜜是要亲身用舌尖的热量才能融化,才能品尝,你总不能隔岸观火。人生总有这么一个阶段,一个做什么也快乐的阶段,一个说什么也快乐的阶段,他们可笑,也可爱,笑他们,因为我们亦曾甜蜜过。----《六楼后座》 3.别以为我什么也不记得,我仍旧跟大家一样有梦想,偶尔我也会想,换一个人生会是什么样。眨眼我就四十、五十、六十岁了。我或许是个白痴,但是,我多半岁月都在努力做对的事——梦想终究只是梦想,不说别的,我认为,我永远都可以回顾过去,然后跟自己说,起码我的人生过的并不乏味。----《阿甘正传 4.才能是99%的努力加上1%的可能性,努力是99%的坚持

加上1%的梦想,坚持是99%的爱情加上1%的迷糊,爱情是99%的愚蠢加上1%的希望。----《下北SUNDAYS》 5.考试正确答案永远只有一个,不是这答案就不合格。但是人生不一样,人生的正确答案丰富多彩,进大学是正确答案,不去也是正确答案,沉迷体育音乐,和朋友玩耍,为某个人特意走弯路,都是正确答案。你们别害怕,别否定自己的可能性,无论考上没考上的,都要挺起胸膛,堂堂正正地走下去。----《龙樱》 6.我们太快地相识,太快地接吻,太快地发生关系,然后又太快地厌倦对方。----《大城小事》 7.在我看来,最好的事情就是你能做的就是找到一个人,他爱你,接受你的一切,无论你是开心还是生气,无论你是丑陋还是美丽,爱你的人在你身上每个部位都能看到阳光,遇到这个人,你就要坚守他一辈子。----《朱诺》 8.有些时候我觉得很好笑,那些在我们记忆里占据很小一部分的人,你竟然一辈子都忘不掉。----《本杰明•巴顿


威尼斯商人-莎士比亚文学作品 《威尼斯商人》(英文:The Merchant of Venice)又名《威尼斯的犹太人》是莎士比亚的喜剧作品。可能写于1596年至1598年,出版于1600年,首演于1598年。而它也是最早在中国演出的莎剧(1913年)。 展开 克对安东尼奥往日与威尼斯商人

鲍西娅的侍女尼莉莎,两对新人在一个意外事件来临时,匆匆同时结了婚。原来,安东尼奥写了一封信来,信中说明了他的商船行踪不明,他立刻就要遭到夏洛克索取一磅肉的噩运,因这一磅肉可能会导致他的性命不保,所以,他希望见到巴萨尼奥的最后一面……听到这个消息,巴萨尼奥与葛莱西安诺赶紧奔回威尼斯,鲍西娅与尼莉莎也偷偷地化装成律师及书记,跟着去救安东尼奥。在法庭上,鲍西娅聪明地答应夏洛克可以剥取安东尼奥的任何一磅肉,只是,如果流下一滴血的话(合约上只写了一磅肉,却没有答应给夏洛克任何一滴血),就用他的性命及财产来补赎。因此,安东尼奥获救,并且,庭上宣布以谋害威尼斯市民的罪名,没收其财产的二分之一,另外二分之一则给安东尼奥,而后者却把这笔意外的财产让给了夏洛克的女婿、自己的朋友——罗伦佐。夏洛克见阴谋失败,也只好答应了,并遵依判决,改信基督教。就这样,鲍西娅巧妙地挽救了安东尼奥的生命。同时,鲍西娅及尼丽莎戏弄了他们的丈夫。她们要求用戒指作为替安东尼奥辩护的报酬,然后回到了家中。等她们的丈夫回来时,她们责备他们忽视了结婚戒指的意义,并咬定了一定是他们把它们送给了别的女人。一连发窘的解释后,终于真相大白。每个人都有一个满意的结局,除了那个想害人害己的夏洛克。 2创作背景 从十六世纪初期开始,英国资本主义经济迅速发展。专制王朝执行了有利于工商业发展的政策,得到新兴资产阶级的支持,王室和资产阶级之间,形成了暂时的联盟。到了十六世纪后期,在女王伊丽莎白一世的统治下,英国出现了经济繁荣和政治安定的局面。 十六世纪九十年代,是莎士比亚创作的早期。这时,英国社会基本上保持着表面的繁荣。作为一个资产阶级作家,莎士比亚对于解决当时社会上和生活中的矛盾,充满着信心,因此他这一时期的创作,大都带有愉快乐观的色彩。他在八部喜剧以及正剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中,宣扬了资产阶级人文主义的生活思想。 但是,从九十年代的后几年开始,英国社会的各种矛盾逐渐尖锐化起来:在农村,“圈地运动”在加速进行;在城市,资本主义手工工厂大量出现,导致手工业者和贫民的状况不断恶化;1594—1598年间,又连续发生涝灾和严寒,农业歉收,物价飞涨,农民和城市贫民纷纷起来反抗。这一时期,资产阶级的力量也更加强大,它同王室的暂时联盟瓦解。莎士比亚开始感到他的人文主义理想和英国现实间的矛盾,因此1596年以后写的几部喜剧里,虽然调子还是愉快乐观的,但社会讽刺因素已有所增长。这时完成的《威尼斯商人》就是莎士比亚早期喜剧中最富有社会讽刺色彩的一部。 3人物介绍


