

(一)移动电话市场被认为是一个寡头垄断 - 这种市场结构的两个特点是什么?





如果这个移动电话公司的边际成本曲线转向MC 2 MC3向上,它会:(一)减少输出从第三季度至第二季度和提高价格从P3到P4的(二)降低输出从第一季度和提高价格从P4到第二季度。小五(三)不改变其价格或输出(D)关闭。








这种垄断竞争者的总成本等于0cbQ面积,0deQ + DCBE,0paQ - cpab,上述所有。

如果这种垄断的竞争者生产Q单位,P> MC。先生,总收入的MC - 总成本的最大化,MSB>海安,上述所有。


记得原来的“移动”手机 - 亲切地昵称为“砖”?今天的手机是如此的远离那些早期的开拓者,这是很难记住这不是很久以前,只有时髦的手等野兽!

在使用手机的增长已经发生了戏剧性 - 现在有2亿美元的全球移动电话用户。2006年3月,有3.19亿条短信在英国发送人对人 - ,同比增长24%,为2005年同期。在世界范围内,235亿条短信被发送人对人在2006年第一季度。







最大化的行为可能会被替换令人满意的 - 即成绩设置最低可接受的水平。国内


- 当企业表现欠佳对其他企业在市场的表现,有可能对股价的下调压力,提高






这个目标最初是由鲍莫尔(1959年)的工作。鲍莫尔的研究主要集中在经理控制企业的行为 - 经理采取的一天到一天的决定是由股东离婚(企业老板)。鲍


总收入最大化时,边际收益=零。一个企业的股东可能引入约束管理者的价格和产量决策 - 这是制约销售收入最大化。他们可能会推出一个最低利润约束,旨







(i) The mobile phone market is believed to be an oligopoly —what are two characteristics of this market structure?

1. Ability to set price: Oligopolies are price setters rather than price takers.

2. The distinctive feature of an oligopoly is interdependence. Oligopolies are typically composed of a few large firms. Each firm is so large that its actions affect market conditions. Therefore the competing firms will be aware of a firm's market actions and will respond appropriately. This means that in contemplating a market action, a firm must take into consideration the possible reactions of all competing firms and the firm's countermoves. It is very much like a game of chess or pool in which a player must anticipate a whole sequence of moves and countermoves in determining how to achieve his objectives. For example, an oligopoly considering a price reduction may wish to estimate the likelihood that competing firms would also lower their prices and possibly trigger a ruinous price war. Or if the firm is considering a price increase, it may want to know whether other firms will also increase prices or hold existing prices constant. This high degree of interdependence and need to be aware of what the other guy is doing or might do is to be contrasted with lack of interdependence in other market structures. In a Mobile Phone market there is zero interdependence because no firm is large enough to affect market price. All firms in a mobile phone market are price takers, information which they robotically follow in maximizing profits. In a monopoly there are no competitors to be concerned about. In a monopolistically competitive market each firm's effects on market conditions is so negligible as to be safely ignored by competitors.

(ii) Illustrate with an appropriate diagram and describe the price and output behaviour that may be seen in an oligopolistic market structure.

The "kinked-demand-curve" model was developed in the 1930s in part to help explain:

(a) barriers to entry into oligopoly markets.

(b) the allegedly excessive stickiness of prices in oligopolistic industries.

(c) how competitive industries become oligopolies.

(d) why oligopolies agree when setting their initial prices.

(e) how formal collusion is used to establish output quotas.

If this mobile phone company's marginal cost curve shifted upward from MC 2 MC3, it would:

(a) reduce output from Q3 to Q2 and increase price from P3 to P4.

(b) reduce output from Q2 to Q1 and increase price from P4 to P5.

(c) not change its price or output.

(d) shut down.

In this "kinked-demand curve" model, the mobile phone company views the demand curve it faces as the:

(a) linear "kinked" demand curve aD2 for all prices.

(b) linear "kinked" demand curve D1D1 for all prices.

(c) nonlinear "kinked" demand curve D1cD2.

(d) nonlinear "kinked" demand curve acD1.

(iii) Choose another market structure and suggest two characteristics of this market structure.

