


1. — How was the journey to London?


A It was a nine-hour plane journey.

B I flew there.

C It was very well.


2. — What’s the fare to the museum?


A Five hours.

B Five dollars.

C Five miles.


3. — Here you are, Sir.


A Thank you very much.

B Yes, here we go.

C That’s all right.


4. —I wonder if you are free tomorrow evening.


A You are always free.

B Sure. What’s up?

C You are so kind and generous.


5. — Could you please tell me where I can park the car?—_________________

A Yes, please.

B It is made in America.

C Well, just over there.



1. We shall have an opportunity to exchange _______ tomorrow.

A sights

B meanings

C views


2. There is something wrong with my computer. It probably needs ________.

A repairing

B to repair

C repair


3. He is so honest that he never _______ lies.

A says

B tells

C speaks


4. She is so careful that she _______ very few mistakes in her work.

A does

B takes

C makes


5. It’s time we ____the lesson.

A started

B shall start

C will start


6. He _________ his father for both of them love sports.

A looks

B is like


南京财经大学 成人教育模拟试题(C卷) 注意:请将答案写在答题纸上。 Part One Listening Comprehension (10%) I. Listen to a dialogue and choose the correct choices according to what you have heard. 1. a. Thomson b. Simpson c. Timpson 2. a. a first-year b. a third-year c. a fourth-year 3. a. pleasure b. pressure c. politeness 4. a. project b. program c. product 5. a. bachelor’s b. master’s c. doctor’s II. Listen to the passage and choose the correct choices. 1. The purpose of the passage is to tell us_______ a. why a typical American introduction is simple. b. why proper introductions are important. c. how we can leave a good first impression. d. how a usual American introduction is mad e. 2. A typical American introduction seems to begin with_______ a. a greeting to each other. b. an exchange of cards. c. a firm handshake. d. a talk about their work. 3. After the exchange of cards, people usually______ a. put the cards into their pockets. b. read the cards carefully. c. go over the cards quickly. d. pay no attention to the cards. 4. In Paul’s eye, Roger Smith seems to be_______ a. very stupid b. quite smart. c. not experienced enough. d. not warm-hearted. 5. The ending of their first meeting is a. simple and friendly b. too cold. c. rather formal. d. quite strang e. Part Two Reading Comprehension (40%) Passage 1 Choose the best choice according to the passage.

保险代理人第三套考试题(doc 13页)

保险代理人第三套考试题(doc 13页)

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办法是()。 A将损余财产折价给被保险人以充抵赔偿金额 B将损余财产拍卖,拍卖所得由保险人与被保险人平分 C损失财产的残值归保险人所有 D从赔款金额中扣除残值部分 23、保险合同对当事人双方诚信的要求远远高于其他合同,其主要原因是() A、保险标的的不确定性 B、保险合同双方地位的不平等 C、保险合同的复杂性 D、保险双方信息的不对称性 24、在全部人身保险业务中,占据绝大部分份额、属于主要的和基本的险种是()。 A意外伤害保险B年金保险C健康保险D人寿保险 25、根据风险管理理论,风险管理的基本程序主要包括()。 A风险识别、风险估测、风险评价、选择风险管理技术和评估风险管理效果 B风险识别、风险估测、风险评价和设计保险方案 C风险识别、风险估测、涉及保险方案和选择风险管理技术 D风险识别、风险估测、设计保险方案和评估风险管理效果 26、某保险合同采用免赔额赔偿方法,规定免赔额为100元。如果被保险人的实际损失为40元,则保险人支付给被保险人的赔偿金额为()。 A 100元 B 0元 C 40元 D 60元 27、在人身意外伤害保险中,如果被保险人在保险期限内多次遭受意外事故并导致残疾,那么,保险人的正确理赔结果是() A 按残疾发生的时间先后顺序给付,最多不超过三次 B 按残疾程度最高的一次给付残废保险金,差额补给 C 每次均给付残废保险金,但累计不得超过保险金额 D 每次均给付残废保险金,累计以保险金额两倍为限 28、取得中国保险监督管理委员会颁发的资格证书,为保险公司销售保险产品及提供相关服务,并收取手续费或者佣金的个人,称为() A 保险咨询师 B 保险经纪人 C 保险公估人 D 保险营销员 29、甲单位委托乙单位完成一项科技开发任务,任务完成时,双方欲就该项成果申请发明专利。如果对专利申请问题双方事先没有协议约定,则该专利申请权属于() A 甲单位 B 乙单位 C 甲乙两单位共同 D 谁先提出申请谁享有 30、保险行业自律组织在性质上属于() A 经纪实体 B 行政性组织 C 非官方性的社团组织 D 官方组织