电影里的经典语录 导读:1、对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。——《狮子王》 2、基础决定高度。心态决定状态。——《少年班》 3、看不出来的,这是不可能的事。一个美丽的谜团,不是吗?——《海啸奇迹》 4、有天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,当你遇到这个人后,会觉得其他人只是浮云而已。——《怦然心动》 5、从现在开始我们就是一分钟的朋友,这是事实,你改变不了,因为已经过去了。——《阿飞正传》 6、当黑暗与光明交会,我们都需要一些勇气。——《痞子英雄》 7、我的心,不习惯幸福。也许,活在你心里更好,在你心里,世界就看不到我了。——《茶花女》 8、人能控制的是无用的思想,而不是最重要的感情。——《男性,女性》 9、拥抱真是很奇妙,虽然两颗心靠得很近,却看不见对方的脸。——《妙手仁心》 10、叶先生,武艺再高,高不过天,资质再厚,厚不过地。人生无常,没有什么可惜的。——《一代宗师》 11、只要我们住在对方心里,死亡就不会将我们分开。——《北京遇上西雅图》

12、我们从起点走来历经漫漫长路;每一次飙车就像走过一次人生。——《速度与**7》 13、有人就有恩怨,有恩怨就有江湖。人就是江湖,你怎么退出。——《笑傲江湖》 14、真相是一种美丽又可怕的东西,需要格外谨慎地对待。——《哈里波特》 15、每当我看天的时候我就不喜欢再说话,每当我说话的时候却不敢再看天。——《小时代》 16、现在我终于明白了,原来每一段恋爱,只要在心里面,已经是天长地久。——《恋情告急》 17、保护世界和平的任务交给他们了,我是个俗人,只对万~恶~的金钱感兴趣。——《美人鱼》 18、我人生中最幸运的地两件事,一件是时间终于将我对你地爱消耗殆尽,另一件事,很久很久以前我遇到了你。——《青春期》 19、我们曾经认为根本没有的,后来发现他确确实实存在;有一些我们深信不疑的,过来却明白,根本就没有。比如:爱情。——《前任3》 20、是,我变了,我不会像你那样被动退缩,也不会尾随暗恋猜度,你点燃过我,但很可惜,你不够了解我。——《前任攻略》 21、每个女孩儿都很美,只是需要那个对的人来看到她的美。——《恋恋笔记本》


