



C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

An 8-year-old Miami boy, Joshua Williams, is president of his own non-profit organization---Joshua?s Save the World. His organization provides food and clothes for p 81 people and families in Miami and the neighboring areas.

Joshua has r 82 thousands of dollars for his organization. He started to help the hungry when he was just 5. He was in his mother?s car when they passed a beggar. Joshua asked his mother to stop so that he could give him $20. “It?s my m83 . I want to help him, Mum,” Joshua recalled. One year later, he created his organization with the help of his mother and Francine Hanna, a local bu sinesswoman. “He just thought that was what he wanted to do,” his mother said. “And there was nothing that could s84 him.”

The organization now provides clothing, furniture and food for the poor people in America. At the same time, Joshua never misses a c 85 to encourage other people to follow what he did whether at church or on the streets. Earl Laird lost his job two years ago and hasn?t managed to get a n 86 one. Without money, he can?t pay for the flat and has to live on the street. He depends on food from Joshua?s Save the World. “Joshua is an angel (天使) from God,” he said. Joshua has won Miami?s “Do the Right Thing” award and the “Kids Who Care” competition, which awarded him a $1,000 note. Even though he has a 87 done plenty, he said that his mission (使命)to provide for the poor is far from finished. “I want to get a team together,” Joshua said. “I want my team to go out and give food to people who have a need for it. I want to spread love to countries in Africa.”


C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)

The story behind the shopping cart


Sylvan Goldman – owner of a grocery shop

(反面还有试题)Fred Young –Sylvan?s friend, a mechanic(机械师)

One night in 1936, in an Ame rican city. Inside Fred?s workshop, Sylvan sits next to Fred, who is making adjustments(调试) to their new i 81 – a shopping cart.

Sylvan: My customers don?t like our shopping cart.

Fred: Really? So they p 82 shopping with those heavy baskets?

Sylvan: (nods) I?ve got a huge crowd of customers every day, b 83 none of them wants to use the cart.

Fred: I don?t understand. We invented the cart so that people don?t need to carry a basket around the shop.

Sylvan: (laughs) And so that they will buy more groceries!

Fred: So why don?t they like the shopping cart?

Sylvan: Young men think that pushing a cart around makes them look w 84 and slow, and

young women think it?s unfashionable.

Fred: Of course it isn?t fashionable right now. It?s only just been invented! But I?m sure older people will appreciate it.

Sylvan: Um…

Fred: What? They don?t like the cart e 85 ?

Sylvan: Well, they think pushing it makes them look helpless!

Fred: Oh no. We need to do something, Fred. We can?t just g 86 up on this invention! Sylvan: We won?t. (He gets up and walks around the room. Suddenly, he stops.) Aha! I?ve got an idea.

Fred: What is it?

Sylvan: I?ll hire(雇佣) some good-looking guys and girls to push the

carts around and pretend they?re shopping.

Fred: Oh! So the real shoppers will see these attractive people

using the carts and think, “Hey, if it?s good enough for them, it?s good

enough for me!”

Sylvan: E 87 .

Fred: Hey! Maybe you could get one of the girls to greet your

customers and encourage them to use the cart.

Sylvan: Great idea!


C. R ead the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

Imagine this: romance is all around you, you have met and fallen in love with the most wonderful person. The only trouble is, you are not at home, you are in a completely different part of the w 81 . How do you let that special person know how you feel?


The only place to say …JE T'AIME? (I love you) is on a Paris bridge in the moonlight. If you really want to go for true French style, you will need to dress very smartly and go to a fashionable French restaurant a 82 you have said the magical words.


The cherry blossom season is the most romantic time of a year in Japan. I 83 your boyfriend / girlfriend in the politest way possible (you should always be as polite as possible in Japan!), set up a nice little picnic u 84 a cherry blossom tree and say …SUKYO?.


It might be minus 6 degrees when you say …YA TYEBY A L YUBL YU?, but the s85 will be falling around you in St Petersburg. There is no scene more romantic, and you won?t even feel the cold --- your heat will be so w 86 inside!


Go surfing on the Indonesia waters of Sumatra and see the boy or girl of your dreams. Wake up to a beautiful sunrise, go surfing in the cool waters all day and r 87 in the evenings. Anytime is OK to say …SAYA CINTA PADAMU?!

Wherever you come from, only say …I love you? when you truly mean it. They may only be three

little words, but they are powerful words in any language!


C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (14分)

You know that eating a sensible diet and getting plenty of exercise help make your body healthy and strong. But do you know that there are ways to make your brain healthier and smarter? Here are seven steps toward a smarter brain.

Limit your TV viewing

Never spend too much time on TV viewing, for it n________81_______ very little brain activities. Your brain will become weak just as your muscles do. If you do watch TV, choose something educational and meaningful.