全国第三套小学生广播体操“七彩阳光”分解动作详解预备节:(4拍×4) 一八拍:1-4两臂经体侧成侧上举,掌心向内, 头稍抬。5-8双脚起落踵弹动四次,同时两手 五指分开,由外向内旋转四次。 二八拍:1-4两臂头上交叉经胸前成侧下举, 掌心向内。5-8同上。 三八拍:1-2左脚向左迈一步,同时右臂收回, 左臂成侧平举。3-4还原成直立。5-8同1-4 方向相反。 四八拍:1-2双脚起落踵一次,同时两臂成前 平举。3-4起落踵一次,还原成直立。5-7双 脚起落踵弹动3次同时双手叉腰,8还原成直 立。 第一节:伸展运动(8拍×8) 一八拍:1-2左腿前点地,同时两臂前平举, 掌心相对。3-4还原成直立。5-6下蹲,左臂 经体侧成侧平举,掌心向下,右臂经体侧成上

举。7-8还原成直立。 二八拍:同一八拍方向相反。 三八拍:1-2双脚提锺立,同时两臂经体侧成上举。3-4下蹲,两臂经体侧至体前交叉,左臂在前,头稍低。5-6左腿向左一步成开立,同时两臂经体侧成侧上举头稍抬。 四八拍:同三八拍方向相反。 第二节:扩胸运动(8拍×8) 一八拍 1 两腿屈同时两臂胸前立屈,握拳。 2直立,同时练笔前举,握拳。 3-4两臂胸前平屈后振,握拳。 5-6左脚向前一步成弓步,同时两臂经前至后 振。手掌向上 7-8还原成直立。 三八拍 1-2左脚向侧一步,同时身体左转90°成前后开立,两臂胸前平屈90°,两手相握,头向前方。3-4头左转90°同时两臂胸前平屈后振。5-6左腿屈膝成弓步,同时两臂经前后振。7-8还原成直立

第三节:踢腿运动(8拍×8) 1左脚向前迈一步,右脚尖点地,同时两臂前平举,掌心向下。2右腿前踢,同时两臂下摆后振。3同 1 4还原成直立5左腿屈膝,同时右腿侧伸脚尖内侧点地,两臂成胸前平屈。6还原成直立7同5 8同6 三八拍1-2高抬腿踏步两次,同时两手叉腰。3左腿侧踢,挺胸立腰,4左腿收回5右腿提膝,同时左臂前平举,右臂侧平举。 6还原成直立7同5 8同6 第四节:体侧运动(8拍×8) 1-2两脚起落锺两次,同时两臂肩侧上屈,手指触肩。手要高过头3-4两脚起落锺两次,同时两手胸前击掌两次。5-6右腿屈膝,左腿侧伸脚跟着地,同时上体侧屈,梗头7-8还原成直立

南财 实用英语2 第三套试卷(附答案98分)

