





活动方案一: 一、活动目的 1、让学生认识到英语就在身边,要多练习口语 2、通过情景对话,增加课堂的趣味性,引起学生的上课兴趣,营造良好的课堂氛围,寓教于乐。 二、活动时间 第二日早上10:20-11:20

三、活动地点:待定 四、活动主题:英语风暴之日常对话 五、活动对象:初一学生 六、活动形式: (一)、课堂导入篇:教师引言 讲述学英语口语的重要性并联系到实际生活 (二)、情景模拟篇:超市购物 教师将对话模板呈现给学生 如:A:How much does this pen cost? B:It costs ten dollars. A:That’s very expensive. Do you have anything cheaper? B:Sure, this pen is only two dollars. A:Good! I will take it. 给学生分析这个模板中的口语表达地道在哪里 给定学生另一个模板,如餐厅点餐,让学生自行组队进行情景模拟。(三)、大胆展示篇:我敢练,我会说 先询问全班同学有没有自愿站起来展示对话的,没有则进行击桌传球游戏,声停则球到哪里哪组同学就站起来模拟对话。 七、活动流程 10:20—10:25 教师引言 10:25-10:45 让学生朗读并由教师分析解说对话模板 10:45-10:55 学生自行找搭档练习 10:55—11:10 三组击桌传球游戏,让学生上台模拟对话 11:10—11:15 学生做笔记,摘抄模板 11:15—11;20 教师总结

八、经费预算 小球1元 九、预期效果 使学生了解到英语就在身边,培养他们的兴趣与自信,让他们大胆开口说英语 十、主要负责人 辛老师 活动方案二: 一、活动目的: 1.使学生养成多动脑筋的习惯 2.培养学生多角度思考问题的能力 3.让他们由人推己,想想自己的未来 4.通过交流讨论,使学生形成合作意识,提高口语表达能力 二、活动时间 第四天下午16:10-17:10 三、活动地点:待定 四、活动主题:英语风暴之主题讨论 五、活动对象:初一学生 六、活动形式: 给定一个主题,如人教版初一下册第四单元课题“I want to be an actor.”让学生小组讨论演员这个职业与自己最喜欢的明星,设想自 己未来的职业。 七、活动流程 16:10—16:13 教师引言 16:13-16:20 复习课本相关单元单词及课文 16:20-16:50 学生自行找搭档练习,教师下台引导学生


编号:TQC/K655 英语角社团活动策划书完 整版 In order to achieve a certain goal, the final plan is output after internal communication and confirmation, and the implementation is reasonably arranged according to the existing resources, so as to realize the structured and planned implementation. 【适用制定规则/统一目标/规范行为/增强沟通等场景】 编写:________________________ 审核:________________________ 时间:________________________ 部门:________________________

英语角社团活动策划书完整版 下载说明:本方案资料适合用于工作中,为达到某个目标把要求和工作的内容及根据单位的实际情况来制定,在内部沟通确认后输出最终的方案,执行时根据已有的资源进行合理安排,现实结构化和有规划性的实施。可直接应用日常文档制作,也可以根据实际需要对其进行修改。 一、活动目的: 为进一步提高XXXX广大职工及学生的英语水平,营造健康向上、积极进取的学习氛围,XXXX办公室将为广大热爱英语学习和爱好英语口语交流的朋友们搭建一个施展才华,提高英语能力的平台, 我们将以最新颖、最强大的阵容和最热情、最用心的投入,欢迎热爱英语的朋友们的积极参与,相信英语角将给大家带来视觉上的强大震撼和听觉上的全新感受,并为大家的英语学习再助一臂之力!


英语角话题汇总(1) 一、变化的利与弊 每个人都必须面对社会的变迁、生活的变化,你喜欢变化吗?ed带你讨论变化的利与弊。 二、社会热点问题 人类正面临各种公共问题,经济、就业、房子等,richard带你讨论社会热点问题。 三、运动员成功的秘诀 ed带你观看比赛短片,讨论优秀的教练和队员成功的秘诀。 四、剑桥国际英语教学 来自美国的年青外教christian尝试剑桥国际英语的教学并讨论部分话题。 五、奥运会 a. 2008年北京奥林匹克奥运会。 b. 北京奥运会对中国会有怎样的影响? 六、世界杯 2006年世界杯足球赛。 七、专题讲座