Unit two: The plot and the Character Reading: O. Henry, The Gift of the Magi Plot ?A plot is a plan or groundwork for a story, based on conflicting human motivations, with the actions resulting from believable and realistic human responses. ?“The king died, and then the queen died.” ?“The king died, and then the queen died of grief.” Conflict in plot Fictional human responses are brought out to their highest degree in the development of a conflict. In its most elemental form, a conflict is the opposition of two people. They may fight, argue, enlist help against each other, and otherwise carry on their opposition. Conflicts may also exist between larger groups of people, between an individual and larger forces, such as natural objects, ideas, modes of behavior, public opinion, and the like. The existence of difficult choices within an individual’s mind may also be presented as conflict. External Conflict External conflict may take the form of a basic opposition between man and nature, or between man and society. It may also take the form of an opposition between man and man(between the protagonist and a human adversary, the antagonist. Internal Conflict ?Internal conflict, on the other hand, focuses on two or more elements contesting within the protagonist’s own character. ?Some conflicts, in fact, are never made explicit and must be inferred by the reader from what the characters do or say as the plot unfolds, as is the case in Ernest Hemingway’s Hills like White Elephants. Five Stages of Plot (1) ?Exposition:the exposition is the beginning section in which the author provides the necessary background information, sets the scene, establishes the situation, and dates the action. It usually introduces the characters and the conflict, or at least the potential for conflict. Five Stages of Plot (2) ?Complication: The complication, which is sometimes referred to as the rising action, develops and intensifies the conflict. ?Crisis: the crisis (also referred to as the climax) is that moment at which the plot reaches its point of greatest emotional intensity; it is the turning point of the plot, directly precipitating the resolution. Five Stages of Plot (3) ?Falling action: Once the crisis, or turning point, has been reached, the tension subsides and the plot moves toward its conclusion. ?Resolution:It is the final section of the plot which records the outcome of the conflict and establishes some new equilibrium. The resolution is also referred to as the conclusion or the denouement, the latter a Frenc h word meaning “unknotting” or “untying”. The Ordering of Plot (1) ?The customary way of ordering the episodes or events in a plot is to present them chronologically, i.e., in the order of their occurrence in time.


The Merchant of Venice(II) PART 1第一部分 D: Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. Do not be so bitter. 公爵:宽恕安东尼奥吧,夏洛克,别这样怀恨在心。 S: I've promised to take my pound of flesh. If you do not let me have it, that will be a sign of weakness and no one will trust your laws any more. The greatness of Venice will soon be lost. Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him. 夏洛克:我说过一定要拿走我应得的那一磅肉。要是您不准许我得到它,那将是一种软弱的表现,人们将不再信你们的法律了。威尼斯不久就会丧失它的伟大。安东尼奥是我的敌人,我恨他。 B: Do all men kill the things they do not love? 巴萨尼奥:难道所有的人都要铲除他们所不爱的东西吗? A: It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. Don't wait any longer. Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants. 安东尼奥:跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。别再等待了。对我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要得到的东西给他。 B: I'll pay you six thousand ducats for the three thousand ducats that Antonio borrowed. 巴萨尼奥:我将付给你六千块钱,用来归还安东尼奥借的那三千块钱。 S: If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. Give me my pound of flesh! 夏洛克:即使你愿意我六倍于你刚才提出的钱数,我仍然要拿我应得的那一磅肉。把那一磅肉判给我! D: Let us be calm, gentlemen. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? 公爵:先生们,请安静。夏洛克,如果你不宽恕别人,你自己怎能希望得到别人的宽恕呢?S: I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgement. I desire my pound of flesh. 夏洛克:我并没有做错事,我不怕审判。我要求给我应得的那一磅肉。 As the Duke is wondering what to do, Nerissa, dressed like a lawyer's clerk, arrives with a letter from the famous lawyer whom Portia has visited. While the Duke is talking to Nerissa, Shylock gets ready to cut his pound of flesh from Antonio. 正当公爵不知道应该怎么办的时候,尼莉莎打扮成一个律师的书记员,带着鲍西娅刚拜访过的那位著名的律师的一封信,来到法庭。当公爵与尼莉莎谈话时,夏洛克准备好要从安东尼奥身上割下他应得的一磅肉。 Then the letter is read out for all in the court to hear. "I am very ill. When your letter reached me, I had with me a .learned young doctor from Rome. I told him about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio. We studied many lawbooks and he knows what I would say. I ask you to let him stand in my place and give judgement. He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head." 这时,当庭宣读了律师的信。"我重病缠身。收到你的信时,我正同一位从罗马来的很有学问的年轻博士在一起。我把夏洛克与安东尼奥之间的争执对他讲了。我们研究了很多法典,因此他知道我想要说的话。我请您让他替我作出判决。他很年轻,但是,我还从来不知道有这么年轻又这么聪明的人。"


