




























一号门1234567 (这个是小明的)

二号门7654321 (这个是小丽的)







一号门1234567 (这个是小明的)

一号门7654321 (注意:这个原来是小丽的,但是被小明改了)








一号门1234567 (这个是小明的)

二号门1234567 (注意:这个被小明改了,但是他一时头晕改错了)



除此之外,小丽也知道了小明改他家的电话号码了。于是王爷爷就登门一个一个把电话和门牌号记下来。并且藏起来不允许外人修改,只能自己有钥匙(密码)。这是ip地址和MAC 地址绑定。当有人改了电话号码的时候,就得找王爷爷改。麻烦是麻烦了,但是安全了。不过小明偷偷的把王爷爷的钥匙偷配了一把(盗窃密码成功),于是他还可以修改。这样么,就这样了。


现代汉语词汇学学习心得 本篇文章分为二个部分,第一部分主要来谈谈学习现代汉语词汇学课程的感想和收获,第二部分阐述我在学习了这门课程后对于如何进行对外汉语词汇教学的一些思考。 一.学习现代汉语词汇学课程的感想和收获 对于现代汉语词汇我们不是第一次接触了,早在大一的现代汉语课上就已经有所涉及。但那都是很笼统的讲到,并没有做具体的分析研究,到了大三下学期才单独开设了现代汉语词汇学这门课程。在上这门课程前,就听学姐学长讲过词汇学很难,在学了这门课之后深有体会。记得在一开始的练习中就碰到了困难,如分析哪些是词自己就有点糊涂了,原因是自己还没有弄清楚词的具体该概念,即确定词的的一般方法,尤其是在扩展法上会出现问题。但后来经过讨论,老师讲解,自己终于有所领悟。虽然在学习的当中会碰到很多难题,但通过一学期的学习,自己也有很多收获。 首先来谈谈教材,我们词汇学选符准青的《现代汉语词汇》增订本就是一本很好的教材。它的编订很合理,内容很详细,每章后都附有练习,有助于我们巩固我们所学的知识。除了解决词汇学中的一般问题,另外还提出了很多疑难问题让我们注意,这是其他教材很难做到的。例如第一章节疑难问题就提出具有争议的问题,如何确定述补结构(吃饱打倒)等是不是词的问题,这些疑难问题对于我们真正把握词的概念,拓展我们的思维有很大帮助。 其次,我也非常庆幸遇到一位优秀的老师来教授我们这么课程。老师

有着扎实的专业基础知识和丰富的对外汉语教学经验,所以知道怎样使我们很好的接受那些词汇学知识,更重要的是我们能够将学到的知识理论应用于实际。在学习的过程,老师并没有像填鸭子似地把知识抛给我们,而是时不时的给我们提一个问题,让我们去思考,虽然最后我们的答案并不尽人意,但至少给了我们一个锻炼思考能力及分析问题的机会。在学习过程中老师一直强调我们不要读死书,要学会思考,这本书固然有它的优点,也存在一定的缺点,我们要取其精华,剔其糟粕。例如在学习第七章词汇划分问题上,老师就告诉我们书上的词汇划分不科学,对于基本词汇和一般词汇的定义模糊,但在基本词汇的特点上有可取之处,基本词汇具有普遍性,稳固性和构成新词的基础,这一点很可取。 再者,学习这门课程后我认识到词汇学的重要性,词汇学最为一门单独的专业课程开设是很有必要的。现代汉语词汇是不断丰富发展变化着的。社会生活的发展,包括新事物的出现,旧事物消灭,阶级斗争的发展;人的思想意识的发展;语言内部各个因素的相互作用等等。现代汉语词汇是历代积累传承下来的大量词语和和不断产生的大量词语组合起来的整体。学习现代汉语词汇有着十分重要的意义,它让我们意识到词汇的重要性,提高我们的表达能力、语言能力,而且有助于语文教学,词汇教学在语文教学中占有重要位置。要引导学习者掌握丰富的词语,正确理解词语的意义,正确运用词语,就要利用现代汉语词汇学所学的各种知识。因此,一定要通过自身的努力学好掌握好这门学问。 最后,通过这门课程的学习,我对怎样才能学好现代汉语词汇学有了一些体会。虽然这门课程即将结束,但学问是无穷无尽的,这门课程只是为我们打开了学习词汇学的一个窗口,在平时我们还应当坚持课后自主学习,因此掌握一些学习词汇学的方法尤为重要。


