Unit 3my weekend plan教案

Unit 3my  weekend   plan教案
Unit 3my  weekend   plan教案

Unit 3 My weekend plan



1.能够听、说、读、写短语:visit my grandparents,see a film,take a trip,go to the supermarket.

2. 掌握重点句子What are you going to do?I am going to ...进行简单的提问与回答关于计划的相关动作,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。



本课时的教学重点和难点是掌握四会短语和A Let's learn部分中进行简单的提问与回答关于计划的相关动作。





2.Let’s talk about our life.引用学过句型,操练交流。

Step2 Presentation

(1)展示本部分的图片,向学生提出两个问题,并让学生回答。Who are they?What are they talking about ?教师组织学生分为3-4人一个小组,尝试着猜想他们在讨论什么,从而引出本节课讨论

的有关be going to表示将来时简单计划的话题。


2)教师展示本节课的短语图片,引领学生学习这些重要的短语,并引导学生利用多种方法记忆短语visit my grandparents,see a film,take a trip,go to the supermarket。



Pair work

4)展示重点句型,并加以操练What are you going to do?I’m going to 组织学生讲所学短语运用到语句中,进行交流练习。

Step3 .Practice



3、根据板书呈现的单词,利用句型“What are you going to do?I’m going to


Make a plan

(1)根据上部分内容,指导学生加以总结,再次出示重点语句,带学生朗读并翻译,理解其功能用法。What are you going to do?I’m going to...。






2 Summary:what have you learned today ?

3、Homework :


2)制定一个简单的下周计划,运用be going to短语加以交流。板书设计: Unit 3 My weekend plan


visit my grandparents What are you going to do...? see a film

I’m going to

take a trip

go to the supermarket


苏教版六年级科学下册全册作业 第一课我们在成长 1. 回想一下,由于自己太小过去做不了而现在能做的事情有哪些? 答: 2. 我的身体在成长过程中有什么变化?谈谈自己的感受。 3.如果按照出生后一年内的生长速度一直长下去,会怎样? 答:人体在出生后一年内,身体大约增长50%,如果按照这个生长速度,以出生时50厘米计算,到12岁时大约会增高80多倍。 第二课悄悄发生的变化 1.什么是青春期?从何时开始? 答:青春期是我们由儿童到成年人过渡的时期。女孩大约从10岁将陆续进入青春期,而男孩要稍晚

一些。 2.我们应该怎样正确对待青春期的变化? (1)不要穿高跟鞋。 (2)女生要注意月经期的卫生,要使用符合卫生标准的卫生巾;避免着凉;适当运动。 (3)男生不要拔胡须。 (4)要正确对待与异性交往。 (5)不吸烟、不酗酒。 3,。判断题。 (1)进入青春期我们要尽量避免穿高跟鞋。() (2)我们长大了,可以抽烟、喝酒了。() (3)我们的成长与成熟意味着要自觉地去承担更多的责任。() 第三课人生之旅 一、选择题。

1. 对于青春期的心理特点,下列叙述不正确的是() A 性意识骤然增长,易对异性产生好感。 B 智力水平迅猛提高。 C 兴趣爱好日益广泛,求知欲和好奇心强烈。 D 身体形态发生巨大变化。 二、连线。 呀呀学语老年期 十月怀胎婴幼儿期 颐养天年胎儿期 抚育后代青年期 勤奋求学成年期 生长迅速学龄期 努力工作青春期 三、人的一生应怎样划分? 答:人的一生可以划分为:幼年期、青春期、成年期、老年期。也可以划分为胎儿期、婴幼儿期、

学龄期、青春期、青年期、成年期、老年期。 第四课踏上健康之路 一、判断。 1.睡觉时间越长越有利于健康。() 2.吸烟和酗酒是少年健康的大敌。() 3不同的少年,生长发育情况是不一样的。() 4.价钱越贵的食品,营养价值越高。() 二、选择 1.下面不属于科学用脑的是() A.动静结合 B.课程交替 C.勤于思考 D.多睡觉 2.下列有利于身体健康的行为不包括() A. 勤洗澡 B.勤洗手 C.勤挖鼻孔


