

Unit 2


The track on a railway is the structure consisting of the rails, fasteners, sleepers and ballast .

Notwithstanding modern technical developments, the overwhelmingly dominant track form worldwide consists of flat-bottom steel rails supported on timber or pre-stressed concrete sleepers, which are themselves laid on crushed stone ballast.

Most railroads with heavy traffic use continuously welded rails supported by sleepers. Timber sleepers are of many available timbers, and are often treated with creosote, or other wood preservative. Pre-stressed concrete sleepers are often used where timber is scarce and where tonnage or speeds are high. Steel is used in some applications.

The track ballast is customarily crushed stone, and the purpose of this is to support the ties and allow some adjustment of their position, while allowing free drainage.

A disadvantage of traditional track structures is the heavy demand for maintenance. Weakness of the subgrade and drainage deficiencies also lead to heavy maintenance costs. This can be overcome by using ballastless track. In its simplest form this consists of a continuous slab of concrete (like a highway structure) with the rails supported directly on its upper surface .

However ballastless track is very expensive in first cost. Its whole life cost can be lower because of the great reduction in maintenance requirement. Ballastless track is usually considered for new very high speed or very high loading routes.

For much of the 20th century, rail track used softwood timber ties and jointed rails. The rails were typically of flat bottom section fastened to the ties with dogspikes through a flat tieplate.

Jointed rails were used, at first because the technology did not offer any alternative. However the intrinsic weakness in resisting vertical loading results in the ballast support becoming depressed and a heavy maintenance workload is imposed to prevent unacceptable geometrical defects at the joints. The joints also required to be lubricated, and wear at the fishplate (joint bar) mating surfaces needed to be rectified by shimming. For this reason jointed track is not financially appropriate for heavily operated railroads.













Unit 2 Study Lecturer: Liu Jun Teaching Objectives: Students (Ss) will be able to: to know about the characteristics of a successful language learner . Know more about word formation. Mastering the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. Be familiar with some conversational strategies in talking about favorite c ourses. Know translating skill:conversion Know how to write post cards. Teaching Focus: Vocabulary: subject, diligent, native, stay up, get through, be likely to, challenge, passion, structure, engage, in short, a set of, a range of, assignment, appreciate, do sb. a favor, etc. Dialogue I& II: some conversational strategies in talking about your favori te courses and study on campus. Applied writing: Post card Time Allotment: 1st period2nd period3rd-4th periods5th-6th periods7th-8th periods Warming-up Ac tivities; Lis tening and Sp eaking Pre-reading, While-readin g, Text struc ture analysis Further reading .Study language points; group d iscussion, exerc ise checking Summary of te xt A; Stylist ic comments; check exercis e; Further re ading Further readin g/translation exercise/writi ng Practice Teaching Methods: Explanation Group discussion Questions and answers Multi-media Performance Teaching Procedure: 1st Period

Unit 2 课文翻译

能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话的智能汽车?还能自动驾驶?这听起来或许像是在做梦,但计算机革命正致力于把这一切变为现实。 智能汽车 1 Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution. 即便是过去70年间基本上没有多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。 2 The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. There are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people. Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, making it the world's biggest manufacturing industry. 汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业之一。目前世界上有5亿辆车,或者说每10人就有1辆车。汽车工业的销售额达一万亿美元左右,从而成为世界上最大的制造业。 3 The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century. The key to tomorrow's "smart cars" will be sensors. "We'll see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act," predicts Bill Spreitzer, technical director of General Motors Corporation's ITS program, which is designing the smart car and road of the future. 汽车及其行驶的道路,将在21世纪发生重大变革。未来“智能汽车”的关键在于传感器。“我们会见到能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话并能采取行动的车辆与道路,”正在设计未来智能汽车和智能道路的通用汽车公司ITS项目的技术主任比尔?斯普雷扎预言道。 4 Approximately 40,000 people are killed each year in the United States in traffic accidents. The number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast that we don't even bother to mention them in the newspapers anymore. Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others from carelessness. A smart car could eliminate most of these car accidents. It can sense if a driver is drunk