南京财经大学成人高等教育 网络课程大学英语综合教程(第二册)试卷3 * 本试卷满分为100分,答题时间为90分钟。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 一、阅读判断(共10小题,共计20分) 二、单项选择题(共45小题,共计80分) Ⅰ. Reading Judgment (True or False) ( 20') Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the following 10 questions. If the statement agrees with the information given in the passage. You choose A for True; and if statement contradicts

the information given in the passage, you choose B for False. Soundless Communication Can you communicate with others when you live in a foreign country with no or little knowledge of its language? Of course, it is possible. You can convey your moods and intentions to one another without words, because all human beings share a large number of common visual signals. These signals are as effective as words are during communication. However, in daily life when people talk with others in their native language, they are not aware that they are using these signals to express their thoughts at the same time. These signals are called body language. Paying a little attention to one’s gestures when that person is talking, we can understand more than by only hearing one’s words. Wordless communication acts to qualify the words. The gestures of the head play a key role in body language. The vertical head movements, called nods, signify their agreement. It is very interesting that this gesture has been used by people born deaf and blind. No doubt, it strongly suggests that affirmative nodding may be an inborn action for the human species—a pattern of body language designed by our genes. The movements of eyes and eyebrows are as important as head movements in body Language, but there are many differences among nations in using this pattern of body language. Americans are very subtle about eye movements. During their conversation, eye movements may have several meanings. For instance, people avoid looking into another’s eyes for more than a few seconds because it may be thought of as a sign of disrespect. In England, however, staring at the speaker attentively may be considered as nothing more than a sign of interest. English people also like to blink their eyes occasionally during the conversation as a signal of agreement. Besides the gestures of the head or the movements of the eyes and eyebrows, the action of arms, hands and legs also are a large part of body language. Extending one’s arm and shaking hands with others is a greeting in both formal and informal cases. This part of body language might be traced back to primitive tribes. Early human beings established a major division of labor, with the male hunter leaving the group for some time, then returning home with the kill. Before he left and after he came back body contact was made;This consisted of a total embrace with much hugging, patting, squeezing, and even weeping. After many thousands of years, this kind of greeting has developed into the present customs, such as handshaking—one of the important elements in the modern body language dictionary. Like handshaking, there are still many other forms of body language presented by hands. Raising one’s hand and making a circle with his thumb and forefinger signals that something is OK. Clasped hands raised above the head, a traditional picture adopted by sportsmen after winning a fight, is a display of triumph that grows out of a surge of feeling following a victory. Waving one’s hands permits a speaker to make his words more powerful and vigorous. In addition to hand gestures, there are times when a person says something with his legs as well as with his head and eyes. The leg gestures often reflect one’s attitude towards something or someone that person is with. For example, if you pay a little attention, you will notice that when one is impatient listening to someone, his foot might beat the floor constantly and restlessly, as if it had its own life. In such a case, although he says not a word, in fact his body gesture reveals nearly everything. The same thing will happen when a person sits with someone whom that person dislikes. In this situation not only will his legs move from side to side, but also he will change the way his legs are crossed frequently. These postures reflect one’s uncomfortable feeling. According to the above facts, body language has offered a more reliable way to understand one’s mind by means of gestures. It is just like Sigmund Freud once wrote: “No mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he talks with his fingertips.” Body language is a communication tool. Like English, French, Spanish, and other languages in the world, though body language is soundless and wordless, once you understand it, you will feel the world is bigger than you realized. 1. When people communicate with each other, the visual signals cannot express their intentions clearly. A. True B. False 2. During communication, people are conscious of body language to understand others more deeply. A. True B. False 3. The gestures of the head are only used by the people born deaf and blind. A. True B. False 4. The movement of eyes and eyebrows are the same in meaning all over the world. A. True B. False 5. In England blink their eyes occasionally to show their agreement.


健美操大众锻炼标准一级组合一 1×8 节拍下肢步伐上肢动作预备姿势站立 一1-8 右脚一字步2 次 2 easy walk 1-2双臂胸前屈,3-4后摆,5胸前屈,6上举,7胸前屈, 8放于体侧 1×8 节拍下肢步伐上肢动作 二1-8右脚一字步2次 2 easy walk 吸腿时击掌,5-8同1-4 1×8 节拍下肢步伐上肢动作