Travelling to a________82_______ country forces you to see and do things in a fresh way, bringing stimulation to the brain.

Learn a new language

Learning a new language involves different learning methods. Learning a language sharpens your brain and helps prevent memory p________83_______ that you may meet in later years.

Read often

As you read, take the time to look up people or places that aren?t familiar. Reading makes your vocabulary much l________84_______ if you always search for words and definitions that you don?t know. Each week, choose an animal, a bird or fish, and read everything you can about it. Stretch your brain as you become an expert on the subject.

Calculate w________85_______ you shop

As you put things in your grocery cart, total everything in your head. See how close you get to the actual total.

Use your non-dominant(不占优势的)hand

If you are right-handed, use your left hand for everyday activities, or use your right hand if you are left-handed. Doing familiar things in a different way will make your brain c________86_______ new neural (神经)networks.


Read messages from people who has different interests. And some say that learning to express y________87_______ in just 100 words is a great brain challenge.

Have a try and do these every day. Little by little you can get into the habit of challenging your brain, and make your brain smarter!

5. 虹口区

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

I heard a story about an older woman who stood in line at the Post Office. She c___81___ with a young man next to her. The young man n___82___ that she had no package to mail, and asked why she was standing in line. She said that she just needed a few stamps.

“Ma?am, you must be tired standing here. Do you know there?s a stamp machine over there in

the corner?” He p____83____ to the machine built into the wall.

“Thank you,” the lady replied, “but I?ll just wait here a little l____84____.I?m getting close to the window.”

“But it would be so much e___85___ for you not to stand in this long line and buy your stamps from the machine.”

The woman smiled and answered, “Oh, I know. But that old machine would n___86___ ask me how my grand children are getting along.”

She had a need greater than the need f___87___ postage stamps-a need to feel connected to other people. And it was a need that could not be met by a stamp machine.

6. 闵行区

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)

Chuck Wall teaches management and human relations at Bakersfield

College. He walked into the class one day and told his students that their

homework was to perform one act of random (任意的) kindness. His

students did not c 81 understand the homework and didn?t know

what to do, but the professor would not answer their questions. He

encouraged his students to work it out by themselves.

One week later, the students entered the classroom excitedly to share their s 82 . One student gave away blankets to the homeless. Another reported on helping an old man cleaning the house, and another student had been trying to f 83 a long, lost friend. Students were energized (给予活力) by the homework and wanted other people to be kind too. And luckily, the local businesses provided them with some money and materials. With the s 84 of them, the students made stickers to put on cars that invited people to do something kind for others. They sold the stickers and decided to donate the money to a center for the blind―not surprising as Professor Wall is blind.

Since then, kindness activities have been very p 85 in schools around the world. Many schools organize a Random Acts of Kindness Week, around November 13th, to celebrate World Kindness Day. Some schools use each day of Random Acts of Kindness Week to perform different kind acts, such as making a new friend, helping someone, doing community service, or r 86 money for a charity. Students learn to consider other people and think about how small actions can make the world a b 87 place.


(C) 81. poor 82. raised 83. money 84. stop 85. chance 86. new 87. Already


C) 81. invention 82. prefer 83. but 84. weak 85. either 86. give 87. Exactly


C. 81.world 82. after 83. invite 84.under 85. snow 86. warm 87. relax


81. needs 82. another 83. problems84. larger 85. while/when

86. create 87. yourself / yourselves


chatted 82. noticed 83. pointed 84. longer 85. easy/easier 86. never 87. for


C) 81. completely/ clearly 82. stories 83. find 84. support 85. popular 86. raising 87. better


2014届上海市各区县中考一模英语试卷首字母填空总汇(二)PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! Homework ( 2014年一模) 1.崇明县 C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(共14分) Make the skies blue The streets of Dalian, Liaoning were covered by snow a week before Spring Festival. However, instead of staying at home, Li Chunyuan, a Junior 1 student at No. 42 Middle School, went out with her classmates. They made posters by t 81 and called on people not to set off fireworks. The students did this in order to r 82 air pollution. Since January, many cities in China have seen a lot of foggy days. In Beijing, only five days in January were free of smog (雾霾). An official for the Ministry of Environmental Protection told Beijing News that PM2.5 pollution is the m 83 problem with air pollution. Poor air has done harm to people?s health. Children and the elderly are more at risk. A report from Beijing Children?s Hospital shows that half of the p 84 had respiratory (呼吸道的) problems from Jan. 5 to 11. To respond to the air problem, the Chinese government and many Chinese people have started to take action. Beijing announced a plan to use clean fuel in government vehicles and plant trees. It a 85 asked citizens to set off fewer fireworks for the Spring Festival celebration. They suggested that cars with large emissions(排放) should be banned(禁止) and factories should be closely watched. Three students from No. 4 High School in Beijing wrote a report to advise h 86 to fight the air pollution. “We hope more people will j 87 us to protect our environment. With all our efforts, the blue skies will certainly return soon,” said Shi Yucong, one of the three students. 2.奉贤 How can I win a Nobel Prize for writing? Here?s the secret from this year?s winner: make it short, keep it real, and work hard. Canadian author Alice Munro, 82, was a 81 the 2013 Nobel Prize in literature (文学). She is known for her short stories about personal relationships of ordinary people, usually women.

