



1. In the alphabet,which letter is part of a person's body?

2. Among the 12 months,which month begins with "F"?

3. Among the four seasons,which one begins with the first letter in the alphabet?

4. Among the initial words of seven days,which one appears the latest in the alphabet?02类比题

1. Working is to office as cooking is to .

2.Letter is to word as word is to .

3. Panda is to China as kangaroos is to .

4 June is to Children s Day as December is to .

5. Never mind is to Sorry as You re welcome is to .


1.M are animals with long tails which run around the house.

2.C is where you watch films.

3.F is filled with plants,trees,and land.

4.A is your dad's or mum's sister.

5.W are used when birds are flying.

6.P is a person who plays the piano. (job)



A: I forgot to bring a gift for you

B: It's okay,don't worry about it. It is really hard to remember the date. It's .

A: By the way,what's your plan for the summer?

B: It's .

A. up in the air

B. water under the bridge .C fair weather friend










Many people think water is important and the water is scarce. The United Nation wants to people of the importance of water,so they set a day as World Water Day. The for this year is waste water. The factory should take actions first to deal with waste water. We need to and reuse the waste water.


W to school,a boy saw an old lady on his way to school. The bag was too heavy for the lady to .

The boy wanted to help the lady so he went up to help.

The bag was so heavy that they walked s .

They walked a long way b they arrived the old lady's home. The boy didn't want to be

l ,so he hurried to school at once When the boy finally r school,he was tired but he felt very happy.


1. were waiting for milk.

A 3 girls

B 2 girls and a boy

C 3 girls and a boy

D 4 girls and a boy

2. From did the father get the milk?

A. A truck driver B A clown C A thief D. A little girl

3. Which animal didn't appear in the video?

A giraffe

B cat

C pig

D Jion

4. After drinking milk,what did the dad do?

A Save the world B. Cook for the child C Help the girl to get the cat D Go to catch the thief

5. Before the girl got the milk,how did she feel?

A Surprised

B Happy

C Excited

D Cheerful





1(Multiple choice)According to the girl,what should we do to cope with future?那个女孩说我们应该如何应对未来?

A.Open- minded way of thinking(开放性思维)

B. Cooperation(合作精神

C. Culture diversity(文化多样性)

D. a diverse set of skill and knowledge(知识技能多样性)2根据刚才的视频和自己的想法,你将如何面对未来?

After watching the video,I can (NO MORE THAN 10 WORDS)

(open question开放性答案,意思对就得分)


1. Do you eat breakfast?

2. Scientists say it is important to eat breakfast.

3. People who eat whole wheat bread is healthier than those who don’t.

4. My mother is good at making breakfast.

5. People who fail to eat breakfast tend to have more weight problems than those who eat it. so we should pay more attention.

6. People who have breakfast later than usual eat more food.

7. Research shows good breakfast is closely related to good health.

8. So it is definitely important to eat breakfast.


1. Among the 8 sentences,which one is the topic sentence?

2. Which sentence has nothing to do with the topic?

3. What does it in the 5th sentence stand for?

4. What should be filled in the blank in the 6 th sentence?

5. Which word in the passage has the similar meaning as the phrase of course?


There’s an open sky

And a reason

You shine,shine your way

There’ s so much to

And now it’s your

To shine,shine your way

There’s a feeling inside

You can it be your guide

To find,find your way

And there’s no time for us to

Got to take a leap of faith

And fly,fly


1. If you want to know more about Cao Xueqin and the Dream of Red Chambers,you can go to

A六朝博物馆 B.江宁织造府 C.中山陵 D.科举博物馆

2. Which of the following literature work is from the same country as Les Miserable(《悲惨世界》)?()

A. The Old Man and the Sea

B. Jane Eyre

C. The count of Monte Cristo

D. Robinson Crusoe


3. Which of the following pairs of people are not from the same era?()

A Socrates-Plato

B Shen Kuo-Bai Juyi

C. Maupassant-Flaubert

D. Zilu-Yanhu

4. Which of the following pairs is incorrect?()

A Journey to the West-Wu Cheng en-Chinese

B. Harry Potter-JK Rowling-American

C Ugly Duckling+Andersen-Denmark

D. War and Peace-Tolstoy-Russian


5. In“影入平羌江水流”,“影”refers to the shadow of the

A man

B boat

C moon

D mountain

6. Among the following choices,which has a different pronunciation from others?()






7. Which of the following is in the same season as the“应怜屐齿印苍苔,小扣柴扉久不开。”?





8 .In the sentence“落霞与孤鹜齐飞”,"鹜"refer to ()





Which of the following is not a carnivore (食肉动物)?()


10. Which is different from the other three choices?()





11. Which of the following is not a physician(doctor)?()






1 This year is the anniversary of the return of Hong Kong (Fill in the blank)

2. In the contest,Ke Jie used his l brain to compete with AlphaGo

3. The One Belt. One Road Summit was held in Beijing. Representatives from 29 c

attended the meeting.


1. )1()2()1(?+++++++=⊕b a a a a b a

What ’s the value for 550540530520510⊕+⊕+⊕+⊕+⊕ ?

2.In the following figure , the distance between each two points is 1cm . How many triangles with the area of 1 cm 2 can be circled with a string ?

3. The following figure is made with 34 matches

① What is the perimeter of the figure ? ② What ’s the area of the figure ?

③ Using the matches , how many squares with the side -length of 1 can be made ?