邀请澳大利亚艺术家lanm arr举办专题讲座。 八、交际英语 特邀广州英语频道主持人matthew与你分享如何通过交际英语实现有趣而愉快的谈话。 九、面试 在面试中如何赢得面试官的欣赏,你又需要做哪些准备,rich带你身临其境面试种种。 十、信仰 特殊人群有着有着不同的“奇怪”信仰,ed带你讨论佛教信徒、基督教信徒、无神论者观点。 十一、广告宣传 如何制作广告宣传自己,如何让产品与众不同?ed带你观看广告篇,发现其中奥秘。 十二、整形手术 整形手术上演着一幕幕人间悲喜剧,如何评判它的功过与是非?peter 整形手术在当今社会已司空见惯,你对此有何见解? 十三、健康 你认为自己面临着食品卫生、健康等方面诸多问题吗?谈谈你的问题并讨论如何解决。 十四、文化差异

richard与讨论文化差异在宗教、婚姻等方面所引发的问题及爱情是否永恒的时尚话题。 十五、精力管理 知道你每天的最佳精力时段吗?matt将引导一场关于增强精力的讨论。 十六、毒品问题 一种新型类似可卡因的药物juicybake在社区蔓延,richard与你讨论是否非法。 十七、优先权 德国外教ed同你讨论优先权“priorities” 十八、 助人为乐、礼貌待人是否各有优缺点?德国外教ed设置不同情景带你进入热烈讨论。 十九、特殊职业 你想象过从事某些特殊职业吗?宇航员或者兽医这些已渐成为生活的一部分。 二十、乐观与悲观 关于乐观主义与悲观主义你有何见解?有多年英语教学经验,教育学专业背景德国外教与你一起探讨。 二十一、假如 如果你**世界,你将有何作为?喜爱中国功夫的英国外教理查德带给你新鲜时尚有趣的话题。


English Corner Topic: Responsibility What kind of responsibilities do you have to your family? Are those responsibilities based on love for your family or a sense of duty or obligation? What responsibilities do you have to your neighbors and your neighborhood? Are the qualities that make for a good neighbor in the city the same as those in the countryside? What kind of responsibilities do you have to your classmates/colleagues? Can you think of a time that a classmate/colleague negatively effected class/work environment by not fulfilling his/her responsibilities? What does it mean to be "socially responsible?" What are your social responsibilities? How do you know that those are your responsibilities? Are they learned or did you think of them yourself? English Corner Topic: Reality TV What is your favorite reality tv show? Why do you like that one better than the others? Why do you think reality tv shows have become so popular in recent years? Do you think that dramas and sitcoms have fallen in popularity? Do you think that reality tv brings out the best in the participants or the worst? How do you think reality tv shows affect the people watching them? If you could participate in a reality tv show, which one would you want to be on? Do you think you would be the kind of person that would do anything to win or the ‘nice’ kind of participant? English Corner Topic: Thankfulness What five things are you most grateful for in your life? Are they tangible things or intangible? What person in your life do you feel the most grateful to? Why? If someone helps you in a big way, how do you express your gratitude? Do you use words, gifts, treat them to dinner, etc.? ld you If you do something good for someone but they don’t express thankfulness, how do you feel? Shou do something in that situation? Is it right to expect people to be grateful? English Corner Topic: Love How would you define love? What different kinds of love are there? What are some different ways to express love? Do you think the way you receive love and show love is the same or different? Do you think that the people you love know you love them? What do you think about telling someone, “I love you”? When do you think that is appropriate? When is it inappropriate? Is it as meaningful if you s ay it in a language that’s not your native language? Why is love important? Do you think love is as important as movies and songs imply that it is? What kind of love is most important? English Club Topic: Trust How would you define trust? Is it just a feeling? Is it a decision? How do you come to trust a person? Does building trust require time and experience with another person or can you trust someone as soon as you meet them? Are there different levels of trust for different people in your life? Who in your life do you trust the most? How has that person gained or earned your trust? If you found out that person had lied to you, would you trust them again or not? 4.What do you think is a worse quality in a person- being too trusting or not being trusting enough? In


“英语角”系列活动 策 划 书 主办单位:师大学学生会

学生发展中心 2012年10月10日 目录 一、活动背景 (3) 二、活动目的 (4) 三、活动形式及容 1、英语角系列活动之英语pa (5) 2、英语角系列活动之四六级高分经验分享会 (10) 3、英语角系列活动之chatting room (12) 四、具体活动安排 五、企业宣传方式 六、总预算 活动背景