A monopoly is a market structure in which a single supplier produces and sells the product. If there is a single seller in a certain industry and there are no close substitutes for the goods being produced, then the market structure is that of a "pure monopoly". Sometimes, there are many sellers in an industry and/or there exist many close substitutes for the goods being produced, but nevertheless firms retain some market power. This is called , whereas in oligopoly the main theoretical framework revolves around firm's strategic interactions.

1.Price Discrimination: A monopolist can change the price and quality of the

product. He sells more quantities charging less price against the product in a highly elastic market and sells less quantities charging high price in a less elastic market.

2.Single seller: In a monopoly there is one seller of the good who produces all

the output.the firm and the industry are synonymous.

(iv) For your chosen market structure and with the aid of an appropriate diagram describe the price and output behaviour in it.

A firm operating with a lot of competitors but which still has some control over price is a pure quantity adjuster and member of an oligopoly. Purely competitive firm. If numerous new firms enter a monopolistically-competitive market, like mobile market. The demand curves facing the firms already in that market will shift to the left and become more price elastic and become straighter and less income elastic. The demand curves facing the firms already in that market will shift to the right and become less price elastic and become steeper and more income elastic. And shift upward to reflect higher production costs.

Total cost for this monopolistic competitor equals area 0cbQ、 0deQ + dcbe、 0paQ – cpab、 All of the above.

If this monopolistic competitor produces Q units,P > MC. So MR = MC、 total revenue - total cost is maximized、 MSB > MSC、 All of the above.

(v) What two roles would profit have played in attracting Richard Branson to the mobile telephone market?

Remember the original 'mobile' phone - affectionately nicknamed 'the brick'? Today's mobiles are so far removed from those early pioneers that it is difficult to remember that it was not that long ago when only the trendy had such beasts to hand!

The growth in the use of mobile phones has been dramatic - there are now 2 billion users of mobile phones worldwide. In March 2006, there were 3.19 billion text messages sent person to person in the UK - up by 24% for the same period in 2005. Worldwide, 235 billion text messages were sent person to person in the first quarter of 2006.

1、Market entry. Rising profits sed signals to other producer within a

market. In contestable markets, a rise in market supply and download pressure on prices would be expected. Virgin has created more than 300 branded

companies worldwide, employing approximately 50,000 people, in 30

countries. Global branded revenues in 2009 exceeded £11.5 billion (approx.

US$18 billion).

2、Finance for investment. Virgin is a leading branded venture capital

organisation and is one of the world's most recognised and respected brands.

Conceived in 1970 by Sir Richard Branson, the Virgin Group has gone on to grow very successful businesses in sectors ranging from mobile telephony to transportation, travel, financial services, media, music and fitness. So retained profits remain the most important source of finance for companies undertaking new capital investment projects.

(vi) Analyse two alternatives to profit maximisation as a goal of the firm. Satisficing

Maximising behaviour may be replaced by satisficing - I.e. setting minimum acceptable levels of achievement. The domestic and international Equity and Bond markets may play an important role in monitoring the performance of managers in a company - when companies are under-performing set against the performance of other businesses in a market, there may be downward pressure on the share price, raising the threat of a contested takeover bid by a rival firm. A firm may be under pressure to reduce prices to consumers if it has made large profits and may choose to do this in order to stop an investigation by the Competition Commission or to improve its image with customers.

Alternatively, the firm may reward workers with higher wages in order to stop industrial action.

Sales Revenue Maximisation

This objective was initially developed by the work of Baumol (1959). Baumol's research focused on the behaviour of manager-controlled businesses - where the day-to-day decisions taken by managers are divorced from the shareholders (the owners of the business). Baumol argued that annual salaries and other perks might be more closely correlated with total sales revenue rather than bottom line profits. An alternative view was put forward by Williamson (1963), who built a model based on the concept of managerial satisfaction (utility). This can be enhanced by success in raising sales revenue.

Total revenue is maximised when marginal revenue = zero. The shareholders of a business may introduce a constraint on the price and output decisions of managers - this is known as constrained sales revenue maximisation. They may introduce a minimum profit constraint designed to underpin the market valuation of their shares and maintain a dividend (a share of the company's profits).

