



The United States of America Universal Studios ( also known as universal studios ' Universal Studio Hollywood ' ), is the world's largest film, television studios and film theme park, cinema located in the world famous film sacred Hollywood ' Hollywood ' near the Universal City, is located in Losangeles City, near the famous tourist spot is one of the few.

美国环球影城(又称为环球片场)〈Universal Studio, Hollywood〉是世界上最大的电影、电视制片厂及以电影题材为主的主题公园,影城位于世界著名的电影圣地好莱坞〈Hollywood〉附近的 Universal City,是位于洛杉矶市附近的几个著名观光点之一。


In the Universal Studios film can visit actual behind the scenes and special photographic skills, backlot tram. Along the route will pass through diamond, earthquake, the great white shark and other film scene, experience the gorilla shock, earthquake and volcano eruption, great white terror. Tour bus will undergo some western towns, such as New York, London, Berlin, such as the ancient city of Rome film locations.



一.C语言关键字对照 关键字,又称保留字,是C语言中已预先定义、具有特定含义的标识符。 注:C语言中共有32个关键字,所有关键字都用小写字母表示,且这些关键字不能用作用户标识符。即关键字由系统定义,具有特定的含义,不能重作其它定义。 32个关键字如下: 1.数据定义 C语言中所有的变量都具有某种类型,其定义的基本格式是:类型变量名; int:整型 short:短整型 long:长整型 signed:有符号型 unsigned:无符号型 char:字符型 float:单精度型 double:双精度型 const:定义常量 typedef:类型定义 2.存储类别 一般在变量的定义前面,用于指定变量的存储类别,如果缺省的话,则默认是auto。 auto:自动变量 static:静态变量 register:寄存器变量 extern:外部变量 3.结构 C语言中除了提供一些基本数据类型外,还提供了结构体,共有体以及枚举,用来实现多个变量的集合表示。 struct:结构体 union:共用体 enum:枚举类型 4.语句 C语言中提供了一些语句来实现程序的基本结构。 if:条件判断(假如) else:不满足条件(否则) for:循环 do:与while一起使用,直到型循环 while:当型循环 goto:无条件跳转语句 switch:多分支选择语句 case:分支,在switch语句块中表示不同的分支

default:缺省,一般在switch语句中使用 continue:继续(结束本次循环) break:中断(跳出整个循环) return:返回 void:空类型(用于函数没有返回值时) 5.预处理 #define:定义一个宏名来代替一个字符串 #include:引入程序所需要的头文件 #undef:条件编译 #ifdef:假如定义 #ifndef:假如没有定义 6.其他 sizeof:用于计算所占内存空间的大小 volatile: C语言关键字volatile(注意它是用来修饰变量而不是上面介绍的__volatile__)表明某个变量的值可能在外部被改变,因此对这些变量的存取不能缓存到寄存器,每次使用时需要重新存取 二.Turboc2.0 环境中常用的关键词 File(文件) Load(加载) New(新建) Save(保存) Write to(另存为) Directory(目录) Change dir(改变目录) Quit(结束) Run(运行) Program reset(程序重置) Goto cursor(运行到光标处) Trace into(跟踪) Step over(单部执行) Compile(编译) Compile to obj(编译成目标文件) Make EXE file(制作可执行文件) Link EXE file(链接可执行文件) Build all(创建全部) Options(选项)


FINANCIAL INNOV ATION Like other industries, the financial industry is in business to earn profits by selling its products. If a soap company perceives that there is a need in the marketplace for a laundry detergent with fabric softener, it develops a product to fit the need .Similarly, in order to maximize their profits, financial institutions develop new products to satisfy their own needs as well as those of their customers; in other words, innovation-which can be extremely beneficial to the economy-is driven by the desire to get (or stay) rich. This view of the innovation process leads to the following simple analysis: A chance in the financial institutions for innovations that are likely to be profitable. Starting in the 1960s, individuals and financial institutions operating in financial markets were confronted with drastic changes in the economic environment: Inflation and interest rates climbed sharply and became hard to predict, a situation that changed demand conditions in financial markets. Computer technology advanced rapidly, which changed supply conditions. In addition, financial regulations became especially inconvenient. Banking institution discovers many old ways of doing business being able to not have earned money again; they provide the masses finance with service and financial products sale neither well. Many financial intermediary is discovered they have no way to raise having arrived at a fund, but these self that will not a suspense of business right away with original tradition finance implement. For existing under new economy environment, research and development puts up banking institution be obliged to being able to satisfy customer need moreover the new product being able to gain a profit of and serving, this process is called financial engineering. In their case, necessity was the mother of innovation. Our discussion of why financial innovation occurs suggests that there are three basic types of financial innovations: Escapism to responding to needing condition change, to the small advantages supplying with condition change and to controlling. We have had one now understandable that banking institution is innovative for instance the cause institutions, let’s look at examples of how financial institutions in their search for profits have produced financial innovations of the three basic types. 1


