

As we can see, this passage is a disaster report on the American’s 911 event. Since this event is such a serious emegerncy that sweeps through the world instantaneously, the author adpots the most frequently used structure in breaking news writing—the inverted pyramid form. In this structure, events are written in descending order of importance. It’s known to us that most newspaper leads are summary news leads, which usually include all the 5Ws and one H of the news. However, in my perspective, at the begining of this passage, the author uses a suspense lead without providing the complete element of news for us, which adds suspense interest to the story.

After setting up a suspense lead, the author offers us the details in the following paragraphs which consist of the body of this passage. Using a large number of direct or indirect quotations can help to show maximum objectivity and to decrease the color of personal slant. In addition, the author also adopts interpretative way of writing such as the eighth paragraph which potrays a vivid scene before us.

Inverted pyramid style: it is the most frequently used structure in news writing.

In this structure, events are written in descending order of importance. First of all, a terse lead is formed. The lead offers the most essential elements telling who, what, when, where, why and how of the story. Advantages: First, it is convenient for editors to decide the news value and cut the news from the bottom; Second, it is convenient for journalists to meet the deadline without missing any key facts; Third, it can help readers to find the main facts of the news quickly. Disadvantages: First, the main facts all frequently appear in the headline, lead and body, which would be suffocative to most readers; Second, the writing is not tightly organized and fully deployed, what’s more, the style is top heavy and lack of suspense interest.

8. News value determiners

A: timeliness or freshness;

Importance/consequence/impact/significance; Prominence;



Human interest;


大量事例的罗列Hard news (spot news/straight news): Events that are timely and are covered almost automatically by print and electronic media. They are often very serious and important news.

11. News structure

Pyramid style/the chronological style

It is composed by three parts, they are beginning, body and ending. To write a piece of news in pyramid style, a beginning is given first and events are written in time sequence. Writers can take advantage of narrative and descriptive writing, so it flows better and involves readers. At the meantime, it adds suspense interest to the story.

List technique

Wall Street journal formula: It tends to focus on individual.

12. Forms of reporting

Follow-ups/ follow-up stories (second cycle stories/ development stories)

Advantages: First, it attracts readers’ attention by accentuating on one important fact of the news; Second, it tends to fully deploy the news from different aspects, which can well make up for the contradiction in terms of freshness and integrity; Third, it helps to form the public opinion.

Content: Facts that are not mentioned in previous stories or some background of events.

The developments of the events;

Different opinions from people of all walks of life;

The prediction of the events;

Important facts that previously reported.

13.Features of leads

A: Succinct. A summary lead should outline a news story in no more than 35 words

Informative. A summary lead should contain the 5Ws of news.

Intriguing. Leads are sometimes called “grabbers”, which means it serves the duty to grab the readers’ attention. What’s more, leads should also be straightforward, varied, clear specific and active.

That’s why English journalists strugg le for the best wording and leave no stone unturned千方百计.

14.Types of leads

Summary lead/roundup lead

Main fact lead

Descriptive lead

Direct address lead

Quotation lead (full quotation lead/partial quotation lead) Suspense lead

Delayed lead/multi-paragraph lead

Contrast lead

Question lead

Anecdotal lead

Combined lead/multiple element lead

Label lead (empty lead)

17.Sources of news reporting

Accurate news sources: with the name of organization, people or agency;

Implied news sources: people who do not want to be told the name, or sources from nonsense people that readers do not have interest in, as used like “witness said”

Use fuzzy words to imply the sources such as “it is said”

18.Difference between feature and news.

A: Three differences.

First, their focus is not the same. News reporting provides all facts that are related. It tends to focus on inclusiveness and integrity of the news, while features only present the most characteristic and impressive episode of the story. A piece of news shows a panorama, but a feature gives an enlarged close-up.

Secondly, their writing purpose is not exactly the same. News only tries to inform the readers, while features try harder to attract the reader’s attention with more detailed and descriptive writing.

Thirdly, their composition structure is not always the same. News reporting for most cases adopts inverted pyramid form, but features follow no such rule. It can be very flexible in terms of structure.

