




资料来源: PHP和MySQL Web开发作者:C.奥尔

现在你已经可以熟练地使用MySQL客户端软件来操作数据库里的数据,我们也可以开始学习如何使用PHP来显示和修改数据库里的数据了。PHP有标准的函数用来操作数据库。我们首先学习PHP内建的数据库函数,然后会学习PHP扩展和应用程序库(PEAR,PHP Extension and Application Repository )中的数据库函数,我们可以使用这些函数操作所有支持的数据库。这种灵活性源自于抽象。对于编程接口而言,抽象简化了复杂的交互过程。它将交互过程中无关紧要的部分屏蔽起来,让你关注于重要的部分。PEAR的DB类就是这样一种数据库接口的抽象。你登录一个数据库所需要提供的信息被减少到最少。这种标准的格式可以通过同一个函数来访问MySQL以及其他的数据库。同样,一些MySQL特定的函数被更一般的、可以用在很多数据库上的函数所替代。


用PHP开发的网站大多包含多个程序文件,需要访问MySQL,因此将需要登录名和密码的细节。因此,明智的做法建立一个单一的文件来存储这些,然后包括,凡是有需要的文件。例10-1显示了这样一个文件,这是我打过电话login.php。输入自己,重新把值与实际值你为你的MySQL大tabase使用,(如用户名)保存到Web 开发目录设置在第2章注册。我们将利用短期内的文件的使用。主机名localhost应该工作,只要你使用本地系统上的一个MySQL数据库,该数据库出版物应的工作,如果你在我使用至今的例子打字。




我刚才在前面的章节,浏览器的用户输入或者通过发送一个GET请求或POST 请求。POST请求通常是首选,我们这里使用它。该网站的注册用户输入的所有(即使形式是充满了百场出)并将其放入到一个数组服务器捆绑命名的$ _POST的

$ _POST是一个关联数组。根据表单是否已被设置为使用POST或GET方法,要么了$ _POST或$_GET这个关联数组的形式将与数据填充。他们都在读完全相同的方式。每个领域都有一个名为后该领域的数组元素。因此,如果一个表单包含名为ISBN 的领域,$_POST数组包含了字书号键的元素。 PHP的程序可以参照阅读$ _POST

或['书号']或领域的$ _POST[“书号“](单引号和双引号在这种情况下有相同的效果)。如果变量$ _POST复杂的语法似乎仍然对你放心,你可以只使用了我在例10-8所示公约,复制用户的输入到其他变数,而忘记后,大约的$ _POST。这是正常的PHP 程序:它们检索在程序开始的$ _POST所有的字段,然后忽略它。我们没有理由写入一个在$_POST数组元素。它的唯一目的是交流信息,从浏览器亲克,你最好修改之前复制到你自己的变量数据。


序检查是否变量的$ _POST['删除']有值。如果是这样,用户点击了一个删除记录buttonto删除一个记录。在这种情况下,美元的书号也将被posted.As你还记得值,书号唯一标识每个记录。 HTML表单追加到删除从查询字符串变量$查询,然后将其传递给在mysql_query函数创建到MySQL的问题,它的ISBN。请求mysql_query返回TRUE或FALSE,假导致错误消息将显示解释了什么wrong.If$删除不包含单词“是”,那么下面的else语句被执行。$查询设置为一个INSERT INTO命令,随后的五要插入的值。该变量然后传递到请求mysql_query,而于完工后返回TRUE或FALSE。如果返回FALSE,错误信息显示。



现在让我们来看看如何删除一个记录,创造一个虚拟的纪录作品。因此,尝试进入的五个领域和添加记录按钮,按一下每个只是数字1。如果你现在向下滚动,你会看到一个新的纪录仅仅1秒组成。显然,这是记录在此表非常有用,所以现在按一下按钮,滚动删除记录下来了,以确认该记录已被删除。假设一切正常,你现在可以随意添加和删除记录。尝试这样做了几次,但留在原地(包括白鲸新一)的主要记载,我们将使用它们。您也可以尝试加入1的纪录再次与所有有几次,并记下错误信息,您将收到第二次,在- dicating已经有一个数字1的ISBN。您现在已经准备好一些实用技术,您可以在使用PHP来访问MySQL数据库,包括创建和删除表,在任务查找serting,更新和删除数据,保护用户免受恶意您的数据库和网站。请注意下面的例子假设你已经创建了login.php节目讨论本章前面。假设你是一个野生动物公园的工作,需要建立一个数据库,保存一切有关它的猫房子类型的详细信息。你是说有九个家庭的猫:狮子,老虎,美洲豹,豹,美洲狮,猎豹,猞猁,狞猫,并与国内,所以你需要一个该列。然后每个猫被赋予一个名字,所以这是另一列,而你也想了解他们的年龄,这是另一种轨道。当然,你可能会需要更多的列后,也许是为了保持膳食重新quirements,接种,以及其他细节,但现在这足够走了。一个独特的标识,也需要每个动物,所以你也决定建立该叫做id列。