Household Register Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorney ship of a citizen and the

relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the householder and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register. 2.The householder shall take the household register in safekeeping; the household register is prohibited to be altered, transferred and leased. When the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed. 3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority; any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet. 4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items. 5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the household register shall be turned in and cancelled. Record of Dwelling Address Alteration


当今时代是一个自动化时代,交通灯控制等很多行业的设备都与计算机密切相关。因此,一个好的交通灯控制系统,将给道路拥挤、违章控制等方面给予技术革新。随着大规模集成电路及计算机技术的迅速发展,以及人工智能在控制技术方面的广泛运用,智能设备有了很大的发展,是现代科技发展的主流方向。本文介绍了一个智能交通灯系统的设计。该智能交通灯控制系统可以实现的功能有:对某市区的四个主要交通路口进行监控;各路口有固定的工作周期,并且在道路拥挤时中控中心能改变其周期;对路口违章的机动车能够即时拍照,并提取车牌号。在世界范围内,一个以微电子技术,计算机和通信技术为先导的,以信息技术和信息产业为中心的信息革命方兴未艾。而计算机技术怎样与实际应用更有效的结合并有效的发挥其作用是科学界最热门的话题,也是当今计算机应用中空前活跃的领域。本文主要从单片机的应用上来实现十字路口交通灯智能化的管理,用以控制过往车辆的正常运作。 The times is a automation times nowadays , traffic light waits for much the industry

equipment to go hand in hand with the computer under the control of. Therefore, a good traffic light controls system , will give road aspect such as being crowded , controlling against rules to give a technical improvement. With the fact that the large-scale integrated circuit and the computer art promptness develop, as well as artificial intelligence broad in the field of control technique applies, intelligence equipment has had very big development , the main current being that modern science and technology develops direction. The main body of a book is designed having introduced a intelligence traffic light systematically. The function being intelligence traffic light navar's turn to be able to come true has: The crossing carries out supervisory control on four main traffic of some downtown area; Every crossing has the fixed duty period , charges centre for being able to change it's period and in depending on a road when being crowded; The motor vehicle breaking rules and regulations to the crossing is able to take a photo immediately , abstracts and the vehicle shop sign. Within world range, one uses the microelectronics technology , the computer and the technology communicating by letter are a guide's , centering on IT and IT industry information revolution is in the ascendant. But, how, computer art applies more effective union and there is an effect's brought it's effect into play with reality is the most popular topic of conversation of scientific community , is also that computer applications is hit by the unparalleled active field nowadays. The main body of a book is applied up mainly from slicing machine's only realizing intellectualized administration of crossroads traffic light , use opera tion in controlling the vehicular traffic regularity.


3.美国佛罗里达奥兰多环球影城 美国佛罗里达的奥兰多环球影城比西海岸的好莱坞环球影城新,整个公园也更富有欣赏性。 奥兰多影城由2个公园构成,一个叫做Universal Studio,直译成环球影城;另一个叫做Universal Island of Adventures,翻译为环球影城冒险岛。不像Disney的几个公园离的很远,环球影城的2个公园距离很近,走路只要3,4分钟,因此很多人都愿意1天玩2个公园。公园外面是一条商业街,上面布满各种知名餐厅和店铺。 环球影城的主要构成是几个用不同城市命名的街区:按照顺时针顺序分别是:制作中心,纽约,三藩市,湖区,世界博览,小孩游玩区和好莱坞。每个街区都按照地域的风格修建了地标性建筑。

