


1. S(主)+ Vi(不及物动词)(谓)Time flies.

1) S + V + Adverbial(副词:做状语)

Birds sing beautifully.

2) S + Vi+ prep Phrase(介词短语)

He went on holiday.

3) S + Vi+ Infinitive(不定式)

We stopped to have a rest.

4) S + Vi+ Participle(分词)

I'll go swimming.

1) S + V + Adverbial Clause(状语从句)

The boy will cry when his mother refuses him.

I will stand where I can see the parade clearly.

2. S (主)+ Vt (及物动词)(谓)+ O(宾)We like English.

1) S + VT + N/Pron

I like her.

Dad bought a car.

2) S + VT + Infinitive(不定式)

I want to help him.

常用于这句型的动词有:attempt, dare, decide, desire, expect, hope, intend, learn, need, offer, pretend, promise, propose, purpose, refuse, want, wish等。

3) S + VT + Wh-Word + Infinitive

I don't know what to do.

常用于这句型的动词有:ask, consider, decide, discover, explain, find out, forget, guess, inquire, know, learn, observe, remember, see, settle, tell, think, understand, wonder等。

4) S + VT + Gerund

I enjoy living here.

常用于这句型的动词有:admit, advise, avoid, consider, defend, enjoy, excuse, finish, forbid, mind, miss, practise, risk, suggest, give up, can't help等。

5) S + VT + That-clause

I don't think (that) he is right.

常用于这句型的动词有:admit, believe, command, confess, declare, demand, deny, doubt, expect, explain, feel(觉得), hear(听说), hope, imagine, intend, know, mean, mind(当心), notice, propose, request, report, say, see(看出),show, suggest, suppose, think, understand, wish, wonder(觉得奇怪)。

3. S (主)+ V(谓)(lv)(系动词)+ P(表)We are Chinese.

除了be 系动词外,还有一些动词也可以用作系动词,

1) 表感官的动词,feel, smell, taste, sound, look, appear, seem 等。

2) 表转变变化的动词,become, get, grow, turn, go,等。

3) 表延续的动词remain, keep, seem, hold, stay, rest等。

4) 表瞬时的动词come, fall, set, cut, occur等

5) 其他动词eat, lie, prove, ring, run, shine, sit, stand, continue, hang等。

1) S + Lv + N/Pron(名词/代词)

He is a boy.

This is mine.

2) S + Lv + Adj(形容词)

She is beautiful.

3) S + Lv + Adv(副词)

Class is over.

4) S + Lv + Prep Phrase

He is in good health.

5) S + Lv + Participle(分词)

He is excited.

The film is interesting.

4. S(主)+ VT (谓)+ In O(间接宾)+ D O(直接宾)I give you help. 1) S + VT + N/Pron + N

I sent him a book.

I bought May a book.

2) S + VT + N/Pron + To/for-phrase

He sent a book to me.

He bought a coat for me.

间接宾语前需要加to 的常用动词有:allow, bring, deny, do(带来),give, grant, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, permit, promise, read, refuse, render, restore, sell, send, show, teach, tell wish, write等。

间接宾语前需要加for 的常用动词有:bring, buy, cash, choose, fetch, get, leave, make, order, paint, play(演奏) , save, sing, spare等。

5. S(主)+ VT(谓)+ O(宾)+ O C(宾补)I make you clear.

1) S + VT + N/Pron + N

We named our baby Tom.

常用于这句型的动词有:appoint, call, choose, elect, entitle, find, make, name, nominate(命名)。

2) S + VT + N/Pron + Adj

He painted the wall white.

常用于这句型的动词有:beat, boil, cut, drive, find, get, hold, keep, leave, like, make, paint, see, set, turn, want, wash, wipe, wish等。

3) S + VT + N/Pron + Prep Phrase

She always keeps everything in good order.

4) S + VT + N/Pron + Infinitive

I wish you to stay.

I made him work


a) 不定式带to的词:advice, allow, ask, beg, cause, choose, command, decide, encourage, expect, force, get, hate, invite, know, leave, like, love, order, permit, persuade, prefer, remain, request, teach, tell, want, warn, wish等。

b) 不定式不带to的词:feel, have, hear, know, let, listen to, look at, make, notice, see, watch等。

5) S + VT + N/Pron + Participle(分词)

I heard my name called.

I feel something moving.