随着现代社会的不断发展,世界的联系越来越紧密,逐渐发展成一个地球村。而世界各国在相互联系的过程中,各国语言也在激烈地碰撞,交汇。英语变得越来越国际化,成为了国际舞台上一门重要的交际工具。可以说,不懂英语就无法走向世界,无法与更广阔的天地接触。中国,在世界的舞台上扮演着越来越重要的角色。少年雄于地球,则国雄于地球,作为泱泱大国的新一代,有着责任和义务学好英语这门重要的交际语言。师大学是一所国家211计划重点建设的大学之一,南师大作为坐落在六朝古都的一所有着百年传统的国家重点高校,肩负着教书育人,为社会培养高尖端国际化人才的重担。 活动目的 为了适应社会发展,满足现代企业对高尖端国际化人才的需求,我校学生会致力于培养、提高在校大学生的英语综合能力。校学生会学生发展中心创办的“英语角”活动继承这一精神,以各类与英语相关的娱乐活动来丰富在校大学生的课余外语生活,以各种以提高英语能力为宗旨的英语比赛来达到锻炼在校学生英语的综合能力。我校会学发中心的英语活动种类丰富,形式多样,传统悠久,口碑极佳,立足学生英语学习现状,结合社会时代背景,以期为学生未来在社会和国际舞台上夯实基础,添砖浦路。

师大学第一届“英语角”系列活动之“英语pa”活动策划书 一、活动背景 随着时代的发展,如今英语已成为人们广泛使用的语言,当今社会对优秀人才的英语水平有着较高的要求。在大学校园,各个院系学术界逐渐与国际接轨,较高的英语口语水平成为当代大学生必不可少的能力之一。 二、活动目的及意义 校学生会学生发展中心定期举办英语角这一活动,面向所有爱好英语的同学,旨在提高同学们英语学习的热情,英语口语的能力以及英语学习成绩。为大家提供一个良好的学习英语的氛围,让大家充分参与英语交流与学习的过程之中,感受外国文化的魅力以及英语学习的乐趣。学习英语是一个长期的过程,需要不断的积累,不断的练习。而且英语口语水平需要在一定的英语氛围下才能得到真正的锻炼和提高。本次英语角活动则恰恰为同学们提供了这样的环境。通过长期的活动,让同学们能够在轻松的氛围下提升英语口语水平。 本次“英语pa”作为“英语角”系列活动的开场活动,旨在为大家提供轻松的英语交流场所、良好的英语学习氛围。本次活动也是为“英语角”系列活动的开展宣传造势,让更多同学了解由校学生会为大家举办的“英语角”活动,并鼓励同学积极参与,提高自己的英语水平。


Words单词: 1 tall 高的 2 short 矮的 3 fat 胖的 4 thin 瘦的 5 old 老的 6 young 年轻的 7 pretty 漂亮的 8 ugly 丑陋的 Language Target语言目标 1.Who’s your Chinese teacher? 2.Mr. Zhang. 3.What’s he like? 4.He is tall. Words单词: 1 tall 高的 2 short 矮的 3 fat 胖的 4 thin 瘦的 5 old 老的 6 young 年轻的 7 pretty 漂亮的 8 ugly 丑陋的 Language Target语言目标: 1.Who’s your Chinese teacher? 2.Mr. Zhang. 3.What’s he like? 4.He is tall. Words单词: 1 tall 高的 2 short 矮的 3 fat 胖的 4 thin 瘦的 5 old 老的 6 young 年轻的 7 pretty 漂亮的 8 ugly 丑陋的 Language Target语言目标: 1.Who’s your Chinese teacher? 2.Mr. Zhang. 3.What’s he like? 4.He is tall. Words单词: 1 tall 高的 2 short 矮的 3 fat 胖的 4 thin 瘦的 5 old 老的 6 young 年轻的 7 pretty 漂亮的 8 ugly 丑陋的 Language Target语言目标: 1.Who’s your Chinese teacher? 2.Mr. Zhang. 3.What’s he like? 4.He is tall. Words单词: 1 tall 高的 2 short 矮的 3 fat 胖的 4 thin 瘦的 5 old 老的 6 young 年轻的 7 pretty 漂亮的 8 ugly 丑陋的 Language Target语言目标: 5.Who’s your Chinese teacher? 6.Mr. Zhang. 7.What’s he like? 8.He is tall. Words单词: 1 tall 高的 2 short 矮的 3 fat 胖的 4 thin 瘦的 5 old 老的 6 young 年轻的 7 pretty 漂亮的 8 ugly 丑陋的 Language Target语言目标: 1.Who’s your Chinese teacher? 2.Mr. Zhang. 3.What’s he like? 4.He is tall. Words单词: 1 tall 高的 2 short 矮的 3 fat 胖的 4 thin 瘦的 5 old 老的 6 young 年轻的 7 pretty 漂亮的 8 ugly 丑陋的 Language Target语言目标: 1.Who’s your Chinese teacher? 2.Mr. Zhang. 3.What’s he like? 4.He is tall. Words单词: 1 tall 高的 2 short 矮的 3 fat 胖的 4 thin 瘦的 5 old 老的 6 young 年轻的 7 pretty 漂亮的 8 ugly 丑陋的 Language Target语言目标: 1.Who’s your Chinese teacher? 2.Mr. Zhang. 3.What’s he like? 4.He is tall. Words单词: 1 tall 高的 2 short 矮的 3 fat 胖的 4 thin 瘦的 5 old 老的 6 young 年轻的 7 pretty 漂亮的 8 ugly 丑陋的 Language Target语言目标: 1.Who’s your Chinese teacher? 2.Mr. Zhang. 3.What’s he like? 4.He is tall. Words单词: 1 tall 高的 2 short 矮的 3 fat 胖的 4 thin 瘦的 5 old 老的 6 young 年轻的 7 pretty 漂亮的 8 ugly 丑陋的 Language Target语言目标: 1.Who’s your Chinese teacher? 2.Mr. Zhang. 3.What’s he like? 4.He is tall.