④ Using the matches , what ’s the maximum number of squares of any integer side -length can be made ? 4.201620174035



5.There are three boxes, with 10 red balls in the first one, 10 blue balls in the second one while 5 red balls and 5 blue balls are in the third one. You are required to label the three boxes without seeing the balls inside.

①What is the possibility that all the labels are right ?

②What is the possibility that at least one of the labels is wrong ?

③If Xiao Ming got every label wrong, by taking out how many balls can he correct all the labels ?

6. The height of 50 coins piling up together is 9.25cm, which of the followings has the nearest volume of 500 coins?

A.a classroom

B. one container

C. 1000ml of milk

D. 450ml of juice

7. Look at the figures below and find the patter. The ‘?’ = ( )

8. Kate is the third daughter of a doctor but the doctor is not her father. She has one younger brother called Mike and three elder brothers. Mike’ s father is Joe. Joe is an artist and has 7 children.

①Who is Kate’ s father?

②Kate has how many sisters?

③What is the job of Kate’s mother?

9. n numbers are ranked from small to large , define k =14

n . If k is not an integer , then the first quartile is the value of the term whose term number is barely larger than k ; if k is an integer , then the first quartile is the average of the k th number and the (k +1 )th number Now there are 9 given numbers : 72,83, 65,90, 70, 88,92, 75,85 ① What is the 5th number of the sequence ? ② What is the mean of the numbers ?

③ What is the value of the first quartile of this sequence ?

④ After removing the largest number , what is the value of the first quartile ?

10. In the rectangle ABCD , points E . F , G , H are respectively on the four sides AB , BC , CD and DA . Point G can move along the side CD . (fill in the circles with >,

② If AE <DG , then S ABCD 〇2S EFGH ③ If AE >DG , then S ABCD 〇2S EFGH

11. Fill in the seven circles with ,4


,32,65,25,518,712,56and make the product on each line 2.

12. Three friends Owen, Fred and Jim are going to party in different clothes: jacket, coat and T-shirt of different colors: red, blue and yellow.

There are 6 hints

①the jacket is blue or yellow

②the blue cloth is a coat or a T-shirt

③Fred is red or blue

④Either Jim or Fred is in jacket

⑤Owen is not in blue

⑥Owen is not in T-shirt

1. According to the first and the second hints what is the color of the jacket?

2. According to the third and the forth hints, who is wearing jacket?

3. Using all the hints, what colors are Owen and Fred wearing?

4. Using all the hints, what clothes are Owen and Fred wearing?

2018年最新重庆市外国语学校小升初数学试卷 一、填空.(每题5分,共45分) 1.(5.00分)把3﹣8这6个数分别填入6个圆圈,使在同一条直线上的3个圆圈之和相等. 2.(5.00分)中午12:00时针与分针重合,下次时针与分针重合的时间是.3.(5.00分)填在下面3个正方形内的数有相同的规律,请你确定C是. 4.(5.00分)小明在镜子中看见衣服上的号码是12,则实际号码是.5.(5.00分)找规律填数:0、3、8、15、. 6.(5.00分)甲、乙、丙3人去看100米决赛,赛前甲说:小王第一,小张第三.乙说:小李第一,小赵第四.丙说:小赵第二,小王第三.比赛结果,三人各猜对一半,小王的名次是. 7.(5.00分)72006+2的个位数字是. 8.(5.00分)规定a*b=2a+b,则(2*3)*4=. 二、计算(每小题11分,共55分) 9.(11.00分)一件工作,甲队先单独做了10天,正好完成一半,余下的由甲、乙两队合做6天完成,如果这件工作由乙队单独做要多少天? 10.(11.00分)直线DF与平行四边形ABCD的边BC交于E点,与直线AB交于F点,已知三角形ABE的面积是96平方厘米,求三角形CEF的面积.

11.(11.00分)﹣[5)]×(3.625﹣2) 12.(11.00分)一张长为18米,宽为14米的长方形铁皮,四个角截掉长为X的正方形后做成一个无盖的盒子,X是正整数,要使的盒子的容积最大,求x.

2018年最新重庆市外国语学校小升初数学试卷 参考答案与试题解析 一、填空.(每题5分,共45分) 1.(5.00分)把3﹣8这6个数分别填入6个圆圈,使在同一条直线上的3个圆圈之和相等. 【解答】解:由分析可得:(答案不唯一) 2.(5.00分)中午12:00时针与分针重合,下次时针与分针重合的时间是下午1点零5分. 【解答】解:设经过x分再次重合,根据题干可得: 6x﹣x=360 x=360, x=. 分≈1小时5分钟; 故答案为:下午1点零5分.

南京市小升初考试英语试卷 姓名学号分数 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选择正确的图画,将序号填在前面的括号内。(5分) 二、听录音,判断下列句子与所听句子的意思是否一致,是的打“√”,不是打“×”。(5分) ( ) 1. Ben runs faster than Jim. ( ) 2. He's talking about his father. ( ) 3. My friends swim faster than me. ( ) 4. I got up at a quarter past six this morning. ( ) 5. I'm not doing well in PE.

