

Dear Sir/Madam,。

I am writing to apply for a position as a lecturer in your college.

I am a postgraduate in the English language, graduated from

a well-known university in China and have a great passion for teaching and making contribution to other people's learning.

I have three years of teaching experience and am quite skilled in the way of delivering the subject knowledge in an interesting and efficient way. I was a favorite of my students and was awarded the “Best Teaching Award” by our col lege.

I not only have the ability to bring knowledge and experience to students, but also to build a bridge between the students and their dreams.

With my sincere enthusiasm, passion and skills, I am convinced that I can help achieve the best learning results. 。

I look forward to hearing from you soon. 。

Yours faithfully。











英语申请信范文带翻译(最新9篇) 英语申请信范文带翻译篇一 Dear Dad and Mom: Although we can only keep in touch with each other by the telephone or the Internet, I wish I could let you know how much I love you and how much I’ve appreciated the things you’ve done for me. It is never too much to say thank you to you, my dear parents. First and the most important is that thank you for bringing me to this world. During the 20 years, you have done a lot for me, but I haven’t realized how much I love you until I left home to the university. I understand how much effort you have cost to bring me up. Now, I have grown up, I can look after you. Second, I want to thank you that you give me a good environment to grow up. There is an old saying “Parents are the first teacher to their children”。In my life, you are the typical ones. Because of your good examples I formed the good habit of learning at an early age which benefits my life. At last, I want to say “thank you” is that you always support my choice. You never forced me to do anything I was not interested in. You told me to pursuit my own dreams without hesitation and you would support me forever. You also told me to how to be a human. Now I become an optimistic and cheerful girl and I feel happy every day. I really miss you when I am writing this thank you letter. I can’t wait to go home to share more time together with are my most important people in the world and I will love you forever. Yours, XXX 英语工作申请范文带翻译篇二 As a student of mine, one of my family members is applying for a loan for a student who is applying for further study of English. My mother was laid off two years ago. My grandmother has been suffering from chronic diseases for more than five years. My brother is studying in high school. Now I have a part-time job during the summer vacation, but my income is far from enough for my tuition fees to continue my study. I want to apply for a student loan such as If my application is approved, I will make good use of the money. I will repay the loan on time according to the repayment conditions. I hope you can consider my application and sincerely look forward to your reply. 中文翻译: 作为我的一名学生,我的一名家庭成员正在为一名申请继续学习英语的学生申请贷款,我妈妈两年前下岗了我的祖母得了慢性病已经xx年多了我哥哥正在读高中现在我暑假期间做了一份兼职工作,但是我的收入远远不够我继续学习的学费,我想申请一个学生贷款如果我的申请被批准,我会善用这笔钱,心系我会按还款条件按时还贷,希望您能考虑我的申请,真诚期待您的回复,XXXXXX。 标签:新学期 英语工作申请范文带翻译篇三 Dear Sir or Madam, I am applying for the position of administrative assistant published in the daily news last night. I have more than five years working experience in this position, during


高中英语作文申请信范文篇1 Dear Professor Wang, 亲爱的王老师: On behalf of the Student Union of the English Department, I'm writing to invite you to give us a speech on Chinese History. 我代表学生会和英语角写信给你邀请你给我们做一个关于中国历史的演讲。 We're going to have such a speech at 2:30 p.m. this Tuesday afternoon in the Meeting Room 401. 我们打算在401会议室星期二下午2:30开这个演讲。 It would be great honor if you can join in our activity 如果你能来参加我们的活动将是我们莫大的荣幸 Please inform us whether you could come. We're looking forward to favorable answer. 请告知我们你是否会来。我们期待肯定的答复 Sincerely yours,Jimmy 吉米 高中英语作文申请信范文篇2 June 17th, 2006 Dear Sir/Madam,

Iam responding to your advertisement in China Daily on June 10th, 2006, which invites applications for interpreters. Enclosed with this letter is my resume which details my background. Ibelieve that I am the best candidate for this position. In the first place, I have been studying for four years in Beijing Foreign Studies University, one of the most prestigious language schools in China, which has provided me with a desirable command of English skills. In the second place, I have taken part in a number of social activities in the past years, which have helped cultivate my team-spirit and creativity. Besides, I have attended training courses for interpretation and have obtained related certificates. Last but not least, I have worked as a part-time interpreter, so I am well prepared for this job. Iwould treasure the chance and exert every effort to do a good job if I had the luck to be provided with the position. Besides, I shall be much obliged if you will afford me an opportunity for an interview, and I appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience. Thank you for considering this application. Best regards.