U n i t高职英语课文及 翻译 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

Unit 1 Text A College—A Transition Point in My Life 1 When I first entered college as a freshman, I was afraid that I was not able to do well in my studies. I was afraid of being off by myself, away from my family for the first time. Here I was surrounded by people I did not know and who did not know me. I would have to make friends with them and perhaps also compete with them for grades in courses I would take. Were they smarter than I was? Could I keep up with them? Would they accept me? 2 I soon learned that my life was now up to me. I had to set a study program if I wanted to succeed in my courses. I had to regulate the time I spent studying and the time I spent socializing. I had to decide when to go to bed, when and what to eat, when and what to drink, and with whom to be friendly. These questions I had to answer for myself. 3 At first, life was a bit difficult. I made mistakes in how I used my time. I spent too much time making friends. I also made some mistakes in how I chose my first friends in college. 4 Shortly, however, I had my life under control. I managed to go to class on time, do my first assignments and hand them in, and pass my first exams with fairly good grades. In addition, I made a few friends with whom I felt comfortable and with whom I could share my fears. I set up a routine that was really my own — a routine that met my needs.


Unit 4 Congratulations Lecturer: Liu Jun Teaching Objectives: Students (Ss) will be able to: ●Have a deeper understanding about the whole sides of Internet and the future develop ment of Internet. ●Mastering the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. ●Congratulating and responding to congratulations. ●Translating skill:Amplification ●Writing and replying to: a congratulation letter/ a thank-you note/ a gift card Teaching Focus: ●Vocabulary: occasion, admit, promote, alienate, revolution, prosperous, overnight, economy, prejudice, symbol, desire, coordinate, at best, think of…as, access , isolate, be responsible for, a sense of, etc. ●The development of internet ●Applied writing: Congratulation Card Time Allotment: Teaching Methods: ●Explanation ●Group discussion ●Questions and answers ●Multi-media ●Performance Teaching Procedure: 1st Period 1. Pre-class Work: Ask students ●How do you celebrate when you are admitted to college?

unit2课文翻译The Virtues of Growing Older

The Virtues of Growing Older (长大变老有好处) Our society worships youth. Advertisements convince us to buy Grecian Formula and Oil of Olay so we can hide the gray in our hair and smooth the lines on our face. Television shows feature attractive young stars with firm bodies, perfect complexions, and thick manes of hair. Middle-aged folks work out in gyms and jog down the street, trying to delay the effects of age. 我们所处的社会崇尚年轻。连篇累牍的广告劝我们买希腊配方的洗发水和玉兰油,这样的话,白发无处可寻,面部的皱纹也能被抚平。电视节目上尽是体魄强健,肤色无暇,头发浓密的年轻明星。而中年人则在体育馆里锻炼,在马路上慢跑,尽量不让岁月过早地留下痕迹。 Wouldn't any person over thirty gladly sign with the devil just to be young again? Isn't aging an experience to be dreaded? Perhaps it is unAmerican to say so, but I believe the answer is "No." Being young is often pleasant, but being older has distinct advantages. 不是所有三十出头的人都会为了重获青春而心甘情愿地与魔鬼订立合约吗?长大变老难道不可怕吗?说它不可怕可能不是美国人的回答,但我却认为长大变老不可怕。青春年少令人愉悦,但长大变老也有明显的好处。 When young, you are apt to be obsessed with your appearance. When my brother Dave and I were teens, we worked feverishly to perfect the bodies we had. Dave lifted weights, took megadoses of vitamins, and drank a half-dozen milk shakes a day in order to turn his wiry adolescent frame into some muscular ideal. And as a teenager, I dieted constantly. No matter what I weighed, though, I was never satisfied with the way I looked. My legs were too heavy, my shoulders too broad, my waist too big. When Dave and I were young, we begged and pleaded for the "right" clothes. If our parents didn't get them for us, we felt our world would fall apart. How could we go to school wearing loose-fitting blazers when everyone else would be wearing smartly tailored leather jackets? We could be considered freaks. I often wonder how my parents, and parents in general, manage to tolerate their children during the adolescent years. Now, however, Dave and I are beyond such adolescent agonies. My rounded figure seems fine, and don't deny myself a slice of pecan pie if I feel in the mood. Dave still works out, but he has actually become fond of his tall, lanky frame. The two of us enjoy wearing fashionable clothes, but we are no longer slaves to style. And women, I'm embarrassed to admit, even more than men, have always seemed to be at the mercy of fashion. Now my clothes ---- and my brother's ---- are attractive yet easy to wear. We no longer feel anxious about what others will think. As long as we feel good about how we look, we are happy.