最新人教版2014年中考模拟题 数学(三)(山东卷)

2014年中考模拟数学试题(一) 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.第Ⅰ卷1至2页,第Ⅱ卷3至10页.共120分.考试时间120分钟. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共42分) 注意事项: 1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用2B铅笔涂写在答题卡上. 2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案.不能答在试卷上. 3.考试结束,答题卡和卷Ⅱ一并交回. 一、选择题(本大题共14小题,每小题3分,共42分)在每小题所给的4个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.﹣2014的倒数是() A. 2014 B.﹣2014 C. 1 2014 D. 1 2014 2.下列运算正确的是() A.3x2﹣2x2=x2 B.﹣(2a)2=﹣2a2 C. (a+b)2=a2+b2 D. ﹣2(a﹣1)=﹣2a﹣1 3.已知⊙O1与⊙O2的半径分别为3cm和5cm,若圆心距O1O2=8cm,则⊙O1与⊙O2的位置关系是() A.相交, B.相离, C.内切, D.外切 6.若关于x的一元二次方程x2+2x+k=0有两个不相等的实数根,则k的取值范围是() A.k<1, B.k>1, C.k=1, D.k≥0 7.如图,△ABC是⊙O的内接三角形,AC是⊙O的直径,∠C=50°,∠ABC的平分线BD交⊙O于点D,则∠BAD的度数是() A.45°B.85°C.90°D.95°

8.如图所示,在平行四边形纸片上作随机扎针实验,针头扎在阴影区域内的概率为( ) 1111A. B. C. D.3456 9.不等式组211420x x ->??-? ,≤的解在数轴上表示为( ) 10.计算1÷ ()2111m m m +?--的结果果( ) A .-m 2-2m -1 B .-m 2+2m -1 C .m 2-2m -1 D .m 2-1 11.下列说法正确的是( ) A .事件“如果a 是实数,那么0 a ”是必然事件; B .在一次抽奖活动中,“中奖的概率是 100 1 ”表示抽奖100次就一定会中奖; C .随机抛一枚均匀硬币,落地后正面一定朝上; D .在一副52张扑克牌(没有大小王)中任意抽一张,抽到的牌是6的概率是 13 1. 12.如图,菱形ABCD 中,对角线AC 、BD 相交于点O ,M 、N 分别是边AB 、AD 的中点,连接OM 、 ON 、MN ,则下列叙述正确的是( ) A .△AOM 和△AON 都是等边三角形 B .四边形MBON 和四边形MODN 都是菱形 C .四边形MBCO 和四边形NDCO 都是等腰梯形 D .四边形AMON 与四边形ABCD 是位似图形 13.如图,是某复印店复印收费y(元)与复印面数(8开纸)x(面)的函数图象,那么从图象中可看出,复印超过100面的部分,每面收费( ) A 、0.4元 B 、0.45 元 C 、约0.47元 D 、0.5元 13.下列说法正确的是( ) A .事件“如果a 是实数,那么0 a ”是必然事件;