Proper insert of backgrounds, it makes the news more understandable to readers and deepens the thesis of the news. There are contrast back-grounding, interpretative back-grounding and explanative back-grounding to be insert when necessary.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/f25157345.html,e direct or indirect quotations to show maximum

objectivity and to decrease the color of personal slant. Use dashes破折号to insert parenthetical附加说明的statement in order to give more background and show the opinions of people related,

Use figure of speech in a flexible way, which makes the story more readable, vivid and attractive. The common figures are: alliteration头韵, humor, contrast, exaggeration, witticism名言and so on.

20. Wording features

As in journalistic English, words of certain people often quoted, so there are various words used to express the meaning of saying, such as “allege”, “claim” and “argue” are often used.

Abundant vogue words流行字眼can be seen in journalistic English, their special meanings come into being in a certain current and disappear afterwards. “Trauma” is one of such kind of words. Use the words vividly to put the readers into action or gives them a feeling of participation.

21.First, most newspaper leads are summary leads, which include all the 5Ws of the news.

22. The disadvantages of the news just with objectivity


First, it pays too much attention to the clarity简明without considering the readers’ comprehension ability. Second, it neglects the journalists’ initiative.

So, reporters often use interpretative way of writing which will make up all those disadvantages.


一Highlight 1西方的新闻定义介绍 《纽约太阳报》主编约翰·博加特:―狗咬人不是新闻,人咬狗才是新闻.‖ 美国的新闻学教师约斯特在1924年编撰的《新闻学原理》中提出―新闻是已经发生或正在发生的事情的报道.‖ 在西方新闻界影响持久的新闻定义是《纽约先驱论坛报》城市版主编斯坦利·沃尔克:新闻有赖于3个―W‖:―woman(女人)、wampum(钱财)、wrong-doing(坏事).‖ 还有一种说法,新闻就是能够让女人叫一声―my god!‖的事情. 新闻是―东西南北之事‖:north east west south 各自开头的字母。 2新闻产生的历史 Main content of this paragraph is the history of the journalism. 3新闻价值 这里讲的主要有5点,重要性、时新性、显著性、反常性和人情味. 没有提到接近性或者叫贴近性(proximity [pr ],n.临近,靠近).这一点,中西也是有差异的,西方非常重视人情味、反常性,我们对这两点并不重视,而非常重视显著性,重要性倒显得其次,这就是为什么我们的非典、西藏事件报道显得那么被动.这有新闻媒体的责任,但更多的是行政管制过多的问题. 4新闻(消息)结构 二重点讲解 1什么是新闻 (1)重点中西新闻存在着很大的认识差异.对新闻的认识不同,导致新闻操作的不同. 中央电视台新闻联播和美国New York Time做个比较. 政治都是排第一位的,但是我们的永远是会议新闻、领导活动第一位;而西方则关注重要的政策和决议及其民众的反应;其次,在报道倾向上,我国正面报道为主,西方则更多更关注负面;从内容上看,我国的报道总是常规性报道,领导、跟着时间变化的周期性话题,近年来也加上了一些突发事情、公共危机等事件的的报道,所以有人带讽刺性地总结说,我国的新闻联播,前十分钟领导们都很忙,中间十分钟,人民的生活都很幸福,后十分钟,国外的人民生活在水深火热之中;西方则总是灾难当头,揭丑很多,似乎天下就没太平过.从功能上看,西方新闻就是告知信息,检测社会,我国则主要用于政治宣传. (2)hard news and soft news 硬新闻:源于西方新闻学的一个名词,指题材较为严肃,着重于思想性、指导性和知识性的政治、经济、科技新闻.受众阅读或视听这类新闻时,只能产生延缓报酬效应,所以称这类新闻为―硬新闻‖. 软新闻:源于西方新闻学的一个名词,指那些人情味较浓、写得轻松活泼、易于引起受众感观刺激和阅读视听兴趣、能产生即时报酬效应的新闻.社会新闻大致属于这类新闻. 纯新闻:即直截了当的事实报道,不加解释分析,不以文采和材料的有趣取胜的新闻. 2选择什么样的英文报刊阅读 3选择什么样的通讯社 国内报刊China daily, 21st century, Shanghai star, business weekly 国外报纸The new York times https://www.360docs.net/doc/f25157345.html,/ Time(时代)https://www.360docs.net/doc/f25157345.html, Reader‘s Digest(读者文摘)https://www.360docs.net/doc/f25157345.html,/splash.jhtml Newsweek(新闻周刊)https://www.360docs.net/doc/f25157345.html,/news/NW-front_Front.asp Fortune(财富)https://www.360docs.net/doc/f25157345.html,/ Business Week(商业周刊)https://www.360docs.net/doc/f25157345.html, National Geographic(国家地理杂志)https://www.360docs.net/doc/f25157345.html, Playboy(花花公子)https://www.360docs.net/doc/f25157345.html,/ Main media of the West The US: 1 news agency,1 network,6 newspapers, 5 magazines The UK: 1 news agency, 7 newspapers, 1 mag France: 1 news agency Germany