三、听录音,根据所听内容选择正确答案。(10分) ( ) 1. Who is good at Maths? A. Tom. B. Jim. C. Tommy. ( ) 2. What time does Jim get up every day? A.6:00. B.6:15. C.5:45. ( ) 3. Who rims faster than Jim ? A. Billy. B. Sandy. C. Tommy. ( ) 4. Who likes singing ? A. Su Yang. B. Su Hai. C. Helen. ( )5. Whose bag is lighter? A. Billy's. B. Sandy's. C. Jim's. 四、根据录音填入所缺单词。(10分) A:What's with you? B:I've got a A: Anything else? B: I've got a A:________ your mouth and say“Ah”. B:Ah… A: You've got a. Take some medicine and a rest. B: OK. Thank you, 笔试部分(70分) 五、词组互译。(10分) 1.有相同的爱好2.do well in 3.和……交谈4.go for a walk. 5.得了重感冒6.That's true. 7.在周末8.do more exercise 9.玩得很高兴10.well done 六、根据所给中文完成下列句子。(6分) 1. What are the(孩子们)doing? 2. David likes(收集邮票)。 3. Can Wang Bing jump(一样远)his classmates? 4. You'll get (更强壮) and you'11 do (更好)in PE. 5. Shall we(开始)our(课)now? 6. Tom is(缺席)because he(生病)today. 7. Please speak (大声地). I can't(听见)you. 七、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(5分)

让学习更有效 2016幼升小模拟面试-南外仙林专场 B 卷(时间45分钟,满分160分) 第一部分 欢乐谷 (30分) 1. 下面的图形要用多少个小的正方体构成,请小朋友自己摆一摆(10分) 答案:9个小正方体(标楼法)。 2. 从上往下看,哪一张图是上面立体图形的俯视图呢?(10分) A B C D 答案:A 3. 火柴棒游戏(10分) (1) 请你移动2根火柴棍,使小鱼转向(变成头朝上或朝下)。 (2) 请你移动3根火柴棍,使小鱼调头(变成头朝右)。 答案:动手可以实现即可 (1) (2) 第二部分 聪明屋 (130分) 1. 观察能力(20分) (1)下图第一行有什么规律?根据规规律继续画,并指出哪一行与其他三行不相同? 答案:可以用搭小桥的方法,第一行7个圆,第二行9个圆,第三行6个圆,第四行5个圆形,第二行和其他 的三行是与众不同。 (2)大客车挡住了几棵树,高的几棵,矮的几棵? 答案:高的有4棵,矮的有4棵。 (3) 下面的图形有规律,“?”号是几呢? 答案:4(正方形逆时针旋转,3个圆的部分顺时针旋转。)

2. 运算能力(10分) (1)小明和小强每个人都有一包糖,但是不知道每包糖里面有几块。知道的是:小明给小强2块后,小强又给小明5块,这时两个人包里糖的块数一样多。那原来谁的糖多?多几块? (2)小朋友排队,元元从前面数是第5,从后往前面数是第3,这一队共有几个小朋友? (3)妞妞带了10块钱去商店买东西,如果想刚好花完,她可以买哪些东西? 答案:(1)小强的糖多,多6块。 (2)5+3-1=7(人) (3)只要商品加起来是10元即可,积木+童话书;积木+水杯+笔记本;剪刀+童话书+笔记本等等。 3. 表达能力(20分) (1)小朋友你喜欢吃什么,说一个你最喜欢吃的食物。 (2)你和爸爸妈妈去夫子庙玩,突然和爸爸妈妈走丢了,找不到爸爸妈妈会怎么办 ? (3)看下图说故事。 答案:(1)要描述出食物的形状、颜色、味道,用途(比如水果可以给我们提供丰富的水分和维生素)。 (2)找警察叔叔寻求帮助;站在原地不动;用电话手表,移动电话等等,言之有理即可。 (3)根据图讲述故事时要注意描述的简洁性、准确性、逻辑性。 4. 空间想象能力(10分) (1)早晨太阳从东方升起,你面对太阳你的左边是什么方向? 晚上太阳从西边落下,你面对太阳 你的右边是什么方向? 答案:北方,北方 解析:早晨,当你面向太阳时,你的后面是西方,你的左面是北方,你的右面是南方。因为太阳在西面落下, 所以面对太阳就是面对西,在人的后面也就是与西相反的就是东,左面是南,右面是北,后面是东. (2)下面哪2个图形可以拼成长方形。() A B C D 答案:A 和C ;B 和D (3)下面的立体图形分别由多少个小的正方体构成。(楼顶标数法) (10 )个 ( 14 )个 5. 逻辑推理(20分)

郑州市外国语中学基础卷(小升初) 一、直接写出下列各题的得数。(共6分) 1.25×8= 0.25+0.75= 4505÷5= 24.3-8.87-0.13= 二、填空。(16分) 1、由1、 2、3这三个数字能组成的三位数一共有()个,它们的和是()。 2、一道除式,商是22,余数是6,被除数与除数的和是259,这道除式的除数是(),被除数是()。 3、甲乙两数的最小公倍数是78,最大公约数是13,已知甲数是26,乙数是()。 4、小明有15本故事书,比小英的3倍多a本,小英有()本故事书。 5、两个数相除的商是7.83,如果把被除数和除数的小数点同时向右移动一位,商是()。 6、一个比例的两个内项互为倒数,它的一个外项是0.8,另一个外项是()。 7、单独完成同一件工作,甲要4天,乙要5天,甲的工作效率是乙的()%。 8、一个带小数的整数部分与小数部分的值相差88.11,整数部分的值恰好是小数部分的100倍,这个数是()。 三、选择正确答案的序号填在题中的括号里。(20分) 1、圆有()对称轴. A.1条 B.2条 C.4条 D.无数条