三1-8侧并步4次(单单双) step touch (SSD) 1右臂肩侧屈,2还原,3左臂肩侧屈,4还原,5双臂 胸前平屈,6还原,7-8同5-6。 1×8 节拍下肢步伐上肢动作 四 1 -4 左脚十字步 box step 自然摆动 5 -8 踏步4次 4 march 5击掌,6还原,7-8同5-6。 第五至八个八拍,动作相同,但方向相反。 组合二 1×8 节拍下肢步伐上肢动作 一 1- 8 右脚开始前点地4 次 4 tap front 1双臂屈臂右摆,2还原,3左摆,4还原,5右摆成右臂侧 斜上举,左臂胸前平屈,6还原,7-8同5-6,但方向相反。 1×8 节拍下肢步伐上肢动作 二 1 -4 向右弧形走270度 4 march turn 自然摆动

5 -8并腿半蹲2次 2 squat 5双臂前举,6右臂胸前平屈(上体右转),7双臂前举, 8放于体侧。 1×8 节拍下肢步伐上肢动作 三 1- 8 左脚开始两次上步吸腿转体90 度 2 step knee 1双臂前举,2屈臂后拉,3前举,4还原, 5-8同1-4。 1×8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8节拍下肢步伐上肢动作 四 1- 8 上步后屈腿4次 4 step curl自然摆动,向前时胸前交叉。 第五至八个八拍,动作相同,但方向相反。 组合三 1×8 节拍下肢步伐上肢动作 一 1 -4 向右交叉步grapevine1-3双臂经侧至上举,4胸前平屈。5 -8 右腿半蹲squat5-6双臂前举,7-8放于体侧。


第三套 是非题 1、根据我国《保险法》的规定,被保险人是指其财产或者人身受保险合同保障,并负有交纳保险费义务的人。 2、根据我国《保险法》的规定,经营有人寿保险业务或非人寿保险业务的保险公司,除分立、合并外,不得解散。 3、根据我国《保险法》的规定,人身保险的受益人由被保险人或者投保人指定。被保险人为限制民事行为能力人的,可以由其监护人指定受益人。 4、根据我国《保险法》的规定,在人身保险合同中,被保险人或者投保人可以变更受益人并书面通知保险人。被保险人变更受益人时须经投保人同意。 5、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险公司及其工作人员在保险业务活动中不得有阻碍投保人履行《保险法》规定的如实告知义务,或者诱导其不履行《保险法》规定的如实告知义务的行为。 6、根据我国《保险法》的规定,被整顿的保险公司经整顿已纠正其违反《保险法》规定的行为,恢复正常经营状况的,由保险监督管理机构提出报告,经财政部批准,整顿结束。 7、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险是指被保险人或受益人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。 8、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险公司应当妥善保管的有关业务经营活动的完整帐簿、原始凭证及有关资料的保管期限,自保险合同生效之日起计算,不得少于二十年。 9、根据我国《保险法》的规定,在财产保险中,保险人行使代位请求赔偿的权利后,被保险人对未取得赔偿的部分仍可以向保险人请求赔偿。 10、根据我国《保险法》的规定,财产保险合同是以财产及其有关利益为保险标的的保险合同。 11、根据我国《保险法》的规定,投保人是指与保险人订立保险合同,并按照保险合同负有保证保险标的安全义务的人。 12、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险公司的设立、变更、解散和清算事项,《保险法》未作规定的,就适用《保险公司管理规定》 13、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险人从事保险活动必须遵守公司的各项规章制度,尊重市场规律,实现经营效益最大化原则。 14、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险代理人、保险经纪人应当具备保险监督管理机构规定的资格条件,并取得工商行政管理机关办颁发的经营保险代理业务许可证或者经纪业务许可证,缴存保证金或者投保职业责任保险。 15、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险合同中规定有关于保险人责任免除条款的,保险人在订立保险合同时应当向投保人明确说明,未明确说明的,该条款只部分产生效力。 16、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险代理人是根据被保险人的委托,向保险人收取代理手续费,并在被保险人授权的范围内代为办理保险业务的单位或者个人。 17、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险公司不能支付到期债务,经保险监督管理机构同意,由人民法院依法宣告破产。保险公司被宣告破产的,由人民法院组织保险监督机构等有关部门和有关人员成立清算组,进行清算。 18、根据我国《保险法》的规定,我国制定《保险法》的目的是:为了规范保险活动,保护保险活动当事人的合法权益,加强对保险业的监督管理,促进保险事业的健康发展。 19、根据我国《保险法》的规定,在人身保险合同中,投保人不得为无民事行为能力人投保以死亡为给付保险金条件的人身保险,但如果投保人投保,则保险人可以承保。 20、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险公司若要调整业务范围,无须经保险监督管理机构批准,但须经工商管理机构批准。