Limit Pricing

Firms may adopt predatory pricing policies by lowering prices to a level that would force any new firms entering the industry to operate at a loss. This would allow firms to sustain a monopoly position in a market.

(vii) Discuss what influences the shape of the total cost, average cost and marginal cost curves in the short run in a firm.

Scale economies and returns to scale generally produce a U-shaped long-run average cost curve, such as the one displayed to the right. For relatively small quantities of output, the curve is negatively sloped. Then for large quantities, the curve is positively sloped.

While the shape of the long-run average cost curve looks surprisingly like that of a short-run average cost curve, the underlying forces are different. This U-shape is NOT the result of increasing, then decreasing marginal returns that surface in the short run when a variable input is added to a fixed input.

The negatively-sloped portion of this long-run average cost curve reflects economies of scale and increasing returns to scale. The positively-sloped portion reflects diseconomies of scale or decreasing returns to scale.

A firm’s MC is the increase in total cost that results frm a one-unit increase in output. MC is increase in total cost divided by increase in output.

-MC decreases at low outputs because of economies from greater specialization. It eventually increases because of the law of diminishing returns.The law of diminishing returns means that each additional worker produces a successively smaller addiction to output. So to get an additional unit of output ever more workers are required. Because more workers are required to produce one additional unit of output the cost of the additional output-MC-must eventually increase.

AFC=total fixed cost/output -AVC=total variable cost/output -ATC=TC/output ATC=AFC+AVC

A firm’s TC is the cost of all actors of production it uses (divide total cost into total fixed cost and total variable cost.

TFC is the cost of the firm’s fixed inputs. TVC is the cost of the firm’s variable inputs (i.e. labor so cost is wage ill).



An investigative report on Welfare Policy in the U.K. Market Outcome 3 Candidate Name: WANGGAI Grade and Class: 11 Financial services class 6

Catalog ●Introduce ●Section 1 ●Section 2 ●Research

Introduce:This report is market failure and government's role and the social welfare policy survey report, report the information from the website as well as books, in a report last may elucidate. 1、Market failure:Market malfunction is due to intrinsic functional defects and external conditions caused by the defect of market mechanism in the allocation of resources in certain areas of operation. Because the market monopoly and price distortion or for the public goods character because of the asymmetric information and the external reasons, causes the resources disposition of invalid or small effect, which can realize resource to configure zero opportunity cost of resource allocation state. Usually used for invalid rate of special major, or non market mechanism is more efficient and the ability to create wealth is better when the private choice. On the other hand, the market failure is usually used to describe the market forces can not meet the status of public interest. Market failure establishes the basis for government intervention. The roles of government in attempting to correct these failures: merit goods, public goods, externalities and imperfect competition。Specific policy measures used by the government of the UK, such as competition, health care, transport etc. The market mechanism may fail to provide the optimal mix of output. The optimal mix of output is the most desirable combination of output attainable with existing resources, technology and social values. Government intervention in economic activities, but complementary, grant of. The government in market economy economic role, is to remedy market flaw or insufficient needs a decision. The role of government can be divided into regulation of human character, commonweal character, control characters, the arbitrator roles and role of night watchman. 2、Public goods:The market mechanism works efficiently only if the benefits of consuming the good or service are available only to individuals who purchase it.