江西现代职业技术学院 《新职业英语·职业综合英语》课程标准 课程名称:新职业英语·职业综合英语 英文名称: English for Careers 课程类型: 必修课、公共基础课 总学时: 48 讲课学时: 36 实验学时:12 学分: 3.5 适用对象: 商务学院、旅游经贸学院非英语专业大学一年级学生 一、课程定位 该课程为高职高专公共基础课,也是非英语专业的必修课。教学目的是使英语服务于专业,学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听、说、读、写、译的能力,从而能借助词典阅读和翻译有关英语业务资料,在涉外交际的日常商务活动中进行简单的口语及书面交流,并为今后进一步提高英语职场交际能力打下基础。 二、主要任务 根据国家教育部高等教育司颁发的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》(以下简称《基本要求》)。 1.词汇 认知3400个英语单词(包括入学时要求掌握的1600个词)以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对其中2000个左右的单词能正确拼写,英汉互译。学生还应结合专业英语学习,认知400个专业英语词汇。 2.语法 掌握基本的英语语法规则,在听、说、读、写、译中能正确运用所学语法知识。3.阅读能力 能了解英语国家的一些风俗人情,在阅读中等难度的一般题材的简短英文资料能理解正确。能读懂通用的简短实用文字材料,如信函、技术说明书、合同等,理解正确。 4.写的能力 能就一般性题材,在30分钟内写出80-100词的命题作文;能填写和模拟套写简短的英语应用文,如填写表格与单证,套写简历、通知、信函等,词句基本正确,无重大语法错误,格式恰当,表达清楚。

三、课程目标 本课程的教学目标为:通过学习使学生的人文素质修养得到提高,掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听、说、读、写的能力。 1、知识目标 (1)扩大学生的词汇量(要求学生掌握单词的读音、用法及拼写),使之达到《基本要求》中规定的3400个单词,为英语学习打下坚实的基础 (2)通过学习掌握一定的语法知识,能够分析复杂句子结构 (3)学习掌握应用文(即:表格填写、商务贺卡、商务信函、信封、传真、备忘录、邀请函、简历以及海报)的写作格式 (4)学习掌握阅读技巧与方法,如:根据定义与复述、比较与对比、举例子等方法猜词义 2、技能目标 (1)听:能听懂基本的日常对话及简短的篇章 (2)说:能进行基本的口语交流 (3)读:在阅读生词不超过总词数3%的英文资料时,阅读速度能不低于每分钟70词 (4)写:在30分钟之内能写出80—100字的应用文,制作英文MINI-PROJECT 的作业。 3、态度目标 (1)培养学生的人文素质,增强学生的团队意识,能够准确把握学生人文素质教育方向。 (2)培养学生养成良好的学习习惯及掌握有效的学习英语的方法 (3)通过举办英语演讲比赛、英语特色班、英文话剧、英文歌曲、播放英文电影等形式增强学生对国外的了解,提高学习英语的兴趣 四、教学内容与能力要求 1.知识点和教学要求 《新职业英语》系列教材共三册,前两册为《职业综合英语》,第三册为《新职业英语·行业篇》,每册共有8个单元,每个单元由以下几个项目组成: (1)Warming-up 本部分围绕单元主体设计一些简单有趣的活动,既能引起学生的兴趣,导入主题的学习,又能让学生就此话题交流自身的经验,展示已有的语言知识与技能,为后面的学习做好准备。 (2)Reading A 本部分围绕一篇阅读材料展开一系列的活动,是各单元的核心部分。每单元根据不同职业涉外活动中典型的英语交际场景进行选材,提供主题背景或商务文化方面的信息,侧重语言信息的输入。 (3)Reading B 本部分根据单元主题选取了与之相关的职场工作中的实用文体,例如公司简介、公司内部简报、酒店菜单等,培养学生把握真实工作语料的能力。 (4)Listening ﹠Speaking 本部分围绕单元主题涉及到的典型职业活动场景,