Unit 3 My Weekend Plan (period 1) 教学要点 1.能朗读、表演Main scene和Let’s talk中的对话。 2.能了解be going to表示即将发生的动作,并在真实情境中运用所语言进行真实交流和运用。 3.乐于与他人谈论自己的计划,积极表达,在对话交流中使学生养成用英语交流的习惯,培养良好的语音语调和语感。 教学设计: Step1 Warming-up 1.Let’s read and chant. Picture, picture, I will take a picture. Film, film, I’m going to see a film. Comic book, comic book, I will buy a comic book. Lesson, lesson, I’m going to have a lesson. What are you going to do?What are you going to do? Step2 Presentation 1.Main scene学习(1)出示Main scene中的部分教学挂图,让学生观察,提问Who are they?What are they talking about? (2)学生仔细观察图片,展开合理想象并回答老师的问题。教师组织学生分为三人一组,尝试着猜想一下他们在讨论什么? (3)教师引导学生将讨论的结果展示交流。 4)听录音,模仿朗读,理解对话内容。(5)指明朗读对话,并翻译主要句子的中文意思,掌握单词、句子读法。(6)教师领读对话、学生模仿、齐读练习、生生对话、小组展示。2.学习Let’s try & Let’s talk

人教版PEP六年级英语上册Unit 3 My weekend plan Read and write部分教案设计

人教版PEP六年级英语上册Unit 3 My weekend plan Read and write部分教案设 计 weekend plan第5 课时 一、教学目标: 1、能够通过讨论哪些节日会有家庭聚会来激活相关背景知识和储备词汇; 2、能够通过阅读问题训练在语篇中捕捉不同类型的信息和思考的能力; 3、能够从阅读中获取有用的句型,能够口头描述自己家庭成员在中秋节的活动,并能最终写出一篇日记。 二、教学内容:教材:Read and write 3、教学重点: 1、阅读图片和文段完成吴一凡和家人的时间安排表; 2、补全句子并能口头描述吴一凡和自己的中秋节安排。 四、教学准备: 录音机、教学挂图或课件 五、教学步骤:Step One: warming up and revision 1、Greetings

2、Free-talks: Where are you going next weekend? What are you going to do? When are you going?Step Two: Pre-reading 1、Show the students some pictures and ask: What are these holidays? Do you know their English name? National Holiday Spring Festival Christmas 教师教读后,组织学生讨论:What do your family do on these holidays?交流在不同的节日不同的计划。G ive them some hints and choose: go shopping get together buy presents have a big dinner 2、教师引导学生提炼出不同节日的共同点:family get-together。视学生情况,还可追问:When will your family get together?要求学生简要回答。Step Three: While-reading 1、第一次阅读要求学生快速阅读,用横线画出吴一凡的日记中提到的家庭成员,用波浪线画出他们进行的活动。 2、第二次阅读学生细读后,标出自己不认识的单词。教师请部分学生将新词写到黑板上。教师通过提问,联系上下文等方式 帮助学生推测新词意义。课件呈现以下问题:(1)What are Wu Yifan’s family going to do?学生阅读后对句子His family will get together、讲解will = be going to (2)What is Wu Yifan’s aunt going to do?(3)What is Wu Yifan’s grandma going to do?(4)What are Wu Yifan and Robin going to do?然后指导完成表格,写下吴一凡一家的活动安排。


大象版小学六年级科学下册全册教案 学校: 年级:六年级 学科:科学 姓名

第一单元人类祖先的足迹 第1课时、向人类的祖先“提问” 学习目标: 1、培养学生大胆猜想的习惯。 2、学生能根据已有的知识和经验对人类祖先的生活习性进行猜想。 3、培养学生认真听取他人意见,积极开展评价的习惯。 学习重点:培养学生大胆猜想的习惯。 学习难点:学生能根据已有的知识和经验对人类祖先的生活习性进行猜想。 学习准备:关于人类起源的相关课件资料 学习过程: 一、谈话导入。 教师提问:“你是从哪里来的?你的爸爸妈妈又是从哪里来的?那你的爷爷奶奶呢?……”学生说一说,激发学习的兴趣。教师引导学生初步了解什么是猜想。 二、活动探究。 1、学生提出自己感兴趣的问题,将他们存入“问题银行”。 教师巡视指导。 2、小组活动。 (1)学生分小组整理和评议所提出的问题,并从中选择一两个既感兴趣又有能力研究的问题进行研究。 教师指导:选择好主题后,要大胆的有根据的进行猜想,并用自己擅长的形式表达出来。 三、集体交流。 1、学生代表说一说自己的问题和猜想,并说说自己猜想的依据。 2、师生评议. 第2课时《追寻人类祖先的足迹》 学习目标: 1、学生学会制定研究计划。 2、培养学生自主研究、合作研究的意识和能力。 3、培养学生搜集资料和整理资料的能力。 4、培养学生的交流能力。 学习重点: 1、学生学会制定研究计划。 2、培养学生搜集资料和整理资料的能力。 学习难点: 1、学生学会制定研究计划。 2、培养学生搜集资料和整理资料的能力。 学习准备:研究计划表、教师搜集相关知识并制成资料卡课件。 学习过程: 一、谈话导入。


Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B 同步练习 一、看图片,写单词 二、单项选择 ( )1. Amy is going to read a comic book ___________ a n imals. A. in B. at C. about ( )2. --- ____________ a re you going? ---I ' m going to the post office. A. When B. Where C. What ( )3. Wu Yifa n ______ g oing to write an e-mail. A. is B. are C. am ( )4. --- _________ is he going to do? ---He is going to play football. A. Where B. When C. What ( )5. --- _________ are you going? ---Next Wedn esday. A. What B. When C. Where 三、读句子,选词填空 about together price moon cake Mid- Autu mn Festival ( )1. They are going to get ____________ next mon th. ( )2. We watch the moon on __________________.

( )3. I am going to eat a ________________ . ( )4. Jack is going to see a film ______________ space. ( )5. It ' s half ______________ n ext Mon day. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. The girls __________ (be) going to swim this after noon. 2. Joh n __________(be) going to play the pia no. 3. Mike often __________ (watch) TV in the evening. And he ' s going to ___________ ash) clothes this evening. 4. Lisa ________ (go) to the zoo every weeke nd. Look! She is ____________ (go) to the zoo on foot. 5. Mike can '___ ________ (go) swimming tomorrow. He _______________ (have) to do his homework. 五、读问句,选择正确的答语 ()1. What are you going to do this eve ning? ()2. When is your sister going to the park? ()3. Who are you goi ng with? ()4. Where is your friend going? ()5. I she going to have an art less on?


六年级科学下册知识点整理 第一单元我们长大了 1、从出生到现在的成长证据有:(出生时的脚印)、(从小到大的照片)、(小衣服小鞋子)、(每年的体检卡)、(身高体重的数据)等。 2、我从出生到现在发生的主要变化有(身体长高了,体重增加了,能力提高了)。 3、(身高)和(体重)是生长发育最重要和最常用的指标。 4、人体生长发育最快的两个时期是(出生后第一年)和(青春期)。 5、(青春期变化)是人体的正常发育,(青春期)是生命重要的时期。 6、(青春期)是我们由儿童向成年人过渡的时期。 7、女孩大约从(10岁)开始,将陆续进入青春期;而男孩要(稍晚一些)。在这个时期,我们的(身体形态)、(心理方面)都发生着巨大的变化。 8、青春期男女(身高)最先出现快速生长。 9、青春期除了身高突增之外,另一个特点就是(性发育)的开始。 10、青春期的心理特点有(1)性意识骤然增长(2)智力水平迅猛提高(3)独立欲望增强(4)情感世界充满风暴(5)兴趣爱好日益广泛(6)人际交往欲望强烈。 11、要正确对待青春期的变化:(1)要注意个人卫生(2)不穿高跟鞋(3)不拔

胡须(4)不吸烟、不酗酒(5)正确对待与异性交往 12、一个人的成长与成熟意味着他将要更加自觉的去承担起更多的(责任)。 13、人的一生要经过(幼儿期)、(青春期)、(成年期)和(老年期)四个阶段。 14、预测自己长大后的身高可以根据(父母的身高)、(现在的身高)、(自己的脚长)。 15、伴随着身体素质提高,青少年(青春期发育)和(性发育)的年龄也不断提前。 16、为了能有一个健康的身体,我们应该:(1)注意个人卫生(2)讲究营养并注意饮食卫生(3)注意学习姿势与用眼卫生(4)加强体育锻炼(5)保证充足的睡眠(6)不迷恋电脑(7)科学用脑 17、注意学习姿势与用眼卫生的方法:(正确的阅读姿势)、(正确的书写姿势)、(注意采光与照明)。 18、我们已经跨入青春期,每天需要保证(10)小时的睡眠。 19、(充足的睡眠)有利于提高学习效率。 20、科学用脑五要素是:(动静结合)、(课程交替)、(反复强化)、(勤于思考)、(适当休息)。