英语申请信范文带翻译10篇 英文申请信格式标准:1、信头(Heading):包括写信人地址和写信日期,通常写在信笺的右上角。 在比较熟识的朋友之间的通信,写信人的地址常可略去。地址的写法通常是由小到大,如:门牌号、街道名、市(县)名、省名、国名(邮政编码通常写在城市名之后)。 这同中文书信的地址写法完全相反。日期写在地址的下方,可以写1-3行。 通常有下列两种写法(a)月、日、年(美式),如August 15, 200_;(b)日、月、年(英式),如15th august, 200_ ,月、日的后面用逗号,年份后面不用标点。2、称呼(Salutation):指写信人对收信人的称呼,如Dear Xiaojun写在日期下一两行,顶格写,称呼后面可用逗号,也可用冒号,一般用Dear。 或My dear。开头。 3、正文(Body):这是书信的主体部分,即写信人要表达的内容。正文一般在称呼下方隔两行处开始写,正文的首行左边一般留约5个字母宽的空白。

4、结束语(Complimentary Close):它是书信结尾的恭维话,相当于文中书信最后的“视好”,“致礼”之类的话语。如“Be st wishes"等 5、签名(Signature):签名通常签在结束语下方的中间偏右的位置,即使是打写机打出的信件,最后仍需亲笔签名,签名由写信人和收信人的关系和亲疏程度而定,一般只需写名不写姓,但若用了较庄重的结尾套语,此时可签全名。 在签名的上方可根据写信人和收信人的关系写Sincerely yours/ Yours sincerely(用于长辈或朋友之间),或Respectfully yours/Yours respectfully(用于对长辈或上级),注意开头字母要大写,末尾要用逗号。扩展资料:英文申请信的写作要求:1、应符合英语信件的格式,表达方式符合英语习惯;2. 申请人的语气要自信而不傲慢,礼貌而不卑微,即不卑不亢,恰如其分;3. 应写得简明流畅,言简意赅。


英语申请信范文带翻译10篇 A Letter of Application for a Student Loan October 14, 2018 To whom it may concern, I am writing to you to apply for a student loan. As a freshman from the English Department, I have much financial difficulty in continuing my study. There are five members in my family. My father is the only breadwinner of the whole family while my mother was laid off two years ago. My grandmother has been suffering a chronic illness for more than five years. My younger brother is now studying in a high school. I took part-time jobs during the summer vacation, but what I have earned is far from enough for me to pay the required tuition fees. In order to continue my study, I have to apply for a student loan. If my request is granted, I will make good use of the money and put my heart into study. I will definitely pay back the loan according to the requirements. I hope that you will consider my application. Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely,


大学生英语求职信范文中英翻译4篇 大学生英语求职信范文中英翻译 大学生英语求职信范文中英翻译1 亲爱的先生们, 请允许我应聘办公室文员的职位,您的广告在4月9日《羊城晚报》”。 我28岁,未婚。收到我B.B.A.从厦门大学,我花了三年的时间作为一个办公室文员在中国长城计算机集团(深圳)公司。 在过去的两年里我一直在海城食品公司的总经理秘书,在深圳有限公司。我在找办公室文员的职位,以增加我的经验。 我有一个广泛的商业知识和办公室所有类型的工作。复制我的奖状是封闭的,如果你对我的申请感兴趣,请给我一个面试的机会在你的方便的日期。 谨致问候, 李晓明(音译) Dear Sirs, Please allow me to apply for the position of office clerk which you advertised in "Yangcheng Evening News" of April 9. I am 28 years of age and unmarried. After receiving my B.B.A. from Xiamen University, I worked for three years as an office clerk at China Great Wall Computer Group (Shenzhen) Company. In the last two years I have been a secretary to the General Manager of Haicheng Foodstuffs Company, Ltd. in Shenzhen. I am looking for a position of office clerk to increase my experience in business. I have a wide knowledge of business and thoroughly experienced in all types of office work. Copies of my testimonials are enclosed, and if you are interested in my application, please give me an opportunity of a personal interview at your convenient date. Sincerely yours,