山东育路网, HND留学项目回国就业形势怎么样? 近年来,越来越多的人喜欢出国留学来提升和充实自我,与此同时带动了很多留学项目的发展,例如HND项目,但很多考生都有类似的疑问:HND留学项目回国后就业形势怎么样呢?下面小编就来为大家解答一下这个问题。 HND项目是国内考生与家长比较关注的留学项目。HND项目回国就业形势是比较好的,就业领域比较宽,考生报名学习的专业也是国内就业率比较高的专业,如济南大学HND项目的国际贸易、国际会计、酒店管理等,就业领域涉及政府外经贸管理部门、会计师事务所等不同的企事业单位。 一、HND项目介绍 HND项目结合中西方教育优势,为学生提供了在国内接受国外优质教育资源的机会。能够帮助考生在短时间内拿到国内认可的学历,既节省留学的费用也节省了考生的学习时间。 该项目是中国(教育部)留学服务中心审批的中英政府间跨境国际教育项目,中国(教育部)留学服务中心负责学生学籍注册及回国后学历认证。 HND项目在课程中引入了英国文化、美国文化等教学内容,以及商务礼仪、红酒品鉴、高尔夫等高端素质课程,培养高素质的复合型人才,打造未来商界精英。 二、HND项目就业形势 HND课程通过英语教学的模式,让考生在英语的学习、生活环境下,英语的听、说、读、写能力达到要求的熟练程度。国外的生活环境也会让考生的应用能力进一步得到提高。这对于考生国内的就业也是一大优势。同时HND课程的设置充分考虑市场需要,并且注重职业与学术的有机结合,拥有国际通用的英国国家高等教育文凭的HND毕业生将是国际化企业急需的国际通用型人才。 1.国际贸易就业方向 政府外经贸管理部门中从事涉外管理的公务员;企业外销部门、外贸公司、外运公司、涉外保险、专业银行等部门的管理人员;外贸业务员、报关员、报检员、国际货运代理、银行国际结算人员、外贸代理人员等 2.国际会计就业方向 国内外注册会计师事务所、外资企业、跨国公司、国有企业、经济管理部门、金融机构、投资银行等从事国际会计和财务管理工作,如注册会计师、会计师、审计师、财务主管、会计主管、审计等工作。


Economics 2: The World Economy

Content Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------3 Section 1: International Trade Three gains from trading internationally---------------------------------------3 Free Trade--------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Absolute and Comparative Advantage-----------------------------------------3 Protectionism----------------------------------------------------------------------4 Barriers to trade-------------------------------------------------------------------4 WTO and EU----------------------------------------------------------------------5 Section 2: International Finance Balance of Payments and General trends in UK Trade----------------------6


Assessment task instructions Read the following passage and answer the questions which follow. SteamScot is a privately run rail company, which provides steam train journeys in Scotland. At present they operate three specific rail journeys in various parts of Scotland. These journeys are aimed at the tourist market and operate throughout the summer months. Around 70% of passengers are domestic tourists with the other 30% overseas visitors. The company has been fairly profitable over the last decade, and with the help of various grants available, they are considering an expansion of its operations. However, it is also aware that within the next five years a major overhaul of its capital stock as well as major repairs will have to be undertaken. It is this dilemma that the board of the company faces. It is estimated that in the coming year it will have £2.5 million to spend. This money could be used to open a new line between Inverness and Fort William, or to begin the repair and replacement plan on its current routes. A recent report has highlighted that following recent terrorist threats, visitors from the USA are expected to fall within the next three years, but that European visitors are likely to increase as the Euro rises in value. It is also expected that Visit Scotland (the tourist organization) will mount a major advertising campaign in England to encourage more visitors from that country. The boards of directors of SteamScot are also considering a change in their pricing


Outcome 2 1. 书178,179二个图 Households buy commodities from firms, using the income individuals receive for their labour and capital supplied to firms The firms use the income received from the sale of commodities to pay for the labour and to invest in new premises,plant and equipment. 2. Injections: Investments:Loan from banks, building societies, insurance companies etc. Money saved by household can be re-injected back into the inner flow as investment by business sector (firms) after they borrow the money out of financial institutions. Government Spending:Roads, hospitals,,ing the fund largely collected through taxation, the government can be the biggest buyer spending money on the products and services provided by firms If government wishes to expend the flow of income in circulation, it may choose to increase the amount of its spending and probably adopt a tax-cutting. Exports:These are goods and services that are sold abroad. The payment for them will return to the firms in this country. For example, if someone buys textiles of China, then the proceeds of the sale belong to our country. This increases the circular flow and creates more economic activity in the economy for our country. Withdraws: Savings:Amount of income that consumers choose not to spend but retain for the future uses (normally deposit in financial institutions, e.g. banks and building society). Ability or desire to save out of income is measured by …marginal propensity to save (MPS)?. Level of income is the biggest factor affects level of savings, i.e. the higher the income is, the greater savings (withdrawal) out of circular. Taxation:Through forms as personal income tax, V AT, corporate income tax, the disposable money circulated in the economy is drawn out by the government as its revenue. This can be in the form of direct tax on our income or indirect tax on purchases, for example V AT. Imports:Part of the consumption of both households and firms are on foreign products or products contain imported components. So that portion of expenditure will eventually go into foreigners? pockets therefore reduce the total income circulated