建筑工程专业名词及解释 1、基坑:基坑是指为进行建筑物(包括构筑物)基础与地下室的施工所开挖的地面以下 空间。>5米的基坑叫做深基坑,基坑分为三个等级:一级:开挖深度大于10米。三级: 开挖深度小于或等于7米。二级:介于一、三级以外的基坑。 2、建筑工程意外伤害保险:《建设工程安全生产管理条例》第38条规定:“施工单位 应当为施工现场从事危险作业的人员办理意外伤害保险。意外伤害保险费由施工单位支付。 实行施工总承包的,由总承包单位支付意外伤害保险费。意外伤害保险期限自建设工程开 工之日起至竣工验收合格止。”根据这个条款,分包单位的从事危险作业人员的意外伤害保险的保险费是由总承包单位支付的。 3、工程质量保证金:建设单位全部或者部分使用政府投资的建设项目按工程价款结 算总额5% 左右的比例预留保证金,社会投资项目采用预留保证金方式的,预留保证金的比 例可以参照执行发包人与承包人应该在合同中约定保证金的预留方式及预留比例。 4、墙裙:墙裙,又称护壁,很直观、通俗的说就是立面墙上像围了裙子。这种装饰方法是在四周的墙上距地一定高度(例如1米5)范围之内全部用装饰面板、木线条等材料包住,常用于卧室和客厅。 5、勒脚:勒脚是建筑物外墙的墙脚,即建筑物的外墙与室外地面或散水部分的接触墙体部位的加厚部分。勒脚的高度不低于700mm。勒脚部位外抹水泥砂浆或外贴石材等防水耐久的材料,应与散水、墙身水平防潮层形成闭合的防潮系统 6、普通烧结砖泛霜:原材料黏土中含有的硫酸镁或硫酸钙等可溶性硫酸盐受潮吸水溶 解,随着砖内的水分的蒸发而在砖的表面产生盐析现象,一般为白霜。呈晶体析出时, 使砖面剥落,抗冻性减小,影响工程质量。 7、水泥凝结时间:初凝时间(不得小于45分钟);终凝时间:硅酸盐水泥不得大于390 分钟/普通硅酸盐水泥不得大于600分钟。(混凝土凝结时间:初凝时间不小于45分钟;终凝时间不大于10h) 8、堆积密度:疏松状(小块、颗粒纤维)材料在堆积状态下单位体积的质量。砂的松散堆积密度:> 1350kg/m 3;碎石的堆积密度:1480kg/m 3。 9、表观密度:在自然状态下,单位体积材料质量。砂的表观密度:> 2500kg/m 3;碎石的表观密度:2700kg/m 3。 10、和易性:砼拌合物易于施工操作(工作性)包括流动性、粘聚性和保水性三方面的含义。 11、砂率:指混凝土中砂的质量占砂、石总质量的百分率。 12、砼抗压强度:150mm的立方体试件,标养室(20± 2C ,相对湿度95%以上),养护28天龄期,测得抗压强度,feu表示,单位N/m怦或MPa。普通砼强度范围C15—C80。 13、砼表观密度:普通砼的表观密度2000-2800kg/m 3,一般工程中设计的砼密度为 2350-2450 之间,可以取2400kg/m 3。 14、砖的单位(经验)用量:标准砖512块/m3 (529块)。每块砖的实际体积是(240*115*53) =0.00146 立方米加口砂浆的体积是(0.24)*{(0.05灰缝0.01)}*{(0.11灰缝0.01)}=0.0018立方米那么每立方米墙体用砖是1/0.00189=52块砂浆用量是1/0.00146=68块.684-529=1块*0.00146=0.2立方米(计算没考虑损耗) 15、钢筋的单位理论质量:0.00617d2kg/m。 16、砼抗渗性:用抗渗等级表示:P4、P6、P8、P10、P12五个等级。 17、砂浆的强度等级:边长70.7cm的立方体试件;M2.5、M5、M7.5、M10、M15、M20六个等级。 18、基坑边缘堆置土方和材料:距基坑上部边缘不少于2m ,堆置高度不应超过1.5m。