Part A 第二课时 听力部分 一、听录音,给下列图片排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听录音,完成表格。 Activities When play sports 1. _________ read books 2. _________ clean the room 3. _________ go to the science museum 4. _________ draw pictures 5. _________ 笔试部分 三、读一读,给下列时间按先后顺序排队。 ( ) tonight ( ) tomorrow morning ( ) tomorrow afternoon ( ) this morning ( ) this afternoon ( ) next week 四、单项选择。 ( ) 1. What are you going to do _________ tonight? A. / B. on C. at ( ) 2. My friends ________ swim tomorrow. A. go to B. are going to C. are going ( ) 3. They are going to read books ________. A. yesterday afternoon B. in afternoon C. tomorrow afternoon ( ) 4. My brother is going to ________ my aunt on Saturday morning. A. visits B. visit C. visiting ( ) 5. —I am going to Beijing for my holiday. —________ A. I’m sorry. B. Have a good time! C. Thank you. 五、看图片,根据提示写句子。 1. (I, this afternoon) _____________________ 2. (Lucy, tomorrow morning) _____________________

新人教版小学六年级上册英语第三单元Unit3 My weekend plan教案 (1)

人教版新PEP小学六年级上册英语第三单元Unit3 My weekend plan教案 Unit 3 My weekend plan 第一课时 A Let’s learn & Make a plan 一、教学目标与要求: 1.能够听、说、读、写短语:visit my grandparents,see a film,take a trip,go to the supermarket. 2. 掌握重点句子What are you going to do?I am going to ...进行简单的提问与回答关于计划的相关动作,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。 3.在对话交流中使学生养成用英语交流的习惯,培养良好的语音,语调和语感。 二、教学重点、难点分析: 本课时的教学重点和难点是掌握四会短语和A Let's learn部分中进行简单的提问与回答关于计划的相关动作。 三、教学准备:多媒体课件。单词图片 四、教学步骤和建议: Step1.Preparation 1.Greeting 2.Let’s talk about our life.引用学过句型,操练交流。 Step2 Presentation (1)展示本部分的图片,向学生提出两个问题,并让学生回答。 Who are they?What are they talking about ?教师组织学生分为3-4人一个小组,尝试着猜想他们在讨论什么,从而引出本节课讨论的有关be going to表示将来时简单计划的话题。 单词呈现 2)教师展示本节课的短语图片,引领学生学习这些重要的短语,并引导学生利用多种方法记忆短语visit my grandparents,see a film,take a trip,go to the supermarket。 听音正音 3)听录音,指导学生完成探究学习1中的内容,并指导学生记忆关键词。 Pair work 4)展示重点句型,并加以操练What are you going to do?I’m going to 组织学生讲所学短语运用到语句中,进行交流练习。 Step3 .Practice 1、听音贴图。 2、看图快读单词。 3、根据板书呈现的单词,利用句型“What are you going to do?I’m going to.自编对话 4、听力小练习,播放教师自编的录音,指导学生完成探究学习2中的内容。 Step4. Production Make a plan (1)根据上部分内容,指导学生加以总结,再次出示重点语句,带学生朗读并翻译,理解其功能用法。What are you going to do?I’m going to...。 (2)创编对话,指导学生制定一个简单的周末计划,完成任务。 (3)创设情境,小组内互相采访,创编简单的对话,讨论周六日的周末计划,小组内表演。