英语角学习资料 以下是为大家整理的英语角学习资料的相关范文,本文关键词为英语角,学习资料,building,建筑,steel,rei,您可以从右上方搜索框检索更多相关文章,如果您觉得有用,请继续关注我们并推荐给您的好友,您可以在英语学习中查看更多范文。 building建筑steelreinforcement钢衬samples样品packinglist箱单container集装箱LcL拼柜exw工厂交货deposit定金brick砖window 窗户handle执手rubber胶条roller滑轮crescentlock月牙锁hinge铰链downpayment尾款glass玻璃catalogue图册目录mould/die模具diagram图表glazingbead压条tolerance公差density密度Resin树脂sapcacer隔条protectionfilm保护膜logo标志formula配方commission 佣金bowl碗(30个) handbook指南signature签字署名quotation报价fence护栏calcium钙watertanks水箱outputtable出材率表inquiry询盘quotation 报价gw毛重deadline有效期moQ最小起订量rust生锈的consignee 收货人 shipper发货人eTD预计到港时间eTA预计开港时间dischargeport

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英语角活动策划书文档2篇 English corner activity planning document 编订:JinTai College

英语角活动策划书文档2篇 小泰温馨提示:策划书是对某个未来的活动或者事件进行策划,是目标规划的文字书及实现目标的指路灯。撰写策划书就是用现有的知识开发想象力,在可以得到的资源的现实中最可能最快的达到目标。本文档根据不同类型策划书的书写内容要求展开,具有实践指导意义。便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:英语角活动策划书文档 2、篇章2:英语角展示晚会活动策划书文档 篇章1:英语角活动策划书文档 活动引言: 随着时代的发展,民族的融合、“地球村”也越来越小,如何使中国与国际社会进行更好的交流,促进彼此的发展,是当代xxx大学生不可推卸的责任。英语作为世界上使用最广泛的语言,在国际的交流中自然起到至关重要的作用。其中,英语口语显得尤为重要,是大学生必修的课程之一。因此,举办英语角不仅能够很好的提高大学生的英语口语水平,

提供一个可以展现自我,激励他人的舞台,而且也能为一些英语爱好者提供了与外教进行面对面的交流机会,让他们找到学习语言的灵感,为以后学习语言打下更好的基础。 一:活动目的1、进一步提高学生学英语的兴趣,口语表达能力,开辟英语学习的新途径,无拘无束,疯狂的说英语,展现自我。 2、促进文化间的交流,摆脱原有的教学模式,领略另一面风光,学习一种新思想、新文化。 3、掌握学英语的方法,不断的积累,以便在今后的生活和事业中更好的运用。 4、加固口语表达能力和交际能力,为爱好英语口语交流的同学们搭建一个施展才华提高英语能力的平台,加强同学们之间的交流和友谊。 二:活动时间 三:活动策划主办单位 xxx学院(小湖) 四:基本设想