上海市中考英语首字母填空练习 附详解

上海市中考英语首字母填空练习 首字母填空类短文题是近几年各省、市中考题经常采用的题型之一,这种题难度相对较大,考生失分现象很严重。 主观型首字母填空也称为限制型完形填空。它的特点是将一篇文章中若干个词“掏空”,留下该词的首字母,它既作为提示又作为限制,让我们根据短文的意思把单词拼写完整,使文章连贯。学生们在通读全文、掌握大意的前提下,采用先易后难,再逐项填空的应试策略。做题时要通过字里行间来捕捉信息,既要理清逻辑,又要综合考虑,最后通过复读全文来消除疏漏。给首字母填空类短文的阅读题属于能力测试的范畴,它考查的范围极广,可以是英语知识的方方面面,还可能涉及其它学科。它要求考生在充分理解短文的基础上将单词拼写出来,并且单词形式合理,符合语法规范,符合短文需要。下面就讲一讲做这类题的方法与技巧: 1. 通读短文知大意,看整体全面了解 与阅读理解题和其它类型的完形填空一样,首先要通读短文,了解文章的大意。每篇短文段落之间必然承上启下、前呼后应。因此通读全文时要一气呵成,只要能了解短文的大意即可,细节不理解可以跳过。因此,在解题之前通读一遍短文,目的是对文章有个全面的了解,弄清其中心思想和大意。 2. 复读短文抓信息,前后照应巧猜词 在了解文章大意的前提之下再次通读短文,目的是对短文有更进一步的了解。在阅读时要特别注意一篇文章的开头(一般不设空)和结尾,它们能提供主要的信息,帮助了解全文所描述的事件或文章的中心思想。在阅读过程中,要注意上、下文的关系,这对于把握文章的整体意义大有用处。另外,要学会跳读,即对不理解的地方采用暂时回避的方式,待真正理解全文之后再找解决的方法。有些短文填空题,有时出现约3%~5% 的生词是很正常的,这就要求学生根据构词知识或上、下文的意思加以猜测,来确定它的词义。 3. 反复推敲多分析,慎重答题讲技巧 再次通读短文,对留空的句子进行全面的分析,看它在全文中所处的位置、作用和意义。这一遍阅读要求是精心阅读,要留心找出关键词、短语或句子,还要结合所给首字母的提示,进行填写,并注意单词的正确形式。 4. 认真复查全文,把握整体和词形 做完以后,再认真读一遍,检查所填写的单词是否与文章要求相符,文章是否通顺,前后是否呼应,有无句型结构及语法错误。从实际中看,很多学生能够充分利用词首字母和短文内容填写单词,但是,问题往往出现在单词的形式变化上。比如填q ,要求填写quickly ,而多数考生只知道填写quick ,忽略了词性问题。因此,深思熟虑很重要。 通过以上对首字母填空类型题的讲解,同学们一定对这类题型有了更多的了解,掌握了此类题的考点和做题的技巧后,给同学们准备了以下的练习题,请同学们及时巩固学习内容。


2008年上海市初中毕业生统一学业考试 语文试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意:本卷共有21题。请将所有答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上不计分。 第一部分阅读(86分) 一、文言文(共38分) 考生注意: 1.第1—3题为选做题,请从下列A、B、C三组中选择一组,并将选定的组号填入答题纸的指定处。A组:供使用H版教材的考生完成。B组:供使用S版教材的考生完成。C 组:供使用二期课改教材(试验本)的考生完成。 2.第4—10题为必做题。 A组:供使用H版教材的考生完成 (一)默写(15分) 1.(1)峰峦如聚,,山河表里潼关路。(《山坡羊·潼关怀古》) (2),柳暗花明又一村。(《游山西村》) (3)斯是陋室,。(《陋室铭》) (4)由是感激,。(《出师表》) (5)《桃花源记》中交代源中人来到桃花源原因的句子是:“”。 (二)解释下列句中加点的词语(4分) 2.使.人索扁鹊() 3.盖一岁之犯.死者二焉() B组:供使用S版教材的考生完成 (一)默写(15分) 1.(1)会当凌绝顶,。(《望岳》) (2)——,空见蒲萄人汉家。(《古从军行》) (3)千门万户瞳瞳日,。(《元日》) (4)屠乃奔倚其下,。(《狼》) (5)《桃花源记》中交代源中人来到桃花源原因的句子是:“”。 (二)解释下列句中加点的词语(4分) 2.桓侯故使.人问之() 3.所守者道义,所行者忠信.() C组:供使用二期课改教材(试验本)的考生完成

(一)默写(15分) 1.(1)老骥伏枥,。(《步出夏门行》) (2),长使英雄泪满襟。(《蜀相》) (3)可怜身上衣正单,。(《卖炭翁》) (4)敏而好学,,是以谓之文也。(《孔孟论学》) (5)《桃花源记》中交代源中人来到桃花源原因的句子是:“”。 (二)解释下列句中加点的词语(4分) 2.秦王使.人谓安陵君曰() 3.及其日中如探汤.() (三)阅读下文,完成第4—6题(7分) 船头坐三人,中峨冠而多髯者为东坡,佛印居右,鲁直居左。苏、黄共阅一手卷。东坡右手执卷端,左手抚鲁直背。鲁直左手执卷末,右手指卷,如有所语。东坡现右足,鲁直现左足,各微侧,其两膝相比者,各隐卷底衣褶中。佛印绝类弥勒,袒胸露乳,矫首昂视,神情与苏、黄不属。卧右膝,诎右臂支船,而竖其左膝,左臂挂念珠倚之——珠可历历数也。 舟尾横卧一楫。楫左右舟子各一人。居右者椎髻仰面,左手倚一衡木,右手攀右趾,若啸呼状。居左者右手执蒲葵扇,左手抚炉,炉上有壶,其人视端容寂,若听茶声然。4.上文出自课文《》,其作者是明朝魏学洢。第一自然段中“东坡”指的是北宋文学家(人名)。(2分) 5.用现代汉语解释文中画线的句子(2分) 其两膝相比者,各隐卷底衣褶中。 6.上文具体描写了“船头”和“舟尾”人物各异的情态,其目的是。(3分) (四)阅读下文,完成第7—10题(12分) 误认 卓茂①尝出门,有人认其马。茂问之曰:“子亡马几何时矣?”对曰:“月余日矣。”茂有马数年,心知非是,解以与之,而自挽车去。将去,顾而谓曰:“若非公②马,幸至丞相府归.我。”他日,马主别得亡马,乃诣.丞相府归马。 [注] ①卓茂:人名。②公:对人的尊称。 7.解释文中加点的词语(4分) (1)幸至丞相府归.我() (2)乃诣.丞相府归马() 8.对画线句“心知非是,解以与之”解释正确的一项是(2分) A.心里知道这马不是那人的,就连忙跟他解释。 B.心里明白这个人不辨是非,就连忙跟他解释。