报刊英语单词精华-商业类(一) 报刊英语单词精华-商业类(一):63.account :财务帐;帐户A record of financial transactions kept in a ledger. 在分类帐中保存的财务来往记录。A bank account 银行帐户A customer or client 顾客或客户 商业·Business 63.account :财务帐;帐户 A record of financial transactions kept in a ledger. 在分类帐中保存的财务来往记录。 A bank account 银行帐户 A customer or client 顾客或客户 Let’s check the account again. 我们再查一遍帐。 How much is left in our bank account. 银行帐上还剩多少。 This firm is our best account. 这家商行是我们最好的客户。 64.accounting :会计 A system and process of gathering and recording financial information that provides a continuous balance between assets and liabilities. 收集和记录财务住处的制度和过程,并据此不断提供资产和负债之间的余额。 You need to discuss that matter with the accounting department.


三天搞定英语语法 英语语法分为两个部分。一个部分是词法,即词的构成和词的使用规律。另一个部分是句法,即句子的组成和句子的使用方法。 英语语法的特点可以用三句话来表示:1、每个词都有词性;2、每句话都有动词(实意动词或系动词);3、每句话都必须符合五个基本句型。 三句话用一句话来说,就是,标出句中每一个单词的词性,找出句中所有动词,并标出其种类和相应的句子成分。理解,掌握,运用好这句话,按照一:词性;二:动词种类;三:动词相对应的句子成分;四:从句;五:非谓语动词方法就能透彻理解英语语法体系。 词的分类 词类又叫词性,英语单词根据其在句子中的功能,可以分成十个大类。 词类词义英语名称缩写形式例词中译 noun n. student 学生 1、名词表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名 称。 2、代词主要用来代替名词。pronoun pron. you 你 3、形容词表示人或事物的性质或特征。adjective adj. happy 高兴的 4、数词表示数目或事物的顺序。numeral num. three 三 5、动词表示动作或状态。verb v. cut 砍、割 adverb adv. quickly 迅速地 6、副词修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时 间、地点、程度等。 7、冠词用在名词前,帮助说明名词。article art. a 一个 preposition prep. at 在... 8、介词表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句 子成分的关系。 9、连词用来连接词、短语或句子。conjunction conj. and 和 10、感叹词表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。interjection interj. Oh 哦 词性的分类: 修饰: 形容数冠代词名词 (red)(one)(a/the)(my)wood 1.名词 代替: 代词it 形容词the red 数词one


英语报刊常见栏目名称 Ad/Advertisement广告Agony ['?g?n? Column答读者问专栏;私事广告专栏Anecdote ['? n/kd??t]趣闻轶事Around Nation 国内新闻 Around The Country国内新闻版Around The World国际新闻版 Backgrounding 新闻背景Blurb [bl??b]Sj 品信息 Book Page书评专页Book Review书评 Books书评Brief简讯;简明新闻Briefing简报 Budget 要闻索引Bulletin['b?l??i]新闻简报Business/Trade商业/ 贸易 Business商业版Campus Life校园生Candid ['k?nd?] Camera抓拍镜头;有照为凭Caricature [k?r??t??漫画;讽刺画Chitchat ['t?tt?? t] Column 闲话栏 City本市新闻版City Edition本埠新闻版;地方新闻版City Page>融和商业新闻版Classified Ads/Classified Advertising类广告Column 专栏;栏目 Comic Strip连环画Continued Story连载故事 Correspondence Column读者来信栏Cover Story (杂志)封面报道 Critique [kr?'ti?有论(区别: critic,批评家/评论家) Crossword猜字游戏;纵横填字字谜Culture/Science文化/科技 Digest [da?d??st]文摘document 文件摘要Domestic 国内新闻 Domestic News国内新闻Double Dayoff Supplement双休特刊 Economics And Business贸版Editor's Note 编者按 Editorial Page/Editorials 社论版;言论版 英文报刊常用术语