? 6.1.10 English Corner Topic: Fear 1. What things/circumstances are you most afraid of? Do you think there is a reason you fear those things? 2. Are your fears now the same as those you had as a child? Which ones have changed? Which are the same? 3. Do you think a person can overcome something they deeply fear? How? Would you ever choose to face one of your deepest fears for money, like on the tv shows? 4. Do you fear death? Why or why not? Do you think being afraid of death is a good thing or a bad thing? > 删除?April 20th, 2010 English Corner Topic: Family Stories 1. Tell the group a story from your grandparents’ childhood. How was there life then similar to your life now? 2. Tell a story from your parents’ childhood. How do your parents generally describe their childhood? 3. Tell a story from your childhood. How do you think your childhood differed from that of your parents and grandparents? 4. What do you think your child’s childhood will be like? Do you think it will be happier or less happy than your childhood? Why? ?11.03.09 English Club Topic: Cities 1. Describe your hometown, and tell your group 3 things you like about your hometown and three things you don’t like about it. 2. If you were the mayor of your hometown, what problems would you try to fix? How would you go about fixing those problems? What things would you not want to change? 3. How do you feel about Changsha? What challenges do you think Changsha will face in the next 2 years? 10 years?

food and health 英语角话题和词汇表达

Topic: food and health 1.What’s your favorite food? Why? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?为什么? 2.What’s your favorite beverage 饮料? Why?你最喜欢的饮料是什么?为什么? 3.What’s your favorite fruit?Why?你最喜欢的水果是什么?为什么? 4.In what ways do you want to cook your food? 你喜欢什么样的烹饪方式? 5.What did you eat for supper?你晚饭吃了什么? 6.What kinds of eating habits are improper? 哪些饮食习惯是不好的? 7. What kinds of eating habits are healthy? 哪些饮食习惯是好的? 8.How do you think of the canteen in our university? 我校的食堂如何? 9. What is healthy food? 什么是健康食品? 10. Do you love junk food like KFC , McDonalds or Pizza Hut? 你喜欢垃圾食品如麦当劳吗? 11.Are you a vegetarian? 素食主义者吗?How do you think of it? 你是素食主义者吗?你如何看待? 12.How many different Chinese cuisines are there in China? 中国有多少菜系? 13. How to make our Chinese food acceptable for foreigners? 如何让中国菜被外国人接受? 14.What’s your view on genetic food转基因食品? 你如何看待转基因食品? 15. How to solve the problem of food security in china? 如何解决中国的食品安全问题? 16.Different food contains different nutrients营养素? Give some examples. 不同食物的营养素 17.Are you good at cooking? Do you have any specialties拿手好菜? Narrate the recipes/formula菜谱/配方, the steps and key points. 你擅长烹饪吗?有什么拿手好菜?介绍一道菜的菜谱。 18.Do you want to gain weight 增肥or lose weight减肥? Have you been on a diet节食? How do you think of it? 你想减肥还是增肥?你节食过吗?如何看待? 每个子话题的补充词汇和表达:Glossary 1.What’s your favorite food? Why? Vocabularies: 烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋preserved egg 茶叶蛋tea egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 米粉Rice noodles 炒米粉Fried rice noodles 鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 貢丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃Longevity Peaches 芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers 臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd 麻辣豆腐Spicy hot bean curd 虾片Prawn cracker 虾球Shrimp balls 春卷Spring rolls 蛋卷Chicken rolls 碗糕Salty rice pudding 筒仔米糕Rice tube pudding 红豆糕Red bean cake 绿豆糕Bean paste cake 糯米糕Glutinous rice cakes 萝卜糕Fried white radish patty 芋头糕Taro cake 肉圆Taiwanese Meatballs 水晶饺Pyramid dumplings 肉丸Rice-meat dumplings 豆干Dried tofu 当归鸭Angelica duck 槟榔Betel nut 火锅Hot pot 中餐: barbecued pork 叉烧sausage 香肠fried pork flakes 肉松BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 荤菜vegetables 素菜 meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜set meal 客饭curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭 plain rice 白饭crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥noodles with gravy 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafing dish, fire pot 火锅meat bun 肉包子shao-mai 烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳 bean curd 豆腐fermented blank bean 豆豉pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋 bear's paw 熊掌breast of deer 鹿脯sea cucumber 海参sea sturgeon 海鳝salted jelly fish 海蜇皮 kelp/seaweed 海带abalone 鲍鱼shark fin 鱼翅scallops 干贝lobster 龙虾bird's nest 燕窝 roast suckling pig 烤乳猪pig's knuckle 猪脚boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat 腊肉dried turnip 萝卜干