高职高专英语立体化系列教材课文翻译及答案 新职业英语职业综合英语2(通用版) 总主编:徐小贞 外语教学与研究出版社 Unit 1 Text A 职场时装潮流 许多人每天都在捕捉职场时装的潮流,以便能与那些衣着时尚得体的人们步调一致。他们认为按最新潮流穿衣打扮能为自己赢得时尚和时髦的好名声。尽管这样做合情合理,你还是要小心谨慎。 许多人并没有意识到,追随职场时装潮流有利也有弊。好处之一,正如上面所提到的,穿一套时髦的衣服去上班,很可能会得到一堆夸奖。这种感觉很不错,也让人引以为豪。 然而事实上这种追随弊大于利。例如,职场时装潮流往往不区分工作和职业。在一家新潮的咖啡馆或零售店工作,着装要求很可能是休闲服。而在一家法律或保险公司上班,着装则需要更职业化。不幸的是,很多职场新潮时装是为工作中的一般大众而设计,而非为特定职业设计。因此一不小心就可能出问题。 在追随这种时装潮流之前,要好好地仔细审视一下所谓的潮流。比如,潮流是不是时兴半身裙或连衣裙,而不论其长短呢?如果确实如此,那么最重要的是要考虑自己的工作性质。如果是办公室的职业白领,连衣裙就非常适合。但如果是在零售店当经理,连衣裙或半身裙则可能会妨碍工作,影响工作效率。 很多人会因为穿了时髦的职场时装而备受称赞,但事情并非总是如此。最不希望的是不但没有受到夸奖,还落下坏名声。正是因为这个原因,你必须考虑别人对你的看法,你必须确保给别人留下的是个好印象。 到底要不要将职场最时髦的潮流带入衣柜,这个决定得自己做,但在做出决定前请考虑考虑上面提到的问题。 Text B波音公司行为准则 波音公司行为准则为全体波音公司员工制定了必须遵守的行为规范。 波音公司的企业经营建立在公平、公正的基础上,符合道德规范和法律、法规。在企业经营中,诚信是公司处理一切关系的基础,包括公司与客户的关系、供应商和公众的关系以及员工之间的关系。在履行公司职责时,波音公司要求员工以最高商业道德标准要求自己。员工不得参与损害公司诚信、公平、声誉或者为公司带来麻烦的任何活动。 员工应确保: ●不参与可能导致公司及个人利益冲突的任何活动。