The Gift of the Magi① One dollar and eighty-seven cents.That was all.And sixty cents of it was in pennies.Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing(强迫;胁迫)the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony②that such close dealing implied.Three times Della counted it.One dollar and eighty eighty--seven cents.And the next day would be Christmas. There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.So Della did it.Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs,sniffles,and smiles,with sniffles predominating.③ While the mistress of the home is gradually subsiding from the first stage to the second,take a look at the home.④A furnished flat at$8per week.It did not exactly beggar description,but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad.⑤ In the vestibule(门厅;前厅)below was a letter-box into which no letter would go,and an electric button from which no mortal finger could coax a ring⑥.Also appertaining thereunto was a card bearing the name"Mr.James Dillingham Young."⑦ The"Dillingham"had been flung to the breeze during a former period of prosperity when its possessor was being paid$30per week.⑧Now,when the ①麦琪(Magi,单数为Magus):指圣婴基督出生时来自东方送礼的三贤人,载于《圣经·马太福音》第二章第一节和第七至第十三节。 ②By...parsimony:by driving a hard bargain with the grocer,the vegetable man,and the butcher over every single cent,thus making one flush with shame for being so very stingy(吝啬的,小气的).Imputation[正式]罪名,污名。parsimony n.吝啬,小气,不大方。 ③Which...predominating:Which makes us spiritually aware of the fact that life is full of sobs,sniffles,and smiles,with sniffles being the most noticeable.Instigate v.(以行动)促使(某事发生);发起。'moral精神上的,心理上的,道义上的。Sniffle n.抽鼻子(声)。 ④While...home:While Della's sobs are gradually turning into sniffles,let us take a look at her home.Sub'side n.(of a feeling,pain,sound,etc.)gradually become less and then stop. ⑤The flat was almost too wretched for words to describe.The phrase"to beggar description"means to cause one's resources of description to seem poor and inadequate.mendicancy squad乞丐帮。 ⑥Which...ring:no one could get a ring by pressing the electric button;obviously,the doorbell had long been out of order.Mortal:人的;人类的。 ⑦Also...young:Close to the doorbell there was also a card with the name"Mr.James Dillingham Young"written on it.Appertain(to):属于;和……有关。Thereunto ad.到那里;向那里。 ⑧The...week:The middle name"Dillingham"had been put on display on the name card during a time when Jim was better-off with a weekly wage of$30.Flung to the breeze


电影的世界总给我们天马行空的想象,我们也总能被一些电影台词所打动,重新回顾这些电影,他们都是无法复制的经典。情人节到了,我们再来回顾哪些经典电影中关于爱情的佳句,看看哪一句最能触动你? 1.《卧虎藏龙》:我愿意游荡在你身边,做七天的野鬼,跟随你。就算落进最黑暗的地方……我的爱,也不会让我成为永久的孤魂。 2.《简爱》:你以为我穷,不漂亮,就没有感情吗?如果上帝赐给我美貌和财富,我也会让你难于离开我的!就象我现在难于离开你一样! 3. 《怦然心动》:“有的人浅薄,有的人金玉其表败絮其中;有一天,你会遇到一个彩虹般绚烂的人,当你遇到她后,会觉得其他人都只是浮云......” 4. 《尽善尽美》:“你让我想成为更好的人。” 5. 《春光乍泄》:“当我站在瀑布前,觉得非常的难过,我总觉得,应该是两个人站在这里......” 6. 《甜心先生》: 第一次见面时,我就被你征服了。/你使我的人生完整。 7.《心动》:就在看到你的那一刻,我心动了 8.《真爱至上》:如果你仔细寻找,你会发现爱无处不在。 9.《星愿》:世界上最遥远的距离不是生和死,而是站在你面前却不能说:“我爱你” 10. 《剪刀手爱德华》:我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