2018年上海市静安区中考英语一模试卷 一、Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) 1.(6分) B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分) 2.(1分)A.Surprised. B.Confused. C.Disappointed. D.Worried. 3.(1分)A.By bus. B.By taxi. C.By underground. D.By bike. 4.(1分)A.In 1995. B.In 1997.

C.In 1998. D.In 2001. 5.(1分)A.A cat. B.A bird. C.A rabbit. D.A dog. 6.(1分)A.A reporter. B.A policeman. C.A manager. D.A captain. 7.(1分)A.Play computer games. B.Chat online. C.Climb the mountains. D.Go travelling. 8.(1分)A.He agrees with Cherry. B.He never does any housework. C.Everyone should do housework. D.Housework is only for parents. 9.(1分)A.The problem was probably caused by a storm. B.The man's work can be done without the power. C.The problem can't be solved in a very short time. D.The electric company is now working on the problem. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) 10.(6分)15.Judy was happy to receive a letter from her grandma. 16.Judy and her grandma don't have enough face﹣to﹣face communication.17.Grandma wrote briefly in the letter about her everyday life. 18.Grandma planted flowers in the garden and sometimes played card games with friends.


2014年中考化学模拟试题一 (时间:90分钟满分100分) 可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 O:16 Na:23 Mg:24 Cl:35.5 Fe:56 一、选择题(本大题包括20小题,每小题只有一个选项符合题意,每小题2分,共40分) 1.在化学反应前后,一定发生了变化的是() A.分子种类 B.物质的总质量 C.原子数目 D.物质状态 2.下列实验操作正确是() A.熄灭酒精灯B.过滤C.稀释浓硫酸D.将固体药品装入试管中 3.下列厨房用品所使用的主要材料,属于有机合成材料的是() A.塑料盆B.玻璃杯C.不锈钢勺子D.铁锅 4.溶液在我们日常生活中有很广泛的用途,下列属于溶液的是() A .蒸馏水 B .碘酒 C .石灰浆 D .植物油 5.合理使用化肥可提高农作物产量,促进农业生产的发展.下列化肥属于复合肥的是()A.磷酸铵B.尿素C.硫酸钾D.磷矿粉 6.关于下列四个图像的说法中正确的是() A.图①表示可逆反应“CO(g) + H2O(g)CO2(g)+H2(g)”中的ΔH大于0 B.图②是在电解氯化钠稀溶液的电解池中,阴、阳极产生气体体积之比一定为1:1 C.图③可表示可逆反应“A2(g)+3B2(g)2AB3(g)”的ΔH小于0 D.图④可表示压强对可逆反应2A(g)+2B(g)3C(g)+D(s)的影响,乙的压强大 7.爱护环境,关注自己和他人健康,是每个公民的义务。下列做法正确的是() A.室内公共场所禁止吸烟,其他场所可以任意吸烟 B.核能不安全,禁止使用核能 C.加速石油、煤炭的开采,快速提高人类生活质量 D.限制或禁止燃放烟花爆竹 8.我们的生活离不开水,下列有关对水的认识正确的是() A.我国的人均水量居世界第一 B.使用含磷洗衣粉有利于保护水资源 C.用煮沸的方法可降低水的硬度 D.水分子由氢分子和氧原子构成