常用于这句型的动词有:catch, feel, find, get, have, hear, imagine, keep, leave, listen to, look at, notice, observe, perceive, see, set, smell, start, watch等。

6) S + VT + N/Pron + Wh-word + Infinitive

He show me how to do it.

常用于这句型的动词有:advise, ask, inform, show, teach, tell等。

7) S + VT + N/Pron + That-clause

He told me that the film was great.

常用于这句型的动词有:assure, inform, promise, remind, teach, tell, warm等。

8) S + VT + N/Pron + Wh-Clause

He asked me what he should do.

常用于这句型的动词有:advise, ask, inform, show, teach, tell.


S (主)+ V(谓)(lv)(系动词)+ P(表)English is very easy.

可拓展为:In fact, English is very easy to teach. 事实上,英语很容易教。

S (主)+ Vt (及物动词)(谓)+ O(宾)She likes the flowers.

可拓展为:She likes the flowers very much. 她非常喜欢这些花。

S(主)+ VT (谓)+ In O(间接宾)+ D O(直接宾)He told her the news.

可拓展为:He told her the news on the way home. 他在回家的路上把这消息告诉了她。

甚至可拓展为:He told her the news that he won the scholarship (to study at Stanford) on the way home. (同位语从句)他在回家的路上把他得到了斯坦福大学奖学金的消息告诉了她。


句式杂糅的常见类型 (1)表时间。 长达……之久例:这架航天飞机的研制,耗时长达六年之久。 修改意见:或说“长达六年”,或说“达六年之久”。 (2)表限制。 超过……以上例:到本超市购物,每人每次消费金额超过50元以上者,有礼品赠送。修改意见:或说“超过50元者”,或说“ 消费金额50元以上者” (3)表对象 对于……上例:对于调动工作这个问题上,我曾周密地考虑过。 修改意见:或说“对于调动工作这个问题”,或说“在调动工作这个问题上”。 (4)表决定 以……即可例:关于“春游”的众多方案,以张科长的方案即可。 修改意见:或说“以张科长的方案为宜”,或说“张科长的方案即可”。 (5)表事由 借口……为名例:日军借口两名士兵失踪为名,发动了“卢沟桥”事变。 修改意见:或说“借口两名士兵失踪”,或说“以两名士兵失踪为名”。 (6)表构成 由(包括、分)……组成例:镇海口的海防纪念馆有序厅、抗倭、抗英、抗法、抗日、尾厅等六部分组成,充分显示中华儿女不畏强暴、自强不息的民族精神。 修改意见:或说“有序厅……等六部分”,或说“由序厅……等六部分组成”。 (7)表意愿 本着……为原则例:他们本着保证质量、降低成本为原则,使用了新的工艺和新的技术。修改意见:或说“本着保证质量、降低成本的原则”,或说“以保证质量、降低成本为原则”。(8)表被动 被(受)……所例:这位喜剧小品演员,深受观众所喜爱。 修改意见:或说“深受观众喜爱”,或说“深为观众所喜爱”。 (9)表原因 原因是……造成(引起、作怪)例:不难看出,这起明显的错案迟迟得不到公正判决,其根本原因是党风不正在作怪。 修改意见:或说“其根本原因是党风不正”,或说“其根本是党风不正在作怪”。 (10)表数量 高达……之巨例:赖昌星集团自1996年以来,在海关大肆走私,累计逃税金额高达530亿元之巨。 修改意见:或说“高达530亿元”,或说“达530亿元之巨” (11)表目的 旨在以……为目的例:公安部这次旨在以“打击毒品、遏制犯罪”为目的的“利剑”行动,经过广大干警三个月的连续奋战,圆满结束了。 修改意见:或说“旨在…打击毒品、遏制犯罪?的…利剑?行动”,或说“以…打击毒品、遏制犯罪?为目的的…利剑?行动”。 (12)表范围 大多以……为主例:这次参加“神舟六号”研制的科研人员,大多以青年人为主,从而实现了“老一代”向“新一代”的过渡。 修改意见:或说“科研人员大多是青年人”,或说“科研人员以青年人为主”。 (13)表依靠 靠的是……取得的例:刘翔的成功靠的是个人的拼搏奋斗取得的。 修改意见:或说“靠的是个人的拼搏奋斗”,或说“是个人拼搏奋斗取得的”。 另外,常见的杂糅格式还有:防止……不再……(“防止……”和“……不再”),非……才行(“非……不可”和“只有……才行”),需要……不可(“需要……”和“非……不可”),从……为出发点(“从……出发”和“以……为出发点”),大约……左右(“大约……”和“……左右”),是由于……的结果(“是由于……”和“是……的结果”),之所以……的原因(“之所以……”和“……的原因”),供……之便(“供……之用”和“以便……”),等等。 【补充】 错误格式正确格式正确格式 1 本着……为原则本着……原则以……为原则 2 对……没有引起重视(什么人)对……没有重视(什么事)没有引起重视 3 是为了……为目的以……为目的……是为了 4 对于……问题上对于……问题在……问题上