3、气象台表示一天中气温变化的情况,采用()最合适。 A.统计表 B.条形统计图 C.扇形统计图 D.折线统计图 4、五年级同学参加科技小组的有23人,比参加书法小组人数的2倍多5人,如果设书法小组有x人,则正确的方程是() A.2( x+5)=23 B.2x+5=23 C.2x=23-5 D.2x-5=23 5、一根钢管,截去部分是剩下部分的1/4,剩下部分是原钢管长的()%。 A.75 B.400 C.80 D.25 6、等底等体积的圆柱和圆锥,圆锥高是9米,圆柱高是() A.9米 B.18米 C.6米 D.3米 7、一个长方体的长、宽、高分别是a米、b米和h米,如果高增加3米,体积增加()立方米。 A.3ab B.3abh C.ab(h+3) D.3bh 8、把24分解质因数是() A.24=3×8 B.24=2×3×4 C.24=2×2×2×3 D.24=6×4×1 9、乙数比甲数少40%,甲数和乙数的比是() A.2:3 B.3:2 C.3:5 D.5,3 10、甲把自己的钱的1/3给乙以后,甲、乙两人钱数相等,甲、乙原有钱数的比是() A.2:3 B.3:2 C.3:5 D.5:3 四、用递等式计算(12分) 1042-384÷16×13 4.1-2.56÷(0.18+0.62) 3.14×43+7.2×31.4-150×0.314 五、解答题。(9分) 1、下图中,长方形被两条直线分成四个小长方形,其中三个的面积分别是12平方米、8平方米、20平方米,求另一个(图中阴影都分)长方形的面积。(5分)

小升初考试英语试卷附听力材料和参考答案 姓名学号分数 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选择正确的图画,将序号填在前面的括号内。(5分) 二、听录音,判断下列句子与所听句子的意思是否一致,是的打“√”,不是打“×”。(5分)

( ) 1. Ben runs faster than Jim. ( ) 2. He's talking about his father. ( ) 3. My friends swim faster than me. ( ) 4. I got up at a quarter past six this morning. ( ) 5. I'm not doing well in PE. 三、听录音,根据所听内容选择正确答案。(10分) ( ) 1. Who is good at Maths? A. Tom. B. Jim. C. Tommy. ( ) 2. What time does Jim get up every day? A.6:00. B.6:15. C.5:45. ( ) 3. Who rims faster than Jim ? A. Billy. B. Sandy. C. Tommy. ( ) 4. Who likes singing ? A. Su Yang. B. Su Hai. C. Helen. ( )5. Whose bag is lighter? A. Billy's. B. Sandy's. C. Jim's. 四、根据录音填入所缺单词。(10分) A:What's with you? B:I've got a A: Anything else? B: I've got a A:________ your mouth and say“Ah”. B:Ah… A: You've got a. Take some medicine and a rest. B: OK. Thank you,

南京外国语学校2020年小升初方案出炉 2015年南外小升初统招计划仍为320人,6月28日上午举行电脑派位!记者5月20日获悉,南京外国语学校2015年小升初方案出炉. 据了解,南外小升初招生范围为具有南京市玄武区、秦淮区、建邺区、鼓楼区、原浦口区、化工园区、栖霞区、雨花台区及江宁区 东山地区常住户口的应届小学毕业生.招生人数共计320人,其中英 语276名,德语16名,法语16名,日语12名,共计320名.男女生录 取比例为1:1.2015年本校招收的320名学生全部属于统招计划.本 校学生初三毕业时参加市统一升学考试,本校另加试外语.学校将依 据当年高中招生计划,按照学生的中考成绩和本校外语加试成绩,从 高分到低分择优录取.学校设有助学金和“周恩来奖学金”、“雅克琳法浯奖学金”.家庭经济困难的学生可申请助学金.全面发展的优 秀学生可获得奖学金. 南外小升初录取原则为根据英语能力测试成绩,按320名的招生计划,以男女1:1的比例分别划线录取.若出现尾数同分,考生上线人数突破320名指标的情况,优先录取第一志愿填报小语种的考生. 招生日程 1、6月11日-12日,自愿报考南外的应届小学毕业生在各自所在小学或区教育局指定地点填报电脑派位志愿. 2.、6月28日上午,对报名学生按招生计划数和参加英语能力测试人数1:8的比例进行电脑派位,并公布获得参加英语能力测试资格的学生名单. 3、6月28日下午,获得参加英语能力测试资格的学生携带户口簿、电脑派位志愿表和两张2寸同底免冠正面照片到南京外国语学 校办理报名手续并领取准考证. 4、7月4日,举行英语能力测试.