Unit 1 如何快速适应大学生活 当你第一次进入大学的时候,你会发现,大学生活和高中生活有很大区别。在高中,我们总是依靠家长和老师帮助我们解决各种困难问题。然而在大学,我们只能依靠自己。除此以外,我们必须学会如何与同学、室友和睦相处。几乎每个大学新生都经历过不同程度的紧张和焦虑情绪。但是不用担心,现在给你一些建议,希望能帮助你尽快适应大学生活。 1、记住,不是只有你有这种情况。你宿舍的每个人都有同样的情况。和他们说说你的恐惧和焦虑。他们可能也有同样的感觉,并且很乐意向你倾诉他们的感觉。 、走出你的宿舍。上大学的好处在于你可以与新的面孔一起重新开始生活。他们不会知道你的过去,他们只会知道你希望他们知道的事情。因此,尝试新的事物,不要害怕,试着展现新的个性。弄清楚真正的自己,弄清楚你希望成为什么样的人,这是最佳的时机。 3、制定详细的学习计划。学习计划应该包括:你的短期目标,每个阶段要阅读什么书籍,参加哪些课外活动,以及你每天的活动安排。这会有助于你充分利用业余时间。 4、不要忘记享受大学生活!在大学里,要过得愉快,结交新朋友,和学习新知识。而寄宿就是一个很好的方式。和朋友们消磨时间,和学习伙伴一起努力备考。做疯狂的事情,照相留念,分享有趣的故事----快活地渡过。你只年轻一次! 记住,你的朋友和你的父母都离你不远,只要你打一个电话就行。记住,每个人的适应时间都是不同的。从容以对,但最重要的是,学有所成。 Unit 2 关于自己 嗨,大家好!欢迎访问我的博客。首先让我介绍一下我自己。我18岁,男。来自中国南方的一个小村子。村子虽小,但很美丽。它位于一条小河。那里空气很新鲜, 水是如此清澈,你可以看到很多的鱼在河里游泳。村子周围是稻田。这就是众所周知的“鱼米之乡”。 现在, 我在中国南方职业技术学院学习计算机科学。毕业后我想成为一名计算机工程师。我喜欢我的大学生活。它与高中生活十分不同。下课后你都是靠自己了。没有人告诉你该做什么。所以你需要计划好你的时间, 以便你不会浪费时间。我的同学都很用功, 因为我们知道“时间不等人”。我们必须好好利用时间来学习更多的知识。 我有着积极的人生态度。有很多事情我想做、去看、去体验。我喜欢读书、写作。我爱思考, 喜欢做梦。我喜欢春天的花、夏天的雨水, 秋天的叶子, 冬天的雪。我喜欢大城市里的摩天大楼, 我喜欢绿色的田野。我喜欢好书和浪漫的电影。我喜欢美味的食物和舒适的鞋子。我的大部分业余时间上网去寻找有用的信息。我也花时间写作和更新博客。它就像我的第二故乡, 我的梦之乡。 这就是我, 刘名。非常感谢你来浏览我的博客! 欢迎你留言! Unit 3 职业规划 职业规划是一个终身的过程,它包括职业选择、找到工作、在工作中进步、可能还要更换职业、直至最后退休。这个过程通常包含四个步骤:分析、研究、选择和行动。 第一步是做一个详细的自我分析。你不仅要考虑自己的兴趣和技能,还要考虑自己的个性和价值观。除此之外,还要通过咨询家人和朋友认识到自己的真正长处,并且不要忘记考虑你自己喜欢的工作环境和发展需求。 一旦完成了自我分析,就该开始研究你最感兴趣的职业种类了。你是愿意成为工程师还是商人?中学老师比销售员工资高吗?软件工程师和软件研发者之间有什么不同?研究你想从事的工作和行业,并设法和那些在该行业中有工作经验的人交谈。 做完职业研究,就该选择可能的职业道路了。此时,你需要收集更详细的信息。对于每一种


Unit 2 Friendship Text A All the Cabbie Had Was a Letter 摘要: 老朋友天各一方,你心有何感?你是否努力保持联系?有时候写信的事很容易会一拖再拖,总以为明天有的是时间。然而,正如这则故事所表明的,有时我们拖得太晚了。也许读一读这个故事会让你提起笔来。 出租车司机拥有的就剩一封信 福斯特?韩克洛 他准是完全沉浸在所读的东西里了,因为我不得不 敲挡风玻璃来引起他的注意。 他总算抬头看我了。“你出车吗?”我问道。他点点 头,当我坐进后座时,他抱歉地说:“对不起,我在读 一封信。”听上去他像是得了感冒什么的。 “我不着急,”我对他说。“你接着把信读完吧。” 他摇了摇头。“我已经读了好几遍了。我想我都能 背出来了。” “家书抵万金啊,”我说。“至少对我来说是这样,因为我老是在外旅行。”我估量他有六七十岁了,便猜测说:“是孩子还是孙子写宋的?” “不是家里人,”他回答说。“不过,”他接着说,“想起来,也可以算是一家人了。 埃德老伙计是我最老的朋友了。实际上,过去我俩总是以‘老朋友’相称的——就是说,当我俩相见时。我这人就是不大会写东西。” “我看大家写信都不那么勤快,”我说。“我自己笔头就很懒。我看,你认识他挺久了吧?” “差不多认识了一辈子了。我俩小时候就一起玩,所以我俩的友谊确实很长了。” “一起上的学?”. “都一起上到高中呢。事实上,我俩从小学到高中都在一个班里。” “保持这么长久友谊的人可真不多见啊,”我说。 “其实呢,”司机接着说,“近25到30年来,我跟他一年只见一两次面,因为我从原来住的老街坊搬了出来,联系自然就少了,虽说你一直放在心上。他在的时候可真是个大好人。” “你刚才说他‘在的时候’。你是说——?” 他点了点头。“前两个星期过世啦。” “真遗憾,”我说。“失去朋友真不是个滋味,失去个真正的老朋友更让人受不了。” 他开着车,没有接话儿。我们沉默了几分钟,可我知道他还在想着老埃德。他又开口时,与其说是跟我说话,还不如说是自言自语:“我真该一直保持联系。真的,”他重复道,“我真该—直保持联系。” “是明,”我表示赞同,“我们都该与老朋友保持更多的联系。不过总是有事情冒出来,好像就是抽不出空来。”