英文报刊阅读小技巧 报刊是人们了解国内外大事的窗口,尤其是在社会经济文化迅速发展,国际交流日益频繁的今天,报刊的作用就更为突出。在我国,越来越多的读者想利用英文报刊了解国内外时事,开拓视野,增长知识。如何快速而准确地获得英文报刊的信息,已成为广大读者急需解决的问题。为此,本文着重谈谈阅读英文报刊时需注意的几个方面。 首先,必须掌握英文报刊标题的语言特点。标题是新闻报道的点睛之笔,通常以鲜明的黑体大字在文章的抢眼处标出,它既要扣住全文要点,突出中心,又要新颖醒目,其作用不可忽视。但对不少读者来说,首先碰到的问题是:不少标题奇特,无法一看就懂。究竟是什么东西妨碍顺利阅读和准确理解标题呢?原因在于新闻报道作为一种独特的文体,它的文法和用词与一般的书面英语有很大的区别。这一点在标题的使用上显得尤为突出。因此,对英语学习者来说,掌握标题的语言特点,是读懂标题的关键。新闻报道标题的主要特点是短而精,力求删繁就简,具体表现在两个方面:一是省略某些语法功能的虚词;二是标题的时态有其特定的习惯用法。归纳起来,其语言特点见之于下: 1.在不发生歧义的情况下,冠词往往被省略。例如: Boy,7,killed by Ejection From Cockpit of Navy Jet(The Washington Post)Standard English:A Boy,7,killed by Ejection From the Cockpit of a Navy Jet Chinese Population Is Put at 1.3 Billion(International Herald Tribune)Standard English:The Chinese Population Is Put at 1.3 Billion 2.系动词经常被省略。例如: Joblessness Still a Problem(China Daily) Standard English:Joblessness Is Still a Problem Forecast of Mexican quake accurate,but ignored(Science News)Standard English:The Forecast of Mexican quake is accurate,but it is ignored 3.连词、代词、引导词也会省略。例如: Kings,sheiks rap USSR,US(China Daily) Standard English:Kings and sheiks rap USSR and US Anne and baby are well(South China Morning Post) Standard English:Anne and her baby are well Far fewer pitclosures and job losses likely than rumored(The Times)


2020最新大学英语学习计划首先要抓好专业课。抓住了专业课就等于抓住了基本功。 把舞会,约会,网会变成阅读,听力,翻译,您会发现你的到的更多。 翻译需要深厚的汉语功底,所以请您英汉并重,千万别忽略了汉语素养的提高。但是时间总是有限的,我建议您多看些大书虫之类英汉对照的书籍,最好是外研社出版的,译文质量高些。难的资料可以粗读,刚开始可以先读汉语后读英语,比如鲁迅的作品。简单一些的可以英汉对照互译,边阅读边在心里翻译,比如海明威的一些作品。 打好了坚实的基础还要花些时间来做些翻译联系,选择些短小精炼的散文中英文对照书籍,译文质量很高的还可以背诵一些。这些联系最好放在开翻译课的那一年来进行,边学翻译理论,边做练习。注意练习要在题材上覆盖一定的面。 同时,多注意时文,报刊,杂志,准备个本子,多记录写平时遇到的经典表达的英汉互译。还有翻译也有很多门类,比如科技英语,法律英语等,各不相同,你可以根据自己兴趣选择一个偏向,以便将来考研 多看看关于翻译理论方面的书。 要当翻译最好去考个人事部二级翻译执业资格证(三级要求低了点,当然你可考虑先考三级)。 此考试对专业、年龄、学历没有限制,是一项准入制相当宽的考试。