2019-2020学年第二学期阶段学情调查样题 七年级语文试卷 (总分100分时间120分钟) 一(24分) 1.古诗文填空。(10分) (1)念天地之悠悠,。(陈子昂《登幽州台歌》)(2),一览众山小。(杜甫《望岳》)(3),夜泊秦淮近酒家。(杜牧《泊秦淮》)(4)落红不是无情物,。(龚自珍《己亥杂诗》)(5)黄梅时节家家雨,。(赵师秀《约客》)(6)予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,。(《爱莲说》)(7)宋朝诗人的诗歌中往往蕴含哲理。利润同样以“山”为主题,苏轼《题西林壁》中“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”,说明了当局者迷,旁观者清的道理;杨万里《过松源晨炊漆公店》的“政入万山围子里,”告诫人们人生路上多磨难;王安石《登飞来峰》中的“,”则表明站得高才能看得远。 2.对下面语段相关内容的理解正确的一项是()(2分) 他又面朝下①躺在地上,禁林的气味扑鼻而来。他感觉到了面颊下面冰冷、坚硬的土地,感觉到落地时被撞歪的眼镜扎着他的太阳穴。身上没有一处不疼,杀戮咒击中的地方就像被铁拳打伤了一样。②他没有动弹,完全③保持落地时的姿势,右臂以很别扭的角度④向外拐着,嘴巴长得大大的。 A.文中①是动宾短语,“躺”是动词,“在地上”是受“躺”支配的宾语。 B.文中②是主谓短语,“他”是主语,谓语“没有动弹”陈述“他”的行为。

C.文中③是偏正短语,用结构助词“的”字链接,“姿势”是中心语。 D.文中④是补充短语,“拐着”是补充性成分,说明“向外”的状态。 某班开展“畅享科幻之旅”主题读书活动,请你参加。 3.你所在的小组觉得向全班同学推荐《三体》《海底两万里》两本书,并制作手抄报。请在田字格内用正楷抄写手抄报报头上联,并修改下联使之与上联对仗工整。(3分+2分) 上联:四光年宇宙文明碰撞 下联:海底两万里迭生险象 修改: 4.这是组员小欣写的一段推介文字,请你根据拼音写汉字或给加点字注音。(4分) 《海底两万里》是法国著名科幻和探险小说家儒勒·凡尔纳所著。书中,阿龙纳斯教授随“诺第留斯号”潜水艇áo()游海底世界,一路饱览壮丽景观,明亮广阔的细沙平原、色泽艳丽的珊瑚王国、苍máng()荒凉的南极大陆;也经历惊心动魄.()的险情,搁浅、触礁、遇袭……书中英勇顽强的船长尼摩、知识渊博的阿龙纳斯、鲁莽.()暴躁的捕鲸手尼德·兰都令人喜爱。 5.活动中,同学们读到如下语段,请完成后面问题。(3分) 我怎样到平台上来,我不能说。或者说加拿大人把我抱上来的。但我呼吸、我细细尝到那大海的兴奋刺激的空气了。我的两个同伴在我旁边也尽情狂吸这新鲜的空气。不幸受苦的人们长久没有吃东西,是不能马上尽情乱吃人们第一次给他们的食物的;我们却正相反,我们用不着节制,我们可以尽各人的肺量吸取这海上的空气。而给我们送来这种快意迷醉的,正是那海风,正是那海风!

小升初真题.外国语学校小升初数学试卷 参考答案与试题解析 一、选择题(满分15分),将正确答案番号用2B铅笔在答题卡上涂写. 1.把30分解质因数,正确的做法是() A .30=1×2×3×5 B . 2×3×5=30 C . 30=2×3×5 考点:合数分解质因数. 分析:分解质因数就是把一个合数写成几个质数的连乘积形式,一般先从简单的质数试着分解.解答:解:A,30=1×2×3×5,其中1既不是质数,也不是合数,所以不正确; B,2×3×5=30,此题是求几个数的积的运算,不是合数分解质因数; C,30=2×3×5,符合要求,所以正确; 故选:C. 点评:此题主要考查分解质因数的方法以及如何求一个数的约数和约数的个数. 2一杯纯牛奶,喝去,加清水摇匀,再喝去,再加清水,这时杯中牛奶与水的比是() A .3:7 B . 2:3 C . 2:5 D . 1:1 考点:比的意义. 专题:比和比例. 分析: 假设一杯纯牛奶的量为100,喝去,即喝去了100×=20,剩下的牛奶为100﹣20=80,“加满水搅匀,再喝去”,则喝去的牛奶为80×=40,再加满水后,杯中有牛奶100﹣20﹣40=40,有水100﹣40=60,于是可以求出此时杯中牛奶与水的比. 解答: 解:假设一杯纯牛奶的量为100,喝去,即喝去了100×=20, 剩下的牛奶为100﹣20=80, “加满水搅匀,再”,则喝去的牛奶为80×=40, 再加满水后,杯中有牛奶100﹣20﹣40=40,有水100﹣40=60, 这时杯中牛奶与水的比为: 40:60, =(40÷20):(60÷20), =2:3; 故选:B. 点评:本题考查了比的意义.解答此题的关键是:利用假设法,分别求出最后杯中牛奶与水的量,依据比的意义即可得解. 3.一个三角形中,最大的一个角不能小于() A .60°B . 45°C . 30°D . 90° 考点:三角形的内角和. 专题:平面图形的认识与计算. 分析:因为三角形的内角和是180度,可以进行假设验证,即可求得准确答案.