1.史莱克4D电影,这个尤其有趣的是当Shrek骑马的时候,整个剧院的椅子全部都在咯吱咯吱的摇晃,就好像所有人都在骑马,非常神奇。看完4D就直接奔向Mummy’s,也就是木乃伊。这个游戏要存包,进入游戏后发现整个的布置非常的恐怖,排队到最里面后发现这是一个在木乃伊墓葬里快速巡游的“疯狂老鼠”,但是有一段整个车是倒着开的,身边还不时的闪现木乃伊,很刺激。Mummy’s旁边是过山车,叫做Twister;影城还有一个更加刺激的过山车叫做Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit在好莱坞区,但是这些过山车都没有冒险岛里的刺激。 纽约区再往后就是三藩市区,这里的两个必玩项目是The Disaster大灾难和The Jaws大白鲨。大灾难把观众带进一个摄影棚,由导演选几个观众一起参与拍一些特技镜头。一开始觉得这个项目挺没意思的,直到最后才发现其实游客们最后要坐进一节地铁车厢,然后地铁徐徐开动,忽然就开始地震,左边的水管爆了,水哗哗的流向车厢,右边的另一辆地铁冲着我们就


上海迪士尼对决北京环球影城 原标题:迪士尼中国对决环球影城 时间:2015-07-06 15:47:33 来源:《财经》杂志 导读:上海迪士尼封顶,环球影城的北京项目落地,这两台全球“巨无霸”级别造梦机器的发条和齿轮正在中国快速转动,谁能更好地本土化,谁就握住了成功之匙。 原文: 5月20日,迪士尼似乎迎来了入华后“最美妙的时刻”:上海迪士尼乐园封顶,如果一切顺利,将于2016年开园;同日,迪士尼全球最大零售商店在上海陆家嘴开业,零售店门外排队超过2公里。 对中国市场存有觊觎之心的还有同样来自美国的环球影城。环球影城亦是电影题材主题公园巨擘,其在北京的项目最近已落地。 无论是迪士尼乐园还是环球影城,其体量均属“巨无霸”级别。北京环球主题公园,处于通州区梨园镇、张家湾镇、台湖镇三镇交会处,规划占地120公顷,总投资超过200亿元。而迪士尼乐园在上海的投入也已经超过了250亿元人民币。可以对照的数据是,2010年上海世博会总预算为286亿元。 美国咨询公司AECOM预测,按访问人数计算2020年之前中国将超过美国成为全球最大主题公园市场,一南一北,两大娱乐巨头在中国分庭抗礼。 实力均等的较量

环球影城项目立项晚于迪士尼乐园。迪士尼项目2009年就已获批,而北京设立环球影城尽管最早可以追溯至2001年,但直至2014年9月经国务院审核同意,国家发改委才正式批准了在北京建环球影城项目申请报告。 作为北京环球影城项目的执行方,首寰投资成立于2013年11月22日。工商资料显示,首寰投资注册资金为3亿元人民币,共有4家企业法人股东。其中首旅集团出资1.2亿元,占股40%;北京控股集团有限公司(简称“北控集团”)出资1.05亿元,占股35%;北京市文化投资发展集团中心(简称“北京文投”)出资4500万元,占股15%;北京新城基业投资发展有限公司(简称“新城基业”)出资3000万元,占股10%。作为环球影城项目主体开发公司,全部为国有企业背景。 2014年3月27日,在没有任何竞争的情况下,北京首寰投资以底价19.3亿元获得了通州张家湾、梨园的商业、旅游地块。这被视为环球影城在北京落地的起点。 尽管北京环球影城没有具体数字可以透露,但日本大阪环球影城可以作为参照物。国泰君安研究报告显示,2001年日本大阪环球影城项目建成后,年接待游客为850万至1000万人次,年收入达50亿元人民币。其中门票收入占50%左右,购物收入占25%,餐饮收入占15%,其他收入占10%左右,当地酒店入住率因此提高20%。 首寰投资总经理于学忠曾表示,北京环球影城一期每年能够接待1000万人次左右。