2012年宝山(嘉定)区初三英语第二学期学习能力诊断试卷 Sleep is not the same every night. We experience some deep sleep and some active sleep(积极 睡眠), which is when dreams happen. You might think sleepwalking(梦游) would happen in active sleep, but a person isn't physically active d 86 active sleep. Sleepwalking usually happens in the first few hours of sleep in the stage called slow-wave(慢波)or deep sleep. Not all sleepwalkers a 87 walk. Some simply sit up or stand in bed or act like they're awake when, in fact, they're asleep! Most, however, do get up and move around for a few seconds or for as long as half an hour. Sleepwalkers' e 88 are open, but they don't see the same way they do when they're awake and often think they're in different rooms of the house or different places altogether. Sleepwalkers tend(往往会) to go back to bed on their own and they won't r 89 it in the morning. Doctors say sleepwalking sometimes occurs when a person is sick, has a fever, is not getting e 90 sleep, or is stressed. If sleepwalking occurs frequently, every night or so, it's a good idea for your mom or dad to take you to see your doctor. But occasional(偶然的) sleepwalking generally isn't something to worry about, a 91 " it may look funny or even scary (惊恐的) for the people who see a sleepwalker in action. It's important, of course, that the person is kept safe. Precautions(预防措施) should be t 92 so the person is less likely to fall down, run into something, or walk out the front door while sleepwalking. 长宁区初三英语第二学期学习能力诊断试卷 Everyone needs sleep. In fact, all living things need sleep. Having a sound and good rest m_____86_____ us healthy. It is believed that our brain develops best during sleep. It helps all our systems work well w_____87_____ we are awake. Sleep allows our brain to reorganize all events during the day and will improve our memory development. For a student, eight to ten hours of sleep is required to give him or her e_____88_____ for the following day. A good sleep allows them to grow physically and mentally (心理上). With e_____89_____ sleep at night, students would be able to wake up early and be ready for school activities. They will be able to listen carefully in class and would have the ability to memorize the things that they learn and r_____90_____ them in the future. Eight hours of sleep makes students active t_____91_____ the whole day at school. They would be able to perform well in class, take down notes and finish their homework. When they have slept well, they can e_____92_____ understand their lessons. Good sleep prepares them well for the challenges (挑战) at school, from paperwork to sports. They will be ready to solve difficult tasks that require mental ability and skills.


2014上海市初三语文质量测试B卷 (满分150分考试时间100分钟) 考生注意: 1.本试卷共27题。 2.请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不计分。 一、文言文阅读(42分) (一)默写(18分) 1.山河破碎风飘絮,。(过零丁洋》) 2.僵卧孤村不自哀,。(《十一月四日风雨大作》) 3. , 山岛竦峙。(《观沧海》) 4.,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。(《黄鹤楼》) 5.香远益清,亭亭净植,。(《爱莲说》) 6.稍近,益狎,。(《黔之驴》) (二)阅读下面的词,完成第7—8题(4分) 观沧海望岳 曹操杜甫东临碣石,以观沧海。岱宗夫如何?齐鲁青未了。 水何澹澹,山岛竦峙。造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。 树木丛生,百草丰茂。荡胸生层云,决眦入归鸟。 秋风萧瑟,洪波涌起。会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。 日月之行,若出其中; 星汉灿烂,若出其里。 幸甚至哉,歌以咏志。 7.对两首诗的理解正确的一项是(2分) A.“临”与“凌”的意思完全相同。 B.沧海、树木、星汉均属于“造化”。 C.两首诗的观景都是由近观到远望。 D.都描绘了秋天大自然的壮美景象。 8.两首诗都借雄伟景象表现了诗人的。(2分) (三)阅读下文,完成9—11题(8分) 邹忌讽齐王纳谏(节选) 于是入朝见威王曰:“臣诚知不如徐公美。臣之妻私臣,臣之妾畏臣,臣之客欲有求于臣,皆以美于徐公。今齐地方千里,百二十城。宫妇左右莫不私王,朝廷之臣莫不畏王,四境之内莫不有求于王:由此观之,王之蔽甚矣!” 王曰:“善。”乃下令:“群臣吏民,能面刺寡人之过者,受上赏;上书谏寡人者,受中