第三套中小学广播体操《舞动青春》文字、图解 预备节(8拍×4) 预备姿势:直立 第一个八拍: 1-2 两臂经侧至侧上举(掌心向前);3-4 两臂头上交叉两次(稍抬头)(左手在前,两手手腕处交叉即可);5-8 左脚开始踏步,同时两臂经侧还原成直立(掌心向下);第二个八拍:

1-2左脚向侧一步,同时左臂侧举、右臂胸前平屈(掌心向下);3-头左转90°;4头还原;5-8 左脚收回,同时两臂经上向右绕至体侧,成直立;(身体保持正直,两手指尖走最远线路,6移重心,7收脚,8到位); 第三个八拍同第一个八拍,第四个八拍同第二个八拍,但方向相反。 第一节伸展运动(8拍×8) 预备姿势:直立 第一个八拍: 1-2 左脚侧伸(脚尖点地,与右脚脚尖平行),同时右腿屈膝,左臂经侧至上举(掌心向内);3-4 还原成直立;5- 右脚侧伸(脚尖点地,与左脚脚尖平行),同时左脚屈膝,右臂经侧至上举(掌心向内);6- 还原成直立;7- 左腿侧伸(脚尖点地,与右脚脚尖平行),同时右腿屈膝,左臂侧举(眼看左手,掌心向下);8- 还原成直立

1-2 左脚向侧一步,同时两臂胸前平屈(掌心向下);3-4 两臂侧上举,稍抬头;5-8 左脚收回,两臂经体前交叉向外绕环,(两臂经侧经前向内绕环),成直立(7收脚); 第三、四个八拍同第一、二个八拍动作,但方向相反;第五至第八个八拍同第一至第四个八拍动作。 第二节扩胸运动(8拍×8)

第一个八拍: 1-2左脚侧伸(脚尖内侧点地),同时右腿屈膝,两臂(前摆成)前举(两手重叠,左手在上,掌心向下);3-4 还原成直立;5右腿侧伸(脚尖内侧点地),同时左腿屈膝,两臂侧举。6右腿收回直立,同时两臂前举(两手重叠,左手在上,掌心向下);7两腿屈,同时两臂胸前平屈后振(握拳,拳心向下);8两腿伸直,同时两臂前举(两手握拳稍靠拢); 第二个八拍:

新编实用英语 模拟试题2

Ⅰ.Multiple Choices (40%) 1. Americans often greet each other simply ______ “Hello” or “Hi”. A. in B. to C. with D. for 2. A proper introduction will leave a good first impression _____ others. A. upon B. to C. for D. in 3. In introduction, Americans ______ first names to formal titles in most cases. A. like B. prefer C. favor D. enjoy 4. Americans may ask you some personal questions when you first know them. In this way, they can get better ______ with you and have a topic for beginning conversations with you. A. acquainted B. acquainting C. acquaint D. to acquaint 5. Sometimes I am very _____ and never change my mind. A. strong B. stubborn C. straight D. stable 6. The boss likes his secretary because she is very _______ in both work and life. A. organize B. organizing C. organized D. to organize 7. Congratulations _____ your great success in the exam. A. on B. to C. for D. in 8. I _____ much to Mr. Black’s kind help and support. A. own B. owe C. thank D. think 9. People’s attitudes towards gift giving may _____ from country to country. A. very B. vary C. weary D. change 10. In the typical Japanese style, it is not require to _____ a thank-you note or card to eh gift. A. adopt B. adapt C. attach D. attend 11. In the _____, thank you for your generous hospitality, and my wife joins me in sending kindest regards to your family. A. meantime B. meanwhile C. same time D. spontaneity 12. In America, it is not just when you leave _____ you get a thank-you note. A. when B. that C. which D. where 13. His plane is due at 10 in Paris. Look, _____ plane is in now at _____ airport. A. a/the B. the /the C. the /an D. a/an 14. The manager’s office is the second door ____ the right ____ the meeting room. A. in/next B. in/next to C. on/next to D. on/next 15. There is no bus running _____ that direction. A. on B. to C. at D. in 16. _____ took 15 minutes for the woman at the reservations desk to realize that she had spelled my name incorrectly. A. That B. Which C. It D. What 17. There was smoke ______ out of the wing, when I looked out of the window. A. coming B. come C. came D. to come 18. The captain of the plane asked us to remain seated and keep our seat belts ____. A. fasten B. to fasten C. fastening D. fastened 19. I hate flying, ______ take-off. A. especially B. especial C. special D. particular