南京外国语学校小升初招生网上报名时间及政策及解读 南外7月2日小升初笔试招生计划数增至340人 学校首度回应2017年起小升初笔测改面测 南外2016年招生简章出炉了!昨天上午,南外发布小升初、初升高招生简章,今年南外小升初招生范围扩大到全市,招生计划数增至340人,但录取方式仍采用摇号加笔试的方式;普通高中对外招生50名,面向全南京市初中毕业生。针对此前发布的《南京市2016年义务教育阶段学校招生工作指导意见》中南外未来招生政策的新变化,相关负责人也首次进行了回应。 小升初 7月2日上午英语能力测试 南京外国语学校2016年初中招生,招生范围是具有南京市常住户口的应届小学毕业生,招生人数为340人,具体分为,英语语种296名,小语种44名(其中,德语16名,法语16名,日语12名)。男女生录取比例为1:1。记者看到,除了时间日程,今年和往年相比有两项变化,一是招生范围扩大为全市;二是招生人数从320名增加到340名。 6月7日~8日,凡自愿报考的应届小学毕业生,在各自所在小学填报电脑派位志愿。6月26日(周日)上午,如填报的学生人数超出招生计划数的8倍,将由南京市招生委员会办公室组织通过电脑派位确定获得参加英语能力测试资格的学生。派位结束后立即公布学生名单。6月26日(周日)下午,获得参加英语能力测试资格的学生携带户口簿、电脑派位志愿表和两张2寸同底免冠正面照片到南京外国语学校办理报名、交费等手续并领取准考证。7月2日(周六)上午,举行英语能力测试。测试范围为现行小学英语教材。测试地点在南京外国语学校本部(北京东路30号)。7月8日(周五)发榜公布录取名单。2016年长沙小升初提前批招生启动网上报名时间及所需材料 目前,长沙市小升初特长生、民办子弟学校招生正在进行报名和面试,近日长沙市教育局

南京东山外国语学校物理电流和电路检测题(Word版含答案) 一、初三物理电流和电路易错压轴题(难) 1.在“探究串联电路中电流的特点”实验中,小明连接了如图所示的电路,闭合开关后,发现两个小灯泡都不发光,电流表没示数,检查发现各连线接触良好. (1)于是小明提出用导线两端依次连接ab、ac、ad两点的设计方案,其中用导线连接哪两点间不合适?答:________ (选填“ab”、“ac”或“ad”). (2)当小明用导线连接ab时,两灯泡不发光;连接ac时,小灯泡1L不发光,小灯泡2L 很亮,然后又熄灭.那么,原电路中的故障是________,小灯泡2L又熄灭的原因可能是 _____________. (3)此时,同组的小红提出用电压表检查电路,你认为小红的方案可行吗?答:________(选填“可行”或“不可行”). 【答案】ad L1断路电路中电流太大,灯丝被烧断可行 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 (1)于是小明提出用导线两端依次连接ab、ac、ad两点的设计方案,连接ab两点可以检查电流表有没有故障,再连接ac两点,就可以检查L1、L2有没有故障,连接ad两点,电路短路,可能会损坏电源,所以连接ad两点不合适; (2)当小明用导线连接ab时,两灯泡不发光,说明电流表完好;连接ac时,小灯泡1L 不发光,小灯泡2L很亮,然后又熄灭.那么,原电路中的故障是L1断路,小灯泡2L又熄灭的原因可能是电路中电流太大,灯丝被烧断. (3)此时,同组的小红提出用电压表检查电路,小红的方案可行,可以分别把电压表接在ab之间、ac之间,看电压表的示数即可. 2.在用电压表、电流表测量小灯泡电功率的实验中,灯泡上标有“2.5V”的字样. (1)测量小灯泡电功率的实验的原理是______________;小张根据电路图连接如图甲所示的实验电路,小王检查后发现有一根导线连接有错误,请你在这根导线上打“×”,并用笔画线代表导线,画出正确的连线。___ (2)电路改正后,小张闭合开关,发现灯泡不亮,电流表无示数,而电压表示数接近3V,取下灯泡,两表的示数仍然不变,出现故障的原因可能是____________________。(3)故障排除后,开始进行实验,小王根据测出的数据,在图乙中画出了小灯泡的电流、电压变化的关系图像,由此可以判断,小灯泡的额定功率为______W。此次实验中,使用滑动变阻器的目的是_________________。 (4)根据图乙还可以判断,小灯泡的电阻随电压的增大逐渐____________,原因是

南京一中实验学校小升初英语试卷2013.7 (卷面总分 100分) 一、选出下列每组单词中与其他三个不属同一类的那个词,将序号填在题前括号内。(5%) ( c )1. A. apple B. grape C. pie D. banana ( b )2. A. bus B. ear C. taxi D. train ( d )3. A. arm B. leg C. foot D. pen ( c )4. A. noodles B. bread C. toy D. cake ( d )5. A. piano B. violin C. guitar D. table ( c )6. A. bed B. chair C. school D. desk ( d )7. A. bedroom B. kitchen C. sitting-room D. water ( d )8. A. plate B.cup C. glass D. o’clock ( d )9. A. horse B. duck C. pig D. candle ( a )10.A. book B. vest C. shirt D. blouse 二、根据句意及所给的首字母提示写出单词,使句子完整。(10%) 1. Can you tell me the m_______ of the sign beside the lake ? meaning 2. She is a nurse. She works in the h_______. hospital 3. The classroom next to theirs is o_______ . ours 4. She likes English very much . English is her f_______ subject. favorite 5. A k_______ is a room for cooking. kitchen 6. He doesn’t know your telephone n_______. Can you tell him ? number 7. In s_______, boys like swimming in the lakes and rivers . summer 8. You want to buy a new coat and I want one, too . Let’s do some s_______, OK ? shopping 9. Excuse me, which is the w_______ to the History Museum ? way 10. What is their p_______ for this weekend? Plan 三、翻译下列词组。(10%) 1. write to a friend of mine_____________________ 给我的一个朋友写信 2. have the same hobby_____________________ 有同样的爱好 3. some medicine for cough_____________________ 治疗咳嗽的药 4. tell me about your country_____________________ 告诉我你的国家 5. 一位穿着红裙子的女孩_____________________ a girl in red dress 6.互相帮助_____________________ help each other . 7.明年春节_____________________ next Spring Festival 8.看上去相像_____________________look similar 9.在上午八点半_____________________ at half past eight 10.知道有关她的一切_____________________ know all about her 1 / 5