英语人教版六年级上册My weekend plan

Unit 3 my weekend plan 第 1 课时 教学要求: 1.学生能够听、说、认读句型:What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to have an art lesson. I have to do my homework now. 2. 学生能够运用句型讨论自己的活动计划:What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going https://www.360docs.net/doc/f07319992.html, 3. 学生能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演 4. 学生能够合理计划自己的活动。教学重点: 学生能够听、说、认读句型:What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to have an art lesson. I have to do my homework now. 教学难点: 能够运用句型讨论自己的活动计划教学媒体: Pictures, CAI, 教学过程: Step One: Warming up and revision Free talks: What do you often do on the weekend? I often… What are you going to do this weekend? 如果有学生回答,那么引出本单元的话题 My weekend plan. Step Two: Presentation 1. Let’s try (1)T: It’s Saturday moring. Sarah in on the phone with Mike. Listen and cirle the right answer. (2) Check the answers. 2. New sentence learning (1) What is Sarah going to do? She is going to … (2) 讲解:be going to 的意识是“打算做什么事情” (3) I have 5 weekend activities: go ice-skating; wash clothes; draw pictures; make a snowman; go f or a picnic. Which activiy do you like? Please answer my question: T:What are you going to do this weekend? S: I’m going to… 3. Let’s talk (1) T: Mike is on the phone with Sarah now. Watch the video and answer the questions: a. What is Sarah going to do tomorrow? b.What is Mike going to do tomorrow? (2)Watch it again and fill in the blanks a. Sarah and her classmates are going to _____________ in Renmin Park. Step Three: Consolidation and extension 1. 情境设计:https://www.360docs.net/doc/f07319992.html, It’s Friday, you are talking the weekend plan with your friend. (1) A demo with a student What are you going to do this weekend/tomorrow? I’m going to… What about you? (Let’s…toget her.) (2) Practise with the partner (3) Feedback 2. Talk about our classmates weekend plan 根据刚才同学们的反馈信息,进行提问 What is… going to do? What are…going to do? 3. Let’s wrap it up 语法小结 (1) Be going to 表达的意思“打算要做的事情” (2) Be 动词的用法复习 What ____ Sarah going to do? _____ _____ going to play the piano. What ______ John and Mike going to do? _______ ______ ______ to do homework. Step Four: Assessment and homework 1. Do the exercises on the AB. 2. Homework:


教科版小学六年级科学下册全册教案教科版修订版六年级下册教材目录 第一单元微小世界 1 放大镜 2 放大镜下的昆虫世界 3 放大镜下的晶体 4 怎样放得更大 5 用显微镜观察身边的生命世界(一) 6 用显微镜观察身边的生命世界(二) 7 用显微镜观察身边的生命世界(三) 8 微小世界和我们 第二单元物质的变化 1 我们身边的物质 2 物质发生了什么变化 3 米饭、淀粉和碘酒的变化 4 小苏打和白醋的变化 5 铁生锈了 6 化学变化伴随的现象 7 控制铁生锈的速度

8 物质变化与我们 第三单元宇宙 1 地球的卫星——月球 2 月相变化 3 我们来造“环形山” 4 日食和月食 5 太阳系 6 在星空中(一) 7 在星空中(二) 8 探索宇宙 第四单元环境和我们 1 一天的垃圾 2 垃圾的处理 3 减少丢弃及重KCG高温齿轮泵新使用 4 分类和回收利用 5 一天的生活用水 6 污水和污水处理 7 考察家乡的自然水域 8 环境问题和我们的行动

第一单元微小世界 1、放大镜 【教学目标】 科学概念 1、放大镜是凸透镜,凸透镜具有放大物体图像的功能,用放大镜观察物体能看到更多的细节。 2、放大镜广泛应用在人们生活生产的许多方面。 3、放大镜镜片的特点是透明和中间较厚(凸起)。 过程与方法 1、正确用放大镜观察物体。 2、比较用肉眼观察和用放大镜观察的不同。 情感态度价值观 1、理解使用放大镜观察的意义。 2、增强用放大镜观察身边世界的兴趣。 3、认识到从肉眼观察到发明放大镜是人类的一大进步。 【教学重点】能正确ZYB系列渣油泵使用放大镜观察物体的细微部分【教学难点】放大镜是“凸”“透”镜 【教学准备】 分组实验器材:放大镜(最好每个学生都能有一个放大镜,如果只能提供给学生一种放大镜,尽量放大倍数大一点)科学书或报纸上的照片、计算机或电视机屏幕。柱形、球形的透明器皿、塑料薄膜、铁丝、普通玻璃片、平面镜片、水。