1、在人身保险定价假设中,影响失效率假设的因素包括()等。 A、以往病史 B、文化水平 C、职业类型D被保险人投保时的年龄 2、王某将自己价值10万元的财产投保了一份保险金额为5万元的家财保险,在保险期间王某家发生火灾导致室内财产损失8万元。对此,保险公司应该赔偿王某的赔款额为() A 10万元 B 8万元 C 5万元 D 4万元 3、在人寿保险经营过程中,与保险金给付总额达到平衡的项目是()。 A附加保费总额B纯保险费总额C储蓄保费总额D营业保费总额 4、由于个人或团体的行为(包括过失行为、不当行为及故意行为)或不当行为使社会产生及人们生活遭受损失的风险被称为()。 A信用风险B责任风险C政治风险D社会风险 5、同一公司不同险种的死亡率经验()。 A有所不同B基本相同C完全一致D差异很大 6、在保险承保中,如果投保人投保条件明显低于保险人的承保标准,保险人通常作出的承保决策是()。 A正常承保B优惠承保C附条件承保D拒保 7、按照我国《民法通则》的规定,公民或法人因违反合同而产生的民事责任被称为()。 A违法责任B违规责任C侵权责任D违约责任 8、在长期护理保险中,一般都有保险人开始履行保险金给付责任的60天、90天或180天起免交保费的规定。这类条款称为()。 A放弃保费保障条款B豁免保费保障条款C优惠保费保障条款D减收保费保障条款 9、诚实信用作为保险代理从业人员的职业道德原则应贯穿于()。 A执业活动的各个方面和各个环节B准客户的开拓环节 C对投保人风险的分析与评估环节D为被保险人投保方案的设计环节 10、按照保险利益原则,制造商对其制造的产品有缺陷,而使用户或消费者造成人身伤害或财产损失依法应承担的经济赔偿责任具有保险利益,基于此保险利益制造商可以投保的险种是()。 A产品质量保险B财产损失保险C职业责任保险D产品责任保险 11、就合同的效力而言,投保人对保险标的不具有保险利益的保险合同属于()。 A约定无效合同B全部无效合同C部分无效合同D条件失效合同 12、对于效力中止的人寿保险合同,投保人可以申请复效。但如果中止期限届满,投保人仍未能就复效问题与保险人达成一致意见并补缴保险费,则保险人可能采取的措施是()。 A解除保险合同B提存保险合同C变更保险合同D转让保险合同 13、保险代理从业人员在执业活动中,应忠诚服务,不侵害所属机构利益;切实履行对所属机构的责任