外文翻译 英文原文 Belt Conveying Systems Development of driving system Among the methods of material conveying employed,belt conveyors play a very important part in the reliable carrying of material over long distances at competitive cost.Conveyor systems have become larger and more complex and drive systems have also been going through a process of evolution and will continue to do so.Nowadays,bigger belts require more power and have brought the need for larger individual drives as well as multiple drives such as 3 drives of 750 kW for one belt(this is the case for the conveyor drives in Chengzhuang Mine).The ability to control drive acceleration torque is critical to belt conveyors’performance.An efficient drive system should be able to provide smooth,soft starts while maintaining belt tensions within the specified safe limits.For load sharing on multiple drives.torque and speed control are also important considerations in the drive system’s design. Due to the advances in conveyor drive control technology,at present many more reliable.Cost-effective and performance-driven conveyor drive systems covering a wide range of power are available for customers’ choices[1]. 1 Analysis on conveyor drive technologies 1.1 Direct drives Full-voltage starters.With a full-voltage starter design,the conveyor head shaft is direct-coupled to the motor through the gear drive.Direct full-voltage starters are adequate for relatively low-power, simple-profile conveyors.With direct fu11-voltage starters.no control is provided for various conveyor loads and.depending on the ratio between fu11-and no-1oad power requirements,empty starting times can be three or four times faster than full load.The maintenance-free starting system is simple,low-cost and very reliable.However, they cannot control starting torque and maximum stall torque;therefore.they are


洛杉矶迪斯尼和环球影城攻略 2010年12月去了美国,从上海飞洛杉矶,洛杉矶飞迈阿密,迈阿密呆了几天,再飞回洛杉矶,在洛杉矶呆了几天,玩了迪斯尼和环球影城,最后飞回上海。去美国了这么多天,攻略全部讲完是不可能的,我拣主要的来说说吧。 先说去进关出关的事情。洛杉矶进关的人很多,起码耗时一个半小时。航站楼又多,我们不熟悉,搞了两个多小时。然后转机去迈阿密,托运、检查行李又排了无尽的队,搞了一个多小时。所以要转机的话要把候机时间留够,建议间隔四个小时,这样你有空还可以休息下,吃点东西。回去的时候也要早点,换登机牌托运行李和检查行李太慢了,美国佬 911被炸过一次怕得不行,检查时简直没有人权,人手都快伸到我内裤了。连我手上戴上就从来没有取下来过的银镯子都要求取下来过X光。 在迈阿密除了miami beach,海洋馆和一些博物馆基本就没有什么可以玩的了。Miami beach我们就是去走了走,因为冬天还是比较冷,10多20多度,没法下水。Beach 很长,很多海鸟,很舒服。海洋馆我们没去,因为计划去的那天下雨了。迈阿密城市很干净,比较安全,公共交通也比较发达(旅游城市嘛),这在美国是比较难得的。Downtown 有免费的环形地铁可以坐,挺方便的。不过公交车资费不便宜,一次2美元。公交车都可以用零钱(不找零),不需要买卡。在迈阿密我们主要就是逛逛,买东西,还是很不错的。 (miami beach上面的一个婚礼拱门)

(miami街景) 由于要在洛杉矶(LA)转机,所以我们回LA玩了几天。在此先鄙视一下American Airlines (AA) 航空,行李25美元一件,飞机上很冷,没有吃的,租个毛毯也要6美元。整个一廉价航空的态度,但机票还不便宜。 到了洛杉矶机场过后,出门就有去迪斯尼乐园的大巴。如果没有,在站台稍微等一下。大巴很好认,上面画满了娃娃。车费是22美元,直接拉到阿拉汉姆迪斯尼,半个小时。告诉司机你住哪个hotel,他会拉你到酒店门口。我们就住在迪斯尼旁边,走路十分钟就到迪斯尼了。 迪斯尼 迪斯尼门票分好几种。有一天票,也有两、三天的票。有单个乐园的票(DISNEY LAND或ADVENTURE PARK),也有两个乐园的套票。我们买的是一天票,官网正价78美元,我们在住的酒店柜台买的打折票,69美元含税。顺便说一下,LA 的税可真重,住宿是14%的税,消费是9%。 迪斯尼要想一天玩完所有的,基本是不可能的。因为太大,更因为人太多。美国所有的地方人都很少,就只有迪斯尼人山人海,很有中国的感觉。因此之前我