Part B 第三课时 一、看图片,连一连正确的单词。 1. 2. 3. 4. A. poem B. space C. mooncake D. moon 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. —When are we going to go? —_______. A. At half past six B. To the park C. At home ( ) 2. It’s going to ________ in Beijing. A. hot B. raining C. snow ( ) 3. Tony is going to have a picnic ________. A. next week B. on a Tuesday C. now ( ) 4. —_______ are you going? —This afternoon. A. What B. Where C. When ( ) 5. I’m going to the _________ to buy some mooncakes. A. cinema B. supermarket C. bookstore 三、阅读短文,为张鹏的周末计划排序。 Hello! I am Zhang Peng. I’m going to clean my room on Saturday morning. Then I’m going to visit my grandparents. In the afternoon, I’m going to play football with my classmates. Then I’m going to watch TV at home. On Sunday I’m going to the bookstore. I want to buy some magazines. Next week, my parents and I are going to take a trip. I’m excited. ( ) visit his grandparents ( ) clean his room ( ) take a trip ( ) play football ( ) go to the bookstore ( ) watch TV

My weekend plan(我的周末计划).doc

My weekend plan(我的周末计划)忙碌的一周过去了,周末你有什么计划呢,下面就给大家分享My weekend plan(我的周末计划)英语作文,一起来看看吧 My weekend plan(我的周末计划) Hi, I’m Shen Zeliang. I’m going to have a happy weekend.On Saturday,I’m going to the Zhengjiang Nature Museum to buy a mineral,because I like collecting mineral.Then,I’m going to the Hangzhou Library to borrow some books. Next,I’m going to go home and read books. On Sunday,I’m going to the supermarket. Then,in the afternoon,I’m going to eat KFC.That will be fun! This is my weekend plan. What about you? My weekend plan(我的周末计划) My name is Chen Kexin.You can call my Sally.I’m going to have a happy weekend.On Sunday,I’m going to the Chirdren’s Center to play and have class.Saturday morning,I’m going to learn English by car.Is’t fast.Then,in the evening,I’m going to visit my little sister.Her name is Cigy.She is three years old,and she is a lovely girl.We all love her and she loves us.We are going to eat dinner together.That will be fun!Now can you tell me about

my weekend plan英语作文

my weekend plan英语作文 导语:你的周末计划是什么?写一篇以my weekend plan 为题的英语作文。以下是unjs小编整理的my weekend plan 英语作文,欢迎阅读参考。my weekend plan英语作文I am going to have a busy weekend ! On Saturday , I‘m going to clean my room and do homework. Then , in the evening , I ‘m going to the supermaket with my mother . On Saturday, I‘m going to the bookstore on foot . I‘m going to buy some books. Then, I‘m going to go home and read the new books. In the evening , I‘m going to watch TV. That will be fun! What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend?my weekend plan英语作文I’m Jiang Yiyuan. I’m going to have a happy weekend, it is busy. On Saturday, I’m going to have an art class by bus, because that place is near the west lake. I’m going to study sketching and Chinese painting. Then, I’m going to go home and have dinner. On Sunday, I’m going to the cinema with my friends. We’re going after breakfast. Then we’re going to the restranrt to have a good meal. Then, in the afternoon

Unit 3 My weekend plan 练习题

Unit 3 My weekend plan 练习题 一.根据汉语提示,补全句子。 1)I come to school ______ _____. (骑自行车) 2)Tom goes to school ______ _____(步行). 3)(减速)and (停) at a yellow light. 4)Stop and (等)at a red light. 二、选择搭配 1)傍晚2)今天下午3)明天4)今天早上 5)take a trip 6) see a film 7)go to the supermarket a. this morning b. this afternoon c. tomorrow d. this evening e. 去超市 f.去旅行 g.看电影 三.根据首字母及含有与提示,补全句子。 1.W_____ (什么)are you going to do next week? 2.I’m going to s____ a f____(看电影)in the evening. 3.Mike is going to the bookstore t_______(明天). 四.完成下列句子: 1.I’m going to take a trip ______ _______( 下周). 2.I’m going to _____________ ________( 看我爷爷奶奶). 3.I’m going to read a magazine _______ ( 在今晚). 一、英汉互译。 1.去旅行() 2. 看电影() 3.看望我祖父母() 4.去超市() 5. next week () 6.this evening() 7. tomorrow ()8. tonight () 二、读一读,选一选。 ()1.What are you going to do tomorrow? ()2. I’m going to have an art lesson. ()3.I have to do my homework now.

My weekend plan教案

Unit 3 My weekend plan! 教者: 单位:Teaching contents: P26 Part B of Unit3. Let’s try and Let’s talk Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: travel ;half ;price ;space Where are you going ? What are you going to do? When are you going ? Ability aims: Talking about things in the future. Train students` reading and cooperation abilities. Moral aims: Doing proper things at proper time. Loving their own hometown. Teaching key points: The new words. Asking and answering using the “Wh-“ questions. Teaching difficult point: Using the “Wh-“ questions fluently.