词汇学相关的一些名词解释 (1)

Compounding is a process of word formation by which two independent words are put together to make one word. The word formed in this way is called compound Blending is a process of word formation by which a word is created by combining parts of other words. Words formed in this way are called blends. From morphological viewpoints, there are four types of blending: Acronymy is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms. Words formed in this way are called initialisms or acronyms, depending on the pronunciation of the words. Initialisms are words formed by the initial letters of words and pronounced as lettersEEC: European Economic Community Acronyms are words formed by the initial letters of words and pronounced as words:OPEC: Organisation of Petroleum Export Countries According to Leonard Bloomfield’s point of view, a word is a minimum free form, that is to say, the smallest form that may appear in isolation. There are two types of linguistic forms: one is the bound form, the other is the free form. A bound form is one which cannot occur on its own as a separate word, e.g. the various affixes: de-, -tion, -ize, etc. A free form is one which can occur as a separate word. For example, the word lovely contains the free form love and the suffix –ly. The suffix –ly in the word lovely, of course, i s not a free for m, because it cannot stand by itself. So we call it a bound form. A word is a minimum free form The morpheme can be considered as the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words. 1)Morphemes are commonly classified into two forms according to their character: one is free form, and the other is bound form. 2)Free morphemes自由词素are morphemes which can occur as separate words. That is to say, a free morpheme can stand alone as a word. 3)Bound morphemes粘着词素are morphemes which cannot stand alone as words. They are mainly affixes. That is to say, a bound morpheme is one that must appear with at least one other morpheme, bound or free in a word. 4)2) Morphemes may be classified into two categories according to their lexical and grammatical relationships: 5)lexical morphemes and grammatical morphemesLexical morphemes are morphemes used for the construction of new words as in compound words Grammatical morphemes are morphemes used to express grammatical relationships between a word and its context, such as plurality or past tense There are three types of words according to morphology:Simple words,Compound words,Complex words Conversion Conversion is a main type of word-formation assigning the base to a different word


总,再加上个例子就可以拿满分了。区分两个词的区别,主要还是指明其各自的定义。 第一章 1. Word —— A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. 2. There is no logical relationship between sound and meaning as the symbolic connection between them is arbitrary and conventional. E.g. ―woman‖ means ’Frau’ in German,’Femme’ in French and ’Funv ’in Chinese. On the other hand,the same sound /rait/ can mean right,rite and write,though denoting different things,yet have the same sound. 3. The difference between sound and form result from 4 major factors. (At least 80%of the English words fit consistent spelling patterns) a). the internal reason is English alphabet does not have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language. b). Pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling c). Influence of the work of scribes/printing freezes the spelling of words in 1500 d). Borrowing of foreign language 4. Vocabulary —— Vocabulary is most commonly used to refer to the sum total of all the words of a language. It can also refer to all the words of a given dialect,a given book,a given subject and all the words possessed by an individual person as well as all the words current in a particular period of time in history. The general estimate of the present day English vocabulary is over 1 million words. 5.Classification of Words—by use frequency,by notion,by origin 1). Basic word stock – the foundation of the vocabulary. 1. all national character (most important)– natural phenomena most common things and phenomena of the human body and relations world around us names of plants and animals action,size,domain,state numerals,pronouns,prep. ,conj. 2. stability – they donate the commonest thing necessary to life,they are like to remain unchanged. Only relative,some are undergoing some changes. But the change is slow. e.g. arrow,bow,chariot,knight – past electricity,machine,car,plane —— now 3. productivity – they are mostly root words or monosyllabic words,they can form new words with other roots and affixes. e.g. foot – football,footage,footpath,footer 4. polysemy – often possess more than one meaning. Become polysemous. e.g. take to move or carry from one place to another to remove 5. collocability – quite a number of set expressions,idiomatic usages,proverbial saying and others e.g. heart – a change of heart, a heart of gold Non-basic vocabulary —— 1. terminology – technical terms photoscanning,hepatitis,indigestion,penicillin,algebra,trigonometry,calculus 2. jargon – specialized vocabulary in certain professions. Bottom line,ballpark figures,bargaining chips,hold him back,hold him in,paranoid 3. slang —— substandard words often used in informal occasions dough and bread,grass and pot,beaver,smoky,bear,catch,holler,Roger,X-rays, Certain words are labeled slang because of their usage. 4. argot – words used by sub-cultured groups can-opener,dip,persuader cant,jargon ,argot are associated with,or most available to,specific groups of the population. 5. dialectal words – only by speakers of the dialect beauty,chook,cocky,station,auld,build,coo,hame,lough,bog 6. archaisms – words no longer in common use or restricted in use. In older poems,legal document and religious writing or speech. 7. neologism – newly created words with new meaning e.g. microelectronics,futurology,AIDS,internet,E-mail old meaning acquired new meaning e.g. mouse,monitor 2). Content word (notional word)– denote clear notions. Functional word (empty word,form word)– do not have notions of their own,express the relation between notions,words and sentences. a. Content words constitute the main body of the English vocabulary are numerous. Functional words are in a small number.