Disney Mirrors American Culture Last fall, the Walt Disney Company did something rare: it admitted defeat in its fight to build a history theme park in Virginia.The park was going to be called "Disney's America". Some people might be wondering, however, if Disney lost the battle but won the war, as it seems everyone is living in Disney's America these days. With its purchase of Capital Cities/ABC Inc. last month, the company founded by Walter Elias Disney in 1923 deepened its claim on American culture. In fact, it would be hard to find another company so widely respected—even loved—by Americans. Americans rush out to see Disney films, and then replay them—on videotapes; they read Disney books to their children;they watch Disney shows on Disney TV;they make trips to Disneyland and Disney World, where they stay in Disney hotels and eat Disney food;Americans buy Disney products at Disney stores, and listen to Disney records of Disney songs. The world of Disney is becoming anything but small. All this makes some people more than a little upset. Harold Bloom, a professor at Yale University, provides an examination of the cultural history of Western society. "At the end of this road lies cultural uniformity of the worst kind. It's just terrible." This is becoming a popular opinion in universities around the world. "Disney products," said Paul Fussell, a professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania, "have always seemed to me seriously sub-adult." Those who oppose Disney (and there are many) see its films and by-products as sexist, racist and as simpler, cheered-up accounts of American history and folklore. "There's a kind of protection at work here," said Henry Giroux, a professor at Penn State University. Like all those opposed to Disney, he can list, in detail, Disney's many crimes against culture:he is very angry, for example, about the treatment of American Indians in Pocahontas. "I mean, the entire history of what happened to the Indians, which some people would call the murder of their people, is sort of played out as a love story," he said angrily. Giroux said he believes that Disney has become a basic educator of America's children, most of whom will be able to perform every word of The Lion King long before they even learn US President Abraham Lincoln's historic Gettysburg Address. However, even the most strongly opposed are quick to note that Disney has many positive values—cheerfulness, good-hearted fun, and a tradition of artistic quality—that help explain its success. Critical or not, most of those who oppose the company are Disney customers themselves. 迪斯尼——美国文化的一面镜子 去年秋天,沃尔特·迪斯尼公司做了一件罕见的事情:它承认自己争取在弗吉尼亚州建造一个历史主题公园的努力失败了。公园原本打算命名为“迪斯尼美国公园”。 不过,有些人会这样想,迪斯尼只不过是输了一次战斗,但赢了一场战争,这是因为,这些年来人人似乎都生活在迪斯尼的美国。 随着迪斯尼公司在上月购买了美国广播公司大都会电视台网之后,这家由沃尔特·伊莱亚斯·迪斯尼在1923年创建的公司进一步代表了美国文化。确实,很难再找出另一家公司像迪斯尼这样受到美国人如此普遍的尊敬,甚至可以说普遍的热爱。 美国人争着去看迪斯尼拍的电影,然后再重看电影录像;他们给孩子念迪斯尼的故事;他们在迪斯尼电视频道上观看迪斯尼节目;他们去迪斯尼乐园和迪斯尼世界游玩,在那儿他们住的是迪斯尼饭店,吃的是迪斯尼食品;美国人还在迪斯尼商店里购买迪斯尼商品,耳边听的是迪斯尼歌曲唱片。 迪斯尼的世界可真不小啊!