最新非谓语动词专项练习题及答案详解 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.224. The murderer was brought in, with his hands _____ behind his back. A.being mopped B.having tied C.to be tied D.tied 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:那个谋杀犯被带了进来,手被捆在背后。with的宾语his hands与动词tie构成被动的关系,故使用过去分词。故选D。 2.Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _____. A.hurt B.spoiled C.damaged D.harmed 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词辨析:句意:过分受父母保护的孩子可能会被惯坏。spoil作为动词有“宠坏,溺爱”的意思,这里用动词的过去分词作形容词。hurt指对身体或感情上的伤害;damaged指被毁坏或破坏(好像多指物);harmed指被损害,被伤害,被危害。选B。 考点:考查动词辨析 3.When he was a boy, he used to go there and watch _____. A.to repair bicycles B.bicycles to be repaired C.bicycles being repaired D.repairing bicycles 【答案】C 【解析】 4.They might just have a place ________ on the writing course—why don’t you give it a tr y? A.leave B.left C.leaving D.to leave 【答案】B 【解析】 此处left过去分词作定语修饰a place,被留下的留给写作课程的地方(机会)。句意:他们可能还有个学习写作课的机会,你为什么不试一试呢? 【考点定位】本题考查非谓语动词的用法。 5.______in painting, John didn’t notice evening approaching. A.To absorb B.To be absorbed C.Absorbed D.Absorbing 【答案】C


非谓语动词练习(一) 1. ____ (follow) some students, the teacher entered the hall. 2. ____, and he had to go back home. A. Day having broken B. Night had fallen C. The day had broken D. Night fallen 3. Hearing his father was seriously ill, ____. A. he burst into tears B. his eyes were filled with tears C. his face lost its color D. tears came to his eyes 4. He did all this to make her ____ (laugh at), so she was very angry with him. 5. Entering the house, I found Jane ____ (seat) at the desk and ____ (write) something. 6. ____ so many people in the hall, I had to push my way to the front. A. Being B. There were C. There being D. As being 7. -What would you like for breakfast? - I don’t feel like ____ (eat). 8. He got out of the car, ____ (walk) to the nearest house and telephoned his friend for help. 9. It was on his way home ____ he ____ his wallet. The next morning he found it ____. A. that; lost; missing B. where; missing; lost C. which; missed; lost D. then; lost; missed 10. ____ (leave) some of the questions ____(answer) , the man said good-bye to us without making himself ____(understand). 11. I remember ____ (invite) to their party, but I ____ (forget/ leave) the invitation in the office. 12. -Why did you go to the wrong class, Mr. Lice? -Well, I forgot ____ I was supposed to go to. A. which the room B. which room C. what was the room D. what room was it 13. He lay on the bed with his ____. A. closed eyes and his mouth open B. eyes closed and his open mouth C. closed eyes and open his mouth D. eyes closed and his mouth open 14. Finally I got my ____. A. salary raised B. risen salary C. salary rise D. salary to rise 15. ____ (tell) many times, she still can’t remember it. 16. Mary thought it a great pity ____ (not invite) to the party. 17. Every Monday morning we will stand on the playground and watch the national flag ____ higher and higher. A. being raised B. raising C. rising D. being risen 18. ____ (consider) to be most difficult, Drill A is taken away from the lesson. 19. The palace Museum is ____ again and again. A. worth being visited B. worthy visiting C. worthy of being visited D. worth to visit 20. Just keep quiet when ____ (speak). 21. The old man kept his eyes ____ (fix) on the picture for quite some time.