PHP包括与核心建立自由和开放的源代码库。 PHP是一个模块,从根本上互联网的感知系统建立访问FTP服务器,数据库服务器中的许多,嵌入式SQL等嵌入式PostgreSQL,MySQL和SQLite的,LDAP服务器和其他图书馆。熟悉的,如在stdio

的家人的C程序员的许多功能都可以在标准的PHP版本。 PHP具有传统上采用“magic_quotes_gpc设置“和”magic_quotes_run time“企图逃避撇号(')和假设字符串在引号(“)表示,他们将在数据库中使用,以防止SQL注入攻击的功能。这将导致混乱以上的数据是逃跑了,这是不是和数据时的问题作为输入到数据库并使用时,其实不是逃避使用的是不完全正确的。[68]使服务器之间的代码是什么,不使用便携魔术引号,开发人员可以用一个脚本来前言扭转魔术引号的作用是当其用于他们的代码。PHP允许开发者编写C扩展功能添加到PHP语言。这些可以被编译成PHP或在运行时动态加载。扩展已被写入添加的Windows API,工艺类Unix操作系统,多字节字符串(Unicode)的,curl和几种流行的压缩格式管理支持。一些更不寻常的功能包括互联网中继聊天,动态生成的图像和Adobe Flash内容,以及甚至语音合成相结合。PHP扩展社区库(PECL电平)项目是在PHP语言的扩展的储存库。Zend 提供了程序员认证,成为PHP开发认证考试。


Title: interconnect technology of php and mysql

Material Source: Web Development Of PHP and MySQL

Author: C.Orr

Now that you’re comfortable using the MySQL client tools to manipulate data in the database, you can begin using PHP to display and modify data from the database. PHP has standard functions for working with the database.First, we’re going to discuss PHP’s built-in database functions. We’ll also show you how to use the The PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR) databaseunctions that provide the ability to use the same functions to access any supported database. This type of flexibility comes from a process called abstraction. In programming interfaces, abstraction simplifies a complex interaction. It works by

removing any nonessential parts of the interaction, allowing you to concentrate on the important parts. PEAR’s DB class es are one such database interface abstraction. The information you need to log into a database is reduced to the bare minimum. This standard format allows you to interact with MySQL, as well as other databases using the same functions. Similarly, other MySQL-specific functions are replaced with generic ones that know how to talk to many databases.

The reason for using PHP as an interface to MySQL is to format the results of SQL queries in a form visible in a web page. As long as you can log into your MySQL in- stallation using your username and password, you can also do so from PHP. However, instead of using MySQL’s command line to enter instructions and view output, you will create query strings that are passed to MySQL. When MySQL returns its response,it will come as a data structure that PHP can recognize instead of the formatted output you see when you work on the command line. Further PHP commands can retrieve the data and format it for the web page.

Most websites developed with PHP contain multiple program files that will require access to MySQL and will therefore need the login and password details. Therefore, it’s sensible to create a single file to store these and then include that file wherever it’s needed. Example 10-1 shows such a file, which I’ve called login.php. Type it in, re- placing values (such as username) with the actual values you use for your MySQL da- tabase, and save it to the web development directory

you set up in Chapter 2. We’ll be making use of the file shortly. The hos tname localhost should work as long as you’re using a MySQL database on your local system, and the database publications should work if you’re typing in the examples I’ve used so far.

Now that you have the login.php file saved, you can include it in any PHP files that will need to access the database by using the require_once statement. This has been chosenin preference to an include statement, as it will generate a fatal error if the file is notfound. And believe me, not finding the file containing the login details to your databaseis a fatal error.Also, using require_once instead of require means that the file will be read in only whenit has not previously been included, which prevents wasteful duplicate disk accesses. Example 10-2 shows the code to use.

First, the variable $query is set to the query to be made. In this case it is asking to see all rows in the table classics.Note that, unlike using MySQL’s command line, no semicolon is required at the tail of the query, because the mysql_query function is usedto issue a complete query, and cannot be used to query by sending multiple parts, oneat a time. Therefore, MySQL knows the query is complete and doesn’t look for a semicolon.This function returns a result that we place in the variable $result. Having used the command line, you might think that the contents of $result will be the same as the result returned from a command-line query, with horizontal and vertical lines, and so on. However, this is not the case with the result returned to PHP. Instead, upon success, $result will contain a resource that can be used to extract the results of the query. You’ll see how to extract the data in the next section. Upon failure, $result contains FALSE. So the example finishes by checking $result. If it’s F ALSE, it means that there was an error and the die command is executed. Once you have a resource returned from a mysql_query function, you can use it to retrieve the data you want. The simplest way to do this is to fetch the cells you want, one at a time, using the mysql_result function. Example 10-5 combines and extends the previous examples into a program that you can type in and run yourself to retrieve the returned results. I suggest that you save it in the same folder as login.php and give it the name query.php.

It first checks for any inputs that may have been made and then either inserts new data into the classics table of the publications database or deletes a row from it, according to the input supplied. Regardless of whether there was input, the program then outputs all rows in the table to the browser. So let’s see how it works.The first section of new code starts by using the isset function to check whether values for all