三级翻译水平适合非英语专业的六级过了的考生或英语专业大专水平的人去考,而二级则是英语专业本科或研究生水平的人可考。 一个合格的翻译需要有较高的中外文造诣和丰富的翻译经验(50万字以上),并应不间断地进行翻译练习,这样才能保持较高的翻译水准。以英语为例,并不是大学英语考过6级或8级就可以做翻译,大学英语6-8级只要求6000左右单词的词汇量。这对于读懂稍有难度的稿件是不够的。更重要的是,应试的英语考试与实际的翻译需求之间存在者很大的差别。 1.表达能力 对于自己能够理解的内容,应能够流畅地表达出来,即良好的中外文文字表达能力。最简单的检验自己表达能力的方式是看自己用母语的写作水平。如果用母语写作时文章的组织、语法、句法、词汇等方面有问题,那么在翻译的过程种,无疑也会出现这些问题。文字的表达能力差,是无法作一个合格的翻译的。如希望作合格的翻译,首先需要练习自己的表达能力。这是一个漫长的过程。勤思考勤练习是不可缺少的。 2.理解能力 理解能力指的是翻译时,对原文的理解和把握。理解能力包括两个方面:文字理解能力和专业理解能力。文字理解指的是对原文(以英文为例)的理解。这种理解需要能够准确地把握在上下文环境中,一句话的确切含义。能很好地理解原文是一名合格的翻译所不可或缺的能力。能够很好地理解原文,不仅需要较强的阅读能力,还需要了解其相关的背景知识。对于专业性稿件尤其如此。专业的


一、选择题 1.My grandfather is 85 years old. he's in excellent condition. A.Or B.And C.As D.So 2.Tony is English ________ he is thirteen years old. A.but B.and C.or D.so 3.—Alice didn't go to the party ______her illness. —I'm sorry to hear that. A.because B.but C.so D.because of 4.-- I bought Granny a present, ___ she didn't like it. A.but B.and C.or D.so 5.Plan ahead for everything, _______ you will have a hurry life. A.and B.or C.for D.but 6.My brother will get up early tomorrow morning ___________ he must go to bed now. A.and B.but C.so D.or 7.I live far away from my school, ________ I have to get up early every day. A.and B.but C.so D.or 8.— Would you like some cakes? — No, thanks. They smell delicious I’m not hungry. A.and B.so C.but D.or 9.Lucy is my classmate,_______ she is twelve too. A.because B.but C.so D.and 10.I know her, ____________I forget(忘了)her name. A.so B.and C.but 11.He speaks English French. He speaks Chinese. A.either; or B.not only; but also C.both; and D.neither; nor 12.The UK is a small__________beautiful country. A.and B.but C.so 13.—What happened just now? —A car hit an old man at the crossing. He was hurt, not too bad. A.and B.or C.so D.but 14.His schoolbag _____ his baseball are on the sofa,____ his clock is not. A.and ,and B.but, but C.and ,but D.but, and 15.—Let’s talk about the result of the survey. —________ many students like to watch sports shows, ________ game shows are the most popular. A.Although; but B.Although; / C.But; although D.But; /


报刊杂志常见的英语缩略语 APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织 BBS - Bulletin Board System 电子布告栏系统,现在国内统称为论坛 CBD - Central Business District 中心商务区 CET - College English Test (中国)大学英语等级考试 CEO - Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官 CIA - Central Intelligence Agency (美国)中央情报局 DIY - Do It Yourself 自己动手做 DJ - Disc Jockey 电台的音乐节目主持人 EMS - Express Mail Service 邮政特快专递服务 FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation 美国联邦调查局 GDP - Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值 GNP - Gross National Product 国民生产总值 GPS - Global Positioning System 全球定位系统 GSM - Global System For Mobile Communications 全球移动通讯系统 HSK - Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi 汉语水平考试 IT - Information Technology 信息技术 ISO - International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织 IQ - Intelligence Quotient 智商 MBA - Master Of Business Administration 工商管理硕士 NASDAQ - National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations 全美证券商协会自动报价系统,但目前已成为纳斯达克股票市场的代名词。 OPEC - Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织 VIP - Very Important Person 贵宾, 大人物


1.abstract art : 抽象派艺术 2.abstract expressionism : 抽象表现 派;抽象表现主义 3.action painting : 动作画派 4.airbrush : 喷枪;气笔 5.art deco: 装饰派艺术 6.art nouveau: 新艺术 7.avent-garde : 先锋派 8.Baroque: xx风格 9.batik: 蜡防印花 10.Bauhaus: xx建筑风格

12.calligraphy书法艺术 13.cartoon草图,底图 14.ceramics 15.collage: 拼贴艺术 艺术作品 18.cubism: 立方主义;xx 19.Dada: 达达主义 20.drawing: 素描 21.expressionism: 表现主义 22.fresco: xx壁画技法;湿壁画23.funk art: 非理性艺术;恶臭艺术24.futurism: 未来主义