11.《廊桥遗梦》:我们每个人都生活在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。 12. 《恋恋笔记本》:一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。 13.《天下无双》:所谓深情挚爱,就是你中有我,我中有你,原来,一个人吃饭没有两个人吃饭开心。 14.《花样年华》:如果我有一张船票,你会不会跟我走?如果还有一张船票,你,会不会带我走? 15. 《当哈里遇到莎莉时》:我爱你,你是我晚上就寝前最想聊天的人。 16. 《剪刀手爱德华》:我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。 17.《断臂山》:如果我知道怎么舍弃你,那该有多好。 18.《开往春天的列出》:有些人一辈子都在骗人,而有些人用一辈子去骗一个人。 19.《东邪西毒》:如果有一天我忍不住问你,你一定要骗我。就算你心里多不情愿,也不要告诉我你最爱的人不是我。 20.《霸王别姬》:不行!说的是一辈子,少一年,一个月,一天,一个时辰都不算一辈子……


威尼斯商人经典台词 『威尼斯商人』中,阿尔怕西诺的那段台词,念得太地道了,是第3幕第一部分的: To bait fish withal: 拿来钓鱼也好; if it will feed nothing else,it will feed my revenge. 即使他的肉不中吃,至少也可以出出我这一口气。 He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses, 他曾经羞辱过我,夺去我几十万块钱的生意,讥笑着我的亏蚀, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, 挖苦着我的盈余,侮蔑我的民族, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; 破坏我的买卖,离间我的朋友,煽动我的仇敌; and what's his reason? I am a Jew. 他的理由是什么?只因为我是一个犹太人。 Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, 难道犹太人没有五官四肢、 dimensions, senses, affections, passions? 没有知觉、没有感情、没有血气吗?

fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, 他不是吃着同样的食物,同样的武器可以伤害他, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? 同样的医药可以疗治他,冬天同样会冷,夏天同样会热,就像一个基督徒一样吗? If you prick us, do we not bleed? 你们要是用刀剑刺我们,我们不是也会出血的吗? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? 你们要是搔我们的痒,我们不是也会笑起来的吗? if you poison us, do we not die? 你们要是用毒药谋害我们,我们不是也会死的吗? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? 那么要是你们欺侮了我们,我们难道不会复仇吗? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. 要是在别的地方我们都跟你们一样,那么在这一点上也是彼此相同的。 If a Jew wrong a Christian,what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge.


One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied. Three times Della counted it. One dollar and eighty- seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas. There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl. So Della did it. Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating. While the mistress of the home is gradually subsiding from the first stage to the second, take a look at the home. A furnished flat at $8 per week. It did not exactly beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad. In the vestibule below was a letter-box into which no letter would go, and an electric button from which no mortal finger could coax a ring. Also appertaining thereunto was a card bearing the name "Mr. James Dillingham Young." The "Dillingham" had been flung to the breeze during a former period of prosperity when its possessor was being paid $30 per week. Now, when the income was shrunk to $20, though, they were thinking seriously of contracting to a modest and unassuming D. But whenever Mr. James Dillingham Young came home and reached his flat above he was called "Jim" and greatly hugged by Mrs. James Dillingham Young, already introduced to you as Della. Which is all very good. Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. She stood by the window and looked out dully at a gray cat walking a gray fence in a gray backyard. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present. She had been saving every penny she could for months, with this result. Twenty dollars a week doesn't go far. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated. They always are. Only $1.87 to buy a present for Jim. Her Jim. Many a happy hour she had spent planning for something nice for him. Something fine and rare and sterling--something just a little bit near to being worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim. There was a pier-glass between the windows of the room. Perhaps you have seen a pierglass in an $8 flat. A very thin and very agile person may, by observing his reflection in a rapid sequence of longitudinal strips, obtain a fairly accurate conception of his looks. Della, being slender, had mastered the art. Suddenly she whirled from the window and stood before the glass. her eyes