文言特殊句式 一、判断句 用“者……也”表判断 “陈胜者,阳城人也。”(陈胜是阳城人) “廉颇者,赵之良将也。”(廉颇是赵国的良将) 句末用“也”表判断 “城北徐公,齐国之美丽者也。”(城北徐公是齐国的美丽的人) “方柯,天才也。”(方柯是天才) 用“者”表判断 “方柯者,中国之人。”(方柯,是中国人) 用“乃”表判断 “是乃狼也。”(这是狼) “电脑乃高科技用具。”(电脑是高科技用具) 需要注意的是,判断句中谓语前出现的“是”一般都不是判断词,而是指示代词,作判断句的主语,而有些判断句中的“是”也并非都不表示判断,“是”在先秦古汉语中少作判断词,在汉以后作判断词则多起来。还有,肯定判断谓语前加的副词和否定判断谓语前加的否定副词“非”,都不是判断词。 用副词“乃”“则”“即”“皆”“耳”等表判断。这种形式也较为多见。例如: 当立者乃公子扶苏。(司马迁《陈涉世家》) 此则岳阳楼之大观也。(范仲淹《岳阳楼记》) 夫六国与秦皆诸侯。(苏洵《六国论》) 用否定副词“非”等表示否定的判断。例如: 六国破灭,非兵不利,战不善,弊在赂秦(苏洵《六国论》) 城非不高也,池非不深也,兵革非不坚利也……(《孟子·得道多助,失道寡助》 直接表示判断。既不用判断词,也不用语气词,通过语意直接表示判断。例如:刘备天下条雄。(司马光《赤壁之战》) 刘豫州王室之胃。(同上)(一)宾语前置 二、被动句 所谓被动,是指主语与位于之间的关系是被动关系,也就是说,主语是位于动词所表示的行为的被动者、受害者,而不是主动者、实施者。 1、用“为”“为……所……”(“为”引出动作的主动者)或“……为所……”表被动。例如:“身死人手,为天下笑者。”(……被天下人嘲笑) 有如此之势,而为秦人积威之所劫。(苏洵《六国论》) 不者,若属皆且为所虏。(司马迁《鸿门宴》) 2、用“见”“见……于……”表被动(“于”引出动作的主动者)。例如:吾长见笑于大方 之家。 3、用“被”表被动“忠而被谤,能无怨乎”(忠心却被别人诽谤,能不怨恨吗) 用介词“于”受……于……”表被动(“于”引出动作的主动者)。例如:不拘于时,学于余。 4.用介词“被”表被动。例如:予犹记周公之被逮。


最新英语非谓语动词练习题20篇 一、非谓语动词 1.—Do you always get up so early? —Yes, ________ the first bus. My home is far away from school. A. catch B. to catch C. catching D. caught 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——你总是起床这么早吗?——是的,为了赶上早班车。我家离 学校很远。根据 My home is far away from school. 可知起床早是为了赶汽车,是动词不定式 表示目的,故选B。 【点评】考查动词不定式。动词不定式放在句首做目的状语。 2.My friend invited me ______ the Art Club , and I accepted it with pleasure. A. join B. to join C. joined D. joining 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我的朋友邀请我参加艺术俱乐部,我愉快地接受了。A.动词原形;B. 动词不定式;C. 动词过去式;D.动词的ing形式。invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。结合句 意及结构,故选B。 3.I think AI (人工智能) in many fields will to help us solve many problems in the future. A. used, be used B. is used, be used C. used, use D. is used, use 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我认为被用在许多领域的人工智能在将来将帮助我们解决许多问 题。AI是名词,___ in many fields做名词AI的定语,AI是动作use的承受着,并且句子是 简单句,已经有谓语will,所以用动词过去分词作定语,即used,be used to do sth.被用来 做某事,will是情态动词,所以be还是用原形be,故选A。 【点评】考查动词过去分词及固定搭配,注意平时识记,理解句意。 4.Our English teacher wants us ______ English stories out of class. A. read B. reading C. to read 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词。want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事。故选C。 5.—So beautiful flowers! I can't decide _____ for my mom.—For Mother's Day, it can't be better to take some carnations(康乃馨).