25.genre: 风俗画 26.Gothic: xx风格 27.gouache: 树胶水彩颜料 28. graphic arts: 平面造型艺术 29.hard-edge: 锋刃派绘画的;硬边画的 30.history painting:历史题材的绘画31.hyperrealism: 高度写实主义 32.impressionism:印象主义,xx 33.Kakemono: 画轴 活动艺术 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f25157345.html,ndscape:

风景画,山水画36.medium: 溶剂,调色剂,材料37.Ming: 具有明代艺术特色的37.minimal art: 极简抽象艺术;最小主义艺术 38.modernism: 现代主义 39.mosaic: xx;镶嵌工艺,镶嵌40.mural: 壁画;壁饰 41.neoclassicism: 新古典主义 42.new wave: 新浪潮 43.nude: 裸体画,裸体像44.oil paint:


一、选择题 1.Peter would like a bowl of ________noodles. A.tomato and egg B.tomato and eggs C.tomatoes and eggs D.tomatoes and egg 2.________wild animals are disappearing because of the ________of their living areas. A.The number of; lost B.The number of; losing C.A number of; lose D.A number of; loss 3.I’m hungry. I want some _________. A.water B.bread C.toys D.homework 4.Is it a picture_________ your school? A.of B.to C.and D.with 5.There are two________ near our school. A.shoe shops B.shoes shops C.shoe's shops D.shoes' shops 6.---- _________ is it from Nanjing to Beijing? --- It’s less than three ___________ flight. A.How long, hour’s B.How far, hour’s C.How long, hours’D.How far, hours’ 7.There is a______ shop and two_______ shops not far away from my school. A.sports; shoe B.sports; shoes C.sport; shoe D.sport; shoes 8.—I hear your family have made up their ________ to India next month. Have a pleasant journey. —Thank you. A.mind travelling B.minds travelling C.mind to travel D.minds to travel 9.—Do you know Shanghai is one of _______ in the world? —Yes, it’s bigger than _______ city in China. A.the biggest city; any B.the biggest cities; any C.the biggest cities; any other D.the biggest cities; the other 10.Some ________went to Japan to help when they knew that many ________ lost their homes in the earthquake. A.Germen; Japanese B.Frenchmen; Japaneses C.Germans; Japanese 11.There________some water in the bottle. A.is B.am C.are D.be 12.________the________Mike’ s and Jack’s? A.Is, rooms B.Are, room C.Are, rooms D.Is, room 13.Good food and_______help her_______better. A.exercise; study B.exercise; studies


News Words 1.The Olympic theme restaurant on the third floor of the Bird's Nest is currently undergoing a trial phase, and is likely to go into formal operation in mid-August. 2.All the dishes will be free of fertilizer and hormones. 3.Thieves prey on tourists, and foreign visitors are easy marks with their brightly-colored clothing, comically oversized backpack s, camera strung around their necks, maps sticking out of every pocket. 4.The loud cheers drown out his shouts. 5.发邀请函send a messsge of invitation 6.考察团survey group 7.省/地委书记procincial/prefectural party committee secretary 8.文化融合acculturation; 文化渗透cultural infiltration 9.前沿理念up-to-date concept 10.集中体现main embodiment 11.咨询委员会advisory committee 12.吉兆propitious omens凶兆Those black clouds look ominous for our picnic. 13.辞旧迎新say goodbye to the old year and ring in the new 14.相传as legend goes 15.对联antithetical couplet 16.传统观念conventional wisdom 17.精神压抑、身心疲惫mental depression and physical exhaustion 18.一去不复返了…… Long gone are the days when…. 19.公司安排我来招待你Our company has assigned me to be your host during your stay here in Hangzhou. 20.路上辛苦了吧?How is your flight? 21.人行立交桥pedistrian overpass 22.高架道路overpass/viaduct 23.涵洞underpass 24.cool down the property market 25.鱼子酱caviar [?k?vi?ɑr] 26.历史源远流长can trace back to the ancient times 27.表演项目demostration event 28.奖品trophy 29.奖状certificate of merit 30.防碎包装breakage-proof packing 31.零售网点retail outlets 32.行事果断,但又不咄咄逼人assertive, but not aggressive 33.极大反响tremendous response 34.Jackie Chan embodied the Hong Kong spirit 35.At least 76 people were injured as of 4 pm on Sunday and rescuers were racing against time to dig out survivors from crushed homes 36.暴雨torrential rain 37.社会旅客运输总量达到139亿人次The total number of passengers on public transportation services reached 13.9 billion person-trips. 38.港口吞吐量port throughput 39.海运协定maritime agreement