赏;能谤讥于市朝,闻寡人之耳者,受下赏。”令初下,群臣进谏,门庭若市;数月之后,时时而间进;期年之后,虽欲言,无可进者。 燕、赵、韩、魏闻之,皆朝于齐。此所谓战胜于朝廷。 9.上文选自《》,本书由西汉的(人名)编订而成。(2分) 10.用现代汉语翻译下面的句子,注意加点词的含义(3分) 由此观之.,王之蔽甚矣! 11.下列理解不.正确 ..的一项是(3分) A.邹忌是一个敢于在朝廷直谏的大臣。 B.齐威王是一个善于纳谏的开明君王。 C.邹忌善于思考、用自身经历来说理。 D.本文生动地揭示了听取民意的意义。 (四)阅读下文,完成12-15题(12分) 某山隅有一老圃①,早失偶,惟一女远适②他乡。猎者怜其孤,赠以猴。老者爱如赤子,每出必从,不链不掣,而不离不逸。如是者五年。一日,老者暴卒③,猴掩门,奔其姐,泪如雨。曰:“父死乎?”颔之,乃俱归。老者家徒四壁,无以为养,猴遍哭于乡,乡人乃资而掩。姐引之去,猴揖谢之,仍牢守故宅,撷果自食。每逢五必哭祭,似念老父养之五年,哀伤殊甚。 【注】①老圃:这里指老农。②适:嫁。③暴卒:突然去世。 12.解释文中的加点词(4分) (1)姐引.之去()(2)仍牢守故.宅() 13.对文中画线句意思理解正确的一项是(3分) A.不用链子拴上不用手拉着,但那猴子不离开不逃逸。 B.不用链子拴上不用手拉着,也不让那猴子逃离开去。 C.没有链子拴也没有绳子拉,但是那猴子从来不离开。 D.没有链子拴也不用手拉,也不让它离开不让它逃逸。 14.从文中看出老圃死后那猴子“哀伤殊甚”的原因是。(用原文语句回答)(2分) 15.对本文写作意图理解最恰当的一项是(3分) A.希望大家要做一个有情有义之人。 B.称赞义猴是一只懂得感恩的动物。 C.针砭社会上那些无情无义之人。 D.批评老圃的女儿没有尽到孝心。 二、现代文阅读(48分)


2015年一模卷首字母填空 动词:practis(c)e improved laugh was based draw touched took lose worry disappointed offered decided selling wondered Observe developed creating failed running volunteer die exercising enabled manage realized waited nose 形容词:shy confident white famous fast heavy unhappy young strange easier sunny wise familiar model lonely medical enough bigger boring fresh important lost worse rude expensive empty blind 名词:telephone numbers diary left medicine goals movie hand public way smoke colour weight progress notes reason laws volunteer glass happiness habits suggestions problem success voice strength winner subject process business 副词: rarely completely(3) nearly properly especially directly carefully (3) correctly sometimes half gently along even Instead (2) 介词:before such through after 代词与连词:Although Though all themselves nothing also nobody how what Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (每空格限填一词) (14分) We all like getting into gossip(闲聊).Studies s__92___ that gossiping releases our emotions and reduce tension(紧张). Research has proved that in the USA, gossiping can make people more democratic(民主,平等). It is a way of free expression. While gossiping, people communicate with a free mind. Gossiping h__93____ us shift(转移)our interest to others. When we gossip, we seldom discuss


2014年中考数学模拟试题 (满分120分 时间120分钟) 一.选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.-8的相反数是 A .8 B . -8 C . 81 D .8 1 2.中国航母辽宁舰是中国人民海军第一艘可以搭载固定翼飞机的航空母舰,满载排水量为67500吨.这个数据用科学记数法表示为 A .6.75×104 B .67.5×103 C . 0.675×105 D .6.75×10-4 3.下列运算正确的是( ) A .2a +3b = 5ab B .a 2·a 3=a 5 C .(2a) 3 = 6a 3 D .a 6+a 3= a 9 4.如图,AB ∥CD ,CE 平分∠BCD ,∠DCE=18°,则∠B 等于 A .18° B .36° C .45° D .54° 5.上图是一个几何体的三视图,这个几何体的名称是 A .圆柱体 B .三棱锥 C .球体 D .圆锥体 6.在“大家跳起来”的乡村学校舞蹈比赛中,某校10名学生参赛成绩统计如图所示. 对于这10名学生的参赛成绩,下列说法中错误的是 A .众数是90 B .中位数是90 C .平均数是90 D .极差是15 7.已知两圆的圆心距为4,两圆的半径分别是3和5,则这两圆的位置关系是 A. 内含 B. 内切 C. 外切 D. 相交 8.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,以O 为圆心,适当长为半径画弧,交x 轴 于点M ,交y 轴于点N ,再分别以点M 、N 为圆心,大于2 1MN 的长为半径 画弧,两弧在第二象限交于点P .若点P 的坐标为(2a ,b+1),则a 与 b 的数量关系为 A. a=b B. 2a+b=﹣1 C .2a ﹣b=1 D .2a+b=1 9.如图,一次函数与反比例函数的图象相交于A 、B 两点,则图中使反比 例函数的值小于一次函数的值的x 的取值范围是 A .x <-1 B .-1<x <0或x >2 C .x >2 D .x <-1或0<x <2 第4题图 第5题图 第6题图