2020年南京外国语学校保送生推荐资格名单 姓名性别所在省市毕业学校 柏皓月女江苏南京外国语学校 柏司原男江苏南京外国语学校 鲍萱琪女江苏南京外国语学校 卜思雨女江苏南京外国语学校 卜宇成男江苏南京外国语学校 蔡正妍女江苏南京外国语学校 曹啸天男江苏南京外国语学校 曹越女江苏南京外国语学校 曾志博女江苏南京外国语学校 常瑞祺男江苏南京外国语学校 陈伯钧男江苏南京外国语学校 陈瑾怡女江苏南京外国语学校 陈璐女江苏南京外国语学校 陈麒羽女江苏南京外国语学校 陈绮帆女江苏南京外国语学校 陈烁霆男江苏南京外国语学校 陈丝雨女江苏南京外国语学校 陈羽心女江苏南京外国语学校 陈钰文男江苏南京外国语学校



2019-2020学年江苏南京市东山外国语学校高三上学期月考英语试卷第一部分:听力略 第二部分:英语知识综合运用 第一节从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分) 1. Difficult as rumors on micro blog or weibo are ___________, the authorities will step up supervision so that people will not be easily misled. A. to prevent B. to be prevented C. prevented D. preventing 2. On the first day of term, there were crowds of people in the dormitory, _________ for where they should go. A.all looked B. all were looking C. all to look D. all looking 3. There are three main classes of drugs, ___________ has a different effect on the body. A. all of which B. and all of them C. each of them D. of which each 4. How did it _________ that you failed to ___________ in time yesterday? A. come up; turn down B. come on; turn over C. come about; turn up D. come over; turn off 5. As a keen netizen, she thinks there ____________ be better ways for the government to deal with the Internet cafes rather than to shut them down. A. would B. should C. could D. might 6. —The housing prices have been rising these months. But you can buy a flat on 1

2018嘉祥外国语学校小升初数学综合素质及 参考答案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

小升初数学综合素质测试卷 (满分120分,考试时间:90分钟) 一、用心思考 正确填写:(每题2分,共40分) 1、63 7 的分数单位是 _________ ,它去掉 _________ 个这样的分数单位是最小的合数. 2.循环小数……简记为_________ ,它的小数部分第2007位是_________ 。 3.已知5x=3y ,那么x 和y 成 _________ 比例;已知5:x=y :3,那么x 和y 成 _________ 比例. 4.鸡的只数是鸭的12 ,鹅的只数是鸡的13 鹅的只数为鸭的( ) ( ) 。 5. 一辆汽车以每小时50千米的速度从甲地开往乙地,走了t 小时,离乙地还有a 千米.用式子表示甲乙两地的距离 _________ 千米. 6.李老师买国库券x 元,定期5年,年利率是%,到期时她一共可得到利息 _________ 元. 7. a=2×3×m ,b=3×5×m (m 是自然数且m ≠0),如果a 和b 的最大公约数是21,则m 是 _________ ,a 和b 的最小公倍数是 _________ . 8. 现有含盐率为20%的盐水300克,如果要使含盐率降为10%,应加水 _________ 克。 9.六(1)班同学的身高情况如下表.不用计算,这组数据的中位数是 _________ 、众数是 _________ 。 10. 如图是一只蜘蛛在墙角织的 网,连接图中黑点的蜘丝之间共有__________个交点. 11.算式中的□和△各代表一个数.已知:(△+□)×=,□÷=12.那么,△= ,□= . 12.甲、乙、丙三个数的平均数是70,甲:乙=2:3,乙:丙=4:5,则乙数是 _________ . 13.一批水果用了四天卖完,第一天卖出180千克,第二天卖出余下的2 7 ,第三、四天 共卖出这批水果的一半,这批水果有___________千克. 14.甲盒子中有编号为1、2、3的3个白色乒乓球,乙盒子中有编号为4、5、6的3个黄色乒乓球.现分别从每个盒子中随机地取出1个乒乓球,则取出乒乓球的编号之和大于6的概率为 _________ . 15.一个圆锥体的体积是40立方厘米,比与它等底的圆柱体小20立方厘米,如果圆锥高10厘米,圆柱的高是 _________ 厘米. 16.如图是甲、乙、丙三个人单独完成某项工程所需天数统计图.请看图填空. ①甲、乙合作这项工程, _________ 天可以完成. ②先由甲做3天,剩下的工程由丙做,还需要 _________ 天完成. 17.把一根绳子分别等分折成5股和6股,如果折成5股比6股长20厘米,那么这根绳子的长度是 _______ 厘米. 18. 把一根长8分米的长方体木料,正好锯成4个一样的正方体,表面积一共增加了 ______平方分米. 19.观察表一,寻找规律.表二、表三、表四分别是从表一中截取的一部分,其中a=__________, b=__________, c=__________, 身高/m 人数 1 3 5 10 12 6 3