《英美报刊选读》 一、教学目的 通过本课程的学习,使学员对英美报刊有一个清晰的了解,认识英美报刊语言、文体、词汇、语法等基本特点,掌握英美报刊阅读的基本知识及技巧,为独立阅读英美报刊打下良好的基础。 二、教材特点 与该课程旧教材(第1版)相比,本教材具有以下特点: 1.为使学生改变以往依赖教师和英汉词典的学习习惯,培养他们独自排解疑难词语的能力,编者不但向他们推荐工具书,并教授他们使用方法;为使他们能加深对词汇的记忆,还介绍词法和重要词根及词缀。 2.为使学生掌握必要的新闻词语和扩大词汇量,本书在“新闻词语解说”中尽量结合课文,讲透疑难词语。此外还列出一些与这些词语或课文内容有关的课外词汇。 3.为使学生掌握必要的读报知识,本书在“背景知识”中尽量结合课文,介绍重要的并时常见诸报端的人物、党派和组织机构等,并举例说明其重要性。 4.为使学生对新闻写作有一个大致的认识,加深对课文的理解,编者较系统地说明标题的若干特点,对新闻体裁的分类、导语和写作特点及常语等做了简介。 三、教学内容 $ 《英美报刊选读》为省开课程。 1.授课内容:重点为第1、3、4、5、6、8、13、15、17、19、20、21、24、28、30课(共15课),其它内容主要供自学。 2.课时安排: a) 学员自学:2学时/周,共30学时学完15课。 b)面授辅导:4学时/次,共4次。每学时辅导一课,最后一学时复习。 3.作业:共四次,在湖北电大网站英语本科网页上下载,课后完成,交辅导教师批改,评分,作为平时成绩的主要依据。学员完成作业后,可浏览网页上的“答案及详解”,以加深理解,检查自己掌握的情况 四、教学建议 教师授课时应以学生为中心,鼓励学生自己去探索和获取知识。在上课时,可要求学生先回答每课后的练习题——Questions,使他们基本了解课文的主要内容。然后,再逐段或跳跃式选段对学生需要掌握的内容、新闻词语和背景知识进行阅读和问答式方式讲解。如果备


I. 所学习过文章中的词汇: stress disorder (PTSD) 创伤后紧张症 in action (MIA) 战争中失踪的 团体,派别 ballistic missile (ICBM) 洲际导弹 of mass destruction (WMD) 大规模杀伤性武器 unidentified intelligence source 未经确认的情报资源 missiles 地对空导弹 (the World Health Organisation) 世界卫生组织 (American Civil Liberties Union) 美国公民自由协会 Rights Watch (HRW) 人权检查站 detention 预防性拘留,防护关押 tranining camps 基地组织训练营地 国会议员 shadow cabinet 影子内阁(顾问团) House of Commons 下议院(议会下院,平民院) deputy leader of the Labour party 劳工党的代理领导 senior Conservative/Labour backbencher 年长的保守派、工党的后座议员(普通议员) ’s ?t Hennessy (法国)轩尼诗 企业界大亨 韩国大企业、韩国财阀 waste 城市垃圾 垃圾填埋地 Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) 国际自然保护联盟United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) 联合国环境规划署 全球定位系统 needy 困难职工,贫穷的人 have-nots 贫民 China Charity Federation 中国慈善联盟 UN World Food Programme 世界粮食计划署 relief, tax break 税款减免,所得税宽减额 32.Britain’s Got Talent Brandenburg Gate 勃兰登堡门 II. Appendixes 报刊名称 III. News agencies AP,美国联合通讯社 UPI,合众国际社 Reuters,路透社