HND 大二经济学

The micro economic about Sony 詻筱敉 Summary: As a manager of a company, he should consider the economic of scale. It relation to many problems, like the range of cost in the long run, how to get the profit maximization, how to choose the market structure and the characters of the market and so on. This report will relation to these problems. Also it will talk about the alternatives to profit maximization. Key words: cost, profit, price and output, the structure of market Sony is a famous company in the world. The play station 2 represents a huge gamble that will pay off only if it sells in vast quantities. Sony is conscious that if the product sells in limited quantities, that its costs will be about $ 100 per unit, however , if they sell about 50 million worldwide, that its costs will drop to about $ 10 per unit. Long run is defined as that period of time when all the factors of production can be varied. If for example, a firm had been restricted because of space and now finds it can expand or move to a bigger production unit it could also perhaps purchase more equipment, employ more labor. All the factors of production can be varied a firm should be able to expand the scale of its operations to continue obtaining falling costs as output level increases. These activities should allow reductions in costs, coming about because of size and know as economies of scale. The purpose of a company is to get more profit. Sony hope that their new machine will be a focal point for devices such as TVs, audio systems, digital cameras and will connect customers to the internet. Profits can also be termed ‘Normal’or ‘Supernormal’. Profit is the reward to entrepreneurs and the incentive that encourages them to take risks. It has two functions, one hand is that for an entrepreneur profit is an incentive to undertake a risk in the belief that a gain can be made. On the other hand, profit is also a reward. It must be earned, as we have seen, generally in an imperfect competitive situation. Many business fail and for many different reasons. To some extent we have already touched on this premise in suggesting that profit maximization is not always the main goal of a firm. This relate to alternatives to profit maximization. I will give two theory-Satisficing Behaviour Theory and Sales Revenue Maximization Theory. Satisficing Behaviour theory This particular theory was expounded by H A Simon and his colleague A Cyert. It is based on the fact that achieving specific targets with regard to sale, profit and market share will result in ‘satisficed behaviour’ by those who own and those who run firms. They know that it may be possible to do better but in the long run to press for further profit may result in unintended damage. Sales Revenue Maximization theory Propounded by Professor W J Boumal based on the following: 1. Managers get better perks and salaries from sales than profit. 2. Market share is considered a better sign of progress of a firm. 3. Because of the above, heavy adverting will take place to maximise sales.


Q1: 1. 原因In article unemployment is structural unemployment. Liverpool was originally a port city, dominated by heavy industry. The industry will shift to the tertiary industry,because of the development of tourism, the unemployment rate in 1996 rose by 22%.And in the supermarket Linda passed the Diploma in hotel management that explain the concern of the hotel industry is also increasing. Structural unemployment is changes in industry demand result of long-term unemployed, people's incomes and consumption levels will have a certain impact. The hazards of unemployment for different age groups are not the same. New industry needs to work experience, pre-employment training, and learning ability of young people is barrier-free. While the elderly will not be able to learn new skills for re-employment, so the structure unemployment for the old age is larger impact. The original industry recession because impact of international competitiveness; such as the American impact of heavy industry, Japan impact of the automotive industry. 2. The New Deal is a programmer of active labor market policies. The purpose is to reduce unemployment by providing training. The New Deal has include: New Deal for Young People, New Deal 25+, New Deal for Lone Parents, New Deal for the Disabled, New Deal 50+, New Deal for Partners and New Deal for Musicians. New deal for unemployed young people is In order to provide policy support for young people 18-24 years of age out of unemployment, promotion of employment. Participate in the project more Dole six months is mandatory. Specifically divided into three stages. A. Gateway stage: this stage no more than four months, every participant can get job-seekers allowance. This training is provided by an external organization such as CSV, YMCA Training. B. Options stage: After the gateway stage, also unemployed young people can choose training. 1) Employment option, The subsidy is £60 per week, and lasts 6 months; a £750 training allowance. 2) Full time education and training, this is basic vocational skills and human resources to strengthen.time up to 12 months. the people can get NVQ and subsidies. 3) V oluntary sector option, to gain work experience and maintain at least 13 months, participants can get outside in addition to grants of £ 400 to support. 4) Environment task force option, there is work experience, career awareness and the common development of the ecological environment. This is a continuous six months, and will get two weeks officially recognized vocational training oriented courses. C. Follow-through: this is personalized tracking courses. This phase lasted for four months, if you have not found work after 26 weeks to re-enter the New Deal. New Deal 50+ is for the crowd is over 50 years of age but not yet reached retirement age, middle-aged unemployed. This policy is not mandatory, participants must be at least 50 years . The government will send a personal adviser employment assistance to help participants : (1) An established employment plans. (2) to help them find employment for job preparation.(3) Improve their skills, seek training opportunities.(4) seek any voluntary activities. (5) in the plan adjusted to meet market demand. 3. From a personal point of view, unemployment will lose a lot; salaries, and self-esteem, partners and friends. family members are consciously cut spending. Long-term unemployment will cause a decline in the level of consumption.