环球影城主题投资[摘] (2013-03-10 07:55:36) 标签: 分类: 日期:2013年2月25日资料来源:中投证券 近期媒体报道北京环球影视项目有望近期获得国务院批复,建议重点关注在环球影城可能入驻区域附近拥有大量土地储备的华业地产和中国武夷。 投资要点 据2月22日腾讯财经报道,“从北京市发改委了解到,北京环球影视城主题公园项目有望近期获得国务院批复,选址北京通州梨园”。相关主题性投资:⑴、环球影城与迪斯尼、环球嘉年华并称为““现代世界三大娱乐品牌”,北京作为国际性大都市,需要与其地位相称的大型主题公园。⑵、《通州新城规规划(2005-20220)》专门规划了以专业会展、主题公园为特征的商务娱乐新区,环球影城的选址很可能在该区域内,即梨园镇区域。 环球影城若顺利入驻北京通州,对周边区域经济发展将是极大利好,对房地产的影响尤为明显。⑴、环球影城投资规模大,工期期短,见效快。⑵、人口集聚作用强,带来大量就业岗位和旅游观光人群。⑶、占地面积大,拆迁带来的住房需求可观。⑷、作为大型主题公园,将带动周边区域配套设施和交通条件的明显改善。 迪斯尼入驻上海曾带来相关受益地产股大幅上涨的行情,且周边房价在项目正式获批后迅速大幅上涨。⑴、2008年6月,受市场传闻影响,界龙实业、张江高科等迪斯尼概念地产股表现强劲,界龙实业最大涨幅达80%,远远超同期板块和大盘。2009年11月项目最终获批前,界龙实业又经历了了一波强劲上涨,最大涨幅超40%。⑵、项目最终获批消息公布后短短1个月内,周边楼盘售价上涨30%-40%%以上。北京环球影城项目的的影响可能与此类似,建议投资者重点关注在环球影城可能入驻区域附近拥有大量土地储备的的华业地产和中国武夷。 华业地产——通州资源霸主:拥有华业东方玫瑰、通州运河核心区2个二级开发项目,距离环球影城可能选址范围距离分别为44公里、7公里,未售建筑面积超100万平,估计土地价值约亿元,开发后将带来约 35亿亿净利润,


精益生产方式简介 摘要:精益生产是一种起源于丰田和汽车制造的流水线制造方法论。也被称为“丰田生产系统”。精益生产的目标被描述为“在适当的时间(或第仪式间,the first time)使适当的东西到达适当的地点,同时使浪费最小化和适应变化”。创立了精益生产原则的大野耐一发现他的方法论不但可以减小浪费,还能够增进产品流动和提高质量。本文对精益生产进行了具体的分析,得出它的优越性,并把它与传统的生产方式进行比较,通过分析可以知道精益生产是解救困难企业的法宝。 关键词:丰田汽车,精益生产,优越性,特点,企业 一、丰田公司的精益生产方式 精益生产(Lean Production,简称LP)是美国麻省理工学院数位国际汽车计划组织(IMVP)的专家对日本“丰田JIT(Justin Time)生产方式”的赞誉之称,精,即少而精,不投入多余的生产要素,只是在适当的时间生产必要数量的市场急需产品(或下道工序急需的产品);益,即所有经营活动都要有益有效,具有经济性。精益生产是当前工业界最佳的一种生产组织体系和方式。 精益生产是战后日本汽车工业遭到的“资源稀缺”和“多品种、少批量”的市场制约的产物,它是从丰田相佐诘开始,经丰田喜一郎及大野耐一等人的共同努力直到60年代才逐步完善而形成的。 精益生产既是一种以最大限度地减少企业生产所占用的资源和降低企业管理和运营成本为主要目标的生产方式,同时它又是一种理念,一种文化。实施精益生产就是决心追求完美的历程,也是追求卓越的过程,它是支撑个人与企业生命的一种精神力量,也是在永无止境的学习过程中获得自我满足的一种境界。其目标是精益求精,尽善尽美,永无止境的追求七个零的终极目标。 精益生产的实质是管理过程,包括人事组织管理的优化,大力精简中间管理层,进行组织扁平化改革,减少非直接生产人员;推进行生产均衡化同步化,实现零库存与柔性生产;推行全生产过程(包括整个供应链)的质量保证体系,实现零不良;减少和降低任何环节上的浪费,实现零浪费;最终实现拉动式准时化生产方式。 精益生产的特点是消除一切浪费,追求精益求精和不断改善。去掉生产环节中一切无用的东西,每个工人及其岗位的安排原则是必须增值,撤除一切不增值的岗位。精简是它的核心,精简产品开发设计、生产、管理中一切不产生附加值的工作,旨在以最优品质、最低成本和最高效率对市场需求作出最迅速的响应。 二、精益生产方式的优越性及其意义 与大量生产方式相比,日本所采用的精益生产方式的优越性主要表现在以下几个方面: 1.所需人力资源——无论是在产品开发、生产系统,还是工厂的其他部门,与大量生产方式下的工厂相比,最低能减至1/2; 2.新产品开发周期——最低可减至l/2或2/3; 3.生产过程的在制品库存——最低可减至大量生产方式下一般水平的1/10; 4.工厂占用空间——最低可减至采用大量生产方式下的1/2; 5.成品库存——最低可减至大量生产方式下平均库存水平的1/4; 6.产品质量——可大幅度。 精益生产方式是彻底地追求生产的合理性、高效性,能够灵活地生产适应各种需求的高质量产品的生产技术和管理技术,其基本原理和诸多方法,对制造业具有积极的意义。精益生产