非谓语动词专项分类复习 I.综合复习题 1. “Do you have any clothes _______ (wash)?” asked the maid. 2. The great danger lay in _______ (not know) our shortcomings, so we must be very careful about what we are going to do. 3. If elected, he promised he would do all he could _______ (promote) public welfare. 4. You are wasting your time _______ (persuade) him; he will never take your advice. 5. The young teacher could hardly make himself _______ (pay) attention to because the students were so noisy. 6. We can do nothing now but _______ (encourage) him. 7. The e-mail I had been looking forward to _______ (come) at last. 8. Don’t let those who are not old enough _______ (enter) the video game arcade. 9. The boy can’t help but _______ (follow) his parents’ advice because he thinks his parents’ words are right. 10. The naughty boy pretended _______ (not watch) TV when his mother came in. 11. I tried my best to do what I could _______ (help) Grace with her lessons. 12. Do you feel like _______ (have) a walk along the river? 13. A number of people _______ (stand) outside asked _______ (allow) _______ (enter) the hall. 14. It is no use _______ (regret) _______ (not study) hard last term. What you should do is _______ (make) up your mind _______ (accomplish) your task. 15. _______ (hear) him sing English songs, and you cannot help _______ (laugh). 16. _______ (force) to eat in the school cafeteria every day made me sick. 17. I’m considering _______ (make) a new plan for the trip. 18. The flowers require _______ (water) every other day if they are to survive. 19. There is no _______ (stand) still in this life; one must either advance or fall behind. 20. A high position brings many benefits, but it also means _______ (have) much responsibility. 21. He objected to _______ (keep) waiting for such a long time. 22. What is the best way you can think of _______ (ensure) an adequate supply of blood for this young patient? 23. He is said ____________ (write) several books about the workers in the past few years. 24. There ought to be no trouble _____________ (dry) your clothes. 25. There is one more point which is worth_______________ (mention). Key:1 to be washed 2 not knowing 3 to promote 4 persuading 5 paid 6 encourage 7 came 8 enter 9 follow 10 not to be watching 11 to help 12 having 13 standing to be allowed to enter 14 regretting not studying/ regretting not having studied to make to accomplish 15 Hear laughing 16 Being forced 17 making 18 watering/ to be watered 19 standing 20 having 21 being kept 22 to ensure 23 to have written 24 drying 25 mentioning II复习:分词作状语 1. ______ (hit) by a bullet, the soldier fell from the running horse. 2. ______ (cook) in wine, the meat will taste better. 3. ______ (overlook) the ocean, the houses here are very popular and they sell quite well. 4. ______ (devote) to bringing out the secret of nature, the young scientist has little time for entertainment. 5. ______ (try) to make himself ______ (hear), he shouted at the top of his voice. 6. ______ (make) several experiments, he drew a conclusion.


句式杂糅常见类型归纳 下面是高考经常考查的句式杂糅的形式(括号内为正确形式): 1.是由于……决定的(是由……决定的/是由于……) 2.是为了……为目的的(是为了……/是以……为目的的) 3.他的死是为了……而死的(他的死是为了……/他是为了……而死的) 4.……的原因,是因为……(……的原因是……/……是因为……) 5.……的原因,是由于……(……的原因是……/……是由于……) 6.是因为……的原因(是因为……/是……的原因) 7.原因是……造成的(原因是……/是由……造成的) 8.……的原因主要是……所致(……的原因主要是……/……主要是……所致) 9.其根本原因是……在作怪(其根本原因是……/是……在作怪) 10.是由于……的结果(是由于……/是……的结果) 11.关键的问题是……在起决定作用(关键的问题是……/是……在起决定作用) 12.关键在于……是十分重要的(关键在于……/……是十分重要的) 13.经过……下(经过……/在……下) 14.由于……下(由于……/在……下) 15.由于……领导下(由于……领导/在……领导下) 16.对于……问题上(对于……问题/在……问题上) 17.大多是以……为主(大多是……/以……为主) 18.以……即可(以……为宜/……即可) 19.有……组成(有……/由……组成) 20.成分是……配制而成的(成分是……/是由……配制而成的) 21.靠的是……取得的(靠的是……/是靠……取得的) 22.本着……为原则(本着……原则/以……为原则) 23.借口……为名(借口是……/以……为名) 24.打着……为幌子(打着……的幌子/以……为幌子) 25.并非是……(并非……/并不是……) 26.听到……的噩耗传来(听到……的噩耗/……的噩耗传来) 27.深受……所欢迎(深受……欢迎/为……所欢迎) 28.变得分外……多了(变得分外……/变得……多了) 29.比去年同期相比……(比去年同期……/跟去年同期相比……) 30.……的特点是……的独到之处(……的特点是……/……有……的独到之处)