“英语角”活动策划方案 一、活动目的: 为进一步提高XXXX广大职工及学生的英语水平,营造健康向上、积极进取的学习氛围,XXXX办公室将为广大热爱英语学习和爱好英语口语交流的朋友们搭建一个施展才华,提高英语能力的平台, 我们将以最新颖、最强大的阵容和最热情、最用心的投入,欢迎热爱英语的朋友们的积极参与,相信英语角将给大家带来视觉上的强大震撼和听觉上的全新感受,并为大家的英语学习再助一臂之力! 二、活动对象、时间和地点 活动口号:Don’t be shy!Just try!Practice Makes Perfect! 活动对象:XXXX全体职工、学生 活动时间:每周三下午15:00—17:00 活动地点:园区四楼报告厅 活动性质:本次活动是针对园区英语爱好者开展的一项以英语交流为主的集体性,自主性、学习性、开放性的活动。 三、基本设想:体现以口语交流为主,发挥引导作用 1、每期活动的主题由主持人、大家共同商定,活动内容贴近实际生活 2、对于每期的新话题,分组开展多种形式的讨论 3、每期活动以游戏、对话等形式开展,突出语言的功能性 4、在娱乐中学习,在快乐中进步,轻轻松松学好口语 四、活动内容与形式 ⑴话题自由讨论 ⑵娱乐互动 ⑶英语原声电影经典对白 ⑷学唱英文歌曲 ⑸英语才艺展示 ⑹英语话题辩论赛等

五、具体活动计划: 准备工作: 活动开展 (1)英语角学习栏用于记录每期协会话题 (2)丰富英语资料库,大家多提供一些英语报纸,英语杂志,英语字典等英语学习资料,资源共享 (3)音响播放一些英语歌曲烘托英语角气氛 ( 4) 充分利用网络资源 活动具体内容: 1、自由交谈:由主持人阐述事先讨论好的主题,然后围绕主题用英语分组展开讨论,发表自己观点和看法。 2、表演:简单的英文歌曲、即兴演讲、英文小笑话、英文电影经典对白实战模拟 3、原声模仿秀:播放一段影片,然后按照英文字幕给影片配音,由成员自愿报名模仿表演,大家共同点评。 4、娱乐:字谜游戏、单词接龙、中英文谚语竞猜、英语绕口令等 5、英语才艺展示:比如英文歌曲演唱,英语诗歌朗诵,英语话剧表演,英语辩论赛……. 6、互动:互相提问、探讨问题,英语问答或抢答 六、期望: 英语非一朝一夕学成,只有不断坚持,不断努力,才会提高。希望各位英语爱好者能踊跃参与进来,让我们一起在愉悦的氛围中轻松学英语! (七、工作想法


一、D irect and Indirect Communication 1. Do you feel that you are a direct communicator or an indirect communicator? Give an example. 2. Who do you feel you can communicate directly with and who do you feel you should communicate indirectly with? 3. In the following situations, is direct communication or indirect communication more effective? Why? a) Asking a favor b) Breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend c) Telling your teacher you didn?t do your homework d) Firing an employee 4. Have you ever had a bad experience in which someone said something to you too directly? 5. If someone is communicating with you indirectly and you don?t understand the message they are trying to tell you, how do you deal with the situation? 二、F riendship 1) Come up with a definition for what friendship means in China. 2) What are 3 qualities you want in a good friend? What are 3 qualities you don?t want in a friend? Why? 3) How and where do people in China make their closest friendships? 4) If you move to a new place, what is a good way to make new friends? 5) What advice would you give a foreigner about how to develop good friendships with Chinese people? 6) If there is a foreign volunteer in your group, ask him/her what advice he/she has about being friends with westerners. 三、E ducation 1. Tell your group about your most enjoyable learning experience of the past. What made it good? 2. Describe what qualities you think the ideal teacher must have. What are some qualities you don?t want in a teacher? 3. In Chinese society, do teachers have a high status or a low status? Do you think being a teacher is a good job? Why or why not? 4. Is it the teacher/school?s or the parents? responsibility to teach a child good morals and behavior? 5. In your opinion, do men or women make better teachers? 四、H olidays 1. What is your favorite Chinese holiday? Which Western holiday most interests you? 2. Do you think holidays are very significant? What meanings are expressed by such holidays as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Spring Festival and Thanksgiving? 3. What is the history of your favorite Chinese holiday? (For example, what?s the history of Dragon Boat Festival?) 4. What did you think of the National Day celebration? 5. Describe your ideal holiday. 五、R ich and Poor 1. Rank the following in order of importance to you: a) health b) family c) money d) a good reputation e) education. Why did you choose that order?