英语申请信范文带翻译10篇 Dear Sir, I was very interested in your advertisement in today's edition of The Evening Post and I should like to apply to be a member of the Amazon Expedition team. I am twenty-three years old and have an honors degree in Botany from Bath University. Since leaving university I have been working in a research laboratory but my contract comes to an end in six weeks. I would particularly like to join the expedition for the opportunity it would give me to study the plant life of the area. I enjoy several outdoor activities including rowing and rock climbing and I consider myself to be both fit and healthy enough to undertake such an expedition. If you would like me to attend an interview, I would be able to come at any time convenient to you, (J1) my employers have agreed to give me time off for the purpose. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Lily Ma 20 June Dear Sir, I noticed an ad. In the paper today you said you were looking for people to join your expedition team. It sounded as if it might be fun so I'm writing to say I'd like to come along. About myself: I left school at 16 because I wanted to earn a bit of money. After that I got a few part-time jobs as a waiter, etc. But I didn't stick to any of them for long. Recently I've been doing a bit of hitch-hiking round Europe so I've had some experience of traveling the hard way


英语申请信范文带翻译 Dear Sir/Madam,。 I am writing to apply for a position as a lecturer in your college. I am a postgraduate in the English language, graduated from a well-known university in China and have a great passion for teaching and making contribution to other people's learning. I have three years of teaching experience and am quite skilled in the way of delivering the subject knowledge in an interesting and efficient way. I was a favorite of my students and was awarded the “Best Teaching Award” by our col lege. I not only have the ability to bring knowledge and experience to students, but also to build a bridge between the students and their dreams. With my sincere enthusiasm, passion and skills, I am convinced that I can help achieve the best learning results. 。 I look forward to hearing from you soon. 。 Yours faithfully。 XXX。 亲爱的先生/女士。 我写信是为了申请你们学院的讲师职位。


英语申请信范文加翻译(必备4篇) Dear editor, I am wting this letter to apply for the dissemination and translation of the articles in saines' book. As a loyal fan of the works of Zhongtu and JRR torkins fm China, I am eager to learn about China and contbute to the long-term communication. I have always appreciated the enthusia and pfessionali of yo website. Yo wonderful works have greatly inspired me, so I would like to very much With my fends and colleagues, I plan to translate the entes, forms and pictes of yo website into Chinese and set up a Chinese version of the book. I beli that we will pvide Chinese readers with a way to appreciate and appreciate yo wisdom and achiments: I pmise that all articles will be used only for public welfare, not for the forwarders themselves. Anyone who wants to read can visit the website for free. Copyght will be respected and ptected, articles will not be tampered with, we learned fm Tolkien, n a all potato can make a great contbution, I hope I can work with my excellent team to complete this great task, to pvide information for Tolkien fans, please consider my application, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate, sincerely Contact me. 中文翻译: 英语申请信范文加翻译第2篇


英语信范文带翻译(10篇) 英语推举信范文带翻译第5篇英语推举信范文带翻译第9篇英语推举信范文带翻译第10篇 To Whom It May Concern: Cheri Jackson is an extraordinary young woman. As her AP English Professor, I have seen many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her diligence and work ethic. I understand that Cheri is applying to the undergraduate program at your school. I would like to recommend her for admission. Cheri has outstanding organizational skills. She is able to successfully complete multiple tasks with favorable results despite deadline pressure. As part of a semester project, she developed an innovative collaborative novel with her classmates. This book is now being considered for publication. Cheri not only headed the project, she ensured its success by demonstrating leadership abilities that her classmates both admired and must also make note of Cheri’s exceptional academic performance. Out of a class of 150 students, Cheri graduated with honors in the top 10. Her above-average performance is a direct result of her hard work and strong your undergraduate program is seeking superior candidates with a record of achievement, Cheri is an excellent choice. She has consistently demonstrated an ability to rise to any challenge that she


英语申请信作文模板及范文(必备24篇) (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!


英文请求信范文及翻译(实用3篇) (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!


申请信 尊敬的老师。 我叫李华是一名高三男生,在平时喜欢运动和帮助他人,并且性格开朗。今年暑假我将去英国留学,能用英语与外国人无障碍交流。听闻学校要举行社会公益活动,并需要招聘志愿者,我想我能够胜任这份工作。 首先,我不仅有出色的交流能力精通外语而且具有丰富的社会公益活动的实践经验。其次,并且在优秀青年志愿者的评选中获得优秀成绩并获得奖杯。还有,在去年我市举办的关爱老人公益活动中,我的行动得到了市领导以及受帮助老人的表扬。所以,我认为我一定能够胜任这份志愿者的工作。 最后,希望老师能够接受我的申请,让我成为一名光荣的志愿者。期待您的回信。谢谢! Respect teacher, My name is Li Hua is one of the three boys in likes sports and helping others, and have a bright and cheerful disposition this summer vacation I will go to Britain to study, can barrier-free communication with foreigners in English heard that the school will have a social public welfare activities, and need to recruit volunteers, I think I'm going to be able to do the work first, I not only have excellent communication skills proficient in a foreign language and have rich experience in the practice of social public welfare activities and, second, and obtain good results in the selection of outstanding youth volunteers and get a trophyIn addition, in the public welfare activity of caring for the elderly held in our city last year, my action was praised by the city leaders and the old people who helped me. Therefore, I think I am qualified for the volunteer work. Finally, I hope the teacher can accept my application and let me become an honorable volunteer