HUNAN UNIVERSITY 中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究课程作业 2015年10月28日

教育的力量 ——脑力还是武力 作为一名研究生,面对有些问题已经不能只是一句“肉食者谋之”就视而不见了,我们有足够的知识水平和分析能力来对国际大事指点一二。当前国际形势风起云涌,我国如何在“新常态”下保持经济增长,促进人民福祉已然成为学者们探讨的焦点问题。本人一直对德意志民族抱有仰慕之情,不止一次看过《大国崛起之帝国春秋》,索性以此为契机发表一些愚见。希望带给那些“肉食者”更丰富的声音。 《大国崛起之帝国春秋》是一部讲述德国如何由当初四分五裂,任人宰割的悲惨境地一步一步走向统一富强的纪录片。其实,整部纪录片完全可以分割为两个部分,即统一前与统一后。可是历史并不是泾渭分明地可以靠划一条三八线来分割,须知这整个过程充斥着屈辱与辉煌,和平与战争。对于这段历史,很多人热衷于研究德国统一的进程,我觉得不必费太多的心思在这一方面。所谓分久必合,正是历史的滚滚车轮在推动制度变革与社会进步,不是一位李斯特或者俾斯麦可以左右的。但是如何在统一后继续维持国家的凝聚力却是对领导者以及整个民族的巨大考验。我觉得在德意志民族身上,确实具备一些东西值得我们学习。要研究这个问题,我们首先要面对一个抉择:脑力还是武力。对此,德意志民族做出了让世人惊愕的回答:都要,但首先选择脑力。 德意志民族对教育的重视程度远远超过了周围列邦。 以最强大的普鲁士王国为例,普鲁士国王腓特烈?威廉二世在1763年,颁布了义务教育法令,并规定国家管理教育。5—12岁儿童必须入学,否则罚其父母。他还规定,设立学校要经国家允许,所有公立学校都要接受政府的监督和观察。在世界教育史上,德国最早实施了强迫义务初等教育。在西欧教育史上,也成为将学校教育的管辖权从教会转归国家的开端。 随后,普鲁士发动了三次王朝战争,相继打败丹麦、奥地利、法国,成功于1871年1月18日在凡尔赛宫的镜厅宣告了德意志帝国的成立,这是历史上首次只出现一个德国。如果说德国的武力征服只是狂热的军国主义在推动,我们不妨


Economics 2: The World Economy Outcome1, 2 and 3 Candidate Name: Xu Lun SCN: 095352561 Due Date: January 4th 2011 Tutor Name: Zhang Ju