文言文文言句式专项训练及 答案

文言句式练习(一)判断句 一、指出下列文言句式的类型及其特点。 1、廉颇者,赵之良将也。 2、夫战,勇气也。 3、直不百步耳,是亦走也。 4、臣乃市井鼓刀屠者。 5、此则岳阳楼之大观也。 6、环滁皆山也。 7、如今人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉。 8、问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋。 9、非我也,兵也。 二、选择题 1.下列各组句子中,句式不相同的一组是( ) A.庭有枇杷树,吾妻死之年所手植也如今人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉 B.故今之墓中全乎为五人也刘备天下枭雄 C 《诗》三百篇,大底圣贤发愤之所为作也妪,先大母婢也 D.屈平疾王听之不聪也城北徐公齐国之美丽者也 2.下列句子中与另三句的句式特点不相同的一句是( ) A.予本非文人画士 B.此言士节不可不勉励也 C.六国破灭,非兵不利,战不善 D.夫病者所见非鬼也 3.下列句中“为”字用法不表判断的一项是( ) A.是为何谷 B.何为以公名 C.以臣为愚 D.故今之墓中全乎为五人也 4.下列句子中句式不同子其他三句的是( ) A.管仲贤佐也 B.桓公霸君也 C.故凡为愚者,莫我若也 D.此乃臣效命之秋也 三、阅读下文,指出划线句子是何种句式。 齐桓公出猎,逐鹿而走入山谷之中,见一老公而问之,曰:“1是为何谷?”对曰:“为愚公之谷。”桓公曰:“何故?”对曰:“以臣名之。”桓公曰:“2今视公之仪状,非愚人也,何为以公名?”对曰:“臣请陈之,臣故畜牸(zì)牛,生子而大,卖之而买驹。少年曰:‘牛不能生马。’遂持驹去。3傍邻闻之,以臣为愚,故名此谷为愚公之谷。”桓公曰:“公诚愚矣!夫何为而与之。”桓公遂归。明日朝,以告管仲。管仲正衿再拜曰:“4此夷吾之愚也。 使尧在上,咎繇为理,安有取人之驹者乎?若有见暴如是叟者,又必不与也。公知狱讼之不正,故与之耳,请退而修政。”孔子曰:“弟子记之,5桓公,霸君也;管仲,贤佐也。犹有以智为愚者也,况不及桓公、管仲者与。”(《说苑?政理》) 文言句式练习(二)被动句 一、指出下列文言句式的类型及其特点。 1、不拘于时,学于余 2、秦城恐不可得,徒见欺。 3、吾常见笑于大方之家。 4、而身死国灭,为天下笑 5、不者,若属皆且为所虏 6、信而见疑,忠而被谤。 7、洎牧以谗诛,邯郸为郡 8、怀王以不知忠臣之分,故内惑于郑袖,外欺于张仪。 二、选择题 1.下列句中加点词的意义和用法相同的一组是( ) A.吾长见.笑于大方之家兰芝初还时,府吏见.丁宁 B.身死人手,为.天下笑者,何也其印为.予从辈所得 C.生孩六月,慈父见.背今是溪独见.辱于愚,何哉 D.予犹记周公之被.逮,在丁卯三月之望世之有饥穰,天之行也,禹汤被.之矣 2.下列句中不是被动句的一句是() A.故内惑于郑袖,外欺于张仪 B.不能容于远近 C.古人之观于天地、山川、草木、虫鱼、鸟兽 D.(六艺经传皆通习之,)不拘于时,学于余 3.下列句子中句式不同子其他三句的一句是( ) A.且相如素贱人,吾羞,不忍为之下 B.秦城恐不可得,徒见欺 C.信而见疑,忠而被谤 D.兵挫地削,亡其六郡,身客死于秦 4.下面句子中不是被动句的一项是( ) A.人为临淄市掾,不见知 B.兰芝初还时,府吏见丁宁 C.乐毅畏诛而不敢归 D.身死国灭,为天下笑 5.下列句子中“见”不表被动的一句是() A.欲与秦,秦城恐不可得,徒见欺。