申请研究生英语作文带翻译 Dear Admissions Committee, I would like to submit my application for admission into the graduate program in [name of program] at your esteemed university. I have always had a strong passion for [field of study], and I am excited to further explore and deepen my knowledge in this area through your program. I completed my undergraduate studies in [name of major] at [name of university]. During my time as an undergraduate student, I actively participated in various research projects and internships that allowed me to gain practical experience in [field of study]. These experiences have not only enhanced my understanding of the subject matter but also developed my research and analytical skills. One particular research project that I worked on involved investigating the effects of [research topic] on [target population]. This project allowed me to conduct surveys, interviews, and data analysis, which I found to be intellectually stimulating and rewarding. Additionally, I presented my findings at a national conference, which further solidified my interest in pursuing advanced studies in [field of study]. Furthermore, I have always been attracted to the research being conducted at your university. The innovative and interdisciplinary approach taken by your faculty members and the opportunities to collaborate with leading researchers are particularly appealing to me. I believe that the resources and expertise available at your


申请加入阅读俱乐部的英语申请信作文_初中万能英语作 文5篇 关于”申请加入俱乐部的申请信“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Application letter for joining the club。以下是关于申请加入俱乐 部的申请信的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。 关于”申请加入俱乐部的申请信“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Application letter for joining the club。以下是关于申请加入俱乐 部的申请信的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。 高分英语作文1:Application letter for joining the club Dear Mr. / MS, I am writing to you to apply for the membership of English club. I am a sopre in English department. I know there are some requirements, but I don't know the details. If so, how much I need to pay and how much I should pay. I also heard that the club will hold various activities, but you can give me more details. If you can reply to me as soon as possible, I will be very grateful and sincerely looking forward to your reply , Li Mei. 中文翻译: 亲爱的先生/女士,我写信给你申请英语俱乐部的会员,我是英语系 的大二学生,我非常热爱英语文学,我经常参加周五在中国大学举行的英 语角,希望能用英语与其他人讨论各种话题。我渴望成为英语俱乐部的一 员俱乐部和进一步提高我的英语我知道有一些要求,但我不清楚的细节,


交换生申请信英文含翻译 Dear [School Official's Title or Name], I am writing to apply for participation in the exchange program at your esteemed institution. I am a student majoring in [Your School/Major], and I am keenly interested in the academic environment and culture at your university. Firstly, I have chosen your institution because I believe it offers a wealth of opportunities to engage with diverse academic content and to connect with students from various backgrounds. The outstanding reputation of your university in [specific field/project] is also a compelling reason for my application. Secondly, I hope that through this exchange program, I can gain a deeper understanding of the culture and lifestyle in [Target Country/City]. I believe this experience will help me adapt to a multicultural society and broaden my international perspective. Additionally, I aim to learn different academic methods and ways of thinking through this exchange, laying a solid foundation for my future academic endeavors. Finally, I commit to working hard and integrating into the academic and social life of your institution during the exchange period. I believe that this experience will be invaluable and contribute significantly to my personal and academic growth. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to become an exchange student at your university. Sincerely, [Your Name] 中文翻译: 尊敬的学校负责人, 我写信是为了申请参加贵校的交换生项目。我是一名来自[你的学校/专业]的学生,我对贵校的学术环境和文化深感兴趣。 首先,我选择贵校是因为我相信在这里我将有更多机会接触到丰富的学科内容,同时结识来自不同背景的同学,这将为我的学术和个人发展提供更为广阔的平台。贵校在[某方面的学科/项目]方面的卓越声誉也是我申请的原因之一。 其次,我希望通过这次交换生项目,能够更深入地了解[目标国家/城市]的文化和生活方式。我相信这将有助于我更好地适应多元文化的社会,并拓宽我的国际视野。此外,我希望能够通过交流学习到不同的学术方法和思维方式,为我未来的学术生涯奠定更为坚实的基础。