06级英语专业《最新英美报刊选读》课程提纲 [日期:2008-02-28] 来源:作者:王法昌[字体:大中小] 一、课程目标: 根据教育部最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》对高等学校非英语专 业本科毕业生的阅读能力所提出的三个层次的要求,本课程目标为:经过本课程的学 习,使学生符合其中的较高要求和更能高要求,即学生在阅读理解能力上要能基本读 懂英语国家大众性报纸杂志的一般性题材的文章,阅读速度为每分钟70个词。 二、教学内容: 本课程使用的教材是由中国人民大学出版社出版的《最新英美报刊选读》。根据高职的学制,学生在第三个学期内学完本册,主要教学内容如下: 1、课堂教学内容:本教材按文章内容分为12个单元,共计48篇,文章字数大都在600-900字以内。各单元内容分别为:焦点透视、社会人生、文教医疗、财政经济、政治体制、科技军事、世界报道、观念信仰、家庭生活、艺术青春、环境保护、体育运动。每篇文章包括导读、正文、生词、难点注释、背景知识、新闻知识、阅读理解及热点思考八部分。导读部分言简意赅,易于引起读者的兴趣和共鸣;生词表列出了文中四级后的词汇(即《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》中较高要求和更高要求的词汇),同时注有词性和音标,并有双语解释,便于学生自学;难点注释内容翔实丰富,既能提高语言能力,又能拓宽阅读视野;背景知识用汉语介绍了文章相关历史事件和社会热点问题,便于理解和掌握文章的内容;新闻知识介绍了英美报刊的语言特点和新闻常识;阅读理解题和热点讨论题有利于帮助读者提高理解能力和思辨能力。 在授课过程中,教师可适当增加中国报刊、英美文学、西方风俗文化、日常交际用语等的知识,以扩大学习者知识面、开阔其视野,加深其对外部世界的了解,从而借鉴和吸收外国文化精华,提高其文化素养。 2、实践内容:定期收听英语发射台广播的英语节目,并于每学期举行一次阅读测试、两次听力测试,同时筛选、指导学生参加口语演讲竞赛、英语戏剧俱乐部、英语戏剧表演等。 3、教学重点:前期侧重听力训练、英语会话、语法、词汇等;后期重点 在修辞、翻译、写作、练习题等方面;听、说、读、写、译贯穿始终。 三、课程教材:


一、选择题 1.—_________ is it from Wuxi to Shanghai? —It’s about ________ drive. A.How long; a two hours’B.How far; a two-hours C.How far; two hours’D.How long; a two-hour 2.________the________Mike’ s and Jack’s? A.Is, rooms B.Are, room C.Are, rooms D.Is, room 3.— Do you know all the names in your class, Mr King? —No, only part of them. A.student B.students C.student’s D.students’4.Alan usually goes to Harbin in .He likes playing with snow. A.May B.July C.September D.November 5.Is it a picture_________ your school? A.of B.to C.and D.with 6.—Let’s make a banana milk shake. —How many ________ do we need? A.bananas B.cup of milk C.honey 7.—Do _________ like going to ___________? —I don’t know. A.woman teachers, clothes shops B.women teachers, clothes shops C.woman teachers, sport shops D.women teachers, vegetables shops 8.—I hear your family have made up their ________ to India next month. Have a pleasant journey. —Thank you. A.mind travelling B.minds travelling C.mind to travel D.minds to travel 9.—Do you know Shanghai is one of _______ in the world? —Yes, it’s bigger than _______ city in China. A.the biggest city; any B.the biggest cities; any C.the biggest cities; any other D.the biggest cities; the other 10.—What does your mother have for dinner? — A.Chickens and tomato B.Chicken and tomatoes.C.Chicken and tomato.11.My sister and I like eating two _______ and some _______ for dinner. They are really delicious. A.salad; eggs B.salads; eggs C.salad; eggs D.salads; egg 12.—Do you think it is _______good advice? —Yes, it’s really _______useful suggestion.


英文报刊常用术语A-Z-其他行业英语 英文报刊常用术语A-Z accredited journalist n.特派记者 advertisement n.广告 advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n.消息出处;消息来源 back alley news n.小道消息 backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里 banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt."开天窗" body n.新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n.花边新闻 brief n.简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n.署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt.审查(新闻稿件);新闻审查 chart n.(每周流行音乐等)排行榜

clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家 continued story 连载故事;连载小说 contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿 contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column 读者来信专栏 correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者 cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n.封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图 vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);"挖"(新闻) digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 editor's notes 编者按 exclusive n.新闻 expose n.揭丑新闻;新闻曝光 extra n.号外