Asking and answering questions in the real scene. Teaching methods: Situational Language teaching method Task-based Language teaching method Teaching preparation: PPT and Flashcards Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greetings & Lead in Greetings with the students. Introduce the assessments of this class Step 2 Presentation I’m Mr. Zhan .I’m from Pingjiang.Do you know Pingjiang ? Did you ever travel in Pingjiang ? Teach “travel” here(ppt). Did you travel to Pingjiang Amazon Water Park ?(ppt) It’s an amusing park . you can go swimming、go surfing、go rafting and so on. What is the price? Maybe it is a little expensive(¥198 PPT).But on Tusedays. It’s half price then.(PPT to teach “half”and”price”) Welcome to Pingjiang. Welcome to Pingjiang Amazon Water Park. But now I’m new here in Yueyang. So I’m going to see a film this afternoon. And this evening I am going to buy some fruit. Because I’m going to visit my cousin. What about


Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B Let 's tryaaind教学设计's Step1: Warm-up 1. 课前播放本单元Let' s cha,让学生跟着哼唱。 I ' m going to buy a booi, I ' m going to taie a looi, I ' m going to baie a ca,ie I ' m going to walk near a lake.… We are going to taie a trip. We are going to take a sip. I 'm going outside to play. I 'm going to have a good day! (上课开始前,通过一首chant 来调动学生上课积极性,活跃课堂气氛,并且让学生复习be going to 句型) 2. Greeting. 3. Free talk T: What are you going to do next week? S1: I 'm going to... T: What is ... going to do ...? S2: He/She is going to... Step 2: Presentation 1. Task1: Guess Miss Wang 's next week plan Guess 1: When T: I am is very busy this week. So I want to have a relax this weekend. I have a plan. First, can you guess where I am goin g?” Ss guess: You' re going to. .. (cinema, supermarket, hospital, the hospital---)引导学生提问:Where are you going?(屏幕显示) 师答:I ' m going to Sun Wu Lake Park(呈现孙武湖公园图片)网‘皿


P E P六年级 M y w e e k e n d p l a n B R e a n d w r i t e教学设计 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

PEP人教版六年级英语上册Unit 3 My weekend plan 第五课时 B Read and write 教学设计 戚氏中小张琳 一、教学目标 1.能够用正确的语音语调朗读文段,理解短文大意。 2.根据短文内容补全吴一凡一家在中秋节的活动安排表。 3.能够从阅读中运用be going to 句型描述你和同伴在中秋节 的计划安排。 二、教学重难点 重点:能够用正确的语音语调朗读文段,理解短文大意。 难点:根据短文内容补全吴一凡一家在中秋节的活动安排表。 能够运用be going to 句型描述自己和同伴在中秋节的计划安排。 三、教学过程 热身 (1)Let’s sing播放三单元歌曲“What are you going to do ”师生观看flash,合唱歌曲。 (2)师生、生生对话Where are you going to do What are you going to do “I’m going to…”问答周末活动。 预习 (1)教师说:“Here are some pictures for the holidays. What are these holidays Do you know them

(2)谈论你在National Day, Spring Festival , Christmas这些节日中的活动安排。 What do you often do on these holidays I often… (3)引导学生归纳出这些节日的共同特点:“family get together.”教师提问“When will your family get together” 呈现 (1)由“family get together”家人团聚引出Mid-Autumn Day教师教读并提问What do you often do on Mid-autumn Day学 生回答My family get together .教师引导学生说出“eat moon cakes ,enjoy the moon”等活动。 (2)教师提问:“What else do you do on Mid-Autumn Festival”看图片引出:“have a big dinner , make mooncakes , tell us a story about Change , read a poem.”这些词组,教师教读,学生跟读,解决文中生词句,突破难点。 (3)教师说“Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Day . What will Wu Yi fan’s family do ”播放Read and write Flash,学生观看初 步了解文章大意,用横线画出吴一凡的家庭成员,用波浪线画出他 们的活动。 (4)学生第二遍观看Flash。四人一组细读课文,完成文后表格,填写吴一凡家人中秋节活动。 (5)学生反馈,回答文后问题,上黑板填写。师生评价。 (6)学生试读课文,师生评价。