-1- My husband and I are very lucky. We have close friends in this city, and they are all interesting people. Our first friend Greta is an a____1____. We see her when she isn’t making a movie in Hollywood. When we meet her, she always tells us about her l____2____ in Hollywood as a movie star. Greta is our very close friend. We like her very much. Our second friend Dan is a scientist. We see him when he isn’t busy in his lab. When we get together with hi, he always tells us about his new e____3____. Bob and Carol are also our friends. They are famous newspaper r____4____. Bob is 46 years old and Carol is 50 years old. We see them when they aren’t travelling around the world. However, we don't see Greta, Dan, Bob, and Carol very often. In f____5____, we seldom see them b____6____ they’re usually so busy. But we think about them a____7____ the time. 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ -2- My favorite shop is c____1____ “Model World”. It is located on the second f____2____ of Happy Plaza. It is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day. “Model World”s____3____ all kinds of models. It has model soldiers, cars, boats, planes, space rockets and even dinosaurs. It has models for people of all age. The shop assistants at “Model World”are very nice. They are quite interested in making models t____4____. They will give you useful a____5____ and they are pleased to answer all of your questions. The prices there are neither very cheap nor e____6____. My best buy was a model of a helicopter. It cost me $240, but it had over 400 pieces. It was really f____7____ to make models. If you are interested in models, you should visit this shop. 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ -3- People began making clocks over 500 years ago. The first clocks had o____1____ one hand — the hour hand. The minute hand appeared at a later time. The first clocks were big and heavy. Some rich people had servants to c____2____ their clocks. Time p____3____ and clocks became smaller. Clockmakers were able to make smaller parts for clocks and the sizes were reduced. Bells became a p____4____ of some large clocks in cities and towns. They were for people unable to s____5____ the clock. Some clocks were put in large towers. Many of these clocks s____6____ exist today in Europe. Some of them are 400 to 500 years old. Big Ben in London is a very famous tower clock. The first alarm clocks were used by monks(僧人) to w____7____ them for prayers(祈祷). Today many clocks even alarm clocks are electric. 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ -4- Early men did not have clocks. They told time by the sun and the shadows of trees. Then, they placed sticks in the ground instead of t_____1_____. They made marks on the ground, and the s_____2_____ from the sticks told the time of day. Later, men began to use sundials(日晷). But sundials


C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给): (14分) The Economist Intelligence Unit (《经济学人》情报组) is the world‘s leading resource for economic and business research . Every year, the EIU makes a list of the best cities to live in a__86___the world. It has its own ideas for scoring, for example: Is the city s___87__? Is the air clean? Are the schools good? Melbourne is at the t __88___of the list in every category. people get along well there. Trees and grass c__89___ 40 percent of the city. People ride streetcars (有轨电车) and there aren‘t many cars ,s___90__ the air is clean . As a result, according to the EIU‘s survey, Melbourne is the best city in the world to live in. Vienna is NO.2 on the list. It is the capital of Austria. The city is famous for its culture and art. As ?the city of music‘, Vienna has a lot of big c___91__. The third city on the list is V ancouver, Canada. It used to be No.1 on the list .But this time , the city got f__92___ points because of its traffic jams .Will it get its place back next year ? 宝山区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 C) Read the passage and fill the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分) The Empire State Building(帝国大厦) has held a special place in the hearts of Americans since it was completed in 1931.It r___86__ more than 443 metres into the sky. For more than forty years , it was the tallest building in the world. It has one hundred and three levels and six thousand five hundred windows. V isitors can ride in one of seventy-three elevators that take them from the b__87__ to very near the top of the building. Some of these elevators are very fast, reaching the eightieth floor in only forty-five seconds. The heads of government of almost every n__88___ in the world have visited the Empire State Building. These important people are just a few of million who have ridden to the observation area near the top of the building each year. From there, visitors can see almost all of New Y ork City. They can see the view a __89__ the Hudson River into the state of New Jersey. They can see ships in the East River. Even if you have never visited New Y ork, there is a good chance for you to see the Empire State Building. It has been photographed c __90__ times. It has even played parts in movies. One is about a huge ape(猿)that escapes and climbs to the top of the building. The movie is ―King Kong‖(金刚). It was made in 1933. The Empire State Building also appeared in the love story ―An Affair to Remember‖(金玉盟).Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr play a man and a woman who meet and fall in love on a ship. They are looking at the New Y ork City skyline from the ship when they plan a future meeting. More recently, in ―Sleepless in Seattle(西雅图未眠夜)‖,two people in love agree to meet at the Observation Deck on V alentine‘s Day(情人节). B__91__ do arrive, but one is a little later. They almost m __92___each other. In the early nineteen seventies, the Empire State Building lost its place as the tallest building in New Y ork. People in the city then had the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center to look up to. Tragically that all changed on the morning of September 11,2001. Terrorists hijacked(劫持) passenger airplanes into the Twin Towers and destroyed them. The Empire State Building again has become the city‘s tallest building.