小升初英语创新能力题预测解析 近年来小升初英语试题一个突出的特点就是体现了浓厚的时代气息,紧密联系社会热点和同学们的生活实际。下面就这类有关创新能力的中考试题做简单解析,以备同学们更好地应对明年的小升初英语能力测试。 预测一关注环境保护,增强环境意识 1. We believe scientists will ______ a way to solve the problem of air pollution. A. set off B. put off C. come up with D. catch up with 【解析】此题的句意是“我们相信科学家们将会想出解决空气污染的办法”。选项A是“出发”,B是“拖延、延期”,C是“想出、发现”,D是“赶上”。 预测二增强识图能力,注意联系生活实际 2. Which is the following is NOT a traffic sign(交通标志)? A. B. C. D. 【解析】此题考查的是交通标志与其他标志的区别。这就要求我们在平时多注意公共场所 的各种图示标志。 预测三渗透学科整合,注意学科内在联系 3. (用所给词的适当形式填空)The Yellow River, the world’s _____ (five)longest river, has a serious problem now. 【解析】此题考查到了地理知识,黄河是世界上第五条大河。地理知识是每个同学应该掌 握的内容,这也是素质教育的要求。 预测四关注奥运,激发爱国之情 4. Which of the following information is NOT true? A. The 1996 Olympic Games was held in America. B. The 27th Olympic Games was held in Europe. C. Beijing is getting ready for the 29th Olympic Games. 【解析】第26届奥运会1996年在美国举行,第29届奥运会在北京举办,这两条信息是真 实的。第27届奥运会在悉尼举行,悉尼是澳大利亚的城市,不属于欧洲。 5. _______ 8:00 of August 8, 2008, Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games. A. At B. In C. On D. By 【解析】此题考查了奥运会的有关知识。即2008奥运会开幕式的时间;又考查了在钟点 前介词的应用。 预测五把握时代脉搏,注重时事热点 6. —What do you think of Fuwa(福娃)for the 2008 Olympic Games?

江苏省南京市南京外国语学校2020-2021学年七年级下学期 期中英语试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.Mike works in a hospital ________ help people, not ________ the money. A.to; to B.for; for C.to; for D.for; to 2.Sam didn’t want anyone ________ the silly mistake he made at school to his mother. A.told B.to tell C.tell D.would tell 3.The cost of our dinner at this three-Michelin-star restaurant is $300, ________ food and drinks. A.including B.like C.with D.such as 4.There is a solemn statue ________ nine martyrs (烈士) and a tall monument ________ martyrs who died here in Yuhuatai Martyrs Cemetery. A.of; of B.to; to C.to; of D.of; to 5.Danny is checking everything in the cage to ________ his pet bird lives comfortably in it. A.be sure B.make sure C.feel sure D.seem sure 6.—I know it’s my fault to break your glasses. Can’t you give me a chance to make it up to you? —________. But first you need to say sorry to me. A.I am afraid not B.No, I can’t C.Never mind D.Yes, I can 7.When Janet got to Edinburgh last August, there were not ________ hotels for her to choose. All ________ hotels were full. She could only stay in a guesthouse. A.other; other B.the other; the other C.other; the other D.the other; other 8.Helen is such a careless woman that she ________ her keys to her office at home three times last month. A.left B.forgot C.lost D.kept 9.Debbie doesn’t know what Pete ________ about these days. She ________ it’s his problem, not hers. So she doesn’t care. A.is thinking; thinks B.thought; is thinking C.thinks; thinks D.thinks; is thinking 10.Taking a tech-free (零科技) holiday would be a good time to ________ something new or ________ hobbies which you never had time for.

2019-2020南京东山外国语学校数学中考模拟试题附答案 一、选择题 1.在下面的四个几何体中,左视图与主视图不相同的几何体是() A . B . C . D . 2.在庆祝新中国成立70周年的校园歌唱比赛中,11名参赛同学的成绩各不相同,按照成绩取前5名进入决赛.如果小明知道了自己的比赛成绩,要判断能否进入决赛,小明需要知道这11名同学成绩的( ) A.平均数B.中位数C.众数D.方差 3.如图,在矩形ABCD中, AD=2AB,∠BAD的平分线交BC于点E,DH⊥AE于点H,连接BH并延长交CD于点F,连接DE交BF于点O,下列结论:①∠AED=∠CED; ②OE=OD;③BH=HF;④BC﹣CF=2HE;⑤AB=HF,其中正确的有() A.2个B.3个C.4个D.5个 4.等腰三角形的两边长分别为3和6,则这个等腰三角形的周长为() A.12 B.15 C.12或15 D.18 5.肥皂泡的泡壁厚度大约是0.0007mm,0.0007用科学记数法表示为() A.0.7×10﹣3B.7×10﹣3C.7×10﹣4D.7×10﹣5 6.点 P(m + 3,m + 1)在x轴上,则P点坐标为() A.(0,﹣2)B.(0,﹣4)C .(4,0)D.(2,0) 7.不等式组 213 312 x x + ? ? +≥- ? < 的解集在数轴上表示正确的是() A.B. C. D. 8.10+1的值应在() A.3和4之间B.4和5之间C.5和6之间D.6和7之间 9.甲种蔬菜保鲜适宜的温度是1℃~5℃,乙种蔬菜保鲜适宜的温度是3℃~8℃,将这两种蔬菜放在一起同时保鲜,适宜的温度是()