非谓语动词专项训练 一、① I want one magazine ______ . ( read ) ②My teacher wanted me ______ this question . ( answer ) ③The woman wanted her husband ______ at once . ( examine ) ④My bicycle wants _______ . ( repair ) 二、①What made you ______ so ? ( think ) ②The girl was made _____ a man she didn't love at all . ( marry ) ③The show made me _______ in the study of science . ( interest ) ④He raised the picture to make everyone _______ clearly . ( see ) ⑤He raised his voice to make himself _______ . ( hear ) ⑥My father himself made some candles _______ light . ( give ) ⑦The boss had the workers _______ day and night . ( work ) 三、①You'd better get your own room _______ . ( clean ) ②Yesterday he got his wallet _______ . ( steal ) ③You should get your friends _______ you . ( help ) ④The lecture got us _______ . ( think ) ⑤Don't get ________ in the rain . ( catch ) 四、①Did you see somebody _______ into the room ? ( steal ) ②I saw him _______ in the room at that time . ( read ) ③She was glad to see her child ________ good care of . ( take ) ④I saw her _______ at the windows , thinking . ( seat ) ⑤She was seen ________ here . ( come ) 五、①I like _______ very much . ( swim ) ②I don't like _______ TV at this time . ( watch ) ③He never likes _______ at the meeting . ( praise ) ④I feel like _______ to the cinema . ( go ) ⑤Would you like ______ with me ? ( go ) 六、①The man ______ at the meeting now is from the south . ( speak ) ②I don't know the professor ______ at the meeting tomorrow . ( speak ) ③He is the professor _______ to dinner . ( invite ) 七、①It was so cold and he had the fire _______ all night long . ( burn ) ②I have a lot of exercises ________ today . ( do ) ③"Do you have nay clothes _______ today ? "asked Mother . ( wash ) ④You'd better have that bad tooth _______ out . ( pull ) ⑤I want to have him _______ a car for me . ( find ) 八、①He doesn't do anything but _______ all day . ( play ) ②We have no choice but _______ . ( obey ) ③I'm thinking of how _______ my English . ( improve ) ④He made an apology for _____ late . ( be ) 九、①He told us about his trip in an _______ voice . ( excite ) ②He told us his story in a _______ voice . ( tremble ) ③At the sight of a snake , the little girl was very _______ . ( frighten ) ④The boy was _______ , so I didn't believe him again . ( disappoint ) 十、①He is looking forward to ______ college . ( enter ) ②He is looking forward to _____ nothing . ( see ) (类似于turn to do)


高中英语非谓语动词练习题及解析 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.—Come on,please give me some ideas about the project. —Sorry.With so much work _______ my mind,I almost break down. A.filled B.filling C.to fill D.being filled 【答案】B 【解析】 “with+复合结构”在句中表状态或说明背景情况,常作伴随、方式、原因、条件等状语,该结构由“名词(代词)+不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词-ing形式、动词-ed形式等”构成。with+名词+动词-ing形式用于强调名词是动词-ing形式的动作的发出者或某动作、状态正在进行。根据work与fill的关系可判断出要用动词-ing形式作宾语补足语,表示“工作充满了我的头脑”。动词-ed形式作宾语补足语表示被动。动词不定式作宾语补足语表示将要发生的事。 2.Don't turn a deaf ear to the advice which will make a ________to your future. A.mess B.difference C.fuss D.remark 【答案】B 【解析】 不要对能够对你未来产生影响的建议掩耳不闻。make a different to对什么有影响,是固定短语,所以选B。 3.Several years ago they found in England a tomb of a man ____ from around 2,300 B.C.A.dated B.dating C.dates D.to date 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:几年前,他们在英格兰发现了一个可追溯至公元前2300年左右的男子坟墓。date from表示“追溯到(某一时期),始于(某一时期)”,a tomb of a man(男子的坟墓)与date from之间为主动关系,应使用现在分词短语作后置定语,若用句子表示二者之间的关系,可以说成A tomb of a man dates from around 2,300 B.C.故选B。 4.There have been many advances in medicine in recent years. That means money ______ for medical research has been well spent. A.used B.using C.to use D.to be used 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查过去分词。句意:近年来医学取得了许多进展。这意味着用于医学研究的钱花得很


五中基本句型 一、主语+不及物动词(Subject+Intransitive Verb) 例如:They are running. 剖析:在此句中,谓语动词是不及物动词,不必加宾语就可表达一个完整的、明确无误的意思。有时为了表示动作发生的频率、原因、结果、目的、场所、时间等,可以带状语修饰动词,但状语不算句子的主要成分。 e.g.The students are playing under the tree. 常见的不及物动词有:come, go, listen, wait, climb, move, jump, laugh, sit, stay等。 二、主语+及物动词+宾语(Subject+Transitive Verb+Object) 例如:We read English every morning. e.g.My sister likes bread. I finished reading the book. 常见的及物动词有:like, finish, enjoy, want, play, make, help, take, read, tell, teach, do等。 三、主语+连系动词+表语(Subject+Link Verb+Predicative) 例如:They are English teachers. The days get longer. 剖析:此类句型的谓语动词是连系动词,它本身有一定的涵义,但不能独立作谓语,它必须和表语一起构成谓语。表语通常由名词、形容词或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语充当,说明主语是什么或怎么样。 e.g.My book is on the desk. The trees turn green in spring.