GMP术语名词解释 1、药品:是指用于预防、治疗、诊断人的疾病,有目的地调节人的生理机能并规定有适应症或者功能主治、用法用量的物质,包括中药材、中药饮片、中成药、化学原料药及其制剂、抗生素、生化药品、放射性药品、血清、疫苗、血液制品和诊断药品等。 2、GMP: GMP是在药品生产全过程中,用科学、合理规范的条件和方法来保证生产优质药品的一整套系统的、科学的管理规范,是药品生产和质量管理的基础准则。 3、物料:用于生产药品的原料、辅料、包装材料等。 4、批号:用于识别“批”的一组数字或字母加数字。用以追溯和审查批药品的生产历史(,表示2010年5月第8批生产的药品。) 5、待验:物料在进厂入库前或成品出厂前所处的搁置等待检验结果的状态。 6、批生产记录:一个批次的待包装品或成品的所有生产记录。 批生产记录能提供该批产品的生产历史以及与质量有关的情况。 7、物料平衡:产品或物料的理论产量或理论用量与实际产量或用量之间的比较,并适当考虑可允许的正常偏差。 8、标准操作规程:经批准用以指示操作的通用性文件或管理办法。 9、生产工艺规程:规定为生产一定数量成品所需起始原料和包装材料的数量,以及工艺、加工说明、注意事项,包括生产过程中的控制等一个或一套文件。 10、工艺用水:药品生产工艺中使用的水,包括饮用水、纯化水、注射用水。 11、纯化水:为饮用水经蒸馏法、离子交换法、反渗透法或其它适宜方法制得供药用的水,不含任何附加剂。 12、注射用水:为纯化水经蒸馏所得的水。 13、饮用水:达到饮用标准,可供人饮用的水。 14、洁净室(区):空气悬浮粒子浓度受控的房间。它的建造和使用应减少

词汇学 名词解释(部分)

Types of meaning Types of lexical changes 1.Elevation:词义升格 Definition: words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance Some words early in their history signify something quite low or humble, but change as time goes by to designate something agreeable or pleasant. For example: nice: ignorant---foolish---delightful, pleasant Marshal: a keeper of horses---a high ranking army officer So elevation refers that the meaning of word changes from the neutral/negative to positive. 2.Old English:It refers to the English starting from 450 to 1100 AD. The old English is made up of different sources of languages spoken then –that of Anglo-Saxons, that of Celts, and that of Jutes, with a lot of Latin elements used for common peopl e’s life. 3.Bound morpheme: It is the smallest unit of grammar, a unit which cannot occur as separate words. They have no independent semantic meaning; instead, they have: Attached meaning E.g. un-kind, hope-ful Grammatical meaning E.g. cat-s, slow-ly, walk-ing, call-ed For an exact example, in the word “careful”, care is free morpheme, “-ful” is a bound morpheme. 4.Hyponymy: Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion, or to say, the relationship between general lexical items and specific lexical items. That is to say, when X is a kind of Y, the lower term X is the“hyponym”, and the upper term Y is the “superordinate”. For example, “fiction”is the superordinate of “novel”, “novelette”and “short story”, which are the hyponyms of “fiction”. Knowing the semantic features of the hyponyms and their superordinates can help us achieve vividness, exactness, and concreteness in expression.