电影恋恋笔记本经典台词 1、Noah的孩子们劝他回家,他坚持留在医院陪着Allie. Look, guys,孩子们 that’s my sweetheart in there.那是我最心爱的人 I’m not leaving her.我不会离开她 This is my home now.这里现在就是我家 Your mother is my home.你们的母亲就是我的家 2、结尾,非常感人——二人不离不弃,在爱中辞世。 Allie:I need to ask you something. 我要问你一件事 Noah:What is it, sweetheart?什么事?亲爱的 Allie:Do you think that our love can create miracles? 你觉得我们的爱可以创造奇迹吗? Noah:Yes, I ‘s what bri ngs you back to me each time. 我想可以,正是因为爱每次都把你带回我身边 Allie:Do you think our love could take us away together? 你觉得我们的爱能把我们一起带走吗? Noah:I think our love can do anything we want it to. 我想我们的爱可以让我们无所不能 Allie:I love you.我爱你 Noah:I love you, Allie.我也爱你 3、片头老年Noah说的开场白 I am no one special, 我不是什么名人, just a mon man with mon thoughts.只是个思想平凡的普通人。 I’ve led a mon life.过着普通的生活。 There are no monuments dedicated to me. 我没有什么纪念碑。 And my name will soon be forgotten. 也很快会为世人所遗忘。 But in one respect, I’ve succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived.但在某方面来说,我跟大家一样都活得很快乐。 I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul andfor me that has always been enough.我全心全意爱着另一个人,对我而言,那已经足够了。 4、二人再度相逢,情人之间的争吵,有时候也是爱情的一部分。 Allie:Look at us, we’re already fighting.看看我们,已经在吵架了Noah:Well, that’s what we fight.我们就是这样,我们会吵架 You tell me when I’m being an arrogant son of a bitch你管我叫自大的混蛋 and I tell you when you’re being a pain in the ass.我管你叫难搞的女人 Which you are 99% of the time.而你有99%的时间都是 I’m not afraid to hurt your feelings.我不怕伤到你 They have like a two second rebound rate你很快就会恢复元气 and you’re back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing.马上又变回难搞的女人


The merchant of Venice (威尼斯商人) 第一幕:The RIALTO. VENICE 报童: Newspaper, newspaper .Sir? Newspaper! Newspaper ,newspaper Thank you! Shylock: Signior Antonio! 第二幕:House of Antonio Bassanio: To you, Antonio .I owe the most in money and in love.And from your love I have warranty to unburthen all my plots and purposes. How to get a clear of all the debts I owe? Antonio: I pray you, good Bassanio. Let me know it! Bassanio:IN Belmont is a lady richly left. Her name is Portia.The four winds blow in from ever coast renowned suitors.Oh my Antonio ,had I but the means. To hold a rival place with one of them...... Antonio:Thou know'st that all m fortunes are at sea.Neither have I money nor commodity to raise a present sum.Therefore go forth..Try what my credit can in Venice do.To furnish thee to Belmont to fair Portia.Go presently inquire, and so will I .Where money is, and I no question make.To have it of my trust, or for my sake. 第三幕:The office of Shylock Shylock: Three thousand ducats, well Bassanio:Ay ,sir, for three months Shylock: For three months,well Bassanio:For the which, as I told you.Antonio shall be bound Shylock: Antonio shall become bound, Well Bassanio: Will you stead me? Will you pleasure me? Antonio:Shall we be beholden to you Shylock: Signior Antonio, many a time and oft In the Rialto you have rated me about my money and my usances. Still have I borne it with a patient shrug. You call me misbeliever,cut--throat dog and spit upon my Jewish gaberdine and all for use of that which is mine own! Well then, it now appears you need my help. What should I say to you? Should I not say," Fair sir, you spat on me on Wedensday last. You spurn'd me such a day another time you call'd me dog and for these courtesies I'll lend you thus much moneys"? Antonio:I am as like to call thee so again.To spit on thee again, to spurn thee too! If thou wilt lend this money,lend it not as to thy friends, for when did friendship take a breed for barren metal of his friend?But lend it rather to