非谓语动词专项练习题含答案百度文库 一、非谓语动词 1.I really don't know this question. It is too hard. A. which to answer B. how to answer C. what to answer 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我真的不知道如何回答这个问题。它太难了。which to answer回答哪一个; how to answer怎么回答;what to answer回答什么;据It's too hard.可知此处指的是这个问题太难,不知道如何回答,选B 2.To my surprise, Daniel's parents allowed him ___________ Shanghai Disneyland with me. A. to visit B. visiting C. visit D. visits 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:让我吃惊的的,戴尔的父母允许他和我去上海迪士尼乐园。allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,固定短语,故选A。 【点评】此题考查动词不定式。注意固定短语allow sb. to do sth。 3.The policeman warned the man after drinking. A. not to drive B. to drive C. driving 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:警察警告那个男人不要酒后驾驶。warn sb not to do sth,警告某人不要做某事,故选A。 【点评】考查不定式,注意warn sb not to do的用法。 4.—I'm new here. —Don't worry. I'll do what I can ______ you. A. to help B. help C. helping D. helped 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:-我新来这儿。-别担心。我会做我能做的事情来帮助你的。What I can作的是句子的宾语。“我尽可能做”的目的是“帮助你”,作目的状语,用动词不定式形式。故选A。 【点评】本题考查非谓语动词。动词不定式做目的状语。 5.Taiji is my favorite and I often play it healthy. A. to keep B. keeps C. keeping D. kept 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:太极拳是我是最爱,为了保持我经常打太极拳。这里考查的是非


非谓语动词练习题 一、动词填空 1. _____________ (walk) is a good form of exercise for both young and old. (全国) 2. Eugene's never willing to alter any of his opinions. It’s no use __________(argue) with him. 3. Please remain _________(seat); the winner of the prize will be announced soon. (辽宁) 4. — Can I smoke here? —Sorry. We don’t allow ___________(smoke) here. (江苏) 5. It is difficult to imagine his ________(accept) the decision without any consideration. (陕西) 6. I can’t stand _________(work) with Jane in the same office. She just refuses ________(stop) talking while she works. (北京) 7. As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area need _____________ (repair). (陕西) 8. Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. She tried ________ (live) alone, but she didn’t like it and moved back home. (湖南) 9. — Robert is indeed a wise man. — Oh, yes. How often I have regretted ____________(not take) his advice! (安徽) 10. If you think that treating a woman well means always ________ (get) her permission for things, think again. (湖南) 11. At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _______________________(open and close) could be heard outside the classroom. (全国) 12. —They are quiet, aren’t they? —Yes. They are accustomed to _____________ (not talk) at meals. (江苏) 17. According to a recent U.S. survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week ________ (watch) TV. 18. I believe that’s the best way to prevent such a thing fro m ____________ (happen) again. 19. Did you have trouble in________ (find) the post office? (全国) 20. Sandy could do nothing but ________ (admit) to his teacher that he was wrong. (上海) 21. I smell something __________ (burn) in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute? (全国) 22. Don’t leave the water ________ (run) while you brush yo ur teeth. (天津) 23. It was so cold that they kept the fire ___________ (burn) all night. (全国) 24. The managers discussed the plan they would like to see _________ (carry) out the next year. 25. To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English ___________ (speak) as much as we can. (江苏) 26. He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them ____________(interest) in his lectures. (江苏) 27. Energy drinks are not allowed ________ (make) in Australia but are brought in from New Zealand. (上海) 28. My advisor encouraged me ________(take) a summer course to improve my writing skills. 29. My parents have always made me ________ (feel) good about myself, even when I was twelve. 30. They knew her very well. They had seen her ________ (grow) up from childhood. 31. The mother felt herself ________ (grow) cold and her hands trembled as she read the letter from the battlefield.