第一章word 1.Word --- A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic funtion. 第三章formation 1 1. Morpheme --- A morpheme is the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words. 2. Allomorph --- Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word. Such alternative morphs are know as allomorphs. 3. Free morphemes (Free root) --- They are morphemes which are independent of other morphemes. 4. Bound Morphemes --- They are morphemes which cannot occur as separate words. 5. Bound root --- A bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning just like a free root. Unlike a free root, it is a bound form and has to combine with other morphemes to make words. 6. Affixes --- Affixes are forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function. 7. Inflectional affixes --- Affixes attaches to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are known as inflectional morphemes. 8. Derivational affixes --- Derivational affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words. 9. Prefixes --- Prefixes are affixes that come before the word. 10. Suffixes --- suffixes are affixes that come after the word. 11. Roo t --- A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analysed without total loss of identity. 12. Stem --- a stem can be defined as a form to which affixes of any kind can be added. 第四章formation 2 1. Affixation --- affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stems. 2. Prefixation --- is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to stems. Suffixation--- is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to stems. 3. Compounding(Compositon)-- is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems. 4. Conversion-- is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class. 5. Blending-- is the formation of new words by combined by parts of two words or a word plus a plus a part of another word. 6. Clipping- is the formation of new words by shortening a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remain instead.


lexicology 题型: 1.填空(30*1=30) 2.解释(10*1=10) 3.主观题(2*10=20) 4.分析词汇学现象(10) 5.翻译(15*2=30) 考点: Chapter 2 Language proper 1.Genetic classification p15: English belongs to the Low West Germanic branch of the Indo-European family. 2.Structural classification: synthetic language & analytic language p22 A synthetic language is one which shows the relation of words in a sentence largely by means of inflections(变音,转调). An analytic language is one which indicates the relation of words in a sentence by means of word order, prepositions or auxiliary verbs, rather than by inflections. Old English (OE 450-1100)synthetic language The history of English begins with the conquest and settlement of what is now England by the Angles, Saxons and the Jutes from about 450 AD. Characteristics of Old English: 1)They had complex inflectional systems for nouns, pronouns, articles, verbs, and adverbs. 2)They had great flexibility in sentence word order made possible by the extensive sets of inflections. Middle English (ME 1100-1500) The transitional period from Old English to Modern English is know as Middle English (ME 1100-1500), which is characterized by the strong influence of French following the Norman Conquest in 1066. Middle English developed rapidly toward becoming an analytic language. Modern English analytic language The English language from 1500 to the present is called Modern English. Characteristics of Modern English 1)Great Vowel Shift ※ 2)Inflections continued to disappear, making Modern English an analytic language. 3)The word order of English sentences became more and more firmly fixed.


建筑工程专业术语及 名词解释

建筑工程专业名词及解释 1、基坑:基坑是指为进行建筑物(包括构筑物)基础与地下室的施工所开挖的地面以下空间。≥5米的基坑叫做深基坑,基坑分为三个等级:一级:开挖深度大于10米。三级:开挖深度小于或等于7米。二级:介于一、三级以外的基坑。 2、建筑工程意外伤害保险:《建设工程安全生产管理条例》第38条规定:“施工单位应当为施工现场从事危险作业的人员办理意外伤害保险。意外伤害保险费由施工单位支付。实行施工总承包的,由总承包单位支付意外伤害保险费。意外伤害保险期限自建设工程开工之日起至竣工验收合格止。”根据这个条款,分包单位的从事危险作业人员的意外伤害保险的保险费是由总承包单位支付的。 3、工程质量保证金:建设单位全部或者部分使用政府投资的建设项目,按工程价款结算总额5%左右的比例预留保证金,社会投资项目采用预留保证金方式的,预留保证金的比例可以参照执行发包人与承包人应该在合同中约定保证金的预留方式及预留比例。 4、墙裙:墙裙,又称护壁,很直观、通俗的说就是立面墙上像围了裙子。这种装饰方法是在四周的墙上距地一定高度(例如1米5)范围之内全部用装饰面板、木线条等材料包住,常用于卧室和客厅。 5、勒脚:勒脚是建筑物外墙的墙脚,即建筑物的外墙与室外地面或散水部分的接触墙体部位的加厚部分。勒脚的高度不低于700mm。勒脚部位外抹水泥砂浆或外贴石材等防水耐久的材料,应与散水、墙身水平防潮层形成闭合的防潮系统