个人资料 name 姓名 alias 别名 pen name 笔名 date of birth 出生日期 birth date 出生日期 born 出生于 birth place 出生地点 age 年龄 native place 籍贯 province 省 city 市 autonomous region 自治区prefecture 专区 county 县 nationality 民族,国籍citizenship 国籍 duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址 current address 目前地址present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码 home phone 住宅电话 office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话Tel.电话 sex 性别 male 男

female 女 height 身高 weight 体重 marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚 single/unmarried 未婚divorced 离异 separated 分居 number of children 子女人数none 无 street 街 lane 胡同,巷 road 路 district 区 house number 门牌 health 健康状况 health condition 健康状况blood type 血型 short-sighted 近视 far-sighted 远视 color-blind 色盲 ID card No.身份证号码 date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职membership 会员,资格president 会长 vice-president 副会长director 理事 standing director 常务理事

英文翻译 模板

目录 Housing Consumption and Economic Growth in China (2) 住房消费和经济增长在中国 (10) 摘要 (10) 关键词: (10) 一、介绍 (11) 二、方法 (11) c .固定式测试 (12) d .协整检验 (12) E大肠误差修正模型(ECM)[6] (13) f.格兰杰因果关系检验 (13) 三、应用程序和结果 (14) a .数据和变量 (14) b .固定式测试 (14) e系列是平稳序列 (14) d .误差修正模型 (14) 四、结论 (15) 引用 (15)

Housing Consumption and Economic Growth in China Wang XJ (Wang Xijun) School of Economics & Management, Weifang University of China, xjwang69@https://www.360docs.net/doc/f26560150.html, Abstract: Consumption is a very important part in social reproduction, and its driving effect on social economic growth always plays the leading role. Housing is the basic living material which is essential for people?s life; housing consumption is the important material condition for the labor force reproduction. This study, based on China?s statistical data from 1985 to 2007,by employing co-integration theory, Granger causality test and error correction model (ECM),respectively investigates the relationship between consumption, housing consumption and economic growth. The empirical result denotes that there exists bilateral Granger causality relationship between consumption and economic growth. For a long period, there exists long term stable equilibrium relationship between GDP, consumption, and housing consumption; consumption and housing consumption both promote the growth of GDP. Housing consumption?s contribution to the growth of GDP is obviously higher than consumption. For a short period, consumption spurs the growth of GDP more than housing consumption. Keywords:Housing consumption; Economic growth; Co-integration ; ECM; Granger causality test I. INTRODUCTION Consumption is a very important part in social reproduction, and its driving