Outcome 1

This report is aiming to use tables and figures to present Premier a clear picture of what the real world economy is and help him to make a major choice of weather or not join the European Union. I am a member of government, I will use my knowledge and skills to help Mr Premier have a better understanding of the world economy rules and I hope which can help a little. First of all, when countries trade goods and services without wishing, or being able, to impose any barrier to the trade, which is called Free Trade. The reasons why we do Free Trade business are a lot, but to obtain more financial resources is believed more important. And their goal of Free Trade is never changed-to reduce non-tariff barriers. For instance: in 2009, there’s an agreement about Free Trade was signed between South Korea and East Asia Union. It can helps a lot on both sides economy development. Free Trade is the main reason why we should join European Union, and which has also been called International Trade, originally focus on goods and services could be exchanged freely between two countries without any barriers. Before compare or explain, there needs two assumptions. First one is no barriers of any kind would be imposed upon entry of the goods to any market. Second is the selling price would be the “economists price”which we can understand as price is uncertainty. Recently, there are some popular topics has been discussed a lot. Like Free Trade always talked with Trade Protection, Non-tariff banners and Tariff banners. What’s more, Free Trade also can bring us a lot of benefits. Increase the world-wide output is one the key benefits. Also, it can increase the foreign currency reservation. Everything has two sides, Free Trade brings the culture erosion too. On the International Trade, there are two kinds of policy: liberalization and protectionism. Let’s take a look at their history, in 1815, the British Corn Laws took effect, which can ensuring self-sufficiency, then in 1846 it was abolished. There was a time of Free Trade until 1914, especially in the exchange between UK and it colony.



中国机场业发展战略和趋势分析 摘要:目前世界主要都市群普遍存在机场密度大,核心城市机场资源使用情况紧张。航班延误严重,机场服务质量下降,而周边城市的机场设施闲置,机场资源却得不到充分利用的情况。在环境、资源、土地等各方面因素的制约作用日益加剧的条件下,如何满足这些区域日益增长的航空运输需求。是世界机场业必须面对的严峻挑战。机场间实施融合,形成区域壹体化运营的多机场系统(Multi-AirportSystem)是应对上述挑战的重要措施,也是近年来世界机场业壹个重要的发展趋势。本文主要就机场整合的原因、整合产生的效益、整合对目前机场管理模式产生的影响、整合需要采取的策略及风险防范等方面的问题进行了初步探索。 壹、前言 1.全球区域机场发展现状 随着全球经济发展和工业化、城市化进程的逐步深入,逐渐形成了若干自然条件和社会条件优越、发达程度也明显高于其它地区的经济区域,其最突出的表现形式就是大、中、小不同规模的城市在这些区域集中发展,出现所谓“城市集聚”现象,形成具有强大经济实力和辐射力的都市群或称为都市带。根据法国地理学家戈特曼(J.Gottman)对都市群现象所做的定义和研究,在世界范围内,目前已经发展成熟

的都市群主要包括以下五个:美国东北部大西洋沿岸以纽约为中心的都市群,北美五大湖以芝加哥为中心的都市群,日本太平洋沿岸以东京为中心的都市群,英国以伦敦为核心的都市群,欧洲西北部以巴黎为中心的都市群。我国长江三角洲地区之上海为核心,包括江苏、浙江俩省15个城市所形成的都市群属于新兴的世界第六大都市群。由于其所具备的经济实力和辐射力,这些都市群已经成为各大区域、乃至世界经济增长和经济组织聚集的中枢。 应该见到,各种资源向都市群的集聚,壹方面,有利于提高劳动生产率和竞争力,有利于在区域中心城市和周边城市经济发展取得互补效应,也有利于国家财富集聚。但另壹方面,资源的过分集中也造成这些区域包括机场在内的各种基础设施的布局密度很高,比较典型的有美国东北部和大湖区都市群。东北部都市群从波士顿到华盛顿,以波士顿、纽约、费城、巴尔的摩、华盛顿几个大城市为核心,涵盖40个10万人之上的中小城市。该城市群长965公里,宽48~160公里,面积13.8万平方公里,约占美国面积的1.5%;人口6500万,差不多占到美国总人口的20%;制造业产值占全美的70%,城市化水平达到90%之上,是世界最大的金融中心。该区域机场数量将近30个,其中大型枢纽机场达到9个,区域内机场分布情况如图1所示。五大湖区城市群分布于五大湖沿岸,从芝加哥向东到底特律、克利夫兰、