新编实用英语期末试卷 I. Workplace Communication (15 points) Directions:In this section, You are required to match each sentence in Column A with its Chinese version in Column B. Write the answer in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.(本题共15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) Part A A B ( )1.I’m afraid you’ve got the flu. A.我陪你一起去医院好 吗? ( )2.A light wind is expected for the next two days. B.天气真热啊! ( )3.Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon. C.明后天预计有微风。 ( )4.S hall I go to the hospital with you? D.今天的气温是多少度? ( )5.What a hot day! E.我可不喜欢这儿的天 气。

( )6.What’s the temperature today ? F.今天天气凉爽,局部多 云,下午可能会有雨。 ( )7.I’m afraid I don’t like the weather here. G.恐怕你是染上了流感。 Part B ( )8.Q ing-Ming Festival is a traditional holiday in China. H.定在周五下午三点半吧。 ( )9.Let’s say 3:30 Friday afternoon. I.今晚可能会下雪。 ( )10.Why not join us for an exciting evening?J.你们打算怎样庆祝老师的50大寿? ( )11.I’d like to see you if you have time tomorrow. K.今天天气凉爽,最高温度25度。 ( )12.There is a chance of snow this evening.L.在中国清明节是一个传统节日。 ( )13.How do you plan to celebrate your teacher’s 50th M.我感到头晕乏力。

unit 2 课文翻译(1)

Smart cars that can see, hear, feel, smell, and talk? And drive on their own? This may sound like a dream, but the computer revolution is set to turn it into a reality. 能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话的智能汽车?还能自动驾驶?这听起来或许像是在做梦,但计算机革命正致力于把这一切变为现实。 Smart Cars智能汽车 Michio Kaku米其奥?卡库 1 Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution. 即便是过去70年间基本上没有多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。 2 The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. There are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people. Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, making it the world's biggest manufacturing industry. 汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业之一。目前世界上有5亿辆车,或者说每10人就有1辆车。汽车工业的销售额达一万亿美元左右,从而成为世界上最大的制造业。 3 The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century. The key to tomorrow's "smart cars" will be sensors. "We'll see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act," predicts Bill Spreitzer, technical director of General Motors Corporation's ITS program, which is designing the smart car and road of the future. 汽车及其行驶的道路,将在21世纪发生重大变革。未来“智能汽车”的关键在于传感器。“我们会见到能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话并能采取行动的车辆与道路,”正在设计未来智能汽车和智能道路的通用汽车公司ITS项目的技术主任比尔?斯普雷扎预言道。 4 Approximately 40,000 people are killed each year in the United States in traffic accidents. The number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast that we don't even bother to mention them in the newspapers anymore. Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others from carelessness. A smart car could eliminate most of these car accidents. It can sense if a driver is drunk via electronic sensors that can pick up alcohol vapor in the air, and refuse to start up the engine. The car could also alert the police and provide its precise location if it is stolen. 美国每年有大约4万人死于交通事故。在汽车事故中死亡或严重受伤的人数太多,我们已经不屑在报纸上提及。这些死亡的人中至少有半数是酒后开车者造成的,另有许多死亡事故是驾驶员不小心所导致。智能汽车能消除绝大多数这类汽车事故。它能通过会感测空气中的酒精雾气的电子传感器检测开车者是否喝醉酒,并拒绝启动引擎。这种车还能在遇窃后通报警方,告知车辆的确切地点。 5 Smart cars have already been built which can monitor one's driving and the driving conditions nearby. Small radars hidden in the bumpers can scan for nearby cars. Should you make a serious driving mistake (e.g., change lanes when there is a car in your "blind spot") the computer would sound an immediate warning.