美国洛杉矶环球影城游记 环球影城游记 20XX年5月21日,我来到了美国的全世界闻名 的环球影城,度过了高兴的一天。 首先,我门坐上观光车去看环球影城拍电影的场景。我们每到一个地方,就在观光车上的电视里先看 到了这个地方所拍的电影。现在开始进入一个山洞, 山洞前有许多可怕的骷髅头,里面阴森森,我带上4D 眼镜,看到了一只猩猩和一条恐龙在打架,仿佛攻击 到了我,好逼真的效果呀!我还看到炫酷十足、燃烧着熊熊烈火的飞车,以及侏罗纪公园,那里打雷、下雨、闪电,还有最最可怕的是从山坡冲下来的洪水,好像 要把我冲走似的……啊!电影真奇特。 接着,我们去了游乐场,玩了辛普森一家。我坐 在小车上,随着天摇地动,我来到了梦幻般的动画世界。里面有许多千姿百态的动画人物,我好几次从坏 蛋手里重重脱险,最后被水冲回原地。随着灯光的亮起,我才知道,原来小车没有动,全是科技效果。真 是太神奇了、太刺激了。 然后,我玩了调皮的乔治。这里是一个水上乐园,那里有一台模拟火箭,正待发射,我发了个水泡,打

偏了。我怒气冲天,来了个“独一无二”的“机枪水泡”,终于命中了,我好开心。在我洋洋得意的时候,背后突然湿湿的,原来我被偷袭了,我立即来了个强 力发射,对手被我打中了,灰溜溜的逃走了。哈哈, 我阴雨转晴,心里有一种说不出的滋味。 我们向下园区走去,吃了一顿丰富多彩的午餐。 之后,我们前往侏罗纪公园,经过漫长的排队,我们 坐上一艘小船,进入一个恐怖的山洞,看到了各种恐龙,有目击生动的雷龙,以及张着血盆大口的暴龙…… 我以为必死无疑,突然响起一阵倒计时,一直到数到 0,我们从垂直84英尺的瀑布冲了下来,啊,真是有 惊无险。 我们来到木乃伊云霄飞车,伴随着“死亡之歌”,我坐上了黑暗过山车,速度好快呀,一眨眼的功夫就 到了最前面,然后突然快速后退,把我的心脏都“吓”出来了,这真是一趟令人毛骨刺然之旅啊! 最后,我们去了让人流连忘返的变形金刚之界, 开始变形金刚之旅。我看见大黄蜂高大帅气,秦天柱 英俊威武,但是还有许许多多的大坏蛋。坏蛋的头儿 一下子把我给抓住了,我拼命地逃啊逃,总是逃不过 坏人的手掌心。秦天柱和大黄蜂在拼命地跟那些小兵 战斗,把小兵消灭得一干二净,然后就立刻来拯救我


元宵节的英文介绍(中文翻译) The annual lunar lunar January fifteen,just after the Spring Festival,one in the Han Chinese traditional festival the Lantern Festival,the first month is a lunar January,ancient The Lantern Festival Lantern Atlas ( 19 ) that night as "night ",so that the lunar January fifteen for lantern festival.Lunar January fifteen is the year the first full moon night,also as the new year begins,spring returns to the earth at night,people have to celebrate,but also to celebrate the new year continuation.The Lantern Festival is also called the "spring festival ". According to the Chinese tradition,the sky bright moon hanging in the night,people will take up the lanterns to celebrate.The full moon,randeng put out flame,like guess riddles written on lanterns,yuanxiao,family reunion,holiday celebrations,enjoyable. 每年农历的正月十五日,春节刚过,迎来的就是中国汉族的传统节日之一的元宵节,正月是农历的元月,古人称夜为“宵”,所以称正月十五为元宵节.正月十五日是一年中第一个月圆之夜,也是一元复始,大地回春的夜晚,人们对此加以庆祝,也是庆贺新春的延续.元宵节又被称为“上元节”. 按中国民间的传统,在这天上皓月高悬的夜晚,人们要点起彩灯万盏,以示庆贺.出门赏月、燃灯放焰、喜猜灯谜、共吃元宵,合家团聚、同庆佳节,其乐融融.