全国第三套小学生广播体操——七彩阳光 预备(4个八拍)预备姿势:直立 一八拍:1-4两臂经体侧成侧上举,掌心向内,头稍抬。5-8双脚起落锺弹动四次,同时两手五指分开,由外向内旋转四次。 二八拍:1-4两臂头上向内交叉经胸前成侧下举(左臂在前),掌心向内。5-8双脚起落锺弹动四次,同时两手五指分开,由外向内旋转四次。 三八拍:1-2左脚向侧成开力,同时左臂侧举,头左转90度。3-4还原成直立。5-8同1-4,但方向相反。 四八拍:1-2双脚起落锺一次,同时两臂成前平举(立掌)。3-4起落锺一次,同时两臂还原成直立。5-7双脚起落锺弹动3次同时双手叉腰,8还原成直立。 第一节:伸展运动(8拍X8)预备姿势:直立 一八拍:1-2左腿前点地,同时两臂前举,掌心相对。3-4还原成直立。5-6两腿曲,左臂经体侧成侧平举,掌心向下,右臂经体侧成上举。头左转90度,7-8还原成直立。 二八拍:同一八拍,但方向相反。 三八拍:1-2双脚提锺立,同时两臂经体侧成上举。3-4两腿曲,两臂经体侧至体前交叉,左臂在前,低头。5-6左腿向侧一步成开立,同时两臂经体侧成侧上举,抬头。7-8还原成直立。 四八拍:同三八拍,但方向相反。 五至八个八拍,同一至四个八拍。 第二节:扩胸运动(8拍X8)预备姿势:直立

一八拍:1 两腿屈同时两臂胸前立屈,握拳,拳心相对。2直立,同时两臂前举,握拳。3-4两臂胸前平屈后振,握拳。5-6左脚向前一步成弓步,同时两臂经前至侧举,后振(拳变掌,掌心向上)。7-8还原成直立。 二八拍:同第一个八拍,但方向相反。 三八拍:1-2左脚向侧一步,同时身体左转90°成前后开立,两臂胸前屈90°,两手相握,头向前方。3-4头左转90°,同时两臂胸前平屈后振。5-6左腿屈膝成弓步,同时两臂经前后振(掌心向上)。7-8还原成直立。 四八拍:同三八拍,但方向相反。 五至八个八拍:同一至四个八拍。 第三节:踢腿运动(8拍X8)预备姿势:直立 一八拍:1左脚向前一步,同时两臂前举,掌心向下。2右腿前踢至水平,直膝,崩脚尖。同时两臂后摆。3同1,4还原成直立,5右腿侧伸,腿尖点地,左脚屈膝。两臂成胸前平屈。6还原成直立。7-8同5-6,但方向相反。 二八拍:同一八拍,但方向相反。 三八拍:1左腿踏步,同时两手叉腰。2同1,但方向相反。3左腿侧踢,至水平,直膝,崩脚尖。4还原成直立。5屈膝高抬右腿,同时左臂前举(掌心向下),右臂侧举,头右转90度,稍侧屈。6还原成直立。7-8同5-6。但方向相反。 四八拍:同三八拍,但方向相反。 五到八个八拍:同一至四个八拍。 第四节:体侧运动(8拍X8)预备姿势:直立


《实用英语》考试试卷 专业____年级____班级___ 学号___ 姓名_____ 总分_____ Ⅰ:Test of vocabulary and structure Section A Find the definition in Column B which matches the word in Column A. (10%) A B 1. perform A like or alike 2. hand in hand B to give a show before public 3. possess C special 4. particular D to fix or set in a certain place 5. popular E to own; have 6. locate F always happening together 7. homesick G not often 8.mostly H feeling unhappy because of missing home 9. similar I mainly 10. rarely J liked by many people Section B Directions:In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) or D). You are required to complete the sentence by deciding on the most appropriate choice. (20%) 11. The rule of safe driving applies ____everyone. A at B in C on D to 12. My teacher, as well as my classmates ____ going to visit the museum. A is B are C were D was 13. He ____that he found the money in the forest. A claimed B have claimed C has claimed D claim 14.Don't go and bother him. He _____ in the room. A writes B has written C is writing D has been writing 15. I didn't want to take part in their argument, so I remained _____. A silence B silently C silents D silent 16. The foreign friends _____here just now. A left B have left C have been away from D had left 17. Such an idea never occurred_____me before. A on B to C at D in 18. I felt very sorry that I was not in a position ____help you. A at B to C in D on 19. During the illness of their mother, the children ____by a neighbor. A took care of B were taken care C were taken care of D have been taken care 20. English textbooks ______in that publishing house. A were published B have been published C are published D had been published