6、普通烧结砖泛霜:原材料黏土中含有的硫酸镁或硫酸钙等可溶性硫酸盐受潮吸水溶解,随着砖内的水分的蒸发而在砖的表面产生盐析现象,一般为白霜。呈晶体析出时,使砖面剥落,抗冻性减小,影响工程质量。 7、水泥凝结时间:初凝时间(不得小于45分钟);终凝时间:硅酸盐水泥不得大于390分钟/普通硅酸盐水泥不得大于600分钟。(混凝土凝结时间:初凝时间不小于45分钟;终凝时间不大于10h) 8、堆积密度:疏松状(小块、颗粒纤维)材料在堆积状态下单位体积的质量。砂的松散堆积密度:>1350kg/m3;碎石的堆积密度:1480kg/m3。 9、表观密度:在自然状态下,单位体积材料质量。砂的表观密度:> 2500kg/m3;碎石的表观密度:2700kg/m3。 10、和易性:砼拌合物易于施工操作(工作性)包括流动性、粘聚性和保水性三方面的含义。 11、砂率:指混凝土中砂的质量占砂、石总质量的百分率。 12、砼抗压强度:150mm的立方体试件,标养室(20±2℃,相对湿度95%以上),养护28天龄期,测得抗压强度,fcu表示,单位N/m㎡或MPa。普通砼强度范围C15—C80。 13、砼表观密度:普通砼的表观密度2000-2800kg/m3,一般工程中设计的砼密度为2350-2450之间,可以取2400kg/m3。 14、砖的单位(经验)用量:标准砖512块/m3(529块)。每块砖的实际体积是(240*115*53)=0.00146立方米,加砂浆的体积是(0.24)*{(0.053+灰缝0.01)}*{(0.115+灰缝 0.01)}=0.00189立方米.那么每立方米墙体用砖是1/0.00189=529块.砂浆用量是 1/0.00146=684块.684-529=155块*0.00146=0.226立方米(计算没考虑损耗)


《词汇学》名词解释总汇 1.Conversion(转换)is a word-formation whereby a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another without the addition of an affix. It is also called zero derivation. 2.Neologisms(新词用法)are newly coined words or words that are given new meaning to fit new situation because of social, economic, political, cultural, scientific and technological changes in human society. 3.Lexicology(词汇学)is a branch of linguistics concerned with the study of the vocabulary of a given language. It deals with words, their origin, development, structure, formation, meaning and usage. 4.the elevation of meaning(词义的升格)refers to the process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance. 5.Acronyms(首字母拼音词)words formed from the initial letters of words and pronounced as words. They differ from initialisms in that they are pronounced as words rather than as sequences of letters. 6.Hyponymy(上下义关系)deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. It refers to the relationship which obtains between the genus (general lexical item)and the species(specific lexical items). 7.Analogy(类比)is a process by which words or phrases are created or re-formed according to the existing patterns in the language. 8.Motivation(理据)deals with the connection between name (word-symbol) and its sense (meaning). It is the relationship between the word structure and its meaning. 9.Metaphor(隐喻)is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison. It is a simile without like or as. 10.Antonymy(反义关系)is concerned with semantic opposition. It can be defined as words which are opposite in meaning. 11.Suffix(后缀): an affix attached to the end of a base (root or stem) 12. synecdoche(提喻)means using a part for a whole, an individual for a class, a material for a thing, or vice versa, the whole for a part. 13. prefix(前缀): an affix attached to the beginning of a base (root or stem) 14. initialism(首字母连写词): a type of shortening, using the first letters of words to form a proper name, a technical term, or a phrase; it is pronounced letter by letter. 15.morpheme(词素): the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not dividable or analyzable into smaller forms. 16.the degradation of meaning(词义的降格): is the opposite of semantic elevation. It is a process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to be used in derogatory sense. 17.Derivational affixes (派生词缀)Affixes added to other morphemes to create new words. They can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes。 18. back-formation(逆成法): is a process of word-formation by which a word is created by the deletion of a supposed suffix. It is also known as a reverse derivation. 19. derivation(派生): the process by which noninfectional affixes are added to roots to form words. 20. compounding(复合): the process of joining together two linguistic forms which can function independently.
